Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

I've created a separate topic about the emulator image I've created for using speakup on Windows: … n-windows/


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

jescat277,If you're using Windows and NVDA, the current setup isn't ideal. You need to run the game from a command prompt, as explained in the screen reader page on the wiki. Hopefully soon a less annoying arrangement will be possible.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : jescat277 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

How do I begin the game, like what sequence do I open the files in, in order to get even the main menu to read without ocr


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

@FubsepudeAt that number of columns, the game shouldn't have a problem showing you all the actions you can perform with a worker or other unit (that is, the text that you can begin tabbing through by pressing shift "R"). This is what I was most concerned about so it's good it won't be an issue for you.The problem you will have is that in some in-game windows, specifically when you contact an embassy, or pull up the list of your units (from the menu Accounting -> Brigades), some of the text will wrap to the next line. In those circumstances, the infobox shown to the right of the main window will wrap but the main window itself will not wrap.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Fubsepude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

@DarinMy resolution is 170 cols and 48 lines.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Fubsepude, are you running the game in the framebuffer or from a terminal window from within your graphical desktop?If you're running from within your graphical desktop, check the settings of the terminal you're using and make sure the terminal window is maximized or set to full screen mode. With Konsole, you can press control minus a few times to reduce the font size. In gnome's terminal you can go to Edit -> preferences.If you're running from within the framebuffer it's unfortunately a bit harder. The only way I know is to edit your grub boot loader settings and append a "vga=" setting to grub's configuration. Messing around with the boot loader though can render your setup unbootable, so maybe it's not worth it for you to do that unless you already have a rescue disk at hand and have the time to attempt to do some amount of troubleshooting if a problem arises.What resolution is your terminal anyway?If you didn't know, you can check with the commands 'tput cols' and 'tput lines'


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Fubsepude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

What can I do if my computers screen is not big enough to support lines and colomns required by the game?I'm asking because I do not have a computer with screens bigger than 12-13 inches.The computer I'm on right now is an hp elitebook 2570P.And also if it is possible to configure my computer to 181 colomns and 213 lines or whatever it is, how do I actually go about setting it up?Is it something I have to do in a console like editing a configfile or something?This laptop has its screen resolution set at 1366x768 which I believe is the highest resolution it can handle.It is a 12-inch screen.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Fubsepude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

What can I do if my computers screen is not big enough to support lines and colomns required by the game?I'm asking because I do not have a computer with screens bigger than 12-13 inches.The computer I'm on right now is an hp elitebook 2570P.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

zkline wrote:Is it okay if I share your project a bit more widely? I'm a member of at least one online community which would probably appreciate it.Yeah, of course 


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Darin,Yeah, a similar process for selection as used elsewhere would definitely help, though I appreciate your explanation.While the screen reader isn't generally able to parse multiple columns in a super pleasant way, it at least helps me understand that the info is presented that way, and begin to make sense of things. I still haven't gotten Speakup going; my daily production machine is actually a mac with VOiceOver/TDSR, but fortunately the Arcane Fortune experience is reasonably good with that platform as well.I'm going to keep playing and see what happens. Is it okay if I share your project a bit more widely? I'm a member of at least one online community which would probably appreciate it.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

No problem -- don't worry about asking too many questions, I'm happy to help.I don't have a working install of speakup at the moment because I managed to screw up some stuff on my setup a day or two ago. That's just to say that I can't check at this moment what speakup does with the current tech tree.But let me attempt to describe the way it is organized now. I have ideas about how this could be done a little better near the end of this post. Let me know what you think.The tech tree is shown as a series of boxes. In each box the first line is the name of the technology, for example "Pottery". And the second line is the amount of research points required, for example "Reqs 1240 rsrch". The color of the name of the technology (ex. "Pottery") has significance, which I describe further below.You can select a tech with the arrow keys. The selected tech will be outlined with a red box using the characters "-" and "|" drawn around the perimeter.If the tech you've selected unlocks any new units, buildings or discovers new resources, they will be shown in a separate infobox that is shown immediately to the right of the selected tech.For example, for Stoneworking, the infobox will say:"Req for:Police stationDiscovers:Stone"If there is an infobox shown for a selected tech, the text cursor will be shown at the bottom right corner of the infobox. If no infobox is shown (in the case when a tech does not unlock any new units or resources), the text cursor is shown at the bottom of the screen where the legend is. This behavior is not ideal and wasn't intentional, just something I had put off fixing at the time I was working on the screen reader mode.The color of the technology name, for example "Pottery" has significance, as mentioned above. There is a legend near the bottom of the screen describing what the colors mean. I reproduce it below. For this post, I've written out the names of the colors, in the game only the color is shown:Color indicatorsred: selected techlight blue: undiscovered techgray: discovered techorange: researchingYou can toggle by pressing enter whether or not your empire will research the tech you have selected. The color of the tech's name will then turn to orange. Press enter again and it will remove it from the schedule and it'll turn back to light blue.Overall the organization of the tree is from left to right, with the more primitive techs being on the left. The game doesn't let you switch branches in a super friendly way -- you have to back up to the parent tech. So for example if you've selected "Compass" and want to instead select "Stoneworking" which is a completely different branch you have to press the left arrow key to go back to the parent tech "Rowing", then left again to go to the parent "Woodworking". Then you can press the down arrow key and finally select "Stoneworking".As to what would make this better: I'm going to guess similar to elsewhere, putting the text cursor on the selected item and letting the infobox and other text be tabbed through like I have on the main window might be helpful. That and replacing the color with text.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Hi Darin,I'm back with another question.  Thanks so much for your patience in putting up with the barrage.I'm confused by the tech tree, or at least how the keyboard is supposed to move the cursor around in it. I wonder if it would be any clearer with Speakup, I haven't had a chance to play the newest release  on Linux yet.I have played Civilization before with a friend, so the concept isn't unfamiliar to me, but that part of the UI is still a bit overwhelming. I realize you'd said that it requires looking at the color of items to get a full picture, and maybe that will help.I'm going to try and get Speakup going today and see if that helps clarify anything. 


