Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

Um, it's a mmemoji. And secondly, I have no other choice. Thirdly I tossed that in there as a joke lol.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

if you have to make up emojis when there are already probably thousands of emoji's, then why. Just, why.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

@37 first, that emoji doesn't even exist, proof is on the emojipedia. second, did you really just write that out in full words? How sad.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

Yeah. Think of the people w9th dexterity issues. So the audio games industry is being inclusive.Person Smiling medium light dark skin tone.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

while in rs or tk or bb or whatever else you could only hold one arrow key to move, you had the option to go, ok,  holding this arrow goes north and east so i use one arrow to do the same as two arrows combined without it feeling weird on my hands to be in the position for a long period of time.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ZK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

Well then the people that marketed these games as FPS are wrong, and people are being mislead as to what an FPS actualy is.most blind gamers make this mistake, if you have never had sight and actually played a true FPS like Doom then it's so easy to just say any audio shooter is an FPS without understanding what the name FPS actually meansMy point with RS was that you can only move in 1 direction at a time as in by pressing 1 arrow key at a time, but in games like Swamp that is actually FPs, whilst running forwards you can at the same time be sidestepping as in straffing to either the left or right.2-D side scrollers should never come under the genre of FPS.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

Ok guys, we know they're sidescrollers, however that's what they marketed those things to us as. RS isn't gridbased though


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

@31 this is also not true. You can turn in pretty much all of those games, and if you do, you can move in two directions at once, like northeast, southsouthwest etc.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Vazbol via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

At 28, you literally described the flaws of Red Spot, TK, and every other shooter game out there.   Armor making things useless: Shall we bring back the concept of having 12000+ shields and too much oxygen that negates the damag eof 99% of all weapons. And boosted hp to nerf the ones that can pierce shielding? And unlike in Swamp, having extreme armoring like that does not negatively affect your movement speed and jumping at all. In Swamp, it does. And in it's pvp, there's no default skills to lower the penalty of movement speed and boost your speed without speed pickups that you have to hunt for.  Skill points:  The collectathons generally don't have skills, outside of Red Spot and its achievement stuff to unlock stronger weapons. Swamp at least starts everyone out the same at the beginning of a match, and you have to pickup loot to try to get yourself armored, armed and statted while dealing with enemies and doing the objective.   Concept of Classes: yeah no, all other shooters made you start with eerything, and made it too easy to amass items. In The CTF at least, it is not so easy unless you can evade dying for a good while. As well, i there were just a plain old death match mode, classes would probably be balanced hp, armor and weapon wise, just like how Swamp Tied tended to differently armor melee users and gun users, as well as starting ammo.  Movement: Yeah, i already described that in armor. No matter how much shields/defenses you put on, you can still zoom across the map and perform acrobatics endlessly. In Swamp, such a defense comes with a speed trade-off, and dodgig becomes a lot more difficult.   In short, every criticism that was stated for Swamp, the other games are guilty of, and in worse severity. Literally, Swamp is the only game that botherred starting everyone evenly at the beginning of a match, while someone logging into Red Spot, Tk or whatever have to contend with dudes that have vastly more hp, defenses and ammo compared to you. I also prefer a much slower movement speed with more cover and obstructions, and the balance of speed vs protection is something not seen in the other games.   ...And again, the PVp is a side activity to the main game, and is arguably far more entertaining to a large audience than the collectathons and the collect endlessly with no other way to spend your day.  note: I've given up calling the other games FPS'. With their design philosophy, they were literally collectathons with a bit of shooting people put in. 99% of your time was spent collecting items on mass for your base, yourself, or for storage. Many times befor ethe base crap was put in Red Spot, half my kills were people who were just running around collecting item after item, rather than fighting back. And I just charged after them with default loadout, only grabbing stuff that was along the way, while I sniped them with crossbow bolts, jumped past grenade launcher shots, and evaded rockets. The time someone actually decided to come at me and fight me, it was after gainning an insane amount of items and stats, just trying to win out of pure resource superiority only possible with collecting all freaking day. Therefore, people spent way more time collecting items, rather than fighting, and I will now refer to these games as collectathons.  If you want an FPS that lasts, don't make it a collectathon.  Edit: Also agreeing with 31. FPS is first person shooter. You know, needing a first person view. The other games were more top down shooters with a weird perspective. Generally jumping and other extreme actions are more for third person views, as that tends to look a bit clunky in first person view. (Also generally encounter extreme first person platforming in single player shooters like the Metroid Prime series).   It's not like you can't make the mobility in first person view better, you can try to apply dodges and sidesteps that can be quickly evoked, and go with a strafing strategy. Maybe a command to hide in cover and not be shootable while having your head down as cover is slowly destroyed. Pleanty of ways to evade in a less mobile game.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Vazbol via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

