Aardwolf mud

2015-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Aardwolf mud

Well this is not exactly a new release sinse it's been around for quite some time, but as far as I can gather though many experienced mudders have played it we've not got a specific topic discussing it's virtues or explaining what it is like to newbies. Like several things, this I tried partly because I want to do a db entry. I read up some bits of the wiki first, and I confess I wasn't enthusiastic due to the fact that aardwolf is a big, big combat game, about the absolute opposite of something like Clok or fluxworld, indeed some things I read about in the wiki like the inbuilt speedwalks and generated quests remineded me disturbingly of project bob, a game I confess I did not enjoy due to it's lack of descriptions and ridiculously complex stats system.  However, when I learnt that several people on the audeasy list were fans, including none other than Jeremy Brown from valliant galaxy I began to think there was more to the game, and as
  I fancied getting out of my general slump of illness and into a new game I thought I would give it a try. And I can say in general I'm impressed! For a game with such a major focus on mob slaughter, the areas are very well written and there are some great quests involved, albeit that one of them I was over thinking rather too much (it said expose the evil and all I had to do was type expose). The newbie area in particular I have really enjoyed for how relaxed it is, it is a series of lessons but actually your encouraged to go off and explore in between, so I stopped off in a couple of specific areas to bang off some quests. Also, for a game which is primarily combat focused you level up fairly quickly which is nice, and apparently the max xp to level is set relatively low meaning that your not stuck around grinding for too long with nothing happening. That is why when you hear you need to spend 200 levels as each class it's not as bad as it sou
 nds (after around four hours I'm already level 12). You also don't get overwhelmed by hundreds of skills and spells to practice either, and sinse practices are fairly easy to come by and most spells and skills just train with two or three you can afford to be generous rather than having the problem of deciding all sorts of things about your build and risking buying something not useful. Indeed speaking of practices I do like the way training core stats and practicing abilities are done with separate trains, meaning that you don't have to constantly worry about maxing your stats, just keep advancing them as you go.I also like the fact that unlike in most games there isn't a huge number of agro mobs, meaning you get time to explore without a huge group of things jumping on you, and with some of the scan and speedwalk commands it's very easy to find where new areas are.The main area goals, which are pre written quests have been fun, though I'
 ve only just started on the autoquests and am unfortunately currently a tad stuck given that one autoquest is asking me to kill some mobs behind locked doors I don't know how to unlock (but I'll figure it out hopefully).The bad bits are that yes, this is a combat game. There are apparently other activities like skinning and smithing but there is lots of combat, although pk is very much an opt in thing. Also, death comes with a corpse drop with all your gear. I've not experienced this yet, though apparently there are players who specifically devote their time to corpse retreaval, but still it's not a mechanic I like very much. So, very good for questing and exploring, though like any game perhaps with drawbacks, and I'm enjoying trying it.I'm Thelok on there just like in Alter if anyone decides to join me.The connection info is:aardmud.org port 23and the game's website is at http://www.aardwolf.com/

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aardwolf MUD

2020-05-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : rory-games via Audiogames-reflector


aardwolf MUD

here's another MUD I want to share. It's been around for a hella long time, yes, but it's still constantly updated and has an absolutely colossal player base, frequently hitting and exceeding 200 to 250 players almost all times of day!I actually remember this one from a few years ago. It wsa my first MUD and I absolutely loved it. The basic premise is this: you have various different areas you can go on, as well as auto quests, and more uniquely goals, sometimes multiple in a single area. The maximum level is 201, however you can remort and thus multi-class, in fact up to remort 7. If that still isn't enough leveling to satisfy you, then there are tiers too. The buffs max out at tier nine but you can have as many as you manage to get. The playerbase is really friendly and there are helpers and advisors as well as people who have signed themselves up for helping retrieve corpses if you die in an aggressive area. I don't have many gripes with this game, it's very extensive with lots of options to make battlespam much less of an issue among other things and everyone is happy and fun to hang out with. There's an extensive academy which you can get some really nice rewards from, and unlike other academies, it makes you do missions which go outside of the academy like going to forests and finding items.Enjoy, I love it personally!

