[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Squeezebox Class D!

2006-09-19 Thread Horizons

The pump and slam job is exactly what I expected and predicted out of
Stereophile and JA. You just can't accept millions of dollars of
advertising from high end companies and then come out and say the SB3
is in their league. So you do the gentlemenly thing that JA is so good
at - politely rave and then interject a big BUT disqualifier to
eliminate the possiblity of that item dethroning their beloved
multi-kilobuck references. 

Ditto regarding the latest Sonic Impact review in Stereophile. 

IMHO, Stereophile is a leading cause of the death of high end audio.
They prop up their insanely priced references and dis anything
affordable. They are killing the audio biz and assuring that no one
under 20 years old will have any interest in the hobby. They are
causing their own self-destruction.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Tube Pre-Amp or MF X-10 Tube Buffer?

2006-05-18 Thread Horizons

I find it interesting how many people buy the Benchmark due to its razor
sharp resolution and then spend lots of cash to tame it down. I
auditioned several dacs and the Benchmark has a great transparency but
left me cold. I'm not sure that tubes will ultimately fix your problem
but a used X10D would be a cheap way to find out. You might also try
the Tubalizer.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Linear Power Supply- I'm a believer!

2006-05-03 Thread Horizons

Nothing against the Monica but it has very low output.

I left Monica some time ago for a modified Lite DAC-AH and have never
looked back.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Hosfelt PS - I AM LOSING MY MIND, HELP!

2006-04-19 Thread Horizons

dwc Wrote: 
 My hosfelt's came with the wrong kind of plug, so I had to cut the plug
 off, and then strip the wires and use a voltmeter to figure out which
 wire in the output pair was positive and which was negative.  
 Is that what you're doing? You've tested both ways?  (Be really careful
 not to short-circut the wires when testing polarity.)
 1. When you plug the hosfelts in, are they humming?  You should hear a
 slight transformer hum/buzz, then you know it's running.
 2. What does the label on the PS say? Maybe you got shipped the wrong

Thanks Dan. I did cut off the connector on one of the supplies and it
measures 0V. Measured the polarity both ways. I'd rather not cut the
connector off the other 2 supplies since I may need to return them. The
reason I am going crazy is that the standard Slim supply measures just

Yes, all three of the Hosfelts are humming.

The label says 5V, 1.5A.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hosfelt PS - I AM LOSING MY MIND, HELP!

2006-04-18 Thread Horizons

So I buy a total of 3 Hosfelt 5V supplies for my SB3. I also got 3 of
the proper connectors thanks to a poster on this forum.

I unpack the first PS, I first measure the stock SB3 PS and sure
enough, it measures 5V with the hot pin internal on the connector and
ground external. All set to go, but now ALL THREE Hosfelt supplies
measure nothing! 0V. I am measuring the same as when I measured the
Slim PS. Is it possible that I got three dead Hosfelt supplies? I can't
see how I could be measuring this wrong given there are only two pins on
the Holfelt connector output.

ANY help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. TIA.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Why not more Squeeezbox reviews in hi-fi magazines?

2006-04-13 Thread Horizons

Phil Leigh Wrote: 
 Just imagine the pandemonium if (the hilarious) HiFi+ said that an SB3
 really did knock the socks off a serious dCS, Chord, Esoteric (or more
 likely knowing them some piece of crap from 1983) transport...
 Immediate collapse of so-called high-end audio market in the UK...oh no
 of course we'd still need amps and speakers...phew!
 Still, the SB3 will never be as good as vinyl, heh? (sound of guffawing
 (don't get  me wrong - they do have some good articles about music -
 it's just that I miss any sense of humour...or hubris...or indeed irony
 when they talk about equipment). Nakamichi Dragons, Yamaha NS1000m's,
 Marantz 10B's, Trio L07d's.  etc etc were great at the time but they
 sound rubbish compared with modern stuff - honestly.
My thoughts EXACTLY and applies equally to the US audio media machine.
No way that Atkinson can say that the SB3 crushes the sound of high end
transports and CD players. Their ad revenue would fall off a cliff. He
might give it a minor thumbs up but then will cleverly state that his
multi-kilobuck products are just slightly better.

