Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jacerbt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Pygame contains sound and graphicks functions among others.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : abdullah_mohammad via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

greetings.for me at least, another synthesizer is not needed. what i look for in a software is workability. if it works but the voice doesn't sound human, it doesn't matter for me cause it works. as for the type of games; i would like them to be open worlds and large in content. it doesn't have to be fantasy all the time. and not mid evil all the time either. i would like a sim game, since we are lacking in those. as for the features of the device; it would be nice to have some kind of habtic feedback. as in vibrating when an action happens or so on.good luck.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Just stepping in here to ask why pygame would be needed? From a cursory reading about the library, it seems to be for making games, but the underlying operating system (that is, the Sonos itself), is already primed for making said games. Would pygame not be superfluous in this case?Now mind you, I'm asking this question with no knowledge of Python development, so if pygame offers unique functions and capabilities that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to replicate, then I stand corrected in my misgivings about adding that library.Kai


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jacerbt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Pygame, and things like the random and time libs mainly.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aaronlp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

I have started work on the python feature. The biggest challenge is making sure the same libraries are on both the G D E host computer and on the Sonus. So i thought it might be worth getting an idea of what libraries people would like to be installed?at the moment I am thinking the libaries will be downloaded and installed with the GDE so thay match what is on the Sonus.I havent thought about how libraries will be updated yet when new releases come out. Its still a pretty fresh idea at the moment.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : brailleluke via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

this sounds fun, I'd be interested in giving it a go when it comes out. The USB thing sounds like it would be a pain though, those things aren't cheap and given that half the games developed around here only keep me entertained for a few hours at best I feel like I would end up installing a game, plugging it in, playing it, ripping out the USB in disgust, deleting the game and then repeating. I'm not sure how easy this would be but having multiple games on a single USB would be a good feature to have, many of the games that will get made won't take up all that much space anyway. Multiplayer functionality would be a good bonus as far as I'm concerned, I think that it would be a lot more fun to play games if they were on line. Finally, if I made a game and wanted some people to test it for me, a functionality should exist on the store to privately host a game and to have a link to it made available to me, I could send that to my testers and they could download the test version. I can see issues with trust here but I still think it would be necessary.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aaronlp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Of course most people want a release date and understandably so. The main reason this project has taken so long is the amount of time it takes to design and trail new PCBs andcomponents. Im currently in the process of seeking funding to outsource that to someone who has the equipment to progress with it quicker. Leaving me to focus on the sonus features and the G D E. So if all goes to plan we should see more next year. And possibly a release the year after. Although ideally i'd like it sooner.As for a demonstration. Ill see if I can make anything for the next sample game I make to test the G D E's new script feature out. (Not the python script, its something called G D E script which is just a quicker way of writing actions into events rather than selecting them one after the other)


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTT entertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Hi. One of the questions that has not been asked yet, when exactly will this be released? You can just give me a rough estimate. I know it is still a Proto type, but it was announced in 2014. Also, may we please have another demonstration? Thanks.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aaronlp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Hi Defender.There are a lot of valid points and concerns in your message.There will indeed be a game store, where games can be uploaded to by developers and downloaded by players. I wouldnt expect developers to have to handle the distribution. For people who dont use the internet as much I plan on setting up a phone system to also be used to purchase games and those games be sent out on a memory stick, this will all be handled by us.I understand the concern of having games on memory sticks and I even addressed this concern once before, I believe adding the ability to download the games onto the console from the stick would help, or even program in access to the game store through the console itself. It is all possible, but as you said, I'm one guy at the moment and getting essential functionality is top priority at the moment. We could spend forever making it perfect and never get chance to release it, this is why I made sure it could be updated. When we have a revenue stream we can afford a team. and with a team more updates will come much easier.Another aim is to introduce game development to complete beginners and start developing a communist of audio game creators, with a place to sell or give away their games easily. Hopefully this will see an increase in the games available. Of course it will take time.Could you explain more about what you mean about the architecture limiting developers? if we can highlight the issues I'm sure we can work them out.As for developers updating their games, they can re-uplaod them to the play store.Your message was quite long so I hope I havent missed anything. I would like to recap what improvents this fourm has highlighted that the sonus needs:1.Lithium-ion batteries to make it rechargable - its worth noting the unit can already run from mains power as well.2.The abilitiy to download games from the stick to be stored on the device, and possibly a direct connection to the play store to download games.3. Python programming capabilities + API4. More TTS options other than espeakAgain I feel I need to stress that although I want to acomplish all of this and as soon as possible, pursuing all these goals at this stage could actually be counter productive, but please let me know if you feel I have missed anything.I am aiming for the finsiehd unit to have Lithium ion batteries and python programming capabilities, this will get us off of the ground, and once we are off of the ground the other items on the list will be much easier to achieve. I cant thank you all enough for this valueable feedback.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

