Looking for skype alternatives

2017-06-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Looking for skype alternatives

Does anyone know of a good multiplatform SKype alternative that works on Windows and Linux, and is accessible to everyone?For me, Skype doesn't work at all, the Firefox web client doesn't let me do calls, and the Linux cleint and even the Windows client via WINE aren't acccessible to me, soany alternatives that I could use that cover voice chat/IM/sending stuff and group chats/calls?

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=313681#p313681

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Re: Looking for skype alternatives

2017-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for skype alternatives

Hi.I think you can use miranda ng.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=313692#p313692

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Re: Looking for skype alternatives

2017-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for skype alternatives

No as Miranda/Miranda NG are native Windows applications and it's unclear if they run reliabley under WINE on Ubuntu.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=313694#p313694

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Re: Looking for skype alternatives

2017-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : serrebi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for skype alternatives

The current skype Linux version was accessible last I checked. Beta version is not. In terms of alternatives: It's kinda  amixed bag. web.skype.com wortks fine with chrome, but not firefox: So you could set up chrome vocs in chrome and use it if you can guess around enough. Also, tricking web.skype.com to think Firefox is chrome could get you somewhere, I dunno. Always hangouts.google.com if your people are willing to use that.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=313712#p313712

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Re: Looking for skype alternatives

2017-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : serrebi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for skype alternatives

The current skype Linux version was accessible last I checked. Beta version is not. In terms of alternatives: It's kinda  amixed bag. web.skype.com wortks fine with chrome, but not firefox: So you could set up chrome vocs in chrome and use it if you can guess around enough. Also, tricking web.skype.com to think Firefox is chrome could get you somewhere, I dunno. Always hangouts.google.com if your people are willing to use that. Problem with supposed alternatives such as Miranda NG is, if you don't all adopt the VOIP configuration it's worthless.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=313712#p313712

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Re: Looking for skype alternatives

2017-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : serrebi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for skype alternatives

The current skype Linux version was accessible last I checked. Beta version is not. In terms of alternatives: It's kinda  amixed bag. web.skype.com wortks fine with chrome, but not firefox: So you could set up chrome vocs in chrome and use it if you can guess around enough. Also, tricking web.skype.com to think Firefox is chrome could get you somewhere, I dunno. Always hangouts.google.com if your people are willing to use that. Problem with supposed alternatives such as Miranda NG is, if you don't all adopt the VOIP configuration it's worthless. I mean to me, it's more likely that these people would all go download teamtalk and connect to your server than to use a Miranda plugin required voip profile.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=313712#p313712

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Re: Looking for skype alternatives

2017-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for skype alternatives

Sebi, which version of Skype as there's several conflicting guides out there and if I google Skype accessibility Linux I get to pages of results saying it's not accessible at all, bearing in mind I'm running Orca here.I mean, if I get skype, it tries to give me the beta reardless and I had a hell of a job purging everything from the system to wipe that off my machine, that and I agree, but the problem with my team is that we use voice chat a lot and it has to be cross platform, which is one of the big draws of Skype is it is indeed cross platform, however the alternatives aren't, easily, cross platform.Then againI'm never sure which skype is which on Linux any more, I've tried the alpha, no dice with accessibility, tried the beta and like you said, it's horrifically awful and Skype support said they're thankful for feedback but nothing got done about it at all, and those aree the two versions I commonly got pointed to.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=313720#p313720

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Re: Looking for skype alternatives

2017-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for skype alternatives

Seri, which version of Skype as there's several conflicting guides out there and if I google Skype accessibility Linux I get to pages of results saying it's not accessible at all, bearing in mind I'm running Orca here.I mean, if I get skype, it tries to give me the beta reardless and I had a hell of a job purging everything from the system to wipe that off my machine, that and I agree, but the problem with my team is that we use voice chat a lot and it has to be cross platform, which is one of the big draws of Skype is it is indeed cross platform, however the alternatives aren't, easily, cross platform.Then againI'm never sure which skype is which on Linux any more, I've tried the alpha, no dice with accessibility, tried the beta and like you said, it's horrifically awful and Skype support said they're thankful for feedback but nothing got done about it at all, and those aree the two versions I commonly got pointed to.<
 p>EDIT: I have a burning hate for the web Skype client, maybe it's just my laptop but my Chrome/Chromevox loves to lock up on that site as soon as I start typing in an IM windownad I hate he autocomplete in the IM and search fields. I've tried tricking FFF but to no avail, so if there is an accessible Skype version that works with Linux, I'll probably just settle for using that really, currently, I'm routing the IMs through Pidgin with the purple plugins but of course, that doesn't, at least the version I got, do voice and video which is important to my team.EDIT: Do you mean the one at the Skype site, as it gave me the skypeforlinux64.deb ile, if that's the acceissible one then I'm sort of set, else I'm screwed and will have to do a purge AgAINugh

