Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta41)

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ppipczyk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta41)

hi, you can ask for updates list of mini games?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

StaindAddict, SLJ, I resent the hell out of what you're saying. I urge you to set me straight if I've misread your message, but to me at least, it sounds like you're basically saying "shut up and deal with it. To do anything else is disrespectful". You seem to imply that the only people who respect this game or the developer are those who are willing to take it as is. That's ludicrous, there's no two ways about it.At multiple times in this thread I have said that I respect both the developer and the game itself for different reasons. That was true then, and it's true now. When audio game creation doesn't pay for itself (which is to say, you will spend more man-hours making a game than you'll earn trying to sel that game), a large project is due some props at the very least for having been completed. I haven't lost track of that. I haven't lost track, either, of the fact that doing such a large bunch of work is ofte
 n draining, and often means the developer just wants to go do something else for awhile. There's nothing wrong with this.HOWEVER:1. This doesn't mean that the problems with the game don't exist2. It doesn't mean that pointing out those problems means I, or anyone else, is disrespecting people; it's all in the tone and the message, the act itself is not disrespectful3. It doesn't mean that it's my fault, or anyone else's fault, if Aaron doesn't want to come in here and see the hundred pages of feedback about his game; that's Aaron's business, nobody else's, and I refuse to be blamed for itCan I say that I've always been totally gentle and kind? No, I can't say that. I've endeavoured not to be rude, but I'm told I have a fairly abrasive aspect when I'm being critical, and it's not personal. I have tried to be thorough above all else, because it is my firm belief t
 hat the only way for any developer to learn from his mistakes is to have some of those mistakes, where appropriate, explained to him by some of his player base. Again, this doesn't mean I'm being disrespectful. It is my right as a player to speak up about issues I find. It is my right, as both a player and a forum member, to voice my opinions, findings and questions about a game I enjoy (or, as the case has been in the past, a game I do not enjoy).I would love to see a sequel one day, but that might be a pretty big project and I don't expect it anytime soon. What I'd love to see more are game balance tweaks, and I know that wouldn't be nearly such a big load of work, so I'm sort of hoping that Aaron decides to take some of the suggestions (from here and elsewhere) in stride in order to improve his game.To demand would be disrespectful. To ask, though, is well within my rights. I ask. I do not demand.I do think it needs to be said, h
 owever, that as paying customers who have now essentially given up some of their money to a project, we should not be cowed into being quiet. The only way some goofs are going to be made better in future VG-Storm titles is by learning from the player base. If Aaron wants to go on making gamss that people snap up, especially at forty-dollar price tags, he may have to step up his game, so to speak, lest his player base shrink. This goes double for game support. I am fairly patient, but it is pretty easy to scare off players when obvious imbalances or bugs exist and when a forty-dollar price tag does not guarantee professional support.When we are asked to pay a certain amount for a game, we come to expect a certain level of quality, PR, support and the like from that game. If we don't get it, it leaves a slightly bitter taste, and brings forth all kinds of doubts, most of which have been voiced here by various people.Manamon is a game I enjoy quite a bit, despite many
  issues that bother me. I can and will be patient, in the hopes that some of those issues will get resolved. If enough of those problems are ignored in subsequent weeks and months, I will simply know, for myself at least, that a VG-Storm title with a given price tag may not be worth paying for, and I will thereafter wait and not jump the gun on new products. I will wait for the opinions and findings of other players to come first, so that I know what I'm getting myself into. Unfortunately, Manamon has done for me what PsychoStrike did for a lot of people before me. It has made me kind of wary, because some of the trends I see are just too troubling to ignore.With all that said, all that out of the way, it doesn't mean I can't like the game for what it is. It doesn't mean I'm disrespecting anyone. It doesn't mean I'm demanding anything. And I'm probably one of the more vocally extreme people in this shread, so get the hell off my back.


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Re: 2D Platformer 4.0

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 2D Platformer 4.0

umm yeah, seams that's a bug, you could remove it by  doing something like this:so, there's a platform from x 10 to x 20 and on y 20to remove it, you need to enter the start x and end x of the platform,, in this case  you need to type 10  , and then on the next   edit dialog 20and then it will ask about the start y of the platform you want to remove, in this case, type 19       instat of 20, and on the end y type 21, it will remove the platform wierd eh?hope mason will fix it soon and  stairecase also, if you remove the stairecase, the platform is still there


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

I totally agree.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: keynote gold festival sapi5 voice

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: keynote gold festival sapi5 voice

Hi all,Haven't officially tried the Keynote Gold recreation yet but from what I've heard it is interesting. Not quite sure why it's so nostalgic to have this synth, but it definitely is sounding a lot like Keynote Gold from the samples I'm hearing, and I applaud the effort.Now, there are people who are asking about the program being used to create the voices. Being an audio and language geek of sorts I decided to try to create my own voice without aid of tutorial. And I will describe below what I've found for those interested.This program, called MNLP, seems to allow for not only tts voice creation but lip sync animation as well. I'm not sure what it's aiming to do but it seems to be for a sort of niche audience, which I am not criticizing. I like that sort of stuff.If you want to create a tts voice, you must firstly know that you can't just take random recordings and plop them in and press a create button. This is be
 cause the program comes with a basic voice creator that will instruct you on sentences that you must speak. You then can optionally check the sentences to make sure the word boundaries are identified properly.As Jake pointed out, the interface does not use standard windows GUI controls that screen readers will recognise. I ended up using Jaws since I am familiar with its Jaws cursor more than NVDA's object nav, and to both MNLP and Jaws credit, it is quite usable this way. Nevertheless, after about 4 hours of trying to use it and explore it, I found myself becoming frustrated and overwhelmed.When recording a sentence, the program analyzes the recording to identify word boundaries which you can verify by just clicking on the words. This is important, as if you end up with word boundaries which are too far off, the resulting voice will start to jabble and not make a lot of sense with certain words and phrases. This greatly increases the time it takes to record the sen
 tences, since you can turn this word review off, and by doing so you eliminate the long analyses for each recording and the subsequent word review process. The trade-off is that you can't find mistakes and try to redo the recording in a more clear way to eliminate the mistake. It's a good thing I checked every single recording too, as some word boundaries were extremely far off, and I never would've caught them without review. One was so bad that the program couldn't even identify all the words in the sentence. I'm not sure why it had so much difficulty, my speech is not at all hard to understand and I speak a natural American English dialect which the program is supposedly most trained for. Needless to say I have lost faith in its automatic detection and I always check it, which is not the quickest of processes.I spent 2 hours analyzing and then verifying each word boundary on 35 sentences. Then I wanted to see how the voice was sounding. So I compile
 d it. And that's where frustration set in. The voice took over half an hour to compile on my machine. And that's nowhere near what you'd need to produce a good voice... it's recommended you have a minimum of 1000 sentences recorded to really make a good voice! A voice with that many recordings, as Jake stated above in this topic, would take hours to compile! And that's not even the limit, as the included sentence list has over 3500 sentences you could record.I also am not a very large fan of how the program pre-processes the audio before it is recorded. I went through the trouble of cleaning my mic up with an fx chain I set up in Reaper with compression, noise gates, and other denoisers I like. This produces a sound which I feel is not bad considering my cheap setup. However MNLP still seems to want to apply noise reduction, since there are warbly artifacts in its recorded speech which do not exist anywhere else. I even took off all the effects and lef
 t in my background noise, and I could tell the program was reducing it, and the warbly watery artifacts had become worse.After compilation, I was elated to hear speech produced using a synthetic copy of my voice. However I immediately am noticing problems which could potentially add another long, laborious layer to this. The synthetic copy of my voice was having problems, even with the sentences I recorded. Syllable boundaries were slurred, and the ends of words were trailed or slurred off. Two sentences I had recorded but still had problems were:"Not at this particular case, Tom, apologized Whittemore."In the synthetic voice, the word apologized didn't have a proper D sound in it, and the W sounded strangled in the name whittemore. I had tried to articulate them well during recording, but had noticed that when I was checking word boundaries, the D in apologized had been overlooked for some reason and the W in whittmore had been largely cut as well f
 rom the word boundary. I overlooked it as I had been wanting to move on, but it seems to have become a problem. One more example:"He was

