Re: Pi 0w does not appear to stay on wifi

2019-06-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pi 0w does not appear to stay on wifi

Thanks for that command. It is off, but that is a common enough problem that it was  one of the first commands given to me in another place I asked about this problem. I do find that having to leave it off for a few days before I can use over an hour kind of odd. The steps I was given for fixing the problem you brought is the following. I think you may know what they are...If you lose WIFI after a period of inactivity it is due to the power-saving-mode of the WiFi-chipset is set to on. To get rid of this problem, perform the following steps: * First login to your Pi by ssh. * verify current setting: by typing: iw wlan0 get power_save * This shows, that power-saving is curently on or off. * If off you are done. If on do the following. * make the root-partition writeable: sudo mount -o remount,rw / * edit /etc/network/interfaces: sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces * scroll down to the section wlan0 (iface wlan0) after the line * wpa-conf /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf * insert the following line: wireless-power off * Repeat this step for wlan1 * Save the file and reboot! sudo reboot * Connect by ssh again, and recheck power-saving: iw wlan0 get power_save * Now it should be off. If so you are done.That may be just for the image I am using. Also did what I could from this. Almost as it might be over heating, but from every thing I can tell, the hottest it got was 105F. Do not know if this makes any difference, the curnal is 4.9.35 I am running version 8 of the raspian OS. Forgot the name. I am using v3.417 of the image.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pi 0w does not appear to stay on wifi

2019-06-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : hadi . gsf via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pi 0w does not appear to stay on wifi

type iwconfig in the consolewhat is your power management set too? is it on or off? it might be on and i think this is the source of your issue.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pi 0w does not appear to stay on wifi

2019-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : cw via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pi 0w does not appear to stay on wifi

Thanks for that bit of info. Did also try it with my phone. The wifi seemed flaky there too. Not to sure if flaky in that case works. Phone saids it is connected, but I get no return on my pings. Pinged the host name of the pi seeing that I do not always know the IP. Knowing of a good accessible IP scanner may be of use there. Anyway, I do not have a second one laying about at this time, but the price is cheep enough I could order another one. There is some odd things about it though. If I leave it off for a few days, I do seem to get a longer time out of it before it disappears than if I try to use it often every day. My IPhone will say that the pi is connected, but even if the IPhone thinks it is connected, it does not always answer to pings and incoming connections. It is as if the pi drops the connection, but does not tell the IPhone that it drops the connection. I did turn off the wifi saving thing that the pi has. So, it looks like maybe flashing another image to see if that fixes it. I tried two different memory cards in it using the image I linked to above. So, this looks like imageing with  the info you provided magurp to see if that makes a difference or buying a new pi. Now, at this time, I need some sleep. So, I will check back later for more info if any more is forth coming.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Pi 0w does not appear to stay on wifi

2019-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Pi 0w does not appear to stay on wifi

The first question that comes to mind is if the problem is consistent across other wifi routers, if so then the problem could be with the board or the software. The software side is a bit easier to troubleshoot, you can follow [this] guide and flash a standard raspbian build and try to connect via SSH over wifi, possibly also trying it with different micro SD cards. If that still causes problems, and the connections equally flaky on other wifi routers, then its likely the raspi board itself, though you could try double checking it isn't something like interference or a weak signal with a board you know works to see if the problems consistent.


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