Re: why is topic necromancy forbidn?

2019-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why is topic necromancy forbidn?

I love Nocturnus's phrasing, "finding gems in a huge attic with lots of stuff piled around it."That was my sentiment, but I didn't say it with near as much eloquence.Take for example, Cthulumud, based on H.P. Lovecraft's books.I found that Mud and revived an old thread, because I was sso intrigued at the unique theme.In cases like that, threadcromancy can be a really good thing, potentially bringing new players to a "hidden" game.


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Re: why is topic necromancy forbidn?

2019-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: why is topic necromancy forbidn?

It frustrates me, to think that "thread necromancy" is a punishable offense in all cases.Certainly, if someone does it just to spam others, give a warning.But in many cases, there are new people on the forums who may read a thread from four or five years ago. They may have questions, commentary, something new to say about an "old" game. They may even be trying to revive interest in, or gain interest for, a game that they believe is worth it. Reviving a topic may bring a whole new audience to that game. It makes no sense to me to punish people for that, and/or clutter the forum with duplicate topics.Why not do something where a thread automatically moves from "new releases" to "general discussion" after 60 or 90 days, as a response to those who complain about "old" games being at the top of the "new releases" section.One last thing.The idea of thread necromancy as a punishable offense is a symptom of a bigger problem that has attached itself to this forum in the last three years or so, and that problem consists of petty quarrels, bitterness, drama, and hateful behavior between forum members. It has degraded the experience of this forum significantly, and it is my hope that somehow, some way, the members of this forum will refocus on their love of gaming, and turn away from all the negativity.


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Re: can the headings for topics be a link?

2019-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: can the headings for topics be a link?

Desktop shows me the heading as a link.


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Re: Ability to Hide Forums?

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ability to Hide Forums?

Lrd have mercy, I hope it does in the future. *laughs*


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Re: Ability to Hide Forums?

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Ability to Hide Forums?

Yeah, in the other forum, it was so easy.There was literally a plus or minus symbol by each subform.If you wanted to see that forum, you opened it with a plus.Didn't like it? Hit the minus symbol.It hid those posts too, so you didn't even have to go through them if you were looking at new posts.Want it back? Hit the plus again.It was great!


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Ability to Hide Forums?

2019-11-08 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Ability to Hide Forums?

Is there any way to hide subforums that you prefer not to see?Asked a different way, is there any way that I can say for example, I don't want to see forum X's posts in my "new posts" list. Or by way of another example, I'd like to hide that board altogether.I'm asking because on another forum, there was a way to do this, and it made things much more pleasant.


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Re: Can we do something about all the begging?

2019-11-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Can we do something about all the begging?

When you are in a forum, you must realize that people from all walks of life are there with you.There are probably a lot of kids on here, who have no money.I see no problem with a polite request for a game.If you can help, do so.And for those requesting, when you are able, pay it forward.If you don't like to see requests, ignore them.If ignoring the topics you don't want to read isn't something you can do, how about this?A "Game Requests" room.Put all the topics there, those who are able to help can read them, those who are annoyed by them can avoid that room.


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Re: Please, make topic resurrection illegal on here

2019-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Please, make topic resurrection illegal on here

So take a case that occurred with me.I joined in 2014.I discovered Cthulhumud, and I was fascinated.I don't remember how long the topic had been dormant, but the way I found it is by googling "muds with Cthulhu."Is that a bad thing, to bring it up, ask questions, see if anyone is playing, and maybe allow others to discover a game that is as new to them as it was to me, even though said game had been going for quite a while?Real question, not argument.


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Re: Please, make topic resurrection illegal on here

2019-04-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Please, make topic resurrection illegal on here

What about topics such as "Stephen king books" and the like, where there isn't something new to say on a regular basis?It doesn't make sense to me, to make a new topic if you have a longrunning discussion going, albeit not daily.What if games in the new releases room were moved to general discussion after a month?That way those topics could keep going if they needed to do so, and New Releases would be clear for "new" games?I know that I have personally brought up old topics, because it's the first time I've discovered a game. I have also seen old topics brought up by others that caused me to discover a game that was new to me.


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Removing Unavailable Games from the Database?

2019-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Removing Unavailable Games from the Database?

I don't know if this is simple to do, but if a game is impossible to get, could it be taken out of the database?Some examples:IMobstersZombies LiveVampires LiveI enjoyed those games immensely, and I don't know why Storm8 removed them. But for those browsing the database, it would be disappointing to find a game you're excited to play, only to read that it's already gone.Just an idea.


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Monopoly Planet Broken Links

2019-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Monopoly Planet Broken Links

This game sounded great, so I clicked the download link.I got a server 504 error.I tried the URL link, and got the same error.Hoping the game's not gone and someone can check it out.


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Re: Sorting Game Search Results by the Most Favorited Games?

2018-11-13 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sorting Game Search Results by the Most Favorited Games?

I wish we could sort games by "most favorited." I thought of that the other day as I was looking through the list. Great idea.


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Re: Women lack representation

2018-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Women lack representation

I haven't noticed anyone on this forum treating me in any derogatory way because I'm a woman.In my "female gamers" topic, I noted that the intimidation factor was my own doing.I do think there are fewer women here, because gaming has generally been considered a male-oriented thing.So my hope is that as women gamers communicate and talk games, more will feel comfortable in speaking up or joining the forum if they hear about it.


