Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hammer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

Actually that is a concern of mine when I actually start looking for jobs that people will judge me by my disability and not by my ability (I hope to be a programmer or in comerse or a combination. I might even have to go it alone with out an employer all though I wish to be an employee because I am not super creative.Their is supposedly laws to prevent this, but who knows if they will work.But this place is the only one where I have a shot at the capitalist dream (I don't like doing research so trying to become a prof is out of the question).


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : angarag via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

I'm wondering what can a city with 1.4 million people offer that  a city with less than a million people cannot. Bigger area to cover? Perhaps you like to go one end to the other one to feel alive or something? As to talk about discrimination, if there's any such place, please let us know. I'm sure whole seven billion of us want to move there. lol. And I agree with Braille's post, You want to be a cop? How are you going to manage that without an ability to see what's in front of you much less a criminal. And becoming best friends forever nowadays depends on where you live? And completely honest politicians or peeps who  look the other way when they are being offered much more than they could get in their entire lifetime? lol, I guess I'm little exaggerating. But, seriously No corruption and no discrimination and nice people and  dream land where you do whatever you want and get whatever you want. I'm sure you'll find it some d
 ay, and if you do, please let us  know. We really really really would love to move there.  


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

This is why organisations for and of the blind run public education campaigns to educate the world that blind people are not another kind of species--we do the same things that the rest of the world does, just in a different way. We also need to educate ourselves, which is why I love it when people ask me questions about my disability, because they learn and they realise that the stereotypes they hold of us are very untrue. They question the myths that they have been told. It is only if we answer questions and show the world through both what we have to say and our actions that we have something to offer the world that extends beyond our blindness--that we can be employed, we can participate in a wide range of leisure activities, and we can live and thrive just as they do. As someone once told me, "People are naturally curious. And they love to learn." So I try to be approachable and friendly with people, and try to engage them when they ask me questions. And while I am 
 very used to answering standard questions about such things as braille or travelling around without vision, my favourite question to be asked is "If you could get vision, would you?" The reasons that I really enjoy answering this question are that my answer surprises most people, and I know how stressful it must be for the person asking the question because they do not know how the other person will respond, so when they disregard their nerves and ask the question, I can tell that they are genuinely interested in what I have to say, and are starting to realise that I am an individual and not the stereotype of a blind person--a true sign of success.


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

This is why organisations for and of the blind run public education campaigns to educate the world that blind people are not another kind of species--we do the same things that the rest of the world does, just in a different way. We also need to educate ourselves, which is why I love it when people ask me questions about my disability, because they learn and they realise that the stereotypes they hold of us are very untrue. They question the myths that they have been told. As someone once told me,


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

Well I agree with hammer that unfortunately it seems human tribalism is inherent, indeed I tend to think myself that the "fall" in the biblical sense probably had nothing to do with snakes or apples, and a lot to do with the day that one cave man said "this cave ours get out!" . That being said I do fully well agrew tih Tjt that if people didn't teach  there would be considerably less oof it, the amount of times I've walked past a child and their parent and the child asks innocently something like "why is he carrying that stick?" or "Why is that man walking with that dog?" And the parent replies in clearly a "don't go near" voice "sh! he's blind!" As though it were  something dirty that should be hidden and not talked about. Actually I remember one occasion 
 on a train  a nine year old girl saw me reading a braille book and asked her mum "why is he touching that book" and me feeling unusually extravert when she said "s! he's blind!" I decided I wouldn't have it and talked to the little girl, explaining what braille was, showing her some of the symbols etc. Ironically, the child was quite accepting  and just interested, but the mother was very uncomfortable and ended the conversation as soon as possible. To what extent this was fear of blind people, and to what society's general paranoia about men I do not know, (I did tell the mother I was a post graduate student since for some reason students are held as a little less potentially harmful than most men), but she still was clearly far less accepting than her daughter, which is pretty depressing. Then again I don't think this is something u8nique to England, it's just people generally being scummy!


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

Discrimination is learned. If that boy did not know what a monster was, he would have believed you to be normal, though just with rather unusual-looking eyes.


