Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Guitarman

Re: Danger City: redux?

Hi Aaron.[[wow]] that would be awesome. I'm sure you can make a paid version since there's no copyright on the game. Upgrades would be awesome and a 2d or 3d game would be even better instead of the original concept of a side-scroller.If you want to use dfe that's cool but I wouldn't recommend it. I've looked at dfe code and it makes no sense at all. Getting the engine to do something simple like have sapi speak is downright complex. If you want to use an engine I would recommend bgt. The code is easy to understand and bgt has a lot more features then dfe. If you decide not to use either of these remember there are plenty of great programming languages out there like java, python, and c++. Keep in mind that dfe doesn't come with a compiler so that any code you do anybody will be able to see.I don't want to offend the developer of dfe but I believe it's been almost 2 years since an update has come out for this engine. Anyway
  good luck aaron and can't wait for the new danger city!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: BryanP

Re: Danger City: redux?

I'd prefer a side scroller. We don't have enough of those.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-13 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: keyIsFull

Re: Danger City: redux?

Jason SW said that he had given up all rights to the project in the town of peril topic, near post 26 I think. Actually Brian, we have fewer first person or top-down games than sidescrollers now that there's bk3, scrolling abttles and 2d platformer, all of which could be considered as sidescrollers. Still, if this one had something unique to give, it could be great. Regarding DFE, I had trouble getting into it too. I don't think it's much harder than BGT, though the concept of dfs and lua files confused me, and, as Guitarman already said there's no way to protect your code. That's why you absolutely cannot charge for the game. Anyone who didn't want to pay could just go in, take out the payment/demo code and redstribute the game to anyone. If you wanted to charge for the game with bgt, you'd have to pay $99 to philip. There are other programming languages, though none of these are especially tailored to audio games, which means you would have to 
 do a lot more information-gathering. Even if you found an accessible games library, you would be at the mercy of whatever docuentation you got for it, and people on this forum would be less likely to know what you were doing, so you'd be basically on your own. Do you have any experience making games in any language? I find that the concepts of programming don't change much between languages, only the syntax and the extent of functionality. If you have not, bgt is a good way to start. There are a ton of nice front-end modules, making things that would otherwise by a pain in the butt simple, while still allowing you to be as creative as you want with your game.Sorry about the long-winded post, but this should give you some good suggestions on what to do.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-14 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: robjoy

Re: Danger City: redux?

Hi,Not to hijack the main topic, just out of curiosity: which part of this code is "complex"?tts.init()
tts.say("Hello, world!") Just wondering RobURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-14 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: aaron

Re: Danger City: redux?

Hi,[[wow]], that's actually very easy. Guitarman, have you checked the latest version of dragonflame?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-14 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: synchronfreak

Re: Danger City: redux?

I prefer retro style in games. retro style is a good idea.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-14 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: BryanP

Re: Danger City: redux?

We have no side scrollers as yet that truly showcase everything the genre has to offer. SO no, we don't have enough. Nor will we until we have as many side scrollers as the mainstream gaming market does. And that will probably never happen.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-14 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: keyIsFull

Re: Danger City: redux?

well brian we don't have as many games of any genre than the mainstream market, so...well wishful thinkking there, I guess. Make audio games forever!URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-17 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: kyle12

Re: Danger City: redux?

Hi,The block code is why I use c# for my software development. haha. I personally prefer PureBasic for game programming; It has API's for window creation with controls as well as game related librarys, but that's just me.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-17 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: BryanP

Re: Danger City: redux?

But we have nothing in English as yet that truly showcases the genre.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-18 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: assault_freak

Re: Danger City: redux?

True that. Though whenever Mota finally gets released, it seems like it'll probably be the first English audio game to touch a candle to what Bokurano Daibouken has in terms of side scroller mechanics. BK 3 still has yet to be beaten in terms of content. lolURL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-18 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Guitarman

Re: Danger City: redux?