Re: 2D Platformer 4.0

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 2D Platformer 4.0

Hi.I got some time to check this out, and [[wow]], this is cool...I'm working on my own map, which will, if it goes as planned, be a puzzle based map which people might find interesting.I have a few questions:1: I'm having trouble on removing platforms. Is this bugged or am I doing something wrong?2: Is it possible to control the AI at some point?3: Is it possible to control how many health packs which will spawn, where they'll spawn, set a maximum health for the character and set a starting health?Thanks for an awesome update. Keep up the great job.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: keynote gold festival sapi5 voice

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Re: keynote gold festival sapi5 voice

Hi all,Haven't officially tried the Keynote Gold recreation yet but from what I've heard it is interesting. Not quite sure why it's so nostalgic to have this synth, but it definitely is sounding a lot like Keynote Gold from the samples I'm hearing, and I applaud the effort.Now, there are people who are asking about the program being used to create the voices. Being an audio and language geek of sorts I decided to try to create my own voice without aid of tutorial. And I will describe below what I've found for those interested.This program, called MNLP, seems to allow for not only tts voice creation but lip sync animation as well. I'm not sure what it's aiming to do but it seems to be for a sort of niche audience, which I am not criticizing. I like that sort of stuff.If you want to create a tts voice, you must firstly know that you can't just take random recordings and plop them in and press a create button. This is be
 cause the program comes with a basic voice creator that will instruct you on sentences that you must speak. You then can optionally check the sentences to make sure the word boundaries are identified properly.As Jake pointed out, the interface does not use standard windows GUI controls that screen readers will recognise. I ended up using Jaws since I am familiar with its Jaws cursor more than NVDA's object nav, and to both MNLP and Jaws credit, it is quite usable this way. Nevertheless, after about 4 hours of trying to use it and eplore it, I found myself becoming frustrated and overwhelmed.When recording a sentence, the program analyzes the recording to identify word boundaries which you can verify by just clicking on the words. This is important, as if you end up with word boundaries which are too far off, the resulting voice will start to jabble and not make a lot of sense with certain words and phrases. This greatly increases the time it takes to record the sent
 ences, since you can turn this word review off, and by doing so you eliminate the long analyses for each recording and the subsequent word review process. The trade-off is that you can't find mistakes and try to redo the recording in a more clear way to eliminate the mistake. It's a good thing I checked every single recording too, as some word boundaries were extremely far off, and I never would've caught them without review. One was so bad that the program couldn't even identify all the words in the sentence. I'm not sure why it had so much difficulty, my speech is not at all hard to understand and I speak a natural American English dialect which the program is supposedly most trained for. Needless to say I have lost faith in its automatic detection and I always check it, which is not the quickest of processes.I spent 2 hours analyzing and then verifying each word boundary on 35 sentences. Then I wanted to see how the voice was sounding. So I compiled
  it. And that's where frustration set in. The voice took over half an hour to compile on my machine. And that's nowhere near what you'd need to produce a good voice... it's recommended you have a minimum of 1000 sentences recorded to really make a good voice! A voice with that many recordings, as Jake stated above in this topic, would take hours to compile! And that's not even the limit, as the included sentence list has over 3500 sentences you could record.I also am not a very large fan of how the program pre-processes the audio before it is recorded. I went through the trouble of cleaning my mic up with an fx chain I set up in Reaper with compression, noise gates, and other denoisers I like. This produces a sound which I feel is not bad considering my cheap setup. However MNLP still seems to want to apply noise reduction, since there are warbly artifacts in its recorded speech which do not exist anywhere else. I even took off all the effects and left
  in my background noise, and I could tell the program was reducing it, and the warbly watery artifacts had become worse.After compilation, I was elated to hear speech produced using a synthetic copy of my voice. However I immediately am noticing problems which could potentially add another long, laborious layer to this. The synthetic copy of my voice was having some problems with the sentences I recorded. Syllable boundaries were slurred, and the ends of words were trailed or slurred off. Two sentences I had recorded but still had problems were:"Not at this particular case, Tom, apologized Whittemore."In the synthetic voice, the word apologized didn't have a proper D sound in it, and the W sounded strangled in the name whittemore. I had tried to articulate them well during recording, but had noticed that when I was checking word boundaries, the D in apologized had been overlooked for some reason and the W in whittmore had been largely cut as well fro
 m the word boundary. I overlooked it as I had been wanting to move on, but it seems to have become a problem. One more example:"He was a

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : staindaddict via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

You're all wondering why Aaron is not responding in this topic. Maybe he's tired of reading what people have to say, maybe he's tired of seeing people try to tell him what to do? Maybe, like everything else that is come out for the blind community, you guys are being completely disrespectful, as usual?The game was just released, in July. That was last month. Even if Aaron was planning on making a seaqual, or an expantion pack, don't you think the man deserves a break? He spent nearly over a year making Manmon, and all you guys want is more. It takes a lot of work for a developer to make a game, and no one ever thinks of that. All everyone thinks of is how they want more, and more, and what? Yes, more.There are some respectful people on this forum, very few. I give you guys all the props I can for being respectful, and thoes who enjoy the game as is, you're awesome. To the ones that can't enjoy the game as is, and need more, need seaquals, 
 and doesn't respect Aaron and the way he feels/ or doesn't even begin to think about how your comments can be affecting Aaron . . . . Just please give the guy a break. If he wants to make a seaqual he will, but give him a break. He needs time to recover from what he's done. Manamon was a big project, and quite frankly it's the best Audio game I've played in quite some time. That's just my oppinion though, go ahead and spit on it... lol That's what I'm expecting.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Hi.I hope to see a guide explaining the menus soon...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A new audio game from a new developer - Dark Passenger

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A new audio game from a new developer - Dark Passenger

Hi Dan.It would be nice if the Mac version would work in the future, but that's not a huge requirement for me, but others might find it awesome.The demo is so great. I look very much forward to any future updates. Keep up the good job.


