Re: Trimps

2019-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

Hi all, I just pushed another decent-sized upgrade to the screen reader version!This update mostly focuses on the map creation screen. I've added button and title labels to all of the buttons in the map creation screen, and added a few helpful auto-read things. For example, the "increment map level" and "decrement map level" buttons are now actual buttons that you can hit with the "B" key, they have a title that says what they do, and when you click one the new map level setting will be read out automatically. The sliders for loot, difficulty and size received a similar treatment, they have titles that say what they are, and changing a slider will read out the new setting to you.The save/reset/recycle all buttons in the map chamber previously weren't being read by screen readers, this has now been fixed so that the entire chamber should be fully accessible. I messed around with it for a decent amount of time with NVDA and was able to do everything I needed to do in the map chamber.I also added an H4 to the map fragment cost, so you can use 4 to navigate around the map chamber with more proficiency now!Unrelated to the map chamber, I've also removed roman numerals from golden upgrades and equipment prestiges on the screen reader version, hopefully this makes things a little easier.What would you guys like to have improved next?!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

I have just pushed a new update for the Screen Reader version, finally addressing the Perks screen! I also generally do in-game events for holidays, and have just enabled the Easter event. This event works by occasionally putting an Easter Egg icon onto an empty space in the World map, and clicking this icon gives you either a random amount of a random resource, or a chance at Helium, Void Maps, or Heirlooms! I've taken care to set the cell that the Easter Egg spawns in to a button role, so it should be easy for you guys to find these eggs as long as you check each world once for a button icon. Let me know how this feels, I'm totally open to adding some other indicator or something if you feel it's necessary.I also hear you all loud and clear that maps still need more love, I'll focus back on them again next. @the best in the world Only half of your Trimps can be employed at any time, the rest are reserved for breeding and fighting. Trust me that its for your own benefit!@Origine I'm also still trying to figure out a good way to make every tooltip in the game Screen Reader accessible. There's too many random little tooltips for me to be able to give each one special attention for a Screen Reader solution, but I'm getting close on some good ideas for a blanket fix (my best idea right now is to just make all tooltips clickables on the SR version, and have clicking them auto read like building/job/upgrade descriptions), then at that point I can go in and fix the ones that are still problems. Since it's been a few pages since the game was linked, here's another link to the Screen Reader version of Trimps:


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

I have made another update to accessibility!I tackled two different fairly important things with this update: tooltip confirmation alerts, and the heirlooms screen.For tooltip confirmation alerts, I've sort of taken an intermediate step towards fixing the problem for good, and you now get an aria-live alert when one of these confirmation popups is open. For example, if you try to buy a Wormhole now, your screen reader should automatically tell you that there is a confirmation popup open, and to press S to navigate to and confirm it. Eventually I'd like to be able to put a hotkey in that works with screen readers for easy confirmation/cancel, but I'm not sure what the best key would be. In the current game, you can press enter or escape to confirm or cancel, but these don't seem to work when a screen reader is enabled, so I'm still not sure.For the heirlooms screen, I have labeled a ton of stuff, added a bunch of h1-5 tags, added button tags, and added a special help dialogue for screen readers only. Once you open up the heirlooms page on the newest version, look for a button labeled "help" and give it a click, it will read a summary of how to navigate the heirlooms screen for you! I don't want to go into too much detail here, as I want to make sure the in-game description is easy enough for someone to figure out without reading a tutorial from me here.Let me know what you want me to work on next! These two were at the top of my priority list, so I'm glad to get them out to you!@AlirezaNosrati I'm not sure what the deal is, but Firefox + Trimps + Screen Reader seems to be a really bad combination, it lags me to hell as well. I would seriously suggest using Chrome or Opera if at all possible, I've tested both and they seem to have great performance still.And for anyone just joining, here's another link to the screen reader version of the game!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

