Re: Dectalk singing problem

2017-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dectalk singing problem

The author? What do you mean?


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Re: Dectalk singing problem

2017-01-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rastislav Kiss via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dectalk singing problem

Hello,I am sorry for renewing old topic, but I have realized phonemes table few days ago, so now I am doing crazy things with dectalk, also trying to teach him to sing Slovak songs, it is very funny. I want to thank you all for help, the reason why I didn't understand table before is, that I converted document automatically to the txt format, where was broken formatting, so I saw not things right, only now direct in original document and table it started to be clear for me.I think there are no all phonemes, for example there is missing ň, this concrete is Slovak character, hovever it is used also in english for example in word new, that soft first letter in pronunciation.I will try to use combinations, I have also writed to the author with some suggestion, but anyway thank you again!Best regardsRastislav


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Re: Dectalk singing problem

2016-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dectalk singing problem

Believe me, doo it! the folder is sinked, so no worys.


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Re: Dectalk singing problem

2016-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dectalk singing problem

@rastislav, I have a dectalk phonemic symbols list. Most phonemes you need are documented in this, except for dz, df, and other phonemes that are only internally used, however, you don't need those most of the time. download it here. @luiscarlosgm, Hmm, who knows, I might do that at some point. Some stuff I prefer to keep closed, because I'm like that .


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Re: Dectalk singing problem

2016-10-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dectalk singing problem

@rastislav, I have a dectalk phonemic symbols list. Most phonemes you need are documented in this, except for dz, df, and other phonemes that are only internally used, however, you don't need those most of the time. download it here


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Re: Dectalk singing problem

2016-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : luiscarlosgm via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dectalk singing problem

Slender offtopic: if you can upload the txt files that you created for DECtalk and Or Eloquence will be good for example to do some modifications


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Re: Dectalk singing problem

2016-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rastislav Kiss via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dectalk singing problem

Hello,@Slender thank you too much for help, I thought that phonemes are not required for sing but now I see that They are. Googling does not give me steps how to create phonemes, so I am studing one pdf from something called dectalk course on theflameofhope site, but I do not understand how to create them so It will funny trying. 


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Re: Dectalk singing problem

2016-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dectalk singing problem

Yes, I see that they try to condense it down in many places. DECtalk, fortunately, adjusts the duration of each consonant automatically. However, the disadvantage is that you don't get as much control over DECtalk's phonemes. That is exactly what I had to throw out when I started writing songs for Macintalk, because it doesn't adjust consonants at all. And now, the DECtalk archive is back, although it's a BT Sync folder now. The secret is BFQETEL6FG4ERS3NAGHE2BXR6VMEWC7NH.


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Re: Dectalk singing problem

2016-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dectalk singing problem

Yes, I see that they try to condense it down in many places. DECtalk, fortunately, automatically adjusts the duration of each consonant automatically. However, the disadvantage is that you don't get as much control over DECtalk's phonemes. That is exactly what I had to throw out when I started writing songs for Macintalk, because it doesn't adjust consonants at all. And now, the DECtalk archive is back, although it's a BT Sync folder now. The secret is BFQETEL6FG4ERS3NAGHE2BXR6VMEWC7NH.


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Re: Dectalk singing problem

2016-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dectalk singing problem

Whereabouts is the DECtalk Archive? I think I downloaded something like that once, but my computer started showing me all these potential virus warnings. The website didn't look particularly safe. Thanks for the information. I noticed that the person's coding style was a little different in some other things I saw from them. (By the way, these are on Jake's website.) It looks as if the person is trying to condense as much as possible in the parts of the code where there are letters, something that people like Snoopi Botten do not do as much. Here are two other examples from this person:[:phone arpa on][:np][ow<200,20>ow<150,17>sey<400,13>kae<400,17>n<100>yu<400,20>siy<800,25>,bay<250,29>dhah<150,27>daa<400,25>nz<100>rr<400,17>liy<400,19>lay<800,20>t<100>,wah<200,20>t<100>sow<150,20>praw<400,29>dliy<200,27>wiy<400,25>hx
 ;200,30>v<100>dhah<400,27>,<100>brey<900,25>v<100>][:np :ra 350][:phoneme arpabet on][_<50,22>dey<400,22>ziy<400,19>dey<400,15>ziy<400,10>gih<200,12>vmiy<200,14>yurr<200,15>ae<400,12>nsax<200,15>rduw<400,10>.ay<400,17>mhxae<400,22>fkrey<400,19>ziy<400,15>ao<200,12>lfao<200,14>rdhax<200,15>lah<400,17>vao<200,19>vyu<400,17>.ih<200,19>twow<200,20>ntbiy<200,19>ax<200,17>stay<400,22>lih<200,19>shmae<200,17>rih<400,15>jh<50,15>.ay<200,17>kae<400,19>ntax<200,15>fow<400,12>rdax<200,15>kae<200,12>rih<400,10>jh<50,10>.bah<200,10>tyu<400,15>lluh<200,19>kswiy<400,17>tah<200,10>pao<400,15>ndhax<200,19>siy<400,17>t&
 lt;50,17>.ao<200,17>vax<200,19>bay<200,22>six<200,19>kel<200,15>bih<400,17>ltfao<200,10>rtuw<800,15>.:np :ra 180]


