Re: ps4!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ps4!

The games all require players to enter a room code onto their phones, so they're accessible but all in different ways. You Don't Know Jack is still the most accessible. the idea is, you enter a room using a computer or phone, and then you answer with your phone or computer with buttons labelled as the answer buttons. As usual, the games are not meant for single player, so if you have friends over it's best. And wish there was a way to deal with this account thing. sigh.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

Also, the thing you've all waited for! From now on, the numbered ships that used to be orbitting inderion will now be thrown out into deep space! You'll need to search to find them, and their is a 90 percent chance you'll not find one unless you really and I mean really look hard enough, however if you can find one, if you board it and get it running? Its yours to keep! And yes, that includes the nebvans and voyagers. Enjoy!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I think should take the place of klango in case it dies

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I think should take the place of klango in case it dies

Well, I've been thinking about this for a while, and I think the playroom will replace Klango nicely. It already has built-in forums, and if this can be expanded, the playroom could become quite a large chamber indeed. Perhaps a fund-raiser could be made so that the playroom could be expanded, or even simply a media catalog started. It shouldn't be too hard, as the media streaming system is already there. The fact that the playroom is multi-platform beats Klango senseless. Now we just need the community and forums. We could also share audio there, by adding it to dropbox and putting it into the media catalog, like songs and such, and all this could be sort of voted up or down to gain popularity, but also there could be a "newly added" or "least known" section too, where the least voted songs are kept. Of course this doesn't have to be songs. It could be stories written and converted to speech, and indeed we could have a writing forum too. I just 
 see great potential in the play room, and think that it could very well be a jack of all trades. Now, local media playback may be a problem... Oh wait! Perhaps the playroom could also interface with that other blind-made ... no offense storage solution to provide storage for the media files... Hmm. Perhaps the user could upload a folder or so to that site through the playroom, and then access their media from anywhere! This could also be used for sharing music and such. But, there is the problem of possible piracy, and perhaps the best way is to have a program that checks the metadata for each song. That way 95% of piracy will be rejected. Also, there could be a file uploaded for an audio profile, which hopefully could be more than 1 minute long or over 400 kilobytes. Also, audio messaging could be made possible with the linking of that storage site as well. Perhaps every playroom user gets a generated account so that every one then has 15 gigs of space, and if that user wants t
 o buy more, some of the cost would be given to the playroom. I realize that this would take a lot of time, but as I see it it would be the best solution for quite a few things, and would bring even more people to the playroom.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

@Gene, Tks isn't exactly like Elite sinse the combat is a fairly minimal part of the game and it'sall about the random ports and trading, and as I understand Elite made combat and buying weapons and upgrades a major thing (plus of course it had full 360 spaceship movement). If you want something a bit more combative, try the smugglers games, especially smugglers 5. tks however is great for being different in that it's all about the trading and the routes and hazard avoidance, and is quite a different experience in those terms. I think I made all the appropriate suggestions more recently, so I'll look forward to the upgrade.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

I've been waiting for this one for over a year ever since Tks appeared last year.  I probably won't be trying it until tomorrow evening when I get back to my desktop, but I'll definitely be looking  forward to that, and unless the game is hugely horribler than it's documentation suggestions I'll likely be buying it as well .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: AudioRTS Demo

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : yukionozawa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: AudioRTS Demo

Hi.This consept is what I've never seen before. I really like this.However, I have a serious problem playing the game even in the mono version. It's related to international keyboard layouts. Using Japanese keyboard layout, I can't type tilda without holding down shift key. For this reason, the game can't catch the key event of tilda key, and I'm unable to check any objects in the map.Can you assign a different key that isn't affected by differences of international keyboard layouts, or add some options that I can freely assign each key command?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly chat July 2015

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat July 2015

@Tom, that's interesting. As you know "French fries" are more commonly called chips in britain, however the distinction is a little less clear. Chips tend to be thicker and more chewy than fries, (very bad and greasy if made improperly but rather nice if done well), usually served as the traditional British Fish and chips (hence Sam's conversation with golumn in Lotr). You also do now get a lot of places serving thin, crispy American style Fries, but sort of as a specific Americanism and usually to accompany something American like a burger or ribs as opposed to the usual fish or pie or whatever that would commonly come with chips. Then you frequently get Potatoe wedges, either served as a starter or as an accompanyment, quite common in pizza places, the odd Italian or mexicons. These are as you describe, like chips or french fries but much thicker and usually also on the crispy side, often served with a coating or a dipping sauce. I wonder if wedges are
  similar to Jo Joes? then again, I always thought the potatoe wedges thing was an americanism anyway! gagh! Drake should've left the dam things where he found them and saved us all this linguistic  confusion about how to chop up and fry one particular bulbus vegitable! .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Monthly chat July 2015

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat July 2015

@Tom, that's interesting. As you know "French fries" are more commonly called chips in britain, however the distinction is a little less clear. Chips tend to be thicker and more chewy than fries, (very bad and greasy if made improperly but rather nice if done well), usually served as the traditional British Fish and chips (hence Sam's conversation with golumn in Lotr). You also however, do now get a lot of places serving fries, but if they're  called "fries" they  are cooked in the thin, crispy and American style. Like the term "cookies" Fries are also sort of as a specific Americanism and usually to accompany something American like a burger or ribs as opposed to the usual fish or pie or whatever that would commonly come with chips, (you will rarely see a place advertise "fish and fries" Then you frequently get Potatoe wedges, either served as a starter or as an accompanyment, quite common in pizza plac
 es, the odd Italian or mexicons. These are as you describe, like chips or french fries but much thicker and usually also on the crispy side, often served with a coating or a dipping sauce. I wonder if wedges are similar to Jo Joes? then again, I always thought the potatoe wedges thing was an american import! gagh! Drake should've left the dam things where he found them and saved us all this linguistic  confusion about how to chop up and fry one particular bulbus vegitable! .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: error things

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : lukas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: error things

Oh no. Declaring a function and calling it are two different things. A function call naturally needs to be done from within an outer function, even if it would be just the main one, but a function declaration just can't be done inside a function, and what you did with the keyboard_practice function is just that. Below is a fixed version of your code.There may be some typos left, I haven't checked everything character by character, but the basic principle should work like this.Lukas#include "dynamic_menu.bgt"sound music;sound error;sound[] tone(4);int menu_choice;tts_voice voice;void main(){tone[0].load("1.wav");tone[1].load("2.wav");tone[2].load("3.wav");tone[3].load("4.wav");error.load("error.wav");music.load("music.wav");music.volume=-10;show_game_window("swamp Memmory");voice.
 speak_wait("wellcome to swamp memmory, made from the test game example in the bgt help system.");music.play_looped();dynamic_menu menu;menu.add_item_tts("start getting bashed");menu.add_item_tts("practice being bashed");menu.add_item_tts("chicken out");menu.allow_escape=true;menu.wrap=true;do{"here to get hit all over the place? well, this is a very good place to start!", true);if(menu_choice==1){music.stop();game_round();music.play_looped();}else if(menu_choice==2){music.stop();keyboard_practice();music.play_looped();}}while(menu_choice!=0 and menu_choice!=3);voice.speak_wait("ur, where do you think you're going? the zombies haven't had their dayly brain needs met oh well if you really want to go then, good bye.");}void game_round()
 {}void keyboard_practice(){voice.speak_wait("press any of the 4 arrow keys to find out which swamp zombie normal, tyrant, giant or amorphis is attacking you.");voice.speak_wait("press escape if you are done hitting arrow keys.");while(!key_pressed(KEY_ESCAPE)){if(key_pressed(KEY_LEFT)){play_tone(0);}else if(key_pressed(KEY_DOWN)){play_tone(1);}else if(key_pressed(KEY_RIGHT)){play_tone(2);}else if(key_pressed(KEY_UP)){play_tone(3);}wait(5);}}void play_tone (int t){tone[t].stop();tone[t].play();}


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How to sync samsung galaxy files to computer?

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : eveeve via Audiogames-reflector


How to sync samsung galaxy files to computer?

