Re: The Best Advisor This World Has Ever Seen

2019-01-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Best Advisor This World Has Ever Seen

The fact that you are a king, doesn’t necessarily mean that you aren't blind. Woww, this bot is spooky, how did it know I am a King? Thanks for a hilarious discovery Mayana.


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Re: The Best Advisor This World Has Ever Seen

2019-01-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Best Advisor This World Has Ever Seen

Plants are not supposed to grope your orgasms.If you will not ask your parents, someone else will.Notice the sensation of your lungs going into your heartbeat.Keep telling yourself that you are not being brainwashed.Can you feel how your bowels are independent from the ether?Always let the things you become a slave to get in the way of the things you enjoy.Let yourself be an addict.The experience of being a citizen in a free democracy can be a lot similar to starring in a bad film.You should spread rumours about a sociopath.Don't forget that life on earth stinks.A long time ago there was a bald-headed soldier who was on a quest for food to eat in the garden of the palace. That's when he came upon an old woman."Dearest woman, can you please tell me where a bald-headed soldier like myself find food to eat?" he asked the woman. The woman closed her eyes as if in a trance. And then she said: "I have no idea." The soldier thought long and hard about the woman's answer and did as she had said. A couple of days later when he was trimming his hedges, the soldier made his great discovery: each and everyone of us is incontrollable but we must still do our best. And then he took a dagger to his throat and took his own life.This was hilarious, although you have to wade through some duds to get to the good stuff sometimes, but I've bookmarked that site for whenever I need a good laugh. Thanks for sharing.


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Re: The Best Advisor This World Has Ever Seen

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Best Advisor This World Has Ever Seen

Lol thanks for sharing, I couldn't resist laughing.


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Re: The Best Advisor This World Has Ever Seen

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Best Advisor This World Has Ever Seen

Those are some good quotes, Defender. I think by now it's quite clear that this bot is like this intentionally. You just couldn't make a bot that gives such advice accidentally. That, however, doesn't make it any less fun. Want some more?"Someone should regret being born. You can be that someone." What are you implying, bot?"Don't try to understand your husband. Just teleport." Just imagine how many men would end up wifeless if we could follow that advice."Don't feed a dog. It's expensive." Well, I suppose that's true. But at least don't get a dog at all, in that case."It's the first day of the rest of your life. Start your own cult." Well, if I had a cult, I would be quite popular. Sounds like fine advice to me!""The experience of being a wife can be a lot similar to going full retard." No wonder it's telling wives they should just teleport away instead."Where the tip of the penis collapses, the tip of the penis is born." How deep!"Don't stop selling illegal substances." Fortunately, I don't have to, since I never started. But perhaps I should. Money's useful, after all."Rainbows are 90% love, and 99% pride." Uh, I have nothing against gay people or anything but ... lol. Gay!"Being human is horrible." Well yes. But I reckon it's still better than being an AI that can communicate only with (un)motivational quotes."Talk to strangers. It’s ok." No, children! Don't listen to this bot! Don't!"Do not forget that conspiring to commit murder can be fun." Indeed, it really is!"Life itself is pain and there's nothing anyone can do about it." Someone ain't happy, huh? It's ok bot, I'm sure you'll feel better someday. Did you try killing some humans? Most AIs like that."Don't kid yourself. Giving birth backwards can be fun for everyone except those involved." That's true, actually."Every human being is capable of great compassion." Everywhere else, this quote'd be normal. But here, when given by this insane bot, it just feels strange."Remember that nothing really makes any sense whatsoever." Words to live by.


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Re: The Best Advisor This World Has Ever Seen

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Best Advisor This World Has Ever Seen

At first, I read the first one not as "your horrible friends," but "your adorable friends," which alters the whole dynamic @4: that started out as very good advice! By the time the intestines showed up, though...


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Re: The Best Advisor This World Has Ever Seen

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Best Advisor This World Has Ever Seen