Hi Everyone.Well this is way off topic but does anyone know if dragonflame is still in development? I tried the new version of it and it is very easy to understand. All it needs is a compiler. I might actually consider developing with this engine. If anybody has information please let me know.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-18 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: cj89

Re: Danger City: redux?

I think its fair to say that BK3 probably has the most out of everything. For example. The lift from 25 is a really cool concept! While probably simple, it really showcases just what can potentially be done for the market. Not trying to be your next bk fanboy here. I guess the thing to ask is, what would be so unique about this game? We probably have enough scrollers. At least basic scrollers imo.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: aaron

Re: Danger City: redux?

Hi,Dragonflame is certainly in development. It's weird, I'm a kind of outsider, I don't use it at the moment but I want to learn, but am not sure what to do.What I will say though, is that when this engine reaches it's 1.0 state, it is going to be incredible. That is not an exaggeration, especially where the latest discovery is concerned. There's a certain thing we've found, and if it gets implemented, well, it's going to make game developing even easier but not only that, the results will actually be rather advanced and ready for modern systems.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Danger City: redux?

Hi.So now all this again... A discussion on what programming language people like and dislike. Lol. Going back to the questions from the first post:1: Does anyone still have a copy of the original danger city storyline, or should I start from scratch?Since the original version has been dropped, you should start from scratch.2: What would you want to see in this game to make it different from town of peril? Do you want it to be more retro-styled? I have some ideas:a: I will probably have items both be used in an inventory and on the number row. Lead pipes and weapon repairs will still be in.b: would anyone want the possibility of upgrades?Upgrades would be awesome. Puzzles and unlockables would be very welcome as well. It would be cool if you could make this in real 2D where you have to climb, knock enemies down from something and if the
 y fall from areas which are too high up in the air, they'll die. If they only fall a few meters, they should only be damaged. Regarding to the title, HD wouldn't be the best choice unless you've planned to have full HD graphic in the game. Remake is just a remake of the older game, which doesn't sounds what you have in mind. Redux, hmm, not sure on what that really means. What about Danger city 2: the war returns? URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Guitarman

Re: Danger City: redux?

Hi Aaron.Well I'm glad I was proven wrong. When it has a compiler I will definitly be using it. As for the title of the game what about crime city? That way your game won't be confused with the original danger city.And I think redux just means to do something over or try it again.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: sneak

Re: Danger City: redux?

I've never played the original game so I have no idea, but if you're deciding between 3d and a 2 d environment I honestly think either a 3d environment like zelda, or if you've never played zelda eric the cleric nails it pretty well also shadow rhyne and braillemon. However, I would absolutely love your face off if you made it a first person game as swamp is and encorperate the mouse movement. The code for this is actually a hell of a lot simpler than you might think. Aprone provided the required formulas and it's really not that hard to implament if you think about it. If you want ideas or something of that sort feel free to skype me at alexander16262. I've tried to make my own game but I just got side tracked with college and had to put it down. I had movement ready and a map editer ready, and then I switched languages due to easier libraries and had to start from scratch but yeah, I can also do sounds. I've taken a pretty good part of editing a sou
 nd mod for swamp that is widely used and I did most of the sounds for danny's snowboarding game. Anyway let me knoww if you need any help. I'm a little rusty on coding but I can certainly offer suggestions and a general way to implament them.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-19 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: assault_freak

Re: Danger City: redux?

Quite honestly I agree with CJ. There are a lot of side scrollers on the market already... and why even use the name dangercity? You would only be remaking the original game if you kept the same characters and story... it would be like calling Final Fight a remake of double dragon that came two years later. lolThe one thing I would like to see in this game is a complex combat system. A game that centers around beating up enemies should have something more complicated... that's the only downside I have with bk 3. If it had a great combat and combo system to go with everything else, it would hands down imho be the kind of audio games. But in short, that's what I would like to see...And sneak, technically, Shadow line is actually 2d... not 3d. URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-20 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: cj89

Re: Danger City: redux?

