Re: PaceEnclosuresAndPix status

2005-01-28 Thread Asbjørn Ulsberg
On Sat, 29 Jan 2005 16:47:09 +1100, Eric Scheid  

Maybe "image" is the wrong name for the concept. We're not talking about
some random image associated with some entity, we're talking about a
branding badge or logo of some kind which is representative of the feed.
I know what we're talking about and still don't understand why embedding  
so-called «favorite icons» is so wildely different from embedding other  
types of graphical objects in feeds (at all levels) that it has to be done  
in a wildely different way.

We're trying to create a mechanism for embedding graphics, and in some  
cases the graphic has special meaning. Then let's of course assert that  
special meaning, but not by creating several completely different  
mechanisms for embedding graphics in Atom feeds!

While entries may well have images of various kinds attached to them (cat
pictures, anyone?), the individual entries don't get branded with their  
own logo/badge, do they?
If they do, that's none of our (or at least my) business. If people want  
icons for their entries, let them have it. If aggregator writers want to  
add support for bookmarking individual entries (it makes sense, doesn't  
it?), it would be a lot easier to find these entries later on if they had  
some kind of icon attached to them. That icon could of course be the same  
as the feed's, but it could also be something completely different.

The point is that if we have a general way of embedding graphical objects  
in Atom feeds, we don't need to differ between feed- and entry-level  
graphics. We only need to define some types of graphical objects that have  
special meaning so they can be treated specially by aggregators. One such  
graphical object is «icon». It is an embedded graphical object, but it's  
supposed to be shown in a special place in the aggregator.

Hmmm... maybe I'll rename it to atom:logo ... would that help?
If the renamed element can be used to embed all sorts of graphical objects  
in both feeds and entries; yes. :)

Asbjørn Ulsberg -=|=-
«He's a loathsome offensive brute, yet I can't look away»

how to write spec language for language variants?

2005-01-28 Thread Eric Scheid

nitpickers welcome.

I have this spec text in my draft Pace...

>   atom:head elements MAY contain one or more atom:foo elements, so
>   long no two atom:foo elements have the same combination of
>   atom:hreflang, xml:lang, or atom:type.

I also considered writing it like this...

>   atom:head elements MAY contain one or more atom:foo elements, so
>   long as they differ in the values they have for the attributes
>   atom:hreflang, xml:lang, or atom:type.

I'm not comfortable with either wording. Seems clumsy.

meta-question: should the spec even bother asserting this restriction?


Re: Questions about -04

2005-01-28 Thread Asbjørn Ulsberg
On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 21:39:34 -0500, Sam Ruby <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

There are now, by some counts, ten versions of formats that call
themselves RSS.  Every last one of then has a required channel/link.
Every last one of them.
Relaxing a restriction requires consumers to handle more cases.
How much does it cost for consumers to handle these cases compared to how  
much it restricts the producers? With this restriction, all Atom feeds  
needs to be a copy of another resource type. It can never be a first class  
resource. I think feed level alternative links are useful, but not more  
than that they need to be a SHOULD, not MUST.

Because of this, I would like to request that there be a compelling use
case be found which for feeds for which there can not be a atom:link
I would much rather require 'rel="self"' than 'rel="alternate"'. The  
former doesn't require anyone to double-produce anything, while the latter  
almost always requires people to have some kind of HTML representation of  
their feed lying around somewhere. If all the consumer and producer's  
interested in is the Atom feed, why would one need a secondary resource  
that the feed can point to?

I cannot understand why the alternative HTML page is needed. If people  
mystically and by mere coincidence subscribe to a feed without an  
alternate resource in their aggregator, how can this hurt anyone? The will  
be subscribed, have all the entries show up in their aggregators, but not  
be able to view the feed in another format.

 Note atom:link is defined as a URI.  While most examples that
we have seen use the HTTP scheme, this is not a requirement.
No, but we've also seen that most other schemes are totally useless in  
practice. What should an aggregator do with a 'news' scheme, for instance?  
What about 'prospero'? What about proprietary schemes that aren't  
registered in IANA and only retreivable through some sort of direct TCP  
socket? We have lots of these inside the Norwegian Broadcasting  
Corporation; we are an old publisher and broadcaster.

