The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : nocturnalrider via Audiogames-reflector


The racing auditory display (RAD)

Hey guys The RAD was developed by PH.D. student within computer science at Columbia University by Brian Smith.Read about it here, very interesting to audiogames development. … ideo-games


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

Andno, no to the claim it's the first accessible 'real' racing game (whatever that means). Going back to 1995 at least, fully 3D raing games have had assists that let people use them.I'll illustrate:1997: CART's ill fated officially licensed game had two levels of steering help. One that merely kept you between the track lines. Another that kept you on a pre programmed racing line. The same the AI ran on. It had a major flaw however that if you deviated from the line at all, say to pass a carit'd snap you back to the line and spin the car out or actually go off the track trying to snap you back to the racing line.1998: Geoff Crammand'Crammond's Grand Prix series from the first game up until GP4 had steering help for keyboard racers, auto brake, auto gears and so forth. It had (slight) auto steering on keyboard as well as auto brake. Yes it was slower and lost you positions BUT.1998-201X: NASCAR's various games have all had varying levels of driver assists from simple auto shifting all the way up to steering and braking help for road coursses and ovalsLastly: EVERY single drag racing game has been accessible. Mostly because drag racing works on a set tree time, no turning, no braking, just you, your opponent and a quarter mile. It's perfectly possible to play a drag racing game without any help once you get a feel for the process of lining up the car. That's the hard bit.Oh and all the ISI gMotor engined games have had assists built in all the way up to fully automati steering/braking, all you have to do is hold the gas down and hthe car goes around the track.Lastlyno, a fully 3D racing game will not catch on for blind people simply because of hte fact it's fully 3D. Add that to how 3D racing games aren't anywhere close to a real carr in terms of physics and the attitudes of the sim racing communityI wouldn't honestly be shocked if Brian Smith (generic name by the way), showed this off at a raing game convention and, I am not joking, got attacked for it. The racing game genre does not, and I am not making this up, want any disabled gamers. Companies make millions selling full wheel and pedal sets. Sim racing communities have an attitude of 'you don't have X wheel and pedal set get the hell out', again, I wish I was joking about that, but no.Or my personal favorite one: Oh you play X game? You aren't a real racing gamer! I can say from my time at SMS those ideas are ingrained in the racing sim genre. You aren't going to get blind or disabled racers accepted in any sim of note, and if one's developed the big guns o the scene, your iRacings, your rFactors  (okay maybe not that one), your Asetto Corsas are going to bury it and the hardcore racing game players are going to pretend blind gamers don't exist. I can say with 99.9% certainty iRacing's ommunity will never, EVER accept somebody using this system, and they will without fail run a blind gamer off that service for 'not being good enough' or some bullshit reason.TL:DR Blind people need to stay the hell away from racing sims and this, it'll just lead to more fighting in racing games and sims.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

I just... don't see how this will work, and if you try to take it online, forget about it.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : alec via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

Ok here's the deal.@2: You do raise some valid points about hardcore gamers, and I personally don't really understand how blind people can drive in a simulation if we can't drive in real life. However, this is not my field of expertese. I don't pretend to know how I would get something like that working, so that's why I'm not just going to come out and criticize this guy's work before I know what I'm talking about. Passive-aggressiveness aside, it's no wonder why this community rarely gets any love from the mainstream. Everyone shoots down the ideas of the thinkers and dreamers, using words like "always," "never," and "impossible." Maybe we won't raise to the same level as sited people, but wouldn't it be cool to play the same racing games even if it was just with each other? I've always hated the negativity that new ideas attract here. I'm not going to say I'm not skeptical as that's the natural human reaction to new things, but to say it's "impossible" is the reason there's very little innovation as of late, not just in this community, but in society in general. I'll be tentatively following this development to see what happens, if anything.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

Hi.At post 2, i think you are over dramatizing here.It's with all gaming comunitys, beeing it fighting, FPS, mobas and so on, there are those who are hard core elitists who think you are only good for them if you play a certain game, use a certain controler or input device and so on, and there are those who are playing this for fun and entertainment, saying that the racing comunity will not be open minded is just not how someone should approach this, we'll have to see if that system goes anywhere, I would be curious if we will see something made out of this.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

