Re: Fortnite

2018-04-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fortnite

@16I was skeptical about the crafting aspect as well, but a lot of people seem to enjoy it so...@14I also agree that implementing audio cues really doesn't seem like it would make the game very playable. Even after the ability to navigate around, we're still left at a pretty big disadvantage. There's still the obstacle of tracking/aiming players. Being taken out without even knowing what was happening over and over again doesn't seem like it would be a fun experience. (and it won't have anything to do with how skilled you are) Having a system that automatically aims at players doesn't seem like it would be too enjoyable either. I think the best plan would probably be for us to develop our own game for the community.


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Re: Updates on What's Going ON With LWorks

2018-04-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Updates on What's Going ON With LWorks

Thanks for the update Liam, and I hope you get better pretty soon. Hospitals are no fun.  Brain Station will be finished when it's finished. No rushing necessary. 


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Re: Fortnite

2018-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Fortnite

I think I would have to agree with @post 5 on this one. Although I can't say that Fortnite only exists for the purpose of making money, (or that money is the devs' main concern) in order to make the game playable for us, the amount of drastic changes that would need to be made would be too much in order to accommodate such a small community. Even if our suggestions were taken into consideration and there was an overhaul to the game in order to make it accessible, I think that there would be a potential risk of losing a nice size portion of the current players due to how much would have to change about the game. @post 6 gives a great description of the obstacles that would need to be overcome in order to make the game accessible, and I certainly don't think that that these obstacles could be overcome without having to heavily remold the game. (or without adding features that would give us an unfair advantage over other players) I'd definitely love to play it though. Maybe we can develop our own Battle Royale game.


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Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

2018-02-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Considering making BK3 V2 X free

I just wanted to chime in and say that I completely agree that any payment towards BK3 (or anything in the BK series really) is well deserved. The replayability and amount of content that BK3 contains alone is beyond impressive, and recent developers have asked for a lot more for less. It's an incredible game, and regardless of how large the expansion will be, I feel that for all of the work that's gone into this series, any form of payment asked from the community is well earned. The series has set a bar for AudioGames that, in my opinion, has only been met by two other incredible paid titles. There aren't many games/products that I would be willing to barrel through interesting translations from Google for.  (I'm talking back before the translation project) It's one of the few games that I can play for hours and have a great time. Thanks for such a great title, and I'll definitely continue to lend my support. It's worth it.


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Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

2018-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

@NocturnusI think it really just comes down to finding that balance between making sure that as many players are having fun as possible while ensuring that things don't get too far out of hand. As far as the amount of these topics that are popping up surrounding this game, I personally don't see this as irritating/annoying. I certainly think that the amount of people who are wanting to share their negative experiences (the experiences that are genuine anyways) from playing should be taken as a sign that something needs to change. How many topics like this one have we seen recently? Enough to know that there are enough players who aren't entirely satisfied with certain aspects of the game. (the majority of issues centering around how the game is moderated)


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Re: Happy Birthday Judgment Day

2017-12-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Happy Birthday Judgment Day

I remember playing Judgement Day when I was 10 years old; laughing my head off at the movies in the theater and not really knowing what I was doing. It was one of the first Audiogames I have ever played, and it will probably always be pretty special to me.P.S. I still have never unlocked all of the content in the game.


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Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

2017-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

@30Exactly. No bases, no forts, no stores... Sometimes keeping it simple is the way to go.


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Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

2017-10-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: The destruction of UKA and the rise of hypocrisy

@26I am glad to hear about the project that you are working on. I honestly wish you the best in your journey and hope that it doesn't end up anything like where Red spot is headed.  We definitely need a game without so much drama surrounding it. I'd be glad to help however I can. Would straying this thread off topic really be such a bad thing...


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Re: Redspot: Blood and dumpsterfire.

2017-10-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: Blood and dumpsterfire.

@19 and @20Cartertemm is right. NO there hasn't necessarily been anything confirmed, but there is still a roomer around. Besides, even if it turns out not to be anything, so what? Even though BGT is pretty limited when you compare it to other languages, it serves its purpose very well. BGT was the first language that I learned thoroughly, and I am more than satisfied with what I have been able to accomplish with it. When I want to experiment with something quickly, it is my go to language every time. I plan on using it until it becomes too outdated to be used anymore.


