Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

I've honestly never seen someone jump out and actually warn! big entertainment of this channel restriction as if they didn't know it already, to the point of getting kicked off for spam because of it. Seriously. As an independent content creator/contributor, defending big media with corporate shlobs behind them is the absolute last thing I'd do. Big media/showbiz already proven their idiocy towards harder working independent artistslong ago, so you can't deny they aren't going to just refuse to take us seriously anyway. Plus your argument just flies in the face of one of the core tenets of a more private internet. Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act is...a privacy...related act. It is not a rating system. That doesn't mean Youtube is going to not ban content that advertises under a kid audience but is clearly not as such, but it should also be made clear that people are not forced to be covered under Coppa.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

I completely agree with the last post. I also feel this needs to be said, so I'll bite the bullet and do so. I am legitimately concerned at the OP's current state of mind and/or mental health. The complaints they are leveraging are oddly specific and intense, particularly after what was said in post 45. It sounds like this issue runs far deeper than what CAPA may or may not enforce in the end. While there isn't much I can do beyond hoping for the best, and wanting the situation to be not as bad as it sounds under that thin veneer of plausable deniability, I do hope that the message that most folks who are reading this receive is that things aren't all doom and gloom. While we may very well get to the point where draconian restrictions are placed on the internet in the future, I also believe that technological advances will always be one step ahead, so we shouldn't panic or give up whenever something like this surfaces. As was previously stated, big media wants us in the grip of fear. If we're going to fight effectively, we have to break away from that, not feed it by making grandiose and pedantic claims which may not come to pass at all.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

I think the problem is that people are taking this at face value, and not getting down and dirty with analyzing this. This is legal mumbo-jumbo, not some clickbate, folks. Get used to it. The last thing big media needs, and the first thing they needs, is a sensationalized story to report of a frenzy from people who are literally blowing this out of proportion. And this is exactly what big media wants.Again. You are not covered under Coppa if you set your videos as adult-orientated. If your content appeals to both adults and kids, just freaking set it that way. The Coppa is not going to put adult-orientated videos under the same umbrella. The *Childrens* Online Privacy Protection Act is, first and foremost, protects the data of children from being mishandled or wrongfully collected. And the literal thing different about actually setting your audience as children is that comments and notifications are gone, but you know, there's a lovely solution to that.1. GEt a low-cost web hosting provider2. Put a contact form on it.3. Put the contact link at the bottom of your channel, so that people with comments can send them over, and you can get back to them. If it's a kid under 13, their parents will probably be relaying that message. Otherwise it's just a normal process. Old school much? Well, fan mail has existed for who knows how long, welcome to a mercifully less connected decade. And hey, with this method it is guaranteed proof that creeps won't be able to make their way into the comments publically.Or, plan b, if you simply cannot go without? Set your content as adult-oriented and call it a day. Just because it's adult-oriented doesn't mean it's adult material.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-25 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