Slim doesn't run full page color ads in Stereophile either, that
wouldn't hurt their cause.

No, for the high end press to declare the SB3 SOTA, it would have to
cost $5-10K or the high end apple cart would get busted in a hurry.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Is anyone using the DAC-AH....Impressions?

2006-04-05 Thread Horizons

I have a modified DAC AH driven by the SB3 with a blue jeans coax cable.
It is a subtle improvement. I just like the sound of non-OS dacs. Sounds
a little smoother and more analog-like than the SB3 analog outs. It is
not a dramatic difference though...

The SB3 DAC are very good and the analog stage is very decent.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile eNewsletter SB Content

2006-04-04 Thread Horizons

JA saved the not quite up to high end standards slam for the printed

NO WAY would they keep their advertizing revenue stream from high end
companies if he actually proclaimed the SB3 as good as one of his
beloved multi-kilobuck Class A++ recommended components.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Ripping Quality

2006-03-06 Thread Horizons

Here we go again.

Why is it that the EAC crowd always touts the superiority of EAC
without mentioning all of its issues with poor interface, hanging, and
most importantly lack of verifiable evidence that it rips better than
many other easier solutions?

I have tried a few rippers and iTunes to lossless with error correction
sounds every bit as good as anything I ripped with EAC.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review in the works!

2006-03-06 Thread Horizons

Prediction - Stereophile will give it a fairly positive review and then
will torpedo the SB3 when compared to mega-thousand $$ industry darling

Stereophile's tardiness in covering the SB3 indicates that they are
either more out of the true audiophile scene than I thought or they are
just too afraid of pissing off their high dollar advertisers that sell
CD players and megabuck DACs and transports. Can you say Musical

JA is so clever in that he always APPEARS to be objective when he is
really selling audiophools a pack of subjective garbage. Their whole
editorial stance towards objective reasoning is offensive to a truth
seeking audiophile.

I really think the SB3 is such a paradigm-shifting product that it
could be a threat to the Stereophile emperor's new clothes world.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Stereophile review in the works!

2006-03-06 Thread Horizons

ezkcdude Wrote: 
 Well, they loved the Airtunes Express, and I can't believe the SB3 has a
 worse analog out than that.

True. But that is because JA is severly biased towards Apple products.
If any other product had jitter as bad as the Airtunes, JA would have
trashed it as low-fi.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Ripping Quality

2006-03-06 Thread Horizons

Skunk Wrote: 
 You seem to have your facts confused. iTunes lacks verifiable evidence
 of an accurate rip, EAC does not. 

No, you seem to not understand basic logic. I never stated that iTunes
ripped to perfection and no other method can compare (ala EAC fan
boys). It is incubent upon the ripping technology that DOES claim
infinite superiority to provide data to support that claim.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB is killing the SACD format! ;)

2006-02-28 Thread Horizons

ezkcdude Wrote: 
 Well, I've posted this story in another thread, but I got the DAC about
 a month ago, and then promptly fried the voltage regulators by
 mistakenly reversing polarity with an external power supply.
 Miraculously, in my opinion, Derek switched out the regulators, and  it
 is now being shipped back. He's not even charging me for parts or labor,
 just the $9.00 shipping! Anyway, I will post my opinions of it when it
 arrives later in the week. I also recently purchased a Parasound A23
 amp on audiogon,  so that should be arriving too. I've got a lot of
 listening to do!


I did the same thing to my Monica dac with a 12V battery. Accidentally
swapped the + and - leads and SMOKE! Usually this just takes out a
regulator and/or resistor. 

Parasound amps are great, I still use the HCA-1000A to drive my Maggie
1.6QRs. No need to upgrade.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: SB is killing the SACD format! ;)

2006-02-27 Thread Horizons

Count me in as one who dumped SACD since I got my SB3. SACD can sound
very good but so can redbook. 

I will also go out on a limb and state that redbook via SB3 with a
non-OS filterless DAC sounds about 95% as good as SACD. Close enough
for me. 

Only bought a few SACDs, sold my Sony 222ES on ebay recently.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: A photo of your Squeezebox setup (please)

2006-02-09 Thread Horizons

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=19817

Question: Should there be a new forum for photos?