At 28, you literally described the flaws of Red Spot, TK, and every other shooter game out there.   Armor making things useless: Shall we bring back the concept of having 12000+ shields and too much oxygen that negates the damag eof 99% of all weapons. And boosted hp to nerf the ones that can pierce shielding? And unlike in Swamp, having extreme armoring like that does not negatively affect your movement speed and jumping at all. In Swamp, it does. And in it's pvp, there's no default skills to lower the penalty of movement speed and boost your speed without speed pickups that you have to hunt for.  Skill points:  The collectathons generally don't have skills, outside of Red Spot and its achievement stuff to unlock stronger weapons. Swamp at least starts everyone out the same at the beginning of a match, and you have to pickup loot to try to get yourself armored, armed and statted while dealing with enemies and doing the objective.   Concept of Classes: yeah no, all other shooters made you start with eerything, and made it too easy to amass items. In The CTF at least, it is not so easy unless you can evade dying for a good while. As well, i there were just a plain old death match mode, classes would probably be balanced hp, armor and weapon wise, just like how Swamp Tied tended to differently armor melee users and gun users, as well as starting ammo.  Movement: Yeah, i already described that in armor. No matter how much shields/defenses you put on, you can still zoom across the map and perform acrobatics endlessly. In Swamp, such a defense comes with a speed trade-off, and dodgig becomes a lot more difficult.   In short, every criticism that was stated for Swamp, the other games are guilty of, and in worse severity. Literally, Swamp is the only game that botherred starting everyone evenly at the beginning of a match, while someone logging into Red Spot, Tk or whatever have to contend with dudes that have vastly more hp, defenses and ammo compared to you. I also prefer a much slower movement speed with more cover and obstructions, and the balance of speed vs protection is something not seen in the other games.   ...And again, the PVp is a side activity to the main game, and is arguably far more entertaining to a large audience than the collectathons and the collect endlessly with no other way to spend your day.  note: I've given up calling the other games FPS'. With their design philosophy, they were literally collectathons with a bit of shooting people put in. 99% of your time was spent collecting items on mass for your base, yourself, or for storage. Many times befor ethe base crap was put in Red Spot, half my kills were people who were just running around collecting item after item, rather than fighting back. And I just charged after them with default loadout, only grabbing stuff that was along the way, while I sniped them with crossbow bolts, jumped past grenade launcher shots, and evaded rockets. The time someone actually decided to come at me and fight me, it was after gainning an insane amount of items and stats, just trying to win out of pure resource superiority only possible with collecting all freaking day. Therefore, people spent way more time collecting items, rather than fighting, and I will now refer to these games as collectathons.  If you want an FPS that lasts, don't make it a collectathon.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ZK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

i meant grid based as in you can only move in 1 direction at a time, as in RS and bloodbath for example, you can only move say forwards, and then stop to move or sidestep say left, however in a true FPS style as in Swamp, you can move forwards whilst at the same time sidestepping.I mean if you guys really want to call games   like that FPS then go right ahead, it's a mistake but i guess so many people seem to make the mistake of calling even a sidescroller FPS on  here then why not.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

