Re: Looking for opponents

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for opponents

Hello.@zseli That error is because you dont have open the ports on your rowter.In the readmes of the Games says you have to open ports 2300 to 2400.I want to play with you. I have the super football, super tennis and super sports.greetings and thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Looking for opponents

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for opponents

Hello.@zseli That error is because you have open ports on your rowter.In the readmes of the Games says you have to open ports 2300 to 2400.I want to play with you. I have the super football, super tennis and super sports.greetings and thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What Was the First AudioGame you Ever played?

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What Was the First AudioGame you Ever played?

Hello.My first audiogame was Top Speed.I had a bad first experience, because when I had vicion play a lot of video games and the audiogames are very diferent.greetings.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: PS4 accessibility features

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: PS4 accessibility features

Hello.Anyone know if PS4 will next update with new features for the tts?I hope the tts support more languages over time.greetings.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: android accessible games please?

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: android accessible games please?

Hello.I add these games to the list:Star traders … actionwarsOpen Field Echo Sounder … &hl=esGreetings.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Bathroom appliaces for blind/VI users

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bathroom appliaces for blind/VI users

Are auto flush toilets so common in the states? In the uk you might see them on planes or at certain hotels as a gimic, but most county councils are not going to shell out the extra cash for them as general public toilets, same with restaurants, cinemas, pubs, theatres and other businesses where you'd find toilets. I honestly can't recall the last time I saw an autoflush. Maybe they should fit them with voice samples, like perhaps a dalek saying "Evacuating waste! Ee vac u ate! ee vac u ate!" or perhaps the enterprise computer saying "thirty seconds to self deflush" . @Cw, I  agree with you on the price of the Victor stream, but Itunes just became too much of a pain in the arse to use sinse version 12 killed the lables, plus I do hate the way Itunes ignores all your media folders and structuring entirely. The problem is, the Vic
 tor stream is just plane useful in terms of being able to preserve folder structure and speaking the names of what you have in there, not to mention a few little touches such as being able to keep your place in one book while you say listen to music. I did look around at alternatives, but it seemed the Victor really was the only practical one in terms of an actual speaking device that would let me use files and folders efficiently, (I did look at the ones with rockbox but the last thing I wanted to do was swap the complication of Itunes for another set of annoying software).Is the Victor stream expensive? most certainly, when you consider that a sighted person could potentially pay as little as a tenner for an mp3 player, and even a good, top of the line  one would cost them only about 50 as opposed to the 230 of the Victor, however this is one instance where I've just had to accept the price, and certainly in terms of how much I've used the dam thing sinse I b
 ought it in october and how easy it is to transfer stuff (especially for someone like me who's a fiend about folder structure), I've definitely had my money's worth out of it.


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Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : neo_anderson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Prometheus: The Eternal Wars

Oh my goodness, the dreaded space game that I wanted to play, but couldn't, with the benefits that I actually asked for?Is hell freezing over?More information please?The two races, what is the difference of them biologically, are they bugs, or are they humanoid in nature?Couldn't find any information on their web sight. And yes, although I would love to log on and play, but if not enough thought was made to provide help files off sight of the game server and not posted on the web sight, well, that's just a nit picky thing of mine.Death, is it permanent?No stranding, no stunning, thank you god, Jesus, ala, or Opera,or fizbain the fabulous, for you dragon lance fans out there.To pk or not to pk. It's an option on their?Any co op missions, or tasks to complete?You seriously have my attention.Don't leave me hanging.Is this thing as good as they say it is guys?I want good and bad experience
 s please?Does your skill system work? Have you tested it on a builder port? Or beta port before hand? Tested grinding verses just upping the skills?Can you actually max out skills their, or does it deliberately stop at 95? will it actually go up if I attempt to get it past 1.99?I know I'm being a bit sarcastic, but I am honestly curious?How about a bit more information here, than what is provided on the web sight?The difference in the two races you can pick at start up for instance?Any advances in expanding skills. Can you just cook raw meet?Can you fish, hunt, and build cities as well as space ships?A peak at what's to come?Any other sound packs other than V.I.P. Mud ones?Provide your policies off line as well as on line server side please?Respond at your convenience.Hey, this one was kinda short for me wasn't it guys?I look forward to your response. And hope I can get enough information to
  want to actually give this game a shot in the near future? Maby it'll finally be what I'm looking for to get all those bad tastes of other mud games out of my mouth.Later, neo


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Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Anyone interested in another racing game?

Hello.I did not read all messages, but I want another racing game.I even already voted in the poll above.greetings and luck.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zseli via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

One thing about beatcoins: I have also played beat slots a lot, but i alwayslose or win about 30 and then lose again, so i will  never make it upto a nmmilion again. As for my new pack, i will try to upload it when my other computer starts working again.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: onai, zoe's adventure

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: onai, zoe's adventure

Hello.I never received a response from


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Re: Tentative Entombed 2 Design Decisions

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tentative Entombed 2 Design Decisions

To be honest that is more the sort of thing I expect in interactive fiction or at least games with an interactive fiction style setup with rooms, halls, a number of interactable objects and effects etc than an rpg like entombed, Entombed is all about the judgement and the tactics and playing with what you have over time.For example, yes, it might be realistic that if an enemy hits you with a fire attack wooden items catch on fire and can be destroyed, however if the game had generated an exceptional bowe for the ranger in your party, it'd be just plane annoying for it to go up in smoke just because a fairly common attack had been used on your ranger, indeed it'd make all wwooden weapons and the jobs that depended upon such very much more useless than they should be. Similarly, Kerkerkruip has light levels and a hall of mirrors and being blinded or wearing a blindfold, but Entombed is a much, much, muuch bigger space than kerkerkruip, so to make a light 
 property work would be ridiculously complex and likely only crop up some of the time, ditto with gravity, sinse frankly in entombed you don't play a single character but a party so what would be the point of gravity in the game? My question with all these things would be "what does it add to the over all experience" not "is it realistic" (even if that is a term you can apply to such fantastical games and concepts). Entombed does have some universal concepts such as size and hardness that affect many properties, and Jason has said with crafting there will be more.Still, I suspect this is something we're not going to agree on, sinse to me fun and good game mechanics to play with would always trump some sense of realism, and it really doesn't bother me if technically my druid's earthquake spell shouldn't have been used underground, provided earthquake is tactically interesting to play with.


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Re: Zompo calipse question

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Zompo calipse question

Hello.The game seems to abandoned.Hopefully I 'm wrong.greetings.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : yukionozawa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hi.I have a suggestion regarding the soundpack browser screen. When I'm browsing soundpacks to change, I would like to know if the selected soundpack is completed. Is it possible?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Tentative Entombed 2 Design Decisions

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tentative Entombed 2 Design Decisions

To be honest that is more the sort of thing I expect in interactive fiction or at least games with an interactive fiction style setup with rooms, halls, a number of interactable objects and effects etc than an rpg like entombed, Entombed is all about the judgement and the tactics and playing with what you have over time.For example, yes, it might be realistic that if an enemy hits you with a fire attack wooden items catch on fire and can be destroyed, however if the game had generated an exceptional bowe for the ranger in your party, it'd be just plane annoying for it to go up in smoke just because a fairly common attack had been used on your ranger, indeed it'd make all wwooden weapons and the jobs that depended upon such very much more useless than they should be. Similarly, Kerkerkruip has light levels and a hall of mirrors and being blinded or wearing a blindfold, but Entombed is a much, much, muuch bigger space than kerkerkruip, so to make a light 
 property work would be ridiculously complex and likely only crop up some of the time, ditto with gravity, sinse frankly in entombed you don't play a single character but a party so what would be the point of gravity in the game? My question with all these things would be "what does it add to the over all experience" not "is it realistic" (even if that is a term you can apply to such fantastical games and concepts). Entombed does have some universal concepts such as size and hardness that affect many properties, and Jason has said with crafting there will be more.Still, I suspect this is something we're not going to agree on, sinse to me fun trumps realism every time.


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Re: Help with Alter Aeon quests.

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : neo_anderson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help with Alter Aeon quests.

