Re: audio files

2015-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: audio files

Ah, sorry I forgot to say that these two persons are a tts Arabic voices from Vocalizer synthesizer.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sound Libraries

2015-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sound Libraries

Its this thread: are a few cheap libraries out there, but theyre generally not all that great for games, in my experience.Pay-per-sound sites like and make it cheaper to get higher-quality sounds,, and anywhere that does Creative Commons sounds are ok starting places.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Tentative Entombed 2 Design Decisions

2015-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tentative Entombed 2 Design Decisions

@Bryan, being attacked during resting is a point, though or some reason that never bothered me in Entombed 1. @Jason, as I said Im a fan of the winning streak idea, because it both encourages calculated risk as you said, and also means there are always new things to achieve in the game, plus it would be interesting to have the possibility of acquiring better quality items at lower levels. As regards the number row, personally I always used the number row for body part targeting rather than the numbpad. This is sort of generally a thing with me, sinse I learnt computing mostly on laptops, and even on a desktop usually have all of the supernova speech commands on the numbpad so dont really use it in programs, but its just a preference.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Audio Game Console Sonus Interactive

2015-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Haramir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio Game Console Sonus Interactive

Hello, if Im not wrong, the PS4 also have a touchpad in the controller, which is the way I imagine Sonus to be. For the buttons, we dont need a exact mark for each one, but lets say, a different mark next to them. As for the shape of the console itself, I can not imagine something bigger than a tablet. Personally I can not say if we should have directional arrows, analog sticks or both.Best regards, Haramir.


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Re: my 2 d platformer map

2015-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Ronal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my 2 d platformer map

[[wow]], nice jesse, haha, emm, where i can download more map for 2dp?


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Re: What's in your clipboard now? paste it here.

2015-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What's in your clipboard now? paste it here.

RoflHmmm, lets see what I have:adventure-time,   busy, Main room, Cribbage, YahtzeeOh, thats a strange thing happened in QuentinCs Gameroom (the playroom) with a player called Adventure-Time, that the game shows that hes currently playing 2 games and staying in the main room at the same time, how is that? rofl, and I copied it to show it to him, lols.


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Re: what was happened with some soundpacks for beatstar

2015-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nidza07 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what was happened with some soundpacks for beatstar

i can send them to you if you really need them


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Game, The Dengemen for Research into Audio and Immersion

2015-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Game, The Dengemen for Research into Audio and Immersion

Hello, MattThere are two exciting things about your project that i would like to mention; first, its the unity engine.Apparently the engine became very popular recently, and there are many many great (less popular) games developped by it. I cant recall the names, but i believe there were some very nice star trek based games that were developed using unity.Im excited to see that an audio-only game is made by this engine, It would be awesome if other developers (plus the developers of unity itself) could also see this opertunity, Then perhaps more new audio games for blind and visually impaired could be made and released to this small market.The second thing is, sound design and music production, the field that youre studying.While you were in this forum, I believe you have noticed that most users here are blind and rely on sounds to play games, and there are various audio games developed for this purpose.It might b
 e shocking, but I believe almost nun of these audio games have deticated sound designers or musicians. The developers either have used free-available sounds from the net, or designed sounds by their own equipment. This has led Audiogames to be very cheaply designed in terms of quality compared to other mainstream games such as need4speed, call of duty, battlefield and other titles. This is actually ironic because Audiogames are ment to primarily focus on audio, while other games have to focus on graphics among other things.The reason for this is very clear; first, the availability of sound designers for this task, second, the cost for hiring such tallents.Now, I would like to see individuals who are studying in sound and music production like you get onto researches regarding Audiogames, and its audience. The fact that no Visual means is presented, and the audience consists of people who are unable to see and are vision impaired, and They require sounds for positional an
 d game awareness, descriptions and actions. with all those in mind, I am sure there will be very interesting results in sound production, and maybe more sound designers would pay attention to Audiogames, hence low-cost solutions will be available.Now regarding your surveyI have a question; is your survey targeting blind users? or only sighted users, or maybe both.I know you need results and data from the survey for your research, but Heres something that might help you in your research.1- Blind players require audio to play games, and they will fully pay attention to it. without sounds, they cannot play games.2- putting parcial-sighted players aside, blind players do not require any sort of graphic representation and visuals on the screen, sound is the only thing available as the games output.3- Some blind users care about game mechanics, some pay more attention to audio quality (immersion), while some care for both. they howeve
 r, have to fully rely on sounds meanwhile.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Swamp Account GiveAway

