Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2014-03-04 Thread ForumNew releases room: Che

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

Hi ya Violinist, Glad you are liking the game, its been a lot of work for an amateur programmer and sometimes seems like Im never going to reach the end of the tunnel, but were very close now. Regarding your questions: For single player mode, there will only be one opponent. For multi player there can be up to 20 racers at once. Ive considered the idea of variable curves, but I got lots of complaints that RR 1 was too hard to learn as it was, plus for those using keyboard input, which is the majority, it would introduce control issues. Ill look into the non response thing in tag mode, havent seen that on my end, but honestly havent done a lot of testing in tag mode since putting in new code. As for the AI, art still needs smartening up as far as the new power ups go. I try to make the AI do things just as a racer has to, in other words, the game does 
 not cheat for Art, he has to accelerate and shift gears, makes mistakes when jumping, etc. Because of that, it takes a while to balance everything when I change his thought process on new items such as power ups. Bottom line, hell be smarter by the time we go to full release. Thanks for the feedback and questions, hope to have a new patch out very soon. Happy racing, CheURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2014-02-10 Thread ForumNew releases room: Che

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

Hi all, Sorry for taking so long to respond, I did not get a notice that the thread had been updated. Vlad, you guys need to share email addresses or something, please dont use this thread to discuss problems you are having sharing files, its just a waste of everyones time, think there were like 10 messages in a row with just a few words in them, none of which anyone else needed. This thread is for the discussion of rail racer 2, updates and the like, if you want to share tracks, feel free to make a thread for it, but this isnt the thread for that kind of stuff. regarding battle mode, I had worked on that a long time, but its just not going to be feasible, too much to do with both racing and working weapons systems. Got an update coming soon. Happy racing, CheURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2014-01-22 Thread ForumNew releases room: Che

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

Hey all, I have a new patch for those that have purchased the beta. Here is the info from the change log:2.05.37 Completely rebuilt the engine sound system, were now using multiple samples to get a much more realistic engine sound. This still needs tweaking, but sounds much better now. the right and left arrow keys will raise and lower engine volume respectively during a race, and will write to config to save your settings. auto transmission is now available, meaning the racer will shift gears for you. This is for the new racer, so they dont have to worry about shifting while getting used to the game. the auto transmission is less efficient than properly manually shifting, so for the best track times, you need to be in manual mode. to turn on or off auto transmission, hit the i key. for now, it is on by default, so youll need to turn it off as soon as the race starts, once you change it, the game will remember your always, unzip this zip to your rail racer folder. Note that you will have to have this patch to race online. … 7patch.zipURL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2014-01-09 Thread ForumNew releases room: Che

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

Hey gang, we are gonna try and run another race on corkscrew tonight at 9 eastern. looks like there is a bug with regional settings, as some regions are sending commas instead of decimals to the server, causing things to crash in dramatic fashion. if you are using a non English region, unzip the below patch to your RR folder and try to race on any track by yourself, if it works you should be good to go for live racing. … If that patch doesnt work for you, try setting your region to US English and try racing online alone. Again, this is only for those running non English systems. Please email me off thread if you have issues and well get it fixed. email ThankscheURL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2014-01-08 Thread ForumNew releases room: Che

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

Hey all, For those that have purchased the RR 2 beta, I have released a new update. Check the change log for details, but basically this one includes tweaks to the artificial intelligence of Art, as well as a cool new game track we can race online called corkscrew. This is a class 5 track, so if you have not jumped to class 5 yet, be sure and get up to $50 so you can race it. It is much easier to move up in classes now, with each class being tied to the 100 k mark. For instance, class 2 is $20, class 4 is $40 and so forth. Also, you get more money for a win now, especially at the higher difficulty levels. This new track takes advantage of the ability to include grade angles in the track, as well as a nitro power up. I myself have not figured out the best way to use nitros and boost on this track, so whoever takes the time to figure out the best way to skin this cat is going to have an advantage when racing online. I am going to start a new thread on the forums here soon just for posting online races, and anyone is welcome to post there when they want to race online. For those that have not purchased the beta yet, a free demo is coming soon that will allow you to check the game out and decide if you want to purchase the full version. For those that have RR 2, here is the link to the patch: … Just unzip this to your rail racer folder and your good to go. This is an all inclusive update, so if you have not updated before, no worries, everything you need is in this patch. Happy racing,CheURL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2014-01-02 Thread ForumNew releases room: Che