URL: https://forum.audiogames.net/post/525920/#p525920

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : MikeFont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

Hey Dark, I've been playing Aardwolf for years now. But I'm sort of streaky with it. Meaning, I'll go through phases where I'm on Aard for a few hours a day, which, is as much as I get to play games anywhere.But at this point I'm rather taken up with leveling private shooter on swamp for now.To be clear, when you say auto-quests, are you referring to the area goals? Or the quests that questor hands out every 30 minutes.The goals and or area quests can be daunting as you progress, but sometimes just re-reading the task over again can help.Typing "task here" when you're in the area your goal is in you'll sometimes get a hint you might not first be given when the task is assigned.As you mentioned, the wiki is very helpful, and there are maps for the quote, VI. Which is short for visually impaired.�
 39;The aardwolf community generally know when you say I'm VI on the question/answer channel that this means you're blind. As just saying I'm blind on the channel will get other players sending you cure blindness potions. lolGetting back to the accessible maps, here's the URL for this super helpful site.http://maps.gaardian.com/vi-index.phpMy main char on Aarrdwolf is named Delq, so send me a tell if I'm online and you need to chat or have an issue you might wanna compare notes on.Or, post a note to me once you're in the personal board and I'll get back to you.that goes for anyone who might need help from the Audiogames community.Best of luck, and I hope you stick around.

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

ah, well that sounds pretty good, but unfortunately there is nothing for me at the mudding universe right now. I am done with fantasy games at the moment and am into sci fi stuff. So the thing I want iw either a modern day or futuristic mud with no vampires, spellsor odd spirits. I can not find such a thing. Once I came across Knight 2000 and i liked it but I could never really figure out what was going on there.I like to roleplay but enjoy mob killing as well. I was about to try flux world yesterday and i tried to request a character and it said character creation is disabled. I then proceeded to try to track down their site, thinking they want people to make accounts on there, but with no luck.I am kind of into space based muds, but I'm not wanting anything with star conquest or miriani like elements, especially in the space system. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it's just that i've already been there and done it.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=210656#p210656

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

@Mikefont, when I said "autoquests" I mean the ones the quest master gives out every 30 minutes. as I said I find those fun but not as much fun as the goals which I've had a go at, and particularly because in the campaign I'm doing while some mobs I foun just by exploring others seem to be in locked areas, indeed I got some help from one other player to solve my issue in the giant's pet store because you couldn't get into parts of that place without already completing the goal which was crazy. I am having a similar issue now with the graveyard trying to find a zombie (yep, thought that would be an easy one), but have just decided to have a go at the goal anyway, particularly sinse I ran into the grave digger who gives it out right at the start of the area, though as it's now nearly one in the morning I'll have to continue tomorrow . I'll also need to go and upgrade equipment I suppose, though that is never something I enjoy doing sinse I always prefer the exploring to the sitting aroun and minimaxing numbers, but obviously the stuff I have from random quests and the new player academy won't keep me safe perminantly. Still, I'm quite surprised how engaging I'm finding the game to say it's a kill fest.  Btw, people are okay about the Vi thing, however I do wish people wouldn't propose maps as a solution when I'm actually needing to know where to find a key, that was the issue I had in the giant's pet store before someone helped me out, everyone just said "look at the map" thinking I was lost when effectively I was just locked out. Actually the areas haven't been too bad to navigate thanks to the good descriptions and the fact that most rooms have distinctive names. The only thing is I do find the speedwalks something of a d
 ouble edged sword especially when I'm just running into an area to kill a mob sinse it seems suddenly ping! I'm on the other side of the world which is a bit confusing an also messes with my sense of epic exploring, indeed I might just do a conventional walk out of the city of ailer when I'm done with this campaign and with the academy just to see where things are. One thing I really! like about the game is that though you do circuits of the different classes, there are clearly more than enough goals to keep you well and truly busy, on your way around, indeed even if goals can only be done once for each character and don't reset when you remort that still leaves a hell of a lot to do.@Ironcross, well if your not looking for fantasy games Aardwolf won't be what your looking for. Flux world is definitely worth a look as it's a really unique setting, although a little hard to get into, so I'd recommend keep checking back sinse I d
 on't think new player registration will be restricted for long, just connect and see how you go. Two muds I've heard good things about which are neither fantasy nor the star conquest style scifi, that you might have a go at are epitaff online the zombie survival mud, and cyber assault, a post appocalyptic game with cyborgs etc. There is also wayfar1444, a game I've tried myself, which is space colonization with you building a colony on an alien planet, harvesting resources and building many devices and vehicles while fighting off alien monsters.I would also suggest you give clok a look, sinse though it is a fantasy setting, the fantasy elements are very very very! minimal. no dragons everywhere, vampires or spirits, indeed most of the enemies are wildlife and bandits and much of what you do in the game is more like survival in a wilderness/wild west setting with making arrows, hunting for food, working in the mines, crafting items etc rather than going around l
 ike a ten tonne tank conan the barbarian slaughtering your way through hoards of the generic orcs and zombies. Indeed I don't plan to give up on Clok, I just like aardwolf as a contrast and as something new to try, indeed as I said I'm quite surprised how engaging I find a streight up fantasy kill fest like this sinse I would've assumed it would become dull fairly quickly.