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hammer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

The problem is, what if you go to America or England, and things aren't as good as you thought they were?I personally find the west nice, and where I at least have a chance at actually getting a job that I like unlike my homeland. Don't over hype your expectations because they might fall short and that could effect you in negative ways.I came here at a young age so learning good English was a breeze (all though you probably can't tell from my spelling or grammer).Many people I bet are posting from experience. Discrimination is less (especially in certain areas yet it can always be found).This is because we are humans, humans by their nature are discriminant.They form tribes or cleaks by default.I once got asked by a boy if I was a monster (I think it was because of my eyes).He did not ask that ever again thankfully. I do not remember my response, but that experience has lead me to believe that people are naturally distrustfu
 l of what they do not experience or know. That being said, I am very greatful for my new old home.


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

I grew up in a village of 2000 people. I now live in a city, of 8 people. the fact is, if you want it, you can have it. should say it all, really.


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

Jonikster wrote:What I do not like about America yet is that women mostly marry at 30.In England, women over-empower themselves. Painted, etc. How can women "over empower" themselves? and what the heck does that have to do with painting? Actually from what I gathered in the bits of America that I saw most women (including Mrs. Dark), got married when they dam well pleased and so they should .it wouldn't surprise me given that there are far  right wing crazy religious conservatives in the states than in Britain if there still were some places over there where women were expected to be married at a certain age, certainly I do think that gender differences are a little more exaggerated in the states (one reason why Mrs. Dark is also a bit of a misfit).As to maki
 ng friends, I will say when I was in the states I did notice people were on average more extravert and more likely to start conversations and chat than in Britain, as I said, in the states lots of things are exaggerated and "niceness" or "politeness" is no exception. Then again people seemed rather more limited in conversational scope as well and I am fairly  sure if I lived in the states for a long period outside the circle of my lady's friends finding people who were  interested in discussing more than the goodness of god, the capitalist system or the doings of their immediate family might be somewhat difficult, not to say such people aren't around, only that finding them  I suspect would be rather harder in the states than in the uk. Then again I pretty much said all this here in this topic the last time this question came up So there probably isn
 9;t much point in repeating myself.


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

braille0109, I have no friends in Ukraine. There is no one except parents. Parents can then move to me. But in the beginning I will go myself.About cities where there are many people, in Ukraine I live in a city with a population of 1.4 million people. I can not live in a smaller city.


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Green Gables Fan via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

Do you want to live in America? Well then, ask George Carlin about how he spent life in America by going to


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

I feel like this subject has been raised before, and as in the last time this was posted, I will say again. Neither America or England meet 100% of your criteria. There is discrimination in every country in the world today... a country without discrimination is impossible at this stage. Even in Canada, one of the most diverse countries in the world, discrimination is still there. It may not be open and obvious, but it's there.


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : braille0109 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

