Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] A nice review of the Roon software

2016-04-17 Thread pablolie

My music listening is typically based on my looking through folders, and
remembering "oh wow totally forgot about this". I also regularly erase
many playlists I got bored off and kinda start from scratch. I do have a
folder with "Best of" micro-playlists for all my age long favorites, and
regularly use the micro-playlists to compile new versions of the old and
the new. 

I haven't come across a piece of software that kinda supports my
unpredictably moody music listening habits, and have always founf the
problem with playlists and big libraries is one ends up with too many of
them. And don't you ever change the drive name for your music. Mine is
still called "500G" even though these days it's a 4TB drive. :-D

Server: Virtual Machine (on VMware Workstation 12) running Ubuntu 16.04
+ LMS 7.9
System: SB Touch --optical->- Benchmark DAC2HGC --AnalysisPlus Oval
Copper XLR->- NAD M22 Power Amp --AnalysisPlus Black Mesh Oval->- Totem
Element Fire
Other Rooms: 2x SB Boom; 1x SB Radio; 1x SB Classic-> NAD D7050 -> Totem
DreamCatcher + Velodyne Minivee Sub
Computer audio: workstation --USB->- audioengine D1 -> Grado
PS500e/Shure 1540

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] A nice review of the Roon software

2016-04-17 Thread mlsstl

Thanks for the insight, mdconnelly. I've got over 5,500 albums in my
collection with 57,000 some-odd tracks and rarely have a problem finding
what I want.

I suspect Roon is certainly a boon when one is exploring connections one
didn't know about or wandering idly around. And, I appreciate that if
one is an enthusiastic reader of liner notes, artist & composer bios and
the like, that Roon would be a helpful advance. 

Me? I just mainly listen to the music, and typically don't have a strong
interest in knowing that this composer wrote this song in memory of when
his dog ran away when he was age 10 or that artist played rhythm guitar
on someone else's 1956 one-hit wonder. 

I will sometimes "lose" a song -- have the tune stuck in my head but for
the life of me can't remember the artist or title. It'd be nice to have
something to help with that, but I'm not quite sure how Roon would work
in that area. And, I'm not sure its worth $120 a year when this
situation pops up 2 or 3 times a year. 

Still looking for something about Roon that really grabs my attention.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] A nice review of the Roon software

2016-04-17 Thread mdconnelly

I grew up listening to music by first selecting what I wanted to listen
to and then cueing it up.As my collection grew, I would occasionally
flip through my bins of albums, later CDs, seeing if something hit my
fancy.  I organized albums by genre and even had a bin of "favorites".  
This worked fine when my total collection numbered in the hundreds at
most.  Fast forward 40 years... I now have several thousand albums, most
now in digital form either by ripping and tagging or buying online and

Until Roon, my approach to what to listen to, however, was still the
same -- either first picking what I wanted to listen to or flipping
through the virtual bins.  LMS/iPeng made it easy to flip, but with out
any added value other than the choice to select by genre, album title,
artist or favorites.  Quicker by far that searching the stacks, but
still conceptually the same.   

Roon has taken it a major step forward by reinventing the music
discovery process enabled by their slick UI and depth of metadata.  In
truth, I still often know what I want to listen to and just select that
within Roon - no better or worse than with LMS/iPeng.  But, when I sit
down to peruse my music on my iPad or laptop via Roon, I learn far more
about what I'm listening to and, more importantly, rediscover albums
that I've long forgotten (or discover new music on Tidal).  This greatly
enriches and broadens my music listening experience.  

It did not take me long to feel that Roon lifetime was worth the price. 
I've spent far more on far dumber audio-investments.

In my opinion, Slimdevices and the Squeezebox revolutionized how we
collect, manage and play music.Roon has revolutionized how we listen
to it.

Mike (1 SB3, 1 Duet, 1 Boom, 2 Touch, 1 Radio & heavy use of iPeng on
various iThings)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] A nice review of the Roon software

2016-04-17 Thread Mnyb

garym wrote: 
> I'd say no, you haven't missed anything. Perhaps the idea that it is a
> server that is agnostic to many different player endpoints but is
> fortunately NOT generic/not useful DLNA.