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Re: I think this android accessibility site is broken.

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I think this android accessibility site is broken.

Just a clarification: By braille keyboard, I don't mean the ability of voiceover to connect to braille displays. It's a braille keyboard which allows you to put 6 fingers in paralel position or horizontal position if you have an iPad. I think it uses standard braille Alphabet and specific braille keyboard for other languages apart from English. The braille keyboard is activated through roter, and it is very handy to have on your phone at no cost. I'm using it now.Sent from my iPhone


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Some Questions About Sharing Files Through My Blog

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Quacker via Audiogames-reflector


Some Questions About Sharing Files Through My Blog

Hi all. I'm working on setting up a blog which I hope to be sharing in the near future, but I'm unsure about how to handle sharing some files I plan to work with. I'll be using WordPress.First, any suggestions on the best way to handle sound files? One of the features of this blog will be music gear demos and reviews, and I'd love to provide audio samples to give my audience the best information on the products I'm reviewing. Youtube seems like too much trouble given I have to set the sound samples to video, though it's not completely off the table if anyone has any suggestions on how to do this easily. Hosting the files on my WordPress site seems like it would be the best approach, though could be pricy considering how much storage I'd need. I'm thinking SoundCloud or a similar service would be the best path to take now. My limited experience with SoundCloud has been iffy on accessibility, so would love to here any input from anyone 
 who uses it on a regular basis or could recommend a similar service.My second issue is distributing brf files that I need to supplement some posts on braille music. Since that's not a file format that WordPress would recognize, I tried doing this by uploading them in a zip file but that also seems to be a format that isn't recognized. Has anyone had any experience with something like this? The only alternative that comes to mind would be to share them via dropbox public links, though I'd like to have something that would serve better in the long run since by doing this, I'd need to be sure to always have these files in there, and I think I remember dropbox having limitations on downloads.Thanks in advance!


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Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta41)

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta41)

Ah, so that thing I collected during the haunted forest game was a ruby? that is cool.


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Re: Run Your own Classic 6Dragons game!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Run Your own Classic 6Dragons game!

Hi. Glad to here of the updates, I've been checking back on the game to see how things are going. I do hope though that even though your offering out the code to others the main game will still be updated in the future, as I said I love the quests and areas.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: download link for flexible survive interactive fiction game.

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: download link for flexible survive interactive fiction game.

Hello and welcome to the forum. As it says on the database page for flexible survival, the download link to the blulx story game, as well as to the attempt at a stratogy game Flexible societies are On the Flexible survival blog page here As I recall the download links are somewhere towards the bottom of the page, fairly obviously. Note that you'll need an interactive fiction interpreter such as filfre or Winglulx in order to play them,  for more details see the flexible survival page in the database. Hth.


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Re: New mud: Harshlands

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Valmorian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New mud: Harshlands

if you use vip Its not hard to set up a trigger but that will get annoying to set up a new trigger for everyone you meet and what if two people look alike. might as well just add an intro command when they intro to you you no them as what they intro as


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A new audio game from a new developer - Dark Passenger

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A new audio game from a new developer - Dark Passenger

Hi idea cabin! well shades of doom? I think the only game which will help you to make this game better is descent into madness. the game is very buggy but you can get the idea of which puzzles you can add. I tried this game but failed. the game run smoothly but I found no horrer at the anker's voice. also the footsteps lags very much. the man said that get the tranquliser but there is no beaps which can tell you where it is. I think the heart beating sound you use is very shrill. Look at the blind legend sound of heart beating. it is more balanced. Thanksand welcome to the forum! Ishan


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Re: 1 thing holding me back from switching to Linux.

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 1 thing holding me back from switching to Linux.

@8: Hmm, I've never had any issues with Orca. I'm using ESpeak, and I'm not having any problems with latency, or interrupting the speech. I also use PulseAudio with Speakup and Orca, though it did require a workaround to get them working together.I'm using a hyperthreaded quadcore CPU with 8GB of RAM. My desktop manager is Xfce, a lightweight desktop manager primarily meant for low budget computers, such as netbooks.


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Re: planning to start learning c#. Any websites?

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: planning to start learning c#. Any websites?

Hi the most of the books are outdated I think if you ask google let us c the latest edition it will surely give you the link of yashwant kennetkar's website. download the book if it is available in PDF format. ThanksIshan


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot, blood and paril. First public beta released!

Lol, downloaded and ran the game, get an earshattering sound saying speedhack detected. What a great game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: A new audio game from a new developer - Dark Passenger

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : the player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A new audio game from a new developer - Dark Passenger

Another idea would be maybewww.gog.comthough I haven't tried it yet. But as far as I know, this platform works without DRM, meaning you might not need a special client for it. Has anyone tried using this platform?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: 2D Platformer 4.0

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : masonian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 2D Platformer 4.0

just reg entries.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ambro86 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Hello, as I see many people that want an expansion or a sequel of this game. Just for asking: I don't know if is a money problem or the fact that Aaron after writing this game for about one year now is tired to continue to write on this game? If is a money problem, the developer can make the expansion payed, not 40 dollars, but say, 5 or 10 dollars. Personally if the expansion is quite long, for example, play new areas and the improovements Jayde talked I would be happy to buy also the expansion.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ambro86 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Hello, as I see many people that want an expansion or a sequel of this game. Just for asking: I don't know if is a money problem or the fact that Aaron after writing this game for about one year now is tired to continue to write on this game? If is a money problem, the developer can make the expansion payed, not 40 dollars, but say, 5 or 10 dollars. Personally if the expansion is quite long, for example, play new areas and the improovements Jayde talked it would be happy to buy also the expansion.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ambro86 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Hello, as I see many people that want an expansion or a sequel of this game. Just for asking: I don't know if is a money problem or the fact that Aaron writing this game for about one year now is tired to write this game. If is a money problem, the developer can make the expansion paying it, not 40 dollars, but say, 5 or 10 dollars. Personally if the expansion is quite long, for example, play new areas and the improovements Jayde talked it would be happy to buy also the expansion.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: 2D Platformer 4.0

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 2D Platformer 4.0

What do you mean by travel points? Do you mean connections to other maps?I have a question about the game files. Does the release folder you extract contain the entire game data? Does the program store data anywhere else in the system? Could I run this off a thumb drive and not clutter another system with junk files it generates?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bradp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

I think there is a partner button or prompt on that part. The parts I have trouble with are catching the dog in Leons campaign and freeing the hostages in chriss's campaign.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Try using NVDA in future. SAPI is not this game's best option for voicing, in my experience.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: The Blank Game, revived!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : flame_elchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Blank Game, revived!

the control comma command doesn't work for me. i'm running QTranslate when i tried to translate Šw¶‚́AƒAƒŠƒA‚ðAUŒ‚Ifrom the english translation i get SW ?? ¶, ég AƒAƒŠƒA, ð ?? ?? A ?? UOE, ég ??


