[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Linear psu question (another!)

2006-05-31 Thread Heuer

You would be better off buying one of these from RS:

Part no:173-1604



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hope for serious SB tweaks

2006-05-31 Thread krzys

John Swenson, a well known expert and tweaker just got his SB3 and
started to tweak it. He made a power supply and is looking for I2s
connection to a DAC and for clock tweak. Maybe his tweaks will be of
some interest for the SB audiophile community.


BTW SB is gaining more and more visibility on the audioasylum.



krzys's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=2256
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Linear psu question (another!)

2006-05-31 Thread agentsmith

Heuer Wrote: 
 You would be better off buying one of these from RS:
 Part no:173-1604

I would love to try this PS out.  But I am a complete electronics

This box seems to be a DIY type job, how much soldering/adjusting do I
have to do?  Has anyone tried this box with the SB2/3?


agentsmith's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=1838
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Linear psu question (another!)

2006-05-31 Thread davidcotton

Heuer Wrote: 
 You would be better off buying one of these from RS:
 Part no:173-1604

So with one of those, do I need anything else? Complete noob at this.
Does it need to be put in a seperate case or anything?



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Dac for SB3 - Benchmark vs. Lavry vs. ...?

2006-05-31 Thread 325xi

Anything known about this DAC here?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Is there a Red Wine Audio/Bolder Equivalent in the UK?

2006-05-31 Thread Deaf Cat


Just thinking I may start looking down the DAC road, but if the
internal DAC can be upgraded and other bits maybe...

Any thoughts?

PS I'm ok with a blow torch, but have a bit of trouble with a soldering

Deaf Cat

Deaf Cat's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=515
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: A photo of your Squeezebox setup (please)

2006-05-31 Thread ajmitchell

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19817

Question: Should there be a new forum for photos?

- yes
- no
- maybe

Hi All,

Took me a while to get a decent photo. I've got various zones running
(one upstairs on a 7.2 surround) but this is the one thats closest to
pure audiophile. 

SB3 (no modification)
Classe CP2100 (integrated)

|Filename: Classe_Small2.jpg|
|Download: http://forums.slimdevices.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=1384|


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Is there a Red Wine Audio/Bolder Equivalent in the UK?

2006-05-31 Thread Deaf Cat

Thank You!

Deaf Cat

Deaf Cat's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=515
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-31 Thread buddhabreath

Phil Leigh Wrote: 
 3) My wiring is very good so obviously my imagination must also be
 good. Let's try the converse argument - if you can't hear any
 improvement, your system (or ear/brain interface) must be defective...
 4) Amongst many other things (too boring to discuss again) DB testing
 doesn't discriminate between better and different. Anyway, beyond
 entry-level all CDP's, DACs, amps are rather good these days...the two
 biggest audible impacts will be in changing speakers or applying room
 correction. Without RC you're not hearing anything like what the artist
 intended anyway, so no amount of tweaking cables or even major
 components will help.

Of course DB testing discriminates between different! It is a basic
scientific procedure to ensure perceptive bias does not enter into a
result. better is in the mind of the receiver - but often times that
better goes away under DB conditions. 

Mr. Fredrickj is exactly correct - this is why audiophile reviews will
not touch this. They rely on suckers who don't understand what a second
year EE student does, namely that anyone who pays big bukcs $$ for power
cords or cables is a fool. The circuitry doesn't care how the power is
transported anymore than your care engine cares what kind of hose the
gasoline came in. The only thing to worry about with cabling are
capacitance, resistance and inductance. For longer runs a heavier guage
cable is required and shielded cables for noisy environments. Very

However, Mr. Leigh is correct in my view on one point: it is indeed
about the ear/brain interface. As you all will know, the ears are
rather clunky mechanisms that send electrical signals to the brain
where they are interpreted and invariably that mechanism falls off in
effectiveness as we age. In other words, hearing is in the brain. This
is the same brain that decided to purchase $5,000 cables in a fancy
presentation box, so if that brain is alredy convinced it will hear a
difference it will! That same brain will not be willing to participate
in a double blind test of that same cable because it will find that the
sound cannot in all probablitiy be distiguished from run-of-the mill zip
cord for 19 cents a foot.

Believe what you want, hear what you want if it makes you happy.
Believe that the world is 6000 years old and that the president is a
great man. Whatever floats your boat. Just understand that there are
people out there that take advantage of ignorance or delusion in the
marketplace and in politics and people get taken for their money every


P.S. The power supply is just fine for the little box fer cryin' out
loud. Just as designed. Help me out here Slim Devices! Jeez!


buddhabreath's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=5743
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB mod on not mod, what to expect vs CD player?