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Re: Stepping down, it's been a good run.

2018-11-09 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Stepping down, it's been a good run.

Speaking only for myself and the small role I had, the reason I stepped down is the incredible increase in snark and negativity on this forum. It seemed to me that no matter what the mods tried to do, no one was going to be satisfied. Who wants to devote their time and effort to an unappreciative community when there are so many other more productive things that could be done with one's time?I will not speak for the other mods, but that was my reasoning. No big conspiracy, just a level of self-respect that wouldn't allow me to be bashed for volunteering.


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Re: The Appointment Of Mods

2018-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Appointment Of Mods

I lobbied so hard for a voting system, when I was moderator on another forum.I thought that a democratic vote would work on a forum just like it works in a country.I am against it now, and I'll explain why.While we would like to think that voting would be done in the best interest of the community, it can often take on a very cliquish vibe when many of the members of a community know one another, or feel that they do.Another result is that if a mod needed to be appointed and there was some tense and stressful situation like the one we just had, it's possible that members could begin pressuring others to vote a certain way.If the community wants to vote democratically, I have no problem with that.But I did want to raise these points, because I've seen it from both sides, and lobbied hard for the other side at one time.


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Re: Proposed New Rules: Discussion and Feedback

2018-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Proposed New Rules: Discussion and Feedback

These rules are clearly stated, and I like them.The only one I don't love is rule 7. To my mind, placing a topic in the wrong board doesn't feel like an infraction. It may just be that people aren't sure where to post. I would just move the topic, make a note of it, and leave it at that, unless it started to happen purposefully and repeatedly from a particular user.Overall, a great set of rules, that I hope will bring this forum back to civility and good-natured conversations.


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Re: Counter for Private Messages

2017-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Counter for Private Messages

Interesting.LOL, now I just have to try and remember to check them.


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Counter for Private Messages

2017-12-21 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Counter for Private Messages

Would it be possible to add something to the private messages link, that shows you if you have any new messages?I just discovered one from nine months ago.I never thought I had any, since I didn't see a number indicating unread messages.In other words, the link might say "private messages (2)," or something like that if you had two new ones.Just an idea that might be worth considering.


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Re: Project Bob.

2017-12-07 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Project Bob.

I really wish there was some way we could get this Mud back up.I created a character once, and it sounded fascinating. But the next time I tried to log on, the Mud was gone.Has anyone heard anything about whether it will ever be back online?


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Re: Core Exiles Forum and Database Links Out of Date

2016-09-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Core Exiles Forum and Database Links Out of Date

They really are nice!Somebody sent me a welcome message a while ago, and just gave me 1000 credits for no reason!


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Core Exiles Forum and Database Links Out of Date

2016-09-18 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Core Exiles Forum and Database Links Out of Date

I was reading about CE, deciding if I might like to play.When I clicked on the links for other resources, two things happened.First, the links to the Core Exiles community forums have moved. The links on the CE database page still work, they just redirect you to the new forum. I just wanted to let you know in case you would like to update to the current links.Second, the link to the database that is supposed to tell you where all the shops and services are within the galaxies doesn't exist. It just takes me to a page that says "suggestions, why am I here." So that link seems completely broken.Thanks for all the effort you all put into making this a friendly forum, and a database of great info.


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Re: When will the profile editor be fixed?

2015-11-16 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When will the profile editor be fixed?

Everything works fine for me, with Internet Explorer 9.


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Re: When will the profile editor be fixed?

2015-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When will the profile editor be fixed?

Glad I could help. :-)


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Re: When will the profile editor be fixed?

2015-11-12 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: When will the profile editor be fixed?

I use Jaws, and all I have to do to find the search link is open up a links list, use first-letter navigation for the letter S, and the search link comes right up. Hth.


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Re: A way for topic creators to close their topics for replies?

2015-11-05 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: A way for topic creators to close their topics for replies?

I like the idea, simply because if you started a topic with one intention, and it disintegrated into drama or something undesirable, you wouldn't need to wait for a moderator to fix it.  Posters should have some control of their content, with moderators having the final say for consistency.


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Re: "Beginners" Game Board?

2015-10-28 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: "Beginners" Game Board?

I definitely see the logic in that.  I was a board moderator on another site, and in an effort to clean up and organize the boards that were there, I think we inadvertently confused people about where to post.The articles board is a great idea.  I'm not knowledgeable enough as a gamer to contribute much, but it would be great if others added articles.


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"Beginners" Game Board?

2015-10-20 Thread AudioGames . net ForumSite and forum feedback : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


"Beginners" Game Board?

Could we have a board for beginning gamers?It could contain basic FAQ threads for the major games.  This way, veteran players could answer questions from new players, and share helpful resources and tips.The board could also have general tips.  For example, when I was first here, I saw a lot of abbreviations I didn't understand, BK3, DMB, etc., and I eventually learned they were shorthand for specific games.  So maybe we could have an abbreviations or terminology list too.I suggest this, because there are some huge threads for the more popular games, and while I kind of enjoy trying to decipher veteran-player-game-speak, I could see where it might be intimidating if you simply wanted to get started in a particular game.Just thinking a beginners' board might be encouraging for someone who has never played accessible games.


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