There're more and more samsung users, it's really very bad to lost important data on your phone, data on your Samsung phone can be lost due to various reasons, not to mention deleting data on Samsung phone by mistake, restoring your phone back to factory settings or formatting the phone, even downloading and installing virulent applications can wipe away your phone data. So it's very necessary to backup your phone, Coolmuster Android Assistant could backup almost everything from your phone to computer.Step by step tutorial: sync samsung galaxy data to computerStep 1: Connect your phone to computer and start the app, you should enable USB debugging on your phone, then click "Allow" on your phone to allow the program super user authorization when an Superuser Request pops up. The app could detect your phone automatically.Step 2: Select data 
 to backupAfter the detect, all files on your phone will shown on an interface, and displayed in clear categories, select and check those you want to backup.Step 3: Now you just need to click "Export" to start the work.That's all!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

The rules of good discussion, please read

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


The rules of good discussion, please read

I've noticed we've recently developed into something of a pattern of escalating tention and over all arguement that has often not been productive. This often seems because people get court up in the moment, or the emotions or their own perspective, and do not consider the over all flow of the conversation, what is being said, or what much of the context is. So, I thought in the interests of making people more aware of what does and does notpromote harmonious iscussion on this forum, I'd share a few observations.Disclaimer!This is not a moderation issue, the moderation hat is off, these are by no way forum policies, these are just the ideas, thoughts and observations of DArk.However, by the same tocan, this is a set of observations by someone who has been required to sort out a large proportion of the drama we've had over the years. Furthermore, I will say being a qualified ethicist, and actually required to chare debates in my time at 
 university, I'll say I've probably seen more than my fare share of arguementation of one sort or another. So, while none of these are official announcements by any stretch of the imagination and anyone is free to disagree, dislike or otherwise hold adverse views, bare in mind these are observations based on at least a reasonable degree of experience. 1: Don't mistake an opinion for an arguement. This one is quite commonly a cause of hassle. "I don't like swamp because I find it boring and confusing" is an opinion. True, I have utilized the clause "because" in this sentence and attributed to Swamp two properties to explain my dislike, however those qualities are ones that "I find" when playing Swamp, not ones that I am atributing to Swamp universally. I am not drawing an opinion of Swamp players or of Swamp's over all quality as a game, I am stating my personal view. You can of course disagree with my vi
 ew in this case, or ask why I think as I do, however because the statement "I think" is employed and this is an opinion, there often isn't too much point in violent disagreement. My opinion that "I don't like Swamp" makes no aspersions on those who do like Swamp, or on swamp's quality as a game, it just states my own relation to swamp, that I dislike it, and usually that is where an opinion ends."Swamp is a bad game because it is boring and confusing" Is a propositional arguement. It attributes the qualities of being boring and confusing to the entity swamp and therefore declares that the possession of those qualities make Swamp a bad game. here I am making a categorical value judgement. I am attributing qualities to swamp, and thus am making an arguement which may be disagreed with quite freely, although after you propose a counter arguement I might well argue for my perspective in return. This is after all a discussion! fo
 rum and the operative word here is "discussion" Btw, I use Swamp as an example here precisely because! cryticisms of Swamp are likely to fuel an emotional reaction, though of course bare in mind Dark actually thinkks Swamp is pretty awesome .2: Disagree with the issue not the person. It is quite possible to disagree with either of the above statements, either the opinion or the arguement. You might ask me "why do you think swamp is boring", or "why do you find Swamp confusing" when i express my opinion. If I express my belief that swamp is a bad game, you may of course disagree if you believe Believe swamp is a good game. However, fundamentally, this is a disagreement about Swamp, not about the people who play Swamp, the people who enjoy swamp, or even the people who arguue against my or your current perspectiv
 e on Swamp. If I were to say "Well you only like swamp because it has gore and zombies and appeals to children, and you only argue against my view because your a child" I am no longer addressing the issue of Swamp. I am attempting to devalue the views of those who disagree with me by explaining their arguement relative to themselves, I am not saying why I! think Swamp is a bad game, I have in short moved the arguement out of the degrees of discussion about the issue to a denigration of those who hold opposing views. It is just as insulting as if I'd said "you only think that because your a moron" This is a frequent sauce of Drama, when instead of keeping the conversation strictly about the issue under discussion one side or the other goes into discussing the views or motivations or personal history of those who hold opposing views. Humans are complicated creatures and trying to say "why someone thinks as they think" is no
 t an easy matter, indeed I would hazard the guess that a person who violently disagrees with someone else's opinion is probably in the worst position of saying why! the first person holds that opinion! .3: contrary views are not bullying. Different people think different things, and as an American president said "you can't please all of the people all of the time" This is a di

The rules of good discussion, please read

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


The rules of good discussion, please read

I've noticed we've recently developed into something of a pattern of escalating tention and over all arguement that has often not been productive. This often seems because people get court up in the moment, or the emotions or their own perspective, and do not consider the over all flow of the conversation, what is being said, or what much of the context is. So, I thought in the interests of making people more aware of what does and does notpromote harmonious iscussion on this forum, I'd share a few observations.Disclaimer!This is not a moderation issue, the moderation hat is off, these are by no way forum policies, these are just the ideas, thoughts and observations of DArk.However, by the same tocan, this is a set of observations by someone who has been required to sort out a large proportion of the drama we've had over the years. Furthermore, I will say being a qualified ethicist, and actually required to chare debates in my time at 
 university, I'll say I've probably seen more than my fare share of arguementation of one sort or another. So, while none of these are official announcements by any stretch of the imagination and anyone is free to disagree, dislike or otherwise hold adverse views, bare in mind these are observations based on at least a reasonable degree of experience. 1: Don't mistake an opinion for an arguement. This one is quite commonly a cause of hassle. "I don't like swamp because I find it boring and confusing" is an opinion. True, I have utilized the clause "because" in this sentence and attributed to Swamp two properties to explain my dislike, however those qualities are ones that "I find" when playing Swamp, not ones that I am atributing to Swamp universally. I am not drawing an opinion of Swamp players or of Swamp's over all quality as a game, I am stating my personal view. You can of course disagree with my vi
 ew in this case, or ask why I think as I do, however because the statement "I think" is employed and this is an opinion, there often isn't too much point in violent disagreement. My opinion that "I don't like Swamp" makes no aspersions on those who do like Swamp, or on swamp's quality as a game, it just states my own relation to swamp, that I dislike it, and usually that is where an opinion ends."Swamp is a bad game because it is boring and confusing" Is a propositional arguement. It attributes the qualities of being boring and confusing to the entity swamp and therefore declares that the possession of those qualities make Swamp a bad game. here I am making a categorical value judgement. I am attributing qualities to swamp, and thus am making an arguement which may be disagreed with quite freely, although after you propose a counter arguement I might well argue for my perspective in return. This is after all a discussion! fo
 rum and the operative word here is "discussion" Btw, I use Swamp as an example here precisely because! cryticisms of Swamp are likely to fuel an emotional reaction, though of course bare in mind Dark actually thinkks Swamp is pretty awesome .2: Disagree with the issue not the person. It is quite possible to disagree with either of the above statements, either the opinion or the arguement, (though as I said disagreement with the opinion is by necessity limited). You might ask me "why do you think swamp is boring", or "why do you find Swamp confusing" when i express my opinion. If I express my belief that swamp is a bad game, you may of course disagree if you Believe swamp is a good game. However, fundamentally, this is a disagreement about Swamp, not about the people who play Swamp, the people who enjoy swamp, o
 r even the people who argu against my or your current perspective on Swamp. If I were to say "Well you only like swamp because it has gore and zombies and appeals to children, and you only argue against my view because your a child" I am no longer addressing the issue of Swamp. I am attempting to devalue the views of those who disagree with me by explaining their arguement relative to themselves, I am not saying why I! think Swamp is a bad game, I have in short moved the arguement out of the realms of discussion about the issue to a denigration of those who hold opposing views. It is just as insulting as if I'd said "you only think that because your a moron" This is a frequent sauce of Drama, when instead of keeping the conversation strictly about the issue under discussion one side or the other goes into discussing the views or motivations or personal history of those who hold opposing views. Humans are complicated creatures and t
 rying to say "why someone thinks as they think" is not an easy matter, indeed I would hazard the guess that a person who violently disagrees with someone else's opinion is probably in the worst position of saying why! the first person holds that opinion! . So, in discussions and when disagreeing, please stay on the subject at hand and maintain a respect for your fell

Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

@Dark;I know, I wrote that message after reading the first message in this thread, as I read through the rest of the thread, I realized that combat was a background activity in TKS where as it was frequent in Elite. Still, flying around in a freighter, buying and selling goods between planets was/is a major part of both games.I noticed several people saying that space games didn't appeal to them that much. I'm not so picky about a game's environment, though I will admit, I've seen some games that looked interesting except for their environment. What I'm mainly interested in, is a good game with good gameplay mechanics? To me, a poor game in a favorite environment isn't as much fun as a good game in a not so appealing environment.For an incentive to upgrading your ship, in Elite, the stronger you got, the stronger your enemies got. The bounties you got for each kill grew as the enemies got stronger, also, when you destroyed an enem
 y, their ship would drop several containers of cargo which you could pick up if your ship was equipped with a cargo scoop, as the enemies grew in strength, their dropped cargo grew in value.In Elite, the prices of the various commodities that each planet bought and sold wasn't allowed to be transmited out of the planet's star system. To help tradors know what to take to a planet, they could look at a galactic map to see what type of planet it is, do they mine minerals or do the grow plants and animals for food, and so on. Using this, you might find two planets close to each other that you could go back and forth to and make a nice profit, or you might find two neighboring planets that dispite being different have closely matched prices so making a decent profit is a lot harder. This kept trading iffy and interesting.The urge to explore is created by a backgroud story. I remember flying to a planet where somebody told me, "A unusual ship was here a few da
 ys ago, they didn't stay long, when they left they headed towards ". You are expected to eventually find your way to that planet where another hint might be dropped, or it might be dropped on one of that planet's neighbors.I'm not suggesting you make a clone of Elite, that's already been done, including an MMO (massively multiplayer online) version. I'm just recalling what the developer of Elite did. Maybe there's a nugget of an idea here, or maybe not.On the JAWS keyboard issue, I suspect the same update was applied to Windows 7 as it has the same keyboard laggyness you mentioned occurring for people running Windows 8. There have been over 200 updates to Windows 7 since service pack 1 was released, and no way to do a search, but, I'll try to find it and remove it, to see if that solves the problem, however; I believe that configuring JAWS to go to sleep when TKS is active is the simpler and better approac
 h, as it allows you to leave what Microsoft considers a needed update in place.I'd love to say I'm going to go play a round of TKS, but since it is around 5:30 in the morning, it'll have to wait until tomorrow, I'm going to try and get at least a couple of hours of sleep. But I am looking forward to this game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

