Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2017-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

that's true. Good point. I'll suggest the sdk thing when I get all set up with a Microsoft account for gaming. I'll wait awhile before I suggest my virtual world idea but I'll start with the sims game series though. And I'll look around inside the store to see what all is there. Man this is going to be so much fun. I know I've said that a lot, but gosh darn it, I'm excited and all of you should be too. I also think it's up to use to help Microsoft to embrace narrator and show them that they've done a good thing. So let's all of us xbox 1 owners support Microsoft by using the store and buying from the market place when and where we can since Arron has said that Microsoft seems to take budget into account. Okay, so let's do our small part to make sure they have it. I believe that together we as a blind gaming community can show Microsoft that we care very much for their efforts and we want them to continue work with us. It'
 s very evident to me that Microsoft from what I've been seeing on youtube has clearly blown Sony's efforts completely out of the water here and I am looking very much forward to getting my system hooked up and running. Have a wonderful evening to you all, and Aaron, when I get hooked up, if you use the parties feature, let's you and I hook up and chat so you and I can work together and you can teach me all of this fun new stuff. Have a wonderful day to you all.


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Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2017-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

also it's worth pointing out that game engines are standing in the way of a lot of games being accessible.  If the engine doesn't have support, then companies have to experiment with workarounds.


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Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2017-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

I agree with you I think there's a lot of potential with Narrator, it's whether Microsoft will embrace it.


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Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2017-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

Hi there Aaron, karate25 here. Yes I knew about youtube and netflix not working with narrator, but I feel like that's just a matter of time before they're made to work. In fact, I think that'll all come in very short order. And I will deffinitly be using the parties feature a lot believe me. So I've been thinking. Why doesn't Microsoft develop some sort of an sdk so that the blindness community can play with narrator and we can make our games work with it. Just a thought on my part, but you've asked me to think a bit smaller so I'm trying that. Do you think that Microsoft would eventually be open to the idea of a virtual world though after narrator has grown and improved? and I was thinking of games like the sims. Maybe the whole game wouldn't be accessible as it should be, but at least maybe the menus could be made accessible. Like the buy menu for example or maybe when you clicked on things, the menu would pop up for those items and you co
 uld read and click on items because narrator would read them. So finally, we would at least know what was going on. Am I still missing my mark here? have a wonderful evening and this is going to be so much fun all the same because it's a far cry from what we had even two years ago. So I'm not really complaining.


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Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2017-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

@karate25: when it comes to what's going on, we're very much in the dark so to speak. Once again, it's up to us to experiment.So, below I've put a list of things I've discovered with narrator.positives:-lets you browse your home screen dashboard.-lets you sign in, view the guide, messages and notifications. Lets you send and reply to messages.-when you are in a game, if you go to the achievements tab from the guide you can see the achievements from that game, filtered by unlocked and locked. Unlocked means you have the achievement. Shows them in the order of most recent.-lets you buy stuff from the marketplace, although the interface can be a little illogical at times, for instance, memberships is below all games, and to get to that you have to keep on moving left, then up from memberships to get to the all games ssection. Wishing there was an easier way to search or go straight to all games. To see download progress, yo
 u have to go to the my games and apps feature and even this is a bit hit and miss as it sometimes doesn't report it.-lets you start parties, useful if you have a microphone, and someone's online you want to talk to in real time.-lets you join clubs sometimes this can be a little confusing because initiall it might jump the focus a bit all over the place, a bit like the marketplace.negatives:-does not work with quite a lot of apps, like netflics and YouTube, at the moment.-you can't check the time. Seriosuly, I really wish this feature was included it would be very useful for people who wear headsets while gaming.


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Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2016-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

Hi there Aaron, my bubble hasn't been burst at all, in fact I have a smile on my face because you're teaching me things and helping me to learn what to expect. I'll be more than happy to slow down and take a deep breath. This is an awesome community to be a part of because you're being honest with me without being hateful. So what should I do for now besides getting my system hooked up and running. Should I just go into the forum and look at the suggestions that are already there so as to get a good idea of what's going on? I'm just greatful that you can use the xbox live market place now and download content for games as well as games themselves. That's already a hek of a leap forward in my view, and the rest will indeed come in do time. Little by little. So thank you my friend for helping bring me back down to earth if you will and rain me in. Lol. Have a wonderful day and I look forward to hearing from you soon.


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Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2016-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

@karate25: I don't want to burst your bubble here but honestly, right now I'd recommend slowing down. Narrator's still in it's infancy when it comes to the xbox, and it's not like iOS where they can just add support for games. Microsoft seem to take things a bit differently, such as budgets, into account. Killer Instinct, a game that should, in theory, be very easy to add support to, hasn't had that feature added as of yet, and I think that game will be a lot more likely to get support than a virtual world at this stage.