A surprisingly short message from me. I can practically hear your gasps of relief.I usually play on their in spurts. So I would be more than happy to assist any of you with just about any quests you might find on there.If I know of them of coarse Even then, I wouldn't mind exploring until I solve the puzzle, so to speak.Ask on the new player channel thing, or, on the chat channel, and I'll usual;Ly respond. Even though I'm a loner, I still like assisting players whenever I can on their.Later,Neo


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : neo_anderson via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

OK another Theseus from me, scroll down if you don't want to hear my usual ranting and ravings, I suppose, along with my unusual spelling mistakesI guess we all have our personal preference's when we play a game.Some people hide and survive, try to be a loner type. Some people ban together and wipe out the player base of a game. And that's the good and bad thing about playing games. Specially open ended games. It's all about balance.If you're going to make a system like sickness or illness, and make it deadly, then add a cure for it somewhere after you implemented it.If you're adding guns, add bows and arrows as well for people to shoot you back with.If you can't swim, make them build a boat.If you're going to add a weather system, make sure people can build shelters, log cabins, rickety over heads, or something to survive the storms, or whatever they can muster.Just because I think people should be able to build everything in the game doesn't mean they should.I think people should be able to make things to do whatever their tastes prefer.If you wanna go all rogue and make poison arrows, or flaming arrows using your lighter and the arrows, or a few plants you find and arrows, then it's your prerogative to do so.If you wanna be the good guy and fish for people that don't have the knack for it, or be the cleric type and make antidotes or make shift medicines using the same plants, then you should be able to do that.It should be someone's choice to either steel your cabin after they kill you, and the things inside, just like it should be your choice to share your log cabin with other people and players.And who says it would be hard to hunt, fish, protect yourself from bullets, while strumming the banjo and dancing the hula, while singing “welcome to the Florida keys”?If you don't want to hunt and fish at the same time, don't hunt and fish at the same time.If you would rather hunt, to survive than fish, then find yourself a secluded spot where no one is, where the ring circus isn't wailing on each other like they're trying to act out the book of “the lord of the flies”, then hunt buy the log cabin that you probably built on top of a mountain, or buy a stream, or whatever.I'm all about equal rights. It's like people that complain about copy right infringement, but support public libraries. You can't do both. So I say make it all free. Or give people the choice. Hopefully, if you're lucky, they will either get bored and move on to something else, or do the correct thing to begin with.Just because I think everything should be craft able doesn't mean that it is going to be.Just because I think people should be able to make their own shelters doesn't make it a good idea.And like wise, just because I think it's a moronic idea to have laser blasting air ships and nuclear radiation covered waist lands with no access to gas masks, or anti radiation pills, or hazardous material suits, or no way to dig yourself a fox hole or bomb shelter, doesn't make me wrong for saying it.In the end, like most games, you're pretty much stuck with what ever the developer provides you.It's why I don't play certain types of muds, because they have no way to police their games, and either deliberately don't set up a system to do so, or don't give people the correct way to defend themselves. And at the end of the day, if the developer of this game decides that he wants to add something I don't like, then I will deal with it.Just like the fact, that, if he also adds things that I like, I shall also enjoy it.Some times you should ask yourself,will you deal with a but load of lag if it means the game is good enough?Will you stop playing a game if not given a fare chance to survive?Or will you take it as a challenge and attempt to do so?I was all over the place with this one, but I guess I'm attempting to say that this game isn't even in alpha stages yet, bugs are still being worked out, and things obviously need to be added in or taken away.There are several things I've found that I can make on the game that are either parts of things that I can't figure out how to make, or they are meant to be parts of other things that have yet to be implemented Long pols, not broken fishing pols, blocks, planks, things like that.Yes, I think the game could use some expansionWater in pot, plus cooked fish should make stew,add herbs to make hearty stew to fill hunger more, or other herbs to poison stew instead.a but load of blocks, plus a but load of clay should make rickety shelter, or cabinA bunch of planks, plus clay, plus, I don't know, string maby? Should make raft, or boat.Add animal skins and the same above poles that I mentioned above, also add shafts, to make sail boat.Add same odd looking pols or planks of wood that I mentioned above to blocky looking shelter, to make, better cabin or shelter.Here's a good one, no one has thought of this yet.Suicide illness. Lets take the sickness up to a hole another level. You want to

Re: AudioSpeed Racing now available for Mac and PC

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AudioSpeed Racing now available for Mac and PC

Hello.thanks for the reply.It's a shame. I still do not understand how to play the audio speed in android.greetings and thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Youtube frustrations

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Youtube frustrations

Thanks Brad, I will try this tomorrow. For some reason I've heard of this program but your description sounds unlike any I have heard.After I've tried it, I'll post about my results and anything interesting I find.


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Re: Skype's Facebook feature is driving me up the wall!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Skype's Facebook feature is driving me up the wall!

and just a note: instantbird is sibling with Mozilla firefox


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Skype's Facebook feature is driving me up the wall!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Locutus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Skype's Facebook feature is driving me up the wall!

Well, as of yesterday, I started using Miranda NG. It took me some time to figure it out, and I still only know the basics, but it's really a beautiful client overall. And it actually handles Facebook chat way more efficiently than Skype. My favorite feature is that you can send a message to someone even when they sign out. This is something you can't do while chatting with an fb friend through Skype.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Describe yourself in identification rhyme

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Soul Keeper via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Describe yourself in identification rhyme

With a cage for every soul, I coil between the folds of infinity,I symbolize all life's destination,A tentacle for every spirit; a cthulhuloid monstrosity,My name is looming torment; your Inevitable nullification.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Skype's Facebook feature is driving me up the wall!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Skype's Facebook feature is driving me up the wall!

Well, I've upgraded to Skype 7.4, when a face book contact online, it would appears on my contact combine with my Skype contacts. there is a different between Skype contacts and facebook contacts. when you navigate on the contacts list, if you encountered a facebook contact online, it will tell you the name of your friend, and it says facebook contact online at the end.If it didn't helps, the alternative client to use with fb that I can recommend is instantbird. and you can get a copy of this client at: www.instantbird.comhth


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Skype's Facebook feature is driving me up the wall!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Skype's Facebook feature is driving me up the wall!

Well, I've upgraded to Skype 7.4, when a face book contact online, it would appears on my contact combine with my Skype contacts. there is a different between Skype contacts and facebook contacts. when you navigate on the contacts list, if you encountered a facebook contact online, it will tell you the name of your friend, and it says facebook contact online at the end.If it didn't helps, the alternative client to use with fb that I can recommend is instantbird. and you can get a copy of this client [ a-t ]: www.instantbird.comhth


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: AudioSpeed Racing now available for Mac and PC

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : hacker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AudioSpeed Racing now available for Mac and PC

speaking of the android version, if I bought the game on android, do I have to buy it again for the computer?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: NEW AUDIOGAME! Audio Rally Racing is available - full version

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : FabiG94 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NEW AUDIOGAME! Audio Rally Racing is available - full version

Hello.I bought the game, but I would translate it into Spanish.there is Any chance I can translate the game?greetings and thanks.


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Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mehgcap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

Just make a copy of the 3.5 sounds folder, then you can replace things to your heart's content and not worry about it. The word that can happen is you delete your modified sounds and start all over with a fresh copy of the originals.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: NEW AUDIOGAME! Audio Rally Racing is available - full version

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : micco67 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NEW AUDIOGAME! Audio Rally Racing is available - full version

@drg: please send an email to and we will send the links.@mario navarro: this is the full/final version (not necessarily the last one *smile*).@connor142: iOS version is not available yet, but it's in the works.@FabiG94: it's currently available in Italian and English, German is in the works, no other language planned, at least for the moment.@simba: we'll look into it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: NEW AUDIOGAME! Audio Rally Racing is available - full version

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : micco67 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NEW AUDIOGAME! Audio Rally Racing is available - full version

@drg: please send an email to and we will send the links.


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Re: Deep Echo - An audio dungeon crawler that need your feedbacks

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Deep Echo - An audio dungeon crawler that need your feedbacks

[[wow]]! This is a really neat game! I'm not going to lie, it took me entirely too long to figure out how to move my character around because I originally believed that the sonar sounds were supposed to be footsteps. Needless to say, I spent a lot of time holding down arrow keys believing that i was going somewhere that i was not.  Once i figured out what I was supposed to do, I managed to complete the game a few times without any more problems, and I really do enjoy it. If you are interested in continuing the development of this game, I have a few suggestions that could possibly be worth looking into. For example, randomly generated levels, more enemies and hazards, more complex levels, ETC. I'd definitely be interested in hearing more about the accessibility jam. Are you aware of any others who have decided to develop a game for the visually impaired? 


