Re: Tolkien Muds

2020-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tolkien Muds

I'm surprised that there are so few Muds in this genre, and that they aren't that great.With so many Tolkien fans, it seems like there would be plenty to choose from.I got really excited about Two Towers, until I saw the "eq drops on logout" thing. It had lots of classes, professions, crafting skills, so many things I would enjoy, but that eq drop just ruins it for me.


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Re: Tolkien Muds

2020-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tolkien Muds

Two Towers also exists, but you lose your gear whenever reboot happens and have to go get it again. They're pretty hush-hush about quest solutions and the game is, at least in my experience, murderously difficult.Then there's Mordor, if it's still up. Basically a slightly more polished hack-and-slash derived from rom/diku. Can be fun for a bit (you level up as warrior, thief, cleric, mage and ranger, in whichever order you choose) but ultimately gets ridiculously grindy at higher levels, and quests are largely of the automatic variety. I had a few days of fun with this one years ago, but it just never quite got there, IMO. They tried to make a missions system, or something similar, and they did a good job in the newbie area of Carchost (a tower full of baddies, opposite Narchost, at the entrance to Mordor itself) but then after that it's just a mostly forgotten mess.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Tolkien Muds

2020-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Tolkien Muds

There are two main ones I've heard of, Muime and shadows of isildur. Muim I did try (there is a topic about it from three years ago), but like diskworld mud there seemed no way to actually find anything to do in the game, no jobs or quests or missions or even npcs that would talk to the player, so much like diskworld I ended up wandering about the place rather aimlessly for a while, logging out and not going back.Find the game's website here.Shadows of isildur is a very rp heavy mud set some time before Lotr. Again, if your a big rp fan it might be good, though I've not tried it,Website is here.Hth.


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Tolkien Muds

2020-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Tolkien Muds

Has anyone played the various Tolkien-themed Muds?I know of The Two Towers, and Mume, but I imagine there are others, and I am wondering about your opinions of the different ones.I am specifically looking for one that doesn't require you to rent or drop equipment on logout, but it seems like the ones I've looked at require it.Any thoughts or suggestions for a great Mud in this particular universe?


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Tolkien Muds

2020-06-29 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Tolkien Muds

Has anyone played the various Tolkien-themed Muds?I know of The Two Towers, and Mume, but I imagine there are others, and I am wondering about your opinions of the different ones.I am specifically looking for one that doesn't require you to rent or drop equipment on logout, but it seems like the ones I've looked at require it.So any thoughts or suggestions for a great Mud in this particular universe?


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