Re: [Audiogames-reflector] swamp?

2014-02-21 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: swamp?

Rory, are you trying to ask for a way to bypass your ban?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] help with Aprones castaway

2014-02-24 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: help with Aprones castaway

Goran, it is indeed possible to win the game.  I have won it, and I have been told that others here from the community have won it as well.  Perhaps some of them will be able to provide you with some tips to help you survive.  I have not played in so long that I can't really remember enough to help.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] help with Aprones castaway

2014-02-24 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: help with Aprones castaway

CAE, I'm glad you ended with that comparison between peasants and trucks.  Few people realize that if a natural disaster disrupts the flow of trucks, and trains to a lesser extent, it quickly begins to bring the entire system down.  If trucks stopped moving for even a few days, it would have the same impact on our lives as your Castaways settlement sees when the peasants stop working.  Basically we lose.  URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-03-14 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

Severestormsteve1, I would recommend that you continue with your game even though it only supports NVDA.  If the game is fun, people will enjoy it even if they don't have their usual screen reader, plus you may solve the screen reader problem later on, and you could release an updated version of the game.  It is true that your list of potential players may be smaller if you only count NVDA users, but a smaller list of players is far greater than no players, which is what you have if you halt the game.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] latest news from

2014-03-23 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: latest news from

Thank you Pelantas.  I think you've done a fine job explaining the situation.  Bogdan, I hope that won't be the case, but I won't know for sure until the next update goes live.  Many people have said they will buy accounts so the server should continue to have players, but sometimes people say they will do something and they end up not doing it.  All we can do is wait and see what happens.KG4RDF, I appreciate the support man.  I agree that it's sad to see people who aren't willing to just have fun and play by the rules.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] latest news from

2014-03-24 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: latest news from

Aaron, to make a long story short, I have had almost all of the big names in the AG community come to me at some point or another during Swamp's life.  Each person came to offer up some jewel of a tip that would solve my security issues with Swamp.  Everything that anyone ever suggested had already been implemented into Swamp long ago, and I had already moved far beyond it.  Tracking by IP and Mac address are both jokes, I agree.  Swamp has, I believe, 40 tricks to identify people and their computers.If encrypting their source code solved their problems, then it was only because they were trying to hide an activation code algorithm or something.  None of the hackers were doing anything that required them to decompile the game's source.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Swamp "describe the game" contest

2014-03-26 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Swamp "describe the game" contest

For years, my website has had no description for Swamp.  It just says "I'll write up a description for this game later."  Well we all know I'll never get around to it, ROFL!Many of you guys know Swamp like the back of your hand.  What we need is an accurate description that also doesn't take more than maybe 2 paragraphs.  It is just a descriptions after all, and not a strategy guide, haha.Post your descriptions here.  I'll use the number of "thumbs up" points each entry gets to narrow down the top 2, then I'll make the final decision between them.  The winning description will go on my webpage.  You know, when I get around to pasting it on there, ROFL!  I'm kidding, I'm kidding!  I won't procrastinate.How about the winner gets some Apronic armor in the game?  Sounds reasonable I suppose.Lets consider the contest to be ove
 r on the 5th.  That gives people 10 days from the time of this post.Good luck, and be sure to thumbs up the descriptions you like best.  You can thumb up as many as you like, so this isn't a very strict contest.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp "describe the game" contest

2014-04-05 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Swamp "describe the game" contest

Well I'd say Sneak won this hands down.    Well done sir.It looks like one of the moderators came along and deleted the advertisement that was post #2, haha.  I was curious to see how many votes it received.    Oh well.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-04-12 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

Severestorm, a software patent is really only going to help you if your game is inventing some new way of doing things.  When it comes to games, that is usually not the case.  A copyright protects your game/software so that others cannot claim they created it.  A patent would be protecting the underlying techniques used in your game, so that they cannot be used in someone else's project.I suggest that you carefully look through these 2 options and figure out which is best for you.  Most people (basically everyone I've ever known) tries immediately jump into a patent instead of copyright, because people tend to believe they will be inventing things that no one else has ever done.  In reality, unless you are specifically setting out to invent something new in the field of computer software, you will be building your game/project out of ideas and concepts that already exist.  If you choose to do a patent, when all you really needed was a
  copyright, then you will have wasted a fair amount of time and money for nothing.Just tossing this info out there in case it ends up being helpful.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] I'm making a new game, but have a question

