Re: What sidescrollers for the blind are the best?

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


Re: What sidescrollers for the blind are the best?

I think one of my favorites was adventure at C.


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How accurate are espeaks languages and dialects?

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : an idiot via Audiogames-reflector


How accurate are espeaks languages and dialects?

Espeak has a lot of languages and  dialects,  possibly more than any other synthesizer. from   Common languages   like english and spanish, to languages like nahuatl, the aztec language. So for those who speak one of the languages supported by espeak,  i’m curious. How accurate are sound and pronunciation in the languages.  The only thing I can  really make a judgment on  is that the American English does not sound quite right.


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Re: I Suck at BK3 and I Need Help

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I Suck at BK3 and I Need Help

Nah. Jacking up the running speed will just make the game harder in some ways (easier to fall in pits) and much easier in others (you will be able to outrun enemies easier). If you mean speeding -everything up? No, that just makes the game harder overall, and there are higher difficulties for that. I think normal needs to be a little easier pretty much across the board, but I'll take camera/sonar as a hell of a good start. I'm glad you're not 100% closed to ideas to help improve the game, because it's quite good as is.I have a triple yoyo now, and oh my god is that thing strong. Full disclosure: I beat MudKiller with cats, but if I'd done the triple yoyo thing first, I could've done it that way. It breaks walls better than the regular yoyo does. Am at 23.2 as we speak, and am not going to be beating the game anytime soon.


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Re: we're alive, after season 4?

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: we're alive, after season 4?

that's a good  point, I just finished lock down, and, is there another place we see Jeremy? cause i recognize the fuck out of his voice but i can't place it, and Jody too?


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Re: making html download something?

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: making html download something?

also, i'm not using php or anything except html, unless i need to


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Re: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate: Game Discussion

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : redfox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate: Game Discussion

i played sm4sh somewhat competitively, meaning i was deep in the mechanics of the game, I wasn't graite, but I can still have a decent match, but my only issue is keeping track of where i'm at at all times offstage, cause my only option is to land on the stage, so i can't grab the ledge or anything cause i can't see where it is. The menus were easy as hell what are you talking about post 1? At least, the nessisary things were right there, although the menus were a bit, meh? in sm4sh. But, I can't wait to play this game! Marth, zero suit, falcon, and wolf for the win! maybe even snake!


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Re: `Cosmic Rage, an all new, all awesome Space MOO from Nathan Tech!

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Tikki via Audiogames-reflector


Re: `Cosmic Rage, an all new, all awesome Space MOO from Nathan Tech!

Hi,ok, I also tried a manual installation, but the problem is the same. I did everything like it's described in the readme file. I created my character in Vipmud by entering my Character name and Cosmic Rage as the mud name, the connection info and checked the boxes for keeping variables and simple script control. After that, I decompressed the soundpack and copied everything into the vipmud folder under my documents, leaving the folders as they were, so that the sounds folder was integrated into my existing sounds folder and the file sounds.ini was replaced and everything else was placed into vipmud\cosmic rage. I also copied the settings.set file into cosmic rage\misc.After that, I start vipmud, connect using my created character, and have no sounds at all. And pressing any shortcut key from the keys file from the soundpack does just nothing.So, what did I do wrong?Thanks as always for any help.Tikki


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Re: Looking for a capture card.

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : nuno69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for a capture card.

Just a simple AUX cable and sound blaster soundcard will do well


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Re: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate: Game Discussion

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mitch via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Super Smash Brothers Ultimate: Game Discussion

In regards to World of Light, from what I've gathered, it isn't completely free-roaming, and you are limited to certain paths that go in specific directions. I personally hope that Seeing AI will help with the Spirit Board, as that seems like a very fun addition.


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Re: The killer(New first person shooter)

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The killer(New first person shooter)

ok, I actually am curious now. How does one get things like force feedback working in bgt?


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Re: `Cosmic Rage, an all new, all awesome Space MOO from Nathan Tech!

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Arkandias via Audiogames-reflector


Re: `Cosmic Rage, an all new, all awesome Space MOO from Nathan Tech!

About the soundpack installer, it only works if the soundpack is allready decompressed in one folder. I recommand that you first install the soundpack one manually to make sure you follow all the instructions. Then, try to join the Snap's shared dropbox folder and target it with Nathan's software. This way you can update the pack easily without having to download it alla over again.Note that there will probably no change in December, as Snap told us he wanted to take a short breake (and trust me he deserves it). So you don't have to worry about updates right now. As I said, try to install it manually and follow the readme step by step. If your probleme persists, try to describe your installation and we'll try to figure out what happened.@slj : Yep, translating the game was pure fantasm from me, and the staf wouldn't agree even if it was possible i think. But an alternative channel system could be helpfull.Best regard,Simon


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Re: attaching multiple constants to 1 string

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: attaching multiple constants to 1 string

@13: It sounds like you haven't read about escape sequences. \n (new line), \r (carriage return, aka newline for windows because windows is weird like that), \" (a quote in a string literal), \', \\, \t (tab), etc.I don't think I understand what you were trying to do that wouldn't work?