@28, hence why I said if swamp was reworked into a proper fps title. It has all the framework, and CTF could easily be converted into team deathmatch or even single deathmatch, with all the reputation and ranking things taken out and just start everyone out fully armed, possibly the top level most basic weapon in each category with item drops for health, point, and higher level weapons.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

@25 look at your own words, please.ZK wrote:bloodbath, RS and other games like that again are more grid based movement so don't fall in the catagory of FPS,Grid based movement  means coordinates. From the wording of your post it sounds like you can't call a game an fps if it uses coordinate style movement and presents this to the player. this way of thinking is flawed in every way, shape, and form.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

oh, hell, no. at least as it stands, swamp is only good as a run around, kll zombies, get loot and lootpoints that do nothing past 9000 except give youa little thing next to your name when you do stuff above the first rank, bla bla bla. Its pvp is atrocious. Footsteps play way too fast, armor makes a lot of wepaons practically useless, skill points on said weapons, if included, would make the game more unbalanced pvp wise then it already is for this mode, i could go on and on. Pvp should stick in ctf, hc forts, and lms where people who want to deal with it's janiness can deal with it.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ZK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

I'd love to se a deathmatch mode on swamp, that would be awsome, there are so many ways that you could customize the deathmatch as well, from starting gear, health, armor, the map, respawn rates of items, zoms or no zoms, and much much more.and that's the point some people in this community dont' have the true concept of each game genre,, through no fault of their own, people just make the mistake of  grouping games in the same catagory even if the game is not from that genre.and yes mainstream games have far more options in the gameplay then just the 1 or maybe 2 audio games have.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : assault_freak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

The simple truth is that most blind people, especially younger developers, don't have much to conceptualize on when it comes to shooters. Blowing up and causing as much destruction as possible tends to be the word of the day, and most people can't go beyond that, whatever they might try to do. As for using BGT, we've seen the results firsthand... and has already been said, most shooters we have are not rich in modes.Too often I've seen either deathmatch or some weird take on a team mechanic that isn't really flushed out, where as mainstream shooters allow you to choose from a much larger handful of modes, most of which are realized in audio as their own attempts at games. And I'll reitterate what I've said forever. If Swamp was to have a deathmatch mode added, with everyone starting fully armed and the ability to set kil or time limits, it'd be the best fps in the audiogames community right now, no question if there were a few small modifications to make it a bit more tactical. I have designs for a game in mind, but no programing knowledge to back it up which is unfortunate. If only colaboration was a concept in this community...


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ZK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

ummm. hang on, the subject for this entire topic is 'lets talk about audio FPS's'and what's coordinates got to do with anything? you will probs find that most games will use coords in one way or another, it may not be there for players to use, but doesn't mean that they are not used in game by the game itself.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

"23 No one's calling things like undead, constant battle, or any of this other stuff an fps. Also rtr probably also used some form of coordinates, it just was never made visible to the player. Rs and bloodbath could have done the same thing, they could have not had the c key so people would have never known how it kept track of your position. It's what stw did, it still uses the coordinate system but hides all of it from the player.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ZK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

right for a start, out of all of those that i 've played, only 1 of those RTR is an FPS, in regards to what FPS actually means, Undead assault is a grid based more of a top down view game,  constant battle, scrolling battles and the likes are 2-D side scrollers, bloodbath, RS and other games like that again are more grid based movement so don't fall in the catagory of FPS, RTR and the best actual FPS audio game we have Swamp, both fall in the catagory of FPS, along in the sighted games area would be along the lines of the best ever made FPS, Doom, which is where FPS with so many people making the mistake of calling so many games FPS, it's not surprising these topics appear on a regular basis.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

