Re: forum browser

2018-01-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: forum browser

It felt kind of unfair uploading the program even though it didn't work anymore and hadn't been touched in years. I rewrote the program, and it should work a lot better than it did. At the moment, it doesn't do anything more than the original one did, but if anyone actually ever wants to use this, then I'd be willing to change that. There was not a lot of testing, so let me know if problems happen. Link below:


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Re: forum browser

2018-01-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: forum browser

Surprisingly, I actually still do have this thing. Even though I made it with the intention of encouraging how lazy I am and for me to be able to view the forum without opening a browser, I don't think I ever actually genuinely used it. Unfortunately, it's broken now. That's the bad part about going about this the way that I did. It's very easy for everything to break, and it isn't simple going about fixing it again. There's nothing fancy here though. All I'm doing is grabbing the source for these different pages and extracting the needed information. (Hints why it doesn't work anymore) Out of all of the little programs I've made for myself that do this, I think this one is the only one that I tossed aside. (And the Reddit client, and the Omegle client, but that's a different story) The zip file contains two different versions of the program. The first one is the one that I made, and the second one was a version that someone on the forum extended by incorporating the AudioForm class. I quickly added screen reader support to my version, but I left it out of the other version since the AudioForm relies on SAPI. I think that's all of the rambling out of the way. So the moral of the story? If you seriously want to create a program for browsing the forum without an internet browser, BGT will not be your best option. It was pretty neat to dig this thing up. I haven't touched it in years. Link below: I didn't code this neatly, I coded it for results. Keep that in mind... I'm not even going to say how long it took me to figure out how to actually upload this to Google Drive. In my defense, the interface is not very straightforward, but enough excuses...


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Re: Bug Catcher Prototype

2017-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Bug Catcher Prototype

Unfortunately I can't give this a try right now, since I get n error about missing/unregistered dll's when I start the program. It's most likely no fault of yours though since I'm on a virtual machine right now. I'll definitely give this a try once I get around to my main Windows laptop.


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Re: -Calling all detectives! I need your help!

2017-10-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: -Calling all detectives! I need your help!

Thank you so much everyone for the suggestions and feedback so far. it's pretty hard to come up with realistic unique crimes that don't start to sound similar to each other, so all of the help is appreciated. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: -Calling all detectives! I need your help!

2017-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: -Calling all detectives! I need your help!

I think posting your ideas in this topic might be easiest.  Plus you might help other people think of ideas.


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-Calling all detectives! I need your help!

2017-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


-Calling all detectives! I need your help!

Hello everyone. against my better judgement, I have decided to create this topic. The only reason that kept me from creating this topic is the fear of me not finishing this project. (like the millions of others that are somewhere between the point of started and almost finished) Then I realized that if I don't end up finishing this for some reason, I could always turn the project over to anyone else who is interested. Now that that's over, here's the problem. I am working on a game right now, and the game requires many different criminal profiles. Things were going well as I thought up different personalities and descriptions for criminals, but then I quickly realized that all of the profiles I was making began to look very similar to each other.  That leads me to why I am here. I thought it would be fun if people on the forum could lend their creativity and imagination to 
 help the process go along. At this point, the lack of criminals is what is really holding back this game from being complete. If there isn't a lot of interest or if there aren't many ideas, then I could always just browse news stories and take inspiration from real criminals, but that does get depressing really fast. I really don't want to give a lot of details about what the game is about, but these criminals are meant to be really bad. If you have any questions about the game, I would be happy to answer what I can. If you are interested in contributing, then see below:Criminal personality:So this is really easy, the only aspects that you have to provide are:*Name*Age*Description of the crime that they have committedExample:Name: Aggressive AnthonyAge: 42description of crime: AgressiveAnthony was arrested for robbing a bank and forcing his teenage son to be a human shield while law enforcement shot at him.
 The game will involve criminals dying, so I encourage people to make crimes that are pretty bad so their deaths are justified. (don't get too carried away though with graphic details on the forum, I'll be filling those in as I add them to the game) Thank you to anyone who decides to participate.  I really want to make this game happen.


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Re: making accessable fast food simulation game

2017-10-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: making accessable fast food simulation game

@visualstudioUnfortunately, Aprone's game won't require any more voice submissions. There was a window a while back, but there weren't a lot of contributions, so the game will be heading a different direction.


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Audio Form for BGT?

2017-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Audio Form for BGT?