@5, no, Jace is actually not over-dramatising at all. Even just normal hardcore gamers on consoles like the Xbox 1 or Xbox 360, or even just general hardcore gamers, don't want accessibility in most, if not all, mainstreams because, they say, it will "detract from the experience of the gameplay," or something like it. Thing is, they have a point. A very valid one at that. But they're also going off of the somewhat false assumption that all blind people want absolutely *everything* to be accessible and very verbose and all that, and not off of the assumption that some of us, like myself, are fine with hardly any accessible in the game at all, if even that. (Hell, I play Boarderlands 2 sometimes and I don't need my screen reader to play it; its all about memorizing the menu options you need to know and forgetting the need to know *absolutely* everything that's happening.) I say that a blind person when playing mainstream games should forget the need to know *absolutely everything* because there are always events in the game you don't need to know. For instance, in an FPS, like Quake 3, yes, you do need to know where the opponent your battling is, but you don't need to know where the hell the other eight-twelve people are on the map since they're probably fighting and killing each other and not focusing on you. But at the same time, you also need to be aware of what's happening to ensure you don't get ambushed. That's where your ears come in. You don't need site to know that an opponent is trying to sneak up on you with most likely a very powerful gun that can blow your head off; you simply need to here he's there, turn around quickly and fire. The worst thing you can do is try to over-analyze the situation, or try to think up tactical ways of besting your opponents. That comes later. A similar idea could be applied to other games, but 'll leave that up to you guys. Thing is, as I said, the hardcore gamers who don't want accessibility in any mainstream gamer do have a point, since 99 percent of us are used to audiogames which tell you everything, or close to it. We're used to audio games that have sound queues and other things that most mainstream games don't have, and so when we play a mainstream game we naturally transfer that over to those games as well. When your playing mainstream games, forget the comparison between an audio game and a mainstream one, because audio games completely crash and burn compared to mainstream ones, end of story. No audio game can even come close to the quality put into most mainstream games simply because we either lock ourselves in to using a particular tool, like BGT, to create our games, and are unwilling to try other things on the side, or we simply don't have the patients, time, and energy required to figure out a way we can create graphics without sited assistance. The final possibility is that we just do not have the ability to create what mainstream games can create. Audio can only go so far.Now, back on topic, as others have said, and I agree, this project will not get very far. I don't know much about the racing community of mainstream games but I do know that something like this is bound to get completely slaughtered by every hardcore gamer, period.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

I've been around racing games/sims for 25 years going back to the original World Circuit on PC so I've a damn good grasp of how racing game communities go.No, I'm not overdramatizing the racing game communities at all. Go check any major racing game community, and you will find the sort of people I described. Majorly hostile to anyone they don't know and not wanting any new ideas in their games. I can say for certain the big players in the racing game market will do all they can to force people to use a steering wheel and pedals, or for consoles, a gamepad, no other input methods at all. Because 'realism'.For kicks, I sent the link to a few guys I know who make mods for PC racing sims. They asked why anyone in their right mind would want to use it. I explained on a skype call, and their responses were what I expected:The hardcore racing game crowd spends, and this is a fact, upwards of US $1000 on steering wheeels and pedals on PC, and consoles it's slightly less, about $600 and up for consoles. I'm talking stuff like Forza, Gran Turismo, Asetto Corsa, iRacing and so forth, the stuff that gets atttention from non gamers.So keep in mind people sink over $1000 into their game of choice, and then this comes along. I heard from two league organizers on PC racing games they'd ban anyone using this outright from their forums, and their communities, and I also reached out to two major studios who said they don't see the need to make a PC racing game acccessible since the PC racing game market is so tiny.Add to that the community who chase anyone they don't know out of the community, up to and including cases of real life racing drivers being harrassed off of serices such as iRacing by vocal playersI mean subscribers of that service.and you can get why I'm being negative.I'll simplify it:The racing game community as a whol EXPECTS anyone going into it to be able bodied, able to use a wheel and pedals and if they can't, they are run out of the racing game scene. The big money is in PC racing sims which only attract, at last count, 300 viewers for iRacing's Twitch streams. That's 300 people. That's less people than are visiting here on any given day...and that's a series that offers a real life cash prize and is supposedly the best of the bestThe other issue is a practical one. Race car enginees are loud things. Real drivers wear ear protection to avoid hearing loss. Plus it sounds like a magic bullet, brake hear, turn here. It sounds again like it's simply following orders at the end of the day.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