Yes that ambition to play on almost any endpoint (expect upnp/dlna)

Julf wrote: 
> But you are still at the mercy of a provider of a proprietary system. :(

As always, the mother of all proprietary systems iTunes for example :(

I also dislike proprietary systems as much as anyone else :( ,but these
guys have no hardware to sell to finance the software as SLIM/Logitech
did so charge for their software they must if they want to have a
business .

Another thing happened metadata of any quality has been monetised ,
thats why free projekt struggle to get lyrics pictures reviews and other
stuff .
A large chunk of the ROON fee goes to metadata providers .
If a comercial program show your cover image from you files thats
probably ok but what if it subtitutes with a higher rez one from the
internet ? thst probably some IP rigth there .

My pow i do like nice aditional data when i listen i have my iPad nearby
and using iPeng with suitable plugins read bios and have a clance at
credits pictures etc , is that the artist info plugin that gives me that

They provide SDK for hardware manufacturers for RAAT ok but thats not
really free software ? Why cant any hobbyist roll their own player .

Logitech could grove a bussines around by selling that
acess to hardware manufacturers making replacement squeezeboxes . or
maybe the protocols used in our boxes starting showing thier age ?

I also whished that you could source players endpionts software and
servers indepedently , but then you fall down to upnp .

LMS do provide that sort of :) 
and its suprisingly resiliant ? I wonder why we survive ,of course all
the free time entusiast use to maintain the system especially Mherger .
I start to develop a theory that we are on the backburner rather than
abandoned , maybe Logitech keeps the infrastructure just in case and it
probably provide some small revenue from service providers .

Main hifi: Touch + CIA PS +MeridianG68J MeridianHD621 MeridianG98DH 2 x
MeridianDSP5200 MeridianDSP5200HC 2 xMeridianDSP3100 +Rel Stadium 3
Bedroom/Office: Boom
Kitchen: Touch + powered Fostex PM0.4
Misc use: Radio (with battery)
iPad1 with iPengHD & SqueezePad
(spares Touch, SB3, reciever ,controller )
server HP proliant micro server N36L with ClearOS Linux

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] A nice review of the Roon software

2016-04-17 Thread audiomuze

Julf wrote: 
> But you are still at the mercy of a provider of a proprietary system. :(  
> Yes, you are insofar as the software is concerned.  From a hardware
perspective you're free to make your own decisions and from an
underlying audio library perspective Roon leaves all that
at the end of the day your only exposure is loss of functionality if
Roon was no longer supported.

SqueezeWand | 'Vivere DAC MKI'
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*'Linux finally gets a great audio tagger'
'puddletag' (* - now packaged in most
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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] A nice review of the Roon software

2016-04-17 Thread audiomuze

mlsstl wrote: 
> I've looked at Roon and am not sure I'm interested. Its two strong
> points seem to be an attractive graphic interface and the ability to
> bring its own, additional metadata (tags) to the party. 
> The first item is kind of a "meh" for me -- I play my stereo in order to
> listen to music and the LMS/Squeezebox system works great for this. The
> latter seems interesting, since it appears it'd add more info to what
> I've collected in my own system, but then I'm currently not having too
> hard a time finding the music I want to listen to. 
> So that's where I stand right now -- some interesting possibilities but
> it hardly seems worth a $120 annual subscription or $500 fee up front. 
> Have I missed something?I was a Squeezebox/LMS user from early 2000's through 
> to earlier this
year.  It is a great music streaming solution, and still the only thing
I'd recommend to anyone if they weren't going to use Roon. 
Fundamentally what Roon provides me with from a user experience
perspective is deeper and richer ways to explore my music collection,
something that just isn't possible with LMS.  Some examples:  I like to
read artist biographies and album reviews.  Other artists, albums,
composers etc. named therein can be clicked through from within the
biographies or reviews.  Let's say I like Simon Phillips' work as a
drummer and would like to find every album in my library where he makes
an appearance...simply go to an album he appears in or search for him as
an artist and click'll be presented a complete list of
albums in your library he's appeared on, many of which may be complete
surprises to you unless you're a walking encyclopedia of music.  If it's
something I'm going to want to come back to often I can bookmark that
and any other filtered result I care to see without having to redefine/
re-specify the criteria.  If I want to see all albums released by a
specific record label within a selected genre(s) that's pretty simple
too.  I can browse all Soundtracks, EPs, Singles or any combination of
genres, years, decades, audio formats etc. at the touch of a button. 
When I'm browsing an artist I can see their main albums, Singles and EPs
and appearances logically arranged.  I also have at my fingertips a list
of artists that are Similar To, Followed By, Influenced By and
Associated With that artist.  Whilst this kind of exploration may not
appeal to everyone, I find it incredibly useful, it's something I've
always wanted to be an integral part of my listening experience and
unfortunately it's something LMS simply cannot provide.