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : App con via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

HiI am using mush z what plug ins do I add to play this correctly because when I play right now every time I enter a command I allways here my hp and mana.Is there a way to get rid of this.

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : mata via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

There's also a soundpack for it. I can't remember where the link is, but google helps for sure.  This mud is well established, but I don't really the way quests and goals go. Well, that's just me.Beware, the soundpack is hard to install and you might screw your mush if you don't do it the proper way.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=210666#p210666

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

@App con, I don't know about mushclient sinse I am using vipmud, but Aardwolf already has commands to deal with the prompt. just type prompt to toggle it, and bprompt (that's prompt with a b in front), to toggle off the battle prompt as well. Also see help prompt for how to customize what is shown in case you want some information,  for example I like my hp showing in batlele. @mata,  Quests and goals are very simple when you get the hang of them, but I admit they don't have the best explanation in the help. Firstly, there are area goals. You can see these with the goals command or customize the goals shown with things like goals 1 10 or goals here. There is roughly one of these per in game area and they serve like quests in something like alteraeon, type listen near npcs, get tasks to do etc, complete them to get trains and various other goodies. Type goal here to see goals in the current area, and task here to see what tasks you need to do f
 or those goals, you pretty much get run through those in the new player academy, or you can do a fairly standard kill x monsters type of quest on kimr's farm.Then there are quests and campaigns. Quests are generated at random when you see a quest master and you can do a new one each 30 minutes. Basically in a quest your told to go to a specific area around your level and kill a given mob, that is it. You get rewarded with quest points which you can use for buying special items of various sorts. campaigns are like quests accept your told to kill 10 or so different mobs in different areas, so they take longer, but the rewards are bigger. They're basically like run into an area, type where so and so to find what room your target is in, run round the area until you find it, kill it and leave. They're actually rather fun for a quick overview of an area, particularly sinse as I said the game doesn't have huge numbers of aggressive mobs (I've run into some b
 ut not nearly as many as in most muds like alteraeon or materiamagica). There are then global quests,which are I believed like a multiplayer, scavenger hunt version of the main quests, where a bunch of players see who can trac down and kill mobs the fastest, but I've not done those yet. So, hope this makes sense. As I said, Aarddwolf is an od one, I read the wiki and just dismissed the game as a kill fest without much imagination, then have been quite pleasantly surprised with how addictive the game actually is.