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Hi zkline,The AI at least (and also your automated workers which use the same algorithm) build cities around ~350 tiles wide (which is around 1.7km). On average, the AI cities are twice as wide as they are tall (mostly because of the way terminals visually display characters in a non-square grid).I'd say 900 meters is reasonably close enough that you wouldn't need to build a new city hall for it.When I manually build cities I normally build them about the same size as the AI, maybe a little smaller. Making too large of a city can result in the residents on the outskirts not reliably finding a path to the city hall which means they don't pay taxes. I've throttled down a lot of the pathfinding for the residents for performance reasons. They search for new paths relatively infrequently. That is just to say if you find a lot of your residents unconnected from your city hall it might not be your fault. They may find a path soon enough. Sometimes they won't ever find a path but that's ok. Depending on the terrain you start on (like a meadow)-- you might not need to worry about squeezing out every penny of tax revenue because you'll still have enough residents paying that you can make due.A few words about the resources:Logs are reasonably common (although it does depend on your location, I suppose) and are mostly useful for building ships. The bonuses logs give are not very large compared to some of the other resources. In the menu you can go to Help then Encyclopedia to look up the bonuses each resource gives and the units you could eventually construct with it.Resources to look out for are the metals like iron, and things like horses, elephants or camels as these can allow you to build knights and other units that are stronger provided you have the technology. Most useful of all is uranium but that requires a lot of technology to even be able to see on the map -- not all resources are viewable until you have the tech to discover them.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Darin,I wanted to drop by and aSk a quick question about city planning and such. How big is reasonable for cities? With the default scale of 5 meters per tile, it seems like the size could grow pretty rapidly. If a resource is, say, 900 meters away from your city hall, is it reasonable to exploit it by zoning from there or do you tend to build smaller? This question brought to you by logs in a forest. On a related note, I really like the zoom function. We don't usually see that in text-based games, and it's pretty cool to see how the map actually scales.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

No problem, happy to help!


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Darin,That explains everything I was wondering about.  The whole process makes a lot more sense now. I appreciate all the information and advice.I was wondering what :.," was, I've been conditioned from years of rogue like games to assume it meant something like empty floor, or outdoor equivalent. Glad i wasn't too far off.Will be back with more questions soon enough, I'm sure. Thanks for all your help.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

@zklineYou are right that buildings are multiple tiles. They are always rectangular in shape with varying dimensions from something like two tiles to 15 or so.Typically the buildings are shown with some text drawing inside surrounded by a box. The box is drawn with "-" and "|" characters around the edges.As to your question, what prevents the construction of a building -- well most things in the game. The game will not let you build over other buildings, walls, roads, units, or over land that you or your workers have previously zoned.Here's a tip that might be useful for determining empty places to put a building:Automated workers will build cities in a semi-random manner, but they will typically leave some room near the city hall. One thing you can do is select a worker and tell it to build a building. It doesn't matter too much where the worker is as long as it's reasonably close to one of your cities. After you've selected the building to build and are in the placement mode, go to the menu and select "Accounting". Then select "City halls". Select a city and your cursor will be moved to the city hall. From there, explore around until you find a valid placement.When you are selecting the location to build a building, you are selecting where the worker will place the top left edge. So, columns immediately to the right of the text cursor and the rows immediately below it need to be clear.The game will show the proposed placement of the building if your text cursor is on a valid position to build it. Effectively this means that you'll see a string of dashes like this "" appear to the right of your cursor when it's over a valid location.Basically try to find a rectangular block of "#" or "." characters and you'll be good.(I don't know if I talked about the "." characters before -- they represent empty land which has been labeled as a sector. When you automate military units you can instruct them to patrol sectors. Automated workers create a sector which will cover all of your city so that you can later automate military units to protect that area)


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Darin,One mechanics question if I might. I've begun trying to build out my city a little bit, and am confused by how placement of buildings works. I am trying to figure out what blocks a placement. I gather that a building needs to be a certain distance from any other structure or unit, but can't quite work it out.I gather that buildings are made up of multiple tiles, not just a single spot on the map?Thanks for any insights.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

I wish I knew more about light-weight virtual machines. It's maybe possible to do something with Qemu, since you already have SDL2 and such included. *ponders*


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : caio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

@darinThanks for being willing to help.. Looks like I'll have to wait for the emulator to come out..But from what I've read, the game seems really interesting.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Hm. Let me look into packaging an emulator so that the game can be played in Linux while on Windows. May take me a little while to get something setup and distributable in a reasonable enough way.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

zkline wrote:I will definitely pass along feedback as I think of it.Great, thanks. I'm always happy to have feedback. Suggestions about gameplay, accessibility, whatever you think of edit: didn't see your most recent post. will edit and respond...


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

zkline wrote:I will definitely pass along feedback as I think of it.Great, thanks. I'm always happy to have feedback. Suggestions about gameplay, accessibility, whatever you think of 


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Hey,So I did some exploring of this with NVDA, and I'm left frustrated and confused.I believe that NVDA's console support is fundamentally broken, at least for screen-oriented programs like this one.It was difficult to reliably move along one row to see what was around me, let alone explore the rest of the game UI.I was trying to experiment with some commands to decide what moves the review cursor, but it was difficult at best.I don't think this game will be easy to play with NVDA on Windows, in short, not until its support for console-based programs is radically overhauled, which is going to be hard to do.I wish I had better news.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Yeah, the exact font size does not matter. However, at least on Windows 7, if you attempt to set the number of rows and columns to a value that is too large to show on the screen then cmd.exe will not show all the columns you asked it to. So, setting the font size to a lower value just helps ensure that everything fits on the screen and cmd.exe doesn't cut off anything.Using a font size smaller than what I suggested on the wiki should not pose any problems.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jitel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

@71Thanks a lot, I'll try it.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

For the actual screen reader, I think that font size is a red herring. I’m not sure it matters as much as it does for sighted folks. I will try and play this weekend using windows and report back if I have any issues, but I would think that even if the menu item does not read, you can still read the current selection with the command to read the current line.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jitel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Hello everyone.Is it ok that, for example, in some menus, such as map selection or difficulty level, the option under the cursor is not voiced? It may be the font size, as I can't set it to 7/12, and I have 6/12 set.I use Windows + NVDA.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Darin,Thanks for clarifying that.  I'm glad there will be some competition for my resources, so to speak.I can't wait to see where this goes. I will definitely pass along feedback as I think of it. Thus far I'm just glad you're using square grids instead of hexes, which are harder to represent in ASCII 


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

If you are asking if the game uses neural networks for its AI, it does not right now. Although it is a long-term goal. Probably the first part of the game to see neural network usage would be at the end-game. I wrote a about my current thoughts and rough plans here if you are interested to read more.The current AI is the manually written variety you see in most strategy games. The other civilizations, barbarians, and nobility can and may attack you.Oh, yeah, also, if you contact nobility or other empires, the quotes they give you are outputs from a quote generating neural network. It's supposed to roughly match their moods. A lot of the times the quotes are nonsensical, but sometimes they can be amusing. Other times inappropriate 


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Darin,Thanks.  I appreciate the info, that helps a lot. I intend to keep exploring this weekend and see what I can figure out.Is there any AI currently implemented, or is that a surprise? 