I do not see why we (or anyone else) should be required to publish all the  
content we wish to syndicate to users, other companies and such, in  
alternative formats to Atom, just because the Atom specificatino requires  
it. If we don't do it to please our users, I don't see why we should do it  
at all. Just to comply with a specification is imho not a good enough  

Asbjørn Ulsberg -=|=-
«He's a loathsome offensive brute, yet I can't look away»

Re: PaceEnclosuresAndPix status

2005-01-28 Thread Eric Scheid

On 29/1/05 4:22 PM, "Asbjørn Ulsberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Nice. But if we have both atom:icon and atom:image for the feed, why do we
> need to do all kinds of wierd stuff to have images attached to Atom
> entries? Can't atom:image (perhaps not atom:icon) occur as a child of
> atom:entry too?

Maybe "image" is the wrong name for the concept. We're not talking about
some random image associated with some entity, we're talking about a
branding badge or logo of some kind which is representative of the feed.

While entries may well have images of various kinds attached to them (cat
pictures, anyone?), the individual entries don't get branded with their own
logo/badge, do they?

Hmmm... maybe I'll rename it to atom:logo ... would that help?


Re: PaceFeedLink

2005-01-28 Thread Asbjørn Ulsberg
On Wed, 26 Jan 2005 07:53:33 -0800, Tim Bray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
"Software which discovers that the FeedLink URI is different from that
used to retrieve the atom:feed document containing MAY choose to use
the FeedLink URI for subsequent fetches."
Nicely put. +1.
Asbjørn Ulsberg -=|=-
«He's a loathsome offensive brute, yet I can't look away»

Re: PaceIconAndImage

2005-01-28 Thread Asbjørn Ulsberg
On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 09:08:34 -0700, Antone Roundy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

While I agree with this sentiment, the working group has rejected  
attempts to add language to the spec to limit the use of , so I  
assume we do not have consensus on the desire to limit it's usage.  So  
that's not necessarily a very strong argument for creating new elements  
(not that there aren't other arguments for it).
But using atom:link for images requires us also to add several new  
attribtues to it, which tells me that we are overloading atom:link to such  
an extent that we should look for another element. Let people link all  
they want to images, but if they want their images to actually appear in  
blog software, they need to use the appropriate element (which shouldn't  
be atom:link).

Of the two options you listed, I'd prefer @src to @href...for reasons  
related to my agreement with the sentiment about the use of   
here.  "src" is much more description of how the attribute's value is  
going to be used.
I agree with this, but still feel atom:link is a wrong element to stuff  
this into. atom:object or atom:embed would be much better, imo. Or maybe  
even xhtml:object.

Also, why limit this to feed/head, and not entry?  So that Atom feeds  
will be easily convertible to RSS 2.0?  Certainly there are ways to add  
images to entries in RSS 2.0, though not icons (as far as I'm aware),  
but I don't think that's a big deal.
Indeed. Images should be embeddable outside the atom:content, imo. Icons  
aren't that important, but if we create a general way of embedding  
graphical objects in Atom feeds (at both atom:feed and atom:entry level),  
people can use it for icons, images, movies and whatever they'd like.

Heck, if people want a 3 minute move in 32 x 32 pixels as their feed icon,  
and feed consumer software adds support for this, why should we stand in  
the way?

Because link/@rel="enclosure|attachment" can be used for images at the
entry level?  Then why not do the same at the feed level?  Because we
don't have prior art for needing it at the entry level?  True for icons,
less  true for images, but still probably the strongest argument.  But
I would still argue for allowing them in entries.
I would argue that we need a general graphical embed-mechanism that should  
be shared between entries and feeds.

Asbjørn Ulsberg -=|=-
«He's a loathsome offensive brute, yet I can't look away»

Re: PaceEnclosuresAndPix status

2005-01-28 Thread Asbjørn Ulsberg
On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 22:12:41 +1100, Eric Scheid  
Nice. But if we have both atom:icon and atom:image for the feed, why do we  
need to do all kinds of wierd stuff to have images attached to Atom  
entries? Can't atom:image (perhaps not atom:icon) occur as a child of  
atom:entry too?

This competes with parts of PaceEnclosuresAndPix, and so have also  
written PaceLinkEnclosure which simply strips out the Pix part.
Right. So we include images of the feed with 'image', while images for  
entries with 'link'. That doesn't make sense. It also doesn't make much  
sense to have several elements to do the exact same thing. My head is  
screaming for atom:object here.