How will solo/two person  developers with little or no money to spare manage to distribute the sticks? Especially if they live in a country like Turkey or Iran? Because that's most of our developers right now...Sounds like only Indi Devs who happen to be making an audio game or two will be able to manage it, and if their aren't that many users of the console than they may not see the point in spending more money to support that platform along with their main ones.Thankfully their seem to be more and more game studios making audio games lately, and they also have the funds/people to take full advantage of the console's audio capabilities, plus the people who might buy the console are more likely to shell out cash for a game VS the average PC audio gamer, but we're still only getting a new release maybe once or twice a year tops.I fully understand the piracy concerns, but wouldn't a single license per device based on hardware ID and using some kind of account based system like an app store for games work too? You can't change the ID nearly as easily as you can on a standard PC...And how will devs patch/add new features to their games with the cartridge format as well? Their is a reason we're moving away from them...Not to mention that I'm guessing the stick will well, stick out? That kind of takes away from portability and adds a big point of mechanical failure as well.I think an SD would be a much better choice, even if it's internal storage only. It could even remove the need for ethernet if you do go removable, because you can just download games/firmware updates onto it with your computer and then load them that way. It doesn't even need to be larger than 32GB probably... And if you go the built in rout and add WiFi for downloading, you can avoid any ports that, with some hacking, could allow access to the firmware, switch and ps classic style.Personally, I could handle not having WiFi and just using ethernet for updates and such, but if it's within the budget then I think multiplayer support could add allot of potential game types.I like this console concept because of the portability and ability to support advanced audio, which is just like a phone. But it's allot cheaper which makes it easier to justify, and has physical buttons which would appeal more to console gamers and purists.As it stands though, I don't see it having enough games to compete with mobile, because the architecture seems stuck in the early 2000s which limits developers allot, especially if new devs come on the scene again and start making games like A Blind Legend and the somethinelse games once more. I'm also guessing that the games will tend to be more closely priced to PC/console titles than mobile titles, which is also a factor.I see allot of potential use as well though, we have a major lack of mortal kombat style fighting games, racing games, or decent sports games, and a large group of people wanting them, and these physical controls are perfect for that kind of thing, while not requiring you to buy a controller and get it working, which is a pain with versions of Windows below 10.I think you could have saved some money by not insisting on surround sound support and such, because I tend to see this being better for simpler, fast paced arcade style games rather than RPG's, strategy titles, sims and such, but the popularity of the DS kind of disproves that notion. However this is a unique market with allot of potential buyers that grew up using PC, so who knows, your a brave guy for taking this leap...You'll have to choose your pricepoint carefully though, most blind people are on government support, which means that, especially for kids, their more likely to have it bought for them on a holiday by someone else. Above 200USD and that will be hard to justify.Compromises will have to be made either way though, and I understand that we shouldn't expect the world when your just one guy and we're a small, uncertain market.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

How will solo/two person  developers with little or no money to spare manage to distribute the sticks? Especially if they live in a country like Turkey or Iran? Because that's most of our developers right now...Sounds like only Indi Devs who happen to be making an audio game or two will be able to manage it, and if their aren't that many users of the console than they may not see the point in spending more money to support that platform along with their main ones.Thankfully their seem to be more and more game studios making audio games lately, and they also have the funds/people to take full advantage of the console's audio capabilities, plus the people who might buy the console are more likely to shell out cash for a game VS the average PC audio gamer, but we're still only getting a new release maybe once or twice a year tops.I fully understand the piracy concerns, but wouldn't a single license per device based on hardware ID and using some kind of account based system like an app store for games work too? You can't change the ID nearly as easily as you can on a standard PC...And how will devs patch/add new features to their games with the cartridge format as well? Their is a reason we're moving away from them...Not to mention that I'm guessing the stick will well, stick out? That kind of takes away from portability and adds a big point of mechanical failure as well.I think an SD would be a much better choice, even if it's internal storage only. It could even remove the need for ethernet if you do go removable, because you can just download games/firmware updates onto it with your computer and then load them that way. It doesn't even need to be larger than 32GB probably... And if you go the built in rout and add WiFi for downloading, you can avoid any ports that, with some hacking, could allow access to the firmware, switch and ps classic style.Personally, I could handle not having WiFi and just using ethernet for updates and such, but if it's within the budget then I think multiplayer support could add allot of potential game types.I like this console concept because of the portability and ability to support advanced audio, which is just like a phone. But it's allot cheaper which makes it easier to justify, and has physical buttons which would appeal more to console gamers and purists.As it stands though, I don't see it having enough games to compete with mobile, because the architecture seems stuck in the early 2000s which limits developers allot, especially if new devs come on the scene again and start making games like A Blind Legend and the somethinelse games once more. I'm also guessing that the games will tend to be more closely priced to PC/console titles than mobile titles, which is also a factor.I see allot of potential use as well though, we have a large lack of mortal kombat style fighting games, racing games, or decent sports games, and a large group of people wanting them, and these physical controls are perfect for that kind of thing, while not requiring you to buy a controller and get it working, which is a pain with versions of Windows below 10.I think you could have saved some money by not insisting on surround sound support and such, because I tend to see this being better for simpler, fast paced arcade style games rather than RPG's, strategy titles, sims and such, but the popularity of the DS kind of disproves that notion. However this is a unique market with allot of potential buyers that grew up using PC, so who knows, your a brave guy for taking this leap...You'll have to choose your pricepoint carefully though, most blind people are on government support, which means that, especially for kids, their more likely to have it bought for them on a holiday by someone else. Above 200USD and that will be hard to justify.Compromises will have to be made either way though, and I understand that we shouldn't expect the world when your just one guy and we're a small, uncertain market.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