2015-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp Account GiveAway

Hi sneakAny news regarding the give away? i hope youre feeling fine; i just wanted to check in since i havent got any mails from you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

2015-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Mortal Kombat x officially announced!

Hello,Im sorry, but this is going to be a ranty post, I dont want to take this off topic but it is also related, and Im now annoyed. Well, Ive now really decided something, the sighted gaming community, at least on steam, are truly ungreatful. The single player game should be fixed yet people are still angry, claming that the Kombat Pack shouldnt be for sale well thats actually a season pass, but at the same time, the actual pack description itself does not state that anywhere so I can see why people are annoyed, but thats what they get for not keeping up with news. Saying that though, I dont think people should have to keep up with news, I think the pack needs an updated description for those not in the know.The ones that truly annoy me though are people who say stuff like oh, Im now gonna try to sell my Steam account and pirate every game from now on, come on, that is way overkill. I dont know if thats
  a way of trying to get the devs to listen, but seriously, I think give em a break, they also are human and have lives. So much entitlement going on. I can also understand the game being region locked when it shouldnt making people angry, especially unfortunately those in Germany, so, hopefully thatll be fixed assuming the game isnt banned or anything silly like that.


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Re: UltraPower

2015-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: UltraPower

Hello,Thats good to hear. Honestly though, this stuff has tarnished the game for me so I wont be trying it for a while until things just calm down.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: an instant translate problem

2015-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: an instant translate problem

HiConcerning the problem of saying blank when you press the translation shortcut, this problem isnt related to the translation server or similar, Ive discovered that this discrepancy is caused by the tapeen radio addon, so if you faced this problem, simply delete the tapeen radio addon or change its shortcuts, and thats if you make Instant Translates new shortcuts such as the old addons versions shortcuts as always reciting as I did, you can do this with tapeen radios shortcuts, because theyre the reason of this discrepancy, and thats because tapeen radio depends on the shortcut nvda +shift +t.HTH


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Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

2015-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

I can see about getting npc ships on asteroids, I think we should stick the asteroids with rect npc vessels in deep space though. Ive been going through some more thought about the planet side mining system, and Ive come up with this idea. Wed use the mineral pockets, as like in planet cracking. In the room with the mining operations console, the user would enter a specific set of coordinates to the mineral pocket. So long as the mining equipment was deployed properly on the surface, the pocket would of course be mined, with the added option of storing the materials it mines into the colonys storage room. I was thinking youd then use the mining console to transfer what was stored into an orbitting ship, such as a cruiser. Come to think of it, this might provide for some awsome stuff like having a shipyard orbitting a planet, since you could than technicly use the resources stored on that shipyard to construct other starships.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

2015-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

For the curious, heres whats coming up in beta 8 of the game. Version beta 8The system youve all been waiting for! Teleporters can now be linked to multiple destinations, one destination per each teleporter. Simpply select the right teleporter you want to use from the menu, link it, and teleport!Fixt bug that blocked the teleport to coordinates feature on console teleporters.Per the suggestion of dark, their is now an awsome new waypoint system. Simpply position yourself over the object, select add waypoint in the autopilots waypoint manager, and you can return to it. Enjoy!Fixt another bug with reviewing chat messages and the game crashing.It is now possible to increase or decrease your ships z coordinate finily, from the helm console.Fixed a typo in the password prompt.Hopefully fixt crashing bug.Renamed the information.txt file to Readme.txt just because.