Asbjørn Ulsberg -=|=-
«He's a loathsome offensive brute, yet I can't look away»

Re: PaceFormatSecurity

2005-01-28 Thread Asbjørn Ulsberg
On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 17:13:26 -0800, Paul Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Many elements are consider 'unsafe' in that they open clients to one or  
more types of attack. Every client should consider carefully their  
handling of every type of element when processing incoming (X)HTML in  
Text Constructs. See the security sections of RFC 2854 and HTML 4.01 for  
some guidance on many type of attacks.

Atom readers should pay particular attention to the security of the IMG,  
other elements may also have negative security properties.
This reads well, imo. But I would replace «(X)HTML» with «markup» in the  
first paragraph, because there may be security issues with other markup  
languages as well. I would then rewrite the second paragraph like this:

  Atom readers should pay particular attention to the security of HTML and
  LINK elements, but other elements may also have negative security
I'm having a bit problem with calling EMBED an HTML element, though, since  
no HTML standard includes it.

Asbjørn Ulsberg -=|=-
«He's a loathsome offensive brute, yet I can't look away»

Re: PaceFormatSecurity

2005-01-28 Thread Asbjørn Ulsberg
On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 13:21:08 -0800, Tim Bray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Whereas you could technically get by with warning-by-reference, I think  
that it's OK and fact probably essential to point out that  and  

Re: PaceFormatSecurity

2005-01-28 Thread Asbjørn Ulsberg
On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 17:01:06 -0500, Robert Sayre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  

I guess the question is whether we can and should outline HTML security  
issues. I don't think we can or should.
Considering the large amount of (X)HTML that are being syndicated via RSS  
and Atom today and will be in the future, I think we should. (X)HTML will  
be the main markup used inside all Atom Text Constructs, and while MathML,  
SVG and other markup languages we don't know about may contain security  
issues, they aren't nearly as important to mention as those that lie  
within (X)HTML.

Asbjørn Ulsberg -=|=-
«He's a loathsome offensive brute, yet I can't look away»

Re: Mandatory method of specifying XHTML namespace?

2005-01-28 Thread Asbjørn Ulsberg
On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 12:30:20 +0200, Henri Sivonen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It would be inapropriate to forbit declaring the same namespace in  
multiple ways, but the div is still cruft and unnecessary for declaring  
namespaces, so I think the div shouldn't be required.
I kind of agree. We should state that the child elements of atom:content  
must be namespace qualified and within another namespace than Atom, but  
how people would like to accomplish this restriction is up to them, imho.

Asbjørn Ulsberg -=|=-
«He's a loathsome offensive brute, yet I can't look away»

RE: PaceFormatSecurity

2005-01-28 Thread Scott Hollenbeck

> Given the two choices, I actually prefer 
> security-by-reference because it points out the similarity of 
> what we are doing to other protocols.

I agree.  It's also a good practice to have only one authoritative source
that talks about a topic, especially when that source has already been
through the RFC approval process.


Re: PaceFormatSecurity

2005-01-28 Thread Paul Hoffman
At 12:56 PM -0800 1/28/05, Tim Bray wrote:
At this point we should appeal to our designated IETF 
culture/process experts; Scott/Ted/Paul, any guidance? -Tim
It's up to the WG. If we do a long list, we will probably be told to 
make it much longer. If we do security-by-reference, we will probably 
be told that those references aren't very good, or up to date, or 

Given the two choices, I actually prefer security-by-reference 
because it points out the similarity of what we are doing to other 

Section 10.1.1 might instead read:
Many elements are consider 'unsafe' in that they open clients to one 
or more types of attack. Every client should consider carefully their 
handling of every type of element when processing incoming (X)HTML in 
Text Constructs. See the security sections of RFC 2854 and HTML 4.01 
for some guidance on many type of attacks.

Atom readers should pay particular attention to the security of the 
elements, but other elements may also have negative security 

Then skip the subsections.
That gives the reader some guidance, but doesn't lock us into 
covering everything.