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

That's good to hear, zkline. Thanks!The automated workers will first build a wall around a reasonably large radius. Immediately after, they will start zoning land within the walls. This will take them some amount of time (10 or more years of game time, roughly). You can just let them stay automated indefinitely and when they finish they will become idle (and locatable with the ';' key).On the map here are some of the more common symbols used (these are all shown by default you don't have to adjust any of the view settings for these):Astericks "*" are the zoned landNumber signs "#" are unzoned landTildes "~" are waterSuperscript symbol "^" are mountainsIt's ok if you forget those symbols because whether you're on land, mountains, water, etc is shown at the bottom of the screen (use shift b to move the cursor to it).The type of zone (residential, business, etc) is also shown at the bottom of the screen. If you're able to quickly read out the color of the astricks on the map you can also infer the zone type (green = residential, blue = commercial, yellow = industrial, brown = agricultural).One thing about the text at the bottom of the screen: it is shown in two or more columns and some screen readers seem to read together more than one column of text at a time in a way that is hard to understand. If you tab through the text with the "." and "," keys, then tell the screen reader to read one word at a time it might be easier to understand the boundaries of the column. Maybe this was already obvious though.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

That's good to hear, zkline. Thanks!The automated workers will first build a wall around a reasonably large radius. Immediately after, they will start zoning land within the walls. This will take them some amount of time (10 or more years of game time, roughly). You can just let them stay automated indefinitely and when they finish they will become idle (and locatable with the ';' key).On the map here are some of the more common symbols used (these are all shown by default you don't have to adjust any of the view settings for these):Astericks "*" are the zoned landNumber signs "#" are unzoned landTildes "~" are waterSuperscript symbol "^" are mountainsIt's ok if you forget those symbols because whether you're on land, mountains, water, etc is shown at the bottom of the screen (use shift b to move the cursor to it).The type of zone (residential, business, etc) is also shown at the bottom of the screen. If you're able to quickly read out the color of the astricks on the map you can also infer the zone type (green = residential, blue = commercial, yellow = industrial, brown = agricultural).


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Darin,I'm really enjoying the game thus far, though it took me a bit to figure out how to follow your instructions. I'm on Mac OS, and using the TDSR screen reader I linked above.One thing I'm a bit unsure about is what happens if I just let the game run indefinitely? If i have a worker set to automated zone production, another building a city hall, and the explorer out working, does the automated worker stop once they've built walls, etc?Another question, how do I see the zones themselves? I am guessing it's one of the view options on the map but I'm a bit unclear on how to tell where the boundaries are and so forth.Thanks for any advice. This is a great project thus far.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

As a tip for Mac and Linux users, there is an alternative screen reader called TDSR. It can be found here on Github, and works quite well for playing this game. It sadly does not work on Windows, as far as I'm aware, but might be easier to get going than the somewhat advanced Speakup.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

@FubsepudeI don't have Linux mint but I have installed speakup on ubuntu which might be similar enough.I believe I ran:sudo apt install espeakupYou may need to restart your computer after that. Then you need to switch to the framebuffer console for speakup to work. It will not work if you just pull up a terminal window in graphics mode.You can switch to a framebuffer console by pressing ctrl alt f2Each function key will take you to a different console.For example ctrl alt f3 will take you to another separate framebuffer console.ctrl alt f1 will take you back to your graphical desktop (or similar, different distros map the function keys differently, so try out the others if that doesn't work.. some are like f7 or greater).


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Fubsepude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Could someone please tell me how to install speakup/espeakup?I use linux and I'm having issues trying to play it with orca in the regular gui mate terminal on my system.I use linux mint mate 20.1.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Fubsepude via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Could someone please tell me how to install speakup/espeakup?I use linux and I'm having issues trying to play it with orca in the regular gui mate terminal on my system.I use linux mint 20.1.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

@caioSome people have had difficulty using the default terminal emulator I bundled the game with (the one that's launched if you use the .bat file).However, the game can be played with the default windows cmd.exe. You may want to check these instructions out: … on_WindowsLast time I tried to use NVDA on Windows (which was several months ago), it wasn't nearly as usable as the Speakup reader on Linux.I am/was considering packaging a full Linux emulator so that Windows users could use speakup without having to install linux.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

@arnold18There are a few ways you can figure out what your explorer has found.In the menu, if you go to the Accounting sub-menu and then select under "Resources" the "Discovered" entry, you can pull up a table of all the resources your explorer has found. It will also tell you the distance and direction from your current location to the resource. If you press enter while selecting one of the resource entries, the game will move you to that location and place your text cursor on it.You can use this feature to cause a worker, for example, to move that location. So what you'd do is first select the worker, and enter the move mode. Then go to the menu and select the resource to move your text cursor onto it. If the resource is close enough you then press enter to confirm moving the worker to that location. In this way you can find and move to the resource and create, for example, a new city near it.If your explorer discovers another civilization, it will be shown in the game info mode (which you enter by pressing shift R). The first line shown in that mode is always any relevant news that has happened recently -- and discovering another civilization will be shown there.If you missed it and it's no longer shown there, you can always review any past entries from the menu by going to the "View" and then "World" entry under the "History" line.Another tip I have is in warfare. Probably the easiest way to invade or conquer if playing the game with a screen reader would be to use your noble houses. Contact them via the menu "Intel" sub-menu and select the "Contact Noble House" entry. Then select the "Send your troops to attack" and tell them which city to attack. The noble house may (or may not) agree to attack that city for you. If they agree it may take them a while to be successful. Asking more than one of your noble houses, if you have more than one, to attack a target can help speed things along.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

OH wow. CAn't wait to give this another try. 


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : arnold18 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

there is a bat file which opens it in cmd, that should gork.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : caio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

I really wish this game on windows could be made fully accessible. I'm facing the same problem described on posts 3 and 4, the emulator isn't accessible.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : arnold18 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

let's see how it helps. Thanks for making accessibility a possibility. I wonder how we can ascertain what's near us on the map and what if our explorer found something interesting, but we'll see.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : firefly82 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Dude! That was awesome fantastic!Thanks a lot!Will check it out later today or tomorrow morning.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