I have made another update to accessibility!I tackled two different fairly important things with this update: tooltip confirmation alerts, and the heirlooms screen.For tooltip confirmation alerts, I've sort of taken an intermediate step towards fixing the problem for good, and you now get an aria-live alert when one of these confirmation popups is open. For example, if you try to buy a Wormhole now, your screen reader should automatically tell you that there is a confirmation popup open, and to press S to navigate to and confirm it. Eventually I'd like to be able to put a hotkey in that works with screen readers for easy confirmation/cancel, but I'm not sure what the best key would be. In the current game, you can press enter or escape to confirm or cancel, but these don't seem to work when a screen reader is enabled, so I'm still not sure.For the heirlooms screen, I have labeled a ton of stuff, added a bunch of h1-5 tags, added button tags, and added a special help dialogue for screen readers only. Once you open up the heirlooms page on the newest version, look for a button labeled "help" and give it a click, it will read a summary of how to navigate the heirlooms screen for you! I don't want to go into too much detail here, as I want to make sure the in-game description is easy enough for someone to figure out without reading a tutorial from me here.Let me know what you want me to work on next! These two were at the top of my priority list, so I'm glad to get them out to you!@AlirezaNosrati I'm not sure what the deal is, but Firefox + Trimps + Screen Reader seems to be a really bad combination, it lags me to hell as well. I would seriously suggest using Chrome or Opera if at all possible, I've tested both and they seem to have great performance still.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-30 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

I have made another update to accessibility!I tackled two different fairly important things with this update: tooltip confirmation alerts, and the heirlooms screen.For tooltip confirmation alerts, I've sort of taken an intermediate step towards fixing the problem for good, and you now get an aria-live alert when one of these confirmation popups is open. For example, if you try to buy a Warpstation now, your screen reader should automatically tell you that there is a confirmation popup open, and to press S to navigate to and confirm it. Eventually I'd like to be able to put a hotkey in that works with screen readers for easy confirmation/cancel, but I'm not sure what the best key would be. In the current game, you can press enter or escape to confirm or cancel, but these don't seem to work when a screen reader is enabled, so I'm still not sure.For the heirlooms screen, I have labeled a ton of stuff, added a bunch of h1-5 tags, added button tags, and added a special help dialogue for screen readers only. Once you open up the heirlooms page on the newest version, look for a button labeled "help" and give it a click, it will read a summary of how to navigate the heirlooms screen for you! I don't want to go into too much detail here, as I want to make sure the in-game description is easy enough for someone to figure out without reading a tutorial from me here.Let me know what you want me to work on next! These two were at the top of my priority list, so I'm glad to get them out to you!@AlirezaNosrati I'm not sure what the deal is, but Firefox + Trimps + Screen Reader seems to be a really bad combination, it lags me to hell as well. I would seriously suggest using Chrome or Opera if at all possible, I've tested both and they seem to have great performance still.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

Hi all! Couple of quick fixes for you:The Summary has been changed to a table for easier reading. You can still hit 6 to get to it though, as I added a level 6 heading at the top.Added Block to the summaryReworded the Health summary item, fixed the calculation to take block into account, made sure it calculates properlyAdded a line-item to the summary for challenge specific things! Currently, the only challenge taking advantage of it is Balance for tracking stacksChanged some buttons in the map UI to actual buttonsI'm close on the overhaul for confirmation tooltips and important alerts, but wanted to get this stuff out to you now as it was ready!Also thank you all so much for supporting the game over on Kongregate, I know it's probably a huge pain to navigate their site with a screen reader (and even just navigating the non-screen-reader version of trimps). I'd still be more than happy to make all of these changes without your money, but your support means a lot to me and I really appreciate all of you! I just hope nobody is feeling obligated to spend money on Trimps, I've been really careful to not balance the game around the cash shop, and to make sure that everything is obtainable through normal play of the regular game!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-25 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

Hi all! Couple of quick fixes for you:The Summary has been changed to a table for easier reading. You can still hit 6 to get to it though, as I added a level 6 heading at the top.Added Block to the summaryReworded the Health summary item, fixed the calculation to take block into account, made sure it calculates properlyAdded a line-item to the summary for challenge specific things! Currently, the only challenge taking advantage of it is Balance for tracking stacksChanged some buttons in the map UI to actual buttonsI'm close on the overhaul for confirmation tooltips and important alerts, but wanted to get this stuff out to you now as it was ready!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

@Origine Good call on a table, I'll try changing to that ASAP. There is one other table on the page however, the settings table at the bottom of the page. However it still shouldn't be a huge deal to swap between them if I give them proper labels, so it's worth trying out! Also you asked if you'd have to export your save to Kongregate, but you wouldn't! If you're playing on, your save will automatically be loaded up if you play on Kongregate, regular, or the screen reader version!@mahdi-abedi Hi, I'm the developer of Trimps! I'd say the accessibility is moderate as of now, but I've been working on it over the past few weeks and hope to have it even better soon. Right now it's more of a beta/test project, everyone in this thread is helping me find what needs to be changed to make Trimps a great screen reader experience! If you try the game out, try on rather than the link published in the original post!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