--Paul Hoffman, Director
--Internet Mail Consortium

Re: PaceIRI status: RFC 3987 and STD 66, RFC 3986, published

2005-01-28 Thread Robert Sayre
Martin Duerst wrote:
The IRI spec is now published as RFC 3987 (Proposed Standard,
The update of the URI spec, known as RFC2396bis, is now published
as STD 66, RFC 3986.
Even less reason for not adopting them. Editors, please update
your references. I'll update PaceIRI in a day or two.

IRIs are a step forward and important to include in the spec, but they 
also worry me. In RFC3987, I read the following:

"The approach of defining a new protocol element was chosen instead of
extending or changing the definition of URIs. This was done in order
to allow a clear distinction and to avoid incompatibilities with
existing software."
Do you expect Atom implementors will be using incompatible existing 
software? I think this question should face roughly the same scrutiny 
that PUT/DELETE did.

I'm also worried that the term "IRI" will cause confusion. After all, 
the catch phrase is not "Cool IRIs Don't Change." What can we do 
minimize confusion?

Robert Sayre

Re: PaceXhtmlNamespaceDiv posted

2005-01-28 Thread Sam Ruby
Henri Sivonen wrote:
On Jan 28, 2005, at 20:21, Sam Ruby wrote:
I also don't like the restriction on where namespace declarations must
be placed, but overall, I believe that the pace is a good idea.
I, for one, use gnu.xml.pipeline.NSFilter for ensuring the namespace 
correctness in my RSS feed.  If the current spec language stands, I will 
be able to trivially add Atom output with type='XHTML' by doing a DOM to 
DOM copy (without div cruft) and letting the serialization phase sort 
out the namespace declarations for me. If this pace was accepted, I'd 
have to break the namespace abstraction and fiddle with the namespace 
declaration details to meet additional requirements that are unnecessary 
as per "Namespaces in XML".
Are you saying that you can do a DOM to DOM copy to place a series of 
elements inside the following:

But you would find it extraordinarily difficult to place the exact same 
series of elements inside the following:

If so, I would find such an assertion to be hard to accept.
(Similar considerations apply to GenX if the user chooses to leave 
namespace declaration management to the serializer.)

Consumers don't want full web pages (complete with html head and titles)
as summaries, they want something that they can *insert* into a web
Insertion is possible without a div as well if the insertion is 
implemented using proper XML tools and the target of the insertion is a 
real XHTML skeleton and not a tag soup skeleton and the resulting 
document is sent down the XML code path of Gecko, WebCore, Presto, etc. 
For Trident, the aggregator would have to serialize to HTML, which is 
pretty easy.

On the other hand, a div does not make Atom safe for tag soup 
concatenators, because the element names may be prefixed.
If element names are prefixed, string concatenation is not an option anyway.
If element names are not prefixed (as is the case with the overwheming 
majority of existing HTML), adding a div is exactly what makes things 
safe for simple string concatenators.

- Sam Ruby

Re: Proof-of-concept RDF mapping for Atom

2005-01-28 Thread David Powell

Friday, January 28, 2005, 9:27:11 PM, you wrote:

Sorry, that version created duplicate rdf:nodeIDs. I've fixed it now,
the new version is 9826 bytes.


Re: PaceXhtmlNamespaceDiv posted

2005-01-28 Thread Henri Sivonen
On Jan 28, 2005, at 20:21, Sam Ruby wrote:
I also don't like the restriction on where namespace declarations must
be placed, but overall, I believe that the pace is a good idea.
I, for one, use gnu.xml.pipeline.NSFilter for ensuring the namespace 
correctness in my RSS feed.  If the current spec language stands, I 
will be able to trivially add Atom output with type='XHTML' by doing a 
DOM to DOM copy (without div cruft) and letting the serialization phase 
sort out the namespace declarations for me. If this pace was accepted, 
I'd have to break the namespace abstraction and fiddle with the 
namespace declaration details to meet additional requirements that are 
unnecessary as per "Namespaces in XML".

(Similar considerations apply to GenX if the user chooses to leave 
namespace declaration management to the serializer.)

Consumers don't want full web pages (complete with html head and 
as summaries, they want something that they can *insert* into a web
Insertion is possible without a div as well if the insertion is 
implemented using proper XML tools and the target of the insertion is a 
real XHTML skeleton and not a tag soup skeleton and the resulting 
document is sent down the XML code path of Gecko, WebCore, Presto, etc. 
For Trident, the aggregator would have to serialize to HTML, which is 
pretty easy.

