Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

It kinda freaks me out too, though usually it doesn't splash as high as it sounds like it is, but that doesn't mean it can't. Though, a couple grease pops on my hands wouldn't be as bad as the one time I dumped an entire kettle of boiling water over my left hand and arm.


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-31 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BlindJedi via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

Driving is fun lol. Done it a few times. Can cook, but i mean I still live with my parents at least for now, moving to university in september but as for now my parents do the cooking. Still good to learn though. The frying pan idea kinda freeks me out, anyone got any ideas? Gloves perhaps? There are hacks for most things in the microwave, but not all things.


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : je97 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

Hello, I cook a lot, it's something I really enjoy, making new recipes up in my head for dishes that only existed since I thought of them. As for driving, no, I'm totally blind and it's not legal. Not that I agree with that law though, I don't care about whether I continue being alive or whether the average pedestrian does either, so if I crash into someone then for the care I guess? I hold the same view to other things the all-knowing law says blind people can't do, like getting firearms permits.


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

I was left a Cobalt talking microwave by a blind neighbour in 2008. I don't think i'd have bothered with one before  I'd always used the old kind with the dials, however I actually found I liked it, particularly for doing smaller time increments on things, and having a very handy kitchin timer. I had that mike for 8 years, and it rather spectacularly went pooof in 2016, but I don't know how long said neighbour had had it for before then. The insurance bought a replacement which was nice, and these days, while I could certainly use the kind with dials, and in the states even managed to use bumpons to label my sister in law's microwave which has one of those bloody aweful inset touch pads which is only one worse than a touch screen, I do find the talking mike very convenient to have, particularly since these days I imagine finding the type with the dials would be bloody difficult (we had the devil's own time trying to  a new washing machine last year).


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

I'll admit my level indicator's worked flawlesslya little *too* well, damn thing went off buried in luggage on a trip and drove me crazy, but I've had a hard time finding retro microwaves. I'magreeing RNIB stuff isn't that good really, fairly sure my level indicator's from somebody else, but I rarely use a microwave for stuff like potatoes or noodles. Everything else goes in the oven or on an induction hob. Which is awesome to use. No risk of torching my hand unlike with an oven.


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

My experience with RNIB stuff has not been great. Never tried the microwave. Instead I just use a talking timer with one of those retro microwaves that has dials rather than push-buttons and a screen. The one I got was really cheap,and it does the job fine.


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

Related question. I was told that talking microwaves weren't worth the money and kept breaking, though this was a few years ago. The exact words were: Don't buy these (from the RNIB catalog|) because they keep breaking and are hard to fix and not worth it, by somebody who specialized in working with blind people and who dealt directly with the manufacturers. So, has that changed? I mean, I don't use a microwave all that often, but holy waffles, Induction hobs are awesome. Throw a pan on, throw food in, cook, problem solved.


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : flackers via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

Get yourself a talking scale and you could weigh out stuff like cheese. I can recommend the Vox 3000 talking scale


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Thatguy via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

Well, I can and have attempted to cook on some occasions, but usually I require sighted help because I keep running into some issues. For instance, just tonight I was trying to fix some good ohl mac and cheese, and the recipe called for 8 ounces of cheese. I got out the block of velveeta, but had no idea where to cut it at because the markings were just printed on the side of the package. For now, most of the meals I can prepare revolve around frozen, pre-processed foods, such as chicken nuggets and tater tots, which I usually throw in the air fryer for a while. But after I start living on my own here pretty soon, I'm predicting that I'll get tired of eating that sort of thing pretty quickly, so I am actually trying to learn how to fix things like eggs over easy or pancakes, and also meats, like prime rib or pork chops.


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : giorgi elbaqidze via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

well i can cook some things.And with driving, ahem first i'm 15 years old and i don't have let. Second i'm fully blind.


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaronespinozaca via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

Cooking for your self is easy. You should get some cooking blindness training it should not take long and it's easy.


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

Yes, I am real, and no, I don't have a YT channel sadlythough Wales is a strange place.