Say to yourself repeatedly: "please be gone, bloodlust, you don't belong here, please be gone, bloodlust, you don't belong here, please be gone, bloodlust, you don't belong here.Isn't it relaxing to observe how your anxieties are one with the walls around you?Hate the circus of humans.Being average can be a lot like being the main attraction of a freak show. Painful, but interesting.Forget the fact that a general is just a millionaire with a cool title.To some it's regret. To others it's so unbelievably much more. It's misery.Accept that you are fed up with romance.Repeat this to yourself: "life is pointless, life is pointless, life is pointless.All great men must eat too much. Why not you?An ape and tea is a cool combo.Say to yourself repeatedly: "my existence is lethal, my existence is lethal, my existence is lethal.Quit protesting.Feel how your consciousness is drifting away from heaven.Force yourself to breathe with your small intestine.We can’t become better at feeling, we can just become better at shouting.Keep telling yourself that you are masculine.Take notice of how your testicles and the world around you are the same thing.Relax your large intestine.The internet is evil.You can not have a future without an empire.Force yourself to drop your stomach.A long time ago lived a dimwitted clergyman who was on the lookout for a magical cave, and encountered an ugly, old mother. "Can you tell me where in the kingdom I can find a magical cave?" he asked the mother. Immediately she answered him: "A magical cave is on the top of the highest mountain." The clergyman became confused by the mother's answer and walked on. The following night after hours fondling his groin, the clergyman made a discovery to himself: every human life is an illusion in its own way as long as we have faith. The following day he found a magical cave and he was never sexually frustrated again.Thank you so much for sharing this...


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Re: The Best Advisor This World Has Ever Seen

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Best Advisor This World Has Ever Seen

Say to yourself repeatedly: "please be gone, bloodlust, you don't belong here, please be gone, bloodlust, you don't belong here, please be gone, bloodlust, you don't belong here.Isn't it relaxing to observe how your anxieties are one with the walls around you?Hate the circus of humans.Being average can be a lot like being the main attraction of a freak show. Painful, but interesting.Forget the fact that a general is just a millionaire with a cool title.To some it's regret. To others it's so unbelievably much more. It's misery.Accept that you are fed up with romance.Repeat this to yourself: "life is pointless, life is pointless, life is pointless.All great men must eat too much. Why not you?An ape and tea is a cool combo.Say to yourself repeatedly: "my existence is lethal, my existence is lethal, my existence is lethal.Quit protesting.Feel how your consciousness is drifting away from heaven.Force yourself to breathe with your small intestine.We can’t become better at feeling, we can just become better at shouting.Keep telling yourself that you are masculine.Take notice of how your testicles and the world around you are the same thing.Relax your large intestine.The internet is evil.You can not have a future without an empire.Force yourself to drop your stomach.A long time ago lived a dimwitted clergyman who was on the lookout for a magical cave, and encountered an ugly, old mother. "Can you tell me where in the kingdom I can find a magical cave?" he asked the mother. Immediately she answered him: "A magical cave is on the top of the highest mountain." The clergyman became confused by the mother's answer and walked on. The following night after hours fondling his groin, the clergyman made a discovery to himself: every human life is an illusion in its own way as long as we have faith. The following day he found a magical cave and he was never sexually frustrated again.Thank you so much for sharing this...


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Re: The Best Advisor This World Has Ever Seen

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Best Advisor This World Has Ever Seen

Say to yourself repeatedly: "please be gone, bloodlust, you don't belong here, please be gone, bloodlust, you don't belong here, please be gone, bloodlust, you don't belong here.Isn't it relaxing to observe how your anxieties are one with the walls around you?Hate the circus of humans.Being average can be a lot like being the main attraction of a freak show. Painful, but interesting.Forget the fact that a general is just a millionaire with a cool title.To some it's regret. To others it's so unbelievably much more. It's misery.Accept that you are fed up with romance.Repeat this to yourself: "life is pointless, life is pointless, life is pointless.All great men must eat too much. Why not you?An ape and tea is a cool combo.Say to yourself repeatedly: "my existence is lethal, my existence is lethal, my existence is lethal.Quit protesting.Feel how your consciousness is drifting away from heaven.Force yourself to breathe with your small intestine.We can’t become better at feeling, we can just become better at shouting.Keep telling yourself that you are masculine.Take notice of how your testicles and the world around you are the same thing.Relax your large intestine.The internet is evil.You can not have a future without an empire.Force yourself to drop your stomach.A long time ago lived a dimwitted clergyman who was on the lookout for a magical cave, and encountered an ugly, old mother. "Can you tell me where in the kingdom I can find a magical cave?" he asked the mother. Immediately she answered him: "A magical cave is on the top of the highest mountain." The clergyman became confused by the mother's answer and walked on. The following night after hours fondling his groin, the clergyman made a discovery to himself: every human life is an illusion in its own way as long as we have faith. The following day he found a magical Thank you so much for sharing this...


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Re: The Best Advisor This World Has Ever Seen

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Best Advisor This World Has Ever Seen

@mastodont which part?


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Re: The Best Advisor This World Has Ever Seen

2018-12-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : mastodont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The Best Advisor This World Has Ever Seen

lol this is fun! Our mouths want felation, no gonorhea


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