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: urgent internet help needed

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: urgent internet help needed

As inconvenient as doing a clean install may be, it will actually help if you've been accumulating crap for a few months or years. It will allow you to start over from scratch. I'd advise you to save the most essential data like documents or mp3 files that you can't get back on a USB drive or hard drive. Then again, would that introduce the possibility of restoring infected files to the new clean system? Anyway, don't worry about your applications. You can most likely download them off the internet after you're up and running with a squeaky clean system. You may have to activate Windows after installing it. I don't know how OEM activations work as I have never and will never purchase a Windows product key until Microsoft does the right thing and makes the installer talk. I believe the key that comes with your computer should work. It's usually printed on the back or something.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: urgent internet help needed

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: urgent internet help needed

As inconvenient as doing a clean install may be, it will actually help if you've been accumulating crap for a few months or years. It will allow you to start over from scratch. I'd advise you to download the most essential data like documents or mp3 files that you can't get back. Then again, would that introduce the possibility of restoring infected files to the new clean system? Anyway, don't worry about your applications. You can most likely download them off the internet after you're up and running with a squeaky clean system. You may have to activate Windows after installing it. I don't know how OEM activations work as I have never and will never purchase a Windows product key until Microsoft does the right thing and makes the installer talk. I believe the key that comes with your computer should work. It's usually printed on the back or something.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: urgent internet help needed

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Chris via Audiogames-reflector


Re: urgent internet help needed

As inconvenient as doing a clean install may be, it will actually help if you've been acculating junk for years. It will allow you to start over from scratch. I'd advise you to download the most essential data like documents or mp3 files that you can't get back. Then again, would that introduce the possibility of restoring infected files to the new clean system? Anyway, don't worry about your applications. You can most likely download them off the internet after you're up and running with a squeaky clean system. You may have to activate Windows after installing it. I don't know how OEM activations work as I have never and will never purchase a Windows product key until Microsoft does the right thing and makes the installer talk. I believe the key that comes with your computer should work. It's usually printed on the back or something.


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Re: keynote gold festival sapi5 voice

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: keynote gold festival sapi5 voice

@50 yeah, we definitely do, I'm tired of eSqueak all the time,.


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Re: 1 thing holding me back from switching to Linux.

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 1 thing holding me back from switching to Linux.

@5 your reasons are basically my own. I also don't like the fact that the synths are not interruptable, or they are to a very low level, as in, not very responsive, I've had to flush orca's buffer at times. I also think speech dispatcher needs to be rewritten due to latency there, its worse with desktops like Unity, and gets better with Gnome or Mate. Either that or synths need to interface directly with Orca like they do with NVDA with certain addons. Of course that is easy to say but not necessarily easy to accomplish programatically, I am not a developer at all.@6 Linux is great, that's for sure, I have run it as a fulltime OS for a while, but switched to windows again because of games and improved accessibility. I would love it if Orca was made to be as quick and speedy as  NVDA or other windows screen readers. Unfortunately, I don't think Linux accessibility is where it should be at, or at the level I would need to run it completely. I mess
  with it on a VM now, as I've found dual booting causes problems with windows.Pulseaudio, hm, its a bitch if you have Speakup on the console and Orca on the desktop. Speakup prefers Alsa while Orca prefers Pulse, and I've gotten orca slash speech dispatcher  on alsa before, but it wasn't easy, however, I'm not a linux expert and I'm sure someone could tell me a better way of doing it.Guess that's it, rambly post lol.


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Re: Blazing, a new iPhone/Android/tablet/browser game by Aprone

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Blazing, a new iPhone/Android/tablet/browser game by Aprone

I was indeed talking about the getting 1 gold bit.I've also noticed the rage issue, though it seems like I rarely get enough of it to make a difference.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Audiogame soundtracks BT Sync folder

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jaybird via Audiogames-reflector


Audiogame soundtracks BT Sync folder

I've been meaning to do this for a while, and tonight was just the night to get it done. I just created an audiogame soundtracks BT Sync. To start, it only has music for Adventure at C:, Paladin of the Sky, and Super Liam, and not all music from Paladin, just that which we've been able to find. This is exactly the same as was in the old BT Sync specific to that game, which I've now left.Here is the read-only key.BM2N23SQM2KYWR4NMY5CAIZEFSS4DN6TQIf you have audiogame music to contribute, send me an Email at jay bird at blue grass pals dot com and I'll give you the full access key. I've pasted the ReadMe from the folder below. Enjoy!This folder is for the collection of music from audio games. Each game's music should be put in its own folder. Only game music should go in this folder. In particular, cutscenes, game sound effects, dialogue, spoken phrases, etc. should not go here. In other words, if it will disrupt the enjoyment 
 of playing the game or violate a game developer's copyrights or other rights, it should not be placed in this folder.A note on filenames: Some filenames may be appropriate to the game, where those tracks were extracted or taken from the game itself. Other filenames may have no relation to the game. This happens when the game uses music available from another source, and the person or people collecting the music obtained it from that other source rather than from the game itself, as often happens with games using encryption.Enjoy!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: 1 thing holding me back from switching to Linux.

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 1 thing holding me back from switching to Linux.

I'm with Devinprater. I actually use Arch Linux, the distro that Sonar is loosely based on. I say loosely because Sonar is based on Manjaro Linux, and Manjaro is based on Arch.I switched in March of last year, and I haven't looked back. True, I still have a Mac, but these days, I usually only use it to manage my iPhone and Apple Watch, and to play Windows games in a VM. At least 95% of my daily activity is on Linux.Like all platforms, it does have a few accessibility bugs here and there, but I wouldn't consider any of them showstoppers.For the first time Linux user, I'd recommend either Sonar or Ubuntu. For people who are a little more familiar with Linux, though, I'd go with Arch Linux, or possibly even Gentoo.


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Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : death_rattlehead via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Resident evil 6 guide/walkthrough

Ah a guide for this game! Sweet. Now I can pop it back in. I got fustrated in Leon's campaign where you have to kill the big zombies and then hop on the bus to escape. I keep missing where to go.


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Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : prajwal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

lav andrick plese ad me on skype  its iloveprajwal i wil guide you to take magical ball


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Run Your own Classic 6Dragons game!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Vladaar via Audiogames-reflector


Run Your own Classic 6Dragons game!