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Re: From playable to unplayable, Picked up some crazy xbox one deals

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: From playable to unplayable, Picked up some crazy xbox one deals

i've completed the witchre 3, and it's not playable


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Re: I Suck at BK3 and I Need Help

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nyanchan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I Suck at BK3 and I Need Help

Hmm... While I understand that everyone uses speed drinks, doesn't it break the realism a bit if I set it to 200 or even 150 ms?Btw, I checked the section on bsg and found that 25-5 was entirely missing. Stage 25 exceptionally has 5 acts, so just pointing that out if you didn't notice it. I really appreciate your compilation and audio playthrough files.


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Re: From playable to unplayable, Picked up some crazy xbox one deals

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: From playable to unplayable, Picked up some crazy xbox one deals

It might be a while before I get to check any of these out properly though, although I might just jump back into ff 13 as I remember that game from the ps3.


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Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : pitbull via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Swamp, zombie FPS by Aprone

ok gamererers prick up your ears this is a work round for the crate bug, if you press your kills key to check your kills and hear nothing press it until you do then drop the crates will count, no need for shooting endlessly or waiting 15 seconds to drop. the server lags so if you drop and they do not count although they count against your char, I have tested this method on several missions both hc and normal and it works 100 percent of the press your c key or whatever key you have to announce your overall kills til you here them then drop and bobs your uncle.


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Re: Combining AI and web accessibility

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : oliver . edholm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Combining AI and web accessibility

Thanks for the replies!From the replies it seems like most websites are OK but the real problems lies in more _javascript_ intensive websites that are responsive and have a lot of custom elements. It seems like automatically assigning heading levels to pages without them could be something very useful. What would be the most convenient? Browser extension, NVDA add on, some background process in Windows...?Will definitely try using NVDA with a blindfold or something for some days to get more of a grasp of the problems that occur.I've looked a little bit into the OCR capabilities of screen readers and from what I've read they are good if the page is very inaccessible but the OCR program is still error prone and only detects text, no forms, buttons, links e.t.c?


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What sidescrollers for the blind are the best?

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cyco via Audiogames-reflector


What sidescrollers for the blind are the best?

Hello.In your opinion what sidescrollers for the blind are the best? I know that through the years there have been different types of sidescrollers for the blind. Some people come back to over and over again. While there are some that people play once an never come back to.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: I Suck at BK3 and I Need Help

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : robomastr42 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I Suck at BK3 and I Need Help

I actually disagree with the sonar being made as a default item, i feel like not having it at the beginning helps add a little extra challenge to the game. Plus, you already start with it in chaos edition.Personally what i’d like to see a major speed increase for regular running. I think the speed drink speed seems fair, so that’d be around 200 ms. Of corse you’d have to up the speed drink speed as well.


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Re: Stages for Adventure at C:

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mhmd1119 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Stages for Adventure at C:

how you build lasers in the stage?


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Re: Forced to use C Sharp. Any advice?

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Developers room : nuno69 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Forced to use C Sharp. Any advice?

Thanks @ethin.Now, I have a kinda weird problem. I get lots of errors in this string: 1010, 1002 and some other errors which assume I try to use variables when I don't.string FileContents = @"[playlist]Number of entries=1File1="+StationAddress+":"+StationPort+"Title1 = "+StreamName+"            Length1 = -1                Version=2";


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Re: `Cosmic Rage, an all new, all awesome Space MOO from Nathan Tech!

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Tikki via Audiogames-reflector


Re: `Cosmic Rage, an all new, all awesome Space MOO from Nathan Tech!

Hi,I finally want to get into playing this game, and so I created a character. I also downloaded and installed Snapps soundpack using the soundpack installer from Nathan Tech, but I have no sounds in the game. The soundpack doesn't seem to even load at all, since the shortcut keys of the pack don't do anything either. What can I do here?Thanks for helpingTikki


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Re: The killer(New first person shooter)

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ivan_soto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The killer(New first person shooter)

I'm glad you asked about that! I have plans to code an update to the game where it will have full support for that soon along with vibration feedback!


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Re: The killer(New first person shooter)

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ivan_soto via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The killer(New first person shooter)

I'm glad you aksed about that! I have plans to code an update to the game where it will have full support for that soon along with vibration feedback!


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Re: Stages for Adventure at C:

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mhmd1119 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Stages for Adventure at C:

@89  The level it’s hard the laser it’s stupid I don’t know how I deal with it


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Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cyco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bokurano Daibouken 3 : secondary topic

I got the game working.


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Re: Help with Shadowryne Full voice

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : vaibhavbhandari via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Help with Shadowryne Full voice

@assault_freak, I turned all three statues to the north but still that dorr is not opening. Do I hahve to do something else also?


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Re: Stages for Adventure at C:

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mhmd1119 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Stages for Adventure at C:

hello I have my first stage I hope you like it


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Re: o shit question

2018-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aamir via Audiogames-reflector


Re: o shit question

there is a way to destroy them actually. get the invincibility mode and stand near the cannon. if the cannon ball hits you wile the invincibility mode is active the cannon will vanish. it doesn't take much to spawn an other one though. 


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