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

I've played Aardwolf a few times (and a bit of late, actually), and here are the things I've learned about it.1. If you want cohesive worlds, this isn't for you. There are space-themed areas, silly areas like a modern carnival, and constant references to RL things like plastic and football and whatnot, all alongside your fantasy fare. Each area is pretty well-themed, but the mud as a whole is not. Not at all.2. All the classes seem pretty balanced, with none being utterly bad or utterly good.3. The races they recommend when you start up your character are not always best. They suggest giant for thief (among others, of course), and fail to suggest vampire for paladin even though vampires statistically make excellent paladins.4. Some of the goals are pretty easy and straightforward. Some of them are infuriating in this regard. There's an area called Solan which has a goal marked "medium"; at one point, you have to find some guy&
 #039;s missing box, and the only hint in your list is "dig through the rubble". Well, there's only one room with rubble in it, and multiple different tries at syntax including the words "dig" and "rubble" did absolutely nothing. Worse, when you ask about guess-the-syntax puzzles, you're told that "goals aren't for everyone" instead of hearing the admission that in some cases, difficulty has been misrepresented. I'm sorry, but when you have to rely on weird words just to make something difficult, that's not...really...difficult. It's frustrating. This is just one example; I can think of several more. Point is this: some goals really are pretty straightforward, but some are just awful.5. When someone becomes a superhero (gets to level 201), they can go "loud", which is to say the whole mud knows about it. If they do this, the whole mud gets double experience for ten minutes. There's also a daily
 -blessing system which does things like, among others, giving you double quest points for your next few quests, or doubling the experience for a whole pile of mobs once activated. If you're careful and a bit lucky this way, you can easily get to level 30 in an hour or two, and since most goals and other things don't lock you out even at high levels - as always, there are exceptions to this - it's a great way to jump past the really easy part of the game so you're less squishy.6. Gear is not the be-all end-all everyone makes out in other muds. Personally I haven't really bothered equipping my highest-level character with much, and he's still able to wreck things pretty hard. Maybe I'd wreck them harder if I had the best gear. That brings me to another thing; I feel like this game has too many areas and too many bits of gear. There's gear all over the place, but most of it isn't the sort of thing you'd want to wear.If all 
 those things don't completely turn you off, then give Aardwolf a try. It's very well-populated, if nothing else, and people are generally friendly.Oh, and if there's anyone who's played the game more long-term and wants to discuss goals, I'm all ears. I've been thinking of putting together a sort of master walkthrough of the goals (not necessarily step by step, but intuitive enough to walk a player through them if they want).

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

I have noticed the area disparity, although thus far the only really cohesive fantasy themed mud I've seen has been Clok, so Aardwolf doesn't bother me much in that respect and it's no worse than say alteraeon. Actually, the gear thing I don't mind because I've never particularly enjoyed minimaxing gear in games. it always seems rather sillyy and to take you out of the game, after all I don't think rreal crusading knights would sit around and decide whether their good quality iron gauntlets were better than their poor quality spiked bronze gauntlets :d. So, I actually don't mind lack of gear in this respect. With goals we'll see. Thus far I only ran into one absolutely serious guess the syntax problem, which was me over thinking sinse the hint read "hold the orb and expose the distortion" but I couldn't find any distortion and in the end it turned out I just needed to type "expose" apparently the
 re has been a drive to get out of guess the syntax puzzles, so whether the digging issue you mentioned is fixed I don't know, I'd also check the wiki sinse while it doesn't actually have propper solutions it occasionally does have hints in the comments on each goal,. Also with other players I haven't run into the problem you mention, when I had to find two campaign mobs in the giant's pet store and couln't get in someone else teleported over and gave me the key I needed sinse they'd already finished the quest in that area and for some reason what I was doing to get the key didn't work. As I said, i'll give the game a try, and I do find myself quite surprised with how interesting an over all combat fest is.