This ended up becoming fairly long, but maybe this will help:Once you're in the game and have closed out all the intro windows (one with some intro text, then another asking if you want to appoint any noble houses), you will be selecting your one of two workers. The game will be paused at this time.Press shift "b" (that is capital "B") to start tabbing through info about the worker and the land it is on. Some of the info shown in this mode are the actions (and the keyboard shortcuts to activate them) you can assign to the worker.The keys "." and "," move the text cursor forward and backward respectively through lines of this text. Escape exits this mode and brings you back to the map.You first likely want to build a city hall. This can be initated by pressing 'h'. (this is one of the worker options you can tab through, as described above)Then select the city hall option -- which can be done by arrow keys up and down or by pressing 'c'.If you press enter, a city hall will be built near your worker.Press ';' and the game will take you to your next unmoved unit -- which is another worker. I generally leave the second worker idle for the first turn (by pressing 'p')And press ';' again and you will be taken to an explorer. Probably you want to set the explorer to auto-explore -- press shift "b" and start tabbing through the actions for the explorer and you'll find that you can press "l" to automate the explorer's exploration.So you've now assigned three actions to each of your three units. Now you can progress game time.Press shift "r" and your text cursor will be moved to info about general game info such as the time and your economy. You can tab through this text again with the "." and "," keys. You'll find that there's an option to press "@" to progess game time until any one of your units finishes their actions.If you press "@", you will, in this circumstance progress game time one day. Because your second worker, whose turn you passed, will become active again in the next game day.Press escape and the game will take you back to the map (and out of the mode you were just in tabbing through the game info text).Press ';', again to bring you to that now idle worker.Probably the next thing to do would be to automate that worker so that it will create residential, business, industrial, and agricultural zones and city walls. As before, you can press shift "b" to start tabbing through the actions for this worker and you'll find that you can press '8' to automate it.Now time to progress game time again. Press shift "r" to again start tabbing through the game info and press "@". And again game time will be progressed until one of your units finishes their actions. The next idle unit will be the worker you told to build the city hall.What you do after that is up to you. But that's the general game loop. Assign units actions, and progress time.There's also other stuff in the menus that might be useful. From the menus you can, for example pull up tables of your units and what they are doing. You can also bring up tables describing your cities and nobles. And a bunch of other stuff that I recommend exploring.I have a more detailed guide here: … ng_started


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : firefly82 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Thats very very great and we all here thank you a lot for this!!!I will check it out definitely!Little question:Could you or someone here give a little little introduction about the first 3 4 5 steps after starting a new game?Maybe this would give a little jump start how to play.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2021-01-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

I've posted a new release of the game with a new screen reader mode featuring some of what was suggested in this thread. The main benefit of this mode is that it makes the text cursor visible and places it near relevant text in some of the in-game windows and menu selections. I also made some other small changes like removing flashing of things in the game so screen readers don't get stuck in a loop repeating whatever is changing.I wrote up a wiki page on the game's website with some of my notes and suggestions about using some of the features I've added: … en_readersIf you want to play the game I highly recommend reading that page because some of what I added (tabbing through text with the text-mode cursor) is not going to be obvious unless you checkout that page.There's definitely more than can be done to make this game more accessible. But hopefully this release is a little more accessible than the last one.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Fenrir is the main screen reader for both the Stormux Operating System maintained by Billy(Storm Dragon) optimized for Raspberry Pi 4 computers, and the Jinux Operating System created and maintained by Daniel Nash.I'm not saying that Speak Up isn't bad, I just love alternatives and call them out since Fenrir just doesn't get enough mentioning.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Fenrir is the main screen reader for both the Stormux Operating System maintained by Billy(Storm Dragon) optimized for Raspberry Pi 4 computers, and the Jinux Operating System created and maintained by Daniel Nash.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Fenrir is the main screen reader for both the Stormux Operating System maintained by Billy(Storm Dragon) foroptimized for Raspberry Pi 4 computers, and the Jinux Operating System created and maintained by Daniel Nash.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

What's the advantage of Fenrir over Speakup?I found the numpad key controls pretty intuitive for Speakup -- being able to read one line, word, or character at a time and moving backward, forward, up and down with it.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Eep! That bites.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

As far as the Debian/Ubuntu things go for Fenrir, the package in the repos is broken. You need to compile it from source however, just a heads up


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

In addition to the Speak Up screen reader, there's also the Fenrir Screen Reader, found in the Arch and Ubuntu repos.The Fenrir manual can be found here. NB. Above link is to the latest Internet Archive page of the manual, as the publicly working site is giving a 503 service error for some reason right now.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

@1 I shall reposte what I said in the official thread, additionally adding that you may want to check out Ubuntu Mate because of your PC having 4GB. (At least, I think that's what a meant...)In addition to the Speak Up screen reader, there's also the Fenrir Screen Reader, found in the Arch and Ubuntu repos.The Fenrir manual can be found here. NB. Above link is to the latest Internet Archive page of the manual, as the publicly working site is giving a 503 service error for some reason right now.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

In addition to Speak-Up, there's also the Fenrir Screen Reader, found in the Arch and Ubuntu repos.The Fenrir manual can be found here. NB. Above link is to the latest Internet Archive page of the manual, as the publicly working site is giving a 503 service error for some reason right now.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

In addition to Speak-Up, there's also the Fenrir Screen Reader, found in the Arch and Ubuntu repos.The Fenrir manual can be found here. (Above link to an Internet Archive page of the manual, as the main site is giving a 503 service error for some reason right now.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

TheSecretLurker:I use Qemu. I was running Ubuntu in it for testing Speakup. I'm not sure which emulator or distro I'll choose to package up for the next release, though. I don't know how portable Qemu is on Windows since my desktop is also Linux and I haven't tested Qemu on Windows.As to the modding support, currently the game loads all the military unit types, building types, resources and a few other things from text configuration files in the "game\config" directory. You could think of it as similar to JSON in its level of flexibility, however the syntax is different (but likely self-explanatory if you take a look at the files).In the future I would like to add scripting support. I was planning on integrating Lua scripting, however someone suggested I consider AngelScript which also seems promising.Do you have an idea about what types of mods you'd like to create? It might help me target some aspects to expose first to scripting support.I was considering adding support for custom scenarios so that historical time periods could be very roughly re-enacted. Which would probably minimally require scripting support for declaring war, founding cities, and creating alliances at certain times and places.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

@TheSecretLurker, YEah. I've used Linux virtual machines for years. THey're awesome. Dual boot is better, if you can get it, but it's harder to get started.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : TheSecretLurker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

@zkline ,Going slightly off-topic here but Jesus, I've actually only recently learned THANKS TO YOU, Zachary, and other members of audiogames, that virtual linux machines such as VM ware and Virtual Box even are accessible to visually impaired and blind and all original Linux screen readers work more or less alright on them, before this, I've actually been thinking that virtual machines are inaccessible to the blind and the only way to get Linux is by forming a dual-boot system with both Windows and Linux installed, but this is a huge game-changer, it is truly awesome, a great way to play Cataclysm and some other Linux-only games, possibly, you cannot imagine how surprised and happy I felt when I realized that virtual machines are accessible to the blind as well, I wonder if there are more active ongoing fixes and improvements going for both virtualbox and VM ware, really happy that these work nicely in terms of accessibility and hope that it will keep on improving :smile:@Darin ,Which Linux virtual machine you're using to test the accessibility of Arcane Fortune?Oh and I am very interested in modding capabilities of Arcane Fortune, does it have JSON or Lua modding support similar to Cataclysm/Nethack/ADOM?Or everything is currently mostly hardcoded?Thank you for working on accessibility improvements for your game as well, Darin, this is greatly appreciated by everyone, especially the fact that you found this interesting as well :smile:


