Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-23 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

and you have my interest already with that lack of pvp  not to mention my favourite  word in game terms exploration :d.I am interested to know how much the exploration elements go, for example whether it is possible to land on planets walk around and explore them as well as explore space, whether you plan   ground and space combat and what sort of missions  you have in mind, but   as things are still in development I'm  happy to wait and see, though I'll certainly be trying this one as soon as their is something ready. Sinse the last I heard about stellar aeon was a discussion about space flight, 3D coordinates and muds on the audeasy list a couple of years ago from my perspective it sounds like things are developing quite well if you've already got a space strcture that can be explored, working flight and some basic ships, though obviously there is still more to add.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-23 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dentin

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

Stellar Aeon isn't very far along at this point:- star systems are up and working, with a home galaxy a few thousand light years across- basic ships are able to explore and check things out- part of the account system is built and workingAt the moment, the big emphasis is on the account system, as I'm working on that for Alter Aeon and several other projects combined.Regarding future features of SA, all that I'm willing to say right now is that PvP will probably only be done via combat simulators at a starbase.  I almost certainly won't allow open piracy.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-23 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

No ideas what the game will have yet Hanif. All I know is that it's being developed by Dentin, founder and main developer of Alteraeon, and is to have a random generation system of some sort as well as a full scale spaceflight. Actually some words about the game from Dentin would be appreciated.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-23 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: hanif

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

so this game is like miriani? Do it have guns for the weapons? Do it also have aliens to kill and missions like salvaging, mail delivery, passenger transporting, etc?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-21 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

@Aaron well we'll have to see when the game is actually developed. Even if it is a case of changing triggers and sounds there are likely to be lots of them, of types that don't occur in alteraeon. and will need custom adding, heck if you just look at the alteraeon changelog you can see how much work Oriol has put into things, so we'll just have to see on that one.@Conner, one thing which will be true with pvp in steleraeon is that it will be opt in only as I said, so as long as your fast enough to take out npcs that shouldn't make a difference, though i suspect with the great spam filters that alteraeon already has as a default there will be similar spam filters for the space game, heck we don't even know what kind of combat mechanics the game will have anyway indeed I would myself appreciate a little news from Dentin of what the game is actually going to contain rather than going on a lot of random speculations, sinns. About the only thing I 
 do know about Steleraeon is that it is being build from the ground up by Dentin, as opposed to using any of the standard codebases that miriani or other space games use.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-21 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: connor142

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

the problem is combat. what if it is sort of like miriani or star conqu wall est? there you need to be very fast, aspecially if you are the pilot. I mean in those games if you don't keep moving, the enemy is going to get hits in. and the only way I know of doing that as a blind person whose screen reader, no matter how fast can't keep up if there isn't a spam filter and or sounds, is to use a spam filter and or sounds.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-21 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: aaron

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

Hi,I'd imagine that the mush-z stuff will be transferable as all it requires is triggers, and analysis of the in-game text, plus of course, some new sounds. I will ask and see if he may consider it, as I think it'll make it very cool indeed.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-21 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

I don't know if oriol will create another mushZ for stelleraeon, sinse he already has a huge amount of work maintaining the mushZ for alter and goodness knows what kinds of rewrites a new MushZ would require even from the same developer as Alteraeon, though we'll see, sinse it might turn out at least some of the code is transferrable. Still if nothing else the thing will always be playable with standard interpreters like vipmud.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-20 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: connor142

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

yeah, I also think it sounds good. about the mush z thing, I guess the developers will also try and make another mush z add on for steller aeon. reguardless, I'd play it without add on or with one. accept, of corse if the combat is so fast paist that I can only keep up with it with sounds like miriani or star conquest or stuff like that.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-20 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Mord-Sith

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

I'm eagerly awaiting this one. Sounds like great fun URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-20 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

I don't know what real is, but I do also have confidence in Dentin's design. One thing he might do which materiamagica had with their wilderness was have the procedural generation specific to areas. So for example you have a level 1-10 star system, a level 10-20 etc. All of the content in those star systems is of a given level so you always know where youa re. The one thing that concerns me with that sort of system is that it can lead to a situation where progress sort of doesn't mean anything sinse practically the elements used to create lower level areas are the same as the ones used to create higher level areas, for example you might fight a blackstar spacepirate ship at level 5, and then get the  same ship with the same description and abilities crop up at level 15, just with higher combat stats. Then again a simple way around this is to level limit the elements that can be used in creating different areas, say making the black star only crop 
 up in level 1-10 star systems so that you don't fight it again later. Another concern I do have is additions to the game in terms of abilities, areas, elements added to the random generator etc. Sinse even the biggest set of random generators might need some more ingredients added to the mix occasionally, which could be difficult if there aren't going to be any area builders or people to maintain the mud on an ongoing basis.However he manages it though, I do have infinite confidence in Dentin's ability with the game design, heck he's done a good enough job with the alter mechanics.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-20 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: cj89