How will solo/two person  developers with little or no money to spare manage to distribute the sticks? Especially if they live in a country like Turkey or Iran? Because that's most of our developers right now...Sounds like only Indi Devs who happen to be making an audio game or two will be able to manage it, and if their aren't that many users of the console than they may not see the point in spending more money to support that platform along with their main ones.Thankfully their seem to be more and more game studios making audio games lately, and they also have the funds/people to take full advantage of the console's audio capabilities, plus the people who might buy the console are more likely to shell out cash for a game VS the average PC audio gamer, but we're still only getting a new release maybe once or twice a year tops.I fully understand the piracy concerns, but wouldn't a single license per device based on hardware ID and using some kind of account based system like an app store for games work too? You can't change the ID nearly as easily as you can on a standard PC...And how will devs patch/add new features to their games with the cartridge format as well? Their is a reason we're moving away from them...Not to mention that I'm guessing the stick will well, stick out? That kind of takes away from portability and adds a big point of mechanical failure as well.I think an SD would be a much better choice, even if it's internal storage only. It could even remove the need for ethernet if you do go removable, because you can just download games/firmware updates onto it with your computer and then load them that way. It doesn't even need to be larger than 32GB probably... And if you go the built in rout, you can avoid any ports that, with some hacking, could allow access to the firmware, switch and ps classic style.Personally, I could handle not having WiFi and just using ethernet for updates and such, but if it's within the budget then I think multiplayer support could add allot of potential game types.I like this console concept because of the portability and ability to support advanced audio, which is just like a phone. But it's allot cheaper which makes it easier to justify, and has physical buttons which would appeal more to console gamers and purists.As it stands though, I don't see it having enough games to compete with mobile, because the architecture seems stuck in the early 2000s which limits developers allot, especially if new devs come on the scene again and start making games like A Blind Legend and the somethinelse games once more. I'm also guessing that the games will tend to be more closely priced to PC/console titles than mobile titles, which is also a factor.I see allot of potential use as well though, we have a large lack of mortal kombat style fighting games, racing games, or decent sports games, and a large group of people wanting them, and these physical controls are perfect for that kind of thing, while not requiring you to buy a controller and get it working, which is a pain with versions of Windows below 10.I think you could have saved some money by not insisting on surround sound support and such, because I tend to see this being better for simpler, fast paced arcade style games rather than RPG's, strategy titles, sims and such, but the popularity of the DS kind of disproves that notion. However this is a unique market with allot of potential buyers that grew up using PC, so who knows, your a brave guy for taking this leap...You'll have to choose your pricepoint carefully though, most blind people are on government support, which means that, especially for kids, their more likely to have it bought for them on a holiday by someone else. Above 200USD and that will be hard to justify.Compromises will have to be made either way though, and I understand that we shouldn't expect the world when your just one guy and we're a small, uncertain market.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

How will solo/two person  developers with little or no money to spare manage to distribute the sticks? Especially if they live in a country like Turkey or Iran? Because that's most of our developers right now...Sounds like only Indi Devs who happen to be making an audio game or two will be able to manage it, and if their aren't that many users of the console than they may not see the point in spending more money to support that platform along with their main ones.Thankfully their seem to be more and more game studios making audio games lately, and they also have the funds/people to take full advantage of the console's audio capabilities, plus the people who might buy the console are more likely to be shell out cash for a game, but we're still only getting a new release maybe once or twice a year tops.I fully understand the piracy concerns, but wouldn't a single license per device based on hardware ID and using some kind of account based system like an app store for games work too? You can't change the ID nearly as easily as you can on a standard PC...And how will devs patch/add new features to their games with the cartridge format as well? Their is a reason we're moving away from them...Not to mention that I'm guessing the stick will well, stick out? That kind of takes away from portability and adds a big point of mechanical failure as well.I think an SD would be a much better choice, even if it's internal storage only. It could even remove the need for ethernet if you do go removable, because you can just download games/firmware updates onto it with your computer and then load them that way. It doesn't even need to be larger than 32GB probably... And if you go the built in rout, you can avoid any ports that, with some hacking, could allow access to the firmware, switch and ps classic style.Personally, I could handle not having WiFi and just using ethernet for updates and such, but if it's within the budget then I think multiplayer support could add allot of potential game types.I like this console concept because of the portability and ability to support advanced audio, which is just like a phone. But it's allot cheaper which makes it easier to justify, and has physical buttons which would appeal more to console gamers and purists.As it stands though, I don't see it having enough games to compete with mobile, because the architecture seems stuck in the early 2000s which limits developers allot, especially if new devs come on the scene again and start making games like A Blind Legend and the somethinelse games once more. I'm also guessing that the games will tend to be more closely priced to PC/console titles than mobile titles, which is also a factor.I see allot of potential use as well though, we have a large lack of mortal kombat style fighting games, racing games, or decent sports games, and a large group of people wanting them, and these physical controls are perfect for that kind of thing, while not requiring you to buy a controller and get it working, which is a pain with versions of Windows below 10.I think you could have saved some money by not insisting on surround sound support and such, because I tend to see this being better for simpler, fast paced arcade style games rather than RPG's, strategy titles, sims and such, but the popularity of the DS kind of disproves that notion. However this is a unique market with allot of potential buyers that grew up using PC, so who knows, your a brave guy for taking this leap...You'll have to choose your pricepoint carefully though, most blind people are on government support, which means that, especially for kids, their more likely to have it bought for them on a holiday by someone else. Above 200USD and that will be hard to justify.Compromises will have to be made either way though, and I understand that we shouldn't expect the world when your just one guy and we're a small, uncertain market.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Vocalizer would be a great choice, but I hear they are very expensive regarding to the licens.Regarding the G D E: I will test that some more for sure, try to get better at using it and leave whatever feedback I'll get after I've hopefully get better at using it. 