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Re: Youtube frustrations

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Youtube frustrations

Hi.I can't help you with the listing videos thing. But I can help you with downloading videos.The best video downloader I've found is youtube-dl you know how to use command line, the program is quite simple to use.First place the youtube-dl.exe file into the place where you want your videos.Then go to command line and find your folder. For example. I right cmd in the run box, then would type. f: then cd f:\vidsAfter that, right this line of code exactly as I write -o %(title)s.%(ext)safter the space, paste the URL of the channel. You can do this by copying the channel, then once  you're in the command window, press alt space, E, then P, then enter.Youtube-dl should start downloading your channel right away.if it doesn't download all the videos at once, which nine times out of ten it doe
 s not, if the channel is big. Just press your up arrow in command line and press enter again. The good thing is that youtube-dl will remember what videos have been downloaded.This program is great. It's small, easy to use, once you know how. Fast. and will not break.


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Re: mota verssions

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: mota verssions

Hi,I apologize for not getting around to putting up the old beta as I had mentioned earlier. To be honest I got busy with other things and completely forgot about it until you guys brought it to my attention by reopening this thread. Hopefully, no promises, I will find a moment to do it this weekend.


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Re: Accessible radios?

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : austingrace via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible radios?

Hello. I have the cc 2e radio and love it. I also own the cc skywave radio. The skywave has shortwave and the 2e does not. The skywave is very straight forward. Plus ccrane has a blind guy record descriptions of  the radio. As of now, ccrane is my go to radio brand. I have had sangeans, grundigs/etons  Tecsuns and a few other brands. I have found ccrane to be the easiest to operate. One idea for you. You can hold your phone near the screen and have taptapsee or knfb try to read to freqs to you. I'm a hardcore dxer myself so I love radios that work good as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: NEW AUDIOGAME! Audio Rally Racing is available - full version

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NEW AUDIOGAME! Audio Rally Racing is available - full version

Hey!Regarding my problem, I solved it. Apparently my jumping distance was to small.The thing I have problems now with are the long curves. Everytime I want to stear in to one of these, I crash in to the wal.Also, when the navigator for example says down hil ahead and than ok, I noticed that you cant move left or right during these phases.Any help on the curve problem would be nice.


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Re: planetseva vs erendio

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: planetseva vs erendio

That game is no longer available.


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Youtube frustrations

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Youtube frustrations

Hi all,Recently I've been trying to download some of my favorite Youtube channels. Some of which contain thousands of short videos which I will eventually have to sort through and decide which ones I do and don't want, which will take some time but I'd be willing to do it. I can normally tell from the title if I'll like it or not. My guess is when I'm through, I'd only really be interested in about 20 percent of the videos I sort through. Trouble is, I haven't found something which allows me to do this.What I used to do way back when, was use Free Youtube Download by DVD Video Soft. I just pasted in the channel URL and pressed a button and it would literally list all the videos and allow me to check and uncheck what I did and did not want. When that was all said and done, I pressed download, and provided it was having a good day, it would download even large bulks of videos without problems and then I could use other software to rip t
 he audio streams from the files to save space.But unfortunately DVD Video Soft has taken the route of, "hey let's kill accessibility for screen reader users." And while they claim to be working on it and even have an option that supposedly makes it easier for screen reading software, it does little to nothing in helping make the thing usable again. I've contacted them twice already and it wasn't encouraging. Not to mention, I don't think it is possible to download channels with the program, as when I paste in the channel URL, it says no video found. I just updated it today and still had the problem.I tried Pontes Media Downloader, which works well for single downloads or small playlists, but it has problems of its own which I will soon report to the team since I like the program otherwise. It only downloads the first few dozen videos and claims the download is done. I can't quite figure out why, since I've tried showing about 100 v
 ideos on a page before sending it to Pontes Media Downloader. This sometimes works but sometimes not. Speaking of which, Youtube will only let you go so far back through a channel's videos on its web site, not sure what the amount is but it loads 30 at a time. You can keep pressing the load more button to go further back but it hangs and slows down every browser I've tried, and eventually it stops scrolling.I also saw a few things saying that you could use the Youtube API to collect information on a channel's videos and then I could in turn import the URLs into whatever downloader I wanted. For the short time I could use it, it was my best option, as you could load a page worth of 50 videos, then load the next 50, and keep going, and it would let you go back as far as you wanted. However since the API v2 has gone and V3 is the preferred version, they've made it so much more complicated and to my knowledge you now have to sign up to get an API key to even us
 e it, and then you get a certain number of usage points to keep people from abusing the service. And requesting URLs to thousands of videos would probably be considered abusing the service.I'm about to give up on channel downloading or even playlist downloading, as nothing I can find seems to even list all the videos of a large channel without a hastle, let alone allow me to choose the ones I want. So far the only way I can do it is to literally find each video on the web site, and copy URLs one by one into Pontes Media Downloader. Which is exactly what bulk downloaders try to avoid.Does anyone have any ideas for downloading a channel that has more than a few dozen videos? Or have Youtube and Google finally succeeded in making this next to impossible?


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Youtube frustrations

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Youtube frustrations

Hi all,Recently I've been trying to download some of my favorite Youtube channels. Some of which contain thousands of short videos which I will eventually have to sort through and decide which ones I do and don't want, which will take some time but I'd be willing to do it. I can normally tell from the title if I'll like it or not. My guess is when I'm through, I'd only really be interested in about 20 percent of the videos I sort through. Trouble is, I haven't found something which allows me to do this.What I used to do way back when, was use Free Youtube Download by DVD Video Soft. I just pasted in the channel URL and pressed a button and it would literally list all the videos and allow me to check and uncheck what I did and did not want. When that was all said and done, I pressed download, and provided it was having a good day, it would download even large bulks of videos without problems and then I could use other software to rip t
 he audio streams from the files to save space.But unfortunately DVD Video Soft has taken the route of, "hey let's kill accessibility for screen reader users." And while they claim to be working on it and even have an option that supposedly makes it easier for screen reading software, it does little to nothing in helping make the thing usable again. I've contacted them twice already and it wasn't encouraging. Not to mention, I don't think it is possible to download channels with the program, as when I paste in the channel URL, it says no video found. I just updated it today and still had the problem.I tried Pontes Media Downloader, which works well for single downloads or small playlists, but it has problems of its own which I will soon report to the team since I like the program otherwise. It only downloads the first few dozen videos and claims the download is done. I can't quite figure out why, since I've tried showing about 100 v
 ideos on a page before sending it to Pontes Media Downloader. This sometimes works but sometimes not. Speaking of which, Youtube will only let you go so far back through a channel's videos on its web site, not sure what the amount is but it loads 30 at a time. You can keep pressing the load more button to go further back but it hangs and slows down every browser I've tried, and eventually it stops scrolling.I also saw a few things saying that you could use the Youtube API to collect information on a channel's videos and then I could in turn import the URLs into whatever downloader I wanted. For the short time I could use it, it was my best option, as you could load a page worth of 50 videos, then load the next 50, and keep going, and it would let you go back as far as you wanted. However since the API v2 has gone and V3 is the preferred version, they've made it so much more complicated and to my knowledge you now have to sign up to get an API key to even us
 e it, and then you get a certain number of usage points to keep people from abusing the service. And requesting URLs to thousands of videos would probably be considered abusing the service.I'm about to give up on channel downloading or even playlist downloading, as nothing I can find seems to even list all the videos of a large channel without a hastle, let alone allow me to choose the ones I want. So far the only way I can do it is to literally find each video on the web site, and copy URLs one by one into Pontes Media Downloader. Which is the opposite of downloading in bulk.Does anyone have any ideas for downloading a channel that has more than a few dozen videos? Or have Youtube and Google finally succeeded in making this next to impossible?


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Re: Audio games in the Web Browser

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Sik via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio games in the Web Browser

frastlin wrote:How does initial loading of sounds work? Is it fast? If I have like 500 sounds, will it take ages to load?Initiating 500 connections to the server... um... If you can get it all into a single request it's not an issue, but asking for each file separately is going to be a really serious issue. Is there a way to get a sound off a ZIP archive or something like that? Because that would solve the issue and your only real problem will be filesize. I know Pixiv does it to store animated images as a sequence of JPEG files, so maybe it can be pulled off with audio files too.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

I have a suggestion for an achievement, since beatcoins are currently so easy to come by.And yes, as a side note, when you win at Beat Slots, you can get sometimes nearly a million beatcoins. It's cool, but slightly ridiculous.Now for my suggestion. I once bought about 200 safeguards, sat back, and let a pack play itself. So, what about including an achievement that if you do that, you'll get something like the lazy player? I'm sure there would be a much more creative name for it, but I think it would be a cool thing to be able to unlock anyway.