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

In our house, its me that does the majority of the cooking, whilst my lady does the majority of the laundry.I do wish I was a slightly better cook, or at  least remembered those times I actually bothered baking stuff, these days it tends to be more along the lines   of stuff I can throw in the oven rather than stuff that requires massive amounts of preparation. then again, we just finished a pretty cool chilly which I made which is one of my regulars, and  so I can't complain too much . As to driving, I've done it, it was fun to give it a try, but I'm no expert, then again cars have never really interested me all that much.


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

In our house, its me that does the majority of the cooking, whilst my lady does the majority of the laundry.I do wish I was a slightly better cook, or at  least remembered those times I actually bothered baking stuff, these days it tends to be more along the lines   I can throw in the oven rather than stuff that requires massive amounts of preparation.  then again, we just finished a pretty cool chilly which I made which is one of my regulars so I can't complain too much . As to driving, I've done it, it was fun to give it a try, but I can't claim to be an expert, then again cars have never really interested me all that much.


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

@Jacek: ... Are you real? You sound like a character from a respectably entertaining TV serial, or possibly an obnoxious-but-amusing Youtube channel. ... Do you have an obnoxious-but-amusing Youtube channel? I need new ways to distract myself from reality.But, uh, yeah, I can cook but usually don't bother with anything fancier than cinnamon tortilla chips in the oven, and drove a truck across a private parking lot once or twice. Let's invent an echolocating trike and ignore how ridiculous we look riding them around in the five minutes before we get informed that they aren't street-legal, then upload the videos to Youtube. Who's with me? Besides the crickets, though I do appreciate their unending support.


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

driving is fun lol.


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Angel via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

I can cook the simplest things like eggs or fries and stuff like this and I do it pretty well for a fully blind person, at least that is what people say.About driving, yeah, on private land, my mom wanted me to know how to drive if ever something happens and I can some how get my sight back, so I drove her old car, along with her in the passenger seat and, surprisingly, nothing was destroyed on my way.


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ty via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

I can cook quite well, i have a microwave with labeled buttons, same with an oven, i use invision AI, or now google lookout to read the instructions on boxes, or to find out what an ingreadiant is.Driving, well, I have, on my grandparents land. My grand dad had an old truck, i put that motherfucker in reverse, he was in the passenters seat, telling me when to turn, and i managed not to hit anything. I almost hit another parked car, but luckilly, he told me to turn just in time.


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

I can cook passably well, but the thought of driving scares me.


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

most of the times I've driven a car was with another person in with me, but one time I told my dad I was leaving (we were at his friend's farm), I jumped in the truck, fired it up, and backed up slowly. He ran alongside and thumped the side near the wheel well where it made a hollow thunk. I mashed the brakes and shut it off and hopped out thinking I'd hit something lol.


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

Also since my browser's being an assI've driven on private land. I managed, amazingly, to not hit anything. I then proceeded to get out and the car I was driving got totaled by somebody who wasn't paying attention. The kicker? Instructor was driving and hot dogging around, knew I was there, and locked the brakes and totaled both cars. That story always amuses me, since the instructor was a racing driver by trade who had spent an hour teaching us the theory of safe driving.I've also driven a tractor by accident. Okay, this one needs some explaining. So, I got a friend in Wales who is a handyman. He also likes his drink. And, there's a local farmer. So, one evening the farmer, totally sober turns up and says Bob's needing a ride home because he's had too much to drink, and the farmer fractured his ankle. So, he put me in the driver's seat, and told me how to drive that tractor, hooked the van up to the back, and walked alongside the tractor, telling me when to turn. When I say 'on a road', I mean for all of five feet before going across his fields. I got told to stop by the farmer, heard a knock on the window (this is when I still had sight)There's a very, very bemused officer motioning me out of the tractor. I shut it down, climb down, and explain the farmer's scheme. I told him I knew a mutual (fully blind) friend who the police know and that friend vouched for me.End result...I got a ride back home in the front of a cop car. Van got towed, farmer got away with it since it was *technically* private land I was on when the officer asked me to get out of the tractor.but given the van was on the road, the officer had another cop take the handyman home to sleep it off. Gotta love Welsh policeEDIT: Got reminded of this story. You guys remember my story about being in Montana with the parent, right? Well I ended up at the Water Follies in Washington State. AKA big ass hydroplane races. Now. I got to do two awesome things there.First ofgf. I had a then friend who worked on one of the boats, and I befriended a few legends of that sport,and somehow, I got to get a go in a simulator. I didn't flip it or wreck. Little did I know what was going on when I got a pit pass the next morning. For context, those are given to team members, media, etc. so I was happy to get one. I didn't know what they had planned, I was part of the team. Little did I know they'd rolled out a dual control hydro and they told me basically, get in, you're going for laps. I thought okay, I'll ride in the back. Now, the hydros got a five minute clock for official sessions. I heard over the radio the five minute timer started. Little did I know I was going to get to turn laps in an official session. I got to gun it to 180 heading into a corner on the Columbia River. Let's just say when the front of the boat lifts and the back's walking on the sponsens, and you're turning in, and you don't know if the boat's going to settle down and make the turn or notthat's both amazing and terrifying.After that, I got to stick around the team. I was later told my times were good enough to get the boat into the heat to make the races itself. That was amazing. After thatwell..I'll save my next story for my next post