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jacerbt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

I mainly would like something like vocalizer. Apple uses it for VO on mack and iOS.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aaronlp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

I see what you mean SLJ and completely understand, the main thing at the moment is to get feedback on the G D E to make sure its as user friendly as it can be rather than people actually producing games right now. Its still really in its testing stage.It seems as though TTS needs a bit of attention, but as we seem to agree there are bigger fish to fry. For future reference what TTS do people prefer? preferably commercially usable.I understand why people would prefer there to be multiple games held on 1 stick, however to main reason that it works like this is actually for piracy prevention. A game bought for 1 sonus wont work on another. But thats not to say we can't at some point have games uplaoded from the stick onto the Sonus. Instead of it being on a stick we can just have folders on the system that behave the same way. Anotehr possible future update.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

I mean, only one stick for the game?If we have, for example, 64 gb sticks, would we waste one like this only for a small game?And like others said, I can huck a stick to my keys, or to my phone case with a key ring, but can not keep alot of them with me without losing them.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ashleygrobler04 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

I have a question:what is the name of the opperating system for this consoll?\


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

The 1 memory stick per game thing sounds like what mainstream portable consoles are already doing. It also sounds like these will be specifically designed memstics for the console. I wonder if support for use of a third party storage unit like an sd card could be implemented for those who don't want to lug around a dozen games and risk losing them.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Hi:On the subject of TTS, eSpeak isn't the best option. So when everything else is in place, maybe include other TS  engines or replace eSpeak with with something better. As you say, since TTS is already  functional it's not a big issue at present, but keep it in mind.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Hi.Regarding testing the game when developing:For me, it's difficult to imagine how the game would be played on the console when I haven't seen it yet. It's kind of difficult to keep the motivation for developing a game for a console, which hasn't been released yet.I have to take a look at the GDE again. I'm not a coder, so it's quite difficult to get used to the system. I need to practise a lot to be able to make anything playable.Regarding the TTS: Well, we have to wait to hear other peoples opinions about this.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aaronlp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Thank  SLJ and flameAlchemist.Can I ask for more detail about why you feel you didn't get into the G D E so well? the G D E  can run the games for testing so a console isn't really needed although obviously a final test would be best on the console.and to answer your questions:Yes only one game per memory stick, you would have to take multiple memory sticks to hold multiple games. And progress is saved on the memory stick itself. As for TTS then if this is something more people would like then it will try to be included, but obviously for now it will be very low on the priority list as the TTS is now functional where as other features such as the wifi arn't.And to answer FlameAlchemsit, the must always be some form of connecton to the internet to play online, whether this be a wifi connection or a ethernet cable connection. I would suggest using mobile phone tethering to make use of the phone's mobile data connection, and connect to it with the Sonus via wifi, using the phone as a router.I hope this answers your questions. Thank you for the feedback, its exactly what I was looking for. I would love to hear more opinions if possible about people think the sonus could bring to the table that they dont already have.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : flameAlchemist via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

for games I'm thinking of something that's like fable the lost chapters, final fantasy x, or the star ocean games. what if people are on the road can they still play with out being connected to wifi?


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Hi.I'm still very excited for the console, and I really hope it'll be released in the future.For me, it will bring the following:1. A more portable gaming experience than I have on my laptop. Yes, I do play games on my phone, but I could imagine more titles being developed to the console.2. An easy system to understand regarding to development, which means more people can make accessible games if they wish. This is something which I look forward to dive more into. I have briefly looked at the development tool, but find it difficult to develop something without a console to test on. Maybe I should give it yet an other try? 3. A totally accessible game store, which only contains fully accessible games. You know you are getting something which is accessible when buying a game. Then it's up to you if you like it or not, but you don't end up buying anything which is not accessible. I think it'll take a while before many games has been developed. But I think it will grow, and the console will be more popular as it gets more and more games.I have a few questions, which might have been asked before. I don't remember:1. Can you only have one game on the micro SD? Then, how are you going to take more games with you? You said the console will load the game on the micro SD without the user need to select what game to play.2. How is the progress going to be saved? On the same micro SD as the game itself?Regarding TTS: I think it's very important to be able to have other options than eSpeak. Maybe be able to buy voices like those from Acapela and others.I wish you the best of luck with the project. I'm following with big interest.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aaronlp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Ok, so visual studios has addresses a few issues, lets go through them:1. The sooner python can be added the better, I do agree with this. On the console side this wont be a big task, but on the G D E it could be a bit more tricky. The sooner the work load can be shared with a third party the sooner I can consentrate on this.2. The Sonus only has 3 less buttons than the likes of PS4 or Xbox. I dont see this being an issue, dont forget that buttons can also be combined, for example you could program a game so if you hold button 4 it completely changes the functionality of the otehr buttons.3.The wifi issue has been mentioned once before. I think wifi would be a great benefit but to focus on the more important software aspects of the project I am trying to find 3rd party help with the PCB work, this is something I will be discussing with them. I do think it will be included in the final product.4 and 5. The piracy system for the Sonus is mostly handled by the play store, this will hopefulyl be both a website and a phone system. Each Sonus has a serial number which must be given to the play store to download a game. This Game then comes with a key file on it that the Sonus will look for and allow the game to run if found. When a game is uploaded to the play store the user who uploaded it will be visible and possiblity even have a rating assigned to them by the players.6. Yes python would have mnay benefits7. Playstation and Xbox system dont require a keyboard for such things, and I didnt think it would too much of an issue for the Sonus either. Would it be too much of an issue to use the arrow keys to navigate a character selection menu to input text on the rare occasions it is needed?I hope these answers shed a bit of light, please follow up with more questions if you feel the need. I want it to be as good for everyone as I can make it.oh and Angel, yes the system is Linux derived. And uses espeak for TTS


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ashleygrobler04 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

i guess you can go through the letters with up down left and right and use button 1 2 3 4 or 5 to select the letter. it does not sound to bad for me


