The problem of choosing the first programming language


The choice of programming language - the problem of the individual. Someone should just decide on the area of activity, and this is an obvious choice. And someone like me, undecided, looking for a versatile option. And don't find ...
Today I'm writing here with the hope that you give me really good advice on choosing the first programming language. And no, I'm not talking about completely the first programming language, as I touched many. We are talking about choosing a first programming language, which I'll use in real projects.
Of course, before I write here, I conducted my own research. Here I will make them, so you can give an answer on the basis of this.
The main objective is:
Find the programming language for use in real projects and work.
I mean, I need a language with which I will work with the comfort that is able to develop real projects, and with which, will be able to find a job.

My research is divided into 2 parts. Interests and opportunities.


I itself is a versatile personality and programming too.
I'm interested in:
Developing applications for Windows, Linux and Android;
Backend development of Web applications;
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics.
It should be emphasized that I'm not interesting development from scratch, and the possibility of using ready-made tools.
Options on interests not so much.
Languages that I can use for Windows, and for Linux, and Android - C++/C#/Java/JS;
Languages that I can use for developing web applications (Backend) - PHP/C#/Java/JS/Python/Ruby (took only popular in this);
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics - C++/Java/Python.
As a result, the list of the programming languages: C++, C#, Java, JS, PHP, Python, Ruby.
Discard excess.
C++. I need to know, but not a good idea to use it on the Web or Android.
PHP. Due to the limited web.
Ruby. Because of the low popularity in Ukraine, where I live, a narrow range of applications.
The final list of the first part of the research of programming languages: C#, Java, JS, Python.


Here I mean employment opportunities, prospects, etc.
2 Restrictions:
The opportunity to become a Junior developer no more than six months;
It attracts remote work.
On the first paragraph everything is OK. But looking at the second paragraph, discard Java. Remote work is possible only for Android developers, but here goes Kotlin. Learn Java for Android development, since it is the leader in job openings, in addition to the Enterprise, does it make sense?
The rest assess the ratings by DOU:
The ratings on the Ukrainian and Russian languages. There you can find a table. We are interested in the first 4 elements:
Programming language
part of the market
Changes compared to the previous year
See that JS grows, however, the recent JS growth falls.
We see that C# has fallen in recent years, but not by much. Considering the active development, there is hope for growth in the future.
Finally, Python, about which is spoken everywhere. I see a slow but inexorable rise.
Python would be ideal, if not Android. C# allows you to develop native applications. I don't know about JS, but Python I know that Python cannot.
I see 2 options:
Learn C++ with Python;
Add the third language, and spend it more time than in C++, or replace the Python JS.

Now only your ideas and advice.

Thanks in advance!

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