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

Hey gang, Sorry for the delay in getting keys out this past week, I was out of town for the holidays. All current requests should be filled now, if not, email me off line and let me know I will be resetting the online server hopefully this evening so everyone can race online. I will also be starting a new thread on the forums here so folks can coordinate online races whenever they wish. There are still some bugs in the online system, which will be the focus of coding for the upcoming weeks, and I will update here as improvements are made. Happy racing, CheURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2013-12-20 Thread ForumNew releases room: Che

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

Hey all, As far as the complexity goes, there will be new audio tutorials for sure. The complexity ramps up as you move up in class level and unlock new upgrades to the racer. For instance, there are no hills or force fields at class 1, so you dont have to worry about those, by class 5, you will have opened tracks that have power ups, force fields, loops and everything else in them. As far as the engine sounds, the multiple sample model is what I am hoping to go with. however, it is more complicated to pull off than it would seem. You would think you could just fade up a sound at a particular RPM, then go to the next one as you fade out, but there is a lot more to it than that. I have done a lot of work and research on this, and the current release of RR 2 is actually mixing two separate engine sounds as the RPM varies, but Im not pleased with the results, and right now its just a test bed., 
 the professional game designers have access to tools that sample many more pieces and make their cars sound real. There is a tool out there that actually takes any car and allows you to get various RPM in various gears, and send it right to their code that models the car audio, its super cool, but obviously I dont have the code they have. The number of samples isnt the problem really, the problem is me having the time and ability to code the mix properly as RPM goes up and down. I completely agree that a more realistic engine sound is vital to the enjoyment of the game. Ideally, this is the model that will be implemented before I am done, but right now, the non critical stuff is taking precedent. If anyone out there wants to help with samples etc. feel free to email me off list Right now, Im looking for 3 high quality loopable samples to mix together for the ne
 xt step in the process, low medium and high RPM. Thanks all,CheURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2013-12-18 Thread ForumNew releases room: Che

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

Hey all, For anyone that wants to use team talk to voice chat while racing, or just chat about whatever, you can get the software here: … ad#hdrmenu when setting it up, be sure and select the classic install for accessibility, this makes using a screenreader with it work the best. Also, during setup, select the push to talk option, and then set your key, usually the left control key. I dont want folks using voice activation, as it causes too many problems. If your on there using voice activation, youll get kicked, so be sure and set this up. Once installed, you can add my all ports are default. Feel free to create your own rooms if you like, just hit the f 7 key then name your room and shift tab to ok to make a room. Well be setting up some regular times to race here pretty soon. LaterCheURL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2013-12-18 Thread ForumNew releases room: Che

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

If your running rr2 on a mac system with vm, please email me off list and let me know if your having any problems. Ive had some folks reporting issues with online racing, and want to try and narrow down the problem. my email Thanks,cheURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2013-12-18 Thread ForumNew releases room: Che

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

Regarding the power ups, here is how that works: You will hear the indication that a power up is coming 2 seconds before you get to it. Right now, youll just have to learn that sound by running the track, on the corkscrew track, which is in user tracks, it comes up after the loop. You want to be between 30 and 60 feet when you pass the power up. depending on which power up was placed on the track, you could get either a nitro or a full fuel reset. Use these wisely, if its fuel, youll rarely need to get it more than once, so dont waste time jumping when you dont need it. Similarly, nitros burn 100 pounds of fuel each time you use them, so be careful with that z key. One other note, in case you missed it in the change log, you now use both mouse buttons at once to slow down, the only time you need to do this is when slowing for a force field, otherwise, the pedal is to the metal. Ha
 ppy racing,cheURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2013-12-17 Thread ForumNew releases room: Che

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

Hi guys, As mentioned, you can use team talk, which also goes through my dedicated server. The host and the ports are default. As for running multi player races, I am considering starting a different forum thread just for posting races, what do you guys think of that? This way, we dont clutter up this thread which is designed for more general comments and updates about the game. Finally, check the changeLog.txt file in your rail racer folder for all recent changes, including power ups. I will be getting the instructions page completely updated for the new version soon. ThankscheURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2013-12-17 Thread ForumNew releases room: Che