Good Evening,I came back to Classic 6Dragons mud to find a few hard core players left.  I fixed a ton of bugs that I found reported and have now released the total current game at  should you want to run your own version of the game.It is the most current code and current areas already done.The game still does run at port 4100 if you want to see what it is like.  This game is very accessible and best of all it is completely already done.  I ask nothing if you want to run your own version, but I'd appreciate it if you'd email me, so I can see what your version is like.  You never know I might be a happy player there.  Take Care,Vladaar


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Re: 2D Platformer 4.0

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : masonian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 2D Platformer 4.0

I could yeah.


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Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

@EVILANGEL: Delete or rename %appdata%\\manamon\settings.dat


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jason SW via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Delete or rename %appdata%\\manamon\settings.dat


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: urgent internet help needed

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: urgent internet help needed

The fact that mrt is not working for you is worrisome seeing that this tool that MS includes is supposed to tell you of any infections that windows knows about. I don’t know if Avast hooked into that or not, but if that doesn’t work, there is a chance that you will have to do a clean install hate to say it. When you do, apply all of the updates you can that are for patching holes in the OS as the first thing you do. What is the error message you are getting?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : evilangel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

I tried running this with jaws after playing for a while, because I couldn't hear sapi over the music. I figured you could reselect the other voice if jaws didn't work, but now it won't even show options when you turn the game on. tried reinstalling..any way to reset settings without being able to access optipns?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

If all we were doing is whining, I'd agree with you. And I do accept the point that there's only so many times you can say the same thing.But that doesn't mean we should be absolutely quiet. If it is our responsibility to a developer not to be pains in the butt, then it's an equal responsibility of that developer to continue to support their product in a professional manner. Street runs both ways.Peach, you're describing a nuzlocke, which are great fun. Of course, in this game, that wouldn't go quite so far. There are fewer routes overall, and far far easier ways to die, and thus it might become extremely easy to end up failing nuzlockes pretty early. Misses at the wrong time, manamon you're forced to use but who have terrible movesets, critical hits at the wrong time (admittedly this can happen in a pokemon nuzlocke as well)...and the fact is that we simply have fewer options at our disposal. Nuzlockes are partially fun because you 
 can teach TMs to your pokemon and thus sometimes get around your weaknesses or augment your strengths. Manamon...well, what you see is what you get, and what you get might be a hell of a lot less than what you expect.As for a mono-type team, that might be doable, but again, very very difficult. One of the reasons the mono-type challenge works is, yet again, TMs. If you tried to do an all-magic run, and you ran into a particularly good Fiendour or Bombusect or Dormanoid, you'll probably lose 2-3 manamon depending on who you've got out at a given time. You wouldn't if those manamon had more moves available, since they might be able to sorta kinda deal with their weak spots.And let's not forget Irroadium. Irroadium ruins pretty much everything. I can't even imagine doing Irroadium in a nuzlocke. You could have a nicely balanced team of manamon, and due to the luck of the draw, might end up totally fine against literally every single other tamer an
 d dead meat against Irroadium. Some pokemon players institute item clauses in their nuzlocke runs, so that you can't use healing items in battle; this, again, would be impossible in the Irroadium fight, since you're probably going to need to heal/revive at least a time or three.Yeah. No. The strategic possibilities here are not even within shouting distance, I'm afraid. That's not whining, and that's not trying to bug Aaron either. It's just fact. Deal with it.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: 1 thing holding me back from switching to Linux.

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 1 thing holding me back from switching to Linux.

I like that I can do just about anything with it, without being barred by some corporation that doesn't give a crap about me. Apple? Gotta pay $100 to be featured in their ghost town of A PC app store. Microsoft? You hereby consent to be spied on, day and night from your webcam and microphone possibly, browsing habits, programs launched, Cortana queries definitely. Google? Who freaking knows anymore. But with Linux, your computer is your own, and you can make of it what you wish. And, if you have the skills which I don't, you can make something that wasn't available before. A whole new program to bless the world with. Like audio games and synthesizers. Young devs who're stuck to Windows, Linux is waiting with open arms, ready to accept whatever computer and development skills you have. But I can do all that I did on the Mac, on Linux now. Maybe even more, with this lovely Youtube downloader program and all sorts of emulators! and no more having to jump to anoth
 er element just to read an incoming Instant Message! Gosh, Voiceover sucked in that regard. With orca and pidgin, and any sensible screen reader and Messenger, I can just sit back and listen to the conversation as it happens. Ugh, Voiceover for the mac. Looking back, the whole platform was very accessible, but not all that user accommodating. Sure, there was Apple script, but I didn't need to program that into Orca, it came like that, ready to talk. So, why not try out Linux, developers and other users? Why not boot it up and spend a few hours on it, setting up email, loving the feel of having Firefox, Mac users, and enjoying the freedom of being able to mold the computer into what you want it to be. I recommend Sonar, as the creator of that distro is pretty open-minded, and fixes things extremely quickly. Y'all have no idea how dedicated he is to making Linux as amazing for us as it is for the sighted people that use it. Also, if you think the terminal for Win10 will be e
 nough, remember that that is only geared towards developers, not users. If you want real Linux, you're free to download it, and taste the astounding reality that you own your computer, and all that it is. Take charge of it, and let's make amazing things happen!


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Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta41)

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Aminiel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta41)

IN fact, when you activate the joker, you obtain a random game in which you can win a ruby. You can also get rubys in other games. At the end of the party, the player who took the greatest amount of rubys obtain 20 bonus points.Joker mini-games are intentionally made to be hard. Use the joker when you know you are bad at the mini-game just drawn, so that you get 0 points instead of around -20.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: keynote gold festival sapi5 voice

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: keynote gold festival sapi5 voice

Can this be ported to Linux somehow? We need more synthes too!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta41)

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : staindaddict via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta41)

When you set up the server, it asks you if you want to unable the joker. If you hit yes, you can skip a mini game by holding down j when it says the name of the game. Apparently there's still a way to get points, but it's difficult cause they don't tell you what game you're playing.


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Re: I think this android accessibility site is broken.

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I think this android accessibility site is broken.

Try Inclusive Android. It's like Applevis. I'm tempted to get an Android phone. I've gotten an android tablet, and you won't guess for how little! $80, with a protection plan, running Android 5.0.1, all from Walmart! It's amazing just how overpriced and locked down Apple's stuff is, but I'm running Linux on the Apple computer, I don't call it a Mac because there's nothing too special about the hardware, and now have an Android tablet. Sure, Google keyboard doesn't have all the little features of Voiceover, but there are other keyboards to choose from, or hey, my tablet has a hardware keyboard built in!  So, I could use both approaches, or even my braille display. And, Brailleback uses Liblouis, which is far better than Duxberry, which is where Apple got their braille stuff. Now, I just gotta get good at email clients on Android, and I&
 #039;ll be fine. Also, yes, emulators! on Android, even in Google Play! Take that, iOS, lol.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta41)

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : stewie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta41)

Where is this Joker mode? I don't see it when I open a server.