A long video where a youtuber and an attorney discuss COPPA and the situationIt is rather thorough. Not much useful advice, though, on the grounds that there isn't much one can do besides comment to the FTC and hope they respond helpfully. And, uh, if comments on this forum are any indication, I'm not sure I trust most comments that would come from here to not make things worse  .The one main hope here is that Youtube adds a mixed / general audience setting, since this exclusive or situation with fines for perceived violations just makes everything worse.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Apparently, setting your content as not for kids will not save you, as the FTC will go ahead and treat anything they think of as "for kids" as being "for kids", from the sounds of it. The language of the COPPA is ... bad. It's like something written by out-of-touch old people who know nothing about the generation after them, probably because it was written by out-of-touch old people who know nothing about the generation after them. The question is if there's some way in there for things like South Park and Hentai to meet the "Cartoon clearly does not mean 'for kids' in this case" standard. Does the fact that the first line in DBZ Abridged is "Oh no, my marijuana patch" enough to save TFS from getting fined? cause that's apparently the sort of thing people are thinking about doing, to make it as clear as possible to whatever entity will judge their fate that they should not be considered in violation.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Um, no. Just set your content as adult-orientated. Parents can whitelist stuff manually if they so choose. It's not that hard. It's too much of a risk to do mixed audience, because then if kids come across them then they can't do an age-check to see if they can do personalized data collection for ads, because your age is a behind-the-scenes data collection mechanism that can't be used without verified parental consent. IT's a catch22. Google must follow the terms of the settlement while also keeping Alphabet happy with them.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-24 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Youtube basicly wants content creators to be punnished through no fault of your own? Ever heard of the mixed audience exception? If something could be seen as targeting both kids and adults simaltaniuly (my tts preschool counts as such), it is exempt from coppa. I didn't say that, the FTC did. Youtube is deliberatly ignoring that rule because they are gready and financially irresponsible. if they add a mixed audience option, Us Content creators and commenters could be saved.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Agree. most of the youtube videos I watch are one's I don't feel comfterble watching in front of my caregiver, james lee, who is a staunch christion and has become very protective of what I watch. Anything he doesn't consider family friendly he calls garbage, so I am practicly forced to revert to watching veggie tales or barney, which in any other senario might led to parental relations disaster. and if dad's also in the same room with us, then we're screwed.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Xoren via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

I think the real losers are the ones who do want to produce kid-friendly content. They're apparently being barred from any significant form of ad revenue, can't get comments, and are subject to some other very crippling restrictions. That's a shame if you're, say, Mister Youtube Rogers and want to produce Youtube Neighborhood for kids, but now you basically have to just do it gratis -- you have no chance of getting any kind of meaningful return now.Kai


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-22 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

From one lawyer's perspectiv:'s other videos, but that is /not/ legal advice for anyone specific, as stated in that video.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Algorithms aren't perfect, so they are not gointg to impulse fine without checking first. Also, why should one care about defending big media/video-making corporations by shouting atop the virtual roof? Safe the energy for defending those who don't have lobbyests and overthetop legal backing to go tooth and nail with even teh FTC on countersuiting. You can't tell me that multi-billion dollar companies are suddenly going to be screwed. These companies already have their own brand of sensorship particularly Nintendo with their fervent anti-streaming policy. They are not going to suddenly cave to being sensored themselves without any question because well, ftc this ftc that. No. Should they even be provoked, they aren't going down without a fight, even if they do ultimately go down in the end. And they don't need our help as they're already swimming in a river of gold.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Algorithms aren't perfect, so they are not gointg to impulse fine without checking first. Also, why should one care about defending big media/video-making corporations by shouting atop the virtual roof? Safe the energy for defending those who don't have lobbyests and overthetop legal backing to go tooth and nail with even teh FTC on countersuiting. You can't tell me that multi-billion dollar companies are suddenly going to be screwed.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Funny you said that, I actually tried sending the petition link to Cinimasicre (the owners of the AVGN traidmark), who will aufen use both ftc and non kid friendly language in the same sentence. Let's players, especially those dealing with square enix games, may legally be prevented from covering the final fantasy series, simply because fantasy is in the title.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

@americandad2005 This battle is not to be fought by the companies who have enough legal backing and money for lawsuit after lawsuit, as they're already in that battle along with most of the entertainment industry. The people in harm's way are the people who legitimately cannot combat possible false claims.Also, welcome to the real world of tv syndication rules. While this is new to the internet and often absurd, this language battle is nothing new. If you listen to some of the directors commentary on The "Weird Al" show for example, you'll hear a lot of interesting stuff about exactly what bits/segments the network wanted educationalized since it was a morning show. The difference between that and the present day is that now we have automation doing part of the job which is a disaster of course.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

