Re: sorry to do this...,

2020-12-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Mayana via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sorry to do this...,

If you are making PM topics, please put the name of the person you are sending the PM to in the. Like "Zseli, check your inbox", for example. That way, people who aren't Zseli will immediately know this topic is not for them, and unless they want to be annoying and cry about how much your topic inconveniences them, they'll just press h again and move on.Your current topic title is very clickbait-ish. Sure, say you're sorry if you want to. But in the post, not the title. Because otherwise people will open this topic thinking it's something else, thinking "Ooh! Sorry to do what? Is there any delicious drama going on in here?", and then you'll have much, much more to be sorry for.


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Re: sorry

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sorry

Hey Jayde, to further add to your point about lack of LGBT representation, here's an interesting article I came a cross a little while back. … l-disorderFor context, my mum would have been 5 when this was finally decided up on.Boy how times have changed. I wonder if the discovery that straight males can get HIV also caused the "Sex barriors to come down. something for me to go read up on i guess.


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Re: sorry

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sorry

If you don't meet the criteria for a job - so long as those criteria aren't racial, I mean - and you don't get that job, then no, you can't pull the race card. There are loads of times when people do misplay their hands here. I won't deny that. People do it with gender as well. Men and women both. Women sometimes call sexual harassment in the workplace without proof, and men often use their gender to deliberately get a leg up.I'll tell you something though. One of the meanings of white privilege is essentially that the race card can be played for you when it's convenient, either because you push the issue or because the system does it for you. Have a chew on that. Don't be reactive. Think.But the number of times that people actually misplay their hand on purpose regarding race, gender, whatever else, is probably far lower than some would have you believe. For every experience you hear about, there are probably thousands of cases where nothing bad happens. Also, let's remember that those in power tend to sensationalize the mistakes of those without it. Black woman lies about her address so her child can go to a specific school, she gets five years in prison. Media goes into a feeding frenzy. White supremacists have a fucking field day. White woman pays 15000 dollars to influence her child's SAT scores, she gets six months in jail. Nobody cares. Have a chew on that. Don't be reactive. Think.Do you know why there's more LGBT representation in TV these days? It's because it has been staggeringly omitted till not too long ago. Hell, did you know that until a couple of decades back, it was actually illegal in some places to portray homosexual relationships on TV? At the very, very least, it just wasn't done. The same is true for fiction in general, by the way. Homosexuality, bisexuality was an enormous scandal, and heaven help you if you lived in a certain part of the world and came out. This is a rebound effect. You don't have to feel the same way as these characters to realize that this is about acceptance. Give it some time and this will fade into normality. And also, do some freaking data analysis. Go through, say, twenty TV shows. Random ones, not cherry-picked ones that suit your agenda. List all the known couples in those twenty TV shows, and figure out how many of them are non-hetero. Go do that, and come back to me and tell me what you find. Because I bet you the numbers won't actually be as bad as you're suggesting. My best bet says that between 5-20% of those relationships will be non-heterosexual. And guess what? That's not vastly out of perspective. A little high, maybe, but not vastly inflated. Also, do you know why some TV shows are tackling these issues in a way that might be annoying to some? It's because, as I've said, they've gotten no coverage before. TV has spent decades being able to moralize about damn near everything else, and now it's decided to actually highlight that yes, it's okay to love someone who's the same gender as you, or to enjoy relationships with different genders, or whatever the case may be.Seriously. People ought to stop yowling about representation in the media. This is an unmitigated good thing. Have a chew on that. Don't be reactive. Think.Accman, you really delight in stretching arguments till they snap, don't you? The issue with branding that you brought up cannot and will not affect all brands, but you're trying to make it look that way. Ditto the TV stuff. They yank a couple of shows, suddenly it's going to affect everything, including audio games. There's an official rhetorical term for this, but it's been fifteen years since I took a philosophy class so I don't remember the Latin word for it. Suffice it to say, this isn't really an argument. It's an appeal to emotions, and it fails horribly. Focus on the facts. We could have an honest discussion about branding, but you aren't actually prepared to do that. As a white person, you are convinced that this whole race business has gone too far. And you know what? You -can think that, because you're white. I'm white, too. I could do the same as you. But unlike you, I choose to actually acknowledge that even if the status quo has been fine for me and for others like me for a long time, it's not fine for other people. I can also acknowledge that even if I think that some of this rebranding and TV business feels a bit much to me - and yeah, sure it does, because lots of stuff is changing and humans generally don't like change - it also isn't going to hurt anyone. At all. Ever. Full stop. So resisting it is pointless, and would just make me look like a terrific asshole. Personally, I'd rather be on the side of meaningful change, and if there's a chance that the rebranding of Aunt Jemima or the removal of

Re: sorry

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sorry

Lol as someone of African descent you don't know how it grinds my gears to see people pulling the race card. You didn't get a job, its because you're black. Don't mind you didn't meet the criteria, or that the person who was interviewing you himself black, its racism. This brand of Ice Cream doesn't have a chocolate flavour, its racism.This game has no black characters, its racism. And I feel like overplaying the victim role is not just in minority races, but in other groups, like LGBTQIA and other groups. And sadly I feel like shows and just stuff in general just force LGBTQIA and other, "So called Minorities" stuff down our throats, as to look more progressive or something. Family guy had a really nice joke about it a while back. Meg carried Stewie to a kids party, then she encounters a group of moms. There were like 2 white women, and an asian for diversity, and an African American woman for the same thing. And the show pointed that out lol.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: sorry