Hi. So I know a lot of people have had problems in the past with BGT's built in audio form,  so I was wondering if anyone has created anything similar to get around the bugs? I'm mainly looking for a working multiline text field. I'm just curious if anyone has any solutions before I go through the hassle of making my own. Thanks for the feedback.


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Re: lets code, we're trying the folder again

2016-05-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: lets code, we're trying the folder again

I would like to be added to this folder. Please add me at:gamedude2012 (at) gmail (dot) com


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Re: my new bgt class! XPack!

2016-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my new bgt class! XPack!

Thanks for this.  This will really come in handy. I'll check it out when I can. I'm sure I"ll be able to put it to good use.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: my new bgt class! XPack!

2016-02-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: my new bgt class! XPack!

Thanks for this.  This will really come in handy. I'll check it out when I can. I'm sure I'll be able to put it to good use.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

ideas for grid scanning system?

2016-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


ideas for grid scanning system?

So, I'm sort of stumped on this one. Imagine you have a grid. Any particular grid will do. It could be a 3 by 3, a 7 by 7, or a 10 by 10. I recommend it being quite a large sized board. Anyways, you have a particular point of focus on this board. Let's say you have a 10 by 10 board. Your point of focus is the coordinate (4, 6). Let's imagine that this useless, pointless (no pun intended) space has a classification of orange. I'm trying to create a function that will check the surrounding coordinates in order to check whether or not they are also classified as orange. If so, then the surrounding coordinates for those coordinates should be checked, and so on. The end goal is to retrieve a list of all of the coordinates that are connected to (4, 6) that are also orange. I hope I make sense. My example may have just confused someone I'm sure. To make a long explanation short, I am aiming for a Bubble Shooter type system. Any thoughts? All attempts that I have made towards accomplishing this goal have ended quite badly. So, when all else fails...P.S. Here's what I have so far in the form of an example: … 20Copy.bgt


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: ideas for grid scanning system?

2016-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ideas for grid scanning system?

So, anyone want to take a look at this? I've attempted to implament one of the flood fills found on the helpful Wikipedia page, but I'm still not getting the right results. I have a link to a simple example below: … 20Copy.bgtthe examine function is where the trouble is to save time. I appreciate all of the help.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: ideas for grid scanning system?

2016-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ideas for grid scanning system?

Well, I completely redesigned how I want to go about this situation. I updated the link above for anyone who wants to take a look. It still doesn't work, but it looks like it could turn out to be a lot less time consuming...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: ideas for grid scanning system?

2015-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ideas for grid scanning system?

So, anyone want to take a look at this? I've attempted to implament one of the flood fills found on the helpful Wikipedia page, but I'm still not getting the right results. I have a link to a simple example below: … 20Copy.bgtthe examine function is where the trouble is to save time. I appreciate all of the help.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

ideas for grid scanning system?

2015-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


ideas for grid scanning system?

So, I'm sort of stumped on this one. Imagine you have a grid. Any particular grid will do. It could be a 3 by 3, a 7 by 7, or a 10 by 10. I recommend it being quite a large sized board. Anyways, you have a particular point of focus on this board. Let's say you have a 10 by 10 board. Your point of focus is the coordinate (4, 6). Let's imagine that this useless, pointless (no pun intended) space has a classification of orange. I'm trying to create a function that will check the surrounding coordinates in order to check whether or not they are also classified as orange. If so, then the surrounding coordinates for those coordinates should be checked, and so on. The end goal is to retrieve a list of all of the coordinates that are connected to (4, 6) that are also orange. I hope I make sense. My example may have just confused someone I'm sure. To make a long explanation short, I am aiming for a Bubble Shooter type system. Any thoughts? All attempts that I have 
 made towards accomplishing this goal have ended quite badly. So, when all else fails...


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: ideas for grid scanning system?

2015-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ideas for grid scanning system?

Starting from a coordinate, i'm looking for a way to identify all of the coordinates that are connecting to it that have the same id. Each coordinate in the grid is assigned an id. Some of them could be the same. I'm looking for a way to identify if, given a coordinate, there are surrounding coordenates with the same id, and, if possible, surrounding coordinates to those surrounding coordinates, and so on.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

A question about the library example in BGT

2015-08-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


A question about the library example in BGT

So I originally posted this topic on the Blast Bay forum a while back, but it appears as though no one seems to know the answer. *shrugs* I decided to see if anyone else would have any sort of ideas.So I was wondering if this value given in the DLL library example:const int win32_mb_icon_information=0x0040;for the flag of what type of dialogue message should be shown by user32.dll was converted? When I looked around on the Microsoft website, I found this value for the same type of dialogue box:0xL; If the value was converted, I would be interested to know how the conversion was done. Assigning the above value to an integer in BGT returns a compilation error. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: problem with sound rotation in bgt

