The problem of choosing the first programming language

2019-09-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Nikita via Audiogames-reflector


The problem of choosing the first programming language

Hello.The choice of programming language - the problem of the individual. Someone should just decide on the area of activity, and this is an obvious choice. And someone like me, undecided, looking for a versatile option. And don't find ...Today I'm writing here with the hope that you give me really good advice on choosing the first programming language. And no, I'm not talking about completely the first programming language, as I touched many. We are talking about choosing a first programming language, which I'll use in real projects.Of course, before I write here, I conducted my own research. Here I will make them, so you can give an answer on the basis of this.The main objective is:Find the programming language for use in real projects and work.I mean, I need a language with which I will work with the comfort that is able to develop real projects, and with which, will be able to find a job.My research is divided into 2 parts. Interests and opportunities.interestsI itself is a versatile personality and programming too.I'm interested in:Developing applications for Windows, Linux and Android;Backend development of Web applications;Artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics.It should be emphasized that I'm not interesting development from scratch, and the possibility of using ready-made tools.Options on interests not so much.Languages that I can use for Windows, and for Linux, and Android - C++/C#/Java/JS;Languages that I can use for developing web applications (Backend) - PHP/C#/Java/JS/Python/Ruby (took only popular in this);Artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics - C++/Java/Python.As a result, the list of the programming languages: C++, C#, Java, JS, PHP, Python, Ruby.Discard excess.C++. I need to know, but not a good idea to use it on the Web or Android.PHP. Due to the limited web.Ruby. Because of the low popularity in Ukraine, where I live, a narrow range of applications.The final list of the first part of the research of programming languages: C#, Java, JS, Python.OpportunitiesHere I mean employment opportunities, prospects, etc.2 Restrictions:The opportunity to become a Junior developer no more than six months;It attracts remote work.On the first paragraph everything is OK. But looking at the second paragraph, discard Java. Remote work is possible only for Android developers, but here goes Kotlin. Learn Java for Android development, since it is the leader in job openings, in addition to the Enterprise, does it make sense?The rest assess the ratings by DOU: ratings on the Ukrainian and Russian languages. There you can find a table. We are interested in the first 4 elements:PositionProgramming languagepart of the marketChanges compared to the previous yearSee that JS grows, however, the recent JS growth falls.We see that C# has fallen in recent years, but not by much. Considering the active development, there is hope for growth in the future.Finally, Python, about which is spoken everywhere. I see a slow but inexorable rise.Python would be ideal, if not Android. C# allows you to develop native applications. I don't know about JS, but Python I know that Python cannot.I see 2 options:Learn C++ with Python;Add the third language, and spend it more time than in C++, or replace the Python JS.Now only your ideas and advice.Thanks in advance!


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Re: C++ vs C#

2019-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Nikita via Audiogames-reflector


Re: C++ vs C#

Rastislav Kiss, What's wrong with using C++ with Python instead of C#?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

C++ vs C#

2019-07-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Nikita via Audiogames-reflector


C++ vs C#

Hello.Learning the materials about programming languages, learning the opinions of developers that I heard in my previous topic, I stopped in two programming languages.C++ and C#.Now I have to choose between these two programming languages.Are there any developers who have worked with both C++ and C#?It is clear that C++ developers will protect C++, C# developers will protect C#. For this reason, I'd like to get the opinion of those developers who have worked with both.So. C++ vs C#.C# seems simpler. However, no one knows what will happen to C# tomorrow.C# property of Microsoft. I'm not happy about going after them.C++ can let me do anything. From small programs to large projects.C++ is said to be a difficult programming language. But there are smart pointers and other things that keep programmers busy.In addition, there is Python that I can use in conjunction with C++.How to choose?Thank you!