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Re: Tentative Entombed 2 Design Decisions

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Soul Keeper via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tentative Entombed 2 Design Decisions

Basically what I like to see in all games, but rogue likes especially, is a set of very basic global mechanics. Say gravity and light. And then there is a set of more specific events built using the fundamentals, so falling, or being blinded, or how you react to a lack of light. But then you start making it more complex, like you take damage after falling farther and farther, or glass prisms refracting light. And then expand from there with the gravity and falling concept to have different levels of constant pressure. But then you want a spell that does force damage. No problem, since you already have pressure or force damage from more basic principles already there. OS you use that. I like seeing things grow and progressively become more complex over time, and that's what I think separates a great roguelike from a good roguelike -- when basics concepts are used cleverly and realistically, to the point players start expecting extremely realistic results, and when they don
 9;t it's this massive surprise and think think... oh shit, that seriously worked?If anyone hear has ever played lost souls or kerkerkruip, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Because you can lick or poke a flaming creature and catch fire on lost souls, you can wear a blind fold in the hall of mirrors and in smoke to negate those debuffs, the chain golem and the swarm of daggers can rust, and you do get penalties for hiding if you're larger in kerkerkruip.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : the best in the world via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hi guise, I really love this game, but i tried to download the  WWE  soundpack, however when i download it, and press buy, and select it, and press enter? nothing happens, any idea why? and thank you, 


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Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : samtupy1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

It fades out as your health increases, and it plays at like 300 health because one arrow could easily kill you. I will make sickness just a bit more rare, and i'll fix the bug whare sicknesses stay with you when you die, that's a nasty bug. Hahaha.


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Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : sanslash332 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

Hello sam!The new updates are so good! But, I can't understand the sikness system.When you're sick ¿what happen to you? Your healt decreases? You loose energy or what?And how do you end the sickness? When I'm playing the passed time, i ear that all players are sick... And never I get out of my sickness, including with having full healt and full energy.About the pitch noise, Sam is am... a little molest that noise, spesially when your healt isn't in the danger sone. can you decrease the zone of the danger noise? for example, below 50 healt or similar.And for now, this is all, Great updates!


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Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : chrisfaelnar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

This is so gonna be exciting. 


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planetseva vs erendio

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Douglas1 via Audiogames-reflector


planetseva vs erendio

hello[ a-t ] cae_johns i download the gecokon games virtual console, and i can`t load planetseva vs erendio.the game doesn`t open.


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Re: games for talking dos-box

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: games for talking dos-box

High,is there a dos version of origon trail that is playable like the apple 2 version?


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Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survey. What are the 10 best audiogames of history.

my top 10 in no particular order:1. drone. might be hard as balls, but a historicly significant one.2. destination mars: the first text game made for the blind. AGAIN, really hard. 3. psico strike-a nice action packed strategy/platform/rpg hysrid. 4. super liam: first audio based platformer, and it shows. like ninja gaiden for nes, you might be able to brease through the first level, but the later ones will drive you to throw your computer off the Empire State Building. 5. pac-man (pcs games) and breakout (pcs games)-first audio vrersions of popular arcade games. they are faithful to source material. 6. star trek the battle begins-the first audio game based on a licenced property. plays like the mainstream star trek games of the interplay era. 7. treasure hunt-first audio game with stealth elements. munawar is like the audio game equivalent of solid snake. 8. pontes kickups-nintendo's "ball" game and watch, on steroids
 . 9. hack-another unique game from the creator of drone. 10. adventures at c:-a nes hard audio platformer. really unfair at times.


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Re: NEW AUDIOGAME! Audio Rally Racing is available - full version

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : patjk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NEW AUDIOGAME! Audio Rally Racing is available - full version

Has anyone purchasing gthis had issues during the race with jumps like one of the other posters did in the demo? If that's the case, I'm hesitant to buy it.


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Re: Steam ID Exchange

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Razor49 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Steam ID Exchange

@ironcross32 I can't add you in Steam. Did you have a typo in your message?


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Re: Tentative Entombed 2 Design Decisions

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tentative Entombed 2 Design Decisions

@Ethin, you just need to download the glulks story file for kerkerkruip and have a decent inform 7 interpreter. the windows installer will do you no good sinse it prinstalls the game with the gargoyle interpreter and isn't accessible. Go and check the kerkerkruip page in the db for details, start another topic if you have more questions. I'd highly rthe game ecommend , Kerkerkruip is an awsome game though I do wish it had more exploring. @Soul keeper, interesting points which I will address. First, size as regards weapons at least was in the original game. Fairies couldn't wield anything but a dagger, and races like ogres could wield two handed weapons one handed, indeed this was often a good reason to use growing or shrinking. As regards armours, the problem is that might be a little too difficult in terms of game balancing, sinse hay if you don't come across any ogre sized armor you'll be in trouble and you'd always be playing roulette
  as regards your party vs enemies, plus of course it would make looting gear near impossible in some regions of the dungeon. If  something like that was to be in the game, I'd personally suggest rather than restricting who could wear the armor, give a penalty based on how well or badly the armor fits, though again how much this would add to the game and how much it would just be annoying given you wouldn't mostly get a choice about it I don't know. With Languages and scrolls, again my problem is how much does this add to the game. The point of having unidentified scrolls is that you then have to choose whether to risk geting yourself smooshed with nasty magics or not use the scroll, but how much actual interest would it be to get a scroll in elvish when you had no elf and needed to pay for a translation in town? again, this doesn't really seem to add much to the game accept finding lots of things you couldn't use. As to environments
  and arcane law, well knowing what was in a chest or  how to identify a magic item are in fact just what I was thinking earlier in this topic with my suggestions of environmental interaction.As regards tomes causing special effects according to their interaction with things, on the one hand I do like this idea as it ties in with my special battles suggestion, on the other however, it would mean a hell of a lot more work and would also be very difficult to mod. Entombed has far more objects, locations, monsters spells and items like kerkerkruip and deciding how a generalized affect works with all of these could be a really major hassle programming wise, which is why I suggested earlier that special battle conditions be restricted to a class on their own. I could see tomes which affected the environment causing a specific subset of special battle conditions, but having them interact with things like hallways in the dungeon and what items you carry could be a real pig in te
 rms of programming all the connections, eg, I wouldn't mind a tome of eternal frost causing everyone some cold damage in a battle and making people occasionally slip on the ice, but making it specific enough to say make all chests stiff and hard to open due to the cold or make some hallways in the dungeon impassable is likely going far too far.Personally I'm quite content to handle a game as a game so long as it treats it's subject consistantly and gives fun things to play with. I'm not sure on religion, sinse religion really is Kerkerkruip's mechanic and it doesn't seem right to pretty much just try and streight off replicate something from another game, particularly sinse entombed is based on handling several party members together (I really can't imagine in kerkerkruip terms worshippers of aite and worshippers of Hern on the same team and both ganing favour). Plus of course judging by the holy and unholy oposition in Entombed I alw
 ays got the impression things were a bit more monotheistic inentombe'd world anyway, not a place full of capricious gods with their own whims and desires. On risk reward, to be honest what you've described with increasing chances of reward rather than an either or setup is just as I thought it would work, for example if you have a %2 chance of getting an epic item after each battle, which chance doubles for every five fights without resting. the only unique thing would be what monsters you encounter sinse a person who doesn't go through without resting doesn't mean the rarer monster types. I very much agree with you on flavour text being a good thing and different sorts of traps that have different effects, and finding unusual pets would be cool indeed, though I'm not really sure on pet armor (sinse really, wolves don't wear armor). As to environmental  based skills again, it would depend upon creating a class of environments a
 nd affects to trigger them and then use skills, but with the problems of entombed taking place over several floors and many fights I'm not sure how workable this would 

Re: mota verssions

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JLove via Audiogames-reflector


Re: mota verssions

I just checked the USA Games site to grab the latest beta that Tom said he was putting up a while ago, but I didn't see it.