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

I've seen game consoles allow for typing via controller before. Might help to habe more than 3 face buttons though.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Yeah, as post 28 said, a keyboard can be necessary for typing, so, yeah.For me at least, a micro sd slot would be the best, with an usb too because cards are not sticking out from the device.And if it is a media player and you can navigate folders, what voice will you be using? Do not think you can use Sapi.And I am curious, is the system based on Linux or something, or is it developed from scratch?Like I said, I am sooo excited for this product and I have lots a questions and suggestions.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : visualstudio via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

hi,i have some suggestions that i would like to share:first, python scripts + an api should be added (at least sooner since people can start developing their games)second, don't you think the number of buttons is a bit low? a simple joystick has 8 buttons + 4 direction type, + "stop" and "start" buttonsthird, networking capability should be added for online games (like a chess between 2 players).forth, the games should be signed by the names of the developers (in order to have a better secure system).fifth, beside all of these, like playstation 4, it should be possible to ban the devices who run stolen games and don't let their devices to be turned on cause they used pirated games.sixth, if python gets added, then it is possible to have ai models trained and executed on the device and ran on the device, thus the ai will be better (something like mxnet should be able to be executed on the device).seventh, if wifi gets added, then how would we type in the information for a wifi network to connect to them?


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aaronlp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Hi Angel,Yes wifi would be preferable, but unfortunatly I dont have an answer on whether it will be included yet or not, although I personally would prefer it to be.More USBs shouldnt be needed as a keyboard wouldn't be usable, the games are designed to use the built in buttons. A USB hub could always be plugged in for special cases.If no USB is plugged in the Sonus wil not do anything at all. And if a USB is plugged in that doesnt not contain a game the Sonus will turn to its Media Player mode, where you can navigate the folders and files on the usb and play the MP3s.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

First, we really need more exploration, racing games and rpgs with alot of story going on, that is what I will most likely buy.Second, ok, you are gonna add ethernet.How about people who can not hard wire things to their router?For example, I once hard wired my laptop to the router and the wify was not working and my wired connection was not, either.I have a suggestion, if wify is too expensive, add some type of connectivity, like micro usb, download updates with our computer and download the files manualy.Another suggestion, make available 2 or 3 usb slots, one for sticks and the other for wify dongles, or keyboards, because some might be inclined to play with a keyboard.And, my final question, what will the Sonus do when no stick is plugged in and we turn it on? Because from what I understand, it is like game boy, plug and play.If you want to get in touch with me for any help, beta testing or anything, just send me a forum email and I will get back in afew hours or maximum a day, or for faster comunication, skype me at simpaticulalexandru and I will answer probably in afew minutes after you sending the message.One more time, congrats for your project and thanks for making one of my dreams true, a gaming device designed especialy for us. Keers and best regards.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aaronlp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

The ethernet was included just as a way for the sonus to access updates. However there does seem to be a demand for wifi, there is no multiplayer capabilities built into the system natively but that doesnt mean we won't look into that further down the road. Plus we are going to allow developers to run their own python script which would make multiplayer possible without the need for it natively. As i mentioned before the Circuitry side will hopefully be passed on to a 3rd party. And this is actually on my list of concerns to raise to them. But progress on this side of things probably wont take off until after christmas


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : karate25 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Wait a minute, you're using ethernet cables to connect this thing to the internet? how about wifi? that's what everyone's using today. And I'd like to see some more simulation games like empire builders that work in real time. Day night cycles, weather conditions Etc. Hope this helps.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jacerbt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

I want pinball and bowling games.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tayo . bethel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

We need more turn-based and action RPGS. Particularly in the fantasy genre. And large, original,open worlds and in-depth storytelling seem to be few and far between in audiogames these days. So by all means make the games large--this, after all, a dedicated gaming device.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aaronlp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

The intention is to create as few limitations as possible for developers, so an account may be needed to publish your games but it most certainly will not cost anything, if anything the focus is to make some money.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ashleygrobler04 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Do you know if you are going to have to create a developer account like on google play and the appstore and pay for that account?I think this is going to be the first platform that i am going to be able to develop for.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aaronlp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Feel free to ask as many questions as you like Ashley. I have made menus that are scrollable without a problem, normally with a counter that counts up or down with button presses and then on button release looks at what the counter value is and says a menu option, such as 1 being new game, 2 being load game etc. Arrays as such arnt included but loops are, I  suggest looking into the tutorial about loops, I havent needed to use an array yet but for more experienced programmers there will be the option to run your own python scipts in the future. Its been on the feature list for quite some time but will probably be made an actualy feature after release. Updates to games will need redownloading, updates to the console itself however will be done whenever it is connected to the internet via ethernet cable. I plan on creating our own play store, where once you own a game it is registered to your account and any furtehr downloads or updates will of course be free.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ashleygrobler04 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Oh, and one last question for now: how are we going to release updates to our games? or will we have to keep purchasing the game from a site? or will you have to download the file from a website and put it on the memory stick?


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ashleygrobler04 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Oh. sorry, i thought that it is going to have a menu from whitch you load the game. just a question: can you make use of arrays in this GDE? the reason why i am asking this is because i would kind of like to make a menu for a game. or should we make the user press 1 to start, 2 to load the game, 3 to rase the volume and 4 to lower the volume and so on?


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aaronlp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

I personally like the final fantasy series Kenshira, it always has great soundtracks to immerse you into the game and the stories are very in-depth. I'd love to hear more about what people want, what their ideal game would be and the features it would answer Ashley. This is down to the developers choice. Once the Sonus loads it will load whatever game is plugged in via memory stick, which will be a game that was made using the G D E.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ashleygrobler04 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Aaronlp, how are we going to navigate this device? doesn't it have like a speech based menu to tell you what you are focused on?