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

Hmm, not sure what is up with the mouse reading things, havent heard that one before. I am capturing the mouse cursor, so it shouldnt be wandering when that window is up. email me off forum and well take a look. email and yeah, make sure and read the change log you guys, lots of info in there about the new version. thankscheURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2013-12-14 Thread ForumNew releases room: Che

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

Hi guys, some answers for the last few posts:gaita, as I replied before, please email off list about your problem and we will get it fixed, I dont do tech support on forums, it causes too much traffic, you can email me As to the 404 error, I am getting that fixed, just know that the purchases are going through, so no worries there. Regarding the licenses, for RR 1 I sent out lots of replacement keys upon request, and as far as I know, nobody was refused a replacement. Of course this has limits, I wont be sending out replacements every couple of months or anything, but I do understand folks have multiple systems and upgrade computers, etc. No worries there. As a dedicated gamer myself, I dont like the license key solution, but it is the only way to keep the pirates at bay, so it is a necessary evil from my standpoint. Thanks all, CheURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2013-12-13 Thread ForumNew releases room: Che

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

Hi gaita, Please email me off list about your issue and Ill get it resolved. There was a problem with the patch on some systems, but it is fixed now. You can email me JonnyBoy, the only real requirements are an XP or later system compatible with direct X. If you have a system over ten years old, there can be an issue with DX, depending on graphics card apparently. Out of several dozen orders, Ive had 2 XP systems built before 2003 that are failing, and Im not sure what the fix is yet. If your not sure, you may want to wait on the demo, which will verify the game will run for sure, demo should hopefully be out in January. ThankscheURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2013-12-13 Thread ForumNew releases room: Che

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

Hi dan, Actually that audio demo is for RR 1, RR 2 is gonna be way cooler than that, especially with the power ups available in track creation now, they will make racing a lot more strategic, especially when racing others online. I used to race a lot of online simulations when I could see, over 12 years ago, and Ive tried as best I can to replicate that experience with Rail Racer. Just a few more bugs and tweaks to go, and well be ready for a proper final release. Later taters, CheURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2013-12-12 Thread ForumNew releases room: Che

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

Hi guys, Regarding the order page not coming back to Blind Adrenaline, not sure what is up with that, Ill look into it, but the order system is working fine. I have updated that patch to include all needed files, you did the right thing unzipping it to the RR folder Orin, it just didnt have all the latest files in it until now, so re download it from the link in your order email and you should be good to go. The message about version checks out just means you have the latest version so you can play online. You guys be sure and check out that cork screw track in user tracks and let me know what you think, gonna be turning that into an official track soon so we can race it online. Happy racing. CheURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2013-12-12 Thread ForumNew releases room: Che

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

Hey guys, for those that purchased RR2 earlier than 3 PM Thursday December 12, please download the patch mentioned in your order email. I had the wrong RR file in there, the new one will update you to the latest version. Sorry about that.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2013-12-12 Thread ForumNew releases room: Che

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

I am going to assume from the tone of the post that crash master is Sean Everest from the gamers list. If not, my advanced apologies for what follows, but I dont think Ive misidentified here. If so, Sean, I allowed you on the beta team for RR 1, you never paid a penny for the game, and you provided no useable feedback, then later on you blasted me and my site, as well as my games on the gamers list, something you continually do to most developers. The reason you didnt get any more licenses is because frankly giving you one was a total waste of time, and youve ben an ingrate ever since, not to mention the disinformation youve spread about my games. One reason I rarely check the gamers list anymore is because of crap post like yours that do nothing but belittle the hard work of independent game developers, while providing nothing of usefulness. Nobody that bought RR 1 and asked for replacement 
 keys was turned down, and Ive already told you this, yet you continue to spread disinformation. Bottom line, please take a long walk off a short pier, your not welcome on this thread. To everyone else reading this, sorry for the blast, but Im sick of this guy , and Im not alone as an independent developer being fed up with this undeserved crap from him.  To all other developers, beware allowing this dude on your team, he acts like hes been around the world of beta testing, but in actuality, , he has never left the dock. I wont be responding to Sean on this thread anymore, so no worries about this turning into a flame war. If anyone wants to email me off list you can do so Happy racing, Che IURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2013-12-12 Thread ForumNew releases room: Che

