Re: Junction gate

2017-11-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : MikeFont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Thanks to you both for this, I'm sure this will be of a great assistance once I get some time to play after work.I'm looking forward to it very much.


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Re: Junction gate

2017-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

@Virtuosi Media, obviously if the Beta could be accessible that would rock, though I know that is more difficult with graphical games as opposed to text based ones. if the beta is not going to be accessible, I do wonder if perhaps the textual version of the Alpha could receive at least some final end conditions or hard to complete achievements similar so that it is a complete game people could play from start to finish. I'm afraid Steam is probably the worst plaform choice access wise owing to Valve being scuzbags regarding accessibility and forcing people to use their stupid software to access games, that is why something like might be a better bet since it's a standard website so no access issues, but obviously as you said these questions are a ways off.@Mike, if you look on the db page, I attempted to provide something of a layout guide for Junction gate because the page elements it uses aren't necessarily what people are used to. "tab" in this case just means an informational panel you can  switch to have the page display a different area of the game. For example if you want to read the log, you just hit the item marked "log" and scroll down, while if you wanted the top display to show your workers rather than your resources you just hit "workers" hth.


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Re: Junction gate

2017-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Virtuosi Media via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

@MikeFontThe sound and music can each be toggled separately on the loading page or in the game itself, but unfortunately there is no volume control in the alpha. (Volume control is added in the beta). I'm not sure if there is a way to selectively adjust volume in Windows.To the best of my knowledge, all tabs should function as normal tabs. The tab panels in the information panel section will display various stats and allow you to assign workers. The main navigation tabs will change the main content area. Here is a full list of in-game hotkeys that might make interaction easier:Main Menu HotkeysAlt + Shift + c - Open the command tab in the main menuAlt + Shift + d - Open the diplomacy tab in the main menuAlt + Shift + e - Open the economy tab in the main menuAlt + Shift + l - Open the log tab in the main menuAlt + Shift + r - Open the resources tab in the main menuAlt + Shift + s - Open the station tab in the main menuAlt + Shift + x - Open the exploration tab in the main menuAlt + Shift + y - Open the science tab in the main menuInformation Panel HotkeysAlt + Shift + 1 - Open the resource panelAlt + Shift + 2 - Open the production rates panelAlt + Shift + 3 - Open the workers panelSettings HotkeysAlt + Shift + m - Toggle MusicAlt + Shift + p - Toggle Play/PauseAlt + Shift + u - Toggle Sound EffectsAlt + Shift + z - Cycle Game SpeedScreen Reader HotkeysAlt + Shift + a - Get current air stats.Alt + Shift + f - Get current food stats.Alt + Shift + g - Get current credit stats.Alt + Shift + h - Get current helium stats.Alt + Shift + j - Get current energy stats.Alt + Shift + n - Get current population stats.Alt + Shift + o - Get current ore stats.Hope this helps.


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Re: Junction gate

2017-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : MikeFont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Hi all, I've yet to actually play much of this as the music or background  music is far too loud for me to hear what's happening with my screen reader. Don't get me wrong I dig the music and its affect, but its just too loud.My SR of choice is Jaws 18, and I'm still using at the moment IE 11. I was just going to ask if there was a quick way to turn down the volume on the background music and sounds? but maybe I can do that with the volume mixer as part of windows.Also, the tabs, as they are, throw me off a little bit as I'm not quite sure how to interact with them. As its not a tipicle web page element I'm used to dealing with. When I click on a tab, does it act like a combo box? Or what behavior should I be expecting?Thanks for the help and feedback.Also big thanks for building accessibility into this title, and for thinking about it and us in future projects from the ground level. That's awesome!


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Re: Junction gate

2017-11-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Virtuosi Media via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Just checked back in on the thread and realized I wasn't subscribed. I should hopefully get new message notifications now. Regarding eventual distribution, I'll need to evaluate options again once I get closer to that point, which will be quite a while yet. Steam is a must because it has the biggest market and also has mod support and some other features that I'd like to integrate. After that, I'll need to look what makes sense. Each new marketplace may mean another version of the game to maintain. Because it's just me, I'll need to be smart how I go about it. @dan_c Those alerts for energy are frequent because you won't be able to build new buildings without adding more energy facilities.@dark Thanks for adding the DB entry!@aaron I want to make the beta accessible, but it's too early in development to make that promise just yet. The game is moving from a text-based game to more of a 3D one. I'm not 100% sure what the gameplay is going to be right now because I'm working through some technical prototypes. Depending on what I'm able to accomplish, I have some ideas about how I could make things accessible, but I'm don't know how that will translate or how hard it will be to implement. So, no promises at this point. However, making the alpha accessible has been a good experience and it has made me realize that I need to be thinking about accessibility from the beginning if it's going to be in there. It's on my radar, both for this project and future projects as well.