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Turn based strategy games are what I miss playing personally. I'm not talking about something like battleship, but something more alont the lines of final fantasy tactics or fire emblem series where you position your units on a grid and have them interact with stuff all the while presenting the player with a ritch and meaningful story, and providing slight rpg elements like stat improvements through levelups and better gear. I can't think of many accessible games that can provide this kind of single player content, and the few I can think of are in the mainstream.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aaronlp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Yes the video is stereo and offers a surround sound experience with headphones. I agree with making games big. Large free roaming worlds and in depth stories will be my personal goal with the games I develop.Perhaps we could talk more about what we feel audio games are missing. And how we can fill those gaps. What would be the most ideal game you would like to play and what features would the game have that you feel games dont seem to have at the moment. And I can ensure we take our focus in that direction


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

When you have a portable console and not using your ios, or android in my case to play favorite games, you want the games to be a hibrid, I mean be big, like on pc, and not only focused on combat, as I saw most of android games do, but with easy controls like on mobile to be played on a small device, that will be amazing.And btw, the video was great, I do not know if it was stereo or anithing because I lost today my headphones in school and I am using a damaged samsung headset, so, I can hear only with a single ear, but it sounded really good.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aaronlp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Thank you ashley. Im always glad to hear a bit of feedback on the G D E.Yes the console does use buttons jacerbt. The impression I get from most audio gamers is that they seem to always be fairly computer literate. Where as some may prefer a more custom purpose built system that simply turns on and starts playing. And hopefully we can make the G D E easy enough to use that we get a bigger range of games. And hopefully more focused on audio since the programming is made easy. Or so you feel PC would still be better? Id lpve to hear what you think


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jacerbt via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

How will the controls work? If it uses buttons, then thereisn’t much of a difference with a PC. How does the interface work? Is it speech based?.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ashleygrobler04 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Hi, i created that test program just a few minutes ago. i could not do it the first time, i don't know what i did wrong, but it worked when i did it again when i saw this tyhat i got the game working, i want to say i can't wait to see this consol. i will be more than happy to make or should i say try and make games for the consoll. it seems quite easy and fun.i love this GDE! and good luck with the consol creation


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aaronlp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

I plan on growing the project to an international scale. So yes, it should definitly be available in the US at some point. The G D E needs more support from me but unfortunatly I havent had that time spare, hopefully that will chance and we will start growing a developer community before the Sonus release.And as for batteries,  I completely agree. It was easier to use standard AA batteries during prototyping but shifting to Lithium Ion for the final unit is definitly something I want to push for.But what I really want to know, is your expectations. My vision is high quality, in-depth games with surround audio. What do you think the Sonus can offer you that you dont already have with PC or mobile games? And i can try to focus on those advantages


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

I really feel like this thing should use a rechargeavle battery. We are long past the age of having to buy a pack of aa vatteries for the gameboy every month. Having to do that can be real expensive if one is a heavy player of the console.


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

@5: that's part of the reason the development environment was released before the console itself. 


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

good job you are doing, but what good is a console without games?


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : rwbeardjr via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Is there an expected release date? Will the console be available here in the United States?


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aaronlp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Hi again Angel,I currently have a very neat working prototype that cost me a pretty penny to get made. However some PCB issues regarding the battery management exist. But I've come to realise the PCB side is taking far too much of my time and I'm exploring some avenues to out source that side of things. The Console now uses normal memory sticks to hold the games. Each sonus will have a serial number and you will use that number to download games from a play store, or perhaps order them. This is obviosuy to prevent piracy. I'm glad you like the G D E. Hopefully I will get more time to focus on it soon.Also, if you dont mind me asking. Have you seen the demo I posted showing off the demo game for the console, and how do youthink it compares to current audio games quality? the link to the video is here if you are interested:


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Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

2018-12-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus Audio Game Console

Hi, as always, I am still interested in such a thing.What is the stage now?I mean, did you decide for chartriges or micro sd? Stuff like that.I can not talk about games because I will play what is released for this device, because the idea itself is so awesome.I can say for most of us, a some what long lasting battery, wify capability, trough an adapter if needed, the device beying confortable to hold, with easy to reach controls, it can become a really good gaming device for the blind.And, your engine is simple, I like that, it is the first thing I can code in. Howp you can get it done.Best regards.


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

I like the idea. That'll make things much more flexible in many ways


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

True. Matter of fact, nintendo 3ds did away with usb sticks and instead has an sd card slot in its place. Doubt the card could store games on it though, it seems to be just for the camera component. If the Sonus let you access everything, your games, your media, on one card, that would be great. To constitute this there could be a reserved games folder, kind of like how the Victor Reader talking book players have reserved folders that it looks to, $vrmusic for your music, $vrdtb for your talking books, etc. The idea is to name the folder in such a way that it can't be easily confused with others. $sgcgames for example? In addition, there could then be an explorer like interface that can access any folder on the card to play media files or what have you. And the usb port can still be there as an option. Actually, here's an idea. You did mention not having wifi support, and that's obviously understandable, it does cut costs after all. Unless your development board is 
 a Raspberry Pi model3b or any similar environment, in which case wifi is built in. But the usb port could be used for a wifi dongle. You could put things like score posting and, if possible, an interface to the store, with the understanding that the customer provides the wireless interface in question. As I understand it there is only one usb port. I wonder if one of those keyboards that function as usb hubs can handle a wifi dongle? If not, connect the wifi dongle and keyboard to a powered hub and then connect the hub to the usb port. Unless you also plan to have a usb OTG port as well for things like firmware updates, in which people could use a short usb cable to connect a keyboard to. The way I understand it, you'd also like to market the console to some folks who may not have a computer. Well, what if they could download their games through the console itself provided thy were directed as to where to get a wifi dongle?