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Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Kyleman123 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

yeah that sounds like it should work. there are a few things that might play wierd because aprone might have it on a loop. but you can work it out.  as far as keeping the stuff after you die, thats a bug that was introduced when 3.5 was in beta. its do to the lag when zombies hit like lags out the game. so for some reason. that plays weird with the surver. so you like die and disconnect faster than the server can register everything that happen. so when you come back. you still have your stuff because to the server, you didn't actually die. you just disconnected. i've had this happen a few times.


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Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Rory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

So should i just swich the sound files around? LIke put the 1.8b sound in the 3.5 folder and 3.5 sound in the 1.8 folder?


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Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pokeboss via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

Sam already said. And i agree, because how are yeu gonna shoot animals, and try to protect yourself from people too? What if someone hunts some animal before yeu? You wouldn't get the corpse! And Sam? Eating human corpses? Really? So grose! And awquard! I wanna see more ways to decrease hunger, such as fishing. But Sam, don't take me a criticizer, because I love this game! People just need to think outside the box, but not too much outside. What's obvious, and what's not. Obviously, if Sam's not doing it, it's because you can't possibly. And a house, in the wild Geovani? Really? Don't, even, get, me, started!


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Re: Your-adventure beta 1 released nonvisiongames

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : LadyJuliette via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your-adventure beta 1 released nonvisiongames

I don't agree with the storyline idea. Too many roleplaying games force players to live the same story. The interactive activities sound fun, though. Keep up the good work.


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Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pokeboss via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

I sometimes, am a killer myself. So, when you say you want a harder way to get killed, I'm like naa aa! You should get better at the game! it's easy! I can stay safe as good as I can kill! I mean, come on. And I don't think Sam will make battle cruzers. That's so so so so so so so so so stupid! Oh yeah, they'll be everywhere! And no one will survive! And Sam said sickness will be contagious! Muahahahahahahaha! [[wow]]! This game is getting better and better! I love killing, and surviving! And hunting? Naa aa! S


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Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : LadyJuliette via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

I think it's completely wrong to tell people they need a life away from the computer just because they want more realistic games. It would be like telling people who love nothing but killing to get a life! I wish they would, but everyone loves their own gaming styles. Anyway, all the updates sound great. I do agree with changing the sounds for hunger and thirst. Your ears wouldn't ring just because you're stomach's growling or you didn't have a drink. The idea sounds good for health though.


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Re: *NEW* Internet Investigation Game

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Tikki via Audiogames-reflector


Re: *NEW*   Internet Investigation Game

Hi,everything is fine, I got the email and confirmed. So, all set up now! 


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Re: Tentative Entombed 2 Design Decisions

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tentative Entombed 2 Design Decisions

How do you even play Kerkerkruip, anyways? I've never even gotten it to work. I launch the executable and nothing speaks.


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Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Tikki via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hi,yeah, I noticed that getting beatcoins is rather easy right now, especially if you get lucky when playing the minigames. There is hardly any need to play soundpacks for coins at all as soon as you got the minigames. So, maybe the prize for new soundpacks should indeed be raised, but I don't know if it would make a huge difference now, since everyone who has so many beatcoins available probably has all the packs already purchased anyway. So, I really have no idea how to fix that. But just for your information, I certainly don't have millions of beatcoins. In fact, I have close to none right now since I bought a new pack and quite a number of saveguards with the coins I had. But I only had something like 3 coins and not a million or more.


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Re: Your-adventure beta 1 released nonvisiongames

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Tikki via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your-adventure beta 1 released nonvisiongames

Hi,yes, what Dark said is absolutely right. I also like activities in a game to be as interactive as possible.


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Re: Bathroom appliaces for blind/VI users

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bathroom appliaces for blind/VI users

@CW, I know exactly what you mean about the automatically flushing toilets etc. I hate not knowing weather the toilet needs to be manually flushed or not. There have been plenty of times where I am reaching around looking for the flush handle when there isn't one. It would be nice to know in those cases when it is an automatic flush or not.


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Re: Tentative Entombed 2 Design Decisions

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Soul Keeper via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tentative Entombed 2 Design Decisions

Alright, I'm finally caught up with all these posts. Now it's time for idea. Although I can promise detail for each entry, I cannot promise organization of the list (as usual).-Size: Why limit size to living things? Would it make sense for a giant troll to wield a tiny dagger or a two inch pixie to heft a titanic scythe? You could even do the same with armors, and impose some kind of similar restriction with languages on scrolls.-Lore: Sticking to that idea about languages of scrolls and tying into the mechanics for dungion exploration, why does it all have to be strictly environmental in a room sense? What about skills like arcane lore to know what a potion is or legend lore to know about certain creatures or tomes that you can find in chests, etc.-Tomes: My idea for tomes (that you find in chests or on random dead opponents) are kerkerkruip-esk. For those who haven't played kerekrkruip, basically, the tomes have a drastic effect on the environme
 nt. I probably don't mean the entire dungion in this case, just the floor. So for example: "You read the heavy blue-covered tome with silver title (heavy blue-covered tome with silver draconic runes if you understand the language, the tome of eternal frost if you have enough applicable lore skills). The tome dissintigrates into a swirling cloud of mist which expands to coat the entire floor. The whole dungion floor has been covered in a thick layer of ice, making it extremely dangerous to move too much!" So then people could slip on the ice while dodging or attacking, temperature would drop to effect different spells and skills and stuff, and could even melt into water. Basically, what separates "roguelike" from "dungion crawl" to me is the mechanics. When thhe mechanics are a whole set of intelegently interlinked things (you could use the depth mechanics of the ice to change the height of passage ways, and use the same height/depth mechanic for th
 e water or for inclines/declines in hallways or even for swinging swords or different ypes of spells) it makes things interesting. YOu have to think realistically about how something would logically effect something else. When the mechanics are there but not really actively used or smartly used, or used on a "when it suits me" basis, then I don't have much fun playing the game because I am constantly bothered about how stuff should work a lot more realistically. This is probably the reason I have so much praise for kerkerkruip. I have been playing that game for quite a while, and I am still discovering stuff. Anyways, getting a bit off track here, next.-trainers: I personally liked that idea a bit. Each class has a randomly generated handful of skills they can learn from trainers, random runic inscriptions on cavern walls, from items or from quests from a list of learnable skills that exist, but that you cannot learn through leveling or at the start of the game.
  So it would be a nice thing to look forward to, and a subtle kick in the nuts of you were expectin git and building a strategy around the eventual attaining of that skill, and then finding out it's random. Since the keyword of this thing seems to be random, I think it would be fitting to make people not be able to rely on a repeatable experience.-Religion: Rnaomdlly generated shrines and temple rooms to different gods, where you can sacrifice items and pray for favor. You could even make it so that anyone could get favor and scrolls and stuff from the god, but clerics can actually expand their powerset, and temples would be their kind of "randomly generated trainer".-Percentages: I like the idea of reward for risk thing, but I don't like the idea that whoever plays the riskier option will always be better off than the person who plays it safe if they succeed. So my suggestion is make it all percentage base. There might be a 10% base chance of getting
  a truly awesome weapon load or a very powerful monster load (like the general orc in an army of orcs), but that increases the more things you kill without resting. So anyone could get anything, but actually trying to get something awesome will result in just that: a better chance of getting that something awesome.-pets: I would like pets to be just as much of a task of powering up and armoring as you. So  you could raise your wolf, give it armor that would fit a wolf, etc. But what if you found a dragon egg in the treasure horde of a dragon and it hatched later on in the dungion, and as it grew it became more powerful and eventually got a firebreathing ability? Leveling a pet would be pretty neat.-traps: When I say traps I don't just mean "you step on a concealed rock and are hit by a buolder! Or you are sliced by a blade that falls from the ceiling! I mean stuff like falling to the floor below byt having your legs broken, noxious fumes that debuff you fo
 r a while, spikes that slide out of the bloor and make you take damage as you walk, etc.-corruptions: Why

Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : momo7807 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

hi samtupy1Can you implement poison system?Making poisons myself, and making poison arrows.If any player is damaged by poison arrow, this players helath will decrease very fast until poison wears off from this player.and please add more a wooden axe, grass whip, etc.Please implement this 2 suggestions.Thanks


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Re: some bgt questions

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Genroa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some bgt questions

Is there some kind of "fishing state" for the player/character? Or is the fishing instant, allowing you to spam until you get fish?