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Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : staindaddict via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

This game is already very big. Does it have the potential for a seaqual? Of course it does.The simple fact here is this.. By wining and wining, and bitching, and getting on Aaron's nerves, the last thing you're going to see is a seaqual, or a expantion for the existing game.To make a long story short, chill out. You're hurting the process.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: `Cosmic Rage, an all new, all awesome Space MOO from Nathan Tech!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: `Cosmic Rage, an all new, all awesome Space MOO from Nathan Tech!

Hey guys,This is a pretty epic moo, even though I just started playing it yesterday. Still, I've managed to climb to level 41 and spam the hosts with countless reports, assists and suggestions as I do my part to make this thing more playable. I was reluctant to play at first. When I saw the thread, I didn't even click on it and just rolled my eyes in disgust, especially as the name cosmic rage sounded to me like yet another cosmos rip-off. #SpaceWorlds! But recently I started playing star conquest again because of it's feature set, and that's when a friend told me that the feature set of this game was a million times better. He was most certainly right! I am quite disappointed in the soundpack, however. I guess the creativity and effort that was put into the game did not spill over into the making of the pack, as many of the sounds were taken from others of it's type. I would be more than happy to share my sound design knowledge and resources with yo
 ur team because I really would like to have a better pack for this one, perhaps even shoot for the goal of leveling with Miriani's depth and complexity.As for the server being down, I was logged in when it shut down, and I guess they're switching over to a new server, but there are some complications preventing him from putting it up when he said he would. Follow @cosmicragemud for details.I will just say this. If there was one thing I could change about how you guys run this thing, I would have you guys slow down just a little with implementing new features and fix a bit more bugs. Things have the potential to get hard to deal with quickly if there are too many bugged up sections. I have been reporting bugs as I see them and will continue to do so.Keep it up though. I see much potential in this one, something I can't say for many other muds around today.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: keynote gold festival sapi5 voice

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: keynote gold festival sapi5 voice

when I try to register the dll in xp I get this error: load library (circumsapi.dll) failed: the specified prosedure cannot be found.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : FeatheryPeachKitsune via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

I think it's more that we've not heard from the dev, and the dev doesn't seem interested in expanding something that could make this game very very big.    on top of the fact that things are becoming predictable.  and you can't really do a speed run.  and solo the game with one manamon.though a manamon   what do they call it nuslef run would be kind of amusing.  like  where in pokemon,  your manamon faints and you're supposed to act as if it were dead so you can't use it any more.but yeah,  you could probably do a same type challenge,  pick a type, and try and win the game with it. but. not sure how practicle that would be in the long run.pokemon is still popular today because it's always expanding.  I've seen audio games,  but  few with sequels


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: `Cosmic Rage, an all new, all awesome Space MOO from Nathan Tech!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: `Cosmic Rage, an all new, all awesome Space MOO from Nathan Tech!

Hey guys,This is a pretty epic moo, even though I just started playing it yesterday. Still, I've managed to climb to level 41 and spam the hosts with count reports, assists and suggestions as I do my part to make this thing more playable. I was reluctant to play at first. When I saw the thread, I didn't even click on it and just rolled my eyes in disgust, especially as the name cosmic rage sounded to me like yet another cosmos rip-off. #SpaceWorlds! But recently I started playing star conquest again because of it's feature set, and that's when a friend told me that the feature set of this game was a million times better. He was most certainly right! I am quite disappointed in the soundpack, however. I guess the creativity and effort that was put into the game did not spill over into the making of the pack, as many of the sounds were taken from others of it's type. I would be more than happy to share my sound design knowledge and resources with your t
 eam because I really would like to have a better pack for this one, perhaps even shoot for the goal of leveling with Miriani's depth and complexity.As for the server being down, I was logged in when it shut down, and I guess they're switching over to a new server, but there are some complications preventing him from putting it up when he said he would. Follow @cosmicragemud for details.I will just say this. If there was one thing I could change about how you guys run this thing, I would have you guys slow down just a little with implementing new features and fix a bit more bugs. Things have the potential to get hard to deal with quickly if there are too many bugged up sections. I have been reporting bugs as I see them and will continue to do so.Keep it up though. I see much potential in this one, something I can't say for many other muds around today.


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Re: Sharing My Music and Sound Effects - Over 1000 Tracks

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : Eric Matyas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sharing My Music and Sound Effects - Over 1000 Tracks

Hi everyone,My newest free tracks all live on my brand new SFX - Urban Ambience Page. They are:Street Ambience (1-6) City Park Ambience (1-3) of them loop and might be nice in urban-based games, interactive novels and other things. I hope they are helpful!  :-)Eric


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download link for flexible survive interactive fiction game.

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jafarria via Audiogames-reflector


download link for flexible survive interactive fiction game.

I am  apart of the flexible survival mud. Does anyone know where i can find the downloadable flexible survival interactive fiction game? Thank you.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I think this android accessibility site is broken.

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I think this android accessibility site is broken.

You can wait for some other months and buy the iPhone 7. It will be better. There will even be a pro version of iPhone 7, which is 5.5 inches. Too big but it is very solid.I have the iPhone 6, but wouldn't go for 6S. It's not much of difference apart from RAM, processor, and camera. iOS 9 runs even on iPhone 4S which has only 512 GB of RAM, so if you are concerned that iPhone 6 may not run well on iOS 10 that is not much true. iPhone 7 would be a thought choice


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Re: the "lucky cop" is ready to download!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kianoosh shakeri via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the "lucky cop" is ready to download!

They' will add in the feauture.The first missions are simple.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: shadow rine full voice version released

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : boy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: shadow rine full voice version released

Sorry about asking more questions, but I have the key of light now. I got the key of darkness, but not from the light door. Am I missing something or doing something wrong? Because I really want to be out of the temple basement and defeat whatever boss their is, if their is one. Actually, hopefully I'll be able to do it, I only have 15 percent hp because of those bears and they never seem to drop any recovery items, so maybe I'll finally get all those keys, and die at the boss, as long as it doesn't hit as hard as the bears. If this is only the bears, I can't imagine the final boss because if I remember correctly, someone said you have to fight it 3 times!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: the "lucky cop" is ready to download!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : kianoosh shakeri via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the "lucky cop" is ready to download!

they'll add in the feauture.The first missions are simple missions.


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Re: urgent internet help needed

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : bryant via Audiogames-reflector


Re: urgent internet help needed

ok, quick update:I managed to get rid of avast finally. However, when I type mrt in the run box and hit enter, it tells me that an error has occurred. I am thinking that I will need to either do a system restore or a reformat. I am about out of options I think.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: `Cosmic Rage, an all new, all awesome Space MOO from Nathan Tech!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: `Cosmic Rage, an all new, all awesome Space MOO from Nathan Tech!