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Re: Dectalk singing problem

2016-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dectalk singing problem

I post them in the DECtalk archive, I'm Mohamed Smith on there. As for that line, this person's coding style is strange. The comma, I believe, is because they are trying to insert a pause without inputting a duration manually. Basically, even in phoneme interpretation, punctuation like commas and periods still affects DECtalk's processing. I believe what the author is trying to do is use a comma as a pause, because it was enough for that song. Or maybe it was left over from a line they deleted. Though DECtalk's requirements for songs are very loose, so it doesn't error because of it.


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Re: Dectalk singing problem

2016-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dectalk singing problem

Thanks, Slender. Where do you post your DECtalk compositions?With regard to the comma, see line 19 in the abovequoted "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star".


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Re: Dectalk singing problem

2016-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dectalk singing problem

No, they don't actually need to end with a period. In fact, I rarely use periods, except for those strange times where DECtalk will pause in the middle of a word, because it hasn't encountered a clause terminator. I encountered this when I was writing my DECtalk cover of Greensleeves. As for the comma, I'm not sure what you mean. Could you point to a line that demonstrates what you're referring to?


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Re: Dectalk singing problem

2016-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dectalk singing problem

I'm not very experienced, but I thought that all singing expressions must end with a . after the ].One question I have about DECtalk singing: I found this sample of the song "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and the code seems different to what the code is like on the songs at Also, what is meant by the comma with spaces around it on the line of its own? Here's the code:[:ph ar on :nk][ twih<400,25>nx kel<400,25> twih<400,32>nx kel<400,32> lih<400,34> dxel<400,34> star<800,32> hxaw<400,30> ay<400,30> wah<400,29>n<30>drr<400,29> wah<400,27>t yxuw<400,27>ar<800,25> ax<400,32>p ax<400,32>bax<400,30>v dhax<400,30> wrr<400,29>ld sow<400,29> hxay<800,27>
 sp;    , lay<400,32>k ax<400,32> day<400,30> max<400,30>nd ih<400,29>ndhax<400,29> skay<800,27> , twih<400,25>nx kel<400,25> twih<400,32>nx kel<400,32> lih<400,34> tel<400,34> star<800,32> hxaw<400,30> ay<400,30> wah<400,29>n drr<400,29> wah<400,27>t yxuw<400,27> ar<800,25>   ]


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Re: Dectalk singing problem

2016-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : slender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dectalk singing problem

Your phoneme is incorrect. You are on the synthesizer's level, so you're not suppose to spell the word. You need to spell it in phonemes. By the way, phoneme arpabet is not necessary. You could just use the "phone on" command instead to shorten your code. Anyway, here is the fixed version.[:phoneme arpabet on][deh<400,19>mow<400,25>deh<400,19>mow<400,25>]


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Re: Dectalk singing problem

2016-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rastislav Kiss via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Dectalk singing problem

Hello again,sory for mistake in first post, the site was, not com. But I think that it is not important.


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Dectalk singing problem

2016-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Rastislav Kiss via Audiogames-reflector


Dectalk singing problem

Hello,I am trying here make dectalk sing. I have downloaded from site latest version - 5.0 as a zip archive. I have also some examples of songs, so I tried to inport them and all vent good, singing voice sounds really nice to the computer level. But if I write something own, program says only some alert which I can not understand because It is too short and do not sing my writed text. I want to ask peoples who have skill with this, what is wrong for example on this notation?[:phoneme arpabet on][de<400,19>mo<400,25>de<400,19>mo<400,25>]Thanks too much for help.


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