hi.first, before I get anywhere, I'm in britain, at the time of writing.second, while it may not be important for some, you say that america is a country. it actually is not. it is made up of states, just like Europe is made up of countries. so instead of america, you should start by asking about states, or even just read up on them. now, here are some answers, to some entertaining questions.1. Is it true that white Americans are bad for black Americans? if we were in the second world war, quite possibly, yes. otherwise, it depends on individual. I personally don't agree with it. 2. Is it true that when I commit even a minor violation, I will definitely pay a fine? The police will not help, will not tell me what I'm doing wrong? For example, in Russia, if you came to Russia you need to register with the migration service. If you do not do this, and the police will find out about it, they can not punish, but explain, if you did not know. How a
 bout this in America and England? depends on what you did. if you killed someone on the streets last night, don't expect the cops to give you a hug, sit down with a can of beer, and explain what you've done wrong. shop lifting, that may get away with a fine, or stealing, jail, depends. but hell, pretty much all countries that are in the EU, have similar regulations, nowadays, as a part of the EU contract.3.   Is it true that people in America and England do not like communication? They are ready to help, but they are not ready to make friends or communicate. Is it true that in America and England there are very few people who could become true friends for life? good thing you've asked both in 1 question, as the answers are similar. short answer, depends on individuals. if you find someone, and become friends, it's then a matter of willing. are you willing to keep in touch with them?  Is it true that people can throw old friends and easi
 ly find new ones? that's  not up to countries, but rather, people, and our worlld. I believe people do get rid of friends more likely than 10 years ago, because they can find another. but again, that doesn't depend on countries, at all. Will I be able to live in America or England, if for me it is very important to have friends and I am badly worried about betrayal? speaking of friends, though, are you willing to ditch your Ukrainean friends? or willing to stay in touch with them? you just told us that you  don't feel like being in Ukraine, but want long lasting friends. having said that, you want to move. how does that work? 4. If I want to work as a lawyer, a politician. Will I be able to do this in America and England? if you have the qualifications, yes. if you dropped out of highschool, for whatever reason, unfortunately, no. today's world wants qualifications, not abilities. if \I went back to my own country, which is in eastern Europe, and 
 I wanted to work somewhere, where english was needed, while I live in Britain for years, I have no qualifications of english at all. that's the best example I can give. Criteria:1. The country has cities with a population of 1.4 million people; why would you want that many people? I'm failing to understand. 2. There is no discrimination against disabled people; that's up to individuals, not up to a country, as a whole. 3. There is no corruption;4. Good and honest police work; the police will be honest as you are to them. 5. A blind man has the opportunity to work in those professions where the blind will be very difficult. A policeman, a detective, a politician, etc read up about polititions, and ask yourself, if you really want to be one. as for a police, how the (excuse language) fuck do you expect to chase a chryminal down the street? some jobs, like drivers, police, certain parts of the police, anyway, are just simply not practi
 cle. .6. Simply get the citizenship of the country; good luck getting citizenship, without living in the country for at least, 3 to 5 years. and I'm still not a British Citizen, BTW. 7. People are kind and always ready to help.  that's up to the individual, once again. there are much more important things to consider, but since you haven't asked, I won't go into detail. good luck with your choices.


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

When in Russia and in many other countries I was denied my favorite profession, there is no in America. Friends who were in the US were shocked by their attitude toward people with disabilities.


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

"2. There is no discrimination in America. I know that for sure!" Lol. The funniest thing I've read today. The intire post is amusing, but this line is just golden. 


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

Let me add a few things.What I do not like about America yet is that women mostly marry at 30.In England, women over-empower themselves. Painted, etc.I want to understand the main thing. Is it possible in either America or England to find real friends, or is it unrealistic.


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

1. There are many countries with cities where the population is more than 1.4 million people.2. There is no discrimination in America. I know that for sure!3. In America there is no corruption of such a plan that you can openly give a bribe, etc.4. In America, some good police work. In England, I do not know.5. In America they told me that I can work for what I want now.6. In America, just get citizenship.The problem is that in America, not everything is good with people. I can not live alone!


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

Jonikster wrote:Criteria:1. The country has cities with a population of 1.4 million people;2. There is no discrimination against disabled people;3. There is no corruption;4. Good and honest police work;5. A blind man has the opportunity to work in those professions where the blind will be very difficult. A policeman, a detective, a politician, etc.6. Simply get the citizenship of the country; Could someone please tell me! where this country is, since I really want to live there  myself . Unfortunately I suspect the above described country might bee people's republic of Eden, The United kingdom of Camelot, the united states of Avalon, the confederacy of Atlantis or the great and wonderful land of oz.That is to say, somewhere that only exist
 s in fiction, indeed my cynical bone is suggesting that any of these lovely countries I mention probably has a population about as large as Robinson Cruso's island. I.E about one, maybe two at the most since any larger and your bound to start running into trouble given the generally scummy nature of homo sapiens, (and for most people much of the time I rather doubt the sapiens).You will find bad stuff anywhere and everywhere, and I'm afraid Jeffb is right, the answer will not change no matter how many times you ask this question. Indeed I'll just give you the same answer I gave previously, rather than sitting around trying to decide about a country based on some likely mythical or  stereotyped ideas about what it's like to be there, get a job somewhere, make some friends, form some connections and only when you have built yourself a life in some other country should you start thinking seriously about moving there and getting citizenship etc.