@Origine Good call on a table, I'll try changing to that ASAP. There is one other table on the page however, the settings table at the bottom of the page. However it still shouldn't be a huge deal to swap between them if I give them proper labels, so it's worth trying out! Also you asked if you'd have to export your save to Kongregate, but you wouldn't! If you're playing on, your save will automatically be loaded up if you play on Kongregate, regular, or the screen reader version!@mahdi-abedi Hi, I'm the developer of Trimps! I'd say the accessibility is moderate as of now, but I've been working on it over the past few weeks and hope to have it even better soon. Right now it's more of a beta/test project, everyone in this thread is helping me find what needs to be changed to make Trimps a great screen reader experience!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

I'll set fixing the alerts for those confirmation popups as my next task!For now, I've finished adding a general summary/overview area, have fixed the missing info buttons for golden upgrades, and renamed the special tooltip buttons to "Info" to make their function more clear.I set the summary up with heading level 6 as it was the only one I still hadn't used. If you press 6, you should be taken right to it, and you can continue to press 6 or shift+6 to move up and down. As of now, I've added: Zone Number, Cell Number, Map Name and current Map Cell if you're in a map, your Trimp count and a percentage of how full your Trimp storage is, and the same for all other resources. I've also added an Attack and Health line to the summary! For attack, you'll see your Trimps numerical attack value, and then another number to show what percentage of your current enemy's health will be removed with each attack. For example, if you have 100 attack and the enemy has 200 health, your attack percentage will be 50%, meaning it will take two hits to kill your current enemy. Values over 100% mean you're one-shotting enemies, and low values mean it will be slow. There's a similar stat for Health, showing what percentage of your Trimps' health are being removed by each enemy's attack. You want a high attack percent and a low health percent!Finally, at the bottom of the summary, you'll see the last combat message that was sent to the log, and the last story message. If there is anything else you'd like to see on the summary, please let me know!Here's another link to the new and permanent home of Screen Reader Trimps:'re just getting started with this screen reader version, I'll post another update within the next few days!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

I'll set fixing the alerts for those confirmation popups as my next task!For now, I've finished adding a general summary/overview area, have fixed the missing info buttons for golden upgrades, and renamed the special tooltip buttons to "Info" to make it more clear.I set the summary up with heading level 6 as it was the only one I still hadn't used. If you press 6, you should be taken right to it, and you can continue to press 6 or shift+6 to move up and down. As of now, I've added: Zone Number, Cell Number, Map Name and current Map Cell if you're in a map, your Trimp count and a percentage of how full your Trimp storage is, and the same for all other resources. I've also added an Attack and Health line to the summary! For attack, you'll see your Trimps numerical attack value, and then another number to show what percentage of your current enemy's health will be removed with each attack. For example, if you have 100 attack and the enemy has 200 health, your attack percentage will be 50%, meaning it will take two hits to kill your current enemy. Values over 100% mean you're one-shotting enemies, and low values mean it will be slow. There's a similar stat for Health, showing what percentage of your Trimps' health are being removed by each enemy's attack. You want a high attack percent and a low health percent!Finally, at the bottom of the summary, you'll see the last combat message that was sent to the log, and the last story message. If there is anything else you'd like to see on the summary, please let me know!Here's another link to the new and permanent home of Screen Reader Trimps:'re just getting started with this screen reader version, I'll post another update within the next few days!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

I'll set fixing the alerts for those confirmation popups as my next task!For now, I've finished adding a general summary/overview area, have fixed the missing info buttons for golden upgrades, and renamed the special tooltip buttons to "Info" to make it more clear.I set the summary up with heading level 6 as it was the only one I still hadn't used. If you press 6, you should be taken right to it, and you can continue to press 6 or shift+6 to move up and down. As of now, I've added: Zone Number, Cell Number, Map Name and current Map Cell if you're in a map, your Trimp count and a percentage of how full your Trimp storage is, and the same for all other resources. I've also added an Attack and Health line to the summary! For attack, you'll see your Trimps numerical attack value, and then another number to show what percentage of your current enemy's health will be removed with each attack. For example, if you have 100 attack and the enemy has 200 health, your attack percentage will be 50%, meaning it will take two hits to kill your current enemy. Values over 100% mean you're one-shotting enemies, and low values mean it will be slow. There's a similar stat for Health, showing what percentage of your Trimps' health are being removed by each enemy's attack. You want a high attack percent and a low health percent!Finally, at the bottom of the summary, you'll see the last combat message that was sent to the log, and the last story message. If there is anything else you'd like to see on the summary, please let me know!We're just getting started with this screen reader version, I'll post another update within the next few days!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