Hello.I'm a lover of racing games.and I've been waiting for a project of this type for a long time.I believe and I have great hopes that this project has future.Cheers.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Rastislav Kiss via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

Hi there,heh, it is very funny and sad as well how people are constantly considering themselves as experts on something they never saw.Rad is going to be released in April 2018, but our great community already knows it is bad, it is for nothing, blah.Testers of this prototype considered it as better than Topspeed or Mach1, best racing audiogames on the market. But we know true, it isn't, they were just drugged without a real consciousness what are they talking about, because we heared the video.Little stupid? Well, this is exactly how I see these greatly optimistic posts above. I have nothing against a meaningful criticism, but sorry, I really can't think about these statements as meaningful.I have no courage to write my own review before I will actually try it. For example, I have considered seeing by sound as absolutely pointless, even I heared demo recordings and read the description.Just when I actually tried it in Audiocraft, I found it to be very useful, when applied correctly.So my recommendation, wait for the first release, try it and criticise after.It is greatly possible that hardcore players will refuse this. And that they'll not as well. I am not interested. I have no time to train myself to the race master level.But I have a time for racing freely with my friends, and if this utility will allow me to do so, it approached its goal perfectly. Because I want to see a sighted player, who will play Topspeed with me. Real players of rad, not just criticisers, have described they have much more control about the concrete track than with current top racing audiogames. I can not tell if they were true before i actually try, but if yes, I see also this as a great improvement, all improvements are good.@Ethin: I don't want to argue with you about your words, you have your own opinion, I am just interested if you was a sighted player before, or if you were completely blind at all.Because your statements looks like you read how commercial audiogames were created, compared it with audiogames creation process, and wrote post 6.I was a sighted player for a long time. I haven't played much titles, but I always tried current hits. So I played games like NHL, The sims 3, Counter strike 1.6, Battlefield bad company 2 or GTA San Andreas. Oh, and the Minecraft with Technocraft as well.In my opinion, our community have no less experience than a sightedone. Because... As far as I remember, the most popular games haven't theyr status for the perfect sound effects or graphics. heh, does someone here remember first versions of Minecraft? It had very basic graphics, and just few sound effects. And now? It is the second most sold game in the world.The state of sound effects is poor too, I know what I am talking about, I analysed it for Blindcraft and was forced to add many of my own effects to the game, because it was impossible to build an audio version on top of the materials provided by Mojang.But people still like it and play actively.I am not saying, that games for sighted players are not more developed than audiogames. It would be stupid, because it is clear that more interest is going into them.But writing, that our audiogames are craps in comparison with commercial games for sighted gamers, that is another extreme I think.For example, I personally don't see the difference between the old Counter strike and The road to rage. Or yes, there is one, trtr have better sound effects.I mean of course that old great version of Trtr, where your force wasn't derived from the time spent on the server. Only real advantage of Counter strike is its 3dness, this is however still an open question of our market, if we will ever be able to shoot in 3d.May be yes, may be no, we will see.That's all I wanted to say, originally I wasn't willing to post here, but when I see these posts, it is hard to ignore the ill will of our community against new things.Best regardsRastislav


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

No, 'hardcore' PC sim racers WILL without a question refuse to use the RAD.See my post above where I spoke to a handful of league organizers for popular sims and PC modding teams who stated for the league organizers they'd ban anyone using the RAD in their leagues, or blind drivers even if those drivers were clean and fast.. Which is entirely their perogative.No I won't wait for the first release, I can already tell you how the majority of PC sim racers will take this, ...they'll trash it and rip it to shreds because it's a fad, a trend. When the Kinect was on the market they had the same reaction when Forza and other games had kinect controlsa reaction that was wholly deserved due to how godawful the Kinect implementations were. They are awful.The only game to get motion controls right was Mario Kart...and even then that community has a fairly vocal group who attack people who aren't using their controller of choice.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