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Darin,I'm glad you got Speakup working.  It's definitely the best screen reader experience I've had with these kind of text games. Jaws is decent, but it's expensive for many people and probably on its way out. Dragonlee, I would hope that with the right setup, it should be possible to just plug and play speakup. The commands take a bit of getting used to but once you figure them out they work for every game. I'm just not sure which kind of emulator is the best choice.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

zkline: thanks -- I got it working. Speakup is great. I can see with some additional work on the text cursor placement how I'd be able to play it myself with only audio.I'd probably use the windows in the Accounting menu somewhat frequently to orient myself because they provide the distances and directions your current location is from your various cities and units. That and I think I'd define custom map sectors to quickly nagivate to (in the "Go" submenu), for the case when there might be a battle or problem spot for me to come back to later (if you're attacked, the game automatically brings you to the location of where the attack happened).--Dragonlee: I definitely experienced what you described about the flashing, even in speakup, and now that I disabled it in the test version of the game I'm working with, it's a lot easier.As to your point about speakup being beyond the ability of most here--I don't know why it would have to be that way. If I installed it in a portable emulator and got it all setup in the emulator, you could just download the emulator and run it on your computer. With a bit of work (from me in packaging it nicely), it shouldn't be any more difficult to just click and run than it is to run any other game you download online. The emulator would output its own audio, so you wouldn't have to worry about having your Windows screen reader parse what it's showing.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

zkline: thanks -- I got it working. Speakup is great. I can see with some additional work on the text cursor placement how I'd be able to play it myself with only audio.I'd probably use the windows in the Accounting menu somewhat frequently to orient myself because they provide the distances and directions your current location is from your various cities and units. That and I think I'd define custom map sectors to quickly nagivate to (in the "Go" submenu), for the case when there might be a battle or problem spot for me to come back to later (if you're attacked, the game automatically brings you to the location of where the attack happened).--Dragonlee: I definitely experienced what you described about the flashing, even in speakup, and now that I disabled it in the test version of the game I'm working with, it's a lot easier.As to your point about speakup being beyond the ability of most here--I don't know why it would have to be that way. If I installed it in a portable emulator and got it all setup in the emulator, you could just download the emulator and run it on your computer. With a bit of work, it shouldn't be any more difficult to just click and run than it is to run any other game you download online. The emulator would output its own audio, so you wouldn't have to worry about having your Windows screen reader parse what it's showing.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dragonlee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

As to your assumption about use of braille. I imagine the majority of screen reader users don't use it, greatly due to the big price tag as was mentioned before.I think most blind and VI people who lost their eyesight after school age haven't even learned Braille, me included. Having the game be more usable for synthesized speech output would probably be the most useful for the largest portion of this community.-Also I would say that any cli that has auto refreshing content is probably going to be very difficult to use, at least with NVDA. I know for me, even super basic commands like "top" are just unusable, since by the time I navigate to something I am interested in with my review cursor, somethhing on the page will have changed, so the review cursor is reset back to the bottom of the screen.Maybe SpeakUp handles this sort of thing better, but I imagine that setting it up is beyond the abiity of most users here.I think it could be more usable if having content change would be user-driven instead of happening automatically, so the user could review their screen in peace and then issue a command for things to update in some way.I'm thinking maybe there could even be a refresh kb command, so for example when the user presses "r" the screen will be redrawn with the updated info.edit: but ofc the bigger issue is having things presented in a logical way, so that even if the user has a static screen to work with that they can make sense of things. I think when I tried the game on WSL, lines of the map were interleaved with event messages, making it hard to make sense of.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dragonlee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

As to your assumption about use of braille. I imagine the majority of screen reader users don't use it, greatly due to the big price tag as was mentioned before.I think most blind and VI people who lost their eyesight after school age haven't even learned Braille, me included. Having the game be more usable for synthesized speech output would probably be the most useful for the largest portion of this community.-Also I would say that any cli that has auto refreshing content is probably going to be very difficult to use, at least with NVDA. I know for me, even super basic commands like "top" are just unusable, since by the time I navigate to something I am interested in with my review cursor, somethhing on the page will have changed, so the review cursor is reset back to the bottom of the screen.Maybe SpeakUp handles this sort of thing better, but I imagine that setting it up is beyond the abiity of most users here.I think it could be more usable if having content change would be user-driven instead of happening automatically, so the user could review their screen in peace and then issue a command for things to update in some way.I'm thinking maybe there could even be a refresh kb command, so for example when the user presses "r" the screen will be redrawn with the updated info.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Hey,Speakup is a little difficult to work with, particularly if you try to use it while a GUI is running. This is because most modern linux systems use a program called PulseAudio to handle sound mixing, and speakup doesn't play well with this system. I recommend killing the PulseAudio daemon before you try to run Espeakup. More over, Speakup is a console screen reader only, that is, it won't work in graphical terminal windows.So to get Speakup working the sequence is something like this.1. KIll pulseaudio.2. Run espeakup.3. Perhaps load Speakup's software synth driver (mod probe speakup_soft). This may be done automatically, or could be done before you run the daemon, I don't know if the order matters.THis is all a bit far from the main topic, but if we can get some sort of Linux system for text games that would be lovely. It's hard to explain to people who aren't already familiar with the system, however. I just think that Speakup generally has the best support for this kind of thing at the moment.An alternative is a program called TDSR, which is easier to get working but not as featureful. It does, however, have the advantage of working on Macs as well.Hope this Brain dump is helpful.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