Hi all! It ended up taking a few days longer than anticipated, but I have finally officially released version 4.11.0!This means that I finally have a permanent location up for the screen reader version of the game, which you can find at've updated the netlify link with the newest version of the game, and there's currently no difference between the two links. However, I would strongly suggest moving your save file over to GitHub and playing at this new link from now on. To transfer your save: Open up the old test version on netlify, and click the "Export" button in the table at the bottom of the game. This will open a popup with your save file key selected. Since the save key is already selected, just hit ctrl+c to copy the text.Once you have this text copied, head to the new page at, head back to the table at the bottom of the game, and hit "Import" this time. It will open a popup with your cursor in the input box, simply ctrl+v to paste, then press "Import" again on the popup (Might be easiest to hit S then down after you paste your save file).Again, this new location is the new permanent home of the Screen Reader version, so once you have your save there you won't have to move it again.@keithwipf1 Now that the screen reader version is on GitHub, you can indeed download the game and play it offline! HOWEVER, keep in mind that I'm going to be making fairly regular updates to this over the next few weeks, and if you download the game you won't receive any updates. Make sure you redownload this file every once and a while! Here's a link to the zip file, just extract the folder once you download and run the file "ScreenReader.html": … Again, I don't recommend that anyone download the game to play offline unless you need to, as that version will be unable to receive updates.Now that this new patch is out and the Screen Reader version is on GitHub, I'll be able to update much more regularly! Thank you all for bearing with me!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

Hi all! It ended up taking a few days longer than anticipated, but I have finally officially released version 4.11.0!This means that I finally have a permanent location up for the screen reader version of the game, which you can find at've updated the netlify link with the newest version of the game, and there's currently no difference between the two links. However, I would strongly suggest moving your save file over to GitHub and playing at this new link from now on. To transfer your save: Open up the old test version on netlify, and click the "Export" button in the table at the bottom of the game. This will open a popup with your save file key selected. Since the save key is already selected, just hit ctrl+c to copy the text.Once you have this text copied, head to the new page at, head back to the table at the bottom of the game, and hit "Import" this time. It will open a popup with your cursor in the input box, simply ctrl+v to paste, then press "Import" again on the popup (Might be easiest to hit S then down after you paste your save file).Again, this new location is the new permanent home of the Screen Reader version, so once you have your save there you won't have to move it again.@keithwipf1 Now that the screen reader version is on GitHub, you can indeed download the game and play it offline! HOWEVER, keep in mind that I'm going to be making fairly regular updates to this over the next few weeks, and if you download the game you won't receive any updates. Make sure you redownload this file every once and a while! Here's a link to the zip file, just extract the folder once you download and run the file "ScreenReader.html": … Again, I don't recommend that anyone download the game to play offline unless you need to, as that version will be unable to receive updates.Now that this new patch is out and the Screen Reader version is on GitHub, I'll be able to update much more regularly! Thank you all for bearing with me!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

Sorry about the tooltip buttons not getting removed after purchasing an upgrade, this should be fixed now!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

@Origine, you're right, I did miss the Trap button! It should be fixed now if you refresh your game.Regarding the tooltips down on the second row, I was thinking it would be easier if you could check the price and then still be right next to the button to make a purchase, and was thinking it would still be easy to just hit B twice (or shift B) if you were wanting to compare costs between things. But after a few days if you and others still feel like it would be better at the bottom, I can certainly do that!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

It ended up taking less time than I expected to finish! The first version of screen reader friendly tooltips are now up on the test version!Here's another link to the screen reader test version if it makes things easier for anyone: https://trimpscreenreader.netlify.comDragonlee was a huge help in figuring out how to do these tooltips, using aria-live: assertive is hopefully a nice way to do this for anyone playing. There are now two buttons in the Buildings, Jobs, Equipment, and Upgrades areas, the first one is labeled "something tooltip", and the second one is the same as before. Hitting enter while your cursor is on the Tooltip button will pop the tooltip text (with the cost first) into an aria-live box and should hopefully be automatically read out loud.There's still more work to be done in adding easy ways to read the multitude of other tooltips that are spread around the game, but hopefully this should make things much easier for now!I've also set the Gather/chop/mine/research/trap buttons to buttons, so they should be easier to navigate to, and added some text to the message log and trimp/enemy stat heading areas so that JAWS should have an easier time noticing them. I hope you all like the new implementation of the tooltips, please let me know what you think!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

