Re: Monthly chat December 2016

2016-12-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat December 2016

Well crimbo is going well thus far (and methinks I am a little less sleep deprived than nocturnus judging by what he said in the news post). My mum really pushed the boat out for christmas dinner, meaning we had home done roasted free range chicken, (we did have goose but the lady who sells the birds was al out of goose, then again free range chicken is so much nicer than the normal imprisoned variety). Also usual British plenty of vedges as my gran used to put it, red cabbage, brussle sprouts, roast parsnips, sweed, roast potatoes and carrots. Followed by Christmas pudding for those that want it, and chocolate pudding for myself who finds dried fruit revolting, then cheese and biscuits, coffee and after eights, plus a bottle of fairly nice fizzy wine. Actually my mum really pushed the proverbial boat out this year, I think because it's the first year Mrs. Dark has been with us for christmas, though interestingly enough just as I was in Pensylvaniawith 
 mrs. Dark's family last christmas (where I got engaged), this year my brother is with his lady in sussix. As to pressies, Mrs. Dark and I have already exchanged, i got her two sets of fairly loely earrings since many of hears have been lost in travel, and she bought me two very awesome dragon statues, me having a thing for dragons, one is just hatching out of an egg with amazing detail. Just to compound things we even listened to the top 30 christmas  carrels on classic fm this year which was certainly very traditional, so an awesome time being had over hear. Hope everyone that is celibrating christmas today is also having fun, and those who celibrated other festivals earlier also did so. Btw, present opening happens later .


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Re: Monthly chat December 2016

2016-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat December 2016

@Steve, Well Bard rocks, and is far better than the Uk equivolent, I'm very much enjoying my lady's collection though I did recently have a break and do some of the backlog of Dr. who I'd not come across before. In particular there was a very awesome torchwood special involving a plague in CArdif, the monthly release involving the scary combination of daleks and monks, and a rather good special entitled old doctors new monsters where favourite doctors met up with monsters from the new series. I was a little sorry that the fith, sixth,  seventh and eighth doctors actually new the monsters before hand since it would've been nice if this told their first meeting and was the reason why the 10th and 11th doctors new about them,  plus weeping angels, sickorax or judoon would make a great first empression, but still the stories were rather good, I particularly liked the judoon one involving judoon who learn creativity and poetry and a wonderful sa
 tyr on coorporations, and the sickorax one which involved people with personal data pads which told them which drugs to take for certain emotions, Silvester Mccoy's wonderfully synical "Oh it's aps and self obsession, one of those egotistical eras" sounded great. Oddly enough mccoy is one of the Doctors who actually bennifits from having a slightly aged voice. Other than that I've been mostly runing around and metting friends, also unfortunately having to take my lady's dog to the vets since he's not been feeling well, which wasn't good, though on the plus side the end of buffy season 4 was great, I particularly liked how the big bad guy was dealt with in the second to last episode which left a story all about weerdness and odd dream scapes. either way, crimbo ahoy, and also lots more alteraeon, I'm looking forward to the event this year and getting all the advent presents.


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Re: Monthly chat December 2016

2016-12-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat December 2016

qdark wrote:If I were being snide I might draw a paralell to a certain country who are the first to talk about freedom and democracy and equality and then elect their leaders based almost entirely upon believed personal charisma, but that would be mean (I missed that out of the review).aAmerica. I can assert that because I live here. Aw smeg.  In terms of books, I've used Learning Ally, which does have a good assortment but costs $119 per year. Book Share... you might apply if you get the braille display... not sure if they're only American based... but they're free and have a great selection of accessible e books.Then there's Bard, which I use very often. Again, a great selection of books but it's free, since it's with the US Library of Congress
 .  That out of the way, I got the grasp on multi player game programming in Python, though I do believe there may... just may be a flaw with the library I'm using that doesn't allow me to pare UDP and TCP connections simultaneously, therefore making one choose one or the other.  Still, I can't complain, -- well I guess I sort of can since I have two papers due in less than a week. *headdesk.


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Re: Monthly chat December 2016

2016-12-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Phil via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat December 2016

Dark,After seeing the movie Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, maybe you might want something from it.I checked Amazon and they sell a Newt Scamander Hufflepuff ScarfPrice: $28.95 In StockFREE Shipping on eligible orders. Sold by elope, Inc and Fulfilled by Amazon.Luxuriously silky knit scarf, featuring more muted gray-and-yellow Hufflepuff house colors from the 1920s compared to the brighter yellow and black of the more recent Hufflepuff items. Newt's name is inscribed in the faux leather patch.Essential costume accessory for Newt Scamander, magizoologist and esteemed Wizarding World author from the latest Harry Potter movie Fantastic Beasts andWhere to Find Them.Officially licensed by Warner Bros. for Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them.This scarf generously measures 65 inches long x 6 inches wide x .25 inches thick.Designed with love and laughter in the USA, manufactured in China. … 17773750_em_1p_4_im


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Re: Monthly chat December 2016

2016-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat December 2016

@Aaron, your correct that ebooks aren't that expensive, however I really hate reading with a synth. I keep trying, but even on better synths like alex or the siri voices the intonation and rythm just sets my teeth on edge. I can do it for games and on the internet, although I often miss writing quality especially in dialogue, but for real novels, no, I'd always need a human. This might change if I had a braille display since I did used to read in braille, though to be honest I still prefer a human voice over that, so for me it is always audiobooks from one source or another. As regards statues and such, I have a good few things, in materials from vinal to brass and even silver, and in content from dragons, to ogres, to an awesome bronze chess set I bought in griece. Indeed I've got several wrelics of places I've been round the world, including an alabasta pyramid from egypt and a statue of liberty replica from New York. I've then got several t
 hings from different places including a beautiful plasta phenix which my lady ordered me from Russia, and a gold plated replica of the sultan's own coffee cup which a good friend of mine bought me on a trip to morocco.Most recent acquisitions include a very lovely brass unicorn which was a gift from my father in law, and a mermaid statue from my lady as a christmas present. So yes, quite the collection of stuff. We're now back at my parents' in Nottingham, so I'm feeling a bit rung out as I usually do after travelling, still I do want my alteraeon advent gift for today so might go and spent half an hour turkey slaying .


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Re: Monthly chat December 2016

2016-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Monthly chat December 2016

@Dark: [[wow]], that's awesome that you like statues and stuff. I've got a few pop vinyl figures these are basically small plastic figures of toys but they are kind of a bit different too. I don't really have any statues because I don't know where I'd put them.Regarding books, I don't know about subscribing to the RNIb's service because I don't know how much stuff is available there. I know they recently got the screenplay for Fantastic Beasts, yet I can just go to iBooks or kindle or whatever and buy it for £8 without having to subscribe to anything. There are also some much cheaper books on those services too some of them are £1, but it's knowing what stuff I might want to read. So I think after Christmas I'll start looking at some stuff like fantasy and scifi.


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