2014-04-12 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: I'm making a new game, but have a question

Well luckily software is covered in the same way a story or book is covered.  An automatic copywrite exists for anything you have "authored" as long as you can show that you wrote it before someone else.  For example, if I write some new game I toss a passworded copy of the code onto my webserver so that it gets a time stamp.  I also have copies that show up in my various backups.  If someone tried to take credit for my game, I could easily point to all of these sources to show that I originally authored the game and not them.  Authors of books and papers have been able to self-copywrite their work in this same sort of way.  A common trick was to mail a copy of the book to themself, but never open it when it arrived.  If an incident ever occurred they could hand a judge an unopened package with a date stamped by the post office.  The other guy wouldn't be able to produce any older evidence that they created the book, and so th
 ey would almost certainly lose the case.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] First person shooter for the blind - working title "Nightfall"

2014-04-13 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: First person shooter for the blind - working title "Nightfall"

I think I've successfully moved this topic into General game discussion.  It's the first time I've ever moved a topic, so we'll see if I did it right.  PTruscott, this game sounds like a lot of fun!  I wish you and your team luck on the project, and I hope it turns out how you've planned.  Have you written any other games that people can check out?  I'm not sure if other people here already know you, but since you're newly registered to the forums it might be cool to have a little background info on you.  URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Error running Swamp

2014-04-16 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Error running Swamp

Lucas, I would normally say to try deleting your progress.ini file to solve that error.  From your post it seems like you might not even have that file though, so let me know.Also thanks for the support man.  URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-19 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: The Eventual Famine

I'm in agreement with Quasar on this.  While it would be great for Microsoft to continue supporting XP, at some point it is no longer about money, and is instead a limit of what can be done with the older technology.  A big part of "Supporting" XP would be keeping its security up to date, and this is the one area where I have to completely agree with their decision to abandon it.    They could have continued to support XP if it were not for the security side of things.  Dark, you are correct that outside companies can do a fine job taking over to handle XP security (as some have).  Up until a few years ago, every computer in my house (usually several) ran XP with only service pack 2 installed.  A decade of using XP, without the latest service pack or patches, and I can only think of 1 or 2 times when a computer got seriously messed up due to some sort of virus or malware.  This was partly due to third party anti-virus s
 oftware, me knowing what to do and not do to keep my computer safe, and possibly luck.    When supporting XP, Microsoft cannot rely on people using third party software or luck to stay safe though.  It's a technicality.  When a person backed into the side door of my car, they called it totaled even though there was just a dent.  There was a tiny bend in the car's frame which would cost more to fix than the car was worth.  Sure they could have just repaired the door and ignored the dent in the frame (which is what I wanted them to do), but technically they have to return the entire car to a certain standard without leaving anything out.  I do think Microsoft could easily continue to support XP in the other ways, but because they can't maintain the right security standards they technically cannot "support" it anymore.    When it comes to older games not working on modern/future windows, I really do thi
 nk that is overblown as well.  In the middle of 100 people talking about how they play some VB6 game on their windows 8 machines, you'll get some random post exclaiming that old VB games will no longer work once people have to switch over to windows 7 or 8!  It's funny really, and clearly shows that they are more interested in spreading some sort of panic, than realizing that people are already doing exactly what they claim they won't be able to do.  Now I'm probably exaggerating a bit here, but funnily enough, not that much.    There is only a very small chance that a VB6 game can't work on a windows 7 or 8 machine, and that is about how they designed in.  A developer could have used specific folders to save files to, which the new UAC does not allow.  That's just about it.  Everything else can be solved by simply registering a few files.  In addition, registering them for one game means you don'
 t even have to do it for the rest.  It's a 1 time deal.  The UAC situation is no different than a developer who foolishly designs their game to run specifically from C: drive, and the game fails to work when someone is running it from a separate hard drive.  I've seen people make that same mistake, and it is more a failure to think ahead than a problem with old software.    Will all VB6 games stop once windows 9 comes out?  I have no idea.  I know the planes didn't fall from the sky when the year 2000 rang in.  I also know a lot of people who swore they would.  People are ALWAYS waving their arms trying to get people convinced that such and such program won't work anymore once the next version of windows comes out.  I have heard those claims since as long as I've used a computer.  Whenever I do sit down to play games, I play classics that came out between 1994 and 1998, and they all work just fine
  on my windows 8 computer.  I have this dusty old CD spindle that has these CDs from when I was in high school and each new windows was supposed to mean I had to toss them into the trash.  I'm still waiting for someone to be right.  Oh I'm sure one day they will be, but I generally stop listening to a school of thought when it has been consistently wrong for 20 years.  When the day comes where I toss these old games into the trash because they can't work, it won't be because a doomsday poster was correct, it will be because he was lucky.  LOL!    So in summary...  I agree that VB6 can't be officially supported due to security technicalities.  VB6 games still work just fine on windows 7 and 8 (unless the developer made a poor design choice with how they save their files).  VB6 games will probably still work long into the future because I've never seen anything to make me think any different.