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

I have noticed the area disparity, although thus far the only really cohesive fantasy themed muds I've seen has been Clok and Materiamagica (which I've always run into other issues with), so Aardwolf doesn't bother me much in that respect and it's no worse than say alteraeon. Actually, the gear thing I don't mind because I've never particularly enjoyed minimaxing gear in games. it always seems rather sillyy and to take you out of the game, after all I don't think rreal crusading knights would sit around and decide whether their good quality iron gauntlets were better than their poor quality spiked bronze gauntlets :d. So, I actually don't mind lack of gear in this respect. With goals we'll see. Thus far I only ran into one absolutely serious guess the syntax problem, which was me over thinking sinse the hint read "hold the orb and expose the distortion" but I couldn't find any distortion and in the end it tu
 rned out I just needed to type "expose" apparently there has been a drive to get out of guess the syntax puzzles, so whether the digging issue you mentioned is fixed I don't know, I'd also check the wiki sinse while it doesn't actually have propper solutions it occasionally does have hints in the comments on each goal,. Also with other players I haven't run into the problem you mention, when I had to find two campaign mobs in the giant's pet store and couln't get in someone else teleported over and gave me the key I needed sinse they'd already finished the quest in that area and for some reason what I was doing to get the key didn't work. As I said, i'll give the game a try, and I do find myself quite surprised with how interesting an over all combat fest is.

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

I played Aardwolf a little bit, and I really liked the room descriptions.  Even some of the mobs you had to kill were pretty funny.  I can't remember the specifics, but there was one farm or something, where the food was after you!  I may have to give this one another try.

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

That issue with Solan was as of, like, two days ago, so I doubt it has been changed.Yeah, the char who teleported over and gave you keys was one of my alts. Haha.I nearly overthought that Believer quest too. But get this: that quest is labelled "easy". Can you imagine trying to do something labelled "difficult"? Try Hotel Orlando. Now -there's an infuriating goal. Haha. Also, neptune, when you get high enough.

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-02 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

Well the believer path wasn't actually too bad, just that "expose the distortion" thing which I obviously overthought.Other goals I'll have to judge when I get to them, but I have liked some of the places in the game, fatnasy fields was fun, beating up bursts of anger or "you feel down"  sort of reminded me of some of the crazier eamon games.

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

Does VIPMud have MCCP?I'm being penalized in Aardwolf, because it says I'm not using mccp, so I looked in the tools and preferences, but I couldn't find anything about it.Is there a way I can change my settings to use this?

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

I couldn't find anything about this mccp thing in vipmud either, but I wouldn't say your being penalized, just missing out on extra quests and really there are enough to do anyway.

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

I just said "penalized" because when you complete a quest, it tells you something like that you're not receiving the reward points for MCCP.  When I looked at the help file on it, it just gave me the impression it was something I needed.  You're right though, on this Mud, you will never run out of things to do.I love the unique themes in all the areas, and they still make me laugh . . evil lollipops, killing monsters under the bed, fighting Satan and sorrow and anger.  They definitely didn't muffle the creativity on this one!

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : ironcross32 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

[[wow]], I'm glad I tried out Clok, it's amazing. I'm failing epically, but I'm trying to create a survivalist char. Bad things keep on happening to him though, no one wanted to buy branches off him first of all, then someone did, then he got killed in a mine, then he nearly got killed in another mining cave in, then he nearly got trampled by a bison, (I have not found a command to appraise or consider the strength of an opponent versus me), and it just keeps going. But I'm still having fun at it.

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : drums61999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

I played Aardwolf way back, and for killing things, it's great. As was said before though, some of the goals can be infuriating. I made it through four or five remorts and doing the same thing each time got a bit tedius.If you want the best eq without joining a clan, there's a site that will give you open clan eq based on your class and your primary and secondary stat focuses. I was an eldar psionicist, for example, so I got a lot of int and luck.vipmud doesn't have mccp, but there's a tool somewhere you can get that you can use. it's nothing special, I think the rewards are just 2 quest points per quest extra. I used mushclient though, and so I never had a problem.

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

@Ironcross, glad you like clok. No there is no consider command, but really you shouldn't be trying to kill everything sinse it's not that sort of game, or at least not unless you specifically train hard at it, indeed the fact that killing a bison is just as hard as it would be in real life is rather nice, but if you want to discuss clok maybe move to the Clok topic. I don't know about clans, it's not really something I've looked into in Aardwolf,but unlike in other games accept for the newbie bootcamp clan  most clans need you to be pretty high level anyway.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=210954#p210954