- yes
- no
- maybe

John - VERY nice setup. I was looking at the hardware when I noticed
that awesome Hackett poster on the wall. Where did you snag that? I
have a few Hackett posters but would kill for a Guitar Noir as that is
one of my favorite albums.



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Hosfelt Power Supply

2006-02-06 Thread Horizons

So I order and receive the Hosfelt 5V power supply, open it and it is
built like a tank but the 5V connector is not even close to the SB3
power connector. I thought I had read that this was plug and play???

Oh well, I can solder but does anyone know what specific connector is
required? and what if I accidentally reverse the polarity, will I fry
something on my SB3?

I'd rather not just cut off the connector on the stock supply as I want
to keep the supply so I can easily move the unit around the house. Does
Slim sell the PS separately?



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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: How to get a deep soundstage

2005-12-08 Thread Horizons

davehg Wrote: 
 using it with a Tri-Vista DAC, VAC Avatar SE, and Merlin TSM-MM's.
 Soundstage is not a problem, though just a tad less than my transport.
 I am expecting a Bolder modified SB3 in the next day or so, it will be
 interesting to see if that made any difference.

Great blog Davehg, really got me rolling on the PC audio thing,

Soundstage is largely a function of speaker placement but most
audiophools will recall that early digital had a very flat soundstage.
Thus extracting all the bits does improve depth of stage assuming it
was captured in the recording.

I am about a week away from getting my PC/SB3 setup and driving my
Maggie 1.6QRs which have depth out the a** when driving them with my
digital amps and non-OS, battery powered DAC and tubes. My current
transport is just a lowly Sony 222ES so I am expecting the PC/SB3 to
equal or surpass this setup. Results should be interesting.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Absolute BEST ripping combo?

2005-12-06 Thread Horizons

afblaster Wrote: 
 I went through the process of configuring EAC with flac, which I found
 fairly difficult and time consuming, even though I followed the
 tutorials, but I am 
 I used it successfully for a while until I saw dBPowerAMP Music
 Converter recommended on this forum. 
 I installed this and found that, like EAC, it uses AccurateRip to
 configure the read offset of your CD/DVD drive, which is  important I
 The program is quick, it takes 3 min to rip and convert Beethoven 9th,
 for example.  Tags and flac compression level can be set up, and it can
 also rip to Monkeys Audio, MP3, Ogg Vorbis, WAVE and WMA v9.1.  If you
 want to rip to MP3 you have to register and pay GBP9.91 (US$16.45), but
 for this you obtain an improved GUI, which allows you to play the cd or
 individual tracks as well, prior to ripping.  I find it is easy and
 straightforward to use.
Interesting. So you think dbpoweramp is as accurate (or close to) EAC?
That is a tempting option. To be honest, I haven't yet heard ANY of
these lossless options on my high end rig. I have only heard MP3 which
DO NOT pass the goosebump test.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Absolute BEST ripping combo?

2005-12-01 Thread Horizons

I just discovered the SB3 and am itching to buy one. I am a whacko
audiophile that will be using an external DAC. My question is this,
what is the absolute BEST audio quality ripping process? I don't care
how large the files are, it's quality that counts most for me. For
everything I have read, it's uncompressed WAV files ripped via ITunes.

I am on a PC/Win XP platform. Thanks.


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Absolute BEST ripping combo?

2005-12-01 Thread Horizons

Jim Wrote: 
 Seriously you came to that conclusion reading stuff here?
 No, sorry - I just landed here. I got the WAV/iTunes rec from reading
 other reviews.
 EAC to FLAC, huh, and this is all compatible with the SB3?


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[SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Re: Best mod?

2005-12-01 Thread Horizons

Mike Anderson Wrote: 
 ^^^ Thanks for the advice.
 Thinking about it more, I figure I ought to save up my pennies and
 think about trading up my MMGs for the 1.6qr's, because I'm not sure
 how big a difference a new DAC would make if I don't have true hi-fi
 speakers anyway.

Well, I have played with a number of DACs and transports and find the
differences minor compared to speakers.

I upgraded from MMGs to 1.6's and the difference dwarfed any changes in
DACs that I ever tried. By a mile.


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