Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Smugglers 5 invasion released

2014-03-21 Thread ForumNew releases room: drg

Re: Smugglers 5 invasion released

Hi guys! ok, so Ive finished writing the required map info for smugglers 5, if smugglers 5: invasion uses the same map it will also work for the game, its pretty self explanatory, thanks for the suggestion @dark! If you guys are interested in the info, Ill past it bellow: have fun!star system - whormoles to/Carse:hope, new manchester, sirius, sol/hope:moor, carse/new manchester:new germany, carse/sol:carse/sirius:finis, carse/finis:new ireland, sirius, warfield/warfield:tortuga, finis/new ireland:hyraxan, new scotland, finis, baiton/hyraxan:lands, new ireland/new scotland:new ireland/baiton:tortuga, new ireland/tortuga:baiton, warfield, new cuba, barbados/new cuba:tortuga, new moscow, new italy/new moscow:new cuba, new italy/new italy:new cuba, new moscow, new
  germany, moor/moor:hope, new italy, kimberley/kimberley:westwind, glenshire, moor/westwind:barbados, kimberley/glenshire:barbados, kimberley, lands/barbados:tortuga, westwind, glenshire/lands:glenshire, new germany, hyraxan/new germany:new italy, lands, new france, new manchester, new england/new france:new germany/new england:new germanyURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Smugglers 5 invasion released

2014-03-20 Thread ForumNew releases room: drg

Re: Smugglers 5 invasion released

thanks guys! Im slowly progressing, I got to the cruiser class, now using a neptun!I still need to learn the boarding skill to be able to get a battleship. So my only problem now is knowing where each place is located to be able toinfluence the war, for example I know the location of some jump points, but is there a way to know the steps to a specific place from my currentposition? or at least a txt file with the map explaining how to get to a certain place? Im getting lost quite a lot.I know theres also the galaxy map, but with nvda it doesnt help much it seems, unless Im doing something wrong.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Smugglers 5 invasion released

2014-03-19 Thread ForumNew releases room: drg

Re: Smugglers 5 invasion released

Hi guys! So yesterday Ive bought all smugglers games, I didnt buy the two dlcs though because Ill wait to see if they will be worth it in terms ofcontent. So Im playing smugglers 5 and got to the rank of lt commander already! Actualy I was so happy that my save file of the demo version workedwhen using the full version. I have some questions though.. First regarding the skills menu, it seems that when Im promoted and have the possibilityof choosing a new skill and I decide to close the window and choose the skill later it seems that I cant do it anymore, at least I cant check howmany skill points I have(when going to the profile menu it always says view personal skills(empty)), so even though Im now lt commanderI have only two or three skills and cant add more, Ive checked the requirements for all the skills. Im a bounty hunter.Then, how do I hire more crew? When visit
 ing a planet I can go to the bar and check up the different kind of members and theyr prices but it seems Icant hire them there. Thanks for the help guys! Im loving smugglers 5 and I can indeed confirm that its 100% playable with NVDA, of course youneed to practice with the review cursor commands but it seems its all doable.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Smugglers 5 invasion released

2014-03-19 Thread ForumNew releases room: drg

Re: Smugglers 5 invasion released

thanks so much for the help @sneak and @dark, the problem with hiring a crew was just the puntuaction, however I can still play it with thepuntuaction set to none, I just have to use the nvda+left/right arrows and it will announce the + and - signs.Im now using a Patton destroyer, guess it will take a while to upgrade to a cruiser which costs 6,000,000..Im curious about one more thing: to attack a starbase Ill need a battleship? Its because I managed to bring up a menu to attack it todayeven with the destroyer, however I dont remember how I did it, it seems I cant do it again. Im just asking for future reference though.Also sometimes theres a small but very annoying bug where during a fight it says something like canot creat visible window and the game will bestuck in the task manager and Im forced to close it, so I try to save often, it only happened 3/4 times so far, usualy happ
 ens when the enemyreforcements arrive, lots of messages start to pop up so maybe thats why..URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] a new mainstream release, LocoCycle for steam and xbox consoles

2014-02-20 Thread ForumNew releases room: drg

Re: a new mainstream release, LocoCycle for steam and xbox consoles

hey, heres the link to @stirlocks stream: also got lococycle and a few other games on steam. I can highly recommend the beatem up sacred citadel,Im almost completing it, trust me, its fully playable and awesome!Speaking of lococycle, sometimes its a bit frustrating but its worth it for the story itself, Pablos comments are really funny indeed!URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] a new mainstream release, LocoCycle for steam and xbox consoles

2014-02-20 Thread ForumNew releases room: drg

Re: a new mainstream release, LocoCycle for steam and xbox consoles

hmm, if you restart the game and press (a) button several times to continue it will go back to the fight with spike?weird, here it worked just fine, Im playing the game on steam. the chapter after spike is very hard, theres a part where you have to use the turboto avoid some obstacles but I dont know the right time to do it and there are no checkpoints during the majority of the level..URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] SKULLGIRLS - fully accessible mainstream fighting game [PC]

2014-01-31 Thread ForumNew releases room: drg

Re: SKULLGIRLS - fully accessible mainstream fighting game [PC]

Hi aaron. Just a small correction: You dont even need sighted help to use steam, I created an account and installed the client/skullgirls just finewithout sighted help, just had to ask on twitter for some help. You just have to know what youre doing and it all works good.and @fastfinge you dont even need the ocr plugin anymore. if you had an open mind to try new things instead of posting more and morecrap here trying to convince people to not play the game, you would have a lot of fun with skullgirls and other games. I already told you I respectyour choice but dont agree with it and never will, so I believe youre losing your time here and I believe you willcontinue to get insulted if you continue with that attitude here. Just continue with your life saving more and more money and remember again that wedont know about the future, Im not even sure if Ill be here tomorrow so Im enjoying life in 
 its fullest.And by saying that I mean Im rational with my choices, I wont spend money if I cant, I wont steal anything, bla bla bla. You get the picture.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] SKULLGIRLS - fully accessible mainstream fighting game [PC]