@Gene, what you describe of Elite is very much the style of thing in the Smugglers games which have been described by other reviewers as turn based elite, plus they have a war, faction system, and different professions as well as unique economics and ship upgrades and some awesome turn based combat. For more information see The smugglers 5 database entry, and there is a podcast by muggins which you can Download here from sendspace I'm a big fan of the series in case you haven't guessed . In addition, there is Star traders on Ios see db page here a more recent game that works slightly differently to smugglers, (much more complex crew manag
 ement an factions but slightly less story).  And in addition there are some accessible online games of spaceship trading, most noteable and imho bestt being Core exiles  So, lots of choice in the genre, though it's a genre I like . Traders of KNown space however is a different type of game, it's much quicker, has just ten planets, really requires you to watch prices and doesn't have a huge element of combat, likewise in traders it's all about the trading! Even the tactics are different sinse where in star traders it's all a matter of exploring the planets for prices and taking note of things like trade wars between factions or different surpless events, while smugglers has a full galactic economy with different events that happen according to bo
 th the war and different news items that occur, Tks is much more where you need to carry different resources and watch for deals, indeed the economics there suit the game rather than being realistic.Where as games of smugglers or star traders can take days, you can finish a tks game in half an hour if you like. My only major cryticism and what I'd like to see expanded is currently the early game is much like the late game, and the only upgrade that really affects your ship and what you do is the size of the cargo bay. While I don't particularly fancy the idea of Tks becomming a big combat fest, some sort of rewards or chances to gain rewards for say more deflectors or engines or guns might be nice, as would be some ways of changing how you move around the map so the information you recieve about distant planets is a bit more useful as right now Tks as I said above seems to work on pretty strict trade routes. On theme, I agree.  I&
 #039;ve often seems games with weerd ideas that I like because of how they're constructed. That being said, I do enjoy scifi settings myself anyway, as you might have guessed .


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : avidgamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

hi are the ten levels the ones in the arcade-style mode then and normal mode is a story? i assume each time play either mode everything random so decisions change each time?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: rotation package people, start creating fps's!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: rotation package people, start creating fps's!

Sam;This looks very good! Thanks for sharing!I'm currently learning BGT to write a couple of games from ideas based on games I played 35 years ago. One was a top down adventure that I want to make into a first person adventure. The other is a simulation that I want to replace the graphics with 3D sound.Should be interesting! The games, when they are ready, will be free. For me, this is a hobby, not a source of income.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Battle of the you and grey

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Battle of the you and grey

Yes, it's finally happened! Battle stations! action stations! Alert stations! Train stations! Tram stations! any bloody stations, just get stationed at them and prepare for battle! The greys are attacking, so all fighters scramble, and if you can't scramble then at least fry or boil something, sinse if we don't intercept the enemy they'll be serving us with a gbig tripple omlit of onions cheese and extra pain with a side order of agony salt! This urgency is because what we've been awaiting has finally happened, the new title Interceptor from Valiant Galaxy associates has hove into view,a turn based tactical combat space fest where you get into your interceptor fighter and engage in hechtic combat against the enemy aliens known as the greys, oh and yes, I'm aware that it is prejudiced, narrow minded and wrong to refer to an entire race just by the colour of their skin, but it's also not very nice to murder billions of humans across th
 e civilized planets so it probably balances out. Like any interceptor pilot you'll need to use your weapons such as particle beam, neutrino cannon and rockets to good effect, and compensate  for the damage to your ship's various systems, deciding when and how to accept repares or replacements. The game costs 10 Dollars, and like their previous title Yellow Bonnet, uses the Guide doge game distribution service, however also as with Yellow Bonnet a demo exists letting you play the first level for free to get a feeling for the game. For more information you can Read the documentation here  (including an explanation of the history of the war with the Greys and  humanity's interaction with the various other  alienn races across the galaxy). If you want to dive streight in and get blasting you can Download the game here and of course as usual if you feel the need for comments, questions or other ramblements, use This thread Now you have your orders so quick march, --- or fly, or at least propell yourself quickly in the vague direction of battle and hopefully do soemthing destructive along the way!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Battle of the you and grey

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Battle of the you and grey

Yes, it's finally happened! Battle stations! action stations! Alert stations! Train stations! Tram stations! any bloody stations, just get stationed at them and prepare for battle! The greys are attacking, so all fighters scramble, and if you can't scramble then at least fry or boil something, sinse if we don't intercept the enemy they'll be serving us with a gbig tripple omlit of onions cheese and extra pain with a side order of agony salt! This urgency is because what we've been awaiting has finally happened, the new title Interceptor from Valiant Galaxy associates has hove into view,a turn based tactical combat space fest where you get into your interceptor fighter and engage in hechtic combat against the enemy aliens known as the greys, oh and yes, I'm aware that it is prejudiced, narrow minded and wrong to refer to an entire race just by the colour of their skin, but it's also not very nice to murder billions of humans across th
 e civilized planets so it probably balances out. Like any interceptor pilot you'll need to use your weapons such as particle beam, neutrino cannon and rockets to good effect, and compensate  for the damage to your ship's various systems, deciding when and how to accept repares or replacements. The game costs 10 Dollars, and like their previous title Yellow Bonnet, uses the Guide dog game distribution service, however also as with Yellow Bonnet a demo exists letting you play the first level for free to get a feeling for the game. For more information you can Read the documentation here  (including an explanation of the history of the war with the Greys and  humanity's interaction with the various other  alienn races across the galaxy). If you want to dive streight in and get blasting you can Download the game here and of course as usual if you feel the need for comments, questions or other ramblements, use This thread Now you have your orders so quick march, --- or fly, or at least propell yourself quickly in the vague direction of battle and hopefully do something destructive along the way!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Battle of the you and grey

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Battle of the you and grey

A simple question (I hope): Is Guide Dog simply a distribution system? Or is it like Steam in that the distribution client also provides DRM and other functions like in game chat and so has to be running when the game is played.Thanks!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

@Dark;Really!? I'll have to take another look at the smugglers games then. Something about the name put me off on them, I think I had the impression the game was about smugglers at sea, which didn't exactly pique my interest.So, TKS is rather small compared to Elite, you sound like you're familiar with the game (Elite). Elite was massive, it took me about a year of devoting what free time I had to finishing it.


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Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Interceptor by Valiant Galaxy Associates

Jeremy Here:The major difference between quick mode and normal mode is that quick mode does not integrate as many of the system interactions that occur when a system is damaged.  In quick mode, damage is more a matter of concern primarily with weapons systems and critical systems.  A few systems, if damaged, have obvious negative impacts: engines for instance.  However, overall, quick mode is much more forgiving than normal mode.  I just played a game in normal mode where my deflector, port engine, and particle beam were all destroyed in the same level.  The deflector being destroyed meant all damage was directly applied to the system aimed at.  The port engine not only impaired my chances of evasion for repair, but also impaired my chances at gaining the initiative.  The particle beam being destroyed was worrying because I was low on rockets, and my nutrino cannon was also damaged.  Before I could replace destroyed systems and repair
  I had I believe 8% on my electrical system which impacted weapons strength for the energy weapons, 3% on the navigational computers which impacted how well I could maneuver toward or away from the enemy, my targeting computer was damaged which impacted my accuracy, and my reactors were damaged which impacted my energy output.  The point defense was at 2% which meant rocket attacks became even more dangerous.  Overall, it was scary:)  In quick mode, most of that would have been scary, but less so; the reactors, electrical system, and navigation computer would all have ben critically damaged critical systems.  The other systems would not have impacted play as much as they did in the normal mode.  I hope this helps to explain the difference.  For those of you who wonder how the game turned out, I managed to replace all destroyed systems, repair to almost new condition, and survived long enough to beat the game.  I ended with a score of 275,000 points
 .  The randomness comes in four major places:First off on each level, except for levels with special ships, there are random numbers of fighters.  This is actually also true of the level including the command and control vessel.Second, except on some levels early in the game, there are random chances to get different types of fighters.  Once you reach higher levels of the game, the chances are weighted more heavily toward manned fighters; early on it is weighted more heavily toward drone fighters.  Third, any ship in the game can appear with damage already inflicted, presumably by other interceptors in your fighter wing.  These sometimes present opportunities for quick victories.Fourth, the damage to systems changes from game to game.  While the basic factors of the game are always the same, those four random factors make each game quite different.  I've been play testing the game for three years, and 
 have worked out, what is to my mind, an optimal strategy, and I still routinely die playing the game due to random chance.  I also routinely beat the game, due to my knowledge of how to minimize the randomness.  I still find it an enjoyable game though, and it has a lot of potential to grow.  One long term plan, mind you we have no date for this, is to introduce mission based interceptor or perhaps mission levels into a revamped interceptor.  We have notes for the missions, information about rewards, perks, and other things to make the missions worth while.  That's a ways down the road though.  We want to update our free game TKS this summer, and then begin work on a larger project.Hope this helps to clarify, if not, continue asking questions, we'll be happy to respond.Jeremy