2015-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: problem with sound rotation in bgt

As for the problem with not being able to determine whether or not a sound is in front or behind a player, unforunately BGT does not support any type of audio effects that could make this realistic. For example, many games might use a muffling effect in order to simulate a sound playing behind a player. I say this before looking at the classes, but Ill take a look at them.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Deep Echo - An audio dungeon crawler that need your feedbacks

2015-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Deep Echo - An audio dungeon crawler that need your feedbacks

[[wow]]! This is a really neat game! Im not going to lie, it took me entirely too long to figure out how to move my character around because I originally believed that the sonar sounds were supposed to be footsteps. Needless to say, I spent a lot of time holding down arrow keys believing that i was going somewhere that i was not.  Once i figured out what I was supposed to do, I managed to complete the game a few times without any more problems, and I really do enjoy it. If you are interested in continuing the development of this game, I have a few suggestions that could possibly be worth looking into. For example, randomly generated levels, more enemies and hazards, more complex levels, ETC. Id definitely be interested in hearing more about the accessibility jam. So I found the games page for the accessibility jam, so if anyone is interested in checking out th
 e page: I still would have to say that Deep Echo seems to be the best game, as most of the other games I cannot seem to get to run. If it isnt problems getting other games to run, it is the fact that they have remained in a still developing stage for over a year. Im not trying to be derogatory; its understandable that sometimes life gets in the way. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Deep Echo - An audio dungeon crawler that need your feedbacks

2015-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Deep Echo - An audio dungeon crawler that need your feedbacks

Oh, alright. That makes a lot more sense.  No wonder most of the game development dates were around this time last year. This seems like a really nice event. Maybe spreading the awareness would attract more participants. It would be nice for developers to take a crack at developing games for people with accessibility issues. I wonder what the possibility of Deep Echo earning a place within our database after no more changes are to be made to it would be?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Deep Echo - An audio dungeon crawler that need your feedbacks

2015-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Deep Echo - An audio dungeon crawler that need your feedbacks

[[wow]]! This is a really neat game! Im not going to lie, it took me entirely too long to figure out how to move my character around because I originally believed that the sonar sounds were supposed to be footsteps. Needless to say, I spent a lot of time holding down arrow keys believing that i was going somewhere that i was not.  Once i figured out what I was supposed to do, I managed to complete the game a few times without any more problems, and I really do enjoy it. If you are interested in continuing the development of this game, I have a few suggestions that could possibly be worth looking into. For example, randomly generated levels, more enemies and hazards, more complex levels, ETC. Id definitely be interested in hearing more about the accessibility jam. Are you aware of any others who have decided to develop a game for the visually impaired? 


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Re: Fantasy Tales

2015-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fantasy Tales

If you feel as though you could use any more assistance, I would be glad to help out with the project. My e-mail address (for the Drop Box folder) is gamedude2015 (at) gmaile (dot com)Replace at with the at sign, and dot com with the actual period and com.


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Re: Let's code!

2015-05-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's code!

I would love to join this folder.  It seems like an idea I would come up with.  (that probably doesnt have great significance to most) But anyways, My e-mail address is gamedude2015(at)gmail(dot)com


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

want to study another programming language

2015-03-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


want to study another programming language

Hello everyone. I do believe that there was already a topic posted in this room a while ago that discussed matters similar to these, so I apologize for posting a new one. I have been using BGT for quite a long time now and while there is nothing wrong with the language, I would like to learn a more ... main stream language with more functionality. The only problem is that there are many different languages available out there to choose from, and I am wondering if anyone has any type of suggestions? I am looking for a language, with a heavy intention on using it for game programming. The main reason I am trying to move away from BGT is its lack of GUI functionality. While I am mainly looking for a new language to code games in, I am also looking for a language that will allow me to easily integrate a GUI to any of my programs without too much hassle. As I said, there are many different languages out there, but each one comes with their own different advantages and disadvantages. I 
 wonder what programming language everyone feels fits the above description (if you can even call it a description). Any feedback is appreciated. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: moving in formation?

2015-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: moving in formation?

Hello Aprone.  The video you linked to was what originally inspired me to create this function in the first place. Thanks for linking to it anyways. Im sure others can stumble across it, and find your videos to be as helpful as i do.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

moving in formation?

