Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

2014-06-27 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : devinprater via Audiogames-reflector

Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

Interesting. But how easy is Python games to port to other platforms? What I want to do, or would like to do in some time when I’m like 2x smarter than I am and able to think like a programmer in another life, is to make a game sort of like MORTAL KOMBAT conquest mode, an adventure game, like uh, a real adventure game, with more than just press the arrows to go directly from one location to the other, a good combat system, quests, character interaction, online multiplayer support, player-killing/tournaments, stuff like that. Yeah, a huge idea that no one seems to have done before, and I want it multi platform. I’m tired of all these Windows games being only for Windows, or needing like, 10 packages to install just to get it to work with the mac.URL:
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Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

2014-06-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector

Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

Hello,Soon *fingers crossed* I will have my adventure game coming out made in pygame. Sound RTS is in pygame and this text adventure is in python, no sound, but it is very simple.All you need really to make a game are the above pieces and this:To grab text from the player you do raw_input() which is a function like print (magic for now!what_player_types = raw_input(Please answer the question)and the if, elif and else statements.print I am going to ask you some questions and I want you to answer...print what is your name?player_name = raw_input(Name? )if player_name == frastlin:  print No really? Thats my name too!else:  print Nice to meet you! Im frastlin!print How old are you?player_age = r
 aw_input(Your age? )if player_age == 16:  print OOOH! Have you ever been kissed? elif player_age == 22:  print Me too! [[wow]]!elif player_age == 22 and player_name == frastlin:  print This is unreal! Are you my evil twin? Your name is frastlin and you are 22 like me! I cant believe this!else:  print So thats how old you are... I see... That explains a lot!What shows is:( means that I type it)I am going to ask you some questions and I want you to answer...What is your name?frastlinNo really? Thats my name too!How old are you?42So thats how old you are... I see... That exp
 lains a lot!If you want more, youll need to read that python tutorial!URL:

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Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

2014-06-18 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector

Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

Hello,Soon *fingers crossed* I will have my adventure game coming out made in pygame. Sound RTS is in pygame and this text adventure is in python, no sound, but it is very simple.All you need really to make a game are the above pieces and this:To grab text from the player you do raw_input() which is a function like print (magic for now!what_player_types = raw_input(Please answer the question)and the if, elif and else statements.print I am going to ask you some questions and I want you to answer...print what is your name?player_name = raw_input(Name? )if player_name == frastlin:  print No really? Thats my name too!else:  print Nice to meet you! Im frastlin!print How old are you?player_age = r
 aw_input(Your age? )if player_age == 16:  print OOOH! Have you ever been kissed?elif player_age == 22:  print Me too! [[wow]]!elif player_age == 22 and player_name == frastlin:  print This is unreal! Are you my evil twin? Your name is frastlin and you are 22 like me! I cant believe this!else:  print So thats how old you are... I see... That explains a lot!What shows is:( means that I type it)I am going to ask you some questions and I want you to answer...What is your name?frastlinNo really? Thats my name too!How old are you?42So thats how old you are... I see... That explains a lot!If you want more, youll need to read that python tutorial!Here is a version of sound RTS that is not the official version, but shows you just how easy it is to update python games. People added races and items to the game and made it really awesome and it is all in python!URL:

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Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

2014-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Omar Alvarado via Audiogames-reflector

Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

@frastlin Holey hell that has got to be the simplest thing Ive ever read.My only issue is is python really made to code simple, not too hard core, side scrollers with?I really dont think I will go to that extreme just yet, but I will at least give it a go!URL:

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Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

2014-06-17 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector

Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

Omar, yes, it is completely possible to write a basic side-scroller in Python. Im not too happy with the way Pygame pans sounds, but there are better options when it comes to audio modules or libraries. Other than that you should be able to write a decent side-scroller in Python. Ive actually considered doing so myself, but really havent had the time or I probably would.URL:

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Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

2014-06-15 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : frastlin via Audiogames-reflector

Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh. is much better than any other tutorial IMO.print hello worlda = 5b = 6c = a + bprint cwhat shows up when I run this script is:hello world11I could do the same thing with a function:x = hello worlddef PrintStuff(some_string):  a = 5  b = 6  print a + b  print some_stringPrintStuff(x)When I run this I get:11Hello WorldIn those 2 examples we had:1. Variables (a, b, c, x and some_string)2. functions (PrintStuff and even print is a function, but for the most part it is considered just magic)If Im too complex, read the tutorial, because he explains it way better than me. I also should say that you cant program without arrowing through each letter a
 nd hearing each space and punctuation mark.URL:

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Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

2014-06-06 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : aaron via Audiogames-reflector

Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

Hi,@omar: I also would like to learn how to program, although I might try the dragonflame game engine, as its in lua and seems a little easier.Is there any way I can possibly contact you via email or something? I have an idea, a project that we could both work on, that is quite basic. Ill put the basic idea here.Instead of a guess the number game, how about me and you code a mini battle system? I was thinking endurance style, so you win a battle and move on to the next one, possibly with the ability to increase a stat of your player. It will be text-based, press 1 to attack, 2 to defend, etc.We might have different things in each one, but if we decide to do similar projects, we could bounce ideas off each other. Itll be fun to compare the finished results. Instead of us both doing the same thing, perhaps our systems could focus on different weaponry and such. I am not talking very complex, just a text-based, number-menu driven game. I thin
 k I have an idea on how it would be done, too.Let me know what you think, and if the answer is yes, what you would want to do. Do we collaborate and make the same game together, or do we bounce ideas of each other but make slightly different systems, but using the same concepts?URL:

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Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

2014-06-05 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : keyIsFull via Audiogames-reflector

Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

Also Omar, if you are having trouble thinking about applying the concepts you learned in the language tutorial, check out game programming in practice. Somehow though, I think you already have and its too far of a jump for you.URL:

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Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

2014-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : SLJ via Audiogames-reflector

Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

Hi.Im exactly in the same situration, that I have tried to learn a programming language for more than 10 years, but I have always given up, and lost the motivation for keep going. I really enjoy reading the documentation for BGT, and I think its very well explained. My issue is that I still dont know how to put all my ideas into any peace of code, and I find all the different varibles very confusing in BGT. Its like, what varible do I have to use now?I quickly lost the motivation then I had made the code for a sound which should play when pressing a key. It didnt worked at all, and I felt kind of lost, because I couldnt find any examples on just the most simple tasks like how to load a sound, code a key and make the sound to play while pressing or holding the key.Then, I looked at one of the game examples from the Blastbay websit
 e.It was Windows attack. I seriously did a lot of work to understand how the whole game was made from scratch, because I didnt wanted to give up this time. I was really up for learning. So, I tried to find some examples or just mentionings of every string or varible which I didnt know what ment from the code in the documentation, but I couldnt. I got pretty dissapointed and I asked for any help on this here on the forum. Then I figured out that the coder had made an other file with lots and lots of varibles which he just called in the main BGT file. I do understand why he did this, but I was forced to give up. Forced to give up because I sad there with an game example which calls lots of varibles and things which I couldnt get explained in the documentation, so I couldnt learn anything at all from this game example.In my oppinion, all this should have been coded in one single file with explanations. I really like the explanations in the exam
 ple, but it fails in my oppinion, because if there is something you dont understand in the code, you cant look it up in the documentation to read more about it.Im normally not the kind of person who gives up, but I have given up for now. However, Im sure I still find coding so interesting, so Ill try again in the future. Its just so sad to see so great a documentation for BGT which doesnt help me at all to fully understand how it works.Pure basic, well, sounds like I should take a look at it, I dont know. Well, coding is not for everyone. I still think I can learn to code, because I think I understand all the basics.URL:

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Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

2014-06-04 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : malloc via Audiogames-reflector

Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

As has been said, pick a small project and work on it from there. I can understand that thats easier said than done. Im not very good myself, but, one thing I have found that helps, even fi it is time consuming, is sudocode. What this means is write out every simple step in plain English. so for instance a guess the number game in sudocode might be something like:Need a number that well use, so well call it guess.Need the number that is actually being guessed at, so, well call it resultWant to keep track of the guesses, so well call it total_guesses, and we want that to start at zero guesses.I want my game to talk to me, so, well get a tts_voice object that will be called voicemain function{lets guess simply from one to ten, we can change this later.the result should be a random number between 1 and tenwhile were guessing{get the guess}if the guess is the result{we win!}or else{if the total_guesses is equal to or greater than 3{ we lose}}we win(){the voice should say woohoo. you guessed the result.}we lose{voice should say damn. too bad, you didnt guess. the right number was the result}Then what we would want to do would be to turn it into bgt code:int guess;int result;int total_guesses = 3;void main(){result = random(1,10);//etc etc.}The job now would be to make it perform how you want. the objective of sudocode is to get you to think in those small steps. If you follow the example, it may or may not work, and you would have to just adjust accordingly. if it goes wrong, look at it and keep trying. make something small work and then move on. eventually, you wont have to write 
 sudocode because you can do it in your head.Ive found that this has helped me make smaller games, and after reflection, I would change certain aspects of the above example because I can tell it may not be layed out right, however, that is the basic idea of it. Im not a great, or even good, programmer by anymeans, but that might help someone.URL:

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Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

2014-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Dranelement via Audiogames-reflector

Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

I definitely understand where youre coming from. Im learning bgt slowly, and am in the process of making my first small game, and its turning out to be quite the challenge. All I can say though, is have a goal in mind before you start programming. When it comes to programming, games especially, its impossible to do it all at once, its gotta come in small little steps. For example, if you were creating a side scroller, youd maybe think, okay, whats my first step? I need a main menu. Thats only a few lines of code, not so bad. Next, I want to start the game, setting the players health and such.Basically, what Im saying, is keep working at it.  You do seem to get it, its just knowing what you want before you start, and consulting the documentation, and other people, when you get stuck. Eventually, after youve done en
 ough of those smaller steps, you realize, hey, Ive got a game, sort of. It needs work, but it is a game. And the feeling you get once youve done that, even if its something small, is pretty awesome. Anyways, Ill stop rambling now. Hopefully something Ive said is in any way helpful, but if it isnt and you have any questions about programming, Ill be happy to do my best to help.URL:

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Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

2014-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : tward via Audiogames-reflector

Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

Omar, well, unfortunately learning to program has to be done in certain steps or stages. You cant just open a book on programming and expect to right the next Shades of Doom or Tank Commander the next day. Just isnt going to happen.that said, there are plenty of simple games you could probably learn to create without anything as simplistic as Guess the Number or Beep. For example, when I was learning C++ in college one of the first games I wrote was a text based version of black jack. It was rough going since I was just a beginner, but I was able to apply what I was learning in class to my game such as functions, variables, printing text to the screen using cout, and I was able to take what I was learning and immediately apply it to something I wanted to do. I think something similar might help you here.Start with a few ideas for simple games you might like to create, and then as you read the BGT tutorials or any other programming guide try and see how wh
 at you are reading may apply to your game idea. I think from reading your notes above you get it, you have a fair amount of comprehension, its the aspect of application that maybe has you lost. What you need is someone to talk to, to ask questions to, as you pointed out you want to cut to the chase and want to know what does this or that do, how can you use it, and why do you need to know that. Being able to bounce questions off an experienced programmer would help in that respect.To be honest I dont think the BGT users guide is the best for learning to program. The problem is that it does not give a lot of examples and explanation of programming using BGT. Its a case of a programmer writing from a programmers point of view so tends to be brief in areas where I feel it needs more explanation for newbies. So that could be a contributing factor why you are having problems where you might be better off in a class settings with an instructor, a book, and lab ass
 ignments, etc. So perhaps you just need more one on one help with this than some.URL:

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Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

