Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

2020-05-16 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : LordLundin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

As a kid I used to leap places. It was a lot quicker than if my legs were churning away on the ground. Also, maybe because I was such a skinny kid, leaping was less strain than actual leg grinding.


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Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

2020-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

Lol like I pointed out earlier, the game may not have been purposefully designed for constant jumping, it's just a guilty pleasure of sighted and blind gamers alike because it gets them around faster than running. In space explorer for example, sometimes I get tired of hearing the constant clip clop clip clop sound of the footsteps and I feel like I'm moving too slow for my liking, so I start jumping to save time and my ears. In another example, if I'm playing a mainstream game, I'm jumping a lot to avoid ground hazards I cant see to dodge, such as pits and minds. So yeah, don't think you can fault people too hard, because everyone has their reasons.


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Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

2020-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Muhammad Hajjar via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

Totally agree Simba. It also makes you lose the fun of watching said gameplay when you see and/or hear only the constant whoosh, land, whoosh, land, whoosh, land pattern. Kinda annoys and breaks the fun of role playing imho.


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Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

2020-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

The problem I have is not the jumping in general, it's there in almost every game, the problem I have that it's always the quickest way to move and that you can't do anything else with those jumps, like mid air attack, downward strikes, double jumps or what ever.The tomb hunter rewrite had the mechanic of increased jump length when you were at full sprint which was a nice idea, but apart from that, I see constant jumping through a level as a sorta cheap shot.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

2020-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : bookrage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

the reason we don't get around by hopping in the real world this way is because in games, the idea of muscular fatigue doesn't often come into play. A few really energetic running jumps would take it out of a real person and completely tire them out. I have seen a few games that had stamina to keep you from doing that sort of thing though, but not many.Also, a lot of games I've seen have an autorun toggle, often the caps lock to get you set on running permanently.


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Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

2020-05-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

In audio games its hopping, not jumping. 


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Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

I have no idea. If you can spam a higher horizontal velocity while jumping, we'd all get around like grasshoppers.Math time: how long one stays airborne from a vertical jump is dependent on one's initial velocity. The formula for distance traveled is dx = v0×t + 1/2×a×t^2, but that's a pain for jumping, since you have a symmetrical curve due to gravity, so I simplify it with these two:v = v0 + a×tdx = 1/2×a×t^2, when v0 is 0 (which it is at the peak of a jump).Then I just decide how much airtime I want, or how high the character should be able to jump, and solve for v.So if you want 1s of airtime, that means you're at v = 0 at 0.5s. For normal earth Gravity, a = 9.81m/s^2, and I usually round to 9.8 or 10 because even mainstream games exaggerate jumping a little for playabil"ity, so why not?So 9.8m/s^2 × 0.5s = 4.9m/s. That means 4.9m/s is how fast you're moving both when you leave the ground, and when you land.Your max height would be 1/2×a×t^2, and since t is 0.5, we get 1/8×9.8 =1.225m. Since we like to horizontal jump and also round things, maybe making v0 5 would be easier, but this seems reasonable-ish.But then there's horizontal jumping. The thing is, you're jumping with the same velocity, just in a different direction. Games who get this weird tend to keep the same vertical velocity, then either don't change or increase the horizontal velocity gained from movement. Every game design tutorial I've read does the exact opposite, and have pressing left/right while airborne give the character less horizontal velocity than they would on foot, but we're ignoring how people can move in real life: without something to push off, horizontal movement in air depends more on how you jumped than on what you do while airborne.Say you jump at a 45dg angle (pi/4). Sin and cos of that angle are both 0.707, so that conveniently means we get the same value for horizontal and vertical velocity: our v0 of 4.9 × 0.707. Since I don't feel like multiplying that many digits, let's round to 5×0.7, which is 3.5.Now, even if your run speed is 4m/s, and you only get 5m/s by jumping, your horizontal velocity is only 3.5m/s. And your airtime is reduced to 3.5/9.8 doubled, or a little more than 0.7s. That cuts your max height to 1/2×9.8×0.35^2, which is a little over 0.75m.If you jump a at a lower angle, say 30dg (pi/6), your vertical velocity would be even lower (0.5 × 5 = 2.5), and your horizontal higher (0.866 × 5 = 4.33, which is slightly higher than our default run speed of 4m/s). Realistically, jumping like this requires a moment to crouch to build up the energy for that much velocity, but since when do games bother with jump animations anymore, especially audio games?So if you can insta-jump while running, ok, this is how you'd exploit it for increased speed. Notice the airtime, though: we cut v0 in half, so airtime also gets cut in half. So our max height becomes 1/2×9.8×0.25×0.25, or 1/32×9.8, or 10/32 if we want to round. That's close to 1/3m. So this would be high enough to jump pits if the pit is no more than 2m across, and things under 0.3m high (you're on a curving path, though, so something that's 0.25m high directly in front of you still hits you), but anything higher than that (like most enemies, even dwarf-sized ones) are still in your way.Or, to ditch the math for the Google bots who made it this far: you have a specific path that you follow based on the angle of your jump. The three that I went over can map neatly to vertical jump, walking-jump, and running jump. The last one gets you not even a foot off the ground, but does give you a burst of speed, if we ignore the crouch/windup.So Psycho Strike's use of horizontal jumping as a dash makes some sense, but it shouldn't make the character basically invincible. It makes a little more sense in The Gate, but only for the smaller enemies and threats, like rats and slime-waves, not for zombies and vampires. If we're super-jumping at 6m/s, everything changes, and balance gets weird again.


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Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

A lot of games encourage jumping because if you hammer a left or right arrow key, you'll move very quickly through the air, while on the ground, your walk speed is set. Games like BK3 get around this by 1. having speed drinks and 2. having you not able to clear huge distances while jumping. There was a game I played for a bit last year, I no longer remember what it was, but it was basically a side-scroller beat-em-up hybrid; I quit playing the game when I got to a level where there were random pits that if you fell into one, you died, but for whatever reason you couldn't just move slowly...I believe the pits only opened if you ran quickly or some such. It was confusing, and I dropped the game. Anyway, that game had enormous, ridiculous, over-the-top hangtime. Like I could hold the arrow key and clear 20-25 spaces in two seconds flat, when on the ground it's more like 5-6 in the same time.


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Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : TheTrueSwampGamer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

jumping has been in any game i've played, from cm to redspot to fortnite. Then again, another thing thats been in those is a  key to run. In a game where at least guns are involved, why aren't you just running from the start. You'dbe runnning anyway, so why would you want to just have one running speed, not have to hold down one button all the time, and give your fingers a break?


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Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Simter via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

@1 it is not like any game forces you to jump your way. Makes it a lot easier though. Also yep that you play games after ya know is really strange.


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Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

Yeah, forgot about zelda.


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Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : targor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

Every Zelda player knows that rolling through the world is the fastest way to move. Wonder why we don't try this in real-life.


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Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

2020-05-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : KenshiraTheTrinity via Audiogames-reflector


Re: the thing with jumping in audiogames, just why

Jumping and moving in a regular game also often grants you a boost of speed. There was this rpg called xenoblade chronicles and you could jump around while traveling. Sure you could just walk normally from place to place, but jumping your way to your destination is just quicker. Another game guilty of allowing this is sonic boom, rise of lyric. I definitely saw a youtube video that shows people jumping from place to place as a guilty pleasure. So yeah, not just audio games. In fact, there is a technique popularized in team fortress I think it was, where you could send yourself to massive heights by jumping and launching a rocket at the ground. That glitch became so popular that it officially became a feature in other fps games and stages were built around said mechanic.


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