[Audiogames-reflector] Seriusly considering studying, working, or visiting in Japan, thoughts

2014-01-09 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: arqmeister

Seriusly considering studying, working, or visiting in Japan, thoughts

Like many, my first exposure to Japanies culture in some asspect was through Anime, or mentions of samurai in various types of media. However recently, i began to heavily study the culture of Japan, and listen to other American's experiences on what it was like to live in Japan. Yes i know, culture shock would probably be a big thing to overcome, as well as learning the language. However, i have thought of going to the country to study the language, and use it by interacting with the people. This plan of mine is all theoretical at this point, and i have not taken any action to further this line of thinking as of yet. I completely understand that money will be an issue. If anyone knows of any grants, or blind organizations who support trips to Japan in any form please let me know. I am also aware that the culture is very traditional, and many of the phillisophical beliefs that the culture holds will take adapting to. In other words, Anime isn't seen in the same light as i
 t is here in America. But i would truely like to learn more about the culture, tour the big cities, and ride the bullet train. Any thoughts, anyone want to talk me out of it and give me a dose of reality, lol. Any comments welcome.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=161267#p161267

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Seriusly considering studying, working, or visiting in Japan, thoughts

2014-01-09 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: assault_freak

Re: Seriusly considering studying, working, or visiting in Japan, thoughts

I would say it's a pretty fair dream... and one that I share. You're right, the philosophical ideas would take adapting to. And one of the ones is the treatment of disability... it isn't horrible, and it's better than it used to be, but a lot of the time people who are disabled are still marginalized, though as I said it's improving. It comes from the same beliefs many other Asian cultures have... that disability is a bad thing because of Karma or what have you. Another thing is a tendancy for Japanese people to be polite no matter what the situation is... even a lot of the students I teach acknowledge the fact that sometimes, not all, Japanese people tend to act differently around one person if they are there versus if they aren't. So it all depends... but as I said, it would definitely be worth it to travel there... I teach English regularly to japanese students, and so many of them have invited me to come visit... and I wish I could. I would encour
 age you to go forth with the plan if you can. I don't know of any blindness organizations specifically which support trips for studying abroad, though I'd be very curious as well if there were any.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=161278#p161278

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Seriusly considering studying, working, or visiting in Japan, thoughts

2014-01-10 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: SLJ

Re: Seriusly considering studying, working, or visiting in Japan, thoughts

Hi.I'm interested to hear more about the Japanese culture. Are they different from other cultures? After having played some Japanese fighting games where the storyline is translated into english, it seems as some Japanese people are only set in the world to learn to fight, and all in their lifes is only about fighting, and being the best in the world and constantly compete against others and be better at fighting etc. However, I hope that's just games and not the real life in Japan. But I'm really wandering, because I hear about lots of hacking and slashing weapons from Japan.I'm also interested to hear about how they are able to be so great when it comes to technology. It's like a different world, where they are at leased 4 years ahead of the rest of the world.This could be an interesting topic for sure.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=161289#

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Seriusly considering studying, working, or visiting in Japan, thoughts

2014-01-10 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: CAE_Jones

Re: Seriusly considering studying, working, or visiting in Japan, thoughts

The shounen fighting spirit in games and anime is more like the American Cowboy stereotype, or vikings/knights/Greek heroes/etc: cool stories, but most people aren't really that way, and those that try to be get looked at funny.That said, I was $3000 and some paperwork away from training in Aikido in Japan when the Earthquake that led to the Fukashima disaster hit. Boo. URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=161309#p161309

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Seriusly considering studying, working, or visiting in Japan, thoughts

2014-01-10 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: SLJ

Re: Seriusly considering studying, working, or visiting in Japan, thoughts

Thanks cae_jones. Sounds interesting. URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=161316#p161316

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Seriusly considering studying, working, or visiting in Japan, thoughts

2014-01-10 Thread AudioGames.net Forum — Off-topic room: assault_freak

Re: Seriusly considering studying, working, or visiting in Japan, thoughts

That is definitely not how all Japanese people are. Granted there are many martial arts that come from Japan, but they aren't seen as super cool or whatever the way they are in the west. Japanese martial arts are like a way of life for people who do study them, which nowadays doesn't tend to be that way... it's somewhere between a religion and a sport. As for technology, yeah that is a good question... and I'm curious about that as well.URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=161325#p161325

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