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-19 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: The Eventual Famine

I'm in agreement with Quasar on this.  While it would be great for Microsoft to continue supporting XP, at some point it is no longer about money, and is instead a limit of what can be done with the older technology.  A big part of "Supporting" XP would be keeping its security up to date, and this is the one area where I have to completely agree with their decision to abandon it.    They could have continued to support XP if it were not for the security side of things.  Dark, you are correct that outside companies can do a fine job taking over to handle XP security (as some have).  Up until a few years ago, every computer in my house (usually several) ran XP with only service pack 2 installed.  A decade of using XP, without the latest service pack or patches, and I can only think of 1 or 2 times when a computer got seriously messed up due to some sort of virus or malware.  This was partly due to third party anti-virus s
 oftware, me knowing what to do and not do to keep my computer safe, and possibly luck.    When supporting XP, Microsoft cannot rely on people using third party software or luck to stay safe though.  It's a technicality.  When a person backed into the side door of my car, they called it totaled even though there was just a dent.  There was a tiny bend in the car's frame which would cost more to fix than the car was worth.  Sure they could have just repaired the door and ignored the dent in the frame (which is what I wanted them to do), but technically they have to return the entire car to a certain standard without leaving anything out.  I do think Microsoft could easily continue to support XP in the other ways, but because they can't maintain the right security standards they technically cannot "support" it anymore.    When it comes to older games not working on modern/future windows, I really do thi
 nk that is overblown as well.  In the middle of 100 people talking about how they play some VB6 game on their windows 8 machines, you'll get some random post exclaiming that old VB games will no longer work once people have to switch over to windows 7 or 8!  It's funny really, and clearly shows that they are more interested in spreading some sort of panic, than realizing that people are already doing exactly what they claim they won't be able to do.  Now I'm probably exaggerating a bit here, but funnily enough, not that much.    There is only a very small chance that a VB6 game can't work on a windows 7 or 8 machine, and that is about how they were designed.  A developer could have used specific folders to save files to, which the new UAC does not allow.  That's just about it.  Everything else can be solved by simply registering a few files.  In addition, registering them for one game means you don
 9;t even have to do it for the rest.  It's a 1 time deal.  The UAC situation is no different than a developer who foolishly designs their game to run specifically from C: drive, and the game fails to work when someone is running it from a separate hard drive.  I've seen people make that same mistake, and it is more a failure to think ahead than a problem with old software.    Will all VB6 games stop once windows 9 comes out?  I have no idea.  I know the planes didn't fall from the sky when the year 2000 rang in.  I also know a lot of people who swore they would.  People are ALWAYS waving their arms trying to get people convinced that such and such program won't work anymore once the next version of windows comes out.  I have heard those claims since as long as I've used a computer.  Whenever I do sit down to play games, I play classics that came out between 1994 and 1998, and they all work just fi
 ne on my windows 8 computer.  I have this dusty old CD spindle that has these CDs from when I was in high school and each new windows was supposed to mean I had to toss them into the trash.  I'm still waiting for someone to be right.  Oh I'm sure one day they will be, but I generally stop listening to a school of thought when it has been consistently wrong for 20 years.  When the day comes where I toss these old games into the trash because they can't work, it won't be because a doomsday poster was correct, it will be because he was lucky.  LOL!    So in summary...  I agree that VB6 can't be officially supported due to security technicalities.  VB6 games still work just fine on windows 7 and 8 (unless the developer made a poor design choice with how they save their files).  VB6 games will probably still work long into the future because I've never seen anything to make me think any different.<