@21, great post. I'd just like to add a few things though.Bloodbath failed for a multitude of reasons, and yes I did say failed because the version Ivan runs can hardly be considered stable or good. I think the biggest reason for bloodbath's downfall, though, was my own lack of creativity. If I'm working on something, well, I can code, but that's about all I can do. I suck at game designing, sound designing, etc. Add to that the fact that my main reason for creating bloodbath in the first place was basically to re create a certain version of TK that got lost to time, and you see the problem here. Then you had Ivan, who had a totally different vision of what he wanted bloodbath to be, and I usually just ended up going along with it.I hate it. Sometimes I wish I could take it back, but I don't know what I'd do with it. For several months prior to the game's release, the beta folder was literally dead because there was nothing being done. For the first few months, from july to about September, I pretty much worked on the game almost non stop, I seem to remember at one point releasing several updates a day, but after a while I just got totally burned out on it. Then you had Ivan just trying to make the game into the TK he was allowed to develop, even literally copying TK code directly into bloodbath. It was a huge, huge mess. A big part of the reason it was such a laggy broken mess when we released it was because by that time I had already stopped giving a shit and mostly acted as Ivan's mouthpiece on the forum and twitter, and Ivan was recoding core functions of the game with limited knowledge of how my own code worked, whilst hab hazardly adding in little bits of TK code to save himself time.Then there was beta testing. I believe Amerikranian quit in around late November / early December, I don't honestly remember, and most of the others in the folder just didn't care anymore because I'd gosted for so long.I've considered attempting to get back into game development, it's just, as mentioned earlier, my own lack of creativity that's stopping me. I'm not a very good writer, and so far all of my attempts at creating games have just been to recreating existing games the way I personally want them to be.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

I like how much optimism I see here. I don’t think it’s totally granted, but hey. We can always hope.  Now that I actually have a bit more time I feel like I should go more in depth as to why we don’t have many first person shooters. Correction, why we don’t have many original first person shooters.  Has anyone looked at the BGT network section? It’s not difficult, per se, but it is overwhelming for a beginner. You probably are going this is why a beginner shouldn’t touch this section, and you would be correct to a certain extent.  However, even with a couple of years of experience one may still struggle to understand the example, yes, there’s only a single quality example in there.  So while I don’t like it, I do understand why people fall back onto illegal code.  It’s easier, it works, and by their standards it’s decent.  Besides, most of those who engage in such activities don’t really have a firm concept of what’s right and wrong. That is the problem that this generation will have to face, access to technology  before their ethics are fully formed.  I digress, however.  You probably are going this is why they shouldn’t use BGT for these games. Well, while in some aspects that would make their life easier, it will also raise the difficulty of handling networking correctly.  It would raise the necessity of handling transmission of packets and making sure that they arrive on time. It would raise the difficulty of making sure that your packets are properly encrypted. If you don’t want to handle that, it would raise the difficulty of finding the library with all the features that you want, which is not as easy as it sounds.  Furthermore, if someone was transitioning from BGT it would raise the difficulty of overriding their natural instincts to surround the code with braces and get used to indenting.  But, OK. I will humor you. Let’s say someone did manage to figure all of this out. Now comes in the actual effort of making an online game. If you were expecting that this is the easiest part of the development cycle, you are wrong. Making sure that the clients can’t tamper with anything on the server, making sure that things are synced between clients correctly,  and trying to reduce potential lag as much as possible are only a couple of things you would have to look forward to should you choose to embark on this path.  I will humor you once again. Let’s go farther into the realm of possibility and say that someone did manage to create a basic online game where you walk around and beat each other up. Now comes in the difficulty of adding all those features that a lot of you want.  Now comes the difficulty of adding all those vehicles and making them behave realistically. Now comes in the difficulty of writing clean code which you should be able to maintain for a long time, a task quite difficult to do if you’re trying to implement something new for the first time.  Now comes in the difficulty with making the client and server handle large amounts of data. While some people do have the necessary knowledge to create a basic frame for an FPS, some realize that they don’t know enough after getting to a certain point.  Chances are, if one was to arrive at such a conclusion, they would scrap the project.  Let’s step out of the possibility realm and consider the realistic requirements for an FPS.  The reason why so many games of this genre didn’t farewell was because they were unbalanced. Each game had glaring issues which it refused to address, and each game was eventually brought down by those issues.  The only exception to this was RTR, but I believe it was abandoned precisely because Ghorthalon could not maintain the code do to how messy it was.  The game still runs, but not a lot of people play it for a multitude of reasons.  So, apart from having the necessary skillset to code the game, you also have to consider the balancing aspect.  Bring in the sounds, and you can understand why mainstream typically has teams releasing those types of games. You also have to keep in mind the age bracket of the developers.  I won’t point fingers, there is no need for that. Suffice it to say that you can clearly find some releases where short term motivation was valued higher than the long-term goal if you just bother to look.  They are not hard to find, either.  So, now, consider everything you just read. Consider the various requirements I have barely touched on and then ask yourself who in this community can pull this off. I’m sure that the list will be short and quite concise, and I am also sure that the people on that list probably have something else to do which they feel more passionate about.  This brings me to my final point:  how big of a return would one expect if they release a game solely targeting the blind community? How much monetary compensation could they reasonably expect  from a market largely composed  of  those who are underage or rely on their parents to supply

Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : black_mana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

i do agree that most of the currentt   fps games  are objectiveless, redspot was the only  difrent one i played even if it was anoine sometimes or had a dramatic part


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Vazbol via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

Yeah, I'm kind of focusing on what that AW multiplayer will be like. By it's design, i's going to negate the problem the freeform FPS' face, and actually will have a varying set of match modes. And despite just being distortions, it's somewhat a hero shooter as you pick an element and adjust playstyle to your abilities/opponent type and abilities.   We've already tried tons of structureless FPS' and all are either badly balanced or dead. Hopefully this changes the mold and make people copy this format more.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

Damn I hate typing on my phone.What I was saying with dev's like Tunmi, Cerulean, and the others it will be soon. Plus mytruesound and the other studios we have.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

Even constant battle tries with the story. Why cant the rest of us we have it'll be sooner than you thinkLucas, maybe you're right. With the talent


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Vazbol via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

You mean the fact that all FPS' are objectiveless free-for-alls that are supposed to be pick up and play affairs, but evolve into unbalanced collectathons? That a small audiogames market adds nieche after nieche, to the point the game only has 6 really bored hardcore players who wouldn't know game balance if it hit them in the face?   Let's just blink at the fact one of the few games to implement a match system where both sides start off evenly, and victory is based off skill and team cooperation is the zombie FPS where 90% of the game is working together? Sure you can run off and try to gather 1 items, but then you're not helping your team guard the baby, or grab the enemy team's baby. And the map is small enough where you're in constant danger, balancing that pain in the ass problem a lot of the other fps' have with balance in fights.  Sure, have your large maps for screwing around with people. But if anyone's thinking of making a game like this, put a match system with smaller maps for teams to fight in, and movement being a bit more slow and tactical, rather than jump spam affairs. it might garner some player interest since the focus will be on matches where everyone starts evenly, and shouldn't have to deal with people who have hundred of thousands of shields and hp. So they might not just quit after a few deaths that are annoying to combat.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

Yeah, rs was... pretty much the last one that had good ideas in it. Let me tell you how fun it was to fuck around on it. Even some of the drama had a funny side to it in some way. Not if you were just reading it, but if you were actively playing, things got quite interesting.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Veljko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

I agree with @9. Most Fps games which were released recently  lack any kind of innovation IMHO. When you think about it, there are so many unique concepts, ideas and so on which could be incorporated into an fps game. For example, interesting weapons with there own strong and week points, or maps with spots from where you could, for example, jump out at someone or some kind of cool missions system. Like there are 2 teams each consisting of 5 or so players. They are put on a map, each team on a specific side, all of them get the same starter gear and they start killing and surviving. You would have to decide and plan out how you'd attack, and not get noticed, or figure out any advantages you could have. The team which get's the most kills on the end wins etc. See what I mean? Not the same old empty map with nothing in it. The same old weapons and the same old time bomb, ultra bomb, omega bomb and what ever else.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