@Originie I received your trial code for JAWS, thank you very much! From what I'm reading here, I believe the most requested reworks so far have been Tooltips first, then the Map Chamber, then the combat stats/zone area. I'm also planning on adding an "Overview" area, where you can easily move up and down to see things like current location (cell and zone #), current stats, enemy stats, next upgrade drop location, building queue size, resources, and anything else I can think of that would fit nicely in there. I'm thinking this can be the default spot for watching the game progress, and you'd only have to navigate elsewhere around the page when you want to make a change to something.I've started work on the new tooltips and should hopefully have something ready to test within the next 36 hours or so!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

@Originie I received your trial code for JAWS, thank you very much! From what I'm reading here, I believe the most requested reworks so far have been Tooltips first, then the Map Chamber, then the combat stats/zone area. I've started work on the new tooltips and should hopefully have something ready to test within the next 36 hours or so!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

The button to the right of combat is the message config button. I'll make sure to toss a title label on that, as the picture of a cog gear to indicate configurable settings certainly doesn't translate well to a screen reader!If you do click it, it opens up a small menu in a tooltip, with checkboxes to toggle off message types. For example, if you uncheck "repeated" under "Unlocks" in this menu, and then save your settings by hitting confirm at the bottom of the tooltip, you'll stop seeing messages for things like Coordination, and only see them for unique non-repeated upgrades, like Shieldblock or UberHut!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

The button to the right of combat is the message config button. I'll make sure to toss a title label on that, as the picture of a cog gear to indicate configurable settings certainly doesn't translate well to a screen reader!If you do click it, it opens up a small menu in a tooltip, with checkboxes to toggle off message types. For example, if you uncheck "repeated" under "Unlocks" in this menu, you'll stop seeing messages for things like Coordination, and only see them for unique non-repeated upgrades, like Shieldblock or UberHut!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

Dark wrote:I'd like to see the changelog just for interest's sake.Here's a link to the 4.11.0 reddit test server thread with explanations of some of the new content: … st_server/And a link to the 4.11.0 test server's patch notes: there's not much in there that affects the early game, but it's more content for you to discover later! Also you should be getting very close to Heirlooms, which have been improved quite a bit on 4.11.0!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

Hi all! I just wanted to pop in and give another quick update!The past week has been really busy for me, but yesterday I finally got my 4.11.0 content patch mostly finished and on a server for testing! I expect this week to be fairly busy as well while I run around like my hair is on fire fixing bugs and rebalancing things in the new patch, but I should have it done and on the live server by this weekend.Once that happens, the ScreenReader page on GitHub should be up and working, and I'll finally be able to dig more deeply into some of the bigger fixes I want to make, such as tooltips. I really appreciate everyone's patience while I finish up my prior Trimps commitments, and I'm still very much looking forward to digging back in to accessibility! And thank you all so much for all of the kind words, I'm absolutely blown away by the reception here. You guys are awesome and it makes me so happy to be able to extend my game to such a great group of people!@Origine I'll have to download JAWS and take a look at why it's not seeing the End of Log, Trimp Attack or Enemy Attack headings. Those 3 particular headings actually have no content in them, and just have a title attribute that says what they are. I tested on NVDA and it seemed to pick up these elements fine as navigation tools, but my best guess is that JAWS is ignoring these blank headings and their title attribute some reason.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

Hi all! I just wanted to pop in and give another quick update!The past week has been really busy for me, but yesterday I finally got my 4.11.0 content patch mostly finished and on a server for testing! I expect this week to be fairly busy as well while I run around like my hair is on fire fixing bugs and rebalancing things in the new patch, but I should have it done and on the live server by this weekend.Once that happens, the ScreenReader page on GitHub should be up and working, and I'll finally be able to dig more deeply into some of the bigger fixes I want to make, such as tooltips. I really appreciate everyone's patience while I finish up my prior Trimps commitments, and I'm still very much looking forward to digging back in to accessibility!@Origine I'll have to download JAWS and take a look at why it's not seeing the End of Log, Trimp Attack or Enemy Attack headings. Those 3 particular headings actually have no content in them, and just have a title attribute that says what they are. I tested on NVDA and it seemed to pick up these elements fine as navigation tools, but my best guess is that JAWS is ignoring these blank headings and their title attribute some reason.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