@americandad2005 This battle is not to be fought by the companies who have enough legal backing and money for lawsuit after lawsuit, as they're already in that battle along with most of the entertainment industry. The people in harm's way are the people who legitimately cannot combat possible false claims.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

other people who might be affected hard are:parentsteachersthe guys adminasturing the TOEC test(toec being the english language comprehention and speaking test whho's passing is required for most jobs in areas where english isn't the native language)gaming journalists (seriously, take a shot every time Geremy parish says the word fun)the gaming industry in general (no one will be able to watch the major gaming conventions, and games will be difficult to market in general, especially if they have a lower ESRB raiting)Historians (prehistorians and those talking about things like the roman empire, greek mythology, and the arthurian era will get hit pretty hard, since they are also attractive to High school students as mutch as kids)retro gamers (maney of them use vocabulary factored by the ftc, but the subject matter is alien to most of the younger croud, my father is why knew of the nes in the first place)Tv Brawdcastters (it will be difficult to market their programming, especially if kids appear as a supporting character but the show itself is more mature, also if the show uses a brady bunch/eight is enough type plot senario)home video distributers (those with a licence for vintage cartoons will be hit hard. Wo betide the fans of max flishare since they will be screwed out of content that is in the public domain)storytime channels (a surprising number of them are about the uploader's own stories, and seam to target a more general audience;loona is an example)the star wars and MCU (marvel cinimatic universe) fanbase (both owned by disney)


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Google tried. Remember the 'You need a Google Plus account to comment and it uses your real name' fiasco circa 2011/2012? They tried, and the backlash was brutal.Also, you need to (in theory) be 13 to even get a Google account. Is it too easy to as a 12 year old say yes I'm 13 and get an account? Yeah. It is. Is that the FTC's issue? Yeah, if it's found Google's collecting that 12 year old's data.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

I tried sending a link to the petition to people that will be affected most. a fiew of them are kids channels owned by major companies, but most are gaming channels because the vaig wording of the coppa threatens to bend them over (I myself had a gaming channel but it got suspended for spam, but my general channels are also affected, since I have a lot of music on their that might be targeted because I think I had a chiptune of a song from barney on there. barney is meant for a younger audience that so young they probably don't know what the n64 is, or that their first sonic game was, at the earlyest, sonic06, and they probably get ptsd every time anywone says the word sega. And the nintendo fans? good fucking luck! oh, and wo betide you if you happen to be that 1 person on the planet that did a barney song on a pc98  tracker. the pc98 was only released in japan, where barney didn't start airing until 2006.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Exactly. We're not at the point where we have anonymized age checks ayet, because the Government hasn't done anything to anonymize records so no amount of Blockchain would help to secure those until the Government actually gets with the times. As such, Google has no way of verifying the identity of people potentially posting comments on kids videos, and at present I"m glad that the current Google doesn't. The Google that were to exist were Yong to become president, or any other President that actually knows how to enforce tech policy the right way will most certainly not be the same. Total turnaround? Perhaps not, but there will definitely be changes. I bring up the U.S. specifically knowing that since Google is headquartered in the U.S. will mean that what they do here may extend to other countries as well.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Exactly. We're not at the point where we have anonymized age checks ayet, because the Government hasn't done anything to anonymize records so no amount of Blockchain would help to secure those until the Government actually gets with the times. As such, Google has no way of verifying the identity of people potentially posting comments on kids videos, and at present I"m glad that the current Google doesn't. The Google that exists under Yong's presidency or any other President that actually knows how to enforce tech policy the right way will most certainly not be the same. Total turnaround? Perhaps not, but there will definitely be changes.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