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Re: some bgt questions

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some bgt questions

hi janroe,Thanks for the timer part.It wasn't my intention to probably sound a bit rude. but i will post some details.The game is based on a system of ticks. these ticks form seasons and thus years where you will get older.The activities aren't influnced by that ticks yet.The system of fishing i have now is a game of chances. you have 50% that you will catch a fish and thus 50% that the fish won't bite the hook in this example.I am curious how i can change to something like this:1. the player throws out his/her pole.2. the game waits an amount of time.3. the player gets one of three messages telling the player how heavy the fish is. (light, medium or heavy)4. I want to add keystrokes according wich message the player gets. like (by a light fish press 1 and by a heavy fish press 3). the player should do this within a certain amount of time otherwise the fish is free.Hopefully this is some more d
 etail about how the game is currently structured and how i want to put it in the next release.Greetz mike


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brailliant and IPhone?

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : daniel via Audiogames-reflector


brailliant and IPhone?

Hi all,I recently got new equipment--which includes a new braille display which I finnaly got around to...I ended up getting the brailliant... I've been playing around with it and was trying to use it with my IPhone...Only problem with this is it doesn't seem to want to stay connected...Any suggestions for getting this working?Thanks,Daniel


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Re: some bgt questions

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Genroa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some bgt questions

The first thing is really simple:1. Make a timer object at the beginning of the game loop2. When exiting the game, save the timer elapsed value3. When launching a game (saved or new), retrieve the saved value of the timer if existing, or set it to 0The second thing is impossible to do for you without knowing more about how is your game done. I mean, is it a blocking structure? A non-blocking structure with ticks? How is this done? You have to think about it from scratch. This forum isn't made to provide ready-to-use solutions for things as complex as this. It looks like "hey I want to make a multiplayer FPS can anyone give me a working source code example? Oh, and I want my game to have laser rifles, could you make it for me? Because I don't even know what an if statement is. Thanks". No one will answer to these kind of questions... (and here, this kind of menu is using a simple condition)So, could you give us more details?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: some bgt questions

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Genroa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some bgt questions

The first thing is really simple:1. Make a timer object at the beginning of the game loop2. When exiting the game, save the timer elapsed value3. When launching a game (saved or new), retrieve the saved value of the timer if existing, or set it to 0The second thing is impossible to do for you without knowing more about how is your game done. I mean, is it a blocking structure? A non-blocking structure with ticks? How is this done? You have to think about it from scratch. This forum isn't made to provide ready-to-use solutions for things as complex as this. It looks like "hey I want to make a multiplayer FPS can anyone give me a working source code example? Oh, and I want my game to have laser rifles, could you make it for me? Because I don't even know what an if statement is. Thanks". No one will answer to these kind of questions... (and here, this kind of menu is using a simple condition)


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: some bgt questions

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Genroa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: some bgt questions

The first thing is really simple:1. Make a timer object at the beginning of the game loop2. When exiting the game, save the timer elapsed value3. When launching a game (saved or new), retrieve the saved value of the timer if existing, or set it to 0The second thing is impossible to do for you without knowing more about how is your game done. I mean, is it a blocking structure? A non-blocking structure with ticks? How is this done? You have to think about it from scratch. This forum isn't made to provide ready-to-use solutions for things as complex as this.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Help with Alter Aeon quests.

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help with Alter Aeon quests.

use box fur, this is how i input to make it work.And for the old post about the warrior and mana, if you're not warrior+caster, you don't need mana that high, warrior thief for example nearly needs less than hundred mana. Sanctuary is a good one to pick though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Beginner with question on BGT

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beginner with question on BGT

Dude I suck and i literally do mean suh juarasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuasjuas uhk at coding but one thing is that you gotta look at examples of it, hopefully good ones, and if you get compilation errors just try to figure whats going on, its not always going to point you right at the problem, think of a broken machine trying to tell you what's wrong with itself, so look at the surrounding lines if say the error is on line 10 look at line 9 and 11. Even more, if you have nested if statements or nested loops, it gets even more crazy then you just gotta run line by line until you figure it out. sometimes a missing symbol is all it is, sometimes its just frustrating because you should know better by now. I don't really have anyone to ask questions to and help me with my stuff, and i only know like the basic basic basics, so i'm kinda stuck and just sort of gave it up.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: installing dropbox with nvda

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: installing dropbox with nvda

Hello,[[wow]] @ethin how did you learn about the crtl+g shortcut? It doesn't seem too obvious.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hello,By the same token, if you are on windows 7 or 8 you can go to c:\users\your username\documents and dleete beatstar.dat


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Beginner with question on BGT

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : audioracer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beginner with question on BGT

Sam helped me fix a problem with the windows attack tutorial. I was trying to have the falling sound of the virus decrease in pitch as it was falling. It turns out that I had a certain line code in the wrong place. After he fixed it, it works now.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

@Vlad, what do you mean? If you mean delete all your progress, beatcoins earned, soundpacsk unlocked etc, then the file you want is called beatstar.dat and is in my documents. If you mean just configuring options in the game, I'm a little unsure why you'd need to, but just redownload the game as it's quite small. I have a rather odd  bug as well with downloading soundpacks which actually has existed before Beatstar pro, though sinse it causes no problem at all I haven't bothered about it. For some reason there is a pack called pack double dragon 1 which is always listed in the directory to download, but when I hit enter to download it I get an instant ping and am deposited back in the main menu. The odd thing is I've already downloaded both the double dragon 1 and double dragon 2 packs, which are listed according to their propper names, eg, "double dragon 1" rather than "pack double dragon 1" to be hones
 t though as I do have the double dragon 1 pack I don't particularly care anyway, in the scheme of things it's hardly an evil bug, however if anyone is experiencing supposedly undownloadable packs it might be the same thing, and certainly doesn't mean the packs haven't downloaded.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your-adventure beta 1 released nonvisiongames

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your-adventure beta 1 released nonvisiongames

Sounds good. Generally the more the player can interact with the game and use his/her judgement to determine what happens rather than just repetitively doing the same thing and waiting the better the game is. After all, why is a slot machine less interesting than playing poker? After all both involve better and a chance of money. Poker however involves making judgements, managing resources and educated guesses based on limited information, while slots is just random for the sake of random.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

some bgt questions

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


some bgt questions

Hi all,I want to program some new functions within my game your_adventure but have no clue where to start, this are the ideas and hopefully someone can help me:1. i want to introduce something what will display how long someone has played, like aprone did in swamp, i also want to have it at the main menu.2. to make the activities that are implemented right now some more interactive, i want to implement something that gives the player a message, like with fishing: "your rod starts to bend over, there must be a heavy fish on the hook", with this message the player should press a key to determine how heavy he/she wants to rail n the fish. the heavy fish, will need more power, with this message: "your rod starts to shake a little, there must be a light fish on the hook" the player should press another key to use the minimal amount of power to rail in the light fish. Together with this i want to implement a few seconds. The player can rail in th
 e fish during these seconds, otherwise the fish has freed itself.This are the new ideas for now. hopefully someone can lent me a hand with examples.thanks a lot.greetz mike


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: flux world, a truely unique experience.

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Centauri via Audiogames-reflector


Re: flux world, a truely unique experience.