On the other hand, a div does not make Atom safe for tag soup 
concatenators, because the element names may be prefixed.

Henri Sivonen

Re: PaceFormatSecurity

2005-01-28 Thread Antone Roundy
On Friday, January 28, 2005, at 02:40  PM, Robert Sayre wrote:
Tim Bray wrote:
 On Jan 28, 2005, at 12:55 PM, Robert Sayre wrote:
> I would strike all the details on HTML, leave the first paragraph,
> and refer to the security sections of RFC 2854 and HTML 4.01.
 Whereas you could technically get by with warning-by-reference, I
 think that it's OK and fact probably essential to point out that

Re: PaceFormatSecurity

2005-01-28 Thread Robert Sayre
Joe Gregorio wrote:
Those two references are woefully inadequate, just compare the threats
they outline versus the ones I outline in the Pace. If there were a
good reference of all the problems that HTML can cause when used in
email, *that* would be more in line with what we need, but I was
unable to find such a reference myself. Maybe someone else has better
google-fu than me.

I guess the question is whether we can and should outline HTML security 
I don't think we can or should.

Robert Sayre

Re: PaceFormatSecurity

2005-01-28 Thread Joe Gregorio

On Fri, 28 Jan 2005 15:55:10 -0500, Robert Sayre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Graham wrote:
> > I don't like stuff like:
> > "All SCRIPT elements should be stripped from Text Constructs or all
> > native
> > scripting support of the (X)HTML display engine should be disabled."
> >
> > I don't think you need to should do any more than outline the threat
> > model from each tech. Proscribing how to deal with it is not on,
> > especially when they're this drastic.
> Agree w/ Graham. We don't know what kind of relationship the publisher
> and consumer have.
> I would strike all the details on HTML, leave the first paragraph, and
> refer to the security sections of RFC 2854 and HTML 4.01.

Those two references are woefully inadequate, just compare the threats
they outline versus the ones I outline in the Pace. If there were a
good reference of all the problems that HTML can cause when used in
email, *that* would be more in line with what we need, but I was
unable to find such a reference myself. Maybe someone else has better
google-fu than me.


Joe Gregorio

Re: PaceFormatSecurity

2005-01-28 Thread Robert Sayre
Tim Bray wrote:
 On Jan 28, 2005, at 12:55 PM, Robert Sayre wrote:
> I would strike all the details on HTML, leave the first paragraph,
> and refer to the security sections of RFC 2854 and HTML 4.01.
 Whereas you could technically get by with warning-by-reference, I
 think that it's OK and fact probably essential to point out that

Proof-of-concept RDF mapping for Atom

2005-01-28 Thread David Powell

I've put together an XSLT stylesheet to map Atom to RDF/XML. It is
just as a proof of concept to see if it is possible. I think it
handles everything except for xml:lang - I'm not sure what's happening
with xml:lang at the moment - but it should be possible to add it in a
similar way to xml:base.

I don't think using an XSLT processor followed by an RDF/XML parser
would be much fun in practise - a SAX based convertor would be much

The RDF vocabulary was just constructed ad-hoc - like I said, it is
just a proof of concept.  It uses a separate namespace to Atom and
defines some new terms, which solves any problems with non-unique

Here are the main features:

 * Implements draft-04 with PaceExtensionConstruct. Doesn't handle
   xml:lang at the moment, because I think we need to clarify that a bit.

 * Preserves Structured Extension Constructs as XML Literals, for

 * Preserves xml:base context for Text, Content, and Structured Extension

 * Handles author defaulting.

 * Resolves URI references using xml:base

There are some more comments at the top of the file.

You need  - which contains:

atom2rdf.xsl - the transform
urires.xsl   - URIRef resolver used by the transformer
example.xml  - an example feed

You can run the transform using Xalan

java -jar xalan.jar -IN example.xml -XSL atom2rdf.xsl -OUT rdf.xml

Part of the implementation is an XSLT based URIRef resolver - you can
try that here in your browser: 


Re: PaceFormatSecurity

2005-01-28 Thread Antone Roundy
On Friday, January 28, 2005, at 01:55  PM, Robert Sayre wrote:
Graham wrote:
I don't like stuff like:
"All SCRIPT elements should be stripped from Text Constructs or all 
scripting support of the (X)HTML display engine should be disabled."