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Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

As speshily requested by darth_scorp and a few others, and a change that will be extremely enjoyable! The environmental effects system, used to produce the extremely awsome effects as seen in project alpha, is now an option in the game! And it fully works, as well, we're just implementing the door system to take account of this new change, and next will be the footsteps.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

Word of caution:Most of the changes to TKS will be quality of life changes and some imports from Yellowbonnet, such as the ability to name your ship and your captain.  A number of the more sweeping changes that have been suggested on this forum and in other places will find their way into the commercial version of TKS which is projected to be larger, more complex, and use different mechanics for a number of elements.  That said, we welcome all suggestions: what we don't use for TKS 6 will find their way into the commercial game. As to comparisons to other games: I honestly can't speak to that; I've read up on Smugglers, and once I have enough money to buy a copy intend to try it, it sounds neat.  I vaguely remember Elite, but I don't remember if I actually played it, or again, just read about it.TKS was meant to emulate games such as TaiPan, Egypt Trader, and the like in a science fiction setting.  It got much more compl
 icated than most of those games, and some elements took on more prominence than I had intended.  The combat is one aspect that many players wanted to have as a larger part of the game.Aaron and I are both gratified that it has achieved what little notoriety it has; it was a labor of love.  Aaron wanted to use it in a technology camp he was helping to organize, and I wanted to put a free game into the market to show case some of the ideas inherent in our setting.  Thank you all for the responses, the criticisms, and the suggestions.  They made TKS 5 a lot better and will improve TKS 6 as well.  When big brother comes out, I hope that it will satisfy and show off your contributions to your satisfaction.Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

Jeremy here:Gene,Good suggestions.  Some of these are ones we are pursuing, and some are not.  Thanks again.  Dark,TKS suffered from speed development.  A number of the mechanics, economics, etc were made much simpler in the interest of speeding up development and coding.  One reason we want to develop a larger commercial version of the game is to correct our own dissatisfactions with the game as well as  those expressed by players and critics.  We never liked the economic system for instance, and the end-game/early-game issues were things that bothered us as well.  For what it is, TKS is a good game and a lot of fun.  However, to compare it against a large scale game with a lot of story elements is like comparing Lunar Lander to a fully fledged game that involves a combat landing on a planet.  I hope the commercial version will address enough of the issues, and do so in an engaging enough way, tha
 t it is not merely another take on territory already well covered by others.  We will see what comes of it.:)Take care,Jeremy


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Re: Battle of the you and grey

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Battle of the you and grey

Hello,@gean: the client has to be running when playing the full version of the game, at all times, from what I understand. Also, an internet connection seems to be required as well.


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Re: Schools and universities in the USA for foreign students

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JoeFoeGames via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Schools and universities in the USA for foreign students

Thanks for that additional Information. I also thought about a state University or college, but I tend more to a University. If I am allowed to ask, which unversity did you visit?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Schools and universities in the USA for foreign students

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JoeFoeGames via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Schools and universities in the USA for foreign students

Thanks for that additional Information. I also thought about a state University or college, but I tend more to a University. If I am allowed to ask, which university did you visit?


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Re: How to sync samsung galaxy files to computer?

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: How to sync samsung galaxy files to computer?

Hello,The question is, where does it export to? Does it end any data off anywhere?


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Re: Battle of the you and grey

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Battle of the you and grey

Oops! When I saw this thread was in the News section, I thought that I shouldn't have posted my question here, at the same time you were answering, I was removing it to post it in a more appropriate section of the forum.Here is the original question:GeneWarner wrote:Is Guide Dog simply a distribution system? Or is it like Steam in that the distribution client also provides DRM and other functions like in game chat and so has to be running when the game is played.Thanks for the answer, unfortunately, that means I won't be buying these games. From experience, I've found that these clients tend to cause more problems than whatever benefits they might provide are worth.Oh well...


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Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

Crap, unfortunately, I just found out that Guide Dog is a distribution client similar to Steam and Origin in that it has to be running when the game runs. From experience with those two and other distribution clients, I've found that they often cause more problems than they are worth. So, I've made it a policy that if a game or other software ins't available without the distribution client requirement, I don't buy the game.Even if TKS doesn't currently require the Guide Dog be running when it runs, its future is in that direction.Enjoy the game folks, and good luck with it and your other games,vga.


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Re: Accessible email client

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible email client

Ok, I'm trying Mozilla Thunderbird for email.Every time I highlight an email with external graphics, Thunderbird pops up an alert about blocking the external content. Other than allowing the content, how do you stop that very annoying alert from popping up?If that alert can't be gotten rid of, Thunderbird is out of here!


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Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

Ok, I have 2 ideas. first, Voice chat would be really cool, especially in rollplay. With those effects, that would only make DMNB more realistic. I think it is a good idea to make a ship that is assigned to a bounty to have the autopilot set to the coardinates of the pirated starship. While I was on one of my many ban evading trips, I noticed a critical bug on my end. most of the time, I would get a bounty, I would paste it into notepad, and memorize sections of the numbers and type them in, because, for some odd reason, I could not paste them back into the text fields for the console. So, sometimes I would finnish typing the numbers and  when I press enter, the game freezes, unless I am fast enough to enter them. It only does it with big numbers, when typing pauses for more than approximately 7.2 seconds. I can enter a bunch of numbers, just by pressing random numbers, as if trying to spam over skype, and go into deep space based on randomly inputted numbers, without it free
 zing, and me having to alt f4 the game. And one more thing. I think there should be ground combat vehicles, as well as more weapons. And, since we have npcs, there should be more than 1 method of doing a bounty. This second method would involve you beaming into the pirated ship, and killing the crue, or just killing the captain, then bringing the ship back for a reward, or detaining the crue then bringing the ship back. There is one more bug I forgot to mintion. When I would use the waypoint manager, a bunch of places that I never set up, were in my list of waypoints.


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Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : superb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

Hello. @dannyCould you give us an example of how you think enforced sleep would kill rollplaying, so I don't answer your question incorrectly?Thank you.


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Re: Accessible email client

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : GeneWarner via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible email client

@john;I have Office 2007, which has the ribbons, and I don't mind them. JAWS has an option that causes it to present them as if they were classic drop down menus. But I'll find that 2009 version you mentioned because what you describe sounds so simple which is what I'd like.


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Re: iOS game discovered: "Adventure to fate", a turn based jrpg

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : TouchMint via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS game discovered: "Adventure to fate", a turn based jrpg

Hey guys so im working on the next adventure to fate and i need some advice. I am currently adding pets and want to get some input on how to implement them. currently they will work as follows:You select a pet when creating your character you will have a choice of maybe 3? they will have some basic skills and a passive skillPets turn will take place after your characters turn? they wont be able to be hit by the enemies but they will be able to hit the enemies they wont be super strong but will have skills that hit the enemies, buff the players, heal the players and debuff the enemies. they might even have a hit all attack.I plan on you being able to collect pets and choose which one you take into battle. youll pick one at the start and then after you beat each of the 5-6 sections of the game youll earn more. Pets will also be auto leveled to which ever level you are and will have an average of your stats? or stat up as you level up? anyways its g
 oing to add a very cool twist on the game but I just wanted to run these ideas by everyone. I would love any feedback good or bad because its really just in the planning stage.


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is this possible?

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : dardar via Audiogames-reflector


is this possible?

Hi guysSo I want to impliment a new idea into my products where you go down the menu and one of the items is help. You click that and it opens readme.txtNow in bgt I have seen that if you use an alert function it shows it, but you cant navigtate threw it to read it slowly or bit by bit or what ever.So is it possible in bgt and if so, how do you do it?Thanks!


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Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

Hello,I won't say much but ... if you are trying to make this real, then you shud as well turn us to cats if ounly way to regenerate energy Will be sleep. Think about it: you run a bit,  and you are because of that tired. still, you sit a bit, drink, and you really don't need sleep. (wait! don't listen to this! just ... just turn us to cats, that's even better!)Well, that with cats was just joak that isn't exactly funny, but cats really sleep much more than humans ... and most of them like fishes ... hahaha.


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Re: Schools and universities in the USA for foreign students

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Schools and universities in the USA for foreign students

Of course then you have to score well on your SAT, hah. I scored absolutely terrible and the community college i was accepted into didn't require the test so i got off lucky.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Schools and universities in the USA for foreign students

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Schools and universities in the USA for foreign students

I actually visited or looked at several universities before deciding. I ended up going to Wright State University in Dayton Ohio for my computer science courses.