@Rastislav Kiss... All I'm going to say is that your post just proved how stupid you are in this area and how little you know. This is not the best game on the market. The BK series takes that place, and it'll be incredibly difficult to displace them.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

Hi.You re always talking about hard core games, league play and so on. But you know something? You also have the casual gamers who are not playing for price money, reputation and so on, they just pick the thing up, play a little and than put the game back down, till they want to play the next time.Also, your average gamer should not need more than an 1000 dollars ssteering weal pedal combinations, most of the games are doable with a gamepad, even though a weal might be better.I don't care if the super ultra pro what ever gamers say that it is not good, I play what I want and with whom I want.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

No Simba, in PC racing if you want to race online you esentialy HAVE to join a league because public servers are either empty 99% of the time, or the game's set up for league play. iRacing for instance puts you in online races, no offline, you can set up private leagues but it's all online, all league based. There's no casual play. Same for GT Sport. Same for stuff like pCars 1 and 2, R3E, even rFactor 1 and 2, and older titles.Racing games do not lend themselves well to casual play a great deal, and actually no gamepad controls are definitely not what you want for a high end racing game. You absolutely NEED a wheel and pedal set to be anywhere close to competitive and staying on the track on PC sims, and things like Forza benefit greatly from wheel/pedal sets. Basically the gamepad input is slowed down to make it easier to race with a pad, BUT, you then have the problem of not having as much control.Also at least on PC it's a giant wang waving contest over who has the best rig setup, and again with the league organizers, I know of several sims all the way down to the smaller ones who have plugins that kick gamepad drivers from servers on PC. Plus, there's the 'sim dads' who sit on the forum and tell new guys oh you need X wheel and pedals, that cost $2000 to be anywhere near competitive, and new racers don't know better. To be fair to the sim dads, there's a huge difference between a cheap $20 wheel and a $200 one in terms of input, so yeah you kind of get what you pay for with controllers.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

HHi.It might be that most games are league games or ranked matches. But forexample, forza, gran turismo and so on also have offline modes.I guess different comunity have different levels of choosing their users and who is worthy playing.But, if you look at it that way. Madden, Fifa, UFC and so on are also played in a competitive way, but EA didn't just outright say they will not put in any features, hehl, they even came round asking for feedback.But, let's say, just hypothetically, a dev would put in the rat system, what would they lose? It's an assistent system after all, and doesn't effect the gameplay for the other racers on the track.Is it that the comunity is so small and most racing is professional eSports and the extra time which would be needed to put into it isn't worth the time, or what is their main reason.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-11 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : NicklasMCHD via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

@4 I couldn't say it better my self... That's why I've stopped developing audio games...- NicklasMCHD


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

Hi.It sounds awesome, but I don't get how it works. I think we need to try it before being able to give any opinions about it.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ronand via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

As another PhD student, I see the value of RAD as an idea. It is a prototype and should be considered as such. I"m sure it was created with the best intentions in mind, hoping to improve accessibility in a specific type of game so that people with visual impairment can play the same games as sighted people. It's true that videogame developers usually omit accessibility because they consider the potential market of accessible videogames is small and not worth the effort. However, that trend seems to be changing: companies are starting to realize  that by including accessibility features in their games or products, the average consumer also wins. Maybe the idea RAD proposes can later be picked up by a major game developing studio and this type of navigation assistants could become mainstream. Whether it will be accepted at a competitive level, that is an entirely different discussion (probably, like JaceK says, it won't), but then again, like Simba says, it's about being able to play whatever I want in any way I want. Even if the servers are empty at least with RAD there is access to the game.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

I don't think any developer is going to implement this thing any time soon, and even if they do, its like the others have said, no one will accept it.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ianhamilton_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