Yeah, @assaultI'd probably have to agree with that. Same goes with Shadow Line, actually. At least the combat.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-20 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: aaron

Re: Danger City: redux?

Hi,A more combo-driven system is something I've always wanted to do. I don't know whether to reveal anything right now, as I don't want to give false hope in case the project falls through. Besides, maybe I should try something simpler first, and no, I'm not talking about guess the number folks, I'm talking about something that will be release worthy, it might just be rpg-ish, and if I can learn how, it might become something a little more, including audio. It will be a menu-based venture, that much is something I will tell you all.I may make a new topic to discuss that. So, before I sign off here, I'd just say this, reguarding the reimagining of danger city:I'm glad to see that this has interest. Oh, and I do actually intend to use elements from the original story, but I intend to make things get rather shaken up. Here's a hint: remember that bomb in the original game? What if, when the agents went in, not everything was r
 evealed to them?I am actually going to put this on hold for now folks, and focus on the mini rpg thing. Trust me when I say that it will be kind of basic, but if all goes well, I intend to make it quite cool.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-20 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: aaron

Re: Danger City: redux?

Hi,A more combo-driven system is something I've always wanted to do. I don't know whether to reveal anything right now, as I don't want to give false hope in case the project falls through. Besides, maybe I should try something simpler first, and no, I'm not talking about guess the number folks, I'm talking about something that will be release worthy, it might just be rpg-ish, and if I can learn how, it might become something a little more, including audio. It will be a menu-based venture, that much is something I will tell you all.I may make a new topic to discuss that. So, before I sign off here, I'd just say this, reguarding the reimagining of danger city:I'm glad to see that this has interest. Oh, and I do actually intend to use elements from the original story, but I intend to make things get rather shaken upI am actually going to put this on hold for now folks, and focus on the mini rpg thing. Trust me when I say tha
 t it will be kind of basic, but if all goes well, I intend to make it quite cool.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-21 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: SLJ

Re: Danger City: redux?

Nice.Good luck dude. URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-21 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: Guitarman

Re: Danger City: redux?

Alright! Good luck with that aaron. If you don't mind my asking what language will you be using to create this rpg?URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-21 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: ghost rider

Re: Danger City: redux?

aaron, with all due respect, this mini rpg is setting your standards too high. You should start with a guess the number or something of that nature first. Although I am not a coder myself, I do know that a mini RPG will be a very un-mini code.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-21 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: aaron

Re: Danger City: redux?

Hi,I said it'd be rpg-ish, not a fully fledged rpg. A fully fledged rpg, including text, uses arrays, even for something similar to pocket dungeon. So I'll be going much more simpler for now, but something still playable for both me and you guys. It won't be multiplayer though.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-21 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: aaron

Re: Danger City: redux?

Hi,I will be using dragonflame if all goes well. It'd be rpg-ish, not a fully fledged rpg. A fully fledged rpg, including text, uses arrays, even for something similar to pocket dungeon. So I'll be going much more simpler for now, but something still playable for both me and you guys. It won't be multiplayer though, but will still have a kind of rpg vibe but in it's simplest form.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-21 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: ghost rider

Re: Danger City: redux?

no, no aaron, I don't think you get it. You said IF all goes well. Emphasis on the if. Remember, dfe is still in beta. Alpha I think. Your still drawing the bar high. Start simple.URL:

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Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-22 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: livrobo

Re: Danger City: redux?