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Error running Swamp

2014-04-19 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Error running Swamp

Lukas, with that error happening before the debuglog.txt file is created, it means the program is not being given permission to write to the disk.  Are you running the game from your hard drive?  People have had this happen when trying to run the game from within the zip archive, and also from write protected flash drives.  I do seem to remember someone having this same sort of situation when their anti-virus was set to launch Swamp within a "quarantine" folder because it was not on a "trusted" list.  I'm not sure if any of these will match your current situation, but they may help.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-20 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: The Eventual Famine

Dark I was just going to ask whether Dosbox was accessible.  You mentioned having some dos games and that was the first thing that came to mind.  I have 2 old dos games that I occasionally play on my windows 8 machine (64 bit), but I am using dosbox to do it.  The good news is that besides needing dosbox for those 2 games, all of my other old games work without any special tricks.When it comes to stuff like the bcs audiogames, I have no idea.  It is possible that the developer used some extremely specific method for creating them, that just can't work outside of an XP environment.  Without knowing any background on those games, I would recommend asking around first though to see if anyone has gotten them to run.  Sometimes you'll get someone spreading around that a game won't work just because they couldn't get it to run, and the rumor itself stops others from even trying.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-20 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: The Eventual Famine

Do you happen to know if Dosbox is accessible once the actual games are running?  I'm just wondering if the trouble is the console interface you use beforehand, to set it up and launch the games.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-20 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: The Eventual Famine

Arqmeister or Dark, would you mind sending me one of your old dos games?  I'll try running it in Dosbox to see if my NVDA can work with the game.Also Dark, I keep forgetting to bug you about cards.  LOL!  You probably remember what I mean.  URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Error running Swamp

2014-04-20 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Error running Swamp

Lukas I am compiling a new executable to have you test.  Are you on skype?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-20 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: The Eventual Famine

Yeah I guess that does present a problem if dosbox doesn't use the usual text system.I don't use outlook express myself, so I didn't notice that it was gone in windows 8.  There are other apps out there to take its place, but yeah it will require learning something new I'd imagine.When it comes to folders, I don't really understand what you mean.  The folder structure for windows 7 and 8 is still the same as it was in XP.  You can create and name folders however you wish.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-20 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: The Eventual Famine

Dark I agree.  It is very annoying to learn a new interface when it doesn't actually add anything useful.  Whenever there was a new version of office, or a new version of 3d modeling software I used to use a lot, I hated wasting time getting used to the changes.  I would know what I wanted to do, but I'd have to keep searching around trying to figure out where they either hid the feature, or what they renamed it to.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] The Eventual Famine

2014-04-20 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: The Eventual Famine

Dark I totally agree.  If one day you find yourself forced to upgrade to windows 7 or 8, I think you'll get used to it, but in the mean time there is no reason for you to leave XP.  Stick to what is most comfortable to use.  URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Error running Swamp

2014-04-22 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Error running Swamp

I sent Lukas a new executable today and it solved his problem.  It ended up being related to Sapi.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Error running Swamp

2014-04-22 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Error running Swamp

Lukas I was surprised to notice I was having the same issue!  I couldn't connect to the server and was getting the same message.  I went downstairs and the server is running just fine, with 40 players happily chattering away on it.  So then it hit me... I recompiled you a new executable to remove the Sapi code, but I forgot to set it to the main server.  The new file I gave you is trying to connect to the testing server.  Haha!I'll send you a replacement.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] numpad simulation issue.