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Some websites that could be useful

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fluffy solger via Audiogames-reflector


Some websites that could be useful

Hi.I think I fownd some websites that might have old games on them, Please don't be mad gorthalon and pittremach.WWW.satoprogs.deI just want to look up the otherone.


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Re: Clok Mud

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

No one talks in the IRC I've noticed, no one was ever there when I checked it out


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Re: Epitaph Soundpack

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Epitaph Soundpack

Ah I fixed the script pathing issue, now its causing tracebacks... lol


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Re: Scrolling Battles Pro

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : techmaster20 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Scrolling Battles Pro

Ok, I forgot a few things. Enemies should have body fall sounds depending on the tile that they were on. I also would like to see the ability to throw enemies off a platform, and for them to attempt to throw you. When creating weapons, you should be able to add a scope that allows you to see enemies that are a certain distance away. You should be able to set how many tiles away the scope can see. Also, I would like to see the ability to add audio cut sceens into sb missions. You should be able to set what stuff a char starts with at the beginning of a mission, and place items for the player to get. If all that, pluss the stuff mintioned in this post, pluss my previous one, I would pay about 10 bucks if I could. If you do introduce the mission mode, I would be glad to make a few example ones kind of kind of how the 2dp had some examples, before you release the update with the mode. Those features would make this, deffinately a pro app, compared to even the rewrite.


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Re: TDV 1 tutorials and trailer

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: TDV 1 tutorials and trailer

Hi, If I remember correctly Mohammad recorded a full playthrough of the game. Does somebody have those lying around? I am interested in listening them again.


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Re: Battle of the you and grey

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — AG-News room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Battle of the you and grey

Post questions where you will. The news is there to give a message on front of site, but that's no reason we can't have discussion, really it's not as if there are a limited number of threads so we can only have one per subject .As for Guide dog, right now it's a distribution and payment system and does indeed need to be running and online to play, however other functions such as score posting,  maybe awards and chat could be added later, Interceptor is literally the second game to use the system so it's still very early days.


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Re: pygame

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: pygame

Pygame has a flawed event handling system that one notices when they create the same thing in both pyglet and pygame.I stopped making support for pygame in pyaudiogame and I am moving more to using a system like pyglet or panda3d, but I haven't made up my mind what one to really do yet. I have ported the major stuff to pyglet and I am porting to panda3d, then I will figure out what one is easier to distribute with the most power.Currently for something like a basic board game pyaudiogame will be perfect. It just strips out all the junk out of pygame and gives you what you need. It does not have many helper functions and the documentation is rather slim, but if you already understand what a class is and how to use objects you should be fine using pyaudiogame in its current state. You can use pygame directly from pyaudiogame, so if there is functionality you want that isn't already in pyaudiogame, you can just type something like pyaudiogame.pygame or reimport 


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Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cruiser destroyer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

hello sam! it has been 3 or 4 days ago, when you announce a police about killing players. flattener is killing everyone on his way. i don't know how he find us, but he find us and killed 5 times! he was standing at the spawning point. and he was watching us somehow. We wasn't trust him... I know, i can't order you, but i will just say: I want this player to be banned. because we are very tired of him. Thanks.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

@Gene, I'm familiar withh Elite in the sense that I've had friends who were big fans, seen tv reviews and have read a little about the game, but too much text and graphical issues with 3D space flight even in 80's graphics put it beyond the level of stuff I can play, one reason I was so pleased to discover the Smugglers series and similar games I could play with a screen reader. I@m quite the smugglers fan as you might gather and have spent many hours on all the games,  but especially smugglers 5 (both versions), with it's random and advanced combat system and explorable planets. The only miner issue is that  I've heard people state Jaws works less well with the Smugglers games than other screen readers. This is because the games are essentially mainstream graphical rpgs that the developer has included screen reader accessible ascii text with (you have to activate the blind compatibility mode in the game settings menu when starting the gam
 e). You then need to use your screen reader's virtual curser to read the screen and emulate mouse clicks. Apparently, because of the way Jaws Columnizes it's information with the Jaws curser, it doesn't handle the text as well as some other programs, indeed I've heard people state they switch screen readers to play the smugglers games. Again, not sure on confirmation of this sinse I don't use Jaws myself, or if there is a work around, but if you start the game and find the text somewhat mangled, that might be the reason why and you should possibly be aware before trying, indeed I'd recommend giving the db pages a read, (the db generally is a useful resource, though sinse I have written a significant amount of it I probably would say that), . Getting back to Tks, as I said it's not really intended to be a massive game like S
 mugglers (or elite for that matter). it's got it's own rather different style however, and i will say I like the fact that trading is so easy and Tks is such a great game to just pick up and bang a quick half hour out on, as however it's free, you can  just give it a try for yourself.


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Re: iOS interactive story game released!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : harrylst via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS interactive story game released!

a few things:1. for some reason it didn't access my contacts. It gave me vallery mason, tim laton and names like that when I got to that scene. I don't know why.2. I know you stress accessibility, but there seems to be a minor oversight... as far as I can figure out (being blind), the commentary is not accessible to deaf people, nor to the deafblind.  If you are stressing accessibility ffor all, it's just something I thought i'd point out.But overall, a wonderful game, and I look forward to the next one.


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Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : dhruv via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

I hate these rules because they are stupid and annoying!anyway, I am really sad that a post like that needed to be written. Just...chill out okay? it's kind of annoying seeing a new flamewar topic every day I hit new posts. Thanks.


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New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Wastelander via Audiogames-reflector


New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

I have been working on this game for a month or so now and was recently informed by a blind-gamer that my game was very accessible due to the console screen interface.the game while currently still being in development includes random factions such as cults/raiders/tribes and nomads, randomly generated cities with every single building enter-able including (shops/mines/hotels/healers/shacks/fightingpits) as well as countless other features like random dungeons, Mutations, Special fight moves, monsters, weapons, music and various regions.The game is completely free and can be found in the sidebar on Reddit/r/thewastes or in the latest changelogs!I will be happy to answer any questions and I hope you enjoy the game!


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Re: iOS game discovered: "Adventure to fate", a turn based jrpg

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS game discovered: "Adventure to fate", a turn based jrpg

@Stewee, I confess I didn't bother with intimidate, sinse I wasn't really sure how much it affected the enemy and it's a dam expensive skill to use, again I'll try next time I try a knight though right now I'm having more fun watching Hermione the gnome kick some serious bottom .@Touchmint, pets is a nice idea indeed, and I do like the idea of the pet having it's own turn. However, one thing that might be fun might be to reward players for replaying the game by unlocking more pets to have combinations with. So, say instead of a choice of pets, classes start with a particular pet, eg, the knight and paladin could start with a horse which gave them a charge attack, a wizard and illusionist start with a magical cat which gave them an sp replacing buff etc, with extra, class specific pets possible to earn later, for example the paladin mi
 ght earn a white dragon, which had a holy fire damage and healing attack, while the knight could earn the thoroughbred, an upgraded version of the horse. The further each class got in the game, the more pets they'd earn (perhaps two or three per class, though with cross overs). once a pet was unlocked however, it was unlocked perminantly and you could choose to start with it, thus if you wanted a knight to start with the white dragon, they could. That way you would give players rewards for playing as different classes and unlocking them, and also give another level of equipment customization and pet behaviour sinse pets which some classes earned but were less good for their playing style might be awesome for others,  so for example a wizard might earn the mosquito pet which lowered an opponent's defense to physical attacks as well as draining a little hp, less good for a wizard but awesome for a knight.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: iOS game discovered: "Adventure to fate", a turn based jrpg

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS game discovered: "Adventure to fate", a turn based jrpg

@Stewee, I confess I didn't bother with intimidate, sinse I wasn't really sure how much it affected the enemy and it's a dam expensive skill to use, again I'll try next time I try a knight though right now I'm having more fun watching Hermione the gnome kick some serious bottom .@Touchmint, pets is a nice idea indeed, and I do like the idea of the pet having it's own turn. However, one thing that might be fun might be to reward players for replaying the game by unlocking more pets to have combinations with. So, say instead of a choice of pets, classes start with a particular pet, eg, the knight and paladin could start with a horse which gave them a charge attack, a wizard and illusionist start with a magical cat which gave them an sp replacing buff etc, with extra, class specific pets possible to earn later, for example the paladin mi
 ght earn a white dragon, which had a holy fire damage and healing attack, while the knight could earn the thoroughbred, an upgraded version of the horse. The further each class got in the game, the more pets they'd earn (perhaps two or three per class, though with cross overs). once a pet was unlocked however, it was unlocked perminantly and you could choose to start with it, thus if you wanted a knight to start with the white dragon, they could. That way you would give players rewards for playing as different classes and unlocking them, and also give another level of equipment customization and pet behaviour sinse pets which some classes earned but were less good for their playing style might be awesome for others,  so for example a wizard might earn the mosquito pet which lowered an opponent's defense to physical attacks as well as draining a little hp, less good for a wizard but awesome for a knight.Heck, if you really! wanted to give your player
 s a challenge, you could have a class which was specifically harder to play, but earned awesome pets, say a shaman or beast caller who was very weak, didn't have much magic,  or strength, but had great animal assistance .One thing I do hope for in Atf 3 is more exploring, sinse personally I do love the hole poking into hiden places, exploring every corner not sure what you will find  aspect of dungeoning, and I know this was part of quest to the core, though judging by the touch arcade review some aspects didn't go down as well with some people. Still, now that there is a very usable square labelling system for the dungeon, i do hope we'll get some places to explore next game.