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

Does anybody understand the Aarditems buying guide?There are things you can buy from a quester, like boots of speed, Aardwolf bag, aura of sanctuary, etc.  But the buying guide on the wiki says yu should buy a lot of these at level 1.However, it looks like they cost a lot of quest points.So I'm not understanding how you're supposed to buy these at level 1, in order to get the most usefulness from them.Does the wiki intend that you should buy them from the auction channel?Any clarification is greatly appreciated.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=211018#p211018

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : drums61999 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

If I remember correctly, certain things, like the bag will scale with your level, or have static stats no matter what. the bag and aura come to mind, which is why you buy them at level one. You probably won't get them on your first runthrough of the levels, but save up and get them again once you remort. then you're supposed to have something like a new weapon every twenty levels or so, but I never got that far, I think I had one every fifty levels. the point is because they get more powerful as you level, but they won't scale with you so you can't use it at level one.

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

I have two questions that are slightly related.Does Aardwolf have a soundpack for Vipmud?Secondly, if you wanted to make sound triggers for a game, where do you get the sounds?  Sorry if this one is a dumb question, but I know absolutely nothing about aliases, scripts, Macros, triggers, and the like.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=211272#p211272

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : MikeFont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

Hi mirage,As far as I know there isn't an Aardwolf soundpack for vipmud, or any other mud client. You'd pretty much have to make your own, as I'm doing. Its a semi pain staking afair, as you create it trigger line by trigger line.If you need sounds you can download them from the following site.http://www.soundjay.com/index.htmlTo learn how to create triggers, aliases, and hot keys, check out the vipmud help system by pressing F1.When you have questions, as I'm sure you will, I'd advise you to subscribe to the vipmud email list. There's some very knowledgeable folks there who can give examples and explain things more in detail then this forum thread could.To subscribe to any of the GMA Games lists use this simple form they've set up.Ask for the subscription address so you can become apart of the vipmud list.Here's the link to the form:http://www.gmagames.com/gmamailer.phpBest of luck with Aardwolf, and your vipmud experience.HTH

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=212011#p212011

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

Thanks so much for the links!

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=212033#p212033

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : MikeFont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

No problem, glad I can help. Btw, what's your char's name on Aard?If you wanna look me up or post a note to the personal board with a question, my char name is Delq.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=212063#p212063

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-12 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

Well . . . I was feeling terrifyingly creative when I created my character, so her name is Elizzabeth.  Heheheheheh.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=212071#p212071

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : bryant via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

I've played this game a couple times. I'm not really sure I like it though, do to the fact that quests are timed, meaning that you have a certain amount of time to do them. Also, as was mentioned, I don't like the fact that when you die, your corpse and all the lute n it is fair game for anyone, unlike alter where nothing except gold stays on your corpse. This is one of the things that really annoyed me about the game, because I died once and had to get completely new equipment because I couldn't find my corpse. I'm also not sure I like the fact that you can just speedwalk to areas automaticly without having to find them. I think this takes the exploring element out of the game.I've also tried a mud called lostsouls which is similar to this but didn't really like that one either.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=212148#p212148

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

@Briant,  actually people can't loot your corpse. You can lose it, but apparently there are players who specialize in corpse retrieval and will help.With the quests and time, well sinse you only need to find one mob and you can  speedwalk streight to the area and use the "where mob" command to find what room the mob is in, and sinse you have I believe an hour for each quest I've not  found the time a problem, much better than say the timed quests used to be in materiamagica which were too harsh, oh, and for campaigns you actually get several days.As for speedwalks though, I do agree there, the zones are fun, but you don't really get an idea of the full size or layout of the world, which is a shame, and very different from a game like alter,  materiamagica or clok.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=212154#p212154

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : MikeFont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

As far as doing a CR [corpse retrieval] you can ask on gossip or the question/answer channel to get help with that as dark indicated. There's actually a number of ways to get your corpse back.You can almost always find someone from the watchman clan to help you with a Cr.To find one, type who watchman and one should be online. If he or she is a higher level than you and is available, they'll get your corpse back for sure.If you're corpse has been out there for a while and you're not able to get it back with help. You can spend a trivia point to have it retrieved for you. Just runto ravi and type TPSpend corpse, and it'll be brought back to you and dumped on the floor. lolIf you're not sure if you have a TP [trivia point] type worth.Always be sure to cast or quaff a giant strength potion before getting your stuff from your corpse. you can quickly become overloaded with weight if you're a caster class and your
  str is low.hth