2015-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


moving in formation?

hello everyone. So, I am creating a function for moving multiple game units at one time; however, I do not want them all to move to the same tile. I want them to move, keeping their formation. For example, let say that a player has four units in their possession. I want the player to be able to select all four of their units, and select a random tile on the map. The units will then move around the new location, keeping their same box formation with the new location being the center. I was wondering how some of you would choose to go about this? I was thinking I could cycle through all of the currently selected units, and I find the selected unit farthest to the left, and the selected unit farthest to the right. I then average the two points to find the centered point in between the units. I then calculate the distance between the new desired location, and our averaged location and apply this change to every selected units coordinates. If my explanation is unclear, think of r
 igid motion transformations. My goal is to basically translate the pre-image made by all selected units. So, if anyone can make any type of sense out of what I just explained, I would be interested to hear your ideas about this. I currently do have a function in coding, but it isnt accurate at all.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Declaring an array of handles to functions in BGT?

2015-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Declaring an array of handles to functions in BGT?

So I was wondering how one would go about declaring an array of handles to functions in BGT? Is such an action possible? It would be nice if it was, I sort of need such an array at the moment. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Declaring an array of handles to functions in BGT?

2015-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Declaring an array of handles to functions in BGT?

yes.  That did seem to work. The only problem now is that I am now running into another problem. I have a class with a function called, push. When I attempt to call the push function from within another class such as below:brain.push(find_leaves);I get an error when trying to run the program. The push function takes only one parameter:bool push(my_function_type@ func) {Im sure theres some obvious reason why this is not working, but I cant seem to figure it out. Ive tried many different variants of the two lines above with no success.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Declaring an array of handles to functions in BGT?

2015-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Declaring an array of handles to functions in BGT?

yes.  That did seem to work. The only problem now is that I am now running into another problem. I have a class with a function called, push. When I attempt to call the push function from within another class such as below:brain.push(find_leaves());I get an error when trying to run the program. The push function takes only one parameter:bool push(my_function_type@ func) {Im sure theres some obvious reason why this is not working, but I cant seem to figure it out. Ive tried many different variants of the two lines above with no success.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: People recording coding?

2014-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People recording coding?

Well, I do know that Aprone has some YouTube videos that demonstrate different coding techniques on his channel, but as well as the visual aspects he does thoroughly describe what he is doing and explains each line of code more or less. While i wouldnt suggest them for learning language syntax or anything like that, to the beginner I feel they could be useful. He doesnt use object-oriented-programming, however I still feel that they help introduce many programming concepts that beginners ask about.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: People recording coding?

2014-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: People recording coding?

I know Liam has mentioned once that he has old coding sessions that he has recorded stored some where, but he hasnt actually gotten back to me about him hosting them for others to download. Im not sure whether or not he likes the idea, but just mentioning that he has recorded coding sessions before. It has never occurred to me to actually record myself coding, since my sessions usually involve me having to take a few fifteen minute breaks after an hour or two while I calmly ponder over an issue i cant work out. I guess after a while, I begin to lose focus and make careless mistakes, but thats me. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: frustrating bgt error

2014-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frustrating bgt error

The alert syntax you have written seems to be correct, so the error possibly could be in regards to another area of your code. If you cant find the problem, try posting the entire file again for assistance (if it isnt too large of course). 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: frustrating bgt error

2014-11-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: frustrating bgt error

Try removing the right brace after your first welcome alert message and moving it to the end of the file. The right brace ended the main function. This confused the compiler, because the right brace ended the main function, but there was still code afterwards. Correct code pasted below:void main(){alert(wellcome to., cm black jack, version 1.0);string cards=card1, card2;int card1=random(1, 10);int card2=random(1, 10);string message_string=Your two starting cards are  + card1 +  and  + card2 + . hit okay to continue.;alert(Your cards, message_string);}


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Re: blind dj mixing software using jaws 15

2014-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumDevelopers room : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: blind dj mixing software using jaws 15

Hi there.  There actually have been quite a number of topics posted throughout the forum of requests for accessible software that perform the tasks you ask for, and unfortunately no one has been able to find one. Probably the most accessible Dj program for Windows would have to be a program called OTS Turn Tables. It doesnt automatically mix songs, but it can almost be fully operated with hot keys making the process of manually blending songs not too bad of an experience. However, there is a program for MAC that can be accessible with a bit of extra hardware that can automatically mix songs. Both of these programs are paid programs.


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