SqueezeWand | 'Vivere DAC MKI'
(!.aspx) | 'ATC

*'Linux finally gets a great audio tagger'
'puddletag' (* - now packaged in most
Linux distributions.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] A nice review of the Roon software

2016-04-17 Thread audiomuze

mlsstl wrote: 
> I've looked at Roon and am not sure I'm interested. Its two strong
> points seem to be an attractive graphic interface and the ability to
> bring its own, additional metadata (tags) to the party. 
> The first item is kind of a "meh" for me -- I play my stereo in order to
> listen to music and the LMS/Squeezebox system works great for this. The
> latter seems interesting, since it appears it'd add more info to what
> I've collected in my own system, but then I'm currently not having too
> hard a time finding the music I want to listen to. 
> So that's where I stand right now -- some interesting possibilities but
> it hardly seems worth a $120 annual subscription or $500 fee up front. 
> Have I missed something?I was a Squeezebox/LMS user from early 2000's through 
> to earlier this
year.  It is a great music streaming solution, and still the only thing
I'd recommend to anyone if they weren't going to use Roon. 
Fundamentally what Roon provides me with from a user experience
perspective is deeper and richer ways to explore my music collection,
something that just isn't possible with LMS.  Some examples:  I like to
read artist biographies and album reviews.  Other artists, albums,
composers etc. named therein can be clicked through from within the
biographies or reviews.  Let's say I like Simon Phillips' work as a
drummer and would like to find every album in my library where he makes
an appearance...simply go to an album he appears in or search for him as
an artist and click'll be presented a complete list of
albums in your library he's appeared on, many of which may be complete
surprises to you unless you're a walking encyclopedia of music.  If it's
something I'm going to want to come back to often I can bookmark that
and any other filtered result I care to see without having to redefine/
re-specify the criteria.  If I want to see all albums released by a
specific record label within a selected genre(s) that's pretty simple
too.  I can browse all Soundtracks, EPs, Singles or any combination of
genres, years, decades etc. at the touch of a button.  When I'm browsing
an artist I can see their main albums, Singles and EPs and appearances
logically arranged.  I also have at my fingertips a list of artists that
are Similar To, Followed By, Influenced By and Associated With that
artist.  Whilst this kind of exploration may not appeal to everyone, I
find it incredibly useful, it's something I've always wanted to be an
integral part of my listening experience and unfortunately it's
something LMS simply cannot provide.

SqueezeWand | 'Vivere DAC MKI'
(!.aspx) | 'ATC

*'Linux finally gets a great audio tagger'
'puddletag' (* - now packaged in most
Linux distributions.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] A nice review of the Roon software

2016-04-17 Thread Julf

garym wrote: 
> I'd say no, you haven't missed anything. Perhaps the idea that it is a
> server that is agnostic to many different player endpoints but is
> fortunately NOT generic/not useful DLNA.

But you are still at the mercy of a provider of a proprietary system. :(

"To try to judge the real from the false will always be hard. In this
fast-growing art of 'high fidelity' the quackery will bear a solid gilt
edge that will fool many people" - Paul W Klipsch, 1953

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