Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

That would be fine, but windows 8 and 10 have been around for a number of years now. They should have the resources to work on it, and if not, certainly the finances to hire qualified software engineers on board. And with their acquisition of Optilec and the conglomeration that is VFO, there should be nothing stopping them.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Draq via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

My guess is that JAWS falls behind in some areas due to how it's coded, and now FS is having to either change how things are done or find a way to cary on with how they've been doing things from the start. They've already had to change quite a bit of things regarding Edge because they can't just hook into the browser anymore. As for NVDA, I don't know Python, so I don't know how that works either.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

@21, he's talking about forum wide, and yes there have been some of that. Jaws was great, its true, I remember using it from 3.5, the last version I used was 9.0 which was legal. I had cracks and stuff, and have tried 16 and 18 cracked. That being said, its true that I might not know all of what it can do, but there are many reasons why I don't wish to use it, either in a paid capacity, or a pirated one.Here's the thing though, you can't ride on your previous achievements forever. Yes, Jaws is how I got my start in computers, at least in windows. Before that I had a keynote system in a 286 running DOS, I don't remember what version. So yes, I do feel grateful to an extent, because without Jaws, I wouldn't be where I am now. That doesn't change the fact that they're no longer innovating, they're falling quite far behind I'm sorry, but not sorry, because if you pay that much, or even have it purchased for you, that damn thing ought to be with the cutting edge of technology. It ought to be able to handle windows 10 universal apps, it ought to be able to handle the windows store, etc. The last I heard, things like that are still a struggle. To be fair, it is with NVDA too, to get the full experience out of windows 10 universal apps, its best to use Narrator. I've been told by several people working with NVDA in the capacity of add-on developers that part of the problem is Microsoft's to bear.@20 I don't really know how it all got started, but I can guess. Someone brought up a problem they were having with Jaws, someone else made a remark, now whether that remark was just factual information, or it was laced with negative connotation, either way, the Jaws user or users involved probably over reacted, that seems to be the way of it, they're so sensitive about it, rather than facing the flaws of their product, voicing their concerns to FS, they'd rather come on here and snap at people. Not all of course, but certainly a fair few.My stake in this is that I use NVDA because I love it, it does what I need it to do, and quickly, without putting load on the system resources. I don't personally care what other people use, if it works for them, good. I might try to convert someone to NVDA if they express frustration with Jaws, but I don't go around and be like, jaws sucks, use NVDA its great! I also don't flip my shit if someone points out flaws with NVDA, yes, there are flaws with it for sure. Maybe I've been too quick to point out flaws with Jaws, and that's instigated issues, but I'll try to keep it in the realm of fact from here on out rather than opinion unless opinions are asked of me.I don't see how saying Jaws doesn't work particularly well with games is a reason for someone to throw a hissy fit, its a true statement. If it weren't, I could understand a little rancor about it. Honestly, if people channeled that anger into something useful, and wrote FS about the issues, maybe something would get done, but the vibe I get is people who know their screen reader has some issues, but they don't want to admit it, because they paid a lot for it and don't want to feel as if they've been ripped off, so they deny it, and they throw up defenses which come off as insecurity.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

@20 We're gonna have to agree to disagree. We didn't start bashing them, post 2 said something and post 4 took it way to seriously.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Nocturnus via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