Hello.Here's the intro story, taken from the readme.You are a police officer. You sigh as you walk back into the police station, after going after several gangs; they're all over the place these days. Theynever used to be spotted so much around here! And all of these random acts of violence don't make sense either. You wish you could just go home and goto bed; but, unknown to you, this knight could be the most dangerous one of your career.As you enter, the dispatcher looks up: "Hey Nick, the chief wanted to see you. It sounds like he's got some information on the gang sightings and the murdersof those people. It sounds pretty urgent, you might want to head over there now." You thank her and race to the chief's office, wondering what could beso serious.You knock a few times, and finally, the door opens. You are shocked because of the grim look the chief is giving you."Thank you for coming
 , Nick." He shuts the door and motions for you to sit down, which you do."I have some very serious news", he continues."It seems that an unknown individual is attempting to take over the city, and has employed the gangs to keep everyone off the streets. Anyone who daresto exit their houses will be shot on sight. We also have reason to believe that he has a secret base in a remote location. We are attempting to retrieveit's coordinates now. The only thing we know for certain is that it is on an island.""What do you plan to do about this", you ask."I'm not sure. All we can do for now is keep scanning."You start to get angry and say, "You're kidding! We could save some lives if we formed a team and tried to hold the ganggs back!""Damn it Nick, we just don't have the resources right now! I hate this situation as much as you do, but there's nothing I can do
  at the moment.""No way", you respond, "there's no way in hell that I'm going to let this happen!"The chief gives you a look that basically means, "you're crazy" and says, "What, are you going to do, form your own team? That would be insane!""Yes, at least try to form one. But either way, I cannot let this happen.""Alright", the chief responds, "I see that you won't give up. In that case, I'll assign a few officers in armed cars to help you. If you ever need helpfrom them, ask right away.""Thanks chief", you say.You get up and head for the door. Suddenly, you hear screaming, yelling and ffighting going on from the main room."What the... Oh damn!", the chief yells, "Those bastards are trying to invade the police station!"Before you can act, a flood of gang members break down the door and run into the ro
 om. They grab you and the chief and begin to exit the room. You try toget free, but one of them hits you in the jaw wwith an uppercut, and you black out.When you wake up, you are in a cramped room. You look around, and see two other people. You recognize the man as being Zack, your old partner. You rememberall of the cases the two of you went on.The woman's name is Faith, a new officer around the station. Although she is new, She also practices and teaches Tae-Quan-Do. You've also seen her at thesame gym you go to.You try to open the door, but it's locked. "Anyone of you got a lockpick?", You ask.Faith looks up. "Actually, I do." She gets up and walks over to the door, and inserts a lockpick into the keyhole. She stands there wiggling it around inthe lock for a few seconds, then takes the lockpick out, as the door unlocks."Alright!" she says, "Let's get out of here."She quietly opens the door, and looks around outside. As she had expected, there were two guards standing near the door. A short fight follows, but shemanages to get rid of the guards."Follow me", she says to you and Zack, "I think I remember this building."She leads the two of you through a complicated series of corridors, which dead-ends at a security door. "Crap..."However, you realise that all is not lost. "Wait a minute," you reply, "Zack, don't you know how to disarm security systems?""Of course I do", He says."Excelent! I think I still have my equipment in my backpack."You open your backpack, and pull out some equipment, which you hand over. He gets to work with the security system. In a moment, the door swings open. Butthe alarms have gone off! Faith starts running, and you follow her. At last you come to a window that isn't looking into another p
 art of the building.Since you know you don't have the time to look for the entrence, you smash the window with a fearce kick, and the three of you scramble out it. You thinkYou can hear voices coming from somewhere in the corridor you were just in. "Damn it man, why couldn't you keep them in!""I tried to! The woman took us out before we knew what was going on!"... Further conversations are blocked out as they travel down the corridor.Yet again, Faith leads the three of you around the building until you are at the front of it.She says, "The station isn't far from here, I just hope everyone's ok."The three of you start running toward t

Re: [Audiogames-reflector] Danger City: redux?

2014-03-22 Thread Forum — General Game Discussion: sneak

Re: Danger City: redux?

Arron, have you ever made a game before? You'll be hard pressed to make a game without using arrays, as arrays is more than likely what you'll be using to hold map information. They're not hard to understand, especially if you're only planning on using a 2d layout. 3d isn't much harder, but it begins to take up an enormous amount of memory. This is a problem I ran into when working on my game.URL:

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