Re: Why is alternate link a MUST?

2005-04-04 Thread James Aylett

On Sun, Apr 03, 2005 at 04:13:55PM -0700, Tim Bray wrote:

 I think link rel=self is a SHOULD, to address auto-subscriptions, 
 one of the current #1 RSS pain points, perceived by users as a failure 
 to interoperate. -Tim



  James Aylett

Re: Why is alternate link a MUST?

2005-04-04 Thread Bill de hÓra
Eric Scheid wrote:
On 4/4/05 1:32 PM, Paul Hoffman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Not to pick on Eric; others have said things along the lines of:

no offence taken.

This isn't a negotiating game. We have to have technical reasons for
our assigning requirements levels.

I can't think of any MUST reasons for [EMAIL PROTECTED]'self'] or
[EMAIL PROTECTED]'alternate'].
Then let me try and help you with that.
I can think of long nights tracking down data because I didn't have way 
to hand systems an identifier.

In the Atom 06 format there are 3 things potentially acting as 
identifiers for the source of an Atom feed. The one that going by the 
commonsense name least likely to be considered a meaningful identifier 
is mandatory. Sorry to offend anyone in this WG, but that's absurd. 
Never mind that we're creating an arbitrary distinction between feed ids 
and entry ids.

I have very strong opinions on this: too many identifiers cause problems 
when it comes to system and data management -worst scenario in terms of 
cost are too many unreliable identifiers. For a pure client/server 
newsreader case I can see how this might not bite so much. For anyone 
passing Atom along a processing chain or heaven forbid, something like a 
SEDA system, not having assured easy to find identifiers is a cost.

Being able to rely on the presence of an (ideally, single) identifier is 
a management win and an interop win. It is one of the reasons Web based 
systems are easy to run. Not having such a thing for Atom feeds ensures 
people will have to invent it especially for non-HTTP scenarios. The 
upfront cost of mandating either self or id is so small versus the 
benefit of being able to shout out something's name when something goes 
awry I can't believe we're even having this discussion.

Anyway I've made my position clear at this point. Please make id or self 

[Please don't argue on the basis that URL links aren't identifiers or 
names and shouldn't be treated as such; it's de jure Web architecture 
that they are.]


Re: Why is alternate link a MUST?

2005-04-04 Thread Eric Scheid

On 4/4/05 10:04 PM, Bill de hÓra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 -1: the reasons against @self MUST are similar to the reasons against
 @alternate MUST.
 I don't understand. How are these alike?

one reason against @rel='self' is that the feed may not be retrievable at
all (being delivered some other way)

one reason against @rel='alternate' is that there may not be any web
retrievable resource.


Re: Why is alternate link a MUST?

2005-04-04 Thread Graham
On 4 Apr 2005, at 4:32 am, Paul Hoffman wrote:
This isn't a negotiating game. We have to have technical reasons for 
our assigning requirements levels.
1. Feed level ids.
By all reasonable web conventions, requesting a feed from a particular 
URI can be expected to only ever return one particular feed resource. 
Whereas, the request will also return an essentially random combination 
of entry resources. Entry ids are a MUST because of the latter, which 
doesn't apply to feeds.

A separate feature of entry or feed ids is comparison and 
duplicate-removal across URIs. Since many users/implementers may choose 
not to do this due to concerns over security and potentially 
unexpected-behaviour, it can be described as truly optional 
functionality, which makes it MAY.

2. Link rel=self
Subscribing to feeds is a fundamental feature, and since the whole 
purpose of self is to make it simple and reliable, this element is 
not optional, and it's reasonable to say it must be present. But I can 
think of a few edge cases where the service generating the XML may not 
know its eventual URI, and of course there may be circumstances where 
there isn't one. This is the only reason I can think of to omit it. 
Since SHOULD allows implementers to wimp out for any reason they 
choose, I think the appropriate wording is MUST where one exists and 
is known.

3. Link rel=alternate
Sorry Sam, but this is truly optional as per MAY. Being able to click 
back to the home page is nice, but how is it an absolute requirement?



2005-04-04 Thread Sam Ruby
Background: there seems to be some feeling that *something* should be 
required.  Opinions vary from id should be a MUST to id is at best a MAY.