A few points, if I may:1.  I haven't seen exceptionally notable differences between JAWS 12 and 17, which is the version I've run most recently.2.  The differences I have seen, I've seen in other screen readers before I've seen them in JFW.3.  that being said, I will never, ever forget that Fs was for many years, a great innovator and that JAWS truly is a pioneer of the screen reading industry, that it got me up and running with windows to begin with, and that NVDA was something I regarded with deep suspicion from the very beginning.4.  the tables have turned in a decade full of success; JAWS has fallen behind in many regards, NVDA is quickly picking up steam because it has many things going for it, from the fact that it is open source software, to the fact that it works more or less right out of the box with one of its users greatest forms of entertainment, games.5.  JAWS is not dead!  there is a thriving community of individuals developing scripts for it who know what they're doing, as proven by this thread alone!  Whether in fact they are a voice crying out in the wilderness or not is a matter of oppinion, but I humbly submit to you, as an NVDA user, that if another product came along some 5, 10 years from now, claiming to be able to do more than NVDA was ever able to we would at first, at the very least, regard it with deep skepticism and contend to the teens and young adults of that point in time that they're full of themselves and that they  need to tone it down with their tirades!  What's more, it shocks me how quickly NVDA screen reader users have forgotten how they felt when the Leasey topics came up on here, where it was basically said that only JAWS users would ever again be able to play q9 and other such games because they had been released practically and entirely for JFW users!  I don't see any of that going on right now, when the fact is that it's the JAWS users who would not be able to play the game as comfortably if it hadn't been for the generous time contribution of a JAWS user who took it upon himself to submit a workaround so that they wouldn't have to step out of their comfort zone just to download another product, free or not, which they would otherwise not use as they see no need for it!It's easy to be ignorant because you see yourself above everyone else based on the fact that you're willing to go along with change.  It's not as easy to put yourself in the shoes of those who don't care much for it, either because they fear it out of lack of understanding, or because convenience dictates they should remain where they are.  Today, on ag net, JAWS users seem to be something of a minority, and the way NVDA users are treating them is, in my opinion, bordering on the unacceptable, just as much as it would be if the shoe were on the other foot.  Stop treating them like they're the one's looking down their noses at us because we use a free product they feel is inferior and try to think about it from their perspective.  Are they experiencing learning curvs?  Are they obligated to the product?  Did they just spend thousands of dollars on it?  does their corporate environment require they use it?  No, we don't know, and we can't honestly know, but we should care.  NVDA users claim we're bringing about change, but for this minority, we're not doing anything other than fueling fires, and because that's the way we're being perceived, they lash out!It may be a bit too late, but I want people like Orko, flackers and others in their camp to know I am going to try and stand along side them as best I can, given I'm not exactly a JAWS user myself and will more than likely never go back to the product owing to financial circumstances and the fact that I myself am happy with NVDA as it is, but that they're using a product that has great significance to me, that has brought me years of learning experience, a product that, I honestly believe, had I not first discovered the way I did, would have resulted in me not being able to use NVDA and windows as efficiently as I am able to today.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : targor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

I've upgraded froom 16 to 2018 a few months ago. No, it's not very different in my opinion. I hadn't found any new Feature I would Need. But I got a new Laptop and it was time for an upgrade. Besides the very stupid keyhook though, no new Feature Comes to mind I'd really Need.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

The reason I haven't used an up-to-date payed version of JAWS, is because with the cost of the upgrade, it's a waste. If someone wants to give me a key for jaws 2019 or whatever, then I'll do an unbiased review of it. I remember trying a demo of JAWS 17 at one point and it really wasn't that different from the full version of JAWS 15 I had.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

I think when you become a bit sensitive or defensive about a thing, you usually end up biting the head off the wrong person, and I think that's what happened here. Because you do wonder how much the jaws-bashing on here is coming from people who have never actually used an up-to-date paid version.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : targor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

Uhm yeah. I even am a Jaws user and am very pleased with it. But as many have pointed out, games are not its strong Point. I even said in my post I'm not sure with AHC because I don't have it. So yes, it was uninformed.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-10 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : targor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

Uhm yeah. I even am a Jaws user and am very pleased with it. But as many have pointed out, games are not ist strong Point. I even said in my post I'm not sure with AHC because I don't have it. So yes, it was uninformed.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

Yeah I'm thrilled that Loxias got this figured out, so that we have a workable solution to point JAWS users to. Honestly it's probably something we could've come up with ourselves, but seeing as that did not happen, it's nice that he was able to do it.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

That's cool though, either way. If I were in that situation, I wouldn't be happy that I'd spent $20 on a game I couldn't play with my screen reader of choice, and that's not Out of Sight's fault There's only so much you can do when the manufacturer refuses to abide by current standards. SO its good that someone was able to come up with a configuration so Jaws users can play the same way as anyone else.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

Exactly, we didn't say every game, we said most. Pay attention to our posts and maybe you'll see that. Even the games it does work with require tampering with Jaws to get it to work, so technically it doesn't work with the games it supposedly does work with. Although in AHC you can use w a s and d to move around, so you could use Jaws with it.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

