Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2017-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

Haven't read every post so sorry if repeating, but SMPlayer is free, easy to use, and remembers play position. Great for audiobooks.It's not accessible in terms of tabbing around the main window, but you can do everything you need to do via the menus.


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2017-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

Haven't read every post so sorry if repeating, but SMPlayer is free, easy to use, and remembers play position. Great for audiobooks.


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2017-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : st . mc via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

Hi.check pot player out. It's free and has all the settings you need. I found it much easier to configure than foobar, and am using it for audio books everydaybelow is a link which takes you to their  website


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2017-05-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jamesrodriguez via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

For me the best app for audio book on Windows 10 is Media Store. is a directory music and video player. You can use directory as playlist.To Use directory as playlist - I put music file ( .mp3 ) in the root of directory:Apple- Banana.mp3- Peache.mp3- Lemon.mp3And get:Apple [Playlist]- Banana [Song 1]- Peache [Song 2]- Lemon [Song 3]You can download it here.Media Store - Microsoft Store


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2016-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

@devinprater,Thanks for the info on that plugin.  I've downloaded it and can confirm that it does in fact work.  The first time you launch such a file you need to tell windows that foobar is the program you wish to use to open the file in question.


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2016-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

I know it can play RSN files, as I used the snesmusic archive. On the components page, get the game music component, and if you like Midi files, get the midi decoder too. And thanks for telling me about that setting, I didn't know main treeview items could have settings all their own like that.


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2016-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : animal metal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

ah okay, thanks Nocturnus


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2016-10-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

@Dark,unfortunately, as far as I can tell, on its own Foobar cannot play these files.  I imagine there is a plugin that can be installed that might make them playable, however and will keep hunting around.@animal metal,As the autoresume feature requires that the player be closed for it at all to be of any use, I doubt the answer is yes.  What you can do, however, is create various playlists within foobar itself to someone deal with this task.  if you're in the foobar window and you have never done this before, you might find that tabbing around will present you with "default tab."  By default, this playlist is always there and is called the default playlist.  With your cursor on default tab, however, you can press the applications key and down arrow to add new playlist.  Hitting enter will create a new tab and present you with a new playlist window that is completely and entirely blank, into which you can paste folders
  containing audio files.  whatever is in default will be left alone and you can return to it later by using control tab or simply left and right arrowing Once you select the tabs again.Note: none of these playlists are saved to your machine as .fpl, .m3u, .wpl or any other filetype which you can carry around to another drive.  they will only be saved and work from within foobar and will remain through multiple restarts until deleted.  If you have created a playlist you like, you can bring up the file option from within the menubar by pressing alt f and down arroing to save playlist.  Hitting enter will save the playlist that currently has your focus.At everyone else messing around with mobile versions of foobar, I honestly don't know, as I haven't messed with them myself.  I look forward to seeing what kind of interest if any they bring to blind and vision impaired individuals overall in future, since I don't generally play anythin
 g on my iOS device at present, though if I did, the matter of simply copying and pasting into the automatic add media folder in itunes is rather simple and does not require that I go install another piece of software.  Still, if it works for anyone else, Foobar FTW!


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2016-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

@nocturnus, I was meaning this site: have music from a lot of super nintendo games (nearly all super nintendo games actually), as rsn archives. In winamp with either the snesamp plugin or the chipamp game music plugin you can just play these fairly easily. While I know foobar has support for game music formats, I'm not sure if it has support for that one specifically or not.


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2016-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : border1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

Hi guys!I have a problem with foobar2000 and the ios app "nplayer": I have lots of mp3-files. When I start my upnp-server in foobar2000, nplayer and tell foobar to upload the files to my upnp-server, the files are uploaded as wav or ogg files, but I want to upload it as mp3 files. How and under which settings can I fix this problem?Thanks in advance!


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2016-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sean-Terry01 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

OK, I got it. Thanks a lot. I even got the one for iOS, which seems quite accessible except, the play screen is completely accessible! I wish they would fix that. It even plays Ogg Vorbus files on your iOS device. I think that would be really useful! Also, I like the fact that the iOS version even has cross   Fading!


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2016-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : animal metal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

awesome its doing it now. only one more question. doesn't work for multiple files right? like if i want to listen to music for a wile then go back and listen to my book again? lol foobar is the only media player on my computer.


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2016-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

@dark,I don't know if I was supposed to click on the link in post 10 or not, but I did, and it did absolutely nothing other than trigger a problem loading page message.The latest stable version of foobar can be found here.  Installing it should be a rather straightforward process, but if you have any issues, feel free to bring them up here.The Options dialogue in foobar has tons of them and can be a bit overwhelming; the one you are looking for is found under the playback treeview item.  It is labeled "Save playback state when closing foobar2000 and resume on next startup."  when this option is checked, foobar can be closed while playback is in progress and will resume at the point in the file where foobar was closed.  Pausing foobar will have the same effect, IE, if the player is closed when a file's playback is paused, 
 foobar will resume playback from the point in the file where the pause action was applied, the only difference being that one must push play to resume.  Stopping the file and not pausing it will, of course, return foobar's playback position to the beginning of the file.


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2016-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sean-Terry01 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

Hi, how can I find this foobar application? I would like to try to install it and use it. I would like to try to find that auto resume feature as well. It sounds like something I would use a lot as I read audiobooks all the time on my computer.