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Re: MiriMush, a soundpack for miriani

2015-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Vanirf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MiriMush, a soundpack for miriani

Hi Gents,Recently Ive been trying to download the Soundpack. Here, I noticed that the website and the 2 download links are not reachable.Has anyone have an alternative link or could send me a dl-link in dropbox?Thanks for your help


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Game, The Dengemen for Research into Audio and Immersion

2015-04-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : matty903 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Game, The Dengemen for Research into Audio and Immersion

@hadi.gsf - yeah unity is the go to game engine for beginners because there has been a free version for a while now, and it has extensive tutorials on youtube and an extensive community help site. I chose it because at the time it was the only engine that had a Binaural audio plug in (3Dception) with a free non-commercial version, combined with blender for 3d modelling the entire system for this game (not including my sound stuff) was £75 which was all a unity education license as plug ins are not usable in the free version. Ideally i would have used Unreal Engine 4, i have it and the audio tool are much better and its infinity less reliant on scripting, making it 100x easier for non programmers like me, the problem, no 3d binaural audio support yet. However you can now run 3Dception through Wwise into UE4 but Wwise is expensive and so wasnt viable. Yeah that would be great if more people would see the potential of games like this. There are some big developments in audio game tech going on thanks to VR headsets like occults rift and the new sony one. They are big business and people want 3D audio to go with the experience (thats how 3Dception started) so as these get mainstream releases your going to see game engines and unity start implementing binaural tools and opening up the possibility to game devs. This is great for audio games!Yeah Im aware that a lot of people here are, and most audio game fans are. This actually doesnt surprise me! audio has been massively neglected in video games for years, although theres a bit of a revolution going on! Lots of sound designers are interested in audio games, the problem has been that without a dedicated engine (like The Nightjar had) its been impossible until very very recently to obtain the tools required to implement 3D audio properly without a huge budget. I know several people doing similar research they just arent building something. The interest is there from the sound design front! it gives us a lot of freedom, but as an example this short project took 3 months and i had to acquire 3 pieces of software, learn them and gain a good understanding of scripting. Its a leap away from sound design. When we get good audio middleware (audio implementation tools for audio crews) with the 3D capabilities that allow us to design and implement properly, at high quality we will see ALOT more designers using real time 3D audio. So once the tools are there for the VR headsets your going to have a lot more people with the ability to create these audio only games with a high standard of audio! Remember real time 3D audio and binaural replication is still fairly new tech.Hopefully the VR headset will end up exposing more people to audio games and youll see a popularisation of them with bigger budgets and higher and higher level sound designers coming on board. The requirement for sounds for positional and game awareness is actually present in visual games as well, just used slightly differently (Kinaesthesia, Proprioception) and theres lots of well respected research into the ideas around them, and positional sounds of things outside the character have required a much much lower accuracy to be playable, again i believe its the implementation tools that have been the problem, the level of accuracy thats needed is real time 3D binaural sound.The survey is targeting everyone as Im trying to get everyone to play this game! (hoping it may open more sighted players to audio games as well)I realise some of the questions might be more relevant to sighted and partially sighted players but they are in there for a reason and have come from my research into general Immersion! The questions in there relating to sight and the removal of sight come from the theory that vision is a HUGE barrier to immersion if its not telling your brain the same as the audio is, so if the audio is saying theres a bird singing 10 metres infront of you but sighted players are sitting in a room with a wall right infront of them, this cannot only destroy any attempt at immersion but can also mess with the trickery that is the HRTFs creating the 3D sound and throw the bird 10 metres behind them. And so when evaluating my game it was really important to find out these circumstancesThe questions about gaming background and how much attention is normal payed to the sound in games relate to the concept that players must attempt to become immersed and invest themselves in the world to start the 3 step process that is immersion.If you interested in things like this and the Kinaesthesia, Proprioception stuff i can definitely recommend some stuff you might like to read, or go take a look at my research report! Hope Ive managed to clarify some of the angles Im coming from! and thank you so much for your extensive response! your info and views are a massive help!


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