Phil Leigh Wrote: 
> -cut-
> 3) My wiring is very good so obviously my imagination must also be
> good. Let's try the converse argument - if you can't hear any
> improvement, your system (or ear/brain interface) must be defective...
> 4) Amongst many other things (too boring to discuss again) DB testing
> doesn't discriminate between "better" and "different". Anyway, beyond
> entry-level all CDP's, DACs, amps are rather good these days...the two
> biggest audible impacts will be in changing speakers or applying room
> correction. Without RC you're not hearing anything like what the artist
> intended anyway, so no amount of tweaking cables or even major
> components will help.
> -cut-
> ...

Of course DB testing discriminates between "different"! It is a basic
scientific procedure to ensure perceptive bias does not enter into a
result. "better" is in the mind of the receiver - but often times that
"better" goes away under DB conditions. 

Mr. Fredrickj is exactly correct - this is why audiophile reviews will
not touch this. They rely on suckers who don't understand what a second
year EE student does, namely that anyone who pays big bukcs $$ for power
cords or cables is a fool. The circuitry doesn't care how the power is
transported anymore than your care engine cares what kind of hose the
gasoline came in. The only thing to worry about with cabling are
capacitance, resistance and inductance. For longer runs a heavier guage
cable is required and shielded cables for noisy environments. Very

However, Mr. Leigh is correct in my view on one point: it is indeed
about the ear/brain interface. As you all will know, the ears are
rather clunky mechanisms that send electrical signals to the brain
where they are interpreted and invariably that mechanism falls off in
effectiveness as we age. In other words, hearing is in the brain. This
is the same brain that decided to purchase $5,000 cables in a fancy
presentation box, so if that brain is alredy convinced it will hear a
difference it will! That same brain will not be willing to participate
in a double blind test of that same cable because it will find that the
sound cannot in all probablitiy be distiguished from run-of-the mill zip
cord for 19 cents a foot.

Believe what you want, hear what you want if it makes you happy.
Believe that the world is 6000 years old and that the president is a
great man. Whatever floats your boat. Just understand that there are
people out there that take advantage of ignorance or delusion in the
marketplace and in politics and people get taken for their money every


P.S. The power supply is just fine for the little box fer cryin' out
loud. Just as designed. Help me out here Slim Devices! Jeez!

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