Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Can anyone recommend a Cambridge Audio DacMagic...

2012-05-23 Thread Willakan

Cable-wise, you'll need either an optical cable or a coaxial cable,
doesn't really matter which.
I own the now discontinued DACMagic: whether you buy the DACMagic+ or
the DACMagic100 will depend entirely on whether you want a headphone
amp. Even if you do, there are cheaper and better options than the
headphone amp in the Plus.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-05-18 Thread Willakan

Mnyb wrote: 
 PSU could actually influence other parts of your hifi it is not
 necesarily the squeezebox that gets improved

I've heard this a lot: I'm really not that convinced. For example, I
have an O2 headphone amp: it's prettymuch a cheapskate objectivist's
wire with gain for headphones. The power supply is simple and elegant,
mainly consisting of smoothing caps and a couple of generic regulators.

You can conduct an interesting test involving pulling the power cord out
of the back, with the amp on and headphones plugged in. It'll
immediately switch to an internal pair of batteries, causing a
significant voltage fluctuation on both rails (12V to below 9V). No
noise is produced in the headphones. Beyond the anecdote, the
measurements reveal that the equipment doesn't really give too much of a
crap about the power it's given. The power supply does a pretty good
job, and the exemplary PSRR of a handful of cheap opamps does the rest.

I really can't see this idea of mains contamination ever manifesting
itself as something that might conceivably ever be audible: likely not
even measurable in many cases, especially with the trend in hi-fi to
overengineer the power supply for marketing kudos...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-05-17 Thread Willakan

NoRoDa wrote: 
 Don't know how the jitter relates to the PSU? 
 Yup, of course, both locked on max volume.

The issue isn't so much that, rather that such levels of jitter are
extremely low: far, far below even the most conservative of reported
audibility thresholds. When the one with the better power supply is
clearly better under blind conditions and it's a digital connection,
it seems a tad strange, to say the least.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-05-16 Thread Willakan

NoRoDa wrote: 
 Yup, that's correct. 
 Was a bit of a surprise that one, didn't think it would be that easy to

Surprise?! Surprise!! The Touch's jitter is 300ps peak :D
Both on max. volume presumably?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-05-13 Thread Willakan

NoRoDa wrote: 
 Read this post:
 Good luck with the tests!
 PS: The one thing we did hear an improvement with was the Teddy PSU,
 could be worth testing ;)

Just to confirm, this was with the digital outputs?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-05-07 Thread Willakan

Make no mistake: I'm not singling it out as flawed, just saying that it
was probably also flawed. I'm very much on the worthless claims are
worthless bandwagon.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-05-07 Thread Willakan

mlsstl wrote: 
 A lot of people find it tempting to denote things only as black or
 white, with no possible territory in the middle. 
 The perfect blind test will never exist, but that shouldn't keep us
 from drawing conclusions regarding the cumulative weight of the somewhat
 less-that-perfect tests that have been performed over the years. 
 The conclusion I've drawn from everything I've seen over the years is
 solid proof that we are human. Under sighted conditions (i.e., with
 knowledge of the make/model we're listening to at the moment), our
 comments are dramatic and full of hyperbole. 
 As the knowledge-of-conditions slider moves slowly toward blindness, the
 differences reported get smaller, less certain and sometimes even
 Anyone who doesn't admit the obvious - that we are easily susceptible to
 subjective factors - is whistling past the graveyard.

Agreed, but I still don't see why more emphasis wasn't placed on
discussion of the test conditions from the get-go, to establish whether
it could be classed as meaningful and/or to attempt to reproduce it.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Blind listening - TT3.0, HWmods and Teddy Pardo PSU

2012-05-06 Thread Willakan

Did anyone ever verify that this blind test was conducted with any real
degree of vigour? Call me a cynic, but I'm inclined to blame differences
on things like failing to volume match within +/-0.1db and failures in
test protocol rather than, erm, magic...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Transcode and upsample at once?

2012-05-06 Thread Willakan

I suppose if you don't hear it this merely proves your system is not
high-end enough?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Audiophiles] Triode's USB 24/192 plug in - sound quality impressions

2012-05-06 Thread Willakan

The jitter thresholds being quoted here are a little too high. The 1998
study from Benjamin and Gannon established that when the program
material was specially chosen jitter as low as 30ns could be
distinguished under ideal conditions with specially chosen musical
content and jitter of a variety most likely to be audible.

That said, a more recent 2005 study which used random jitter found the
threshold to lie at several hundred ns...

Either way, this is vastly more jitter than produced by even
semi-competent products.

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