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

Yeah, I'd imagine Dentin would do something about newbie areas, he just doesn't seem the kind of person to throw newbies out in the deep. Not after I've seen what he's done to alter. I played real briefly back in 06, and boy was it different. I felt lost from the moment I started. But its changed so much. I could be completely wrong of course, but still it sounds interesting.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-20 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

I'm rather looking forward to it myself, as someone who loves exploring I've always wanted to play a space mud, but sinse one thing I've not found yet is a decent space mud with a pvp opt out option, heck even wayfare doesn't have one. I believe this is why Dentin is thinking of the procedurially  generated world so that people will always have more space to explore, though whether such generation will be used for all in game elements I'm not sure, for example it'd be a bit dire if you started the game and could only find level 30 planets and enemies around you. I'm also not sure if jsut because it will feature auto quests and missions this means there won't be any building at all, either way it's something I'm really looking forward to.Btw, interestingly enough, explorable randomly generated wilderness and auto generated missions are for me the one thing that is lacking in alteraeon, sinse it makes grinding and 
 exploring a lot more interesting if your wandering into a huge area not knowing what you might find, or continually getting random targets of little jobs, even basic mob kill type ones, as opposed to just running into the same areas again and again to slaughter the same mobs until your high enough level to move somewhere tougher. For all  I had issues withh materiamagica (especially how you could become too higher level for quests), this was one aspect it had that I thought was good. We'll see however, both what happens with stelereaon, and where alteraeon goes in the future, indeed I'm rather enjoying being back on alteraeon myself at the moment. Of course the only slight downer with steleraeon is that we won't get mushZ for it's great soundscape, music and handy shortcuts which definitely enhance the playing of alter, indeed I tend to think that when playing with MushZ Alteraeon is pretty close to being a full audio rpg.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-20 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Dark

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

I'm rather looking forward to it myself, as someone who loves exploring I've always wanted to play a space mud, but sinse one thing I've not found yet is a decent space mud with a pvp opt out option, heck even wayfare doesn't have one. I believe this is why Dentin is thinking of the procedurially  generated world so that people will always have more space to explore, though whether such generation will be used for all in game elements I'm not sure, for example it'd be a bit dire if you started the game and could only find level 30 planets and enemies around you. I'm also not sure if jsut because it will feature auto quests and missions this means there won't be any building at all, either way it's something I'm really looking forward to.Btw, interestingly enough, explorable randomly generated wilderness and auto generated missions are for me the one thing that is lacking in alteraeon, sinse it makes grinding and 
 exploring a lot more interesting if your wandering into a huge area not knowing what you might find, or continually getting random targets of little jobs, even basic mob kill type ones, as opposed to just running into the same areas again and again to slaughter the same mobs until your high enough level to move somewhere tougher. For all  I had issues withh materiamagica (especially how you could become too higher level for quests), this was one aspect it had that I thought was good. We'll see however, both what happens with stelereaon, and where alteraeon goes in the future, indeed I'm rather enjoying being back on alteraeon myself at the moment. Of course the only slight downer with steleraeon is that we'll miss out on mushZ .URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Victorious

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

It'll probably be procedurally generated content - mobs, starsystems, and quests. E.G there is a bounty on ship xxx.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: connor142

Re: Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

[[wow]]! steller aeon? that would be really great because alter in the traditional fantasy setting is all ready such a great thing and a space setting would seriously top it. it'd be nothing like the kosmos copies I guess. but I am also consurned about quests. would they always change between people? oh yes, and if planets destroy and generate each other, won't that affect, say the newbie planets? think of newbies without spaceships and then the planet just gets removed from the game? and the newbie camp would need to randomly spawn, which will make it harder for newbs to find it.URL:

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[Audiogames-reflector] Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

2014-04-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Orin

Stellar Aeon: What is it, and what do we know of it?

Hi all,If you've played alter for any amount of time over the past year or so you may have heard talk of this Stellar Aeon thing. Basically from what I know of it, Dentin is going to take the systems of alter aeon and make a space system out of it, make the game generate and destroy planets at will, since there will theoretically be no builders.What I'm curious about is if there will be player spaceships you can get at the beginning of the game or whether that'll be a high level thing. also, a space based game with the kind of Multiclassing that Alter aeon has? I don't know about you, but that sounds great to me.also since Dentin wants to make the game fully aotmated where he doesn't have to staff it with anyone while it creates content on it's own, makes me wonder how quests will work?URL:

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