COPPA's relegislated every decade, and it was supposed to wait till 2023, but parents pushed it forward to now. The FTC doesn't have a ton of budget however, it may well cost more to reamend than leave it as is. Or the politicians may not vote through the amendments if it comes to a vote.I can get why comments, notifications and so on are turned off. There's a pedo issue on Youtube and comments and notifications are but one way they get in touch with not just the uploader, but other like minded people. If it's  achoice between losing revenue and comments, or ensuring sick motherfuckers don't hurt children, I know which side of the fence I'm on. Notifications are a whole other problem, they never seem to work right, But I understand why this was done, and I actually agree with it*For instance, you put up a video of you using a cane, and you get hundreds of comments about people being all omg do this with a cane omg you are so sexy with the cane omg you are so sexy with X Y or Z. That happens when people with fetishes find videos and the uploader hasn't turned comments off. Yes, people find canes, Braillers, TTS, etc fetishes, and they will comment the vilest things. For fuck's sake, there's grown ass men asking kids to marry them in YT comments. I get why COPPA was amended. I agree with it from that standpoint.*Assuming it's handled correctly that is. Assuming a whole lot of hsit, Google doesn't fuck up the algorithm they use and the FTC doesn't take the vageuly worded rules as gospel so to speak, oh, Jimmy has a video with the word 'fun' in the title? FINE! That sorta thing.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Now that I've looked into this, I'm also not happy. My stance has completely changed.I watch the Disney Music Vevo channel a lot. If comments are turned off on that channel, that will mean I won't be able to discuss stuff with fellow Disney fans.Disney's a family friendly channel.Also, why on Earth turn off notifications and subscriptions for kids/family channels as well?What about stuff like, Family Gamer Tv, where I looked at their reviews for Lego Dimensions and said thank you for the content?


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-21 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : targor via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

The real question is: Did those coppa guys read the hitchhikers guide? Did they just say: 42 is the answer to everything, so we just add three zeros and that's the perfect fine?


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

a social media lawyer has started a petition to hopefully force youtube to back off from these practices.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

@Ethin: Let's not forget also the know-it-alls who attempt to rip into a Youtuber's career for using choice words that their kid, uh, found? when really it was their fault for allowing them, even indirectly, to view a video that was not at all meant for kids.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

@29, agreed again. If I'd ever done anything like theft, my parents would've grounded me for a month if not longer (which has never happened, ever). And unlike some parents, my parents actually know my way of disobeying their groundings, so they're quite capable of mitigating those (yes, I did do that, multiple times).


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

@Ethin: Studies have actually shown, quite unsurprisingly, that technically engaged parental controls are usually performed by already strict parents that have strained relationships with their kids, or that they create strains/distance between parents and kids. It's sort of an indifference/disconnect when you se these apps work, probably collecting data on your kids since it's in the cloud. And these kids become defiant through no fault of their own as the parents literally attempt to let the kids' technology tell them what to do. It's lazy and it creates far more harm than good, because most parents who enforce that don't actually sit down and give them talks about what is and isn't safe on the internet and what to do and what not to do. On a side note, that's probably one reason why we have so many kids who can literally get away with anything such as code theft and insults and the like. Makes you wonder how little oversight the parents are doing. There's no excuse for their actions of course, i.e internet moderation can attempt to give them a taste of reality, but you have to admit it's pretty sad and incredible how they're able to get away with incessantly pulling stuff like this that would have the rest of us getting our asses handed to us long before the second or third or forth occurrence of the shenanigans.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

@27, word. I completely disapprove of giving children access to (any) kind of technology under the age of at minimum 6 that is as powerful as an iPhone or iPad. Kids always, always find ways around parental controls and other defensive mechanisms that are designed to stop them. It doesn't help that parents don't moderate what their kids do, and instead let them do whatever they please. If your a parent, you now are pretty much self-employed: your job? To watch over that kid and raise them. Your job does in fact include parental responsibilities. Moving it off to technology is a shirking of your parental duties. Parents who do that kind of thing should be ashamed of themselves. When I was younger, my family did let me use technology a lot (far more than they probably should have). However, they still took the time to raise and educate me and do everything else a parent should do. (Also, lets not forget the parents who act plain stupid and claim, in court no less, that games like GTA V create mass-shootings. How the hell could a computer program do that without the child believing it? Its not the computer programs fault for causing that, its the child's fault for actually thinking its possible despite everything pointing to the opposite. Is it really that hard to notice that kind of thing from a parents point of view?)I'd love people who are parents or who know parents on here to try to answer that question; I don't know you guys but would love an answer to that.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

