Re: Madden 21 Accessibility: Much Work Still Needed, Hopes for 22

2021-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mmaslo via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Madden 21 Accessibility:  Much Work Still Needed, Hopes for 22

I have the playstation 5 and will have to try it out. Anytime I have been playing, it is with headset son


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Madden 21 Accessibility: Much Work Still Needed, Hopes for 22

2021-03-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Madden 21 Accessibility:  Much Work Still Needed, Hopes for 22

Hi.Thanks for your great post. I hope that'll make a difference, not only regarding to Madden, but to other games as well.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Madden 21 Accessibility: Much Work Still Needed, Hopes for 22

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cyco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Madden 21 Accessibility:  Much Work Still Needed, Hopes for 22

I know that Kitchensinc NFL is a basic games. However it is fully accessible for the blind.I do wish Jim would have added some extra features to the game.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Madden 21 Accessibility: Much Work Still Needed, Hopes for 22

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : gorvachov13 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Madden 21 Accessibility:  Much Work Still Needed, Hopes for 22

But guys on ps5 apparently there are amazing haptics for madden, when i get it i'll report.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Madden 21 Accessibility: Much Work Still Needed, Hopes for 22

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : cyco via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Madden 21 Accessibility:  Much Work Still Needed, Hopes for 22

I am 100 percent in agreement with post 1. I have talked with sighted friends who play the Madden games.I have brought these things up to them. They agree that EA needs to improve the accessibility.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Madden 21 Accessibility: Much Work Still Needed, Hopes for 22

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Zatoichi702 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Madden 21 Accessibility:  Much Work Still Needed, Hopes for 22

Thank you! Thank you! This email sums of all of my frustrations with the madden franchise! Is there anyway we can get a petition started to get accessibility improved in this game?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Madden 21 Accessibility: Much Work Still Needed, Hopes for 22

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JLove via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Madden 21 Accessibility:  Much Work Still Needed, Hopes for 22

I find it hilarious that EA focuses on Ultimate Team so much, yet that mode is totally inaccessible to us because of the lack of menu narration reading the goals for solos, and the complete inaccessibility of the auction house.  I've talked to some sighted players, and they have said that without the auction house, MUT is unplayable.  Not having the auction house is a huge deal.  So EA's main mode that they focus on, they couldn't even get accessibility right with that one.Haptik feedback is the way to go to correct all of the accessibility issues on the field in my opinion, because first, it is the easiest to code.  It is much easier to code vibration events than to try to get menu narration to read crap.  Secondly, menu narration reads at such a slow pace that realistically we wouldn't be able to do things quickly enough.  But vibration feedback is much quicker.  The only thing that menu narration would need to read is the position of the player that was highlighted when pressing the B button to cycle through personnel, and that wouldn't take that long, and the audible menu.  The hot routes menu would either need to be read, or you could assign each type of route a vibration pattern, e.g., a quick tap for an in route, two quick taps for a slant route, a short rumble for drag route, a longer rumble for a streak route, etc.The thing is, even if all of the outside menus like choosing teams, or drafts, or rosters, read 100% perfectly in every mode, none of that matters once two teams actually take the field and the game starts.  The focus really, really needs to be on accessibility on the field, because even if I can do everything I want with a team outside of a game, if I don't know how to run my plays correctly, or I can't tell who is covered or who is open after the ball is snapped, I cannot compete.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Madden 21 Accessibility: Much Work Still Needed, Hopes for 22

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Madden 21 Accessibility:  Much Work Still Needed, Hopes for 22

EA not addressing bugs or feagures but cramming in lootboxes/focusing on Ultimate Team/other ways to nickel and dime players?Shocker. I mean. The Madden community at large has known EA's not touched bugs for years, or they patch a bug and create ten more then add in a shiny new feature or recycle one from the PS3 gen to slap on the box and sell units (see the X-factor/Superstar stuf for instance or the Yard)EA being very fucking blunt, do the bare minimum and are actually being sued for it


