Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Don't read this! More boring rl.

2013-11-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Don't read this! More boring rl.

Well Truegamer,  firstly the "could be worse" I agree doesn't help,   however that's why I noted myself that it probably doesn't seem that way to  you. Believe me, I'd be extremely! please if the only  romantic problem I had was shyness.As regards the arabic thing, well you can't judge from what films you've seen, or what you've just heard. Learning to tell when someone has a serious problem is! a matter of learning. it's like listening for a certain  sound, and learning to tell when you hear it and respond accordingly. there is no manual on how to do it,  you just need to develope emotional sense and practice. Regarding  discression, well  you probably won't like to hear this, but really just learn to be friends. Just relax, chat to a girl as you would anyone else (since girls aren't really that different), and learn to get on as people. Being relaxed arou
 nd others is just something you need to practice, to do more of and  improve. yes, it's frustrating, but there is no manual or clever trick or set of instructions, you just need to spend time around reasonable people, of both genders, learn to make conversation, learn to be realxed and  learn to listen to others and to yourself. On the immediate front, I'd recommend you stop over thinking the situation. Just get this girl (or indeed any other girl your friends with), to talk about music, or books or whatever you find interesting, and spend some time, ditto with boys.  that really is the only way to improve, and no, it isn't easy,   for you it will pay off.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Don't read this! More boring rl.

2013-11-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: thetruegamer

Re: Don't read this! More boring rl.

Well two things:1. I have Heard stories from other people about how they got beaten, and I've seen too many scary Movies about it. It's just a theory anyway. Something might be wrong.2: Yeah as I said. I don't know what's causing it.Also I would not consider this as Learning. Frustration, because there's nada I can do, about, well every case really.Alright, lunch time. I'll write more later. Just thought I'd Point that out. Not all arabic people, wimmen, are like that. I know my fair share that isn't. Anyway I have no clue on how to continue this, got any tips for when you want to be discrete?Well also, edit, just adding that I was talking about her shyness and not mine. And also Dark, thinking that it could be worse is a really shitty way of dealing with things. So yes, I could be deaf too, but why should I Think of that? So I can appreciate my blindness more? URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Don't read this! More boring rl.

2013-11-25 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: thetruegamer

Re: Don't read this! More boring rl.

Well two things:1. I have Heard stories from other people about how they got beaten, and I've seen too many scary Movies about it. It's just a theory anyway. Something might be wrong.2: Yeah as I said. I don't know what's causing it.Also I would not consider this as Learning. Frustration, because there's nada I can do, about, well every case really.Alright, lunch time. I'll write more later. Just thought I'd Point that out. Not all arabic people, wimmen, are like that. I know my fair share that isn't. Anyway I have no clue on how to continue this, got any tips for when you want to be discrete?URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Don't read this! More boring rl.

2013-11-24 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: Dark

Re: Don't read this! More boring rl.

Truegamer, firstly to be perfectly honest  dam well relax! really everyone makes a mess at that point in school.  You will learn later the difference between  love and infatuation, but that is a matter of knowing yourself and experience, and not believing everything you think at first or indeed your first impressions of a person. it's like any skill it needs practice, and practice can be anything but fun. Still, there's no way through it but learning, making friends with girls you like and just being dam well honest with yourself. Myself, I am at the point now I know exactly when I fall in love with someone, and even the sort of person I do. To be honest I'm jealous of you, since you seem in a great position in your life and just finding out these things for yourself. Indeed believe me your situation could be much worse albeit I know that it probably doesn't feel like that to you.  Just relax, breath,   think about your feelings an
 d learn to analyse them.Equally,  the best way of dealing with self consciousness is simply to project. To learn to  find emotions in  yourself and feel them, to learn to connect with others and think about them so your no longer focused on yourself, since  the majority of people aren't anyway. This is how I, a shy intravert can write silly messages on the front of a website or stand on a stage, chat to an audience and sing.Second, to be brutally honest just believing someone is  arabic so they must! be having a bad time at home is a massive leap to a conclusion. A good friend of mine was not merely arabic, but by birth an Iraqi, and a soophi  Muslim, yet was far from the media's sterriotype of the poor oppressed Islamic woman, actually she was amazingly clever, extremely forthright and  highly compitant and we regularly discussed cultural differences. Learning about other peoplle,  telling when they have problem
 s what makes a person shy, or overconfident or nervous is again a very delicate skill. It requires listening and emotional sense, and is something that oncemore needs lots of practice.  Believing that just because a person is a certain race that they must! be a certain way would be like people assuming that because you were blind you  wouldn't like wild music or heavy metal since they're too rough for the poor denuded blindies. Regarding   sight and how people treat you, no, I won't lye, it's a pain in the backside,  but the only way to get around it is learn people skills better, indeed a successful blind person needs far better! people skills than anyone else. It's not fun, but it's true, and the alternative is just to sit at home, have no friends and do nothing with your  life, which i  suspect isn't something you want.URL:

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

[Audiogames-reflector] Don't read this! More boring rl.