@jakek"I wouldn't honestly be shocked if Brian Smith (generic name by the way), showed this off at a raing game convention and, I am not joking, got attacked for it. The racing game genre does not, and I am not making this up, want any disabled gamers."Thankfully, you're very much mistaken. See below.@ironcross32Developers across the industry are caring more and more about accessibility. That includes racing game developers. See below.“The vision for the game is to bring a larger and more diverse community together, who are passionate about cars and racing. We don’t want age, gender or any disabilities getting in the way of that,” said Dan Greenawalt, Creative Director at Turn 10.“Accessibility is just part of our development process, and we look at it all the way along. Every year we invest more, we take a couple of steps forward on each version and we do more things. It’s very important to us; it’s right at the core of our vision.“In Forza 7 there is a level of auto-steering that means the car will navigate the track for you; there’s a level of auto-braking that means you really don’t have to do anything else. That was all about accessibility. The racing line used to be green and red, now it’s green and blue, and that was to make sure it didn’t affect people with a certain type of colour blindness. The controllers have multi-USB support, which helps with a lot of bespoke accessibility controllers that disabled gamers can use on PCs.“We have also included audible cues, so a sight-challenged player can know they are approaching the end of traction and how far out of traction they are.”So there you have it. Developers of one of the top selling racing games already thinking a great deal about accessibility, implementing lots of features specifically for gamers with disabilities, specifically including audio cues for people who can't see visual cues, and a commitment to doing more in future.I totally understand being jaded about the state of the industry. But things are changing. A public statement like that from the head of a AAA studio would be utterly unimaginable a couple of years ago. It's quite a dramatic turnaround. Not to where it needs to be, but certainly past tipping point.I'm not at liberty to speak about any individual companies, but suffice to say that from what I've seen across teh industry in general there are companies now taking accessibility very seriously, and asking serious questions about blind accessibility, who have not previously considered it at all. EA Sports' work on Madden and UFC is a perfect example.I also understand that it is a bit much to take it on faith that things are progressing when there haven't yet been many examples. But 2019 should be the year when you really start to see some interesting things.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ianhamilton_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

Rather than focusing on the state of the industry, a much more productive discussion would be about the comparitive merits of the idea itself, its combination of rally co-driver style speech to tell you about upcoming corners with audio tone cues to portray your angle and horizontal position on the track. There are more people reading this thread than just the people commenting. If you have any good ideas on what works and doesn't work, any ideas about how it could be improved, any ideas for entirely different systems that could help popular AAA racing games become more accessible for blind gamers.I heard a lovely quote from a rally co-driver the other day... "if I time my prompts well it would be possible for the driver to drive with the windows painted black, at full speed"


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mario navarro via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

hi ianhamilton_thank you friend.very good news!I love racing games!especially rally racing!thanks.cheers.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

@ianhamilton_, I can see you focused on only a very small portion of the racing industry. Those who do do this for those industries that despise accessibility will be slaughtered in their sleep, figuratively of course, and thrown out, end of story. The gamers that truly game (i.e. hardcore gamers) will not give a shit about what the casual gamer wants. And there are, unfortunately, more hardcore gamers than casual ones. Also, yes, this will be attacked in the racing industry, period. I can guarantee that no one will ever implement this. It will never happen, forget it ever existed. Its a nice concept... until you consider that all the blindy organizations out there are going to demand so much out of such a product for any type of game that the game will be absolutely no fun to play at all.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

I do hope it can work, but too much of life experience has shaped my thoughts, and I know that it will not be accepted by gamers. I think the best thing to do if the blind want racing games is for development studios or indie devs to make racing audio games specifically for that purpose. I don't see how it will ever be allowed in mainstream gaming. Also, the more accessibility they add to mainstream games, the more those gamers will complain, they will not like their settings screens full of accessibility stuff, even if it doesn't affect their game play. They will not like blind people entering online racing, and they will most likely ban them if they are using this kind of technology. I just can't see this working, that doesn't mean I wish it to fail, but I know how mainstream gamers are.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Sightless Kombat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