Hi all! I just wanted to pop in and give another quick update!The past week has been really busy for me, but yesterday I finally got my 4.11.0 content patch mostly finished and on a server for testing! I expect this week to be fairly busy as well while I run around like my hair is on fire fixing bugs and rebalancing things in the new patch, but I should have it done and on the live server by this weekend.Once that happens, the ScreenReader page on GitHub should be up and working, and I'll finally be able to dig more deeply into some of the bigger fixes I want to make, such as tooltips. I really appreciate everyone's patience while I finish up my prior Trimps commitments, and I'm still very much looking forward to digging back in to accessibility!@Origine I'll have to download JAWS and take a look at why it's not seeing the End of Log, Trimp Attack or Enemy Attack headings. Those 3 particular headings actually have no content in them, and just have a title attribute that says what they are. I tested on NVDA and it seemed to pick up these elements fine, but my best guess is that JAWS is ignoring these for some reason.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

Wow, thank you so much for all of the support everyone! It's absolutely my pleasure to make Trimps more accessible, I'm seriously thrilled that you all are enjoying it so much!Regarding getting in-game stuff for donations, I currently only have a shop set up on Kongregate, since they handle all of the credit card processing and chargebacks and tax forms and all of the grief that comes with that for me. I really wanted to keep the GitHub version free of a microtransaction shop from the beginning, as I personally never liked feeling constantly compelled to buy things from idle games. So while you can buy some Bones on Kongregate, the game is not balanced around needing to spend money!@dragonlee I hadn't even considered that automatically moving focus around was an option, that's an awesome idea! I can think of lots of places where that would be helpful for setting the cursor at the right spot when opening menus and such. I'm still pretty deep into work on the 4.11.0 content patch, but I'll try to get a few new accessibility features up within the next few days. Once I've finished 4.11.0, I'll have the Screen Reader version on a more permanent link and will be able to more regularly add new things!Keep the feedback and ideas coming if you have any! And thank you all for helping test this stuff out!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

@DragonleeThank you for the advice! I had no idea about that ARIA stuff, and it seems incredibly useful. I'm most excited about the live regions! I looked around for something like this, but I guess my google-fu wasn't strong enough as the best I found to cause the screen reader to instantly read something was to use alerts. However, I really didn't like that they blocked all other input until you hit OK. These live regions are going to be perfect for tooltips, achievements, and likely a ton of other stuff!Regarding having a second HTML page, as I explained earlier I've already been doing this for 4 years with no problems on the Kongregate version of the game that has a slightly different HTML file than the GitHub version. I have display-only changes in the HTML files, and am careful to make sure everything is labeled up and ID'd the same way in all versions, and then my _javascript_ files have no problems getting information to the right places. While using ARIA would mean that I could use the same version of HTML for screen readers and sighted users for many things, other things like the new achievements table, my plans to add a sub-button to buttons for tooltips, and many other things I have planned would be impossible. There are just a few things in the game that are going to need to be outputted completely differently, and I just feel like splitting the HTML pages is going to help me keep things organized and less likely to be buggy. @DarkI now have a label on the close button, thank you!@razvitascaYou can see Trimp and Enemy attack and stats by going between H4 elements, they should be labeled which one is your Trimps and which are the enemies. H5 elements have the health! I'm going to work towards making this a little bit more intuitive, and changing things like "DMG" to actually say damage. If you're seeing stuff like "Metal, Metal, Coordination", you're reading the actual battle grid which unfortunately still isn't very screen reader accessible yet. To give some context, it's a big 10x10 grid with 100 total cells in it. Your Trimps start at Cell 1 in the bottom left, clear out the 10 cells on the row from left to right, then move up to the second row and continue. Coordination is an upgrade that drops after you complete the last cell of the zone, so you're seeing that upgrade on the last cell. Now that I have achievements done, my next plan is to tackle tooltips, then I will move on to the battle grid!You not being able to see the resource costs to buy buildings or upgrades is also an unfortunate consequence of the tooltips not being very friendly with a screen reader right now. As I said above, that's my next project! Dark wrote up a decent overview on a workaround to trigger those tooltips until I get a better fix in place, here's a direct link to that post:


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

@DragonleeThank you for the advice! I had no idea about that ARIA stuff, and it seems incredibly useful. I'm most excited about the live regions! I looked around for something like this, but I guess my google-fu wasn't strong enough as the best I found to cause the screen reader to instantly read something was to use alerts. However, I really didn't like that they blocked all other input until you hit OK. These live regions are going to be perfect for tooltips, achievements, and likely a ton of other stuff!Regarding having a second HTML page, as I explained earlier I've already been doing this for 4 years with no problems on the Kongregate version of the game that has a slightly different HTML file than the GitHub version. I have display-only changes in the HTML files, and am careful to make sure everything is labeled up and ID'd the same way in all versions, and then my _javascript_ files have no problems getting information to the right places. While using ARIA would mean that I could use the same version of HTML for screen readers and sighted users for many things, other things like the new achievements table, my plans to add a sub-button to buttons for tooltips, and many other things I have planned would be impossible. There are just a few things in the game that are going to need to be outputted completely differently, and I just feel like splitting the HTML pages is going to help me keep things organized and less likely to be buggy. @DarkI now have a label on the close button, thank you!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

Hi all! I just wanted to give you an update and let you know that the new achievements user interface is now complete and on the screen reader test version at https://trimpscreenreader.netlify.comThe new achievements screen is just in a big table. The first row explains how much damage you get from each achievement tier, and the first column of each row is the achievement type. So make sure your cursor is in the first column, and you can control + alt up and down to see all of the different achievement categories. Once you find a category you want to look at, you can control + alt to the right to see all of the achievements available in that category. The first piece of information spoken in each achievement will be completed or not completed, to help make it easier to skip to the first one you haven't completed, then the tier values and a description are given if the achievement isn't locked.This is still just the first version of the new accessible achievement screen and I can already think of a few changes I'd like to make, but I really hope this makes things much easier for everyone!Please let me know if you have any feedback on this new screen!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

Ok I've got a little update ready! You can test this version at the following link: https://trimpscreenreader.netlify.comYou can copy your progress from the live site to the test site fairly easily. On the live site with your progress, press "T" to get to the menu table at the bottom of the screen, then press down until you hit "Export". Click "Export", which will open a tooltip with your game code highlighted, and all you need to do is Ctrl+C to copy, then Escape to close the tooltip. Next head to the test site, do the same thing but go to "Import" instead of "Export", then press enter to submit. This should load your progress right to where you were. Once testing is done and these changes are pushed to the live site, you'll be able to transfer your progress back the same way!I still need to write up a more detailed guide to make it easier for players who can't see the screen to get started, but here's a quick guide to help you navigate the new version:Press 1 and shift 1 to travel between resources and the button to build your buildings queue.Press 2 and shift 2 to navigate the purchases menu. Once you hit the heading you want, press B and shift B to scroll through the buttons of things you can buy.Press 3 and shift 3 to toggle between the end of the message log and the current zone number. These headings are titled and NVDA seems to do a good job of reading these titles if you use the headings key!Press 4 and shift 4 to travel between Trimp stats and Enemy StatsPress 5 to travel between Trimp and Enemy healthI still wouldn't consider the game anywhere close to being easy to play with a screen reader, but I'm hoping this makes it way easier than it was before. I've also added titles to checkboxes in game so that they're supported by a screen reader so you can customize the message log better now, changed up the information presented on the purchase buttons, and added the cell number to the message log when your trimps or an enemy dies!There's still a lot more that I want to do, but as I said before I'm trying to balance working on this with a new content patch that's currently in development, so I may not have too much time to add new screen reader features this week. Once the new content patch is done, I'll probably push this first step towards accessibility to the live site, and then it will be much easier for me to iterate on!Please let me know what you think of the new version, I'll use any feedback and suggestions to keep improving it!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

