Re: Yet Another Guy's Game recordings - latest is Nujam Guitar

2018-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : musicalman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Yet Another Guy's Game recordings - latest is Nujam Guitar

John, I don't think forum e-mail is working, because it never has for me. I will use the contact page on once I feel I am ready to send my first batch. I want to redo a few of my oldest recordings as I really wasn't sure what I was doing, and I feel I could do them better now.Defender, I'm glad you like them. I feel like I ramble too much, and it's something I'm really self-conscious about. But I do try to explain things that I think newcomers to a game will really find helpful. It seems a lot of current recordings don't do that. They seem to assume you know certain things or the person doing the recording may not know a lot themselves and not explain why something happened. Not trying to say they're bad or anything though, I just have a different style I guess.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Yet Another Guy's Game recordings - latest is Nujam Guitar

2018-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : defender via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Yet Another Guy's Game recordings - latest is Nujam Guitar

Nice recordings! I appreciate your microphone quality and good volume settings in particular, not  many um's and uh's either... and you don't spend a massive amount of time explaining basic audio gaming concepts.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Yet Another Guy's Game recordings - latest is Nujam Guitar

2018-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Yet Another Guy's Game recordings - latest is Nujam Guitar

As long as you send your work in batches of decent size all's fine, and if you can make sure you're not duplicating existing work before you send it, that'll cut down most of the processing time.Its probably best for us to discuss the details over email, but the short version is don't worry about it. As long as you're not uploading a dozen gigabytes of recordings with hours added every week, then we should be able to keep up.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Yet Another Guy's Game recordings - latest is Nujam Guitar

2018-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : musicalman via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Yet Another Guy's Game recordings - latest is Nujam Guitar

Thanks for letting me know. What I'm worried about is causing too much hassle with updates. Admittedly they don't happen often, but haven't really asked anyone to host stuff for me before so I feel a little awkward asking. Lol


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Re: Yet Another Guy's Game recordings - latest is Nujam Guitar

2018-02-26 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : john via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Yet Another Guy's Game recordings - latest is Nujam Guitar

I mentioned this earlier in the technoshock topic, but if you're interested in having your recordings hosted on, please do shoot an email to our developer contact ( and we can get you up and running.We are starting to screen recordings a bit, so it may be worth while checking through the existing files on the site before submitting new ones (the goal being to avoid duplicate content), but if you've got games that aren't on the site already, then we've got a hosting platform for you.The only drawback is that we'd only be able to host the compressed versions of files. Raw wav or flac will get a bit large, especially if you tape at high sample rates.


Audiogames-reflector mailing list

Yet Another Guy's Game recordings - latest is Nujam Guitar

2017-09-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : raygrote via Audiogames-reflector


Yet Another Guy's Game recordings - latest is Nujam Guitar

Hi all,Many people record and upload their gameplays and reviews of audio games. So I thought I'd make a topic for my own. I started this back in 2012, but that thread was almost exclusive discussion on which file host to use rather than about recordings, so I've rebooted the thread now that hosting isn't as much an issue. By all means, hit me up with your questions, comments and criticisms. I'll be checking this thread regularly, but you can also PM or E-mail me, or contact through Anyaudio as well. Anything constructive whether good or bad is greatly appreciated and valued!In these recordings, I sort of review the game and play it all in one, so people who know the game can hear my take on it, and people who don't know much about it can learn the essentials. I will always be editing  this post to reflect additional content, or other important stuff. Info on those changes is at the bottom of this post.Links to the recordings are be
 low in mp3 format. Flac versions are available for any of these upon request if you're a perfectionist or an audiophile . I primarily upload to Google Drive, but am starting to upload to Anyaudio as well, so for some recordings, two links will be provided. With the Google Drive links, simply click on them and tab to the play or download button. For Anyaudio, the recording will play automatically but you can download if you want. Links are arranged in chronological order of recording. I may end up changing this, like organizing it by company, but it's just easier to do it this way for now, since there are only a few recordings at present. So, enough small talk, let's go!Zompocolipse Hunter Blindside Bounty Hunter Extant Nujam Guitar handheld game (Anyaudio Mirror)I'm also taking suggestions on games, and maybe the occasional program unrelated to gaming. I am open to the idea of doing complete walkthroughs, but those take time and energy.The types of games I am more likely to record and review are  one-player offline games. I'm more into arcade, action, adventure, and light puzzle games.Here's a list o
 f specific games which I probably won't touch for one reason or another.3d Velocity and Zero site because flight sims are still not my forte.Sound RTS and other similar strategic games because they confuse the heck out of meMuds like Alter Eon or games like Miriani. Again, not my types of games.Text-based games for the same reasons as aboveBuggy, unplayable games.Games which I can't get to work.Anything online, I will only play if I really like it.If games require a VM, I'm not opposed to recording those but I won't be doing those kinds of things every day.Even if you suggest something that's not on the above list, don't be too offended if I reject.I hope you enjoy these recordings! Please give me feedback so I can make them better! I look forward to doing more.Here's a sneak peak of games I've been thinking about doing. In no particular order:Redo some old recordings I po
 sted here because they're mehBlinded GuideMudsplat (already completed, need to edit)Montezuma's Revenge from alchemy Games (already completed, need to edit)Echo Here to play (already completed, need to edit)Treasure ManiaOld Blindsoftware titles (some have been completed, others are in the works)Adventure at C:A Blind LegendPerilous Hearts Concept DemoSuper DeekoutMonkey Business walkthroughTechnoshock WalkthroughThe GateGMA Tank Commander (even though it's already been done by Asmodean)Alien OutbackPlaycenter Games (just for fun)Bop It UltimateHandheld games I used to own or by some odd chance may acquireAnd more.Change History:September 29, 2012: Uploaded Zompocalipse recording. It was originally intended to be my only recording, but I decided to try to do more gameplays. This one may be replaced at some point since I don't like it very
  much. LolMarch 22, 2013: Uploaded Hunter recording. This one may be replaced at some point since I don't like it very much. Lolmarch 28: Uploaded Blindside recording.December 5: Uploaded Bounty Hunter recordingDecember 9: Uploaded Extant recording.September 12, 2017: Haven't forgotten this thread! Uploaded a recording of the Nujam Guitar handheld game, and rebooted the thread. Let's keep this going!


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