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Re: Redspot: Blood and dumpsterfire.

2017-10-17 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Redspot: Blood and dumpsterfire.

@16Apparently, BGT might actually have a future...


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Re: Any Good accessible Mainstream PC Games?

2017-08-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Any Good accessible Mainstream PC Games?

I'm curious. What kind of accessibility does injustice have to offer? How playable is it?


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Re: Steam NVDA compatible games

2017-04-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Steam NVDA compatible games

For anyone who is interested in the solution to the problem I was having with running Skullgirls, the solution is refreshing Windows. This process sucks by the way and I don't recommend it. That's how I got it to work though.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Steam NVDA compatible games

2017-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Steam NVDA compatible games

So my fear came true. I installed Steam and bought Skullgirls, but it will not run on my system. I'm pretty sure that it has nothing to do with my specs, because the game crashes on launch. Steam automatically installed some missing dependencies that i did not have for the game, so I'm a little bit confused as to why it will not work. If anyone has had any experience with this, I would appreciate any tips. This is probably more appropriate for a Skullgirls thread, but hey... I did look up all types of solutions online, but nothing has really worked for me. I have reinstalled Steam, and the game, more than once with no luck. As I said, the game doesn't even start. As soon as Steam launches the game, it crashes with the standard Windows error dialogue, "Such and such program has stopped working. I will now annoy you as I try to look online for a solution that I will never find so you might as well just click close program."


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Re: Steam NVDA compatible games

2017-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Steam NVDA compatible games

So Skullgirls actually has decent keyboard controls? I didn't know that was an option. I'll actually try harder into getting it now. I have a few questions though. Which Skullgirls is more accessible, or are they both the same? Is there a way to make sure it will run on my system before i get it? (might be wishful thinking but thought I'd ask anyway) I think that's all for now.


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Re: Should HC get a reset in Swamp? Time to vote!

2015-08-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Should HC get a reset in Swamp?  Time to vote!

Although I havent had much HC experience on Swamp since its early stages (when it was easier to convert ), even in those early days it was obvious that the same exact problem was going on. A handful of people would get together in a clan, or even a handful of clans get together, and they would build up continuously until they owned most or even all of the forts available in the game. These dedicated players would continuously pile and pile up supplies until they were virtually unbeatable. Many players would accuse these players of cheating, and some of them were, but a lot of them were just dedicated, committed players of Swamp who had skill they they put to use. Regardless of how it is done though, capturing every fort (or even the majority of all forts) for oneself isnt fair in any way to the Swamp community. Which brings us to the proposal of occasional HC resets to k
 eep the game balanced and fair to all. I believe that occasional resets would be a great idea to keep certain players from overpowering the rest of the Swampverse, but I dont think that a full reset would be necessary (not saying anyone specifically suggested a full reset). Maybe a system could be set up where occasionally every fort in Swamp is reset, but clan members can have some sort of opportunity to retrieve a small amount of the equipment they had stored in the fort so they arent just left with nothing. Every fort could be set on an extremely long timer (maybe a timer of several months). Once the timer ran out, the fort could spontaneously catch fire or experience some other catastrophe that would destroy the fort. If any clan members are online, they could travel to the fort and have an opportunity to retrieve a small percentage of their equipment before it is lost to the catastrophic event. After a period of time, the fort could be regenerated. I feel the 
 above suggestion would help HC players feel better about a reset instead of just having a message sent to everyone saying that all forts have been cleared and are now fair game.  Just my thoughts...P.S. The above made me think of possible weather incorporation into Swamp. I know it has been discussed before, but it would be interesting. Think about it. It could rain some day, turning certain areas containing dirt terrain into mud, or flooding the rivers turning nearby terrain into water...