I guess it has been down for over an hour. I wonder where the problem is. Is @nathantech7713 or @cosmic_ragemud what you are looking for for the twitter name? It's been down for a little while.


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Re: ninja gaiden sigma 2: how playable is it?

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ninja gaiden sigma 2: how playable is it?

that's not really on this particular topic, lol but thanks for the info


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: ninja gaiden sigma 2: how playable is it?

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ninja gaiden sigma 2: how playable is it?

For ninja gaiden series, yaiba ninja gaiden z is also playable. Although there is no path finder but it's still can be played.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I think this android accessibility site is broken.

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I think this android accessibility site is broken.

Hello Afrim.Thanks for your reply.I'll probably end up either buying an Iphone 6s or sticking with my iphone 6.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I think this android accessibility site is broken.

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I think this android accessibility site is broken.

Hello Afrim.Thanks for your reply.I'll probably end up either buying an Iphone 6s or sticking with my iphone 6.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

This is covered in my guide, and it's been covered in the thread. Please use the search feature.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I think this android accessibility site is broken.

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I think this android accessibility site is broken.

Hello Brad, I've been using Android for one year and wouldn't recommend it to a blind user. I switched to iOS on the February of this year and now I'm much happier. The problem is not that I'm a fan of Apple, or I love their high-quality pricy products, but I like them because you don't ever need, neither to buy, nor to install a third-party screen reader and you won't ever need sighted help to configure something on your iPhone, as you may have noticed.Android lacks some very basic abilities with its screen reader that are really staggering. You have only two options for keyboard feedback, for example. You have "hear characters as  you type", and something like "read or hear nothing while typing." Also there is not a phonetic feedback level which can be defined by the user when he types. When you are typing with the keyboard, you can hear characters, both characters and words, or words only after you press space a
 fter you have typed a string of letters. However Android does not offer you this option. I don't want to talk much about options that should or should not be on android's Screen reader, but I will focus to the greatest feature of Voiceover, called Roter. I suppose you are an older user than me on iOS, so you may well know which are the features of the Roter. You can change many settings of Voiceover that are pretty handy by just rotating fingers on the screen and swiping up or down to change the value. Android does not offer this feature neither, and it is very sad that you can't even change sliders by swiping up or down. The magic tap feature does not live in android, too.I would also like to talk about the braille keyboard found on iOS which is a perfect keyboard which can incredibly increase your typing speed. Through finger combinations, you can pritty much type any symbol you need to use in your daily life. A lot of people may come up and argue that typing 
 on such a small device is hardly possible, and I have not used Braille in years, so I don't need it. That's not true! It's there, and those people who use braille can immensely take advantage of it.So my recommendation for you is to stick with iOS for another year or, two, or three. Additionally, you can pick a 100 dollar Android device to get an idea how Android works.Cheers!


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Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta41)

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : staindaddict via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta41)

I agree about the joker. I mean, there's so many games available, how are you supposed to know which game you are playing with no intro? Also, why do you only get like 15 seconds to play the game when you use the joker?


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Re: shadow rine full voice version released

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: shadow rine full voice version released

it does, I believe that room has 6 different ways in, and that's just from the north... plus another 6 from the south sideaccording to field viewer, anyways


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: shadow rine full voice version released

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: shadow rine full voice version released

it does, I believe either that room or the next one has 6 different ways in, and that's just from the north... plus another 5 or 6 from the south


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Re: what do you think of a tts preschool album?

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do you think of a tts preschool album?

thanks for the update family mario!


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Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : nuno69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Where can I get dragon tyyupes?


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Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : lav andric via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

hi all.I have a question about a magical ball.Can I get it in the normal mode?


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Re: `Cosmic Rage, an all new, all awesome Space MOO from Nathan Tech!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : lav andric via Audiogames-reflector


Re: `Cosmic Rage, an all new, all awesome Space MOO from Nathan Tech!

yep, i think the server is down.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : derekedit via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

I'm curious of how a fight with irroadium will look with dramegon on the team. It seems like he would just do a draco something and that would be it, dragon versus dragon and all. Actually, I'm curious of how the team I mentioned in an earlier post would do especially at the late stages of the game. It was on the last page. I don't remember seeing an answer to it, or maybe it's one of those that's been answered before but with different names. I'm still trying to stick with grinding them all but that part of the game is just so boring. And it almost seems like I really need at least two different teams. One for most of the game, and one for irroadium. It's that slog that has me tempted to cheat for levels. So there's either boring repetition or getting it over with quickly. Neither of which is a lot of fun.


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Re: Android virtual machine?

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hhurstseth405 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Android virtual machine?

Yeah I have always wanted to setup andorid on vbox but am wondering how you would do that with out talkback inabled.


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Re: what do you think of a tts preschool album?

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : FamilyMario via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do you think of a tts preschool album?

Sorry for the late reply. The Days of the Week Song with Chipspeech is still being worked on. I'm almost halfway done with it though, so it shouldn't take that long to finish.


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Question about making swamp maps

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : kingzombie via Audiogames-reflector


Question about making swamp maps

Hi everyoneIs it possible to make swamp maps with a text editor? If so please tell me how, I don't understand the random numbers and letters.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Question about making swamp maps

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : kingzombie via Audiogames-reflector


Question about making swamp maps

Hi everyoneIs it possible to make swamps with a text editor? If so please tell me how, I don't understand the random numbers and letters.


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I think this android accessibility site is broken.

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


I think this android accessibility site is broken.

hello.I'm going to test android devices against the Iphone 7 in a month or so. Why am I doing this?Because I am quite tired of thin phones and would like to find a bulkyer one if possible.I am quite tempted to get a android device as you can customise it, and there are tuns of phones out there, so I'm sure I can find a nice bulky phone with a nice speaker system.Anyway, I came across this site for android and accessible apps I thought great! A place I can go to once I get my new device. However, it seems like the site is very broken. When you click on an app, you get an error page. When you try to email the developers of the site, you get an error page.Can those who use android tell me what sites they use to find accessible apps?Oh and one more thing, is there a way to increase the 15 minut
 e testing window on an android device? I think an hour would be a lot better.


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Re: shadow rine full voice version released

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: shadow rine full voice version released

A bit more clarification. DD is right, but that room with the openings to the north is complicated.When you take the teleporter and then go east through to the next room, you're in a room with three little hallways which head north. They're pretty close together, so it's easy to miss one. One is right smack above you when you enter the room. One you can find if you move about five or six steps right (this is the one you want). One is about six steps further still to the right.So go through the door, go about six steps to the right, then straight up, then right, then down. You will go through another hallway and ejnter a new room. In this new room, you're locked into a very narrow corridor heading south. The rock door is at the end of this passage. You literally cannot miss it from here.Hope this helps. That three-corrridor room is a right pain in the tail, since it feels like it wraps around itself.