2014-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : severestormsteve1 via Audiogames-reflector

Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

Hey Omar,Youre trying to learn BGT? Well, I must say, I spent 2 and a half years trying to learn that, but couldnt quite get it. However, Danny Standley, one of my best friends, taught me the basics of pure basic. (no pun intended). But after he did that, I began looking at the reference, (no its not a manual like bgt, its a reference), and am getting it now. In fact, Ive programmed, with the help of Mason Armstrong, a fully functioning note pad, in under 4 months of using the language.URL:

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Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

2014-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Omar Alvarado via Audiogames-reflector

Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

Ive tried python as well. I did like the way the syntax was structured, but could really find no examples of sound playback. Is python even supposed to be used for audiogames?@Severestormsteve1I should look into pure basic, but as one of my favorite books says, some things just arent meant to be. Hmm. Maybe I just wasnt meant to be a programmer? Ill look into this.URL:

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Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

2014-06-03 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : CAE_Jones via Audiogames-reflector

Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

Pygame (a set of Python modules specifically designed for making games) includes an audio system. Its not as nice as BGTs sound_pool, but its much nicer than most else Ive found. And one can always wrap it in something friendlier.I also found this in my history (I dont remember what it is; itll only be the second time Ive embarrassed myself tonight if it turns out this was you or me asking the same question a few months ago): think the developer of Sound RTS has a page on using pygame.mixer, somewhere. Ill edit it in if I can find it.[edit]Yeah, Sound MUD links to the articles I mentioned in that thread. Theres some more complicated stuff in there, too.[/edit]URL:

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learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

2014-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Omar Alvarado via Audiogames-reflector

learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

Just needed to vent some frustrations. Folks Ive been trying for the last almost 9 years to learn this hobby and have finally come to the conclusion that nothing will come of it.It always results in a waste of time, nothing learned, and in some cases, someone else with a headache that wasnt there before.Anyone else want my ideas just pm or email me they are free lol.I even went so far as to create little notes to myself... and I guess, for the crap of things... warning not for beginners. Warning contains many spelling and other errors, here you go.Keep it or delete it, I really dont care at this point. Have fun! … 0notes.txtURL:
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Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

2014-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : kyle12 via Audiogames-reflector

Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

Hi,Why do you think this is going to be out of reach for you?As far as I can tell, you get it. I mean, you really get it. Objects are just variables with methods, honestly. If you can grasp everything in the bgt language tutorial, youre two thirds of the way to creating an audio game. Then, use the reference for whatever youre not sure on. Like you said in your file, practice. Practice and practice and practice until you get absolutely everything right without looking at the reference. then, move on to something else. Create a small game, like guess the number or beep. Every programmer makes mistakes. Hell, Im a c# programmer and I still dont know four fifths of the documentations and extensive methods.URL:

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Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

2014-06-01 Thread AudioGames . net Forum — Off-topic room : Omar Alvarado via Audiogames-reflector

Re: learning how to program will always be out of reach for me. Sigh.

I have a slightly weird learning style that is going to take some paragraphs to explain.In basic terms... no no no no no lets not do that.To learn something, it has to be applied to a situation Im really looking forward to, or interested in. Huge disadvantage there. Beep games or guess the number games really arent my type of thing. Also, it doesnt help that as a child I was constantly being reminded of how useless and worthless I was. Ahem... if you want to know read my first few topics I ever published here.If Im reading a manual, problem is about 99 percent of manuals these days ramble. At least to me they do. Just cut to the chase. What does this do, why do I need it (short answer), and how can I use it (various examples).So that is in basics, the way I learn. Could also be why I learned to fly quadrocopters so quickly.I was interested, I was motivated. I had a desire to improve myself. I wanted to do something new. A
 nd like with quadrocopters, I began to pick up bits and little clues here and there about what to do in certain situations.Only problem after about chapter 5 of the bgt manual, I was kinda just hoping there was some massive explanations for every 2 paragraphs, or something.So there ya go. Thats the way I learn things.URL:

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