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Re: Delight games on Ios

2015-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Delight games on Ios

hello Dark. I submitted the request from my phone, but then again I was using the Chrome browser. I havent tried it with Safari, but the experience should be more or less the same.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Delight games on Ios

2015-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Delight games on Ios

Hello Dark. As for applying for refunds on Ios, the process is a little tricky. I had recently purchased an inaccessible app, and i wanted to apply for a refund, but I couldnt find any instructions on how to do so in the app store. I ended up googling the process, and I managed to figure things out. You have to sign in to one of the many websites apple owns with your Apple Id and password. You then are able to cycle through all of your purchased apps. Once you find the app you want, you can apply for a refund. The site offers a list of options you must choose from explaining why you want to refund the certain digital product. These include options such as I didnt mean to purchase the item, and i didnt authorize this purchase. You must enter a short explanation of why you wish to refund the app, and then you submit the request. Apple is surprisingly fast when dealing with refunds. I received a response not even a full 24 hours later about the succession of my refund process. Unfortunately, although Apple is great when it comes to refunds, there isnt a lot of refund awareness. Here is the link to an article describing the process: … nds/13838/If you have any questions, or are having problems with the refund process, Ill try my best to help. 


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Delight games on Ios

2015-03-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Delight games on Ios

Hello Dark. As for applying for refunds on Ios, the process is a little tricky. I had recently purchased an inaccessible app, and i wanted to apply for a refund, but I couldnt find any instructions on how to do so in the app store. I ended up googling the process, and I managed to figure things out. You can apply for a refund from the itunes software, but I usually take a different approach. You can sign in to one of the many websites apple owns with your Apple Id and password. You then are able to cycle through all of your purchased apps. Once you find the app you want, you can apply for a refund. The site offers a list of options you must choose from explaining why you want to refund the certain digital product. These include options such as I didnt mean to purchase the item, and i didnt authorize this purchase. You must enter a short explanation of why you wish to refund the app, and then you submit the request. Apple is surprisingly fast when dealing with refunds. I received a response not even a full 24 hours later about the succession of my refund process. Unfortunately, although Apple is great when it comes to refunds, there isnt a lot of refund awareness. Here is the link to an article describing the process: … nds/13838/If you have any questions, or are having problems with the refund process, Ill try my best to help. 


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Re: Japanese games Translation projects

2015-01-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Japanese games Translation projects

I would definitely be willing to help out with this project! I actually began to learn Japanese sully for the purpose of playing Japanese audio games, not as easy done than said, so I can continue with this task. I wasnt aware of the fact that there was a drop box folder containing these translation projects; I would love to help out.


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Re: what do you guys think our next sports game should be

2015-01-04 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: what do you guys think our next sports game should be

An ice hockey game would be really nice. I actually just recently stumbled across a webpage that gave some really nice information about coding Hockey AI. Eventually, if it ever gets to such a point, multiplayer games would be pretty cool for an audio hockey game.


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Re: New Games from Spoonbill?

2014-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: New Games from Spoonbill?

I definitely would love to try out the 2048 game as well. Although I have stumbled across many articles and videos giving formulas and tips on how to solve the game immediately with no trouble (most of which were inaccessible and provided no cometary), I still would like to try the game despite sighted players posting such articles and videos. Seems as though someone will always figure out a shortcut or an easier way to do something new. 


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Re: Interest in mud soundpack repository/mirror?

2014-11-29 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Interest in mud soundpack repository/mirror?

I think that creating a site that either hosts or gives locations to MUD Sound Packs is a great idea. As for getting around copyright issues, I believe that setting up a database and giving their locations and where they could be downloaded would be safer (but this would then mean that the locations would have to be checked often to make sure that the links are still valid which is what we were trying to avoid in the first place).  Either way, I dont believe this project to exceed far past the visually impaired community either, so hosting the sound packs on the website itself might not be too dangerous for a while... 


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Re: Missing the experimental audiogames

2014-11-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Missing the experimental audiogames

Its actually funny that this topic was created. Just the other day, I was searching around my hard drive looking for the experimental Games and not finding the ones i wanted to play. I remember finding a few of them, but I was lacking the portable Flash package that allowed them to run.


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Re: ultra power is no longer free.

2014-11-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ultra power is no longer free.