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Re: Junction gate

2017-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Not sure at the second, though at least if the beta version can go through rather than Steam that should solve one problem.


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Re: Junction gate

2017-11-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Hi,DOes anyone know if the beta/steam version will have accessibility?


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Re: Junction gate

2017-10-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Junction gate has a Db entry found here which also includes a short guide on page layout which should help people get into the game as well as highlight the really  job that has been done with accessibility.


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Re: Junction gate

2017-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Yep, it seems a bit odd you get constant alerts about energy the way you do food and air rather than just when you try to build something, unless having  lack of energy will have a bad effect if it goes on too long.


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Re: Junction gate

2017-10-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

I wonder how soon I'll accidentally destroy myself? Only issue I'm having at the moment are the constant energy alerts interupting speech.  luckily they go away after a while so I can move about and fix things. 


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Re: Junction gate

2017-10-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

I cannot wait to play this.Have always wanted to play a 4x game.  I remember for instance when star traders 4x came out and it was unplayable, this looks exactly like the thing I;ve wanted to be able to play for years.


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Re: Junction gate

2017-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Shame about Ie, hopefully ms will get around to updating it in the future, still as I said that not really an accessibility thing, it's more that I've been using ie for 18 years have favourites etc configured to work with it and find firefox a bit of a hog.As regards platforms, might be a possibility since if I remember rightly you can just download stuff from  the website without any complex custom clients  or stupidities with login the  way Steam or other services have.Gog I'm less sure about since last I checked their service for buying games was a bit of  pest though I'm not sure. Generally if distribution works by standard  webpage it should be okay, the major problem with Steam is their stupid client  and Valve's utter disregard of anything to do with accessibility (really they simply ignore anyone who wants to discuss it, though that's about standard for large games companies).


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Re: Junction gate

2017-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Shame about Ie, hopefully ms will get around to updating it in the future, still as I said that not really an accessibility thing, it's more that I've been using ie for 20 years have favourites etc configured to work with it and find firefox a bit of a hog.As regards platforms, might be a possibility since if I remember rightly you can just download stuff from  the website without any complex custom clients  or stupidities with login the  way Steam or other services have.Gog I'm less sure about since last I checked their service for buying games was a bit of  pest though I'm not sure. Generally if distribution works by standard  webpage it should be okay, the major problem with Steam is their stupid client  and Valve's utter disregard of anything to do with accessibility (really they simply ignore anyone who wants to discuss it, though that's about standard for large games companies).


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Re: Junction gate

2017-10-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Virtuosi Media via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Hey, glad that fixed it for you! I look forward to hearing your additional feedback.Unfortunately, Internet Explorer is getting on in age, with IE 11 being over four years old now. There are a ton of features that I wouldn't be able to implement, so, unfortunately, supporting it for the beta version of Junction Gate isn't really an option.As far as distribution, other options might include GOG Galaxy and How are those platforms in terms of accessibility?


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Re: Junction gate

2017-10-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Hi. Thanks for the fix, things are working fine now, though I'm a wee bit disappointed about lack of ie support in the future, still more my personal preference though and nothing to do with access specifically.As to Steam, unfortunately Valve have zero interest in accessibility, meaning that Steam is a nightmare to use requiring lots of guess work, ocr and other such unreasonable mucking about. To be honest you'd probably be better  having a steam independent version of the game for people who don't want to use it, perhaps still running on the browser.As regards the game, love the new hotkeys and messages, that will make life a lot easier. Since I lost my game save file when I cleared my browser history I'll need to get back to economy and science, but I should do that today, at which point I'll let you know about   fixes for the research and other windows go.


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Re: Junction gate

2017-10-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Virtuosi Media via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Ok, I think I found the bugs in Internet Explorer. Try clearing your cache and let me know if that works for you. Just as a heads up, I won't be able to support Internet Explorer for the beta. It'll need to be Chrome or Firefox. Edge might potentially work too, but I'm not sure yet at this point.@everyone For those of you who don't care for Steam, is there a similar service that is more accessible? Are you able to start games with Steam at all?