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Re: You know you code too much when...

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: You know you code too much when...

90. You can't figure out why everyone talks about using a word processor when you know it uses symbols outside the ASCII or unicode character set.91. You always submit your assignments in .txt files because you know everyone can open them and that is what you save everything in to begin with.92. When your teacher asks people to create a powerpoint for a class you raise your hand and ask if you can do it in HTML instead.93. You git your papers rather than saving them in different files for different versions.94. When you find an inaccessible element on a webpage you contact the company and your first email contains the lines of HTML in both the current and corrected version.95. When you hear the word "host" or "domain" you think of web development rather than the host of the party or a kingdom.96. When you see people on Facebook blaming their computer for being too complicated, having a mind of their own or being a proble
 m you always try to explain how it is really not the computer's fault, it is their or the programmers fault.


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Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

Lol Druhv, you got me with the first line of your post, I thought "doh! here we go again!" I agree it's not good this had to be said, indeed I had the idea of posting this a while ago but refrained in the hopes it would not be necessary, still I'd rather explain some facts than continually get into shenanigans.


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Some websites that could be useful

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fluffy solger via Audiogames-reflector


Some websites that could be useful

WWW.satoprogs.deWWW.pmssworld.dreams.comthese websites might have old games on them


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Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

Link please? I can't see it anywhere around. This game sounds very awesome in my opinion.


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Re: Clok Mud

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

esp adn chat are the two main gchanne you really  have to connect, though you don't really like any of them. Chat is for everything. Irc is not in use anymore now, at least not since chat rules everything out of character


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Accessible email client

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Accessible email client

I use mozilla thunderbird. It's easy to use. Outlook 6 was very good too, but what I hated about it was that you had to do a lot of configuration to make it support Hotmail.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

Hi Wastelander and welcome to the forum. I will say the game sounds great, however I'n unsure of where to find it.  could you please post a link to download and try the game? I always thought reddit was primarily a blogging system or similar, so I'm a wee bit confused. Also, when you say the game is "ascii" exactly what do you mean? Games such as roguelikes like nethack that use ascii maps from a top down perspective are just about playable a blind person with effort, but have their share of problems which is why we don't list them in our accessible games database. this is because all blind computer users use screen readers that read text aloud line by line. As you imagine, hearing your screen reader say hash dot hash hash hash hash hash hash bar at hash hash dot dot bar hash, isn't exactly informative on what is going on in the game .Some people have access to a braille display, that will display a tactile line of characters and these are more successful with roguelikes, however  braille displays are hugely expensive, and still do not show a large amount of on screen information (even  the most expensive braille display which can cost  run as much as two thousand dollars will only show  a single line of 80 characters, so will still require a massive amount of careful reading and memorization to read a roguelike style ascii map. on the other hand, if the game has descriptions of the area in plane text, or abilities to look around that do not rely on a top down ascii view that would be amazing! console style games and screen readers go together very well much of the time, indeed as MArta said this game sounds great!


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Re: Clok Mud

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Clok Mud

For those interested, here's  the step by step guide on how to install mush soundpack by sneaky :1. install mushclient, if you don't have. If you have mush-z, don't do it.2. replace every single file in the stuff folder with the mush-z folder. if you have mush-z, don't do it.3. As you can see, there're two world folders, the one outside and the one inside. The correct world you have to work on is the one inside, not outside. Don't bother with anything outside, except the world.4. Now you can follow the instructions in the read me file, to be exact, all tou have to do is replace the whole world. If you use mush-z, don't fear you'll lose Alter, because you'll not. Then you have to change the script path. Control+d on clokworld.lua (the one in the world folder you replace). You'll see the path, coppy from there by holding shift+down, and control+c.5. Now you got the path file, open clok.mcl with note
 pad or wordpad, the one outside the clok sounds folder (the one inside the folder is the older version, the latest one is the one with the clok, plugins and whatever outside). Find the line that says "script_filename=blahblahblah\clokworld.lua". Delete everything in that line (from C: to clok), then pase the path you got. Make sure the end of the path is something\clokworld.lua. It's actually suppose to be whatever\whatever\whatever\clok\clokworld.lua, because that's where the path is (the whatever thingy is what your path leads, anywhere it is).6. Connect to the clok.mcl outside (the one you just scripted), and set your option as the read me states. Now the sounds should 100% work.Creditted by Sneak himself. I got it by talking to him in Clok.


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Re: Google books?

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chandu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Google books?

so the question is, how can I read the book using JAWS or NVDA?


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Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

Is this a work of Interactive Fiction, a MOO MUD MUSH or any other such?


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Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

This is pretty cool. I thought I was going to get killed by the ants, hahaa. I'm going to surely play it some more.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

This is pretty cool. I thought I was going to get killed by the ants, hahaa. I'm going to surely play it some more later on. I'm interested in seeing how the story progresses, but from what I've seen, it's nice.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

Hi. I just googled this and found it straight away . Link


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

This is pretty cool. I thought I was going to get killed by some ants, hahaa.  I like how the combat is done via a number system, but the only thing about it I haven't figured out yet is both times I got a weapon, it broke on the first hit. I saw a skill that'makes them less likely to break, but I don't know if each weapon breaks after a certain amount of uses, or what.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : livrobo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

The game has its own subreddit where people can talk about it, which is why the developer linked to a subreddit rather than the actual game. The link to download is in the subreddits information under the first heading.


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where can i buy stocks online

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : compass via Audiogames-reflector


where can i buy stocks online

Is this interesting: what will be where can i buy stocks online? Ufe … line/Where where can i buy stocks online.html


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Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

Well sometimes I drag myself into this sort of drama when I shouldn't be. and I am guilty of some of the charges listed in post 1. The fact is I can discuss topics peacibly when other people are, but I tend to get miffed when all the bashing starts up and I get myself in the middle of it. As I see it, In the topic about FS and their EULA, a certain someone was accusing people of acting like children, ok, so maybe the name that was being bandied about is less than respectful but why was that the sticking point, and those who used it were judged for using it. I've used the name in casual conversation and got a laugh or two out of it, is it really necessary to come down on someone and accuse them of acting childish for using that sort of name, I don't think it is. And people are judged a lot here, and I don't see how it is entirely necessary. Look, I'm 29 and I do things sometimes that could be considered immature or childish but I don't do that all the 
 time. I pay my bills on time every month and have a handle on my financial situation, people need to realize its ok to be a little immature at times just as long as you're not harming other people while indulging themselves. And look, is life worth living if you're so serious all the time, I mean, life's as much  as having fun than it is to working, and its a balance that you have to strive to keep in equallibrium. Now let me ask a question, is that name harming anyone who works for FS? I mean because of that name, are they less likely to receive business, I severely doubt it. So I found the responses from a certain someone to be a little out of line there. Now let's jump over to the 4chan topic. I've never even heard of 4chan, the only reason I responded in that topic was because I was seeing Terminator being attacked by, let's just say that certain someone. Which, by the way, I have seen others being attacked because they posed an opposite viewpo
 int, and I was starting to get annoyed that this was happening yet again, so I responded. Now if I hadn't responded maybe the topic would have ended, and maybe I should consider just ignoring these types of attacks on people and just not responding. Well now what I see is hypocrisy because that certain someone is acting childish where before that person was judging others to be. And that last post where the person in question made a derogatory remark about the ways other countries handled their affairs, I found that to be across the line as well. That was my motive in responding in that topic and I made things worse unintentionally.


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trade stocks risks free

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : compass via Audiogames-reflector


trade stocks risks free

Hello welcome our visitors to our esteemed this most gorgeous of which offer you a wonderful shares for sale . Where you can buy and prevalence stock price to rise , then you can sell it to ’re making a lot of money. In addition to this , this company is distinct from the rest of the stock of other companies which Tsttiona of which deal with banks on major global bank cards, PayPal and Visa Card and Perfect Mooney and BiteCoin . For this reason do not waste the opportunity to change your life and joined this company today before tomorrow so that changed the course of your life with us. In addition to what came before us , the very security of our system and you can withdraw your money and brought into the company safely . Also, our company has always sought to develop the same thing to another better . The decision so you become wealthy in your hands as you can learn how to work through Active site’s home page . and good luck with purchasesharesonline . and With online stocks there are no questions what is best time to buy stocks, when to buy and sell stocks or which share to buy now; the answer is just do it now. if you buy stock online you do not need to have broker do not need to pay brokerage fee. purchase shares


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Re: iOS interactive story game released!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: iOS interactive story game released!