Firstly, the quest system sounds like a spin off from Swamp. Not that spin offs are too bad, but there should at least be some originality in the game features to make the experience different from playing other games. Other than that, platforming and any other features that are being worked on sounds pretty cool.   Next, as for methods to prevent against some cheating, perhaps using ratios could do the trick? Have a system set in place that knows that if a players level equals a certain value, then their experience value should fall in the range of two values. This could protect against players changing their levels. Just an idea. Maybe even creating a system that closely monitors the increase of certain values in the game, such as gold, money, experience, ETC to make sure that they always rise by a reasonable amount. Looking for drastic increases in certain values could alert to cheating.I just want everyone to know that I am not against buying the 
 game. I just want to be sure that development on the game will continue, and that the game will be worth the money. Thats fair, isnt it?


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Re: ultra power is no longer free.

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: ultra power is no longer free.

Hmm. Thats odd. Now I cant seem to find the UltraPower topic to read more details about the game becoming ShareWare, but if the reason for it becoming paid is because of the amount of cheaters, deciding to make the game ShareWare at this point isnt the right choice. With the minimal functions and objectives the game has, and the fact that players cant know for sure whether or not development on the game will continue long enough for it to evolve into a title worth paying 15 dollars for, it is hard to know whether or not paying would be worth it. If cheaters and hackers are the problem, I feel that for now, the best bet would be to put forth as many security measures as possible, and only making the game ShareWare as a last resort. As for looking for the topic, I guess i didnt look long enough.


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Re: problem with PG13 lets plays

2014-11-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: problem with PG13 lets plays

Ive actually been having problems with the LEts Plays as well but I havent had a lot of time to explain about them. For some reason, it seems as though after a certain amount of time passes in the recording, it starts over from the beginning. The time between restarts gets longer and longer each time the recording restarts. Ive only experienced this problem with the Monkey Business and Superliam recording.


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Re: swamp.

2014-07-22 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: swamp.

gadgetman2227 wrote:Dear gamers,I am wondering why the developer of Swamp has made it so that you must pay to play the game? In the help file of the current version, he mentions that you must pay to have 4 characters per account. Why would anyone do this? It seems rediculous that you must now purchase this title when it was free before, dont you think? I certainly do. Well just have to see what Approne thinks of his brilliant idea to make Swamp shareware. I would also like to know what features Swamp has now that it is shareware. New weapons? New maps? Or is it just a waste of our valuable money? Gadgetman2227Im not exactly clear on why you are against the idea of Aprone charging for Gaming Accounts in order to play Swamp. Many of the Swamp gaming community seems to agree with all of Aprones reasons for turning Swamp into a Shareware game. The main reason being to drastic
 ally reduce the number of hackers that find it entertaining to frequently reek havoc on Swamps servers. This gives Aprone a lot more time to add more features to the game (including weapons). He is definitely showing how brilliant of an idea it was to turn Swamp into Shareware by fixing bugs he didnt have nearly as much time to work on before and add new and exciting features. Aprone definitely hesitated to make Swamp shareware showing that money is far from the reason why Aprone creates and manages his nice games. A lot of Swamp players would say that even if Aprone did not frequently update Swamp with new features, or even if the hackers did not insist on giving aprone a hard time, the game is more than worthy of shareware title. I suggest you try to create a game such as Swamp and then tell us how REDICULOUS the idea seems.


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Re: N A Soft is looking for beta testers for my new game

2014-07-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: N A Soft is looking for beta testers for my new game

[[wow]]. The concept of this audio game sounds really neat! I definitely am looking forward to hearing more about it. I myself have always been the most interested in management games in which the player has to make decisions that heavily influence the success of their company, land, ETC.


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Re: abandonware archive. Now finally in one place!

2014-07-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: abandonware archive. Now finally in one place!

Thats really odd. Im still not receiving any data...


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Re: Audio walk-throughs

2014-07-01 Thread AudioGames . net ForumGeneral Game Discussion : gamedude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audio walk-throughs

There are some nice demonstrations and discussions about games for IOS on the AppleVis website if you havent checked that out already. Along with demonstrations for many other different IOS apps.


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