Re: Rail Racer 2 cometh

Hi gaita , Not sure why you cant buy with pay pal, it has worked for everyone else as far as I know. Please email me off forum and well get it sorted out. One thing, you have to have some sort of account tied to pay pal for the funds, so if its not a credit card, it has to be a bank account. For everyone please note, if there is an issue that is affecting only you, please email me off forum instead of posting here, so we dont crowd the thread with issues that dont affect most players. If it turns out to be an issue that affects the rest of the players, ill let everyone know. Thanks,CheURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Rail Racer 2 cometh

2013-12-11 Thread ForumNew releases room: Che

Rail Racer 2 cometh

Greetings all from the Blind Adrenaline fortress of solitude. I am pleased to announce that I am very close to a final release of Rail Racer 2. In its current form, the game is solid and completely playable as is, just needing some tweaks here and there. I am going to be announcing updates on the forum here, as well as the Rail Racer email list, as some folks that purchased the beta arent on the list and have been missing out on updates. Additionally, if anyone wants to pre purchase the game, either for yourself or a friend, you can do so now from the Rail Racer order page. You will receive the current beta version and all future updates to Rail Racer 2. Here is the main rail racer page where you can get more info and order the game: A demo version is in the works, though at this point, I am not s
 ure when it will be available, hopefully before the end of January, but nothing is written in stone. There have been a lot of major updates to the original version, and I have posted the change log below. This change log is not all inclusive, as I didnt start tracking changes until well into development, a full list of changes will be posted to the BA site soon. If you have already purchased RR 2, but you are not on the email list, email me directly and I will send you the latest patch, be sure and include the email address you ordered with. My email address If anyone has any questions or suggestions, fire away on the forum here, and feel free to email me with any questions as well if you like. Here is the current change log:2.05.34 Increased the amount of money you receive for a win, making it easier and faster to level up. Each lev
 el is now accessed when you gain 100 grand times the level, for instance you will hit class 2 when you get 200 grand and class 5 when you earn half a million dollars. Changed the method of reviewing chat in MP mode, now use the num pad with num lock on to review messages 1 through 9.Took out voice change options, as this was only for SAPI, which is no longer supported, since there are excellent free screenreaders out there far superior to SaPI. Included new track in user tracks named corckscrew, will make this an official track once its been sufficiently tested. This is an interesting track, as you will have to make a pit stop and take on fuel, but youll have to figure out how much fuel you need based on your nitro usage. To start you go down a corckscrew with several decreasing curves, then a loop, followed by a nitro power up then a steep up hill, where youll definately need a nitro to avoid losing too much speed.2.05.32 Did a massive amount of tweaking to how the racer performs on grade angles, trying to get this nailed down and realistic. Check out the waterfall track in user tracks, has a 90 degree grade after the start, then a flat with a nitro, followed by another 90 degree uphill then a series of turns as you go down a steep grade, a flat with a force field, then a fuel power up right before the end of the lap. Added a sound to indicate a grade change, which will fire whenever the grade angle changes, it is subtle, but helps you realize your on a new angle.  Fixed bug where you would be in different menu selection after a race when playing with keyboard control.2.05.31 adjusted grade angle affect, you slow more now uphill, but nitros and boosters work on grades. new voice sounds added.  fixed bug with tag race, should switch between race types properly after a tag race now
  Added gravity wins as a new game track, should be fun on multiplayer, remember to use those nitros and get that fuel boost before you run out of octane. note that using a nitro burns 100 pounds of fuel immediately, so you gotta use the power ups wisely to win.2.05.30 replaced all voices with new ones from Jessica, thanks Jess, awesome job!Tweaked a few things under the hood. Made changes to how track editor deals with grades.2.05.29 adjusted amount of speed lost in curves so you arent slowed as much. adjusted nitro sound to make it louder fixed bug where you dont get a nitro from power up if you start with 0 nitro.2.05.28 Made several tweaks to the game engine. You now lose a bit more speed when in curves or jumping. The engine sounds have been adjusted so they arent so intrusive, trying to get all sounds to be more subtle, so yo
 ur not straining your ears to hear indicators. New ability to add grades to tracks. This one took forever to get right, been working on it for a really long time, but it will add a lot to the game with proper track creation. Basically, this means instead of racing on a constantly flat track with the exception of the loops, you can now tilt any section up or down. To do this, put a value between 90 and negative 90 in the grade angle field. A value of 90 means the section is pointed straight up, with negative 90 being straight down. Your racer will decelerate or accelerate faster