@27, word. I completely disapprove of giving children access to (any) kind of technology under the age of at minimum 6 that is as powerful as an iPhone or iPad. Kids always, always find ways around parental controls and other defensive mechanisms that are designed to stop them. It doesn't help that parents don't moderate what their kids do, and instead let them do whatever they please. If your a parent, you now are pretty much self-employed: your job? To watch over that kid and raise them. Your job does in fact include parental responsibilities. Moving it off to technology is a shirking of your parental duties. Parents who do that kind of thing should be ashamed of themselves. When I was younger, my family did let me use technology a lot (far more than they probably should have). However, they still took the time to raise and educate me and do everything else a parent should do. (Also, lets not forget the parents who act plain stupid and claim, in court no less, that games like GTA V create mass-shootings. How the hell could a computer program do that without the child believing it? ts not the computer programs fault for causing that, its the child's fault for actually thinking its possible despite everything pointing to the opposite. Is it really that hard to notice that kind of thing from a parents point of view?)I'd love people who are parents or who know parents on here to try to answer tat question; I don't know you guys but would love an answer to that.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

@27, word. I completely disapprove of giving children access to (any) kind of technology under the age of at minimum 6 that is as powerful as an iPhone or iPad. Kids always, always find ways around parental controls and other defensive mechanisms that are designed to stop them. It doesn't help that parents don't moderate what their kids do, and instead let them do whatever they please. If your a parent, you now are pretty much self-employed: your job? To watch over that kid and raise them. Your job does in fact include parental responsibilities. Moving it off to technology is a shirking of your parental duties. Parents who do that kind of thing should be ashamed of themselves. When I was younger, my family did let me use technology a lot (far more than they probably should have). However, they still took the time to raise and educate me and do everything else a parent should do.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

@27, word. I completely disapprove of giving children access to (any) kind of technology under the age of at minimum 6 that is as powerful as an iPhone or iPad. Kids always, always find ways around parental controls and other defensive mechanisms that are designed to stop them. It doesn't help that parents don't moderate what their kids do, and instead let them do whatever they please.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Coppa was originally supposed to mean that sites that collected personally identifiable information (first and last name, email, phone, etc.) could not legally allow those under 13 to join, failing the obvious fact there is no technical age verification and won't be for a long time. But the lines are blurred big-time with practically everything requiring an account just to move forward. Somehow it's partially the parents' fault we got to this point in the first place, I'm talking about the ones who give their kids tablets at age 3 and let them roam free and hope that the algorhythms can do no wrong. How do you think we got to some younger kids not having the ability to hold a real conversation for long periods of time? This is a humanity-turned-technological issue, throw lawmakers into the equation and it's an absolute disaster. We either need to rethink how we do technology for the children, or we just don't do it at all and go back to Leapfrog and company. And to think this all started with Matell's wifi-connected Barbie doll that talked to you and submitted your answers to the cloud.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Coppa was originally supposed to mean that sites that collected personally identifiable information (first and last name, email, phone, etc.) could not legally allow those under 13 to join, failing the obvious fact there is no technical age verification and won't be for a long time. But the lines are blurred big-time with practically everything requiring an account just to move forward. Somehow it's partially the parents' fault we got to this point in the first place, I'm talking about the ones who give their kids tablets at age 3 and let them roam free and hope that the algorhythms can do no wrong. How do you think we got to some younger kids not having the ability to hold a real conversation for long periods of time? This is a humanity-turned-technological issue, throw lawmakers into the equation and it's an absolute disaster. We either need to rethink how we do technology for the children, or we just don't do it at all and go back to Leapfrog and company.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Wonderful. We now live in a world where creators no longer have a say in who their target audience is, and if they try to market in a way that works for them and their content, they could get fined a large sum of money. Ladies and gentleman, the Internet is now turning into the international North Korea. Welcome to hell.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