I don't think you need to should do any more than outline the threat 
model from each tech. Proscribing how to deal with it is not on, 
especially when they're this drastic.
Agree w/ Graham. We don't know what kind of relationship the publisher 
and consumer have.
I agree with this, but...
I would strike all the details on HTML, leave the first paragraph, and 
refer to the security sections of RFC 2854 and HTML 4.01.

I took a look at these, and didn't find them particularly enlightening. 
 If there were an RFC with a more comprehensive and clear explanation 
of potential security issues with HTML, I wouldn't be opposed to simply 
referring to it, but given that I haven't seen one, I'm in favor of 
including more detail here.

In section 10.1.2 (CSS), we might suggest stripping out all untrusted 
styling rather than all styling.  For example, an application may have 
a list of things it trusts not to be abused, like text-decoration, 
perhaps color (yeah, it can be used to make text invisible--is that a 
SECURITY problem?), etc., and strip out everything else, whether it's a 
known security issue, or simply unknown.

Re: PaceFormatSecurity

2005-01-28 Thread Tim Bray
On Jan 28, 2005, at 12:55 PM, Robert Sayre wrote:
I would strike all the details on HTML, leave the first paragraph, and 
refer to the security sections of RFC 2854 and HTML 4.01.
Whereas you could technically get by with warning-by-reference, I think 
that it's OK and fact probably essential to point out that  and 

Re: PaceFormatSecurity

2005-01-28 Thread Tim Bray
On Jan 28, 2005, at 12:09 PM, Graham wrote:
I don't like stuff like:
"All SCRIPT elements should be stripped from Text Constructs or all 
scripting support of the (X)HTML display engine should be disabled."

I don't think you need to should do any more than outline the threat 
model from each tech. Proscribing how to deal with it is not on, 
especially when they're this drastic.
I tend to agree with Graham; point out the potential security hole and 
give some indication of its seriousness and abuse potential, but don't 
prescribe how to deal with it.

At this point we should appeal to our designated IETF culture/process 
experts; Scott/Ted/Paul, any guidance? -Tim

PS: Good work, Joe, thanks.

Re: PaceFormatSecurity

2005-01-28 Thread Robert Sayre
Graham wrote:
I don't like stuff like:
"All SCRIPT elements should be stripped from Text Constructs or all 
scripting support of the (X)HTML display engine should be disabled."

I don't think you need to should do any more than outline the threat 
model from each tech. Proscribing how to deal with it is not on, 
especially when they're this drastic.

Agree w/ Graham. We don't know what kind of relationship the publisher 
and consumer have.

I would strike all the details on HTML, leave the first paragraph, and 
refer to the security sections of RFC 2854 and HTML 4.01.

Robert Sayre

Re: PaceFormatSecurity

2005-01-28 Thread Graham
I don't like stuff like:
"All SCRIPT elements should be stripped from Text Constructs or all 
scripting support of the (X)HTML display engine should be disabled."

I don't think you need to should do any more than outline the threat 
model from each tech. Proscribing how to deal with it is not on, 
especially when they're this drastic.


Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature


2005-01-28 Thread Joe Gregorio

I looked at format-05 and found that the security section is still
pretty anemic. Here is my stab at fleshing out that section:


== Abstract ==

Fill out the security section of the format spec.

== Status ==


Author: JoeGregorio

Much of the material presented here has been covered by Mark Pilgrim
in his post on consuming RSS Safely:

== Rationale ==

Security is more than just encryption and signatures.

== Proposal ==

Add the following text to ""10 Security Considerations""


10.1 HTML and XHTML Text Constructs

Text Constructs allow the delivery of HTML and XHTML into a client application
which may then display that (X)HTML. Because that (X)HTML may be displayed 
either in a web browser or via an embedded web browser in a desktop
application, many
security concerns will arise since that (X)HTML may be displayed in a different 
context from which it was originally served. A consuming application needs
to be very careful about the context in which that (X)HTML is displayed to avoid
cross site scripting attacks and other forms information leakage.