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Madden 21 Accessibility: Much Work Still Needed, Hopes for 22

2021-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JLove via Audiogames-reflector


Madden 21 Accessibility:  Much Work Still Needed, Hopes for 22

I am going to post a message that I sent to EA, both on the accessibility forum as well as the public Madden forums.  I also sent this in an email to the accessibility team.  I am posting it here so that everyone here may read it and give feedback, and also in case Karen Stevens or anyone in that team happens to visit this forum to look for feedback from us related to Madden 22, as they are working on that now.  If they look here, I hope that they will see this message.  This is what I wrote:My name is Jody McKinniss.  I am a 42-year-old totally blind individual who has loved technology and games for my entire life.  I have owned gaming consoles since the days of the Atari and NES.  For decades those of us with disabilities have gone either completely unnoticed or have been shunned by the gaming industry.  That is beginning to change, however, with recent trends toward inclusion by developers such as EA, Naughty Dog, and Ubisoft.I began taking a serious look at EA with the release of the franchise's Madden 19 title.  At that time, menu narration was not yet a thing, but we at least were being noticed as a subset of the player base, and we were being included in plans for the release of the next title.  I was also pleased that Mr. Andrew Wilson's vision for the company took a "player first" approach.  Madden 20 brought menu narration to the table.  It felt wonderful to be able to access a game without having to use imperfect and clunky workarounds, or even worse, to have to try to find sighted assistance to do the simplest of things.  There were still definite holes in accessibility and things that needed to be fixed within menu narration and huge gaps that needed to be filled in terms of on-field accessibility, but I was overall pleased with the foundation that had been laid, and I eagerly awaited the release of Madden 21.Madden 21 was released, and I was extremely disappointed to learn that nothing within accessibility had been addressed, except for turning on in-game menu narration on the latest Microsoft and Sony console VERSIONS OF THE GAME so that playbooks and a few other things are now read for those of us who are blind.  Previously seen bugs or holes in narration were not addressed.  Other gaps in accessibility that are not directly tied to narration were also left untouched.Therefore, I am writing this to shed light on existing bugs within menu narration and to bring to the forefront other massive gaps within accessibility that continue to render Madden at least 50% (though the case could be made for a higher number given how much time is spent in game) unplayable by those of us without sight.  I do this with the hope that these issues will be addressed for the release of Madden 22.  I will lay out the issues in an orderly fashion and will provide possible solutions where I can.IN-GAME:Accessibility is nonexistent in an actual game environment, except for extremely limited menu narration (applicable to Microsoft Series S/X and Sony PS5 versions) that allows us to navigate the play call menus.  Even with this limited additional information that narration provides, the disparity between the totality of information that we receive both on and off the field and that which our sighted counterparts receive is so massive that it is the main reason that Madden is still at least 50% unplayable for us.  Let us begin our examination by first looking at the play call menu, where plays are chosen and other things such as substitutions can be done:•    MENU NARRATION PROVIDES NAMES, BUT NO SUPPORTING INFORMATION WITHIN THE PLAY CALL MENU:With menu narration, I can navigate to "formation," and I can navigate to my desired formation, e.g., "Gun Trips TE," but I am given no other information, such as how the formation is laid out in terms of spacing, number and type of personnel, etc.This applies to plays as well.  If I select the "Gun Bunch TE" formation, I can then see that I have plays that are named "Double In Sail," "Inside Zone," "PA Shot Post," etc.  However, I get no information about the plays themselves.  Let's take the "Double In Sail" pass play as our working example.When a person with vision navigates to this play, they are presented with a picture that shows them the number of receivers, which side of the field each receiver is on, the routes of the receivers, and the button assignments of each receiver.  None of that information is conveyed to us through menu narration.  We are simply told the name of the play.  That is all we get.  This leaves us totally in the dark about which routes are available to us, which receivers are running those routes, or how to target the receiver we want (button assignments).Running plays such as "Inside Zone" are the same.  Players with vision can see the flow of their blockers, whether they have a pulling