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

@4: I just take a base ingreedient, add salt, pepper, some herbs, spices and cook it. Amusingly, it never fails to be good. I'm sure I am a kitchen witch, because I just start with simple stuff. Actually, I'd be happy to share my recipes with people if you lot would like some. I *do* cook, mostly because cooking is relaxing. As I'm typing this, casserole's in the oven and the kitchen smells of cooking food. MEDIT: I sorta fell into cooking for my folks, amusingly. Well then


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

Also since my browser's being an assI've driven on private land. I managed, amazingly, to not hit anything. I then proceeded to get out and the car I was driving got totaled by somebody who wasn't paying attention. The kicker? Instructor was driving and hot dogging around, knew I was there, and locked the brakes and totaled both cars. That story always amuses me, since the instructor was a racing driver by trade who had spent an hour teaching us the theory of safe driving.I've also driven a tractor by accident. Okay, this one needs some explaining. So, I got a friend in Wales who is a handyman. He also likes his drink. And, there's a local farmer. So, one evening the farmer, totally sober turns up and says Bob's needing a ride home because he's had too much to drink, and the farmer fractured his ankle. So, he put me in the driver's seat, and told me how to drive that tractor, hooked the van up to the back, and walked alongside the tractor, telling me when to turn. When I say 'on a road', I mean for all of five feet before going across his fields. I got told to stop by the farmer, heard a knock on the window (this is when I still had sight)There's a very, very bemused officer motioning me out of the tractor. I shut it down, climb down, and explain the farmer's scheme. I told him I knew a mutual (fully blind) friend who the police know and that friend vouched for me.End result...I got a ride back home in the front of a cop car. Van got towed, farmer got away with it since it was *technically* private land I was on when the officer asked me to get out of the tractor.but given the van was on the road, the officer had another cop take the handyman home to sleep it off. Gotta love Welsh police


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

@4: I just take a base ingreedient, add salt, pepper, some herbs, spices and cook it. Amusingly, it never fails to be good. I'm sure I am a kitchen witch, because I just start with simple stuff. Actually, I'd be happy to share my recipes with people if you lot would like some. I *do* cook, mostly because cooking is relaxing. As I'm typing this, casserole's in the oven and the kitchen smells of cooking food. M


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

I *can* cook, at least a bit, or well, to be more accurate, I can make things if there is a recipe to follow. I just most of the time don't bother. If I can throw it in the oven for 20 minutes or in the microwave, or something like that, I'll generally eat that.I have driven a car on multiple occasions, but I can't do it legally.


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

I cook. I get called a kitchen witch. Does that help?


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Re: asking some blind related questions

2019-05-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Zarvox via Audiogames-reflector


Re: asking some blind related questions

I still live with my dad, I'm 18 finishing high school. So no I do not cook for myself. I am scared to do so, it sounds like a nightmare. I don't think the 2 years of cooking knowledge from the school for the blind stuck.For driving, no. I am completely blind. If you are legally blind you can't drive. I have uber and lift, but I've only used uber twice, again my dad can take me places, and I can use the bus system in my city, so I have no need for ride share yet. But hopefully I will live on a college campus soon, and use so I will have a new bus system to get use to. And I will definitely need to  start with ride share before I get comfortable with the system.


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