@Harrielst, that wasn't the scene of using your contacts, it was a  general knolidge question, Valory mason is a poet I believe. As far as I could gather the only use of your actual information was your location inserted into the text and requiring you to name your best friend and character, which as I said above I didn't personally rate, although I did like the story over all.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

trade stocks risks free

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : compass via Audiogames-reflector


trade stocks risks free

Hello welcome our visitors to our esteemed this most gorgeous of which offer you a wonderful shares for sale . Where you can buy and prevalence stock price to rise , then you can sell it to ’re making a lot of money. In addition to this , this company is distinct from the rest of the stock of other companies which Tsttiona of which deal with banks on major global bank cards, PayPal and Visa Card and Perfect Mooney and BiteCoin . For this reason do not waste the opportunity to change your life and joined this company today before tomorrow so that changed the course of your life with us. In addition to what came before us , the very security of our system and you can withdraw your money and brought into the company safely . Also, our company has always sought to develop the same thing to another better . The decision so you become wealthy in your hands as you can learn how to work through Active site’s home page . and good luck with purchasesharesonline . and With online stocks there are no questions what is best time to buy stocks, when to buy and sell stocks or which share to buy now; the answer is just do it now. if you buy stock online you do not need to have broker do not need to pay brokerage fee. purchase shares


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Фрахт 20 футового контейнера из страны Китай в город Ростов н.Д.

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : compass via Audiogames-reflector


Фрахт 20 футового контейнера из страны Китай в город Ростов н.Д.

Гдеответнавопросвкакихрамкахдоговорнаятарифперевозки 20 футовогоконтейнераизстраныКитайвгородРостов н.Д. ? : ^ (V8sa


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Фрахт 20 футового контейнера из страны Китай в город Ростов н.Д.

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : compass via Audiogames-reflector


Фрахт 20 футового контейнера из страны Китай в город Ростов н.Д.

Гдеответнавопросвкакихрамкахдоговорнаятарифперевозки 20 футовогоконтейнераизстраныКитайвгородРостов н.Д. ? : ^ (


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Фрахт 20 футового контейнера из страны Китай в город Ростов н.Д.

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : compass via Audiogames-reflector


Фрахт 20 футового контейнера из страны Китай в город Ростов н.Д.

Гдеответнавопросвкакихрамкахдоговорнаятарифперевозки 20 футовогоконтейнераизстраныКитайвгородРостов н.Д. ? : ^ (V8sa


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Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : samtupy1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

Hi, I don't think I explained it well enough, sorry for that. In real life, a human can't go for 2 weeks without sleeping. So what happens, is every so often when your awake, your max evergy slowly goes down, so your energy regens to a sertain level and that's it. over time that goes down so eventually, you fall asleep from tiredness. It won't be quick, but the thing is is most people never sleap at night in stw or no time at all, because energy is always at 1000. I'm making more take energy, but you will have, to sleep every 3 days, at least, and every night you don't sleep, the time it will take to fully regen will increase. Just like in real life. If you don't sleep for 2 days then finily crash, you might be out for 24 hours.


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Re: Epitaph Soundpack

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Epitaph Soundpack

What kind of traceback did you get, ironcross?


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Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : momo7807 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

hi allI have a another requestCan you make a notice when my target's components has been damaged?If I fired a cirtain weapon to called lol ship, If lol ship's apu has been damaged, Can you make notice that "lol ship's apu has been damaged"This will very useful if I'm in a fight, and sometimes this will be very fun.And that effects system is very cool.Thanks


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Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arjan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

assault_freak wrote:As to your hypothesis about artificial intelligence. The same could be said of a national ruled by a governmental body. If you really believe that once you become conscious noone has the right to tell you what to do, that would imply that under the government they shouldn't have any right to tell you what to do, punish you, or anything of the sort. In essence, if you felt like murdering someone, the government shouldn't tell you not to do it... because free will, right? If those artificial intelligences did indeed become conscious and develop a will of their own, if they did not follow the laws and regulations we set down and rebelled? What would we do then?I'm afraid I don't think this is a valid comparison. After all, national governments didn't create us and give us all of our properties, we've had most of those before we even knew what a government actuall
 y was. But what if we created entities literally from the ground up, gave then rules which they should follow, and then gave them free will? I think this was illustrated in the artificial intelligence example and that's something quite different.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : danny via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

That clarifies it sam, thanks. What I was meaning was say, while your in roleplay, and you suddenly are forced to sleep. What if your in a battle or such. It doesn't make much sence in a roleplay situation if say, you are to suddenly go to sleep while an oponent is hacking you to death.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : arjan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

assault_freak wrote:As to your hypothesis about artificial intelligence. The same could be said of a national ruled by a governmental body. If you really believe that once you become conscious noone has the right to tell you what to do, that would imply that under the government they shouldn't have any right to tell you what to do, punish you, or anything of the sort. In essence, if you felt like murdering someone, the government shouldn't tell you not to do it... because free will, right? If those artificial intelligences did indeed become conscious and develop a will of their own, if they did not follow the laws and regulations we set down and rebelled? What would we do then?I'm afraid I don't think this is a valid comparison. After all, national governments didn't create us and give us all of our properties, we've had most of those before we even knew what a government actuall
 y was. But what if we created entities literally from the ground up, gave them rules which they should follow, and then gave them free will? I think this was illustrated in the artificial intelligence example and that's something quite different.


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Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : vga via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Announcing release of Traders of Known Space

Hi from Aaron.Tks already includes a pretty hefty portion of Guidedog's services. Those who installed the original release and later self updated it to the new release simply by launching the game after the update was made available were making use of one of Guidedog's major advantages.We are going to link tks to guidedog so that you can save your settings online and retrieve them on other machines by logging into guidedog with the same account, but the game is not going to bug you like Interceptor and Yellowbonnet do if you don't use the client. The game also will cheerfully save your settings locally in the event that it doesn't have online access.GeneWarner, I don't know anything about steam, but Guidedog is really small, and uses virtually no system resources while guidedog client is running. Additionally, no background services are used so when guidedog client is not running there is no affect what so ever on the machine. Guidedog
  is downloaded and installed during the first run of the first game that you have which uses it, and that process takes just a few seconds even on a slower connection. The point being that if your past experience with such services being more trouble than they're worth has to do with complicated install procedures and lots of system resource consumption, that should not be of concern at all with Gidedog.The new version of TKS will launch guidedog client when it is started, but if you close the client TKS will run fully without it. I may be able to work out a way to optionally start the game without launching the client at all, but not sure about that.Having said that, we all have the freedom to decide to or not to use a product based on any aspect of that product. It helps to be informed most of the time though.


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Re: You know you code too much when...

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : samtupy1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: You know you code too much when...

97. you forgot how to do 2+3, because you know all you have to do is write less than 5 lines of code to get the answer!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Can I change my Id to gameman?

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : momo7807 via Audiogames-reflector


Can I change my Id to gameman?

hi all!Can I change my nickname to gameman?Because, in many online games, I using gameman, not momo7807So, I want use gameman, Because sometimes, It confuse me little.And I think momo7807 is little bad for here's nickname, I don't know it's reason, It's just my think.Please change my nickname if it is possibleThanks


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

Hello,Download the game here: … +0.6.8.zipGiving it a try now!!!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Google books?

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chandu via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Google books?

to be more specific, when I try to read the sample of the book in this URL … &hl=en it says "screen reader users, this text is not available in flowing text". why is it? and how can I read it/make it accessible?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : dhruv via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The rules of good discussion, please read

Hello,You don't need to justify yourself. I won't comment on anything, because I know...sigh. I'm going against rule 2 again. Anyway, as dark said, let people be, attack their arguments.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Epitaph Soundpack

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Epitaph Soundpack

I think its the same message indicated in post 9


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Site and forum feedback : compass via Audiogames-reflector

Register Make Money Posting Artices in Forums and registering on websites search in youtube


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Re: Very disappointed by some people

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Very disappointed by some people

@Exodus, Thank you very much for this documentary, I got really shocked when I watched it. It was the first time since a lot of years ago that I nearly fell into tears. Thank you again.Cheers


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Survive the Wild!

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Survive the Wild!

Hello,Thank you for explanation, Sam. It seams I just didn't understand you well.Oh, and here's 1 more thing ... could you ban player named  fuck-samtupy? I don't even think you like his name, anyway ...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Epitaph Soundpack

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Epitaph Soundpack

download the plugin given by me in the post 11. Download that one that's named "luaaudio.xml", rename it to lua.xml, then remove the luaaudio plugin from your world file, put the lua.xml in the plugins folder, then add it in.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Infinite Apocalpytic Procedural Ascii Game "The Wastes"

Hi.For those that would prefer a dropbox link, hear you go. … 00.6.8.zipIt is playable but it would be quite nice if there was a blind mode, or a mode for those using screen readers. What this mode would do is strip the graphics. I'm sure they look awesome, but to someone who uses a screen reader, hear's a what we hear, left parron, dash dash dash dash right parron, dot dot dot dot, dash and so on. So if you could strip that and perhaps either make a screen reader mode, or a exe program that is for those that can't see, that would be awesome!You're game is very niceand if it can have the graphics or what ever the dot dot dash dots are strips and have it so we can just see the text, it would be even better.Thank you for making an awesome game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: NVDA Remote Released.