JaceK: thanks for the information. I tried Ocra but I'm not sure what you mean about it being limited in window size. When I maximized my terminal it didn't seem to have any more issues than it was having before. But certainly I can tell you while it handles the game settings screens decently enough, it's not always reading you all the text once you get to the main game. It also reads you text that doesn't make sense to read together (visually it's obvious the text is unrelated)The "X" you're hearing when you move a unit or try to assign an action is supposed to be a cross-hair to let people know they're selecting where to move the unit. Definitely not useful if you're using a screen reader though to hear that repeated constantly -- possibly useful for me to disable this in the future, at least in a future screen reader mode of the game.---I haven't been able to get espeakup to work at all -- it's completely silent for every program I open on Ubuntu 20.04. I installed it and it seems that the speakup daemon is running, but when I launch espeakup, either under my user account or as root it says "Espeakup is already running!". I attempted to force kill all the speakup processes containing speakup in their name, in an attempt to restart it, but it seems to not kill them even when I try as root. Maybe it's something to do with speakup being a kernel mode driver. I guess I have to look more into this, but if it's obvious to anyone what I'm doing wrong in starting espeakup, please let me know.---I'm wondering if the easiest way forward, supposing I can get speakup working and the game seems to work best on it, as zkline is suggesting, would be to package up a portable emulator for Windows users with a light-weight Linux distro, speakup, and the game already installed.Has anyone tried this in general or is there a reason why it wouldn't work? It'd possibly allow easier access to games like Cataclysm too.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

JaceK: thanks for the information. I tried Ocra but I'm not sure what you mean about it being limited in window size. When I maximized my terminal it didn't seem to have any more issues than it was having before. But certainly I can tell you while it handles the game settings screens decently enough, it's not always reading you all the text once you get to the main game. It also reads you text that doesn't make sense to read together (visually it's obvious the text is unrelated)The "X" you're hearing when you move a unit or try to assign an action is supposed to be a cross-hair to let people know they're selecting where to move the unit. Definitely not useful if you're using a screen reader though to hear that repeated constantly -- possibly useful for me to disable this in the future, at least in a future screen reader mode of the game.---I haven't been able to get espeakup to work at all -- it's completely silent for every program I open on Ubuntu 20.04. I installed it and it seems that the speakup daemon is running, but when I launch espeakup, either under my user account or as root it says "Espeakup is already running!". I attempted to force kill all the speakup processes containing speakup in their name, in an attempt to restart it, but it seems to not kill them even when I try as root. Maybe it's something to do with speakup being a kernel mode driver. I guess I have to look more into this, but if it's obvious to anyone what I'm doing wrong in starting espeakup, please let me know.---I'm wondering if the easiest way forward, supposing I can get speakup working and the game seems to work best on it, as zkline is suggesting, would be to package up a portable emulator for Windows users with a light-weight Linux distro, speakup, and the game already installed.Has anyone tried this or is there a reason why it wouldn't work? It'd possibly allow easier access to games like Cataclysm too.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

JaceK,You're definitely going to want to review the screen with Speakup's review commands. I would suspect Orca will have similar column issues to NVDA, but I know that Speakup works well enough, flashing issues aside.The menu reading stuff is just because of the way the game does highlighting. What happens if you switch to highlight-tracking mode using the Speakup commands?I don't remember exactly which key to use, but it should let you toggle between a few different modes. If you use Speakup you'll also want to use the key to tell the current color of the item under the cursor. I noticed, for instance, that forests have a green background. That's the numpadperiod key, I don't remember what it is with a laptop keyboard.I'm still experimenting with this myself, but it's possible to play in the current version if you know what you're doing.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

@Darin/Zklein:I'm not using a braille display at all. Darin, can you set up an Ubuntu Mate 20 virtual machine to reproduce what I am getting maybe?If I run it in a terminal with the built in Orca screenreader that comes with Ubuntu Mate, from the desktop,It reads what I have selected then the entire screen again, f.ex.Asterisk, new game, asteriskExitNew gameAsterisk, exit, astriskIt does this for all the screens, f.ex if I'm on the world size, it selects things fine, then reads every single thingIf I use espeakup, it just reads exit if I scroll up and down the main menu, and if I scroll through new game options, it is silent, just saying an X if I pick things, then constantly repeats e, c, w over and over on the game screen. I am getting this in  a TTY with espeakup every single time, no matter if I use ncurses or and 'm on v0.20By contrast, Orca lets me navigate the new game screens but is limited to a smaller window wize. Fenrir  (another screenreader from github) has similar issues with Orca


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

A lot of us here mostly use computers, Braille readers cost thousands. I think some of us might have braille readers but it does not seem as common as you might think.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

zkline: The flashing could cause some issues, and I could add a mode in the game to disable it without too much difficulty on my end.However, the issue I'm seeing occurs with text that isn't flashing as well. For example, I'm experimenting with a feature that lets the player "tab" the text cursor through specific action items such as "v: Move unit" and all the other actions they could take. That text never flashes but yet NVDA is silent in some cases, despite the braille reader showing the correct text.As an aside, how common are braille readers? Are they something only a minority of people have?


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

JaceK,I have a theory why the game is speaking randomly to you like this,. Darin, please correct me if I'm wrong, but I suspect there's a lot of flashing going on. The game seems to flash your units, which causes Ncurses to redraw them, which causes Speakup or other screen readers to speak the letter representing them, as it thinks it's "New."I have seen this a lot in some other ASCII games, and it's quite annoying. Maybe there could be  a toggle to disable it?


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

@Darin:I'm using screenreaders on Linux in a TTY myself, and with espeakup, it constantly repeats random information until I kill espeakup, and Fenrir has the same issue as NVDA re: columns and things, FWIW


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Dragonlee and aaron:My guess is that the more people that let the NVDA developers know that this would be a highly useful feature, the more likely they (or anyone reading with both the skills and time) will prioritize it.Half-unrelated, but is it possible to have NVDA only speak what's in the braille viewer (i.e. what's at or near the text cursor)?Maybe there's a setting I missed? Because there are some situations I've seen with my game where it shows what I want in the braille viewer, but the audio is completely silent. Other times it speaks what's in the braille viewer as I'd expect so I don't know why it's acting inconsistently.I think this might be a separate issue or setting I'm not finding than the one talked about in this thread, but perhaps I've misunderstood the original issue being discussed haha.Also, on my test setup NVDA seems to crash a lot. Is this typical or something weird that I'm doing?


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Dragonlee and aaron:My guess is that the more people that let the NVDA developers know that this would be a highly useful feature, the more likely they (or anyone reading with both the skills and time) will prioritize it.Half-unrelated, but is it possible to have NVDA only speak what's in the braille viewer (i.e. what's at or near the text cursor)?Maybe there's a setting I missed? Because there are some situations I've seen with my game where it shows what I want in the braille viewer, but the audio is completely silent. Other times it speaks what's in the braille viewer as I'd expect so I don't know why it's acting inconsistently.Also, on my test setup NVDA seems to crash a lot. Is this typical or something weird that I'm doing?


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Dragonlee and aaron:My guess is that the more people that let the NVDA developers know that this would be a highly useful feature, the more likely they (or anyone reading with both the skills and time) will prioritize it.Half-unrelated, but is it possible to have NVDA only speak what's in the braille viewer (i.e. what's at or near the text cursor)?Maybe there's a setting I missed? Because there are some situations I've seen with my game where it shows what I want in the braille viewer, but the audio is completely silent. Other times it says what's in the braille viewer as I'd expect so I don't know why it's acting inconsistently.Also, on my test setup NVDA seems to crash a lot. Is this typical or something weird that I'm doing?