2014-04-26 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: numpad simulation issue.

If you press the num lock key, the number pad will go back to being numbers.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] numpad simulation issue.

2014-04-26 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: numpad simulation issue.

If you press the num lock key, the number pad will go back to being numbers.  You may have had num lock turned off when you were setting up your joystick controls, so it thinks you were assigning it to the arrows instead.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Problem connecting to the server with swamp

2013-11-02 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Problem connecting to the server with swamp

The current version is 3.0.  If the server said nothing, then it was probably just full at the time you tried to sign in.  Once you are using version 3.0, it will be able to tell you when the server is full or offline.  That feature isn't in the 2.9D client though.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Problem connecting to the server with swamp

2013-11-02 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Problem connecting to the server with swamp

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Audio-Only Game Advertising

2013-11-05 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Audio-Only Game Advertising

So basically you kill some zombies, reload your gun, and race to grab some loot around the corner.  You have picked up one can of folgers fresh roasted coffee.  The best part of waking up, is Folger's in your cup!  Nothing beats the great fresh brewed taste of folgers in the morning.  Go grab one today!You kill a few more zombies and move on.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Should Swamp stop allowing sighted players?

2013-11-12 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Should Swamp stop allowing sighted players?

It has been brought to my attention that sighted users are creating an imbalance within Swamp.  Specifically in hardcore mode, there are reported concerned that sighted players have a distinct advantage at finding food and are therefore able to attack forts more than anyone else.  I guess this has gotten people pretty angry and I've been asked to solve the problem.Swamp is indeed a game for the blind, but I've never claimed it to be a game only for the blind.  This means we will always have some balancing issues.Hardcore mode seems to be the only place where this has become a heated issue, so this vote is only concerning hardcore mode.  Normal mode would not be affected no matter how this vote goes.When players become hardcore characters, should the game automatically disable their graphics so that everyone is even?I encourage people to post their arguments for either side of the issue.  I am not neutral in this issue 
 so I can not fairly list example arguments for each side.  They would most certainly be bias, even if I tried not to.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Should Swamp stop allowing sighted players?

2013-11-14 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Should Swamp stop allowing sighted players?

A few questions, or rather theories, have been scattered around in this thread but I've been avoiding posting anything myself.  I really don't want to sway things in either direction unfairly, and I think if I accidentally hinted at the side I'm on, there would be some people who would side with it even if they didn't personally feel that way.  So here goes.  I'm going to try to remain as neutral as I can be.When it comes to the graphics, the user can only see about 10 tiles away from them self, and most players tell me they can hear loot and other sounds about 40+ tiles away.The graphics do allow the user to see loot and zombies on the other side of walls, which is something sound does not help much with.Groups of zombies can be hard to count visually because they can occupy the same space/tile and appear as just 1 red blob.  It could be 3 zombies, or 30, so in many ways that is the same predicament that sound-only
  players find themselves in.When in close combat, the exact positioning of the graphics offers a huge advantage.  You are very unlikely to run into obstacles or get yourself cornered, unless it is a very large number of zombies closing in on you. Much of the time I play Swamp, I play with the sound muted, so the graphics alone are enough to keep me alive.  This supports the idea that graphics give a ton of information to the player, especially within buildings.  This also supports the idea that sighted users don't as easily adapt to a sound-only environment.  The sounds help me so little, that it isn't even worth hearing them.The graphics for loot are the same, even if the sound is different.  So if I visually see some loot in front of me, I have no way of knowing whether it is a gun, food, or even a crate.  Some game items have different sounds, so in this case the audio gives information that the sight does not.Vi
 sually a player can identify the types of zombies that are approaching, unless they are in a group.  The same can be done with sound, but I would imagine it is more difficult.I don't know what the percentages are, but I do think there are quite a few people playing with the graphics enabled.  This could mean they are low vision players or full sighted players, but the number could be as high as 10%.  It is also possible that some of these people just never bothered to turn the graphics off, which improves game performance if you don't need the graphics.  We do have a dozen or so players who have told me they play Swamp with sighted family or friends, so there are at least that many fully sighted players floating around.I totally agree that a simple "Yes" or "No" vote is less than ideal.  I don't want to solve this problem with time spent coding, so I'm not really considering the solutions that are essenti
 ally adding new features.  I really do hate working more on Swamp, and I feel really silly each time I tell people that Swamp development officially ended... um... like a long time ago.  Ending development didn't seem to save me did it?  ROFL!  I wouldn't even have bothered with this vote except I started to get more and more random foreigners skyping me, whining and complaining because I am going to ban their sighted friends.  It started literally within half an hour of someone first bringing this issue to my attention, so the rumor mill was already in full swing and people were in an uproar about mean old Aprone who was going to unfairly hand out bans for something there is no rule against.  So yeah, immediate headache.  The quickest way to shut everyone up was to just put up the poll and plaster messages about it on the main
  server.  For at least a while, it is off my shoulders while everyone argues about what to do, hahahaha.  Sorry about my frustrated rant.  Please continue!  URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Should Swamp stop allowing sighted players?