An aggregator will certainly display the (X)HTML of a Text Construct in a
different context than if an HTML page had been loaded from the same server
as that had served up the Atom feed. That is, the (X)HTML may be displayed 
through a different web site if is a web based aggregator, or as a local file
if the aggregator is a desktop kind. There are also aggregators that serve files
up via a web server that run off the desktop. Because of these differening 
contexts there is an opening for cross site scripting attacks or other forms of 
information leakage. 

10.1.1 HTML Elements

The following elements are consider 'unsafe' in that they 
open clients to one or more types of attack. Every client should 
consider carefully their handling of each of them when processing
incoming (X)HTML in Text Constructs. IMG Element

The image element may pose a threat by inadvertely leaking
information. That is, a
hostile feed may include a Text Construct with a "web bug", a 1x1 pixel image
that gets loaded invisibly to the user. The request itself and the
referral information
the client application provides may leak information about who is reading the 
content and when the content was read. SCRIPT Element

All SCRIPT elements should be stripped from Text Constructs or all native
scripting support of the (X)HTML display engine should be disabled. Allowing
any script to run would allow cross site scripting attacks. EMBED and OBJECT Elements

All EMBED and OBJECT elements should be stripped from Text Constructs. 
The danger here is loading up an an embedded object in an unsafe context.
For example an ActiveX control could be run in local context considered safe
while it would not normally be loaded from it's origin site which was 
considered unsafe. ActiveX is not the only technology to suffer from this
problem, SVG allows JavaScript to be embedded in it, and if displayed in an
EMBEB or OBJECT element could open the client up to a cross site scripting 
attack. FRAME, FRAMESET, and IFRAME Elements

The FRAME, FRAMESET, and IFRAME Elements allow loading (X)HTML in from a 
different context. META Elements

Some (X)HTML processors are very loose in what they will accept for
HTML, including
processing elements that would normally appear in the HEAD of a
document even when
they are present in the BODY. Such a loose (X)HTML processor may
process a META element
which could redirect the HTML processor to load another page. LINK Elements

The same loose processing that may inadvertenly pick up META elements can also
pick up LINK elements which can cause CSS Stylesheets to be loaded. Please see
Section 10.1.2 on the potential problems with CSS.

10.1.2 CSS 

The processing of CSS (Cascading Stylesheets) also has security
concers. CSS allows the
loading of images, which has all the same concerns as the IMG element
In addition CSS allows HTML elements to be hidden or positioned
absolutely. If a group
of syndication feeds are processed and displayed in a single HTML page
then some errant or
malicious CSS could ovelay the entire page with a single large image
repeated endlessly, thus
rendering the entire page unusable. Some browsers also support
proprietary extensions which allow
the execution of scripts within CSS. For these reasons clients should
strongly consider stripping
all STYLE elements from the (X)HTML and also remove all STYLE
Attributes in the (X)HTML
elements themselves.

10.1.3 URIs

Since any consumer of an Atom feed will be processing URIs, the
security concerns
for handling URIs must also be taken into account. See Section 7 of RFC 3986.

10.1.4 IRIs

Since any consumer of an Atom feed will be processing IRIs, the

Re: PaceXhtmlNamespaceDiv posted

2005-01-28 Thread Roger B.

> Given that common practice is to include this element, making it
> mandatory makes things clearer to both people who are producing
> consuming tools based on the spec, and people who are producing new
> feeds based on copy and paste.


Roger Benningfield

Re: PaceXhtmlNamespaceDiv posted

2005-01-28 Thread Sam Ruby
Julian Reschke wrote:
Sam Ruby wrote:
I also don't like the restriction on where namespace declarations must
be placed, but overall, I believe that the pace is a good idea.
Consumers don't want full web pages (complete with html head and titles)
as summaries, they want something that they can *insert* into a web
page.  Requiring a div element addresses a number of needs - it makes it
easier to get the namespace right, and it succinctly provides a rather
good hint as to what child elements are valid.
That's what the spec already says, doesn't it? -> 
There are cases where explicit is better than implicit.
Given that common practice is to include this element, making it 
mandatory makes things clearer to both people who are producing 
consuming tools based on the spec, and people who are producing new 
feeds based on copy and paste.

