Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

2020-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

I'm also not even sure how that works. You've been climbing a tower. How the hell does an earth-type manamon get you out of a collapsing tower? I could see an air type, a magic type, but...not an earth type.Now, for the sake of throwing a wrinkle, if we include puzzles as a means of ranking the stadium leaders, it changes things a little wee bit.There's no puzzle in Manamon's first stadium, but the one in stadium 2 is actually kind of neat. Stadium 3 mostly just makes you battle people to collect medallions, so that's boring. Stadium 4 is just a big open room with one tamer in it; very uninteresting. Stadium 5 is neat; it's frustrating, but I like the speed-ups. Stadium 6 just has a bunch of electric floors, which were a neat idea; I wish there'd been conveyor belts or cannons to make that harder, but oh well. It's not bad. And then the last stadium is...gone, so it doesn't really count.In manamon 2, the first stadium again has no puzzles. The second is really clever though, and the third, while a touch frustrating, is also neat. I like the concept. The fourth is just kind of obnoxious - seriously, who wants to hear the tap-tap of banging into walls any more than they have to, am I right? - but it's not an awful puzzle, and if we equate shadows with dark things or invisible things, then fine, I guess. The fire stadium is straight-up boring; we've done laser storms before, and it wasn't all that interesting the first time. It feels tired and reused here. The dragon stadium is clever, sort of, until you've done it once, at which point it just feels tedious. But the undead stadium is by far my favourite puzzle in a stadium. If we were just talking puzzles, not leaders, this one would win for both games, no question. I actually got hung up on this puzzle a bit the first time I tried it, and that's more than I can say for pretty much any other stadium thus far. This could've been made even more devilishly difficult with teleporters, conveyors, etc., but for what it was, I liked it a lot.


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Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

2020-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Gaki_shonen via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

I don't like any of them! why? i, don't really know.but, think of it this way..if you and dusten both had a torufalo or however that's spelled, he couldn't have died?


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Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

2020-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : star fire via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

My favourite stadium leader in manamon1 is Seinarus, Dustin, and Gean. Seinarus may be a bad character, but can't be forgotten easily. And the Multi type stadium leader, Gean or however its spelled, tries to help her ruined city. And about Dustin, although he's dead, but he gives almost a new life to our character after the journey of Tangeria tower.For Manamon2, I feel, Brooklin, and Rozann make quite a good personality. But for the Dragon stadium leader, she is a bit annoying, and she uses 2 Manamons which are same did not made any sense to me. For example, she uses 2 Dragomiers, and they almost have the same set of moves, but only equipment is different.


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Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

2020-06-20 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

There's no master tamer I can think of as my favorite. And...tbh, I for some reason like Ogma's personality at the beginning to mid game, even when he activated that machine crap and Hathorilion sent the character to the rainforest. After that, I'm not sure...


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Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

2020-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : manamon_player via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

the first leader in manamon is one of cool leaders


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Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

2020-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

@7, you could talk about the master tamer as well, if you feel like it.


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Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

2020-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Emanuel_Ion_21 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

I like in manamon 1 this simple, hazeldale station


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Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

2020-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : fredd via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

my favorite leader in manamon 1 is Seinarus, i like his personality, though, he could had been a mutch better vilin then ogma, also, i like how angry Seinarus gets with the main char in the first game, in the second game my favorite leader is brucklin or whatever you spell her name, i like her responce to when you say no to battling her


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Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

2020-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : TheEvilChocolateCookie via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

Hmmm, let's see. For manamon 1, agreed, the third leader. I like shutting jerks like that up. Second game, it's a tossup between Brooklyn and Rosanne, Rosanne for what happens if you go back through and pick all the flowers before talking to her. Do master stadium tamers and leaders count?


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Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

2020-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Trajectory via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

Spoiler danger ahead:I nominate Seinarus and Adric (or however you spell his name). The first due to the satisfaction of putting him in his place (especially postgame). Oh, and because he takes on the persona of Eshcon, who is my favourite character.The second is a trickster with a heart of gold (or at least that's how I see him).


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Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

2020-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jaidon Of the Caribbean via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

Afree with Jayde, but haven't finished ii


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Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

2020-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : octoross via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

Ok, here it goes:!In manamon, my favorite leaders are the third leader: Seinarus, because he gave me a feeling that he was a fool but made me hardly forget. Next is a forth leader as well: Dustin. He was a silent man, he dead but... Hey! death isn't mean nothing, specially he helped you escape from the explosion of the tower. But about manamon 2, since i haven't complete it yet, the second stadioum is my favorite leader, for now. She gave me a feeling she's friendly. That's my opinions.


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Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

2020-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

I'm gonna guess post 2 meant the third stadium leader...unless I misremember leaders and mix her with someone else.The first manamon? Well, I have three leaders I like, Odin and Dustin. They have quite a character.The second manamon...let's see. Since I haven't yet completed the game, I have to make judgment based on those I encountered. Alright fine, so...the forth stadium, though in the first encounter, he seems a bit meh to put stadium fight above anything else.


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Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

2020-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

Manamon 1: SeinarusManamon 2: BrooklynWhy Seinarus? Because even if he's an awful, awful caricature, he's at least memorable. All of the other stadium leaders are forgettable.Why Brooklyn? Basically the same reason. She's at least perky and interesting.There was so, so much that could've been done with Dustin, but he died a silly, pointless death. The same goes for the second stadium leader, who's in the graveyard when we meet him. The sixth stadium leader just had her entire town blow up, and she's not interesting at all. The twins could've been neat, but they're an unapologetic riff off Liza and Tate, so much so that I can't stomach it. The electric stadium leader makes too many puns, and really badly failed attempted puns, to be anything but laughable. The first stadium leader isn't bad, and I like that she gets upgraded to the elite four, but...why did this happen? It just means we end up facing a sound type specialist twice. Also also, don't even get me started on Sonica and the earth-type replacements. Absolutely no depth. I usually fire them both after beating them.In manamon 2, Skeeter is a joke; Aaron needs to learn how to write country twang without making his characters sound like absolute fools. Roseanne is trying to be funny, but ends up referencing Roseanne Barr in a way that I don't think serves the game well. The fourth stadium leader, the shadow dude, almost made my list, but ultimately he just strikes me as sort of insensitive, and a user of big words purely for their own sake. The undead leader is much the same, and doesn't really show a lot of personality. The dragon leader isn't awful, but she's annoying and pedantic. The flame guy, Blaze or whatever? He just rubs me the wrong way. By this point in the game, whether I do Blaze first or last of the final three, it always feels extremely rushed, and I think the game suffers for it.I play this game more for its puzzles and grinding and whatnot than for its deep character studies. It should tell you something that my favourite manamon stadium leaders are 1. an awful stereotype and 2. a stupidly cheery person.


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Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

2020-06-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — General Game Discussion : Socheat via Audiogames-reflector


Your favorite stadium leaders in Manamon / Manamon 2?

Hey allI haven't seen any topics like this in the past, so I wanted to start one. So, I'm curious, who is your favorite stadium leader in Manamon / Manamon 2? In the first generation of Manamon, mine would be Dustin, the forth stadium leader in Brightwater city. And for the Manamon 2, my choice still stay the same, the forth stadium leader. I forgot his name though. So, what is yours? I'd love to hear your opinions!Thanks.


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