2013-11-14 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Should Swamp stop allowing sighted players?

It looks like the maintenance deleted any messages posted during that time.  Bummer.  I had written a really long one but I don't have the energy to reproduce it.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Should Swamp stop allowing sighted players?

2013-11-14 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Should Swamp stop allowing sighted players?

There was a message stating that the forum was going to undergo maintenance today, and after it was done I noticed recent messages had vanished.  I think it may have rolled back for a few hours or something.  Oh well, after work I may try to remember what I wrote to post it again.  No time right now.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] someone needing to be banned from swamp

2013-11-15 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: someone needing to be banned from swamp

Thanks for bringing that to my attention.  FuriousD has been banned.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Should Swamp stop allowing sighted players?

2013-11-15 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Should Swamp stop allowing sighted players?

LOL Flyby, yeah some of that stuff was in there.  The majority of the post was clearing up some of the questions people had about the graphics.  Lets see if I can remember what it all was.  None of these statements are meant to sway anyone in either direction on this issue.  I am trying to remain completely neutral so that no one "takes Aprone's side".The graphics show loot and zombies that are up to 10 tiles away, and people have told me they can generally hear loot up to 40 tiles away when there are no obstructions.  So in some situations, sound is better for loot hunting than the graphics.Loot can be seen through walls, so if someone stands near a wall they can know exactly how many pieces of loot are on the other side.  You can hear loot through walls as well, but it is not nearly as effective.Loot always has the same graphic, even if it is a crate or special item that has a different sound.  So in that sce
 nario, sound gives more information about loot than the graphics give.The graphics do show what type each zombie is.  Sound can identify them as well, but not as quickly.  If there are many zombies in the same area, it is no longer possible to identify them with the graphics because they become one large blob.When multiple zombies are in the same location, you cannot graphically tell how many there are.  Counting groups of zombies could be easier with graphics enabled, but I'm not sure if it is.When zombies are spread out and in close range, graphics give very precise information which makes it very easy to dodge and maneuver around the environment.  In this situation there is a very clear advantage for sighted users.For firing at anything further away than 10 tiles, the advantage is with those using sound.  A player relying on sight will have no idea that zombies and loot are even right in front of them, if it is outside of 
 that 10 tile range.Sighted users can use some sound cues to get the best of both worlds.  Even if they are not as good at using the sound to understand the environment, it can help remove some of the graphical limitations.When I personally play Swamp, I often have the sounds completely muted.  This is evidence for how much the graphics alone can benefit a player.  This also is evidence that a sighted player will struggle to rely on sound alone.  Basically the sounds provide me so little help that they aren't even worth listening to as I play.  I'm not sure which side this helps more, so interpret it as you see fit.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] someone needing to be banned from swamp

2013-11-15 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: someone needing to be banned from swamp

I totally agree.  Harassing players, especially women, really ticks me off.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] A survey posted on the facebook page.

2013-11-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

A survey posted on the facebook page.