While there are use cases for feeds without alternate html 
representations, I've been concerned that they are such outliers that 
the would be mostly ignored by the predominant feed producers; with the 
inevitable result that such feeds would be poorly handled and would 
therefore reflect poorly on both the authors of such feeds and the feed 
format itself.  As this issue keeps coming up, this concern is lessening 
for me.

Notes: this pace was written in such a way to minimize the amount of 
change to the existing document.  It does not express a preference 
between the two elements.  Upgrading one or both elements to a SHOULD 
would require a separate Pace.  Upgrading the Self link to a SHOULD or 
MUST would require a separate Pace.

- Sam Ruby

Re: Why is alternate link a MUST?

2005-04-04 Thread Antone Roundy
On Sunday, April 3, 2005, at 11:05  AM, Brett Lindsley wrote:
Consider a feed returned as a result of a search operation (e.g.
a time range). To create an alternate representation of this
resource, the link must also specify the same conditions that
resulted in the search results. That is, the alternate link needs
to somehow embed the search conditions of the search that
created the feed so the server can provide an alternate
representation. One way to fix this would be to indicate in the
protocol spec that the same http headers must be provided to
the alternate link as those used to request the feed.
If we want the link to point to something that's strictly an 
alternative representation of the same data, then that makes sense, but 
it seems to me that the link is pointing to another view into the same 
data stream, which could be different in more ways than just the data 
format.  For example, following the alternate link may get you a 
homepage containing entries that were added after you downloaded the 
feed.  In that case, the homepage is certainly not an alternative 
representation of the same data.  Just as the feed or homepage contents 
may be different depending on when you access them, I think our 
definition of alternate is loose enough to allow differences based on 
HTTP headers.

Re: PaceFeedIdOrAlternate

2005-04-04 Thread Antone Roundy
I think requiring either atom:id or atom:[EMAIL PROTECTED]self] would make 
more sense.   It's entirely conceivable that multiple feeds might exist 
that claim to be alternates of the same resource--for example, a full 
content feed vs. a summary feed; a scraped feed vs. an official feed 
( which case, the scraped feed might be a copyright violation, but 
that's a separate matter); a feed of the tech news entries in a blog 
vs. a feed of the personal entries in the same blog; etc.  Requiring id 
or self would ensure that consumers had a somewhat reliable value to 
use as an identifier for each feed.  Alternate, on the other hand, may 
not be useful as an identifier, so it really doesn't fill the same 
space as id, and thus it doesn't make sense to me to use those two as 
alternatives for filling a feed requirement.

On Monday, April 4, 2005, at 09:01  AM, Sam Ruby wrote:
Background: there seems to be some feeling that *something* should be 
required.  Opinions vary from id should be a MUST to id is at best a 

While there are use cases for feeds without alternate html 
representations, I've been concerned that they are such outliers that 
the would be mostly ignored by the predominant feed producers; with 
the inevitable result that such feeds would be poorly handled and 
would therefore reflect poorly on both the authors of such feeds and 
the feed format itself.  As this issue keeps coming up, this concern 
is lessening for me.

Notes: this pace was written in such a way to minimize the amount of 
change to the existing document.  It does not express a preference 
between the two elements.  Upgrading one or both elements to a SHOULD 
would require a separate Pace.  Upgrading the Self link to a SHOULD or 
MUST would require a separate Pace.

- Sam Ruby

Re: Why is alternate link a MUST?

2005-04-04 Thread Robert Sayre
Antone Roundy wrote:
On Monday, April 4, 2005, at 09:43  AM, Robert Sayre wrote:
I can't believe people want to put these out on the open Internet 
without an alternate.
It seems to me that the reasons for having alternate links in feeds are 
almost entirely based on the context in which feeds originally emerged. 
This isn't a good time for conjecture. I don't think any of the 
arguments in favor have considered the support burden such feeds will 
create. OTOH, the absolute worst thing to do right now would be to sit 
around and argue this for a week. I'm very opposed to getting inventive 
and making this a MAY. I'm not changing my mind, but the group will 
probably just define it over my objection. Happens all the time :)

Robert Sayre

Re: Why is alternate link a MUST?

2005-04-04 Thread James Aylett

On Mon, Apr 04, 2005 at 11:43:38AM -0400, Robert Sayre wrote:

 We get to design our protocol, and we know the type of software that
 will be consuming a large part of the traffic.  All of that software
 expects a feed-level link. There are use cases where that's awkward,
 but I can't believe people want to put these out on the open
 Internet without an alternate.