Dark, thanks for the reply! All of that information is super helpful.I'm sorry some of the menus and things are really difficult with a screen reader. The breakdowns for viewing stats in depth, which you can get to by clicking your resources per second under the gather buttons, or by clicking Trimp attack, health or block, open in tooltips, and can be read by pressing "T" twice as the info is displayed in a table. The message config setting box, which is the unlabeled clickable directly under combat, is also opened in a tooltip when you click it. This one is easier to press S to go to the tooltip, and read down. I'm using some fancy checkboxes right now and NVDA doesn't seem to pick up whether they're checked or not, so this particular menu is probably unusable right now. I should have this fixed as well in the new version!To Origine, thanks for sharing your opinions and experience!With JAWS, can you hit shift + number to go back a heading? I'm thinking if I use each heading level for a unique type of thing, such as H1 for resources, H2 for purchase categories, H3 for Trimp/Enemy stats etc, then you could always just hit 1 to see where you are, if you're at the end of the list you can shift 1 to go back. Or I suppose you could always just go to the top of the page before hitting one of the heading keys if you wanted to make sure you hit the top of the list?Regarding adding a second HTML page, I would still be referencing the same _javascript_ files so there would be no issue of missing out on content. I actually already maintain two separate HTML pages, one for the github version and one for kongregate with support for their API, so doing a third is no big deal. I very rarely have to change up the actual HTML pages, but when I do, I already have some tools to help me copy those to the right files! I want to be able to change the layout and add some extra information to the page when using a screen reader without changing the look of anything in the default version, so I really think this is the best way to go!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Trimps

2019-03-02 Thread AudioGames . net ForumNew releases room : greensatellite via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Trimps

Hi all! My name is Greensatellite, and I'm the developer of Trimps.I will admit, I had no idea that it was possible to play Trimps in any capacity with a screen reader. I had no idea how powerful they were! Dark sent me a link to download NVDA, so I downloaded it yesterday and had an interesting (and kinda fun) couple hours trying to figure out how to play Trimps without my monitor. I had a couple questions for ya'll that have more experience with NVDA and screen readers than me before I start changing some stuff up:Do any of you use anything other than NVDA to screen read? If so, does that screen reader also have shortcuts like "B" to scroll through buttons, 1-6 for various levels of headings, "L" for lists and "S" for separators?What's your general series of steps for feeling out a new page? The first time you load Trimps, do you start from the top, press down until you get the the bottom of the page, and kind of build a layout in your head?How have you been reading the message log? That's the only thing I couldn't really figure out how to do at all, pressing "B" to go to the filter buttons is an easy way to get there, but then pressing down into the log starts reading from the top with no easy way to skip to the bottom, and starting from below the log and pressing up seems to not read full sentencesMy plan as of now is to make a brand new HTML page for Trimps that's optimized for a screen reader. So you'll be able to get to the game by going to, and while things might look strange on this page for sighted people, it will be much easier to navigate with a screen reader. My list of priorities right now is to:Change all resource titles (Food, Wood, Metal, etc) to H1, so that you can easily check resources by pressing 1 or shift+1 until you hit the resource you want to check, then press down once to check total/max, press down again to see how long until storage is full, down 1 more time to reach the gather button, and one more time to see resources/second.Change all of the purchase buttons (Buildings, upgrades, equipment) into actual HTML buttons, and add some more text information to these buttons such as "Can Afford", "Not Affordable", the price, and moving the amount owned onto the same line for easy reading.Making the Buildings, Upgrades, and Equipment headings H2 so that you can hit 2 or shift 2 to select one of these headings, then press B to scroll through the list of items for that heading type.Changing the chat log to use paragraph tags so that pressing up/down reads only a single log itemTaking advantage of H3-H6 to make it easier to check things like Trimp or Enemy Attack and Health, or maybe a few invisible H6s spaced throughout the page as easy navigationUsing an Alert when you get an achievement so the screen reader lets you know right awayAdding an easy-to-reference help page to explain how to get everywhere around the page using NVDA.I think these things should cover most of the issues I've read about in this thread so far. I'm going to have to do some thinking about a lot of the more advanced features such as the achievements UI and things that unlock later, but I'm thinking it's extremely possible to make the game at least considerably easier to play. I'll keep checking up on this thread, so if you can think of anything else I could add, please let me know!I'm currently in the middle of working on the game's next content patch so my code is a little messy to be pushing things to the live site right now, but I'll see if I can't get a few of these things done this weekend and posted up on my testing site in case any of you would like to test them out.Also, to AlirezaNosrati, I can promise you that the game is not doing any mining (other than your Trimps, but they much prefer metal to BTC)! The game is hosted on GitHub and is fully open source, so you're welcome to check the code for yourself over at if you're ever interested! If you're having performance problems, a big help might be to turn off some of the game's animations. You can do this by pressing "T" to get to the menu at the bottom of the screen, then go down until you hear "Settings", and click that. Next press "L" to travel to the list of Settings categories, scroll to and click "Performance", then press down until you're out of the list of categories and at the first setting, which is "Queue Animation". Click this to turn it off, then move to the next setting, "Progress Bars", and turn that off as well. There are 4 settings in this category, and you could safely turn all of these off!


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