This message was recently posted on the facebook page by a man named Liam.  I am posting it here so that it will noticed by more people."HiI am a sound production student at the university of Abertay, Scotland. I am currently looking at effective uses of audio within games for visually impaired users. I have created a short survey in the hope of getting some user feedback available at: If you wouldn't mind sharing it amongst visually impaired users, it would be greatly appreciated!Thanks!Liam"URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Character customization in audio

2013-12-03 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Character customization in audio

Just walking out the door but wanted to chime in.Swamp does indeed use a LOT of cheap tricks to make it all work.  Having everyone so spaced out, employing a vast range of hardware (from ancient to modern), internet speeds as low as old fashioned dial-up, and only a single server is a huge pain to work around.  As much as it sucks, I think tricks are going to be the key word in any big multiplayer games for the audio games community... at least for a while.  Everyone is just too spread out.I think my main advantage is just experience.  I've been making little sighted games for something like 17 years, which I think is more than most of the people here in the audiogames community.  I've had to work harder to figure out how to work from an audio perspective (since it was all new to me), but once I'm past that part all of the rest is stuff I've done somewhere in the past.  Not really any learning is required, which saves
  me tons and tons of time on projects.  I'm also tempted to say that being sighted helps me program faster, but that's probably just because I'm a sighted guy who can't imagine doing most things without these 2 eyeballs.  HAHA!  URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Character customization in audio

2013-12-04 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Character customization in audio

I came home to some very interesting posts!  I'm liking this thread, hehe.I'm glad Nagel's algorithm helped you out Ian.  It will rely heavily on the number of very small packets you are sending, so for Swamp it had absolutely no effect.  Or at least, no noticeable effect when I was going through some different ways to try to squeeze a bit more performance out of the server.Ian, your comment about blind players not being able to notice lag in the same way as sighted users, is absolutely correct in my opinion.  Well maybe opinion isn't the right word.  Lets go with hope!  LOL!  While working on Swamp, I went with the assumption/hope that players experiencing the world through sound would not be able to notice the same tiny lag spikes or synchronization issues that sighted games have to obsess over.  If I had been designing Swamp for sighted players, I would have had to have approached it much differently.&nbs
 p; Never be afraid to cut corners that would slightly de-synch your players or cause a small delay, if that is what you Need to do in order to get the game working.  Swamp is sadly an extreme case of bad synchronization when it comes to the zombies!  As my first massively (I'll call 80-100 massive) multiplayer audio game, I went a bit too far and paid too little attention in this area.  Live and learn I suppose, but the point is that I would have been wasting tons of time, effort, network traffic, and processing power if I had made the zombies synch perfectly.  Swamp is SO bad at synching up zombies and players, that no mainstream circles would ever Ever accept it, if it were a sighted game.  It's worse in this area, then any game I've ever made in my life, and yet most players only notice once a zombie is 20+ tiles away from where it should be.  If they were all only 1 or 2 tiles "off", it is unlikely that anyone would have eve
 r found out.ianr wrote:And if we get into dial up and ancient computers as Aprone said then UDP and all the tricks we can muster are probably the only solution.For me it was the opposite.  With people so spread out, UDP seemed like the better choice for a game like Swamp due to its significantly faster packets.  Glitchy and slow internet connections, and traveling through so many nodes make UDP insanely unreliable.  Here in the States, you can use UDP to gain all of its advantages, and you pretty much never run in to dropped packets (or at least I haven't), so you don't have the major disadvantage.  Apparently when you're linking people from around the world, the old warnings about UDP still live.  TCP provides me with a pretty stable connection to everyone.  The really sad thing is that somehow, in some way, even the TCP packets do get lost from time to time!
   I didn't even know that was possible, but it happens!  I had always assumed that if the connection was poor enough, that it would close it down.  Apparently there is some fuzzy line where the connection still stays open yet parts of packets can vanish forever.  So basically I have to use TCP, while working with some of the disadvantages of UDP, ROFL!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Character customization in audio

2013-12-04 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Character customization in audio

Ah yes Ian, I was thinking of the Nagle thing in reverse.  I had read your original sentence wrong.  Yes the TCP thing is extremely frustrating, hahaha!Fastfinge, that is a very good point!  With indenting I would be able to skim through code much quicker to spot various issues.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Character customization in audio

2013-12-04 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Character customization in audio