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Bogdan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDA Remote Released.

Hi all. I read the article here on forum but I am confused. Where I can download the addon? I tryed on the get addons menu to find it but no download file. Any suggestions? Thanks!


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Re: Right to die and quality of life

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : gellman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Right to die and quality of life

@themadviolinistYou write:"It is a short road from accepting simple disability as a legitimate reason for ending one's life to applying pressure to the disabled to do so in pursuitof savings, less bother for the temporarily able, who are often very good at ignoring the likelihood of their own eventual disability.  I'm not certainwe want to give society permission to think that disability could be a state of being for which death is the only solution."No, that's no more a counterargument against an unconditional right to die than fighting poverty is a strong argument against permitting abortion.If someone due to individual circumstance no longer thinks life is worth living, he or she should not be deprived of his liberty just because his continued existence  may aid the promotion of policies in support of the disabled.That's like saying that abortion ought not be legal because terminating unwanted children may have detrimental consequences for fighting poverty or that genetic testing for children with Downes' Syndrome should not be permitted because these children are needed to promote happiness.The fallacy in the argument that there is a short road from permitting disabled to die to pressuring them to die by cutting spending is that society can already make life unpleasent for the weak simply by cutting welfare and mask it sindifference by supposedly neutral 'concerns' for fiscal responsibility.Also in most countries, you don't have an unconditional and judicially enforceable right to healthcare or a minimal wage.Your concern would make more sense if there was an enforceable bargain between the individual and society stating that you don't have an unconditional right to decide to end your life, but society will in turn guarantee an absolute and nonnegotiable minimal wage and legal recourse in case of inaccessible establishments and services.But such a bargain does not exist, and if society does not guarantee absolute accessibility and equal accomodation for the disabled, it has forfeited its 'right' to compel people to live with conditions that a majority would not   find acceptable, or that at least my opinion.And even if there was such a bargain, it would likely not guarantee absolute equality and accessibility in public accomodation.It would likely be riddled with loopholes allowing establishments and the government itself to scale down its commitment to 'reasonable' rather than 'absolute' accommodation.This is already the case with the American with Disabilities Act and other legislation."That's much easier than creatingacomodations, taking universal design principles into account, even funding disabled people to help us live in the main stream world.  That's a dangerousprecedent to set."This may be your preference, but why should political activism serving the collective preclude the individual's choice in this matter?I mean if the individual finds the entire premise of equal acommodation unsatisfactory, either because the accommodation is only partial, or because he thinks that the disability movement is only a sham,  should he legally speaking be kept on life support just for the greater good?"As I get older, the notion of absolute rights comes into conflict for me with the notion that we have responsibilities to the society as a whole to helpthose less fortunate, to allow each to maximize their own liberty, even at some expense to our own.  It is all well to articulate an absolute liberty argumentabout the right to die, or any other issue.  (remember I am disposed to agree with this argument.)  This liberty interest exists in tension with a societalinterest in promoting life, in choosing to develop medical, legal and design protocols to bring those of us with disabilities into the fold."Sorry, but preserving or promoting life a without regard for individual autonomy is not even a valid interest in itself.If that was so, why not keep everyone on artificial life support for as long as the heart could be kept beating.People have a recognized legal a right to refuse medical treatment or to smoke, drink and expose themselves to danger even when the behavior is likely to shorten their lives.If restricting individual liberty is so easy, because promoting life is a legitimate interest, a lot of behavior can and perhaps should be restricted even when the directly injured party is only the individual itself.Therefore the only tension I perceive in the right to die is between the individual's autonomy and a rather fascist or totalitarian desire to keep them around for social experimentation.By social experimentation I mean policies which are purported imposed to 'help' the individual but are either not proven to work or are mere sham justifications for other agendas."  A world withoutStephen Hawking is certainly a lesser place.  A world where Franklin Delano Roosevelt is dead rather than President may see a different outcome to WorldWar II.  What would be lost to t

Re: Right to die and quality of life

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : gellman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Right to die and quality of life

@themadviolinistYou write:"It is a short road from accepting simple disability as a legitimate reason for ending one's life to applying pressure to the disabled to do so in pursuitof savings, less bother for the temporarily able, who are often very good at ignoring the likelihood of their own eventual disability.  I'm not certainwe want to give society permission to think that disability could be a state of being for which death is the only solution."No, that's no more a counterargument against an unconditional right to die than fighting poverty is a strong argument against permitting abortion.If someone due to individual circumstance no longer thinks life is worth living, he or she should not be deprived of his liberty just because his continued existence  may aid the promotion of policies in support of the disabled.That's like saying that abortion ought not be legal because terminating unwanted children may have detrimental consequences for fighting poverty or that genetic testing for children with Downes' Syndrome should not be permitted because these children are needed to promote happiness.The fallacy in the argument that there is a short road from permitting disabled to die to pressuring them to die by cutting spending is that society can already make life unplesent for the weak simply by cutting welfare and mask it sindifference by supposedly neutral 'concerns' for fiscal responsibility.Also in most countries, you don't have an unconditional and judicially enforceable right to healthcare or a minimal wage.Your concern would make more sense if there was already clearly established enforceable bargain between the individual and society stating that you don't have an unconditional right to decide to end your life, but society will in turn guarantee an absolute and nonnegotiable minimal wage and legal recourse in case of inaccessible establishments and services.But such a bargain does not exist, and if society does not guarantee absolute accessibility and equal accomodation for the disabled, it has forfeited its 'right' to compel people to live with conditions that a majority would not   find acceptable, or that at least my opinion.And even if there was such a bargain, it would likely not guarantee absolute equality and accessibility in public accomodation.It would likely be riddled with loopholes allowing establishments and the government itself to scale down its commitment to 'reasonable' rather than 'absolute' accommodation.This is already the case with the American with Disabilities Act and other legislation."That's much easier than creatingacomodations, taking universal design principles into account, even funding disabled people to help us live in the main stream world.  That's a dangerousprecedent to set."This may be your preference, but why should political activism serving the collective preclude the individual's choice in this matter?I mean if the individual finds the entire premise of equal acommodation unsatisfactory, either because the accommodation is only partial, or because he thinks that the disability movement is only a sham,  should he legally speaking be kept on life support just for the greater good?"As I get older, the notion of absolute rights comes into conflict for me with the notion that we have responsibilities to the society as a whole to helpthose less fortunate, to allow each to maximize their own liberty, even at some expense to our own.  It is all well to articulate an absolute liberty argumentabout the right to die, or any other issue.  (remember I am disposed to agree with this argument.)  This liberty interest exists in tension with a societalinterest in promoting life, in choosing to develop medical, legal and design protocols to bring those of us with disabilities into the fold."Sorry, but preserving or promoting life a without regard for individual autonomy is not even a valid interest in itself.If that was so, why not keep everyone on artificial life support for as long as the heart could be kept beating.People have a recognized legal a right to refuse medical treatment or to smoke, drink and expose themselves to danger even when the behavior is likely to shorten their lives.If restricting individual liberty is so easy, because promoting life is a legitimate interest, a lot of behavior can and perhaps should be restricted even when the directly injured party is only the individual itself.Therefore the only tension I perceive in the right to die is between the individual's autonomy and a rather fascist or totalitarian desire to keep them around for social experimentation.By social experimentation I mean policies which are purported imposed to 'help' the individual but are either not proven to work or are mere sham justifications for other agendas."  A world withoutStephen Hawking is certainly a lesser place.  A world where Franklin Delano Roosevelt is dead rather than President may see a different outcome to WorldWar II. 

Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jesseleivo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: DeathMatch, a new beginning

hey danny, i have an idea. When npc's are fully implemented, i thought it would be cool if we had missions where we have to kill npc enemies or something. Just an idea


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Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What do people believe when it comes to religion and or spirituality?

When you give something rules for them to follow... you're effectively governing the way they live, which is what governments currently do. whether they created you is not quite the issue. If they can tell you what to do, and they didn't create you, then why can your creator not have at least a say? God has given us free will, because he wants us to love him as he loves us. The problem with love is... it requires free will to be truly love, because love is a choice. you cannot force someone to love you, except physically through rape... and that, whatever your belief system is, is wrong. And again with the artificial intelligences... if we created them and gave them absolute free will to do what they wished, which is what God did, one day they would likely rebelle and turn their backs on us. And while some might say, well, so be it... they're the next big thing anyway and humans need to die out sometime, if you were actually facing that scenario you probably wouldn&
 #039;t be feeling that way. More likely, you would be either feeling angry or sad that the creation you put so much time and effort into and possibly loved or treasured has discarded you and now named you an enemy simply because it doesn't like the truth that you show it.


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Re: NVDA Remote Released.

2015-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: NVDA Remote Released.



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