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Re: Junction gate

2017-10-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : firefly82 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Steam is pretty much painful for us to use. But i will see if i can overdome my dislikes about browsergames!:-)


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Re: Junction gate

2017-10-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Virtuosi Media via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Hey Dark, thanks for the additional feedback. I just pushed another update live which should address a lot of your concerns. (Just refresh and clear your browser cache to make sure you get them). I'll list the changes below, but first I'll answer your questions.The best stocks to buy are those with a good CEO rating. Those stocks will generally do better. You can buy low and sell high as one strategy, but I find it's easier just to buy and then collect dividend payments. The stock market in the alpha version of the game is highly exploitable, so you won't often loose money. I'm hoping to make improvements there in the beta.For research, it is one lump-sum of funding. All active research projects (those with researchers assigned to them) will draw money from the same pool of money. Each research project will list the amount of funding it needs to be completed or move to the next level. How you manage your workers is a reflection of your resear
 ch priorities. More researchers will deplete funds more quickly, but will also complete the project to which they are assigned more quickly as well.Now on to the updates:I added shortcut keys for each of the main menu items as well as each of the information panels at the top. There are also new hotkeys for toggling music, sound, play/pause, and cycling through game speed. And, I'm hoping you'll like this part, I added hotkeys to get current information on each of the resource types: air, food, credits, helium, energy, population, and ore. This way you won't have to cycle through them in the tabs if you just want to get one of them. A list of all of the hotkey combinations can be found in the Log tab under the Game Settings link.Additionally, I improved the research cost labels. And I also added a half speed setting for game speed to allow you more time to react. Also, when you toggle game states, it should now inform you. New log entries should a
 lso ping you, but sometimes it might be easy to miss if there are a ton of updates all in a row and your speed is set higher as they can string together pretty quickly.


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Re: Junction gate

2017-10-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Hi. Thanks for the info on the game. I've been playing a while longer  now and have unlocked science and economics. One thing I do notice access wise is that where as the screens for  resource facilities and workers are very good for landmarks such as buttons and headings, the ones for assigning funding research or investing in stocks are a little more confusing, then again I'm not sure how this works exactly, eg, it seems you can only assign one lot of cash to funding, but each project has a listed cost? Or do you basically just have to pay the entire cost of the project, then assign workers the projects will eventually complete?Then again, I do confess I'm not sure how these aspects of the game work, and thus far my main problem is lack of credits, since I'm not exactly certain what I should do in terms of stocks and coorporations and still am only getting a basic income per credits a second, indeed I'm not exact
 ly sure what the economics buildings such as the stock share prices and trading exchange are for. I know the principle is to buy stocks in corporations and then sell when they're doing well, but I'm not sure what to buy or indeed whether I'm investing, and the screen is something of a wall of numbers there.I would like to sell some of my excess resources, since I tend to have a lott, though I suppose I need to get to the point of actually constructing ships for that. On another access front, I notice that I can use the I key, move to list item in nvda to go through all of the various tabs, as well as change the top display, however for some other odd reason I also skips between the numbers  for resources and rates and the speed buttons, making it not much faster than arrowing down. Usually with a screen reader to get to information quickly you will use page formatting such as headings, tabula elements etc (headings especially), eg, to find yo
 ur last post in this topic I simply hit shift h to go back to Virtuosi Media and then  down arrow a few times to read.This means that while it's generally very easy to quickly get to the info in the main tab, eg, the list of buildings by hitting h  heading or b for button, it's not so easy to find the amount of resources or ratings without going to the top and either having to hammer the I key or down arrow. Since it's important to keep tabs on both  amounts of resources and rates of production at all times, this is info you need a lot, and need to check sometimes in a hurry, so I was wondering if perhaps a heading could be added to the top of those displays so that they're easy to get back to instantly. I admit this is more in the matter of a comfort than a necessity, still anything that speeds up page navigation can help. :Lastly, You could also consider adding a ping for new log entries,  as I've missed a couple goi
 ng on.I'm really enjoying the game, it's great to finally get a single player 4x style game, since thus far pretty much all accessible versions have  pvp heavy online hacks of who can minimax the best, so a game like Junction gate is extremely welcome.


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Re: Junction gate

2017-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Virtuosi Media via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Hey Dark, thanks for trying the game out and for the feedback. I think I'll be able to implement those suggestions, so stay tuned.Regarding the game types, they represent how far advanced you start in the game. The breakdown is as follows:Survival = The normal game start.Economy = Start just after the economy has been unlocked.Exploration = Start when you are ready to build your first scout ship (you'll still need to set up a blueprint).