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Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2016-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

thanks a hek of a lot for that link my friend, and as soon as I create my Microsoft account when I get my xbox hooked up I'll head right on in there and make my virtual world suggestion and start looking up different games that I'd like to see them get narrator to work with, since from what I'm being lead to understand, you can suggest different games that you'd like them to work on, and they also say something about different apps that you'd like to see. So that tells me that they would at least be open to hearing about my idea for an accessible virtual world. I don't mean to keep going on about this, but it's just that I've always wanted to have a main stream virtual world that's completely accessible for all of us to play, right down to the crafting of items. And I don't care how hard they try, second life will never ever be fully accessible to us totally blind gamers. It just isn't going to happen. In theory now that you g
 et right down to it, you could actually make a world like eve online accessible to the blind to play since all you're really doing is clicking on targets for the most part. Sorry for going off topic here, I'm just thinking out loud. Have a wonderful day my friends and Sightless Kombat, when I get all hooked up, I'll share my info with you so you can look me up online and we can start playing together and you can suggest playable games.


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Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2016-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

Good point, @IanHamiltonHadn't actually thought of that.


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Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2016-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ianhamilton_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

You don't need to be in the programme to make suggestions, anyone with a microsoft account can leave accessibiltiy suggestions here: … of-access/


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Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2016-12-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

@9Sounds fair enough.  I don't have any kind of contact with the makers of minecraft though at all, but we'll discuss this via PM.@10You just insert the disk and the Xbox One/One S will prompt you to download an update.  Do this, launch the game (you'll hear the virtual 360 boot up) then the game should load automatically.  The only thing that might be a bit tricky is getting into your account/selecting a device - there's a prompt that comes up at the beginning of most games to sort that out but I kind of just press buttons until it vanishes and I can get into the game reliably, probably not the best strategy though.


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Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2016-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cj89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

Yeah, thanks a ton for the advice! Interesting to hear about the 360 stuff. So in terms of accessing single player content, how would we go about doing this? Like, do we have to access the 360 interface to get to that old games library/into the game itself? Sadly I was never lucky enough to own a 360


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Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2016-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cj89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

Yeah, thanks a ton for the advice! Interesting to hear about the 360 stuff. So in terms of accessing single player content, how would we go about doing this? Like, do we have to access the 360 dashboard to get to that old games library? Sadly I was never lucky enough to own a 360


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Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2016-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

hello there everyone. Thanks so much for the advice for the headphones, so it's sounding like I'm going to have to use my astro a50 gaming headset, which is totally fine because it's wireless and all you do is plug the receiver into the back of the console. It works with the ps4 and the fellow at gamestop feels fairly certain that it'll work with the xbox 1. Sightless Kombat, would you happen to know how I can get in touch with the creaters of mindcraft? and do you mean they would work with Microsoft to make the virtual world accessible? let's you and I send pms to each other so we can hammer this out and you can give me a more stable direction to get into. I don't mean to annoy people with this virtual world, it's just that I would love to see one built that totally blind people could fully participate in since ones like second life blind people can't really actually fully participate in because we can't build, and the whole fun of eve
 n living in second life is being able to be creative. I'd like for this virtual world of ours to be futuristic in nature. So Sightless Kombat, send me some private messages and let me know how I can proceed, and when I get all hooked up over here, let's you and me start playing some games together since we can do voice chat and all that kind of stuff. Man, this is going to be so much fun.


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Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2016-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

If people had an x360 in the past though they'll be ok with the backwards compat as I think it's similar to that.However for first timers getting invites and stuff is tricky. But if you want to play single player you should be fine.


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Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2016-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