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

If there is a way that an ascii map could eventually become usable with NVDA and screen readers, I do agree it would open up so many potential games it's not even funny.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dragonlee via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

in regards to navigating console output by column instead of just line by line in NVDA, I have been thinking that would be a very useful feature for a long time. since without it even simple commands like "dir" on cmd.exe and "ls -l" in bash are impractical.I think it would be not too hard to implement as an NVDA addon, which would introduce new gestures for navigating the review cursor by column.not saying that Darin should be the one to develop this, but this kind of thing can be developed by a number of devs that frequent this site and is useful beyond just this game.also throwing it out there because I would develop it myself, but I just started my final uni year, so I don't have any time 


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : firefly82 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Maybe it would be good in general to have keyboard-shortcuts as many as possible to avoid to deal with the map at all.For example, we have autoexploring here allready.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

For ayone wishign to connect with the NVDA Devs and/or users, take a trip on over to the above link still works.)For documentation on the Speak Up Screen Reader, see


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Aaron: Thanks for your suggestion. I agree that'd it'd likely make the game easier in many ways. However I think it could also be overwhelming and not easy to interpret in another. For example, when you invade another city, most of the time you need to break through city walls to be able to get in. Knowing whether you or anyone else has already made a hole in the wall (which normally circles around the city in a large and irregular pattern) may be hard to discern I'd think. The other thing is that adding an additional mode to the game to describe all the map surroundings in text would take more work than I can commit to at this point. While the game is open source, I'm the only one working on it at this point so I can only do so much right now!zkline: That's great. Let me start with those changes. It will take me a while, but hopefully I can get much of it done and add it to the next release which will probably be anywhere between two to four months out. Certainly it may take longer and may have to come in a release even after, but I'll at least start the process.Any other feedback in the interim is welcomed too by you or others!(maybe someone can submit a request to the NVDA developers too--at least if they're aware of the issue they may get to it at some point)


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

aaron,Just as a point of clarification, all the words a numbers are ASCII.  I take your point about the maps and such being a little confusing, but I'm also sad that more blind people aren't aware of the potential in these kinds of games. THere's nothing else like them, and I think that a lot of the issue is the way the screen reader handles navigation, not the games themselves.Darin,Your ideas sound like a good way to begin. I just wish I were able to fix NVDA to behave more sensibly as regards ASCII maps, since I definitely know they're a thing in many other games aside from yours. I don't know enough about its internals to do that, however. I hate to feel like we're using cludges when they shouldn't be necessary.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Hi,I also use NVDA. I would honestly prefer a mode with no ascii at all. When I think of a text-based game, I think of text as words and numbers. Ascii just confuses me as a screen reader user. On iOS, the accessibility of A Dark Room got past this quite interestingly. It'd say something like, "outpost, 2 south, 1 west", if you then went south once it'd say "outpost 2 south, 1 west". Another way is to use coordinates, both for the player and objects around them.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Thanks zkline -- this is very helpful. I think I see what you mean with the NVDA issue you described.I don't think command-style interactions would be too feasible with my game, but maybe I could do the following with the text cursor to make it easier:-Have the game move the text cursor to the active menu item, if any.-If you don't have the menu open, the text cursor will be on the map (as it is now), but I could add a keyboard shortcut to have the game move the text cursor to either the right side of the screen (where things like your money and the game year are printed in text) or the bottom of the screen (where the map tile you're on is described in text, such as the land type or building or unit descriptions). Then I could add a keyboard shortcut to tab through the relevant lines of text on those parts of the screen.Aside from fixing the color issues, maybe that alone would be worthwhile to do?Are there any good ways to represent graphs such as gold vs time? It's not entirely necessary to see the plots but it can be useful.Another thing I'm wondering about is the best way to show the map. Each tile can be land or water. If it's land, it also has an arability value indicating how habitable it is. I could represent arability by showing it as number between 0 and 9 and have the water be something like the % symbol. But I am worried if this would be too overwhelming -- the most important thing is knowing if it's land or water. Perhaps it's easier to have a space be land and the % symbol be water so it stands out more? (The arability values, are always printed in text at the bottom so one could look that up if needed) I don't know if I'm describing this clearly or not...


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

To your other questions… It's possible to review the entire screen one line or word at a time, but less straight-forward to review specific sections on demand. JAWS is more powerful in that respect but also quite a bit more complicated, and expensive. Speakup and NVDA are free and open source.One thing which is easier with any Windows screen reader is command-line style interaction, such as with MUDS or the 1OOM Project. I don't know how suitable your game is to that kind of thing, but it might help minimize the frustrations that come from dealing with the different screen navigation issues.Incidentally, the reason that Dwarf Fortress, among other games, isn't very easy for me to play is that they refuse to put the text cursor in a sensible place, even in ncurses mode. It therefore becomes hard to figure out what's around me, where I can build, etc. I hope this helps clarify things at least a little for you. 


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Darin,Good to see you here. I'm BlindGuyNW on Reddit, in case you wondered. Anyway, I'm happy to answer some of these questions.A Braille display isn't essential for playing this, or any other rogue-like/text-based game, it just makes the process easier. A bit of background wouldn't go amiss here, I hope this helps answer your questions as well.When I use a Windows console window to play a rogue like game, the thing which makes it useable at all is that the terminal cursor always focuses on the location of the player character/@ sign. In turn, the screen reader review cursor, which is an entirely separate thing, starts there. It's therefore mostly straight-forward to move the review cursor around and get a sense of what's nearby because I always have a solid reference point.This holds true for the console (Speakup) screen reader on LINux, and Jaws for Windows. NVDA has a slight issue which I will explain if I can. It's an internal problem and I've never really found a satisfactory solution.NVDA's review cursor behaves badly in Windows console windows because it doesn't understand columns. That is, if you had the following map display…|.@..|||NVDA's review cursor would let you start at the @ sign but if you moved downwards, you'd end up looking at the vertical bar on the far left, not the period immediately below.Jaws and Speakup don't have this problem.I apologize if this takes us a bit far from the point, but it's been a continuous source of frustration for me for years, and hard to explain.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