I really don't like this and significantly doubt its constitutional. We have human beings who know nothing about modern culture who look at things on the surface and not in depth. It should be up to the content creators ultimate whether something is for kids or not. The FTC should not have this kind of authority.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Sogoing by this's all kinds of WTF. I'm now very, very concerned by the vagueness of it...and the thing people are freaking out about is this. I run a forumn, and I have to be COPPA compliant there, now, I know everyone there is over 13, isn't just Youtube


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Um. Question. Why the hell must we put "gate" in *ever* damn scandal name? Yes, the first ultra-major "scandal" was watergate, but that in no way means that "gate" should therefore be in every scandal name thereafter. Come on, guys, be original.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

AND what of some of the criteria for a video aimed at kids is only part of a larger, othewise non kid friendly video, like with my tts series. Remember when arthur (the US tv series) suddenly became a meme a couple years ago? the bootlegpocolipse is upon us. Also, wasn't this the source of the whole elsagate scandel that dogged youtube last year? and what about those fake playlist bots, or those who steal from other youtubers without giving credit in any way.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

@20, "The secret to success and commercial viability is Baby Shark". Lol -- that's a good one. I really hope that's not true. 


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Youtube creators that have I believe 1 subs get access to Youtube's creation studios in LA for essentially nothing, except it isn't something out of nothing since it's subcidized by ad revenue and other related funds. The main issue isn't precisely the labeling thing. Kids under 13 shouldn't be free-roaming Youtube, but how dare I say that children aren't a data revenue source now, right? Right? Lol.The real problem is the incredible vagueness of the statement that said they could remove your account if you are not commercially viable. I do have a pretty good feeling that that will be targeting the people who have been monetized and then screw the pooch. But the vagueness is extremely unsettling.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

@Ethin: Pretty much standard practice of Web2.0, unless you're an individual hosted site or on the Indieweb which big media quite obviously hates. Intentionally vague terms of service even for those that do have the free time on their hands to read it all the way through.As far as the status quo for Youtube is concerned, it's comes down to this:1. The cat-video-filled distopia is upon us.2. No one is safe from the copyright guillotine, and false claims are swept under the rug.3. Actual good content creators get shat on, see number two for the example that gets the money reeling in, whereas malicious videos only get taken down if there's a pr nightmare over it.Last and worst of all: The secret to success and commercial viability is Baby Shark.There's no two ways about it. Everyone's gonna be royally screwed eventually, no matter where you are on the internet.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

@Ethin: Pretty much standard practice of Web2.0, unless you're an individual hosted site or on the Indieweb which big media quite obviously hates. Intentionally vague terms of service even for those that do have the free time on their hands to read it all the way through.As far as the status quo for Youtube is concerned, it's comes down to this:1. The cat-video-filled distopia is upon us.2. No one is safe from the copyright guillotine, and false claims are swept under the rug.3. Actual good content creators get shat on, see number two for the example that gets the money ruling in, whereas malicious videos only get taken down if there's a pr nightmare over it.Last and worst of all: The secret to success and commercial viability is Baby Shark.There's no two ways about it. Everyone's gonna be royally screwed eventually, no matter where you are on the internet.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : rory-games via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

this thing sounds utterly rediculous! $42000?well. if that happens to anyone, youtube, my friends; well, either goodbye youtube or goodbye COPPA. Let me just say this: I hope against hope that it is the latter. also bleh, bc i'm already 13 and above


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

@18, that's typical Youtube for you: make vague and difficult to understand statements and then do whatevr you like and ndicate that your just "removing this person because they're not commercial viable".