***This is a very important note to those advocating the use of the Xbox One as a console for playing Backwards Compatable games***I probably should've posted this sooner but with the lack of information surrounding the 360 backwards compatability system from an accessibility standpoint, I don't like to be the one to do this, but someone has to.The 360 interface via the Xbox One is currently Not, I repeat, Not, compatable in any way, shape or form with Narrator.  So if you wanted to, say, play with your friends in a 360 title?  That's currently a no go area as the system used on the 360 is frankly archaic, requiring users to manually send and receive invites via menus instead of allowing for the use of any kind of shortcuts as far as my research has informed me.  Consequently, whilst single player experiences such as the story modes of fighting games on the 360 might be accessible, personally I would say it is inadvisable to even conside
 r buying new titles that are backwards compatable unless, of course, you own them already.  This will save any undue frustration until such time as Microsoft, if possible, can get Narrator, even in a rudimentary form of some kind, to hook into the 360 interface, spit out the notifications and channel them into the Xbox One environment.  This, however, is unlikely to happen.As an upshot of this, though I can't prevent any of you from posting to topics with information on the system, I'd suggest that you at the very least warn prospective buyers of new consoles to hold off on backwards compatability unless they only plan to play alone or with persistant local sighted help.**Note**: I have gained this insight through personal experience of frustration with attempting to play Gears of War 3's Horde mode with a non-local co-op partner, as well as trying to get into co-op campaign on other games via the system.  Basically, this is not me just sa
 ying things for the sake of it here, only trying to ease any potential frustration that might occur should a new Xbox One or One S owner attempt to play a 360 title online and find themselves unable to do so without copious amounts of sighted assistance.**End Note*Thank you for reading this notice***Glad to hear that new users are enjoying their consoles or looking forward to doing so.@Karate25I don't mean to sound off-topic here, but wouldn't you be better asking the developers of minecraft about this virtual world you seem so set on creating in collaboration with a major developer?  I understand with the focus on accessibility why you'd choose Microsoft, but with a project like that you'd be far better off setting your sights on working with an actual game developer to bring your persistantly mentioned vision of a virtual world that is 100 percent accessible into being.I'm not trying to rain on your pa
 rade, just trying to trim it down to a less ambitious scope and scale.  Whilst your idea is a reasonable one given the current lack of such projects, I personally don't believe that Microsoft would be the place to start suggesting such concepts, especially in the insider program.  That, as far as I can understand it, focuses on the improvements to the console and surrounding software and services, not in pitching completely new IPs or even upgrades or expansions to existing ones to account for retrofitting accessibility features.Anyway, back on topic.To those asking about headphones.  Splitters aren't guaranteed to work with 2-plug headsets.  My recommendation is to either use a one plug headset or, even better, would be to invest in a wireless option to avoid having to be tethered to the controller at all times.  That, in itself is a whole other topic.If new Xbox One or One S owners start playing Killer INstinct and want to ha
 ve a topic to discuss the game and just the game, without any distraction, I'd be willing to make one if enough of you are interested.Interested to see the thoughts of new users as and when everything is set up on your ends.


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Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2016-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cj89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

@pelantas:Thanks for that, the moment I posted that I saw another topic a few down with the list you were talking about! (Oops.)It would definitely make more sense to use that topic instead of making tons of them. post most of you will probably be interested in is 7hth


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Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2016-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

Hi,@karate25the controller of the xbox one, only has one entry for a plug. So when you own a headset with a seperate plug for the sound and the mike, that won't work when you want to connect it directly to the controller. probably a splitter can do the trick, but i don't know if this will work.@cjAt the moment killer instinct and mortal combat x are the most accessible. Probably other games will be as well, but to find out if there are probably other games playable, you can view the mainstream topic created by someone ... there is a list of 37 xbox 360 games atm wich are playable, but a part isn't backwards compatible yet.hthgreetz mike


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Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2016-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cj89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

[[wow]] so I was actually thinking about starting a new topic for this, but looks like someone beat me to it. I'm hoping to get one in the next day or two, possibly. I'm curious though, apart from fighting games can we actually play anything else? It's not an issue, more just me being curious. There's also the backwards stuff with 360 support too, so that could be fun too. I can't wait to get into stuff like Killer Instinct though, from what I've watched it has some seriously kick ass music and the game just sounds like a bunch of fun.


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Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2016-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

thanks so much my friend, it does sort of answer my question and now I have another one along those same lines. The pair of headphones that I have has a microphone attached and as a result it has two separate plugs. One for the headphones themselves and another for the microphone. Will this be a problem, or will I need to purchase another set. I also have an astro a50 gaming headset that I love that is currently hooked up to my ps4 that I can use too. I hope I haven't confused the hek out of you. Basically what I'd like to know is will the headset I've described work with my controller. Have a wonderful day and I look forwardxd to hearing from you soon, and I am so looking forward to start to work with this machine and help Microsoft make it completely accessible to the blind both as it relates to gaming as well as using the console itself.


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Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2016-12-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : pelantas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

Hi @karate25,when you plug in a headset in your controller you will be able to hear the sound of your game, or whatever you are doing on the console through the headset, but also through the speakers of your television. But when you own a headset wich gets over your ears, then this isn't a problem. when you use the earphones from the iphone it can get confusing, unless you turn down the volume of your television will still hear the sounds, speaking etc through your earphones.hopefully this awnsers your question.greetz mike


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I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

2016-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


I got my new xbox 1 s for christmas

Hello everyone, I got my xbox 1 s for Christmas this year and I'm so excited. I'm really looking forward to geting it hooked up and working with it. I truly feel as though this will open up many previously closed doors for us, and I'm looking very forward to getting involved with the xbox insider program so I can start making suggestions and requests to make the gaming experience totally accessible for us, the blind gaming community. And I do mean the totally blind among us. I'm going to start by suggesting that Microsoft build us a virtual world that everyone can live and play in and that is %100 accessible to narrator. I'll even help to test the world if they decide to build it for us. What can it hurt to suggest? the worst that could happen is that they could say no, and what have you lost then accept your time. One thing I'd love to know is when you can plug in a standard headset and microphone into the controller, are you able to hear your games 
 through that same headset? please let me know. Have a wonderful evening and I hope to hear from you soon.


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