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Re: Junction gate

2017-10-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Hi Bejamin. i'm just trying the game now, love the atmosphere and the writing, and I can't wait to get into the gameplay, especially with procedural generation. I do have one access suggestion, which  is either a textual or audio way to know when you've toggled something, i.e.  the game is paused or unpaused, since in my first two games I managed to get everyone while exploring the menu and reading the help .It might also be nice if there was a way to know whichtabs were or were not disabled. One reason I got everyone killed is that I was trying to access the page and thinking "hay why isn't clicking on things working?" and I only later realized that things like the command tab were  disabled until you build the correct facilities.I also have a question. In the game settings I see you can set the ty
 pe of game you have, exploration, economy or survival, this isn't mentioned at the start of the game and I was wondering what difference it makes? I look forward to playing more of the game and seeing more of the universe, also if you have any questions related to the beta or future development feel free to ask.


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Re: Junction gate

2017-10-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Virtuosi Media via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Hey everyone, I'm Benjamin, the developer of Junction Gate. At Skylord's suggestion, I've downloaded NVDA and have been gradually learning how to use it, but I'm far from an expert. I'm trying to make some accessibility improvements to the alpha version of the game and I'm looking for your pain points with playing it.I just pushed some updates with better event notifications and improved text for upgrade pricing (you might need to clear your cache to get them if you've already been playing). I'll be releasing some changes sometime next week with keyboard shortcuts and I'd like to make some additional changes as well based on your feedback. It's a complex game, so I'm especially looking for things that could be considered easy wins - tiny accessibility changes that would make huge difference in your ability to play without having to rewrite the whole alpha version of the game. For a quick explanation, the alpha is
  more like a dirty prototype that allowed me to quickly explore game mechanics without paying much attention to good code. While not 100% complete, it's served its purpose and so lately I've been focusing most of my effort on the beta, which is cleaner, more systems based, and will eventually turn into the completed game. That said, I'd like to improve the accessibility of the alpha where I can. I suspect that there might be some additional wins in regards to some forms and tables, but my inexperience with screen readers is coming up there. So basically, please let me know if there are areas of the game that are completely unusable and I'll see what I can do.This was actually the first time I've used a screen reader and it's been a very informative experience for me as a developer. The beta is most likely to transition into a 3D game from the text version of the alpha, but this experience has me thinking of different approaches and if it m
 ight be possible to make the 3D version accessible as well. Being as I'm still early in the development of the beta, it comes at a good time. While I can't make any promises about the eventual outcome, I'm going to try experimenting with making the beta accessible and your feedback with the alpha will be very helpful as well. I saw a few questions earlier in the thread. There is a tutorial for Junction Gate on the website, but I'd be more than happy to help you out here as well. Regarding mining, the Saladin System isn't mineable, but the rest of the Commonwealth is. You'll first need to send a scout ship and scan it. If the location is uninhabited and has resources, you'll be able to mine. If it is inhabited, you'll need to destroy any ships first before being able to mine.In general, the later game is the least polished and there are some unfinished features and bu
 gs there. Diplomacy and trading are a little wonky. The stock market is somewhat exploitable. I've learned a lot of lessons there that I'm carrying over to the beta version of the game. I hope to learn a few more from all of your feedback. Thanks for showing interest in the game and I look forward to hearing your suggestions!


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Re: Junction gate

2017-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : arnold18 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Just select begin a new game on the play page, and not load.


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Re: Junction gate

2017-09-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

How can I restart from the beginning, mid game, in case I want to try other strategies?


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Re: Junction gate

2017-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SkyLord via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

It's only ore and credits.


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Re: Junction gate

2017-09-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Hi,I wish it would tell you what type of unit something actually costs, it just says 300 without saing ore or energy or whatever it's meant to be. I think this could be why I'm strugggling to build some of the facilities.


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Re: Junction gate

2017-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dranelement via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

This might be a dumb question, but how do I, make more cash? I've got the economy stuff all set up, but I'm making very little


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Re: Junction gate

2017-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dranelement via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

This I am sure is a dumb question. Many upgrades say I need a fiscal agency to build them, but I can't seem to find that anywhere?