My questions are in this post. Let me describe some assumptions I'm making from attempting to look into this a little on my own. I knew nearly nothing about non-visual accessibility until a few days ago and I still know very little. Please correct me if any are wrong (apparently on the internet, one of the fastest ways to learn is to post incorrect statements and have other people correct you hahaha):-Many or all of you are using a braille display. It is shows one line at a time and the text cursor is presented to you as dots that oscillate up and down.-You have a scroll wheel on the braille display. This lets you select the line above or below the line it's currently displaying? How do you scroll side to side? Is this exclusively how you select what it displays or are there different modes as to how it decides what to present on the braille display? Which mode would you use for my game?-I read elsewhere that there is significance to where console games place the text mode cursor, particularly with menu selections. Is this correct? I suppose this is related to the point above about how the braille display decides what text to present.-You use the keyboard exclusively (or almost exclusively) and do not use the mouse.Here are more questions I have:-Is it easy for you to set the braille reader to "jump" to a specific part of the screen? For example, some bits of information in the game is always presented at the same place (like at the far right of the screen or the (roughly) center of the bottom for what type of land your text cursor is on) and if you have the ability to quickly jump to it somehow, that'd make playing a whole lot easier.-JaceK: if you don't mind sharing, what Linux screen reading software are you using to access the game (and are there any particular settings you needed when you played the game)? Maybe I can try to replicate the setup you've had most success with and go from there in figuring out what's wrong with the tech tree for you and other issues you might have, if you're interested, that is. (Also it sounds like you've played Civilization -- can I ask how? I would've guessed that game would be completely inaccessible!)-Is NVDA the preferred Windows screen reader? Should I attempt to get the game working with that one on Windows or focus on something else?-Do you know of any gameplay videos of people playing games like this? (Maybe one like Stone Soup which someone already mentioned to me as being accessible on Windows).Also, if anyone has any specific suggestions about what could make the game more accessible, I'm all ears.I should note: for a text based game, the Arcane Fortune currently uses a ton of color to represent information -- but a lot of that I can fix in the future and a substantial amount of it is already written in text somewhere on the screen (mostly near the bottom portion).Best,Darin(By the way, I downloaded NVDA and briefly attempted to use it -- I was so lost even trying to use the Windows console even before I started my game haha. Hats off to you all. I don't know how you manage to browse, much less play games, but it's massively impressive!)


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Darin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Hi,I'm the developer of Arcane Fortune and am interested in learning more about what would make this game accessible. I have (many) questions that maybe you all would be willing to help me with. I think having a better understanding of all this will help me improve the game's accessbility and also avoid introducing new features in the future that may not be accessible.Firstly, though, to attempt to clarify some of what's been said in this thread, I want to say:The game already supports the Windows console--see the directions below. Further, I haven't released a 32 bit version of this game. I have only supplied 64 bit binaries on all platforms (so I'm not sure why people are saying that only a 32 bit version is provided haha).Here's how you can launch in the Windows console (that is, from cmd.exe) -- zkline already posted this earlier, but I'm reposting it with a few more steps to hopefully make it more clear:1. Open cmd.exe2. Right click the top of the window and choose "Properties".3. I set the font size to 7x12 in the Font tab, then I set the window size and height in the "Layout" tab to 181 for the width and 76 for the height. The exact amount doesn't matter too much, but much less than those amounts can cause the game to crash. You can't change these preferences once the game is launched.4. "cd" into the directory where you downloaded and unzipped the game.5. "cd" into the "game" subdirectory.6. Run "arcane_fortune_windows_pdcurses.exe"7. Select start a new game8. Configure the game to show only 8 colors--via the keyboard you can press the following letters in sequence "m", "p", "u". That sequence will open the menu which is on the top of the screen, then it opens the "Preferences" menu and then it selects the "Use only 8 colors" option.I'll post my own questions in a post following this one, because they've grown to be a lot, hopefully not overwhelmingly so.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : milos via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

i use windows 10 64 bit, but for me when i started the game it is so confused. Is it possible to developer make some changes in purpose to be more accessible


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

@ZKlein:How would I do that with espeakup?


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Hi,I do hope there will be a regular/console windows version. I am on windows 7, 64 bit.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Hi,I do hope there will be a regular windows version. I am on windows 7, 64 bit.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

It's definitely possible to play this with WSL, I've just not bothered to do it yet. JaceK, I always had the most success with a regular framebuffer in text mode with Speakup. I never liked how the GUI handled terminals, at least with screen readers.


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

So, going a bit OT herebut which LinuX TTY is best for this, screenreader wise?


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-10-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

IS it possible to play this with linux subsystem perhaps?


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-09-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Having got into this more, I like it. It's very much Civ like. I just turn on auto zoning and planning, and do the big stuff, admittedly that's my strategy in Civ games too. I'm a bit lost with the tech tree however though...


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : TheSecretLurker via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

queenslight wrote:This game works best if using Windows 32-Bit, not 64-bit.Sadly, mine's 64-bit.If you attempt playing, use the arcane_fortune_windows_pdcurses.batfile, not the first one. NVDA will "kind of work?" if using ObjPad and set to "screen review" mode, but it's trial and error there.Yep? Definitely get a linux VM/bare metal machine as an addition to your Windows way of lifestyle.Seems like this is the wisest decision, might as well go a wee bit off-topic and ask @zkline and @SLJ regarding vmware workstation/fusion , others may be interested in the fact that I've heard very good things about it and it's accessibility both on Windows and Mac despite it being a virtual machine - I believe that this is the most accessible Linux virtual machine and works very well with Linux screen readers such as SpeakUp and Orca, is that correct?


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Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

2020-09-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : zkline via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Arcane Fortune - Windows/Linux/Mac console-played grand strategy game

Hey,I haven't yet had a chance to check these directions myself, but the original author of the game offered some ideas.So, I looked a bit further into getting Arcane Fortune playable under cmd.exe and I think this could work for you (at least it did on Windows 7 for me):I opened cmd.exeRight clicked the top of the window and chose "Properties".I set the font size to 8x12 in the Font tab, then I set the window size and height in the "Layout" tab to 150 for the width and 76 for the height. The exact amount doesn't matter too much, but much less than those amounts can cause the game to crash. You can't change these preferences once the game is launched.I "cd" into the directory where I have the game and then further "cd" into the "game" sub directory.Then I run "arcane_fortune_windows_pdcurses.exe"Then I select start a new game.I then went to the menu, selected "Preferences" and then selected "Use only 8 colors". Via the keyboard you can simply press the following letters in sequence "m", "p", "u".Are you able to access color information with your screen reader? The keys you can press in the game are indicated by coloring individual letters blue and you'd have to memorize a lot if you're planning to play only with the keyboard. Maybe there's a better way I can do that if it's an issue?Another setting you might find useful is to set the underlay mode to "Water & mountains only". Via the keyboard you can simply press the sequence "m", "v", "o". Although I'm not sure if it'll matter or not for increasing accessibility.


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