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

Ukraine aspires to the European Union. But I hope that this will never enter there!Well, I know that there are good police and people in America and England. People do not like to be friends, do not like communication, but people are kinder!


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : shrike via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

I am actually going to put my neck on the line here and say,  theres not a single country in the world that don't have any of the above list of issues.I understand you want a better life but leaving your native country may not be the answer.   Leaving the European union will probably make it more difficult to enter the UK, please refer to us as the united kingdom, we are more than just England, smile.As for America, I would not want to live there while that clown Trump is in power, although your Russian ties might help. wink.


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

I don't quite agree. Do you remember last year's Presidential election? It was not a clear victory during the early hours of the election as it would be if the people were of one mentality, but it took many hours for Donald Trump to emerge as the victor.Also in Britain, although the country voted to leave the European Union, it was not a 100% yes--0% no vote, or even close to that.This is why we have democracy and freedom of _expression_ (being allowed to write and say whatever one likes) in so many countries now--giving people the right to voice their opinion so the country and its people are not of a single mind.


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

TJT1234, these friends from America do not want me to move. I do not communicate with them. I just asked them about America.I was in America, for this reason I have some opinion.America is a big country where different people live. But the mentality is basically 1.


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

Discrimination is a touchy subject, and I'm not sure everyone has the same definition in mind when discussing it. Regardless, America is vast and contains multitudes, so discrimination in San Jose, California will differ from discrimination in Kissimmee, Florida, which is different from Golden Hills, Minisota. If you ask 3 Americans about these things, you'll get at least 4 different answers.I mean, Baltimore was the site of riots in response to police discrimination a couple years ago. It's also where the National Federation of the Blind has their National headquarters. Little Rock, Arkansas was home to the Arkansas School for the Blind and the World Services for the Blind (formerly Lion's World) vocational program (until the federal hiring freeze broke the latter). And Texas is bigger than many European countries and has an economy comparable to Germany by itself. It'd be easier to throw darts at a map and discuss the major cities nearest to where
  it strikes. 


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : TJT1234 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

Jonixter, I can't speak for corruption, but there is definitely discrimination of all kinds in America. I wonder if your friends from America are telling you that there is no discrimination because they want you to move there. Please read the following articles so you can see that no country is free from discrimination.Racial discrimination: … stem-63576Sex discrimination: … imination/Disability discrimination: … index.html


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jonikster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

Ironcross32, I have never seen discrimination and corruption in America. My friends from America also never saw corruption and discrimination.About America, I know that in America people put work above all else. I want people to follow this:I work to live, not live to work.Unfortunately, the Americans have it. But I do not know if all of them.


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

Back to this again? You posed this question 2 other times in different topics. I doubt you will find anything different in a third.


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

Well, these things you say are everywhere, no matter which country you would choose to live in, you will find racism, corruption, discrimination. Also, America is a big fucking place, I think Texas has more land area than England. So, while these things are everywhere, you need to strive to rise above it. Also, yes there are bad cops, but I think the good outnumber the bad.I don't know how to help you other than to suggest that you do lots of research and try to make an educated decision.


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

New York has a reputation for being unsociable. The Southern US has a reputation for people being very nice to strangers. I can't really comment on the rest, since these vary greatly from town to town and often times are unclear because some of these subjects are strongly politicized. Nowhere has everything exactly as requested, so it helps if you can order your criteria by priority. For example, bigger cities in Texas have both larger populations and more sociability than New York, but it sounds frustrating to get around there while blind. America has several different climates, with Deserts in the Southwest, hot-and-humid summers (and sometimes springs) in the Southeast, harsh winters in the Northeast, and no one ever talks about the weather anywhere else other than to say that San Francisco is foggy, Kansas has an exaggerated reputation for tornados, and Chicago is kinda windy. There will be trade-offs whereever you go, so it's important to know which criteria would b
 e most important, if you could only pick one or two.


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Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

2017-07-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : afrim via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Choice of country for life. America, England or other

One thing I assure, in absolutely all of the countries that this world consists of, there will not be one where you will find the paradise. Most of what you mention in your questions is simply a pile of stereotypes. Anyway, long story short, England would be the choice if I were you.


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