Depends what you mean by the open Internet: what about
password-protected web products? Also, there's an implication here
that we don't care about making life hard for denizens of the closed
Internet, giving them the choice between abusing Atom and choosing
something entirely different.

I have yet to hear a reason to make alternate a MUST that is
compelling. That existing software (which by definition can't be an
IETF Atom client) expects a link to ... some kind of HTML ... doesn't
cut it for me, not least because the current atom-syntax spec doesn't
require a link to some kind of HTML at all anyway.

At the end of the day, I don't think it's possible to make the
question is X an alternate version of Y anything other than a
subjective call. As such, I don't see the value of making it a MUST -
forcing to export their opinions isn't /always/ the purpose of a blog
format :-)


  James Aylett


2005-04-04 Thread Antone Roundy
Note that this proposal makes alternate a SHOULD, not a MAY. This is to 
say that if you've got an alternate, you SHOULD link to it.  I don't 
particularly care whether that's SHOULD or MAY.

Require either a self link or an id as children of atom:feed elements. 
Don't require an alternate link.

* From PaceFeedIdOrAlternate: A number of use cases (e.g., 
[WWW]subversion change logs and [WWW]email attachments) have been 
defined in which there is no alternate html representation.
* Lacking an atom:id, the self link is the most reliable data to 
use as an identifier for a feed, making it a better alternative to 
atom:id than an alternate link.
*  Feeds may be the only type of internet resource that routinely 
have an alternate representation. While this convention arose naturally 
during the emergence of feed formats, no strong argument has been found 
for requiring this unique situation.

In section 4.1.1 of atompub-format-06, change this:
* atom:feed elements MUST contain at least one atom:link element 
with a relation of alternate.

To this:
* atom:feed elements SHOULD contain at least one atom:link element 
with a relation of alternate.

And add this bullet point:
* atom:feed elements that contain no child atom:id element MUST 
contain an atom:link element with a relation of self.

Tools which expect feed level links (such as [WWW]Bloglines) will need 
to be prepared for the absense of this information.

Re: Why is alternate link a MUST?

2005-04-04 Thread Graham
On 4 Apr 2005, at 6:02 pm, Robert Sayre wrote:
This isn't a good time for conjecture. I don't think any of the 
arguments in favor have considered the support burden such feeds will 
Basically none. I have no clue why you're raising this objection given 
all the other functionality we're adding or replacing. Links now being 
optional is right at the bottom of the list of changes people will have 
to make.


Re: Why is alternate link a MUST?

2005-04-04 Thread Bill de hÓra
Eric Scheid wrote:
On 4/4/05 10:25 PM, Bill de hÓra [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Anyway I've made my position clear at this point. Please make id or self

atom:id then, since atom:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'self'] could change at any point in
time, and mutability is not a good attribute of an identifier.
Yes, your other post convinced me that atom:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'self'] needs to 
be optional.


I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-atompub-format-07.txt

2005-04-04 Thread Internet-Drafts
A New Internet-Draft is available from the on-line Internet-Drafts directories.
This draft is a work item of the Atom Publishing Format and Protocol Working 
Group of the IETF.

Title   : The Atom Syndication Format
Author(s)   : M. Nottingham, R. Sayre
Filename: draft-ietf-atompub-format-07.txt
Pages   : 50
Date: 2005-4-4

This document specifies Atom, an XML-based Web content and metadata
   syndication format.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

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Re: I-D ACTION:draft-ietf-atompub-format-07.txt

2005-04-04 Thread Robert Sayre
Some other URIs for this I-D:
Robert Sayre
A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

Re: PaceFeedIdOrSelf

2005-04-04 Thread Julian Reschke
Antone Roundy wrote:
In section 4.1.1 of atompub-format-06, change this:
* atom:feed elements MUST contain at least one atom:link element 
with a relation of alternate.

To this:
* atom:feed elements SHOULD contain at least one atom:link element 
with a relation of alternate.
+1 (I just checked my two test feeds; one of which doesn't have an 
alternate version so currently I have to lie).

And add this bullet point:
* atom:feed elements that contain no child atom:id element MUST 
contain an atom:link element with a relation of self.
Fine with me as well.
Best regards, Julian