2014-01-31 Thread ForumNew releases room: drg

Re: SKULLGIRLS - fully accessible mainstream fighting game [PC]

@fastfinge Sneak described exactly what I meant to say to you.. You have your right to disagree with steam accessibility, but please create your owntopic to discuss it.. Because youre breaking the discussion of skullgirls itself. Imagine that you decide to go to the movies with friends.You arrive there. Theres lots of people watching the movie when suddenly you decide to use your iPhone to play a game, check messages or just talkloudly.[everything without headphones]. I dont have to tell you whats going to happen, right?Just apply the same idea to this topic.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] SKULLGIRLS - fully accessible mainstream fighting game [PC]

2014-01-30 Thread ForumNew releases room: drg

Re: SKULLGIRLS - fully accessible mainstream fighting game [PC]

Hey everyone! just wanted to come here and say that I bought skullgirls as well, the game is really fantastic, it has only 10 characters so far butmore are coming, the combo system allows for endless possibilities, theres even a tag team option to battle 2 vs 2 or 3 vs 3 as well.Seal, Robjoy and the developer are still working to add more accessibility as you can see with the update. If you like fighting games dont thinktwice, go grab it now! I installed steam just for this game at first but now Ive already got 3 more! aahah.@fastfinge I respect your decision but I dont think this will ever change, why they would remove this option from the client? Its already workingfor some time now.. Besides, Its the same with other products, lets go as far as mentioning an android device, windows, ios, pretty muchanything that wasnt specificaly developed with the blind in mind. What guarantees do you have
  that for example windows 9 will work well with screenreaders? Or that ios 7.1 will work with your favorite apps? I know that theres already accessibility built into it, but its not 100% guaranteed towork with everything.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] SKULLGIRLS - fully accessible mainstream fighting game [PC]

2014-01-30 Thread ForumNew releases room: drg

Re: SKULLGIRLS - fully accessible mainstream fighting game [PC]

Hi Adi, If you read the topic you will see that @assault_freak gave the link to the steam guide in post 3, its also available in the mainstream topicbut steam is usable with screen readers if you follow the guide, lots of blind players are downloading it just to try the game, its worth all theeffort. try itURL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Star traders rpg for IOS accessibility update

2014-01-28 Thread ForumNew releases room: drg

Re: Star traders rpg for IOS accessibility update

first: @tresebrothers Welcome to the forum! Im @matheus_souza on twitter, really glad to see this complex game accessible.@stewie replying to your questions: the problem isnt with the sliders, nor the game itself. Sometimes voiceover wont work with these sliders bysimply flicking upward / downward, if you have other games that use sliders like king of dragon pass you will see that the same thing happens.For the sliders to work you just have to double tap and hold and when you hear the triple tone move left / right lightly, voiceover will speak thepercentage. For most sliders though you should be able to flick up / down and work just fine, its the case of the ones when you start a new game,theres no problem with them as @grryf pointed out. When youre buying or selling stuff you just have to figure out how things work, I have noticedthat if for instance I wanted to sell my crystals I just went to the
  exchange place in a planet and selected crystalsThen the slider was at, say, 75. I just double tap and hold, move to the left until it gets to 0 and Select complete transaction and it seemed tosell them.Guys, lastly I recommend leaving a 5 star review on the app store and getting the elite version for more content, thats what I did. This way wecontinue to encourage the awesome team to develope more great games in the future and update this one. Happy playing!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

2014-01-07 Thread ForumNew releases room: drg

Re: iOS text game, A Dark Room, update released

Hey guys! Well, Ive completed the game with the easier ending(slaves). Im pretty certain the map is randomeverytime you start a new game. My first game took 427 minutes to beat, lol! But Ive started it before the accessibility fixes so thats why it tookso long. My ull hp was 50 I believe, I survived with 13 or so, I think its random as well.Dark, Im also aiming for this alternate ending now, Ive already got the trading post and workshop, but its a lot harder to get the requiredresources, also for some things to appear you will have to explore and bring back resources such as leather / iron, then you can unlock theworkshop, mine unlocked when I had 20 traps I think, but I brought back iron and leather from the exploration. It was quite hard because I had nothing(only my hands to punch, 10 hp and no meat, lol!)Anyway, good luck! Please post your time after completing this alternate ending, I
 39;ll post mine as well!Unfortunately I dont think the developer will be adding more stuff to the game in terms of content, not sure about the sequel,because he got the permission to port the game to ios from another developer(it wasnt his game), but lets hope! I would pay a good money for anupdate! If it had lots more content it could even cost $10 more, I wouldnt mind. The game is a brilliant work of art and I recommend it to everyone!!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Braillemon status update!

2013-12-21 Thread ForumNew releases room: drg

Re: Braillemon status update!

Hi Rachel, I just wanted to thank you for the awesome update! This is a really great christmas present!For the sound positioning: If the sound is coming from the north or south you can use either a lower pitch for the south and higher pitch for thenorth. Not sure how you would program it though, sorry.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Braillemon status update!

2013-12-15 Thread ForumNew releases room: drg

Re: Braillemon status update!

Hi @Daigonite, thats awesome news, Im really excited to try this new version when it gets released!I dont have any experience in programming, but Ive found something for you called universal speech,it was developed by Quentinc, should work with all screen readers and should work with c/c++ as well(at least according to the readme).Hope it works for you, good luck with the development! … Speech.zipURL:
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