Joseph Westhouse wrote:For those of you wanting to play AHC with JAWS, Loxias has been kind enough to provide a JAWS configuration file and instructions for how to set it up so that JAWS works with AHC on your machine. This is something that has to be done by the end-user meaning we can't do it for you through AHC but there are plenty of people using these instructions to happily play AHC with JAWS. The file and instructions are in post #1076 of the main AHC thread, linked here: … 3&p=44Meaning that you have to do something extra. It doesn't work out of the box, like most games don't, which was my experience as a JAWS user. That was what we were saying.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

thumbs up @9


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

Orko may have over reacted a bit, and he does need to tone down his aggression, but as a jaws user myself, I know how he feels. There is a noticeable anti-jaws vibe on this forum that was surprising and a bit baffling to me when I first came here. Post 2 was literally an uninformed comment. Jaws does work with  AHC. And although I haven't played loads of games, for the ones I have, jaws has worked more often than not. So it not working with most games isn't true in my experience. Loads of people are defending post 6 which essentially says jaws not working with games is a fact while ignoring post 5 which is from the developer himself saying it does. That's as biased and blinkered as it gets. I know my saying this will alienate me with a significant proportion of this forum, which has been a rich source of info and helpful people, but fuck it. I'm not eight years old. I'm not going to fall in with the biggest gang like it's junior school.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-09 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

Orko may have over reacted a bit, but as a jaws user myself, I know how he feels. There is a noticeable anti-jaws vibe on this forum that was surprising and a bit baffling to me when I first came here. Post 2 was literally an uninformed comment. Jaws does work with  AHC. And although I haven't played loads of games, for the ones I have, jaws has worked more often than not. So it not working with most games isn't true in my experience. Loads of people are defending post 6 which essentially says jaws not working with games is a fact while ignoring post 5 which is from the developer himself saying it does. That's as biased and blinkered as it gets. I know my saying this will alienate me with a significant proportion of this forum, which has been a rich source of info and helpful people, but fuck it. I'm not eight years old. I'm not going to fall in with the biggest gang like it's fucking junior school.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

@6-7-8 Agreed, and @4 you think everything is a poke at Jaws. If I complained about how you can't switch the Jaws language you'd have a hissy fit about that too. When it comes to screen reader discussion I think that your better off staying out of the conversation, it always turns nasty when you post your opinions. Also, just for the record, you make Jaws users look bad. I'm not just saying that because I use NVDA, if I used Jaws I'd say the same Because it's true.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : shotgunshell via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

@6-7-8 Agreed, and @4 you think everything is a poke at Jaws. If I complained about how you can't switch the Jaws language you'd have a hissy fit about that too. When it comes to screen reader discussion I think that your better off staying out of the conversation, it always turns nasty when you post your opinions. Also, just for the record, you make Jaws users look bad.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : AlirezaNosrati via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

thumbs up for 6


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Lucas1853 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

Agreed with 6. It's a well-known fact that JAWS has more intrusive keyhooking than NVDA, so it doesn't work with most games except ones that enable the JAWS keyhook, but that's broken in newer versions of windows I think. That's a fact, not a poke at JAWS.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

@4 you need to take it down a notch there bud. Who do you think you are anyway, all he was saying is that its not working with games, which its not, its factual information, not a poke. If you're so insecure about it, maybe it would be best not to hang out on public forums where certain information can be disseminated.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Joseph Westhouse via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

For those of you wanting to play AHC with JAWS, Loxias has been kind enough to provide a JAWS configuration file and instructions for how to set it up so that JAWS works with AHC on your machine. This is something that has to be done by the end-user meaning we can't do it for you through AHC but there are plenty of people using these instructions to happily play AHC with JAWS. The file and instructions are in post #1076 of the main AHC thread, linked here: … 3&p=44


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Orko via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

I have JAWS set up to go into sleep or suspend mode while running AHC. Though I haven't gotten as deep into the game as I'd like, it does seem to work.@TargorWas that negative and uninformative poke at JAWS really necessary?With all the acceptance and accommodation problems the visually impaired community has with main stream society, it always bothers me to see members of our own community spreading a message of hate towards a screen reader for no better reason than they don't use it.I use JAWS, not Windows Eyes, System Access, or NVDA, and you don't see me trashing any of those screen readers.If you can't say anything nice or constructive, try not saying anything at all instead of being a troll.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : tate886 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

I have not been able to use Jaws with AHC. Jaws will not release keystrokes even when it is set to sleep. So I just leave AHC set to the Sapi option.


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Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

2018-02-08 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : targor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: a hero's call and jaws screen reader.

Jaws isn't working with almost every game I think and it wouldn't surprise me if A Heros call is no exception. But I don't have AHC yet so it could be possible that I'm wrong.


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