@23I'm going to be blunt here.  Disparaging comments such as yours in this thread have discouraged me from getting involved in this large swath of negativity.That being said, I am of the counter opinion to yours.  Instead of developers, indie or otherwise, developing bespoke audiogames, it's a far better idea for the industry as a whole to implement accessibility features into the same game as is being played by the majority.  This is, in part due to a simple fact: Accessibility features, as well as helping the relatively niche markets they are intended for, also assist the userbase at large.  Though this may not be entirely true to options catering to those with no vision whatsoever, things like colourblind modes can help a large percentage of the audience to adjust the game to their preferences.I will not comment any further until I have actually played around with this new system for myself as I do not believe I am at a point where I can fully explore this system's potential advantages and disadbantages compared to previous efforts in the genre.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ianhamilton_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

@ethin, do you have a source for that data, data that shows that the gamers who are anti-accessibility outnumber the gamers who are pro-accessibility? Or is it just an assumption?@ironcross There is a tiny but vocal minority who are against options. I'd say in the discussions I've had with people who start out shouting about accessibility being bad probably about 2% of them actually believe that options are bad even if it doesn't affect their gameplay. The rest are just labouring under misconceptions that it would mean diluting the experience for all players. And that 2% of people shouting is 2% of a small minority, not 2% of the playerbase.This kind of idea isn't a new or alien concept. It is an assist. Assists are already commonplace. Mechanisms are already in place to handle use of assists in online play. Racing games are already pretty close to the top of the industry in terms of allowing players to customise the experience to fit their own needs and preferences.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

@24, and it seems you are missing the point I am trying to make. This idea sounds fantastic as an idea. It sounds epic. The huge problem with this is that when we add it to one game, blindies and blind organizations are going to push for more and more thins that game companies cannot pay for, and will do something bad to that company when they fail to implement it. Do you know how expensive creating a AAA game costs? Far more money than any of the people on this forum make combined in an entire year! GTA V cost $265 million! And that was for production costs alone! Now, consider the accessibility market. There's such a small community of us 99 percent of all the publishers out there won't even consider us worth their time. I'm quite surprised EA is even getting away with what they've done so far. Because when you write games, you've gotta play by the publishers rules, or there'll be no publisher for you. Period. And most of the publishers will add, as a clause to their contract, that no accessibility features be added. And if a publisher does permit the addition of accessibility features, just how much is that going to cost? Considering that most studios barely manage to stay on their feet after the game is done, and the only get 3 percent of the profit, accessibility is the last thing they'll give a damn about. As I've said though, if this gets added into *anything* (considering the complete attitude the racing industry has being against blind people) either two outcomes will happen:* a blind person will log on to an online server (playing offline isn't as fun as online most of the time), another gamer will notice they're using this and will ban them permanently.* A blind person will log on, they'll notice this thing being used, and they'll leave after swearing up a storm and generally cursing the player, the players family, and so on.So, while some companies may want to implement it, they most likely won't be able to, considering corporations like FS will demand outrageous amounts of money. Come on, I dare you to go onto any hardcore gamer forum with a reasonable amount of members and tell people about this. I'm telling you, you'll be verbally slaughtered by them, if not outright banned for it.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

It's sad to see how skeptical a lot of people are about this. What about waiting and see what they come up with, before you start to say it will never happen?


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : simba via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

Hi.Till this point I haven't really grasped why the sighted gamers will not an assistance system for blind people, I don't get what the problem with that is.Greetings Moritz.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : stormer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

At least someone is trying to make more games out there accessible. I hope something can be done with this.Thumbs up to the dude for trying something.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : JaceK via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