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=313720#p313720

Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Looking for skype alternatives

2017-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for skype alternatives

Seri, which version of Skype as there's several conflicting guides out there and if I google Skype accessibility Linux I get to pages of results saying it's not accessible at all, bearing in mind I'm running Orca here.I mean, if I get skype, it tries to give me the beta reardless and I had a hell of a job purging everything from the system to wipe that off my machine, that and I agree, but the problem with my team is that we use voice chat a lot and it has to be cross platform, which is one of the big draws of Skype is it is indeed cross platform, however the alternatives aren't, easily, cross platform.Then againI'm never sure which skype is which on Linux any more, I've tried the alpha, no dice with accessibility, tried the beta and like you said, it's horrifically awful and Skype support said they're thankful for feedback but nothing got done about it at all, and those aree the two versions I commonly got pointed to.<
 p>EDIT: I have a burning hate for the web Skype client, maybe it's just my laptop but my Chrome/Chromevox loves to lock up on that site as soon as I start typing in an IM windownad I hate he autocomplete in the IM and search fields. I've tried tricking FFF but to no avail, so if there is an accessible Skype version that works with Linux, I'll probably just settle for using that really, currently, I'm routing the IMs through Pidgin with the purple plugins but of course, that doesn't, at least the version I got, do voice and video which is important to my team.EDIT: Do you mean the one at the Skype site, as it gave me the skypeforlinux64.deb ile, if that's the acceissible one then I'm sort of set, else I'm screwed and will have to do a purge AgAINughalso I'm not okay with MS shutting off accesss to the Skype branch for all bar the beta users from March onwards, I mean, it's June now and it does state that the olde
 r versions for Linux will be retired on July 1. Thanks, MS, way to go make everyone use a crappy beta branch that currently has zero screenreader support and no firm promises from MS to fix that...

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=313720#p313720

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Re: Looking for skype alternatives

2017-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brian . kurosawa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for skype alternatives

You may try Discord, it's available for linux and are at least usable.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=313741#p313741

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Re: Looking for skype alternatives

2017-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for skype alternatives

Discord's not an option unfortunately, for several reasons, chief of which is I got told my people aren't paying for a server at all.I'm trying to override the use agent string in FF, but no luck.I checked it is active for site overrides, it isI have it set up like so:general.useragent.override.web.skype.comBut even setting that up to show it as Chrome, it doesn't do anything, calls and IMs are now still horrifically broken, though they were before on FF and I'm running the latest firefox, so what did I do wrong with the string?

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=313817#p313817

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Re: Looking for skype alternatives

2017-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : brian . kurosawa via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for skype alternatives

Discord offers free server hosting as i know, and you re able to call your friends without hosting.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=313870#p313870

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Re: Looking for skype alternatives

2017-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kyle12 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for skype alternatives

Hi,Have you looked into TeamTalk? Fully accessible under linux. here is a nice guide to setting it up accessibly.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=313872#p313872

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Re: Looking for skype alternatives

2017-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for skype alternatives

Lemme throw the idea out to my team and see what they say but the reaction the first time I mentioned Discord was extremely negative for a number of reasons, the biggest one being that we don't actually want a server or anything, and we don't want, for a few reasons, to be associated with gamers or gaming services for our team.FWIW I did read MS is retiring the olxedr Skype clients, which is a problem so as of July 1, Skype 4.3 and so on won't work. That being said...has anyone tried Jitsy and the web one?I'm idedally looking forfast, easy, accessible IM/voice calls that a group of people can jump on and leave messages, that does not requirer a server at all and is not in any way asssociated with games or gamers (because one of my team has a strict internet filtert  that blocks any gaming related sites, which means, oh, no Olympic news for them), and they cannot change it at their work. Which sucks. So, Discord is out as in that filtering
  software it's calassed under gaming and thus blocked.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=313873#p313873

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Re: Looking for skype alternatives

2017-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for skype alternatives

@Kyle: We posted at the same time but here's the short version:One of my team I hang out with has a strict Internet filter that blocks all voice communication stuff that can be downloadd as 'gaming software' and blocks that due to company policies, so unfortunately TeamTalk is also out, and from what I got told just now the website trips the filtering software for...get thisunauthorised software. I really, really do not like the company my friend works for, butIf you know of any others feel free to list them please as I'll pass them along to my group and see what we all agree on.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=313874#p313874

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Re: Looking for skype alternatives

2017-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : serrebi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for skype alternatives

What about signal? It has Android/iOS main clients, and you can use it on the desktop through a chrome app. Mentioning it because of it's superior audio quality in a messenger app.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=313908#p313908

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Re: Looking for skype alternatives

2017-06-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Looking for skype alternatives

That needs a phone which I don't have currently though. Admittedly, I did get told just spoof the useragent and go from therewhich I'm leaning towards

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=314035#p314035

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