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Re: `Cosmic Rage, an all new, all awesome Space MOO from Nathan Tech!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : patjk via Audiogames-reflector


Re: `Cosmic Rage, an all new, all awesome Space MOO from Nathan Tech!

It appears this is down. Can't find a twitter listed anywhere either to get updates. I know it is listed when you connect, but nowhere else


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Manamon fanfic? Dear god no. But then, I'm also the sort who stays ten miles away from pokemon fanfic as well.I, too, had trouble on the route to Veilstone. Bassy music+rain = tough time navigating that route.Emerald does indeed have two tricky gyms to get through. Ruby/Sapphire, though, has only one, and thankfully there's a guide on GameFAQs that gives exact step-by-step instructions.Seems like this "now what?" no-more-shiny feeling is fairly universal, which is pretty telling. I mean, every game has its end, every game has its life cycle, but this one is barely two months old and it's already aging. That's a really, really, really bad sign.


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Re: the "lucky cop" is ready to download!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dalen lewin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the "lucky cop" is ready to download!

What I mean by that is  are there random crimes you get to stop, like bank robberies or break-ins?


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Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta41)

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Crazy Party: mini-games and card battle! (beta41)

@Staindadict, hmmm, I don't think that was me you couldn't connect to since I've never started a battle game. I did have a minigames in  serenity one going though for a while yesterday, although nothing today due to not being near my computer or awake due to lots of travelling . I'll try again now I'm hear at my flat and if it doesn't work then I know something is wrong, since it did work before. As to opening ports, I have no idea how to do that so I hope it's not necessary.Btw, @Amineel, agree on the joker. it'd be nice if you were at least told the  name of the minigame you were switching to, even if you don't get the full intro and instructions screen.


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Re: A new audio game from a new developer - Dark Passenger

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A new audio game from a new developer - Dark Passenger

Hi IdeaCabin. Welcome to the forum, and appologies for the slight drama here.Unfortunately I've been a trifle busy what with being at music school recently so haven't looked over Dark passenger myself, though will be glad to as the game sounds interesting and more 3D audiogames are definitely a good thing, indeed had I been a little less taken up with matters I would have moved this topic to the new releases room where newly released games are announced, including playable demos of upcoming games. I won't move this topic as is, but I could suggest you post a fresh topic over there with a link to download your demo to be a little more visible and get some more feedback, we can also see about some news about the game for the front of the site too.As regards platforms,Windows has the most visually impared users currently, so a Windows port that can be run without the hassles of Steam would be extremely welcome. There are a number 
 of blind people on Mac os, and a smaller number with Linux, but it's fair to say that Windows still has the lion's share of desktop users. For portable platforms, Ios is extremely! popular, owing to the inherent accessibility of the os with it's built in voiceover screen reader. There  are a smaller community of Blind and Vi android users as well, though again Ios probably has the lion's share in terms of portable platforms.


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Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : FeatheryPeachKitsune via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

I'll probably put it aside after my run this time.  I'm going to complete the manapedia,  a task in itself.  I may.  time passing by, a month or 2 later, try a run, with the 3 transformations of mutmo   just for a challenge. but.  my hopes aren't high there.I tried to play diamond from the pokemon series, but  failing sight, and not being able to hear through the rain on the route to vailstone city.  I ended up having to give it up.  so I can still play yellow,  as well as silver and crystal.  and emerald,  cough with a gameshark cough since 2 gyms I just can't get through...  and I don't have cash to shell out to try the later gamesand with gen 7 coming out soon. yeah. doesn't stop me from reading piles of pokemon fanficts, as well as writing them.manamon can lead to it's own fanfictions.  as well if you want to be fair, but.  sighted peop
 le will complain it's a rip of pokemon. so I'm not touching a manamon fanfic though I'm semi tempted.


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Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Yado via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Hello guys, so I finally finished the game. I beat the Master Stadium and I caught some of the Mythicals ( the 3 elementals and Irrodium). My question is, now what? Is this it? Once I finish my Manapedia that's it? I expected more of a post game content. Like a higher level battle tower or soemthing similar. Right now I am looking on things to do here so I don't get bored.


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Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : arqmeister via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

That is exactly how i feel, and i have only played through the game once. And the balance issues makes this game playable, but frustratingly not quite good enough.


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Re: keynote gold festival sapi5 voice

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cartertemm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: keynote gold festival sapi5 voice

For those of you thinking that just because your machine lags, its not suitable for this voice, no matter how good the specs of your computer are its going to lag more than almost any SAPI voice. And the way I look at it, the more samples that are recorded the more laggy its gonna be. This is a nice supplement, but it can never replace the actual sound of keynote, since its basically synthesizing an already synthesized voice.


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Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Now, I daresay that's overlevelled. You can do it in the mid to high 50s if you're careful, you don't need three level 65+ manamon to beat Irroadium the first time you face him.My team is in the low to mid 50s and I haven't started Shadow Kingdom yet, so by the end they should be all around level 55-56. Then I can borrow that Peggisen off Loxeas, hopefully, and just rip Irroadium apart. I'll still write strategies and explanations and stuff, but I just want him out of my hair.Truth to tell - and I hate admitting this, but it's true - most of the shine is already off this game for me. Once I finish this run, I might be done for a long while, or maybe forever. I feel much the same way I did when I finished Paladin of the sky. Burnt out, fairly disappointed, and frustrated because the game had so much untapped potential...potential which could've been used with not a whole lot more effort and forethought. Now take a game like Shadow Ri
 ne. Two years later, and I'm still having fun with that one.


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Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Amine via Audiogames-reflector


Re: VGStorm Presents Manamon, a new fully featured RPG!

Yeah, for me I used Polosses at level 70, pandurbit level 70, and a Miterosier at level 67. That's in the first fight where yavon sends it, in the second fight I replaced Miterosier with Ziognioss and had to use two power potions on the ice manamon so I could get my friget touch to deal more than 130 damage.


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Re: 2D Platformer 4.0

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : lav andric via Audiogames-reflector


Re: 2D Platformer 4.0

hey Mason, can you add travelpoints in this game?


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Re: ninja gaiden sigma 2: how playable is it?

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ninja gaiden sigma 2: how playable is it?

3 is RE... lolvanilla 3 is dead to me


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Re: accessible PSP Games?

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Narf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: accessible PSP Games?

hiso how can i set the options in mlb06 for the putch and so on? I dont have any sighted assistance right now. does anyone remember how to do it as a blin?


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Re: ninja gaiden sigma 2: how playable is it?

2016-08-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stirlock via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ninja gaiden sigma 2: how playable is it?

I personally doubt it, think 3 and RE are the only playable games from the series.


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