2006-05-31 Thread richidoo

I feel that SB3 with a linear power supply, played through a full range
(30-30k or better) very dynamic speaker/amp combo is hard to beat. You
won't hear the benefits of the PS upgrade unless your system is
transparent and dynamic enough to allow the greater dynamic range of
the upgrade to show through. But this is the audiophile forum, and so
some of us do actually have systems sensitive enough to reveal a large
improvement by canning the stock wart for a 5V/3A linear PS. If you
have a mid-fi rig like a good receiver, the improvement you will hear
will be in the smoothness and more natural sound on acoustic
instruments. The dynamics and ultra lows will not be evident and so
that diminishes the value of the upgrade for some people. It doesn't
mean that the upgrade is not improving the quality of the input signal

SB is vastly better than my $250 Samsung universal player on CDs, but
the Samsung does sound pretty darn good on SACDs. I can only imagine
what a decent SACD player is like.


richidoo's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=3097
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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] SB/Tact/NuForce

2006-05-31 Thread richidoo

Some guys came over this weekend to listen to a variety of tube amps and
cables, typical audiophile waste of time listening to the same song over
and over while swapping parts. Yuk! So this time I had a surprise in
store for them! Nobody, including me had ever heard a modern design
high-end class D or analog switching amplifier, thogh we had debated
the merits on several occasions. Time for reality to intrude on

I invited the local NuForce dealer to come over with a pair of brand
new (100 hours) Reference 9SE amps and while he was coming, he brought
a TacT RCS2.2 room correction preamp. We connected the SB to Tact with
digital coax and to the NuForces with anticable single ended
interconnects, then to Legacy Focus speakers with Anticable speaker
wire. Running the room correction impulses took about 2 minutes and got
people talking. Some said my speakers would be damaged by the 1/2 watt
gunfire sounds. Some of it was why can't we just listen to music, this
is a waste of time, some said, This digital shit is a parlor trick, it
is not high end audio. Others were asking questions and intrigued by
the GUI on the laptop displaying the frequency response of my speakers
in my room, which was very ugly, BTW. The Tact dealer,
Hometheaterdoc.com, Shane Sangster was knowledgeable and met each
question with confidence while he ran the calibration.

At the location of the sampling microphone placed in the listening
sweet spot, freqs below 300Hz were up and down by 10dB+! It was like an
evil roller coaster. Above 2k was not too bad, a couple of suckouts but
most of it at +3 to +6dB. We selected a target frequency response curve
to simulate (close to flat), and dragged it around on the screen so that
all frequencies would be attenuated instead of boosted. We uploaded the
filter to a preset in TacT memory via RS232 cable and then I hit the SB
play button. Everyone was listening hard to hear just how fake and
unmusical it would sound. 

The sound that appeared in the room was not coming from the speakers,
there was an invisible ghost of the orchestra right in the room. The
Nuforces revealed every vibration of the singer's throat, and every
individual voice in a choir. Hard to reproduce tones like cello, low
brass and accordion sound as beautiful and musical as on my Cary tubes
but the resolution, dynamics and the power down low is far superior.
Add in the room correction of the Tact preamp and it makes everything
ultra clear, ultra detailed, but not harsh - you know, the same old
blablabla you have read in a magazine 1000times but somehow never able
to actually hear it from any system, ever. I have read about it, but
never heard it until Sunday. I could hear details in the lows that were
very musical, like the low end of the recording venue's ambiance of bass
violins that was too muddied up to hear without the room correction. I
just never knew it was there on the CD all along.

Some people took a while to come around. Some hard core tubers in
denial were switching the Tact remote back and forth from Bypass to
Preset 9. Over and over the room sounded like shit and then back to
nirvana. Standing anywhere in the room, even 15 feet diagonal behind
the sweet spot against a wall with granite counter top and a steel
refrigerator the improvement was very noticeable when processing was
engaged. One by one over the next hour, everyone commented on how good
it sounded. The SB digital coax out was more than up to the task of
sourcing this incredible stereo system. Unfortuately, we never did
listen to SB analog out to tact preamp. Since it sounds great on my
regular system, I assume it would still be great after room corection.

While I had previous been leary of having to rip guests CDs before they
could listen to music, it turns out they were fascinated by the whole
music on the network process, and a few watched me rip tracks with EAC
to the network drive. Some even walked upstairs to see the noisy NAS
and talk networking, etc. Only one guest of all 8 was vaguely familiar
with SB, but had never seen or heard one. He loved the sound, and the
interface w/remote. 

My room is very large, a rectangular odd shape open plan, a dozen tall
glass windows, lots of bare sheetrock, tall ceiling, wood floors and
some carpet. The tact overcame all of those acoustic challenges and
made my listening room sound like the actual recording location, you
feel like you are really there. With the custom equalization, the whole
freq range is now audible, nothing muffled or hidden in a bad node, it
makes the processing sound louder compared to the bypass. It is
actually just clearer, and the front of the soundstage (soloists) seems
to come forward out of the speakers toward you, while the rear falls
farther back. The NuForce delivers the detail and dynamics of a real
performance and really brought out the best in my sensitive full range
speakers. Everything was just better. It is amazing to think that all
this music is actually coming off