@7Yes, this kind of thing has been happening with space MOOs. And I fucking hate it. And from what I remember coming in on the tail end of that craze in 2014 and reading back through topics trying to find a Cosmos DB when I thought that was all the shit, people didn't really like that either. No it wasn't as harsh as when we talk about Ultrapower and Redspot clones, but it was definitely there.@9Agreed. As for ultrabombs there's some interesting possibility there, like a mega corporation that distributes these bombs that take money to work in an effort to profit off of warfare, but none of these people ever put that amount of story in their games.But yeah I agree with the sentiment that this won't do anything and is pretty pointless. People have been saying this for years and years and it never matters and never will until these people grow up and the generation passes and nobody cares about this stuff anymore. We've started to see it in certain people, I give it maybe 5-6 years before everyone who did this has either enough maturity to move on or just becomes one of the group of adult lowlives who do this stuff because they never grew up and probably don't contribute anything useful to society.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

Well, I haven't played RTR. The time when I tried to play it it wasn't opening. Either way, Connor captured what I wanted to say. The same, old boring weapons, and the same random ass maps. Come on. How can you go from mud to concrete to water to grass to snow to sand to, wood?


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

The thing is @10, Talon was working on a new fps thing. I heard a demo of it, and there was some great sound design, unfortunately I can't remember much but what I heard was really good. But from what I can gather life got in the way so that's not happening.


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Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

i can agree with a lot of your points @9. most games with a z axis don't do anything with it. Take hvr for example. They have cars and elevators that not only take you to different parts of a map that are above or below you, but they have intermap travel pointish type of things. Thats something that other than hvr i haven't seen anywhere. I like rtr a lot. If it was redone i would definitly play it. It combines the point of pvp with some strategical things as well. You have certain weapons with actually ranges and you can't just spray and prey them because as you shoot your player turns so your bullets start going everywhere, you have to be careful when you reload although that has its ups and down sense ammo clips are actually useful, and just the fact that its something that was done well in my opinion. I doubt anything like it might happen, either from the developer or others, but i really hope something does. Now, i will state something. Why does everyone care so much about cloaning in this community. Does it get old of just seeing 50 redspot and 0 tk and the top 100 UP cloans in a year? Oh of corse it does. We need something new and even I will agree with that. But if people in the sighted community, where  opinions, ideas, and games spread way faster and get mroe feedback and critasism then they do here, there would be practically no games left. A lot of games are either series, reworks of old concepts that were either spiced up to look better, or enhanced in some way just to either make them paid or required the latest and greatest intell CPU's. Or, if they don't fall into those catagories, they're straight rip off or game creation games where you can just recreate whatever game you want anyway so it doesn't matter what it is.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

I disagree with the statement made about rtr. Rtr does one thing all \the fps kiddies of today don't. It has! complex! maps! Yes, it's a 2d game. But even so, Talon managed to create maps with things like choke points, ambush areas, and other places an experienced player could use to their own advantage. Also, if I had the patience and it hadn't been a thousand years since I last found a working rtr server with players on it, I could probably tell you a unique characteristic of pretty much every weapon in the game. Trust me, at this point, I can tell you exactly how any new fps will look like. The dev will most likely do the following.1: Dump you in a 1000x1000x1000 map that is completely empty of absolutely everything. The map will have a z axis so the dev can say it's a 3d fps, but won't ever do anything with it so all you really do with it is jump.2: Give you a generic list of weapons which usually goes "fists, knife, pistol, shotgun, machine gun, rifle, rocket launcher." The knife and fists have absolutely no purpose because there isn't a propper melee system, and are only there to increase the weapon count. Most players will either try to snipe others first until they use all their ammo, then try rocketting them, should that fail or run out of ammo they use the machine gun, and shotguns or pistols are throwaways for when you have literally nothing else.3: Finally, the dev ads mines, time bombs, and some generic health booster that doesn't even make any sense. Like antibiotics (which don't heal wounds, they kill viruses and bacteria) or health potions (what the fuck are these doing in a modern fps we're not playing final fantasy XIII here! Do you see world war II soldiers from COD chugging fucking health potions when they need a boost? I don't think so.)4: Add ultrabombs, since it's what all the script kiddies are doing these days even though the way you prepare them makes 0 sense. It's a bomb not a fucking slot machine, I have no clue what Ivan was thinking when he thought of adding a money powered bomb why the hell does everyone have to do this now!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : connor142 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