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Re: Junction gate

2017-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Hello.Here are the answers I got on reddit when writing to the person who made this game.Hi Bradley, thanks so much for playing and adding your feedback! Glad you like the game!Sorry about the delayed response. I just did another update for the game to improve accessibility (please let your forum know). You'll need to clear your cache and refresh your browser to get the update.Here are the changes:• All station government buttons are now labeled as your requested• All worker management buttons are now labeled• All buttons in all windows (stocks, corporations, windows, etc) are now properly labeled• All research buttons are also now labeled• Upgrade buttons are now labeled and will tell you if you can upgrade or build or if you can't, it'll tell you why.• Diplomatic contact buttons now let you know who you are contacting.You can currently switch between some menus using landmarks hotkeys, but I agree that your suggestion would make it easier to play. There are a few small additional changes I'd like to make, including your keyboard shortcuts, but I'm about to go away on a business trip, so it will be a few weeks before I'm able to implement them. However, I won't be able to make too many more changes after that as I will need to concentrate on the next version of the game.If you want to sign up for the beta, you can do it at the bottom of this page: It'll be a few months before the next update, though, and I'm not sure how accessible it will be right away in the beginning. That may have to be something I try to add later, but we'll see. I can't make any promises 100% on how accessible it'll eventually be as I am experimenting with 3D gameplay. Either way, if you want to sign up for the mailing list, you'll get an email when the next update goes out.Oh, one more thing. The game won't be very playable on the iphone or any mobile device. It's made for a laptop or desktop browser.


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Re: Junction gate

2017-09-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SkyLord via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Hello guys, there was some updates to accessability to junction gate. They include labeling all buttons, and some more things. Developer wrote me an e-mail informing that he will implement some more changes, but he's concentrating on beta now.


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Re: Junction gate

2017-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : JasonBlaze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

it is playable here.just hit begin the game and you will hear a beep and a well,   little chilly ambiance sounds haha,   , press h, and you will see your first log.the game is pritty mutch like castaway except there's no map. you could pause and unpause the game, set the game speed to normal or fast, to do that, find Pause Game Toggle, it is around the top of the page, below that, you will see 1x, 2x, 4x , that will set your game  speed when you unpause the first  thing first, you have to unlock the foods and air production building, by upgradeing your first two buildings, one on station tab, and the other on Resources h  to jump on the building name heading, and arrow down to see what that buildings see what you need to unlock your next building, you will see an Unknown Facility  on one of the tab, down arrow once and you will see it, like Requires: Resource Platform (2), so you n
 eed to upgrade your Resource Platform  to level 2 to unlock that need ores to upgrade a building, to check how mutch you have, enter or space on the menu itemResources it's on the top of the page. then arrow down till you see the ores and the number.if you low on ores, unpause the game, and wait till you gain some ores. careful though, your airs and foods are going down if you unpause at this time. also, upgrade will take 1 energy space , you could  see your energy on the same tab as your ores.note: you could upgrade your building even when the game is pause, haha.I can't explain mutch cause of my english, so, please check out the tutorial.


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Re: Junction gate

2017-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Hi.The game is kind of accessible. I do wish they had tones for when you click on something and nothing happens but they don't so you have to kind of guess.I gave up on the game after playing it for about an hour.I've realised I prefer incremental games on my Iphone compared to my laptop.IN this browser bassed game, you have to build things like robots to help with ore mining, and air clearing. Make it so that people perform tasks and check the log for storie updates.I have wrote on the developers reddit page about this game and making it more accessible. I have not received any answers yet and honestly don't think I will, but I thought it was worth trying to write to them.


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Re: Junction gate

2017-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

I don't know how well it works on iPhone at the moment. Maybe it works better in the chrome app?


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Re: Junction gate

2017-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : wlomas via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

so, this is puraly browser based, but when i select a menu tab on you iphone nothing is happening, only the intro text is still displayed. doesn't seem accessible to me.


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Re: Junction gate

2017-09-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : hanif via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

is it a browser game or what?


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Re: Junction gate

2017-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SkyLord via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Hello. You can't play beta for now, it's still in developmend. About playing, well, it's a space strategy, where you have to do deplomatic, investment and combat/defend activities, mining and building ships from blueprints also is implemented. That's pritty cool game i have to say.


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Re: Junction gate

2017-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Hi,Are you playing the alpha or beta?


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Re: Junction gate

2017-09-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : abdullah_mohammad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

and how exactly can you play that game? could you provide more informations?


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Re: Junction gate

2017-09-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : brad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Junction gate

Hello.It's a resource game. Kind of like crafting kingdom if you've played that.


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