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=212171#p212171

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-13 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Mirage via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

You can also go to the temple, and pray to the high priestess to get your corpse back.  I did that the first time I died.  You can only do that three times I think, but it is another option.  It is easy to get help though.  When I died the second time, I asked for help on the newbie channel, and someone was there within two minutes.Once I got used to the game, the timing of quests didn't bother me.I actually love the speedwalks, and I wish more Muds had them.  I feel like it frees me up to play parts of the game quests etc., and it gives me the opportunity to explore areas I might not be able to get to otherwise. I just feel like it gives me the best of both worlds, because if I have something specific to do, I don't waste a lot of time searching back and forth just to get where I'm going, but then I still have the option to explore at a leisurely pace when I feel like doing that.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=212179#p212179

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-14 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

Well I was on earlier today, i  finished the last lesson in my academy and also did a quest, although on the second quest I tried I couldn't find the location I needed sinse the area was huge! I  will also have to get some new equipment at some point too, sinse at the moment I'm not walking around with much, but I really dislike minimaxing in games. I also  haven't got anywhere with the graveyard goal, though admitedly I only tried for a bit between quests.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=212229#p212229

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : dan_c via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

I've just returned to this place, my name is Hathron on there if anyone wants to chat or anythingtrying out mage as a primary for curiosities sake, though all the classes seem fairly interesting to be honest.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=212577#p212577

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

Well I'm leaving this mud for a while sinse I'm a bit narked. I have killed all my campaign mobs, accept for one, and have died twice killed by agro mobs in a temple trying to find the sodding thing, and for goodness ake it's a bloody sewer rat! methinks this campaign system be unbalanced.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=212629#p212629

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : speeder via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

the mud seems to be down... what the

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=212673#p212673

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : MikeFont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

Its a really rare thing if Aardwolf is offline. currently its up and running.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=212739#p212739

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : speeder via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

I can't connect. is the info ardmud.org port 23?

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=212759#p212759

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : MikeFont via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

This info comes from their site at:http://www.aardwolf.com/If you already have a MUD client, you can connect to Aardwolf using aardwolf.org ( port 4000. You can also use port 23 if you have a firewall blocking port 4000. If you have problems connecting, feel free to mail webmas...@aardmud.org for help.hth

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=212762#p212762

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-19 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

I have seen them have temporary blips but they're usually back up within minutes.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=212785#p212785

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : cruiser destroyer via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

hi all, i just forgot how to attack the mob. for example i want attack cobold. how i do that? thanks

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=214318#p214318

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2015-04-30 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

mmm, try attack kobold or kill kobold? or maybe use one of your spells or skills to start combat.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=214321#p214321

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2017-02-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

Well yes, as I've been enjoying erion, I thought I would give aardwolf another try, since in erion my progress was getting a little slow for my liking. Aardwolf I have discovered two things that make playing easier. Firstly, that if you ask people are a bit nicer about goal hints. and secondly that This page is your friend when trying to get from a to b, whether in terms of quests or goals, indeed I think had I used that page I would've been in a better position. eqsearch all can provide you with pretty good gear for most things provided you go and get it, though I've not yet sorted the hole quest items thing, levels come fairly quickly which is nice, though goals provide something interesting to do between quests. So, hopefully if anyone is still playing they can give hints. Now there are things I like in erion more thanaardwolf. Their global quest system is far fair
 er and less spammy, they don't have corpses, and quest points are relatively much easier to obtain, so I'll keep an eye on where erion goes, but in fairness I don't think I was quite fair to aardwolf generally.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=299452#p299452

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2017-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Jayde via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

