Re: [Audiogames-reflector] More Accessibility enhancements coming to A Dark Room for iOS in March

2014-03-05 Thread ForumNew releases room: amirrajan

Re: More Accessibility enhancements coming to A Dark Room for iOS in March

The update just made it into the app store. Hope you like!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] More Accessibility enhancements coming to A Dark Room for iOS in March

2014-03-05 Thread ForumNew releases room: amirrajan

Re: More Accessibility enhancements coming to A Dark Room for iOS in March

Here is the link to the podcast I was a guest on: … mir-rajan/URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] More Accessibility enhancements coming to A Dark Room for iOS in March

2014-02-21 Thread ForumNew releases room: amirrajan

More Accessibility enhancements coming to A Dark Room for iOS in March

Ive just wrapped up the next set of accessibility enhancements to A Dark Room. The release is slated for the first week of March:Here are the list of changes:- supplies screen is now a table that can be navigated- minor grammar and spelling errors were fixed- world map is now a table that can be navigated- distance from the village (while on the map) is the first landmark that will be spokenAlso, starting today, Ive dropped the price of the game to $0.99 and will keep it there until March (maybe longer). Hope you enjoy!If you have any other changes youd like made, now is the time to let me know URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-02-12 Thread ForumNew releases room: amirrajan

Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

Hello everyone! Just wanted to say that I did a recent interview about A Dark Room. Here is the link to the podcast: … mir-rajan/URL:
Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-02-09 Thread ForumNew releases room: amirrajan

Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

Hello everyone. Amir (the creator of A Dark Room iOS) here! Im running a 50% off sale on A Dark Room through Monday. Just thought Id let you know. Cheers.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-27 Thread ForumNew releases room: amirrajan

Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

@dan_c, Id love to hear your thoughts about the game. Let me know how it goes!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-12 Thread ForumNew releases room: amirrajan

Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

@Dark, the solo run can be fairly challenging. Here are some tips that will help.Spoilers lie ahead, read at own risk. Spoilers in 5, 4, 3, 2, 11. You can usually get a lot of leather off of A Gaunt Man encounters. If you travel to barren terrain near the village, you should encounter, them. There are three types of terrain, barren, fields and forest.2. Try to have 100 fur, 100 cured meat and 1 torch in your stores back at your fire lit room. You may get a visit from The Wandering Master, who can teach you precision, evasion and strength perks. The strength perk will let you do 150% more damage with all melee weapons.3. Leave steel to build the water tank, that is the most crucial item.4. Visit towns and cities, there is usually a good chance of getting a rifle or steel sword drop.5. Dying of starvation 10 times will unlock a perk that will let you travel farther before eating meat.6. Dying of dehydration 10 times will unlock a perk that
  will let you travel farther before having to consume water.7. Dying in battle 15 times will unlock the strength perk (if you dont want to wait for the Wandering Master).8. In the solo mode, all you need to do is find the ship. Essentially, even though the compass points to the sulphur mine, you can skip it completely. You just have to do it without the compass guiding the way.Suffice to say, solo mode is truly a challenge. I hope that these tips help you out!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-12 Thread ForumNew releases room: amirrajan

Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

@Dark, the solo run can be fairly challenging. Here are some tips that will help.Spoilers lie ahead, read at own risk. Spoilers in 5, 4, 3, 2, 11. You can usually get a lot of leather off of A Gaunt Man encounters. If you travel to barren terrain near the village, you should encounter, them. There are three types of terrain, barren, fields and forest.2. Try to have 100 fur, 100 cured meat and 1 torch in your stores back at your fire lit room. You may get a visit from The Wandering Master, who can teach you precision, evasion and strength perks. The strength perk will let you do 150% more damage with all melee weapons.3. Leave steel to build the water tank, that is the most crucial item.4. Visit towns and cities, there is usually a good chance of getting a rifle or steel sword drop.5. Dying of starvation 10 times will unlock a perk that will let you travel farther before eating meat.6. Dying of dehydration 10 times will unlock a perk that
  will let you travel farther before having to consume water.7. Dying in battle 15 times will unlock the strength perk (if you dont want to wait for the Wandering Master).8. In the solo mode, all you need to do is find the ship. Essentially, even though the compass points to the sulphur mine, you can skip it completely. You just have to do it without the compass guiding the way.I hope that these tips help you out!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-11 Thread ForumNew releases room: amirrajan

Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

@Dark @SLJ @araron Ive made some minor updates to the description in the App Store. Thanks again for the feedback.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-10 Thread ForumNew releases room: amirrajan

Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

@Dark Ha ha! Your comment about the builder made me chuckle. Check the towns and cities, there is usually some good loot there and the enemies arent as difficult as the sulphur mine. Best of luck!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-10 Thread ForumNew releases room: amirrajan

Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

@aaron I really like the description you gave. Plan to hash something up soon. Thank!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-09 Thread ForumNew releases room: amirrajan

Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

@SLJ thank you for the warm welcome. Ive really struggled with the description of the game in the App Store. An important part of A Dark Room is the element of surprise when you first start playing. You have no idea what you are getting yourself into. I wanted the game to spread by word of mouth, but I do understand where you are coming from given the array of good and bad games in the app store. Can you think of a description that I could put? I dont want to give away too much of the game, but at the same time, do want lots of people to download and experience it.@SLJ @Dark I took some time this morning and made a few minor accessibility tweaks. I have submitted it to the App Store (it takes anywhere from 5-10 business days for version 1.3 to release). More extensive tweaks will come in February.The List follows:1. Changed history label to speak recent history as opposed to it just being an accessibility hint. It seem that many disable Speak
  Hints under the VoiceOver options.2. Fixed the bug where the Dusty Path would not show up.3. Minor tips in the end game sequence, letting the player know that there is nothing to interact with and just to sit back and relax.4. Added a hint to an alternate ending once youve beaten the game.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-09 Thread ForumNew releases room: amirrajan

Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

@SLJ thank you for the warm welcome. Ive really struggled with the description of the game in the App Store. An important part of A Dark Room is the element of surprise when you first start playing. You have no idea what you are getting yourself into. I wanted to game to spread by word of mouth, but I do understand where you are coming from given the array of good and bad games in the app store. Can you think of a description that I could put? I dont want to give away too much of the game, but at the same time, do want lots of people to download and experience it.@SLJ @Dark I took some time this morning and made a few minor accessibility tweaks. I have submitted it to the App Store (it takes anywhere from 5-10 business days for version 1.3 to release). More extensive tweaks will come in February.The List follows:1. Changed history label to speak recent history as opposed to it just being an accessibility hint. It seem that many disable Speak 
 Hints under the VoiceOver options.2. Fixed the bug where the Dusty Path would not show up.3. Minor tips in the end game sequence, letting the player know that there is nothing to interact with and just to sit back and relax.4. Added a hint to an alternate ending once youve beaten the game.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-08 Thread ForumNew releases room: amirrajan

Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

Hello everyone. Im the developer for this game. Ill keep an eye on this topic and would be happy to discuss anything. Please tell others about the game. And I hope you enjoy.Sincerely,Amir (creator of A Dark Room for iOS, in partnership with Michael Townsend)URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-08 Thread ForumNew releases room: amirrajan

Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

@Mord-Sith the initial play through will take you anywhere from 3 to 6 hours. There is an alternate ending too. MINOR SPOILERS10987654321The alternate ending can be unlocked by beating the game without building any huts. Its significantly harder, so I would recommend playing the game the regular way first.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-08 Thread ForumNew releases room: amirrajan

Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

@Dark thank you for the warm welcome. Im making a list of all these accessibility enhancements and promise to make another release in February after some time off. Ive been working on this game non-stop for the past 5 months. And please ask as many questions as you like. The games description was intentionally vague (so that the community would talk about the game and let it spread word of mouth). I plan to be very active on twitter and here.Beyond this point lies spoilers. Some minor, some major. Read on at own risk.As far as achievements. Im interested in what the community ends up pulling off. It would be interesting to hear of someone beating the game with only the starting gear. Or beating the game without ever visiting an outpost. Or any other crazy things the community comes up with. I dont want to constrain your imagination.MAJOR SPOILER FOLLOWS10987654321As
  far as jewels. They come from they appear when the locket does. Hence the alert that shows up Her jeweled locket left behind.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-08 Thread ForumNew releases room: amirrajan

Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

@aaron thank you again for your support. Im glad you found the accessibility enhancements done well. I was worried that my knowledge of the game may have tainted some of the usability. Feel free to drop any suggestions here, Ill be keeping an eye on this forum.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-08 Thread ForumNew releases room: amirrajan

Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

@Dark there is a 1 percent chance of getting a jewel from traps. Youre a lucky person!URL:

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