New features and thoughtsMeteors now randomly land around FluxMain (other planets to follow), and they can be mined. Along with this is a Mining Supplies store, which includes your very own OreBox and you can optionally buy a pick-axe, shovel, and sledgehammer (each gives you more ore on a mining operation, and these 3 tools are additive to that total).As some have noticed recently, there was a change to mining. Mostly this change was going from some random number from 1 to the maximum allowed, to using a bell curve so the numbers are centered on halfway between 1 and max, but with a good 30% variation.Also in the works is something similar to crafting, but which I have used to create the L5 station itself: the construction device. This will allow for gathering the materials over time as needed for real construction, from the portland cement for foundations, to the I-beams, to the transparent aluminum panels for windows. This device does all the math, and calc
 ulates both volume and surface areas for rectangles, spheres, cylinders, cones, etc.Another item on the list is gardening plots, which I used to own exclusively before last night, although small, they will allow for growing limited amounts of your own food.  Expect some evolution in this process, as only the farming plot itself has been changed so far.Another whole line of thought is what to do about food on other planets outside the Flux system. I dont expect them to have the same exact food we have on FluxMain.The other planets are getting worked on, both inside and outside the Flux system, although this is going to be slow going, as most of FluxWorld will involve Fluxmain itself. I wont spoil whats coming, but just know that whats in space is going to get more interesting.As always, I talk often with my players, and see what they like and dislike, and what they might want to see. Some have been quite instrumental in finding and fixing some old bug
 s in RPG, and others want things that necessitate a few changes here and there in order to keep things flowing nicely with new features.   Centauri


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your-adventure beta 1 released nonvisiongames

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your-adventure beta 1 released nonvisiongames

Hello all,Thanks for the replies. I think the first what we should do is making the activities more interactive, as dark mansioned.I think that i should get rid of the fishing system again and program a system with different fishes in that area and events like the fishing pole takes extra damage, a shark that bites your fish of the hook or railing instead of one fish, you rail in two.I will also ask some questions in the developers room to get clear to me how i can implement a few new systems.Thanks for the feedback, i rather have you to be critic than playing it and disliking it and not telling us.@whocrazyI will send you the code, thanks that you are willing to help me with the english grammatic.greetz mike


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Tentative Entombed 2 Design Decisions

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tentative Entombed 2 Design Decisions

There are lots of good games for the Iphone, Audio defense, Dark room, Star traders etc, though i agree Kodp is exceptional. If your sure what your encountering with Kodp are actually bugs and not just complications with the interface (Kodp is an awsome game, but learning it isn't easy), then maybe you should go to and report them, (the developers are very good and do answer questions0. Getting back on track however, Diablow from what I understand is a very different beatst to entombed, sinse hwile it does have random area generation a lot of the combat and mechanics are real time. If you want something like that I'd suggest looking at some of the muds like alteraeon, Aadwolf, MAteriamagica or godwars, especially Alteraeon because it has such an extensive soundpack it's pretty much an audiogame in it's own right. Real time combat though isn't a thing in entombed, indeed turn
  based combat in Entombed ii is going to just get more tactical which will be awsome.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Bathroom appliaces for blind/VI users

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bathroom appliaces for blind/VI users

As for the main stream device in compare to the Vi devices, I tend to agree. I currently have the first model of the stream and my share of IOS devices around me. I personally have found that I tend to lain more toward the main stream stuff when that is good enough. I personally don’t feel the need to upgrade my stream to the newest model. After all, I do get the same if not better voices for the voice dream reader app. I also use the bard app on the IOS device too. On the other hand, I do like being able to put a book or two right over on the SD card without having to use the pig that is known as ITunes. I basically do not like paying no more than really needed to get the job done quite well. This would, for me, apply across my most if not all of my desires when out looking for a device of some kind to get the job done. Now if the stream would drop around 100 to 150 US dollars, then that my convince me to buy it. Add support for me to buy more voices for the device, and the desire for it might just go up a bit. Add dropbox to it and… I am sure you get the picture. I also had a look at the trekker  and find that it really isn’t Werth the price for most things. Does anyone know of a good GPS app for the IPhone to allow you to walk across open areas that is off the map and mark  points that you wish to come back to later? I am thinking about those sidewalks at schools and universities LOL. Now back to this topic. My biggest thing in the bathroom is just plain making sure things are where I think they are over all. One thing that I sometimes don’t find out until I get done in there is that the toilets sometimes  flush themselves without me having to do a thing and others not. I am sure you can see the picture of the blind person reaching for the control to flush and not finding it when all they have to do is to walk away in that public rest room. LOL. Of course, that feature usually gives away the fact that it’s there just by doing its’ thing at odd times. LOL. We are talking about the bathroom right?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vlad25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

hi. i have a question. how can i delete my beat star conviguration file?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mehgcap via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

I've died on a few missions and managed to keep all my gear, somehow. I reported this a few weeks back when it first happened.So long as the file has the exact same name, replacing sounds is no problem.The worst that will happen is the file won't play, and your debug log file will show a sound error. If that happens, check the filenames again (speaking of which, be sure to keep the old sounds around, just in case).


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SKULLGIRLS - fully accessible mainstream fighting game [PC]

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Orin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SKULLGIRLS - fully accessible mainstream fighting game [PC]

Well, I can connect my PS4 controller to my PC using bluetooth. However, I'm not sure how to remap certain keys. Circle, for example, doesn't go back, instead it's acts as though it is Ex/cross. Ex also does the same thing, so not sure how to map the button to go back. Has anyone found out how to do this, and more importantly, why does it do this using the PS4 controller?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoundRTS and the CrazyMod (update 8.3)

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : firefly82 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoundRTS and the CrazyMod (update 8.3)

Hi Soundmud!There are other interesting things you could implement. For example different types of damages. For now you can only make damage to hp. What if you could also make damage to enemys movement or disabling enemy weapons by higher their cooldown or lower their damage values.Another interesting thing could be to give a building the option to explore gold and wood. so you could build for example a miningtower? A building with very low hp but can harvest gold very fast.And what about bringing in water so you could have oceans and rivers. Oh and another very nice thing would be, if you could build and destroy bridges. That would make the game very interesting and more strategic.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : themadviolinist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Psycho Strike - New Strategy/Action game

Anyone else run into a bug when unequipping all items that crashes the game?  I've now had it happen twice.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Help with Alter Aeon quests.

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : staindaddict via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help with Alter Aeon quests.

OK, having more trouble.. I feel really stupid for asking this question, and you can laugh at me if you need to. lolThe quest where you have to go into MR. Browns house, and catch all the mice? I caught all the mice, and I'm down at the furnace now. I'm trying to figure out how to put the box in the furnace, but every command I try won't work. I've done this quest before several times, so this is also why I feel so stupid for asking this question. I've thought and thought about it, and I can't figure it out. Please, someone, how do you empty the box, and have the queen mouse come out?Thanks so much.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Beatstar pro is finally here!

Hello,@geovani this seems to currently be a bug for some players. I've not experienced this myself yet though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Introductions

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Introductions

Hello Johny and welcome to the forum. I agree, the technology available to us really is staggering when you think about it. For example if someone told me four years ago I'd be able to use a touch screen phone like an iPhone or Samsung I would have said no way, but now, it's actually happened and it really is quite impressive, a huge leap forward.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: MAINSTREAM GAMES - list of accessible video games - update 27/01/14

Hello,A lot of the mainsteram games don't have text to speech, so we end up learning the menus and such. People here quite often write up guides, but unfortunately there isn't one for dungeons and dragons yet.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Steam ID Exchange

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Steam ID Exchange

I don't know how often I'll be playing, but I'll add you guys next time I log in.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Which SSH client should I be using?

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Trenton Goldshark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Which SSH client should I be using?

Hi there,Please feel free to have a look over here , and see if any of the links in there help.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible radios?

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible radios?