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2016-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : animal metal via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

hmm, i use foobar but i don't see options for the autoresume, bookmark or something... and i really would like that for audio books lol


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2016-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

hmmm, that is weerd, I did get the global hotkeys working at one stage but then basically found them pointless, since as I have winamp already setup with a desktop shortcut key to work when I hit ctrl alt p, it was easier to just bring up the winamp window, press play or pause or whatever then just alt tab back to what I was doing than worry about setting lots of spare keys up, particularly since some of it's defaults were the same as the desktop shortcuts I'd already setup like ctrl alt v which I use for vipmud.Then again I do most tasks like playing music from folders in explorer anyway, so it's not really that much of an issue, and focusing on the window did have the advantage of telling me what track was playing if I wanted (if not I just flick supernova's voice off, which I usually did when listening to audiobooks with winamp).One question about foobar, does it handl the rsn archives from ? I've
  heard that it has plugins for various game music formats like Jim, nsf etc, but I'd be sorry if my spc stuff wasn't playable. with Winamp this is really easy, you just install Chipamp and are good to go. There might be a converter around for the sets of course but that would be a bit of a pain.


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2016-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

@Dark,For all the talk about how winamp supposedly has hotkey setup, I never could get it to work.  Every time I tried I found the dialogue entirely broken and unyielding.  I'll get to the edit field where I'm supposed to enter the key and never be able to get out of it unless I terminate the application through task manager.


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2016-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

@Nocturnus, it actually does sound like Foobar has the functions I like in Winamp with the advantage of still being supported, since most of the things you describe, convenient hotkeys, jump to time, playing from windows explorer without all the playlist library shenanigans  etc, are things I don't want to give up and one reason I have been continuing to use it. When I get a new pc later this year I'll have to investigate foobar, since there are a few things, especially around things like internet streaming directly from a browser or accessing audio podcast feeds that I wish Winamp did better but which probably won't be added as development has stopped.


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2016-10-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

There's about a hundred things I like about foobar, but since you're an audio book listener, I'll simply leave you with three of them:1.  Creating a playlist is as simple as pasting a folder into the foobar window, but assuming you don't like that option, you can just as easily hit control a from within the folder itself and hit enter, assuming you have foobar set up to play all supported filetypes.  Once this is done, you can minimize foobar to the system tray and use global shortcut keys to accomplish everything you could possibly wish to, which brings me to the next of my favorites:2.  with global shortcut keys, you can rewind and fast forward through your files by as little as 5 seconds or as much as 10 minutes by simply tapping the key you've set up for this action, as well as muting, raising and lowering the volume, creating volume presets, playing, pausing and stopping without ever touching the foobar window.  You can
  even install a plugin that will give you a little convenient edit box to type a time you can jump to in a file.  More or less any action you could possibly think of is doable through shortcut keys, and you can set which ones are global and which one's aren't.  Under most circumstances foobar shortcut keys, when made global, will take precedence even over windows features, such as the print command, so if you decide to use control p as a play or play/pause key combination, you will never have to worry about accidentally printing a file you're working within... I like this feature for notetaking purposes.3.  I imagine everyone who reads audio books loves an autoresume feature, in the event you should have to clothes down your application and you wish to get back to the precise point where you left off.  Perhaps you paused it and then later forgot before restarting your computer, or you closed the application while the book was still going.
 p; Under either circumstance, foobar can be instructed to continue playing the next time it opens from right where you left off.Foobar is, out of the box, strictly an audio player, but many pplugins have been developed for it to play various filetypes including popular video formats, as well as playing files from right within archives so you never have to extract them.  You can brows files from within foobar or never interact with the window if you choose not to.  You can use it's library or organize manually.  You can take your configuration with you to any other windows PC so you never have to recreate your settings again... I like to keep my config in a BTSync folder where I can conveniently access it and add or subtract from it for quick and easy transfer from one PC to the next, but any alternative will do.  I can't like winamp anymore.


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2016-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

More of simple mp3 files.


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2016-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

Foobar FTW!  It's still being updated, still supported, and it works simplistically right out of the download!


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2016-10-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

For most media things I still like Winamp. You can just play stuff in it, it keeps your position and it doesn't have all that library star ratings add to this, buy from that, create playlist other crap on the interface that a lot of media players do, it just plays stuff. all you need to do is set the skin to classic and turn off everything but the main window. Oh, and as a bonus it plays lots of cool game formats too with the chipamp plugin.I assume it works on windows 10 since it definitely does on Windows 7, though you might need to install some dependencies, (I actually do hope it works on Windows 10 since I'll be getting a new windows 10 machine around christmas). if not vlc media player is worth investigating, it's what I already use for dvds, though I don't know how easy to use it's standard sound file playing is or whether it has too much unwanted crap in the interface like unfortunately most players, windows media player include
 d. Then again I'm someone who really doesn't like all this library functions, playlists, star ratings, suggested downloads, likes, facebook plugins and other such that most people seem to think are a good idea to have in music playing programs these days, (another reason I really can't stand Itunes). I prefer to organize my stuff, audiobooks, music, dramas or whatever myself with folders and subfolders and such, so my main requirement of a media playing program is just that it,  well plays media, without having to fight my way through all sorts of unnecessary clutterage on the way .


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2016-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Kautilya via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

Hmm, which kind of files you'd like to play, DAISY books or simple audio files? Reply back, I may be able to assist you.


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Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

2016-09-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Audiobook player for Windows?

Hi devin prater! windows media player is the player which allows you to play MP3 medias and MPc's commet player will play both wav and ag. ThanksIshan


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Audiobook player for Windows?

2016-09-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector


Audiobook player for Windows?

Hi all. Elementary question probably, but I've just gotten a new Windows laptop, so I'm trying to find my Windows legs again, as it were, after being on Mac and Linux mostly for the past few years. Gosh, I miss the way Mac navigation by word worked, ugh. Probably a way to change that though. Anyways, any programs for playing a folder of MP3 files, and keeping the location, important, of where I left off when I close the program?


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