I disagree with the statement made about rtr. Rtr does one thing all the fps kiddies of today don't. It has! complex! maps! Yes, it's a 2d game. But even so, Talon managed to create maps with things like choke points, ambush areas, and other places an experienced player could use to their own advantage. Trust me, at this poine, I can tell you exactly how any new fps will look like. The dev will most likely do the following.1: Dump you in a 1000x1000x1000 map that is completely empty of absolutely everything. The map will have a z axis so the dev can say it's a 3d fps, but won't ever do anything with it so all you really do with it is jump.2: Give you a generic list of weapons which usually goes "fists, knife, pistol, shotgun, machine gun, rifle, rocket launcher." The knife and fists have absolutely no purpose because there isn't a propper melee system, and are only there to increase the weapon count. Most players will either try to snipe others first until they use all their ammo, then try rocketting them, should that fail or run out of ammo they use the machine gun, and shotguns or pistols are throwaways for when you have literally nothing else.3: Finally, the dev ads mines, time bombs, and some generic health booster that doesn't even make any sense. Like antibiotics (which don't heal wounds, they kill viruses and bacteria) or health potions (what the fuck are these doing in a modern fps we're not playing final fantasy XIII here! Do you see world war II soldiers from COD chugging fucking health potions when they need a boost? I don't think so.)4: Add ultrabombs, since it's what all the script kiddies are doing these days even though the way you prepare them makes 0 sense. It's a bomb not a fucking slot machine, I have no clue what Ivan was thinking when he thought of adding a money powered bomb why the hell does everyone have to do this now!


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

I do agree with Haily. I think we are hypocritical inn a sense towards new titles.  I have a theory as to why, but that would be a pain in the neck to write on my phone. Suffice it to say that standards were different back then and that we have seen more complex games in the genre.  I can elaborate more, but that would have to wait until tomorrow.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : haily_merry via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

I disagree. RTR lacks the complex map system and replay value these games all bost. Again, aside from legacy, RTR basically doesn't have a leg to stand on anymore. I know I've been saying this for years, but whatever. I feel like if I were to come out with a similar title to RTR, so just a 3D map with just weapons and sort of very minimalistic items, sort of like the first versions of bloodbath actually, amerikranian might remember, the forum would be shouting clone faster than you could say FPS. So like, what exactly is the difference here? No one has ever been able to properly answer this question for me.I also love how people are treating this as if these are all isolated insidents. What a lot of you guys don't seem to realise is that this exact thing has been happening with moo's for literally years. It was a very similar story then too, the forum was just much, much nicer then.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : burak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

Rtr was the best of it all. If servers that are currently available wouldn't run large maps some people can hop in and play.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

You are both wrong and right. You are wrong in the way  games should be changed to stand out, but you are correct that we are lacking the games in the FPS genre.  Unfortunately, this is where the productivity of our conversation ends. This topic has no purpose. You are stating the facts which everyone, at least everyone familiar with the forum, already knows.  There is a reason why the market is not saturated with these types of games. That reason falls far out of the depth of this discussion, however.  Restating already known facts does nothing to encourage others to create what you want.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

You are both wrong and right. You are wrong in the way  games should be changed to stand out, but you are correct that we are lacking the games in the FPS genre.  Unfortunately, this is where the productivity of our conversation ends. This topic has no purpose. You are stating the facts which everyone, at least everyone familiar with the forum already knows.  There is a reason why the market is not saturated with these types of games. That reason falls far out of the depth of this discussion, however.  Restating already known facts does nothing to encourage others to create what you want.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

I totaly agree


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : zenothrax via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

I completely agree with everything you said.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

2020-05-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : rwbeardjr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Let's talk about audio FPS's

I agree with that. I also wish we would see more FPS games where rather than going against one another, there is a common enemy where the players work together to go on missions and defeat it


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