To add to 24-25:It costs millions to make an AAA game. SMS had a crowd funded campaign for PCars 1. That got, from memory, around 3-4 million Euros. THEN they signed with Namco/Bandai. I was there. Now hear me out.What happened next wasNamco came in, features got moved to DLC< features got cut, features got scrapped without a reason, all the while the studio head was saying everything was normal. Oh and of that 3 millionhow much did I get? $60. Of 11 million sales at $60.Here's a rough breakdown of what it costs to make a AAA game in 2018, genre agnostic:You have staff wagesYou have staff insurance and beneitsYou have development tool costsYou have licensing deals to pay forYou have office rent to pay forYou have penalty clauses in the contract with a publisherYou have software costsYou have other overheads, like catering, and paying for company vehiclesLiensing's a tricky one. Here's a verry simple version:I  make a gameI go to Company AI ask Company A if I can use them in my gameThey pay me X bucks. They then say if I can have Y feature but not  Z in my game.I do the game, I release itCompany A takes a cut of the profits if it's in the deal.And the best part? Hey, nobody ever gets to see the exat terms of the deal.Also, Ethin's right. The racing community on PC as a whole is so small and insular that it will slaughter anyone using the RAD, I've been run off of forums for merely mentioning blindness in off topic forums. That's howinteresting it is on racing game forums. Yet I've sat and painted cars for various sims over the years and done art work for various games, and the community never said thanks aside from hitting a button a few times and downloading. Point is the PC racing community as a whole is closed off and insular. There was a blog, now closed, that pointed out how insular the PC racing (specifically sim) market was. You got companies pushing $2500 wheels and pedal sets. Do you really think they want the RAD to come along? Admitedly it's like Apple, people who like their wheels will buy the latest and greatest.Also to whoever said racing games are doable with a, for a simple reason...Gamepads have what...50-60 degrees of travel vs up to 900+ on a wheel? For that reason alone during my time at SMS we had to fudge the gamepad input to make it remotely playableyet the stats I saw for pCars 1? 99.9% of people were using wheel/pedal sets. I've been told from a former SMS dev who worked on PC2 that it's the same for the sequel. It's not a shock really...wheels are a better fit for racing games. On that note: TS3 has force feedback, by the way.On that note: FF is nowhere near realistic actually. Nor are most* high end racing sims. That you can buy on a PC. The profssional grade stuff the teams use is a whole other level and the teams keep a strict grip on that one..All it takes is for a big Youtuber to try the RAD and say they don't like it, boom, product us buried and nobody will take it seriously ever again in the general racing sphere. Here's a question: Would you want to be part of a community that only ever wants one way of playing games?Trik question, I know, butthe racing genre on PC at least does, it's wheel or get out. Hell, I've seen and heard people who are supposedly high ranking sim racers sceam at new guys for being slow or making mistakes like spinning the car. Point is: You go online, with  the RAD, with a wheel or gamepad, you're going to get torn to shreds regardlesss, the RAD just puts a bigger target on your back for the racers to point to and tell you to go back to running offline vs the AI.Also, Exclusiity. Let's say EA gets a hold of this: They'll want to make it exclusive to their games. Turn 10 gets it? It's ONLY in Forza, Polyphony gets it? Only in GT Sport, Studio 397 gets it? ONLY in rFator 2. Point is: A publisher will want it to be exclusive to use as a stick to smack players with. See Porsche being exclusive to EA for some 15 years for evidence. See for 15 long years how EA bought up the desirable stuff and put out mediocre games. Fun fact: EA wanted to lock SMS to an exclusive deal. SMS were smart enough to outfox EA and get away from that.scea


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ianhamilton_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

@ethin speaking as someone who works in the industry -1. EA are a publisher. The development work on Madden for example is carried out by a studio called EA Tiburon and published by EA Sports. The person behind it, Karen Stevens, is EA Sports' accessibility lead. She works at publisher level.2. "most of the publishers will add, as a clause to their contract, that no accessibility features be added" No publisher has any clause in their requirements that no accessibility feature can be added. Most of them have requirements that some degree of accessibility consideration is made. Most of those requirements are private, but two that are public knowledge are Ubisoft's requirements for every game to include subtitles for deaf gamers and for every one of their games to pass the Harding test for gamers with epilepsy. If the level of accessibility provision in publisher level requirements changes in future it will be to change in the direction of adding more accessibiltiy requirements, not removing the existing ones or banning accessibility.3. "if a publisher does permit the addition of accessibility features, just how much is that going to cost?" not much, especially if considered early, and especially if someone else has already done the work, as in this case. There is some really prominent work being done in big studios at the moment, getting a good deal of press and recognition from gamers both disabled and otherwise, and that work was all pretty cheap and easy. Ask Karen what percentage of the cost of the total development of Madden was taken up by the blind accessibility work.4. "Come on, I dare you to go onto any hardcore gamer forum with a reasonable amount of members and tell people about this. I'm telling you, you'll be verbally slaughtered by them, if not outright banned for it." Done. I only posted a couple of minutes ago, there have been four replies so far -"Interesting. I remember many years ago there was an audio-only racing game that started to explore the possibility of allowing blind gamers to play.""I'm not even blind and that sounds like a cool option for games. I kinda want to try it out.""Amazing! This is really innovative!""Awesome!"