I dunno. Aardwolf prides itself on its questing (not goals, questing) which is extremely repetitive and tedious. I'm sorry, but having virtually the same text spat at you every x minutes so you can get a handful of qp is boring. I want my goals to give me qp. Sometimes they do, mostly they don't. What's more, you're expected to get literally tens of thousands of quest points eventually so you can purchase the best gear, so you're in for the long haul. A lot of people on Aardwolf use bots/triggers/that sort of thing for questing, if that gives you any idea.I also have some serious problems with the sheer lack of cohesion on that game. Mobs do random damage types (I once had a cow doing suction damage, and a tornado doing grep damage...what the hell is grep, anyway, except a programming term?), goals are rife with guess-the-syntax puzzles, and the tier/remort system is, in a word, brutal. Probably not as brutal as other mods, it's true, and they d
 o sometimes have double-EXP bonuses in play and whatnot, but it's still extremely repetitive. Take it from me. I have a tier 1 venomist (not a tier 0, which is what you start as), so I've been around the block a few times. I've also done approximately 75 goals, and frankly the only reason I was able to do some of them was by looking them up on the internet. If you have to rely on guess-the-syntax for artificial difficulty inflation, then you're doing it wrong as a programmer.So this is the sort of place you go for mindless killing and questing. Its lore is basically nil. Its RP is basically nil. Its systems are very grind-oriented. Its cohesion is basially nil. Its goals can be interesting but usually involve guessing verbs or syntax. So...uh, yeah. Have fun, I guess? I pop in there every so often when I'm cataclysmically bored.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=299667#p299667

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Re: Aardwolf mud

2017-02-28 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: Aardwolf mud

I don't know jade, I have liked questing at least as far as it goes, because I've always enjoyed a seak mission in an interesting area, though usually  interspurse campaigns and quests with doing other things like goals. I'm not sure on brutality of the tier system, though they have recently had a revamp of that so that people get a bit more over all progression as  to needing to restart. In terms of goals, I will say I've done 6 or 7 so far did find a couple slightly obscure, ie, they had a solution which required something more than could be found in the descriptions. Equally though people are a little nicer about sharing info than previously, especially if it's just a matter of looking for a mob, and also aardwolf does have some very solid tools for looking things up,  eg, a locked door puzzle isn't quite so bad when you can just use the map tool and be instantly told where the key is.

URL: http://forum.audiogames.net/viewtopic.php?pid=299672#p299672

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Re: aardwolf MUD

2020-05-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : amerikranian via Audiogames-reflector


Re: aardwolf MUD

you know that this is in the DB, right?

URL: https://forum.audiogames.net/post/525957/#p525957

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Re: aardwolf MUD

2020-05-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : SkyLord via Audiogames-reflector


Re: aardwolf MUD

It was shared here numerous times. I agree, that's a sorta cool mud.

URL: https://forum.audiogames.net/post/525968/#p525968

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Re: aardwolf MUD

2020-05-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: aardwolf MUD

https://audiogames.net/db.php?id=AardwolfBtw how many topics have we had about this game? Aardwolf is fun, though to be honest these days I prefer Erion, since it does many of the same things Aardwolf does like autoquests, but its  more friendly, has a nicer community, and missions that are actually possible, plus you don't need to keep getting thirty grillian quest points just to keep your equipment up to level.

URL: https://forum.audiogames.net/post/526006/#p526006

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Re: aardwolf MUD

2020-05-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : LivingForGod1991 via Audiogames-reflector


Re: aardwolf MUD

I play aardwolf all the time and love it. I play erion sometimes but there are things I really like about aardwolf like the tier system and the number of online players. Not sure what you mean about missions that are actually possible, @4. I've done a lot of the goals for aardwolf while a couple on erion have gotten me stuck.

URL: https://forum.audiogames.net/post/526273/#p526273

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Re: aardwolf MUD

2020-05-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — New releases room : Dark via Audiogames-reflector


Re: aardwolf MUD

Funny, it's the other way around with missions for me, plus in Erion your more likely to get a straight forward answer asking for help, rather than being told "that goal isn't for you" or the like. I also personally like combat a bit more on Erion since the abilities you get are a bit more interactive, but to each their own.

URL: https://forum.audiogames.net/post/526284/#p526284

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