- Sam Ruby

Re: PaceXhtmlNamespaceDiv posted

2005-01-28 Thread Graham
On 28 Jan 2005, at 6:21 pm, Sam Ruby wrote:
I also don't like the restriction on where namespace declarations must
be placed, but overall, I believe that the pace is a good idea.
 and it succinctly provides a rather
good hint as to what child elements are valid.
I would be OK with either keeping the definition of type='XHTML' 
consistent (there are other types available,
after all)
or requiring a summary element to be present if the first
child element of atom:content with type='XHTML' is not an xhtml:div.

Re: PaceXhtmlNamespaceDiv posted

2005-01-28 Thread Julian Reschke
Sam Ruby wrote:
I also don't like the restriction on where namespace declarations must
be placed, but overall, I believe that the pace is a good idea.
Consumers don't want full web pages (complete with html head and titles)
as summaries, they want something that they can *insert* into a web
page.  Requiring a div element addresses a number of needs - it makes it
easier to get the namespace right, and it succinctly provides a rather
good hint as to what child elements are valid.
That's what the spec already says, doesn't it? -> 

Best regards, Julian
bytes GmbH -- -- tel:+492512807760

Re: PaceXhtmlNamespaceDiv posted

2005-01-28 Thread Sam Ruby
Antone Roundy wrote:
On Thursday, January 27, 2005, at 10:38  PM, Henri Sivonen wrote:
On Jan 27, 2005, at 22:30, Antone Roundy wrote:
I'm not in favor of mandating restrictions, because there are 
probably legitimate uses for anything we might try to protect people 
The namespace div places restrictions on where namespace declarations 
appear and, therefore, limits the legitimate use of serializers that 
take care of namespace declarations.

-1 for the pace, still.
Okay, this one's obviously dead.  Let's just make sure we have examples 
that make how all these things work clear.
I also don't like the restriction on where namespace declarations must
be placed, but overall, I believe that the pace is a good idea.
Consumers don't want full web pages (complete with html head and titles)
as summaries, they want something that they can *insert* into a web
page.  Requiring a div element addresses a number of needs - it makes it
easier to get the namespace right, and it succinctly provides a rather
good hint as to what child elements are valid.
On content, the situation is a bit different - the content need not be
displayable, after all.  I would be OK with either keeping the
definition of type='XHTML' consistent (there are other types available,
after all) or requiring a summary element to be present if the first
child element of atom:content with type='XHTML' is not an xhtml:div.
- Sam Ruby

Re: PaceXhtmlNamespaceDiv posted

2005-01-28 Thread Joe Gregorio

On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 13:30:40 -0700, Antone Roundy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As far as the question of CSS and/or elements/tags everywhere, I'd
> think that would be a matter for the security considerations section
> (protecting against the Raging Platypus, for example).  Whatever
> restrictions we may pronounce, consumers will still have to include
> code to protect against abuses.  And these issues apply equally to HTML
> as to XHTML.
> I'm not in favor of mandating restrictions, because there are probably
> legitimate uses for anything we might try to protect people against.

+1, and the same goes for 'id', just leave it as an item for the security


Joe Gregorio

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-atompub-format-05.txt

2005-01-28 Thread Henry Story

On 28 Jan 2005, at 15:14, Danny Ayers wrote:
On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 16:10:06 -0500, Robert Sayre 
Thanks Robert. The Relax NG snippets make a *huge* difference to the
clarity. (Thanks Norm!).
Yes. A real pleasure to read now :-)

Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-atompub-format-05.txt

2005-01-28 Thread Danny Ayers

On Thu, 27 Jan 2005 16:10:06 -0500, Robert Sayre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


Thanks Robert. The Relax NG snippets make a *huge* difference to the
clarity. (Thanks Norm!).

> and the not particularly useful

Aw, but it's much prettier...



Re: Mandatory method of specifying XHTML namespace?

2005-01-28 Thread Henri Sivonen
Eric Scheid wrote:
and this is somewhere in the middle...

Copyright 2005 John Doe, all rights reserved

once you have more than just one set of tags like  in there.
The em element does not inherit the namespace of he div. You could have 
 bound to one namespace, 'h' to another and still have a third 
namespace as the default namespace.

It would be inapropriate to forbit declaring the same namespace in 
multiple ways, but the div is still cruft and unnecessary for declaring 
namespaces, so I think the div shouldn't be required.

Henri Sivonen