2013-11-24 Thread Forum — Off-topic room: thetruegamer

Don't read this! More boring rl.

I'm writing this for my sanity, and weather you read this or not is your decision entirely. I just need to vent my feelings a little, hope people understand and won't think that I'm insane, though I might as well be on the very path to insanity itself.Which is ironic, considering I just joined Insanity in Alter Aeon It wasn't long ago I wrote about school and how everything was going good. It has even gotten better, well that was, til this last friday.Hmm maybe even thursday.I wrote that my feelings for Felicia had faded, which is true. I'll still say she's an amazing person though. Come to think of it, I didn't really have any sexual feelings for her in the first place, it was more friendly.So lately I've been putting my eyes on a very pretty girl, obviously in the same class as me. It's pretty f*cked
  up, but wherever I go I seem to fall in love. Well actually, ever since Felicia. Before I met her I stopped looking for love. Well, it's something my brain does subconsciously. So I had a period from eighth grade til this summer where I didn't fall in love. I swear, that period was so fucking wonderful. I kinda miss the apathy, the not giving a shit attitude. And ever since Felicia, I've put my eye on three girls (how groce to put once eye there). First it was a girl who turned out to already have a boyfriend. Glad it never turned out there since actually she's rather boring. Then there was this really fresh rocker girl a while ago, but that didn't last long really. I never approached her, and I quit thinking about her just after two days or so. Then there's this girl ...She might either be the smartest or most dumb person walking on this plannet, I don't know yet. I asked my swedish teacher to take me to our technical, the guy in charge of 
 our network and computers to solve a problem I had. Anyway, while walking there, I said "Why are those that always study the most, particularly girls, the stupidest?", and he responded "Well I don't think it has to do with being directly stupid. I've seen many of those, I know who you mean. It's a pressure to get the top grades, it's a kinda insecurity to do wrong that'll make them do exactly that, wrong and looking stupid. It's a confidence problem."Looking back now, I am first of all ashamed of thinking of her as stupid, but really, I couldn't help it. Also looking at my passed self, and to some extent, even today, I realized it. Hell, I am very very shy, I am afraid to do things wrong. It makes me stutter and just to say something instead of keep stumbling over the right words, I say something stupid that doesn't make sense.It wasn't really until I got to talk to her more that I realized she wasn't 
 stupid. I was just finnished with lunch, and the tech dude had told me to return after lunch so he could prescribe a new computer to me to test if that'd solve my issues. I was talking to some girls, one of the girls, Ida, got a phone call. I said "Anyone mind taking me to the computer guy?", and Elvina, which is her name, offered.We went there, no big business of it, but well that made us late for the lesson. I was really ashamed I had caused her to miss part of it, I knew that she was into studying a lot. She went in alone, leaving me looking for a seat, but the math teacher, who's a big retard really, told her to help me get a seat ... hmm could do that on my own. I was so worried that I had upset her that I took every sign of reject as a bad sign. But well I've realized that it's kinda similar to myself. I can act strange if I don't feel comfortable, and it's only with certain people I do. I hope that it's the same for her.Then, we had to work on Index in math, and also a small experiment. Only 10 minutes left on the lesson, and she surprised me. I'd never thought she'd say that. "Ah, fuck this. I'll listen to music instead."Grabbing a chance for a conversation, I asked her what kinda music and yeah ... talked a bit. Then she kinda looked away and I realized, alright, I'm pushing it a bit too far here.I've been thinking a lot about her. Why is she so shy? And is there a darker secret behind her shyness. I am actually going to go on a loose limb here and say this, her last name is arabic. I know how wimmen are suppressed there, is she being beaten at home? I am not thinking this about any of the other arabic girls, because they are all so confident and happy and even a bit ... hmm not arrogant.A couple of nights with really bad sleep. She's so beautiful, so sweet and interesting. However I am terribly afraid for a couple of reasons:1: I d
 on't want to hurt her, emotionally or physically, directly or indirectly. With shy people, and I speak from own experience, it's very easy for someone to say something and the other person interpreting that as something it is not. This could result in emotional self-hatred and self-consciounse. Also if her family is the problem, they might start trying to control her if she starts being with me.