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Programming language for online games and Android

2019-07-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Nikita via Audiogames-reflector


Programming language for online games and Android

Hello.A lot of topics were about this in this forum. Especially lately.I read it and realized that the choice is between three programming languages. C++, C# and Python.I understand that a programming language is just a tool. For this reason, I should describe my tasks in more detail.First of all, I'm interested in the development of online games.I'd like to be able to develop a server for my game for Linux.Often, as I know, Python isn't suitable for long-running servers.I'd like to be able to conveniently program a client / server application.And the most important thing!I'd like to be able to cross-platform development! Especially for Android.I have 2 options:1. Learn C#. With Monogame, I could develop Android games.2. Learn Python. But in parallel, learn C++. And use C++ and Python together.What's better?Thank you!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: C# game example?

2019-06-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Nikita via Audiogames-reflector


Re: C# game example?

kianoosh wrote:didn't know about visual studio object inspector.Don't make people laugh


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Game programming languages

2019-06-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Nikita via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Game programming languages

magurp244, I asked about Audio games.I'd like to get an approximate list of games for each language.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Game programming languages

2019-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Nikita via Audiogames-reflector


Game programming languages

Hello.There are programming languages:C++C#JavaPythonWhat games have been developed in these programming languages?I mean, which games were developed with C++, C#, Java or Python?Thanks in advance!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

The right way. Choose between C# and Python for audio game development

2019-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : Nikita via Audiogames-reflector


The right way. Choose between C# and Python for audio game development

Hi guys.There will be a lot of text. I don't have very good English, for this reason I ask you to forgive me.When BGT came along, I was just starting to learn programming. I can say that I have tried many languages, but I stopped at PHP, because it allows me to work in my country.Of course, I tried BGT.Now I can say that this is a very good choice for offline games.My experiments with BGT led me to network. And I realized that when sending a large amount of data begins, BGT doesn't work correctly.I saw the Crazy Party, which was developed on BGT. It doesn't require a large number of requests, for this reason, it works well.I saw STW, which was also developed on BGT. It works well.But I saw the redspot. I see the firefight. I see poor network performance in BGT when sending a large number of requests. For example, when firing a machine gun.For this reason, I decided to use other programming languages.What was my choice? C++. For some reason I thought it was the perfect choice for me.When I got to pointers, my brains began to melt. I realized that I would spend a lot of time not on the algorithm of the game, but on the mechanics of the game.Does anyone remember un interview with BGT developer and Blastbay founder Philip Bennefall?He said that one of the goals for which BGT was created was so that when developing audio games one could think more about the algorithm, the logic of the game than about the mechanics of the game.I would like to get this result.After C++, I began to look at C#, Java and Python.I was confused.Now I understand that Java is not my choice, because Java will be paid soon. It remains to choose between C # and Python.On the one hand, I would really like to make friends with Python. Why?First, it's a simple programming language. Recently, I read an article about Python productivity.Secondly, Python has a large number of libraries. These libraries allow you to create many things without going beyond a single programming language.I dreamed that I would be like Google and many other developers who use Python wherever possible. But I hurried!In Python, I found bad things in my opinion:First of all. Did you play SoundRTS? Why is this game so slow? And this game was developed in Python!Secondly. When I started learning Pyglet, I encountered the problems of the complexity of object-oriented programming and decorators. In addition, there are generators in Python, which also cause difficulties.When I met games like Entombed and Three-D-Velocity, I decided to learn C#.I liked C#. True. I could create applications with a GUI without wasting a lot of time.When Kianoosh studied C#, he shared examples. I have seen working with the keyboard through Windows.Forms. But I realized that this is not good, because it causes difficulties if I need to use key handling in different methods, because key handling through Windows.Forms occurs in events.I thought that my knowledge in C# was enough so that I could start developing games. But when I looked at the Three-D-Velocity code, I was shocked. I don't understand anything!The last stage for today is my search for network programming.I have not received information from Python, but I learned that the network in C# works more efficiently and more efficiently than in Java.You remember, recently, on the forum, the guy with the nickname Jonikster wrote about Sockets and Twisted in Python.After BGT, my network complexity causes in Python too.When I looked at it in C#, it seemed to me easier than in Python.Guys. I have only 2 questions.How should I choose between C# and Python?How do I start the right way?Thanks!


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