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ianhamilton_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

@JaceK you seem very focussed on competitive online PC racing. That is a small niche of the market. Some of the most popular racing games of 2017 - mario kart, forza horizon, need for speed payback.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Ethin via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

ianhamilton_, I'm tired of arguing with you about this. I'll let time tell the story.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ianhamilton_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

sightlesskombat gave a talk at the game accessibility conference on Monday, and included a section on how to make mainstream racing games blind accessible. There were racing game developers in the room taking lots of notes. Even just the fact that they were in the room meant that they cared enough to pay money to learn about accessibility.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : crashmaster via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

Hi.Hmmm so we appear to have a couple guys that know whats going on.Yeah I have seen this exclusivity with sports teams, ever tried to buy a copy of a tenis shirt then try to buy the real thing at full price?I have family in the clothing business and brands are guarded jalously and anyone that thinks they can steal them and copy cat them is nuked so hard they go crying to their mummas so yeah I get what jace and ian/ ethin are saying here.I was once in a music group for my local blind organisation, however most of the group were from the poorer side of town.I was welcomed and was fine but it was clear I was the outsider and they had been doing things for ages, I felt odd so I quit.So yeah its hard to enter the exclusive market.However, on the other hand, I doubt that we would want to enter the pro cuicuit anyway, certainly not the online curcuit unless we want that thing.I have games that could do online but i play them mostly for myself, and when I have time to do so.Friends sometimes play with me but thats not our scene.What about consoles?Would we get better luck there or phones.Failing that, as I said what about if we never went online.I can't afford the cash nore have the space to stick a wheel.In order to get space for an old radio as well as chucking out all my junk, and extras, and due to what I allready have I can not have a screen, or a desk unit, my laptop, portable drives, phone and charger, usb gaming keyboard and mouse, usb powerboard and standard serge protection board take up everything on this desk which is not taken out by cheap to expensive mics, headphone sets, digital recorders, controlers for the stereo which takes up more of it, and extra speaker units.Its a struggle to fit it all in as it is.As for realistic gaming I'd personally wait and see but for me the keyboard is still king, I don't want or need high stakes racing or even online mainstream racing there is no way we can compete and if they don't want change I say fuck em and leave them to it.The chances we will want to do more than generally play are miniscule at best and if we do, with our selves or in some less serious communities, We can leave the pros alone for now.Ofcause if someone finally cracks that nut, all well and good and maybe one day a few blind people may crack the circuit but for now especially for me being one of the last 1980s guys with my condition, thats not for me anyway.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

@ianhamilton_I hadn't realized the GAC was scheduled at the same time as the GDC conference, [Arstechnica] just covered Karen Stevens presentation at the GDC about her efforts here.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : magurp244 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

@ianhamilton_Bizzaro, the GDC conference is going on at the same time, [Arstechnica] just covered Karen Stevens presentation about her efforts here.


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ianhamilton_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

Hey magurp244 kind of, is on the Monday but the main GDC tracks don't start until Wednesday, most of the non GDC fringe stuff is on Mon/Tue. I actually just logged in specifically to share two links, the arstechnica article is one. The other is also about Karen, but in context of GAconf talk rather than GDC talk


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Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

2018-03-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : ianhamilton_ via Audiogames-reflector


Re: The racing auditory display (RAD)

Hey magurp244 kind of, is on the Monday but the main GDC tracks don't start until Wednesday, most of the non GDC fringe stuff is on Mon/Tue. I actually just logged in specifically to share two links, the arstechnica article is one.


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