Here in the US, there is no need to have a license to receive radio or TV. The license comes in to play when you wish to transmit on said radio or TV bands. There is still music stations on the air here, but it is easy enough to find the talk show and news stations. Such news and talk stations here are easier to find on AM, but there is usually  a station or two at the vary lease on the FM band here. Here There is only one AM band and one FM band. And of course, if you want to receive some of the shortwave stuff, then all it will take is the correct receiver. The down side here is the adds. Allot of the stations here have to find their own money, so needless to say that the adds seem to do the trick for them. Let's just say that I would not want to run any station here that just focuses in on music. After all, couldn't such stations be replace by pandora and the like? As for the debates, when they come around, it is extremely easy to find a station to listen to them on and they usually do not get interrupted by adds. Add to that, they are usually better to listen over TV or radio instead of the internet. The delay is usually smaller and things don’t get choppy when the net is running really slow, like it has been known to do here where I am at times. Here in the US, a talk show is basically a show that has a few people talking to each other on radio or TV giving their views on just about anything. There are talk shows where there is just one person behind the mike, but these shows have people calling in. Sometimes, it is a Man or woman telling you how to use that brand new computer and or answering your apple watch or IPhone question on the air. Right now, if anyone is wondering, I am visiting some people out in the country and it is a challenge to get internet that is Werth anything. About the best that can be gotten here is about 3 MBPS down. Sometimes That connection will drop below .5 MBPS. LOL. Anyway, the accessible problem really comes in to play when I want something that can receive and record what it receives. At this time, I have to hook my PC or zoom H1 in to my radio whenever I wish to record something that is coming over the radio. Now days, I find that the news and talk stations are Werth listening to instead of the music station most of the time. There is usually something new on those stations, but such stations are usually a bit one sided. LOL. This means that I have to question everything. If it is a news station, there is a good chance that they will cover one side of a story, and the talk shows covers the other side, or something gets left out. Here, if you wish to make sure a station airs just your side over everything else, you got to make sure that there is something in it for them. If it is a government run station here, chances are, the government would put their spend on everything that goes over that station. So if I don’t look at the BBC with favor, you can guess why. So comes down to getting money for yourself if you’re a station, or having the government comment on what is transmitted. Either way, money to some degree comes in to play.  Whoever pays the bill has a say. The saying, “there is no free lunch” comes in to play here. Sometimes, it is refreshing to channel serf around the HAM radio bands where the only money spent is the money spent on the radio equipment itself. Here in the US, there are a few exceptions to the license rules. For example, the CB band. You can go get yourself a CB radio, and have forty AM type channels to chat with other people on. There are a few rules in place, but there is none requiring a license. Of course that means that those so called rules are usually not enforced. LOL. After all, why would you go and spend money finding a transmitter that is putting out just a bit more power than is leangle if such transmitter is easily moved and owner ship isn’t always known. LOL. Ham radio operators here in the US is given a call sign whenever they get a license and such call signs are usually traceable when they need to be. On the other hand ham radio operators are allowed to change their stations up anyway they like as long as the rules are followed. Here in the US, there is also a FM type band or two that people can get on and chat without a license, but those are usually short range hand held radios that only go about two miles or so. I am not too sure how to convert that to KM. As for me, I like so call playing with different gadgets and the like. I like to see what they can do. LOL. Doesn’t the UK have some kind of long wave ban or something? Thought I read something on Wikipedia and we know how well that can be trusted at times. LOL. Another thing, I find that I do prefer podcast over talk shows a lot. I can usually find a podcast that is more towards my likening. I guess it can be understandable why I want access to the readout on my radio, I do get why it is  done  only in a visual way which does not allow me acces

Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : antonio102991 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

Hello, First of all, I love this game. I love how new features are getting added almost each update. The only things I would like to say are number one, people who want these games to be completely realistic need to get a life outside the computer. I promise I do not say this to offend, but seriously, battle cruisers, bombs, planes, and some of these other requests make me laugh. My second thing is, if we're going to have all these new weapons and ways to kill, then there needs to be a way to make it harder to get killed because I can't get a lot of things without suddenly getting shot at by people and arrows and bullets alone do so much damage. Also, at some point, will there be hunting as well as fishing? Because it would be cool to be able to shoot down animals and skin and butcher them for clothes and meat. Thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Steam ID Exchange

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Razor49 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Steam ID Exchange

Feel Free to add me as well. My steam Id is: Razor4914


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: SoundRTS and the CrazyMod (update 8.3)

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : 拓海 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: SoundRTS and the CrazyMod (update 8.3)

We eagerly look forward to the next version of the early release, do not know what surprises?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Heat Engine, a game engine for BGT games

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Genroa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Heat Engine, a game engine for BGT games

Menus design is already done, I have been slowed by the need to program dialog boxes like choosing a file/dir to open/save. I have almost finished to make them. After that, I'll finish to rework the geometry system (quite simple in fact), and then I'll be able to release a simple version of the editor with updated engine 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Which SSH client should I be using?

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kyle12 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Which SSH client should I be using?

Hi,As for editing over SSH, I actually find I can use terraterm, PuTTY, or even winssh.As for emacspeak, I can't for the lie of me get it to work, so I can't say about E-Shell.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your-adventure beta 1 released nonvisiongames

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your-adventure beta 1 released nonvisiongames

Hi. Okay I've given this a try. first, I definitely like the setup with the music and menus used for travel, and the descriptions albeit I do agree that maybe a little checking of the descriptions might help the game improve the atmosphere. first, I encountered one miner bug, when eating bread the game says "you eat one delicious baked salmon" which is obviously incorrect. I'd also suggest having a command to alter sapi voice speed, sinse while it is doable via the control panel it's easier within the game.Now, my issue at the moment with how the fishing and harvesting work is that there isn't much interaction, you just set something going and wait to see if you get lucky or not, which doesn't really incline me to play more of the game. there are three different ways to go to fix this. either firstly, putting in more random consequences with the skills that your player needs to take note of, such as being attacked or being ab
 le to hav random things happen like finding different fish, pulling up a shark etc. Secondly, maybe some of the skills could involve a bit more to interact with, for example harvesting requires first chopping the grane then tying it into bundles, while fishing is a little more than casting a pole and waiting, usually you need to wait to see if you get a bight, then real the fish in (think how it works on Clok mud). I would suggest myself that perhaps some skils work differently, eg, with harvesting you will harvest enough grane automatically given time and only need the command to begin tying it into bundles (perhaps with some twine for this purpose), and then have to take it to a barn and thresh it to get the grane off the stalks.while fishing needs you to wait and watch and then make a more active decision, eg, deciding whether to give a hard, medium or soft pull on the line once the fish does bight. Grinding flour on the other hand is! a pretty dull pr
 ocess meaning basically just sticking it on one mill stone and waiting for the wind to push the other stone around, though believe me it's more efficient than trying to do it by hand (there is a local windmill museum in nottingham where my parents live which not only has all this practical info but also lets you try it for yourself). Baking bread from flour also takes a bit more than just grane, yeast and water for a start, though how you'd simulate this in game I am not sure. I would also suggest that you consider adding some better uses for cooked goods, eg, restoring energy or maybe you actually do need to eat, particularly if (as I assume), you plan on adding hunting and skinning later on. Lastly, I'd suggest perhaps thinking a bit about what sort of system in combat you want and what sort of rewards it gives, sinse right now combat isn't too interesting sinse your basically just hitting things that just do damage, although it also seems 
 the most efficient way in the game to get gold which is most whackky. I don't  say these things to be harsh or over crytical, I do  recognize this is still a very early betta, just as suggestions for how to make the basic activities in the game such as the crafting and resource collecting a little more interactable.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Your-adventure beta 1 released nonvisiongames

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your-adventure beta 1 released nonvisiongames

Hi. Okay I've given this a try. first, I definitely like the setup with the music and menus used for travel, and the descriptions albeit I do agree that maybe a little checking of the descriptions might help the game improve the atmosphere. first, I encountered one miner bug, when eating bread the game says "you eat one delicious baked salmon" which is obviously incorrect. I'd also suggest having a command to alter sapi voice speed, sinse while it is doable via the control panel it's easier within the game.Now, my issue at the moment with how the fishing and harvesting work is that there isn't much interaction, you just set something going and wait to see if you get lucky or not, which doesn't really incline me to play more of the game. there are three different ways to go to fix this. either firstly, putting in more random consequences with the skills that your player needs to take note of, such as being attacked or being ab
 le to hav random things happen like finding different fish, pulling up a shark etc. Secondly, maybe some of the skills could involve a bit more to interact with, for example harvesting requires first chopping the grane then tying it into bundles, while fishing is a little more than casting a pole and waiting, usually you need to wait to see if you get a bight, then real the fish in (think how it works on Clok mud). I would suggest myself that perhaps some skils work differently, eg, with harvesting you will harvest enough grane automatically given time and only need the command to begin tying it into bundles (perhaps with some twine for this purpose), and then have to take it to a barn and thresh it to get the grane off the stalks.while fishing needs you to wait and watch and then make a more active decision, eg, deciding whether to give a hard, medium or soft pull on the line once the fish does bight. Grinding flour on the other hand is! a pretty dull pr
 ocess meaning basically just sticking it on one mill stone and waiting for the wind to push the other stone around, though believe me it's more efficient than trying to do it by hand (there is a local windmill museum in nottingham where my parents live which not only has all this practical info but also lets you try it for yourself). Baking bread from flour also takes a bit more than just grane, yeast and water for a start, though how you'd simulate this in game I am not sure. I would also suggest that you consider adding some better uses for cooked goods, eg, restoring energy or maybe you actually do need to eat, particularly if (as I assume), you plan on adding hunting and skinning later on. Lastly, I'd suggest perhaps thinking a bit about what sort of system in combat you want and what sort of rewards it gives, sinse right now combat isn't too interesting sinse your basically just hitting things that just do damage, although it also seems 
 the most efficient way in the game to get gold which is most whacky.


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