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : jack via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Youtube creators that have I believe 1 subs get access to Youtube's creation studios in LA for essentially nothing, except it isn't something out of nothing since it's subcidized by ad revenue and other related funds. The main issue isn't precisely the labeling thing. Kids under 13 shouldn't be free-roaming Youtue, but how dare I say that children aren't a data revenue source now, right? Right? Lol.The real problem is the incredible vagueness of the statement that said they could remove your account if you are not commercially viable. I do have a pretty good feeling that that will be targeting the people who have been monetized and then screw the pooch. But the vagueness is extremely unsettling.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

thanks, any video sites with bulk uploading? anyway, I'm currently on the (community moderated video platform out of denmark) (username:jackmurcer3384) (videos get be monitised by other users using criptocurrency) (username:jackmurcer3384) vimeo (username:radaroverseernicholas)bitchute (this was suggested to me by my brother sometime after the add boycot) (username:groundzero)


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Jeffb via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Just mark it as for adults as long as there are no kids in it you should be fine. You could also use Sound Cloud.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Hi,I think it's the other way around. If you mark something as for kids, but it has swearing and stuff in it, then they could inforce it. Unfortunately, there's been a lot of this lately whereby, even on the YouTube kids app there's been videos with gore and swearing going in there.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Yeah, I just looked into it, and the government is not going to go after you and charge you $42,000 for falsely labeling a video.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

I significantly doubt that COPPA is enforceable on a platform like Youtube. Going off of Youtubes track record with automated systems, this will horribly backfire for Youtube like every other "automated system" they tried to design. Doing this across every channel on Youtube is impossible if you try and follow the spirit of the law.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

another problem is that on my tts series, there is a segment starring a fictional nursery teacher, during which she shows a kids song. may I remind you, the series itself is not targeted at kids. if push comes to shove, I may have to remove her in future episodes, or change her ocupation/backstory, which could create a continuity error. I don't want to have to do this, especially after the jumping the shark moment that is "prinsipal and the pauper" (an episode of the simpsons), which caused an uprore within the show's fanbase for basicly revealing that Seamore skinner was esentially a fraud.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : queenslight via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives … ction-rule, should explain things.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

It doesn't matter where you upload, the COPPA (which is a good idea on paper) applies to websites as a whole. You can go to FB or wherever, they still got to agree with the COPPA though.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : datajake1999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives is a Youtube alternative that has appeared in recent years. I haven't played with it much, but it seems to be accessible so far.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : turtlepower17 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

I really have to wonder how strictly this sort of thing can actually be enforced. It reminds me a lot of the 6 strikes rule, and other such scaremongering. Of course, when the hammer does end up being brought down, we hear about all the worst case scenarios, but what makes you think your channel, among billions of others, will be targeted specifically?


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

Then why wouldn't you just say that the video is not for kids for all your content? Harsh, but that would be the easiest solution. The way I read it was that false claims would severely be punished, and post four proves my thoughts.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

the problem hear is that the tts preschool album kinda blirs that line, so the coppa is still problematic.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : UltraLeetJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

uh... whenever you upload a video, you have to tell youtube if this video is aimed at kids. If it is not and you say that it is, then boom. But otherwise meh.. nothing will happen


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : ammericandad2005 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

the fine is for having kids content in a channel not meant for that market. however you are still sort of punnished for having a kids channel, as comments are disabled (so no constructive critisism is possible), and notifications are also disabled (rendering the subscribe button useless since that's the only perc you get for subscribing to a channel), and no personalised adds (which might seam reasonable until they start showing adds that are clearly NSFW). although I didn't intend the tts preschool album to be in the same boat as traditional kids albums, uploading videos for it could still trigger coppa violations. and in the case of daisy bell and other music haul songs, well...good fucking luck.


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Re: youtube alternatives

2019-11-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dan_Gero via Audiogames-reflector


Re: youtube alternatives

So, you're charged money to have a channel for kids up? If this is the case, that's absolutely absurd. If it's the other way around, again that is absolutely absurd.


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