Camlorn, I remember making something like that for the BGT language.  I have no idea if anyone still uses it though.I think he was referring to the combination of indenting and visual scanning.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] PC Gamer article on cheating

2014-05-04 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: PC Gamer article on cheating

Very good article CAE.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp is corrupted

2013-08-13 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Swamp is corrupted

Dark, the server should have explained the Kai mart event with the welcome message.  If it isn't displaying the welcome message, please let me know and I'll look into why it isn't.Unfortunately this event is primarily geared for the experienced Swamp players who already know what is going on, and are capable of facing this challenge.  When I get the records repaired (I don't know how long it will take), things will go back to normal on the server.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Swamp is corrupted

2013-08-14 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Swamp is corrupted

I love the campaign page idea Dark, and I certainly have the web space to hold them.  As CAE mentioned, time is the big problem, and I just don't have enough of it.  CAE, If you do end up working on something like this, I could toss you the FTP information to upload the campaigns to my web space.  That would give a permanent place for the campaigns.The Wiki has actually been dead ever since spammers forced me to lock it down.  Online wikis get hit with Spam bots every day, but one sentence of the spam referenced something specific that a banned Swamp player had said, so I'm pretty convinced that it was intentional.  So that was a shame, because I was going to have to switch things over to approve all wiki changes, and that turns it into a more time consuming project on my part.  My wife volunteered to be in charge of reading over all changes to approve or deny them, but I never got around to setting up the wiki with those settings.&nb
 sp; So these days it just sits there.  URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] how to get swamp running on win 8 32 bit

2013-12-10 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: how to get swamp running on win 8 32 bit

Pelantas, based on that error I think you may be missing some files.  Make sure you are not trying to run Swamp from within its zip file.  If you've checked that already, try deleting the file progress.ini and running the game.  Does your debuglog.txt file say anything after the game crashes?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] how to get swamp running on win 8 32 bit

2013-12-11 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: how to get swamp running on win 8 32 bit

The debuglog file makes me thing everything with the actual game is fine.  The error could be from a file that is somehow missing.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Hello aprone!

2013-12-18 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Hello aprone!

Omar your friend is unable to connect because the server is currently full and I haven't had time to clear it out yet.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] running swamp on windows8?

2014-01-04 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: running swamp on windows8?

If you are still getting errors, then you did not register the files correctly.  Most people skip the "run as administrator setting" step.  That is an important step, and it does not mean the same thing as just being on an administrator account.  The readme.txt file explains this step in detail so read carefully.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] running swamp on windows8?

2014-01-04 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: running swamp on windows8?

Midi I don't understand what you are trying to say.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] question about number of audiogames

2014-01-08 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: question about number of audiogames

The game list has 458 games.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Research on the Role of Sound in Audio Games

2014-01-08 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Research on the Role of Sound in Audio Games

I suppose it shows my immature side, but every single time I read the title to this thread "Research on the Role of Sound in Audio Games", a voice in my head says "The results show that it is important."  Then I smile.  I'm opening up your paper in another tab so I don't forget to read it later.  Glad to hear you've got it all set Balooba!  Congratulations.  URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Castaways, roleplaying strategy game, by Aprone

2014-01-19 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Castaways, roleplaying strategy game, by Aprone

A good strategy is to move a lumber yard and a storehouse out to another location that is near forests.  Moving out far to build a second settlement can be tricky, but if you pull it off then you will continue to gain lumber at a very fast rate throughout the game.I've made some progress, yes.  URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Castaways, roleplaying strategy game, by Aprone

2014-01-21 Thread ForumGeneral Game Discussion: Aprone

Re: Castaways, roleplaying strategy game, by Aprone

Blasting, I haven't played in so long that I can't remember if firewood is its own separate resource.  Hopefully someone will stop by who remembers the commands and can give you some tips for surviving.Blackbird, I almost always just start from scratch each time.  Lately I have been copying and pasting in the code I use for the screen reader support, but that's pretty much it.  I code because I enjoy it, so for me to grab code snippets from online or even large chunks of code I had previously written myself, would take away from the fun.URL:

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