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

Yeh, sd cards are tini and better than sticks!


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

This sounds like a great idea. And free games would absolutely not have the serial number/registration code to deal with, just the paid ones? That actually works great. It's probably the least invasive drm system there can be for this console. And if you wanna order as a gift for a friend, no problem, just enter their serial number and have them download the game, or, if they don't have a computer, you could send it to them on a usb stick in person, have them use the phone automation,  or what have you. That said, if the cartridge system is to be scrapped, would there be an sd card slot in its place? I just don't think people would really like to be playing a game with this usb drive sticking out of the machine If I understand it correctly, if someone orders the game on a usb drive, if they have an sd card at their disposal, could they copy the game over to the card since it' s just a standard usb drive? IN other words, is the key file, the encrypted one p
 robably, stored on the usb stick with the game itself?


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aaronlp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

Hi guys, sorry I have been unresponsive in this thread, since the G D E was lauched for testing I have mostly been in the developer section. but I'm collecting feedback regarding scrapping th cartridge idea and would like input from everyone I can.My new idea to battle piracy is for the sonus to look for a code on the games usb stick that will only work with that particular console. This means games would all have to be downloaded or purchased from one location which could generate the codes, like a play store.People can make games and uplaod them to the play store, and select if they want them to be free or if they want to sell them. When downloaded we generate a code to be downloaded as well. This means each Sonus would need a serial number that would be entered whenever downloading a game to make sure they get the right code to make the game work. Or alternatively we will also have an automated phone system for non-internet users who can order games to be deli
 vered on a usb stick with the code already on it.What are our thoughts on this idea, I believe it would be easier from my side and it puts all the library of games in one place for easy shopping. Its also an easier distribution system to publish your games rather than advertising and marketing them yourselves.please let me know what you think, thank you guys


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

Here you go: will be re-opening and will be updated with all the latest


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

When looking at the gamemaker tool, it seems that you can make quite complex games for the console.


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : RTT entertainment via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

Hi, I was wondering if you could please give us the honour of working on the launch title for this product? It would be a great honour. Also, will this console be able to play proper games? Or will they just be  arcade games?


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

There are a few game demos available with the original prototype, but they're a bit dated.


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

Yes, look in the first post!


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Cody_91 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

Is there a website to follow this more closely?


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

Well done. I find it interesting that they programmed this one to put a location in, unless that was a paid human spammer which is quite possible. With all that said and done, we are now free to discuss the Sonus without anymore interruptions from this disruptive hooligan. Lol!


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console



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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

This super excessive dustin spambot whatever has now been banned. Some of it's posts are still at large though I forgot to view all posts at once. So I'm now fixing that as well. This one's gonna take a while. It seemingly loved the sonus topic going utterly nuts posting post after post about some sort of numerology and providing tons and tons and I do mean tons of random links, even going back to 2008. But that's just the tip of the iceberg. This bot had around 30 posts under it's belt when I first found it. Why wasn't it restricted? Simple, it was registered before that system came into play and chose today to strike.On that note, I hope we can now go back to discussion of the Sonus.


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

Some ways to delete spam posts:1: The easyest one, report them and wait!2: Skip them, this will not delete them, but you will not see them, some harder because nah!3: The hardest one:a: Try to become a moderator, admin or what ever you can, if this can not be realized skip the next step.B: Delete your selve.Sorry if I said something wrong, last way was some kind of joke, but nah, I am verry bored!


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : DustinVioda via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : DustinVioda via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : DustinVioda via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

True. But the problem is that once the game is off that cartridge, there's not even a simple registration system. An armadillo-like equivalent that is locked to a given console rather than a specific cartridge would suffice. But wait -- that would mean that the master key that the console has would in theory work for every game. Anyone remember when old bsc programs would let you transfer your license to and from a floppy disk? Well, may be the console should have a license manager of some type that lets you at least allows the games to be licensed in a universal way but not getting too much into steam territory if you will.


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : DracoSelene89 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

My thoughtsI'd much rather the console has a rechargable battery via USB or a charger, as AA batteries can get expensive if the battery life doesn't exactly last long.The piracy argument is a fallacy, and here's why: You can't prove a lost sale, and if a game is good enough people will buy it. anyhow. There was a panel that discussed DRM, which just hurts legitimate purchasers, while the pirates get away with it and don't suffer from the DRM.


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

More to the point, it did just occur to me that the cartridge uses the SPI profile and a custom cable to connect to the computer, unless something's changed. Couldn't that appear just like any other storage drive? I sadly doubt there is any way around encryption. And if that means registration keys, then I guess that's the way it is. There is usb support, so you could in theory plug in a usb keyboard and enter the registration key.


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

I have one like that, 4 gb and verry tini, but more confortable with sd cards!


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bigdog via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

usb sticks aren't always long in fact i have one that's low profile that is very and i mean very small.


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

Hi.These cartridges remind me of gameboy consoles and will be hard to get a registration sistem, but is hard to us to buy cartridges and cartridges and for developers asswell.And with an usb stick you will have to have something long in your console and we can have problems with this thing.And please, an idea of the price will be much apreciated!


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

[[wow]]. I didn't noticed the console have a USB plug as well. This is so exciting...