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sorry

Lol as someone of African descent you don't know how it grinds my gears to see people pulling the race card. You didn't get a job, its because you're black. Don't mind you didn't meet the criteria, or that the person who was interviewing you himself black, its racism. This brand of Ice Cream doesn't have a chocolate flavour, its racism.This game has no black characters, its racism. And I feel like overplaying the victim role is not just in minority races, but in other races like LGBTQIA and other groups. And sadly I feel like shows and just stuff in general just force LGBTQIA stuff down our throats, as to look more progressive or something. Family guy had a really nice joke about it a while back. Meg carried Stewie to a kids party, then she encounters a group of moms. There were like 2 white women, and an asian for diversity, and an African American woman for the same thing. And the show pointed that out lol.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: sorry

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sorry

Lol as someone of African descent you don't know how it grinds my gears to see people pulling the race card. You didn't get a job, its because you're black. Don't mind you didn't meet the criteria, or that the person who was interviewing you himself black, its racism. This brand of Ice Cream doesn't have a chocolate flavour, its racism.This game has no black characters, its racism. And I feel like overplaying the victim role is not just in minority races, but in other races like LGBTQIA and other groups. And sadly I feel like shows just force LGBTQIA stuff down our throats, as to look more progressive or something.


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Re: sorry

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Accman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sorry

Look at the product brands being pulled in the name of racism, and look at the TV shows being pulled like Cops, and Live PD, all in the name of racism. What's it going to be next: video and audio games in general, the Declaration of Independence, KFC, and the list goes on? Where does this insanity stop? We can't just go yelling "racism" whenever we don't agree with something, or like the way something appears to be done like in this game we've been talking about here. As I said, it's time to wake up, grow up, and get real with ourselves and with each other. Let's face it, if you really want to you could read racism into just about anything you like if you are dumb enough to try it. Yes, that sounds harsh, but it is the truth, unfortunately. I am glad to see that many folks here do seem to get the absurdity of all of this.


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Re: sorry

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sovs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sorry

Sadly the race card is being overplayed a lot. So it is no wonder actual problems are being shrugged off. I am not saying it is right, I am just saying it is no wonder.


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Re: sorry

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sorry

Of course, the likelihood is that some folks will actually dismiss very real and very problematic issues because they're "so tired" of seeing the race card pulled everywhere. It's already happening, and I cringe to see how much folks who are already trying very hard to shove legitimate racism under the rug will dance with glee anytime someone does overplay their hand. It'll get used as an excuse to dismiss real problems - as I say, it's already happening - and the problem perpetuates indefinitely. What fun.I'm not saying this was an actual problem; by all accounts, it wasn't. But it does not surprise me that, in response, certain voices rise up and say pretty much exactly what people in that position always say. The implication being made is that the race card is already being overplayed elsewhere - perhaps everywhere - and that simply isn't the case, and isn't even germain to this discussion.


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Re: sorry

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sovs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sorry

Indeed. People has too much time on their hands.


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Re: sorry

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Accman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sorry

Sovs, I agree with you completely on your sentiment. However, I think more of these are going to pop up in the foreseeable future, and it won't be just on this forum unfortunately. You can't get away from it now, it's everywhere and it is getting real old, real fast. I mean, what's it going to be next? I hate to even think of it.


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Re: sorry

2020-06-23 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Sovs via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sorry

Yeah I really hope these kind of, quite frankly, fucking stupid useless topics aren't going to be something regular on here from now on. Has already been a couple within  a week or so. God damn it you get so tired.


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Re: sorry

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Accman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sorry

Wow. I really thought I had seen everything, but apparently I was wrong. If this race thing is going to carry over into gaming, then I'd seriously suggest that those who would play that race card take a long step back, and really think about things a bit. Honestly, I can't believe that it is coming to this over a game of all things. I haven't even played it yet, but I have to admit now I am curious to try it and see what's causing all the uproar from certain folks who are using that overused race mantra again. Yes, you've a right to your opinion and all that, but for heaven sake grow up and get real.


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Re: sorry

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sorry

I very strongly doubt that this was anything more than luck.Because here's the thing, right? If an enemy of a particular type was unreasonably weak for no good reason, and other less-than-savoury things were said about their nationality, then it's possible to infer racism.But that's...really not what we have here. The game is just a silly mess of stats, back stories that don't make sense, and randomness. The easy fight could just as easily have been any other race.Now, if someone wants to prove somehow that the Turk's stats are much lower than everyone else, that would definitely be peculiar, and something to wonder about. But at worst, I'd just roll my eyes and dismiss the game at that point.


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Re: sorry

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : BrendanGriesel1 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sorry

@33: Yup. At least he did. Respect to him for that.


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Re: sorry

2020-06-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: sorry

At least he owned up to it later on.


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