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

This cartridge thing reminds me of the old flash cartridges that early 2000s toys would use, and there was usually a usb cartridge reader to go along with those which you could use to download content and flash it to the cartridge. That said, would there be a usb card reader and maybe have the console come with a few blank cartridges to get you started? I'd imagine some developers would want to try the real thing on a cartridge with the console. More to the point, how much space do the cartridges have, and are they rewriteable? As for sd cards I do agree, piracy is one thing you don't want happening through the simplicity of the console. A drm system that I use does have the ability to generate product id/registration keys based on the serial number of a usb device like a flash drive, but 1. I don't even know if you can get a serial number of an sd card considering that was a native usb protocol function, and 2. that would just be too much in the way of coding yet a
 nother protection system. At the same time, these games don't have registration keys, after all what console game ever would.


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Diegogaribay via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

could you give us some game demo recordings so that we know what it may sound like? I will buy this when it comes out!


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

I'm wandering about the following: Why does the console not take SD cards for games? If you need to purchase games on the special discs, it would become quite difficult. Buying games online and put them on a SD card would be much easier. Maybe there is made a solution to this, I don't remember. I'm still very excited for the product.


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

The Console's not quite released just yet.


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2017-09-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ross via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

Glad to see that you're still working on this. As for the screen reader, I also use NVDA. I also have a quick question? Could you explain why you decided to use double A batteries instead of a rechargeable one? It's almost 2018 haha. `


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2016-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ambro86 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

Hello Aaron, I suggest you to check the games by Aaron Backer. I think are the best in quality for our european market. There are also japanese audiogames but it's difficult for you to try them. You can try these games because are long demo versionsHere is Paladin Of the sky, an rpg game that I like very much: here The Gate, a very cool side scroller: you can try, other very cool games are Shadow Line, an rpg and Bokurano Daybouken 3 an action side scroller.Cheers,Ambro


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2016-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

@Aaronlp: You can easily find more information on the games I talk about by searching on Google. Most of the games I talk about are mainstream games.


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2016-07-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ambro86 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

Hello Aaron, I suggest you to check the games by Aaron Backer. I think are the best in quality for our european market. There are also japanese audiogames but it's difficult for you to try them. You can try these games because are long demo versionsHere is Paladin Of the sky, an rpg game that I like very much: here The Gate, a very cool side scroller:,Ambro


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2016-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aaronlp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

I dont really know any of them so maybe pick a favourite or a brief description of each? Im just trying to get an idea of what type of games people would like and how they would work. I only need a concept. I can work out the kinks.


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2016-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

What games do you wanna know more about?


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2016-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aaronlp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

That video looks very interesting SLJ. I will look further into that when I get time. Unfortunantly I havent played many audio games so a lot of those names arnt familiar to me. Could you tell me more about the game mechanics?Sorry I also dont know what braillomon is Ishan but a I like the idea of a racing game. Im planning on including one in BananzaAs for the battery concern. Im unsure of the milliamp usage. I plan to shove a usb stick full of mp3s in it one day and see how long it last. I will let you know once I try it.


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2016-07-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : sneak via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

Um, my main concern with the battery thing is how often someone will need to replace them, or if they have rechargeable batteries, recharge them.


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2016-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ishan Dhami via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

Hi arron!as far as the question goes  how brailloman by ian humphry was licensed? well how it will be cool that this sonus have some kids friendly or maybe a car racing game. ThanksIshan


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2016-07-07 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

@Aaronlp: I'm just glad to give some suggestions. Maybe a game like You don't know Jack? Or maybe a special version of Bop it, with trophies and unlockables? Just dance or a game like Space channel would be fantastic.I really wish the game called Sound Shapes was accessible. Find out more by watching this review: don't know how it should be made accessible though, since the music tracks you build might drown the more important audio if it was an audio game only. But maybe it could be made if the player can adjust the volume of the music track so the audio which is used for navigating the levels can be heard.


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2016-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

What you could include is a lot of unlockable worlds with minigames. If you haven't checked out Crazy Party, crazy party, it is essentially a Mario-party like audio game. While the Sonus game may not have the actual games, the idea could be the same. Unlockable worlds to beat, with around 6 to 8 games in each. That would add tons of replayability. Do you plan to add wifi support to the console, or at least support for a usb wifi dongle, and add live support to the console like mainstream consoles have?


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2016-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aaronlp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

The menu voice has been changed. Thanks as always SLJ. We seem pretty happy with it being battery run so unless anyone has any objections I think I will stick with that plan.Also glad to see the party game idea is being recieved well. Any suggestions for what to include? What you would like to get added in? Its still open for editing right now


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2016-07-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

Pretty much an equivalent to Crazy Party, now on the Sonus. Awesome! In the future it could be expanded with more unlockable minigames and worlds. Regarding the batteries, I am completely fine with that.


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2016-07-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

Hi. Regarding the batteries, it would be just fine for me, and really great, since you can just take more batteries with you on the go.Nice demo from the party game you are making. The voice in the menu doesn't need to say selected for each menu item, simply because when a menu item is spoken, then it's selected.  Keep up the fantastic great job.


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2016-07-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aaronlp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

How does everyone feel about making the Sonus battery powered, four AAs to be precise. They produce 6 volt and can be sent through a regulator to drop them to 5 volt which the Sonus requires. Lithium Ion would have been preferable but is giving me a hard time trying to regulate to chargingAlso we are working on Bananza the party style game to be released with the Sonus, which will include various mini games and different playable characters. I think that style of game would be perfect for the replay-ability while we get the GDE out there and also gives us time to not rush our own RPG game we plan on makinghere is a link to a quick demo of the Bananzas main menus and selectable characters if anyone is interested


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Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

2016-06-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Aaronlp via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Sonus - Audio Game Console

Unfortunatly Aaron is correct. We can make games in a similair style such as a monster catching and training game but if we use the intillectual property of anyone else we will have legal issues


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